[ARCHIVE] Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Active member
Feb 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Bifū Tōfū) - Doll Fatality

Type: Puppetry, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu

Background: The art of Doll Fatality was created by a man whose name is unknown. He had developed a new type of puppet which he would've called a "doll". The purpose of the doll is to allow much more flexible movements within the doll, using a different build which allows the user to be much more flexible rather than rigid.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:The main ability of Doll Fatality is the usage of the flexibility of puppets and using that to it's best ability. The style gives the advantage of cutting off a puppet's chakra strings in order to use certain moves such as rapid flailing of arms. While one wouldn't be able to control the puppet without the chakra strings, they're able to use force, velocity and momentum to achieve the moves wanted using this technique. For example, launching a puppet with proper trajectory and speed while letting it go at the right time to use it as a projectile. Another use may be rapidly pulling back a puppet's arm and letting it go to use momentum for it to be a flailing weapon of sorts. It's moreso an advanced style of puppetry which also utilizes Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, due to the physical blows of puppets.

Additional Effects: The user of the style becomes more flexible with puppets, enabling faster control over them. The technique also practices a lot of flowing movements using the chakra strings, so using the style, a higher transition rate between the techniques and other movements such as hand seals is achieved.

Restrictions: Using the style requires full concentration over puppets, and a synchronization with one's puppet. Unless the user is Kankuro, Sasori or Chiyo (in which they can use Karasu, Sasori's Parents etc.), the puppet must belong to one's self (custom). Also the user must have a mastery over puppetry to use this style. Additionally, this can only be used with puppets which are outside of the user, so it cannot be used with puppets which are used like armor, or if someone turned themself into a puppet, such as Hiruko and Sasori as himself.

Video to further explain momentum and the style I wish to aim for.

Note: It's only the first bit with Naruto, how he throws his Shadow Clones. In a similar fashion, one could release chakra strings while the puppet is moving at a high speed to act as a projectile.

±± Pending ±± Provide me with an example technique of this and its use.
(Ningyō Sapo) - Doll Fatality

Type: Puppetry, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu

Background: The art of Doll Fatality was created by a man whose name is unknown. He had developed a new type of puppet which he would've called a "doll". The purpose of the doll is to allow much more flexible movements within the doll, using a different build which allows the user to be much more flexible rather than rigid.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:The main ability of Doll Fatality is the usage of the flexibility of puppets and using that to it's best ability. The style gives the advantage of cutting off a puppet's chakra strings in order to use certain moves such as rapid flailing of arms. While one wouldn't be able to control the puppet without the chakra strings, they're able to use force, velocity and momentum to achieve the moves wanted using this technique. For example, launching a puppet with proper trajectory and speed while letting it go at the right time to use it as a projectile. Another use may be rapidly pulling back a puppet's arm and letting it go to use momentum for it to be a flailing weapon of sorts. It's moreso an advanced style of puppetry which also utilizes Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, due to the physical blows of puppets.

Examples of techniques and how it could be used:
(Ningyō Sapo: Hassha-tai) - Doll Fatality: Projectile
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 30
• The user will charge a puppet towards the target while releasing the strings to make it like a projectile at them. The user can change the trajectory to increase the range to hit a target at long range.

(Ningyō Sapo: Tatsumaki) - Doll Fatality: Tornado
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 25
Damage Points: 40
• The user using Biyorigō will begin to move the puppet towards the target at a high speed while pulling back and releasing the puppet strings connected to it's arms to allow them to flail about around it. The swords which the puppet is holding allows it to hit the target with multiple sharp and blunt attacks while charging towards them.
• Can only be used 4 times a battle.
• Can only be used with a Biyorigō puppet.

(Ningyō Sapo: Sunaarashi) - Doll Fatality: Sandstorm
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
•The user using a Biyorigō puppet will use great force to stick one of it's feet into the ground to use as an axis for spinning. It's swords are positioned at angles so that they can spiral with ease. Using aerodynamic movements and great control, the user will spin the puppet releasing it's puppet strings allowing the puppet to spin around on the spot. The speed is so great that it's capable of dealing major cuts and picking up dust.
• Can only be used twice a battle.
• The puppet cannot move after using this for one turn.
• Can only be used with a Biyorigō puppet.

Additional Effects: The user of the style becomes more flexible with puppets, enabling faster control over them. The technique also practices a lot of flowing movements using the chakra strings, so using the style, a higher transition rate between the techniques and other movements such as hand seals is achieved.

Restrictions: Using the style requires full concentration over puppets, and a synchronization with one's puppet. Unless the user is Kankuro, Sasori or Chiyo (in which they can use Karasu, Sasori's Parents etc.), the puppet must belong to one's self (custom). Also the user must have a mastery over puppetry to use this style. Additionally, this can only be used with puppets which are outside of the user, so it cannot be used with puppets which are used like armor, or if someone turned themself into a puppet, such as Hiruko and Sasori as himself.

Video to further explain momentum and the style I wish to aim for.

Note: It's only the first bit with Naruto, how he throws his Shadow Clones. In a similar fashion, one could release chakra strings while the puppet is moving at a high speed to act as a projectile.

±± Declined ±± Don't resubmit. Sorry, but you continue to think that you can continue to control your puppet once you release the strings as its shown in your first example of use.

This is simply you ramming your puppets at your opponents as projectiles by trowing them and releasing their strings. I gave you many chances to work it and keep it worked out so that you could make this approvable. IT had some potential but not that much. Sorry, DNR.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Genkoutsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Mantis fist was developed long ago by a man who constantly found that in fights his movements were to easy to read, and became predictable and easy to dodge since he often swung too wide or in a pattern, also he found that upon dodging he would often lose his footing or simply leave himself open for a quick follow up due to the fact that his movements were not controlled enough, they were to bodaucious, too outgoing, they were overeactions. After learning this and trying to learn from several great teachers whom he all failed, the man turned to nature, hoping that it would provide the answers he needed. Indeed it did, the man soon came across a Mantis, and upon seeing its rigid jerky movements, movements that were precise and were always in for the kill, seeing how controlled and meaningfull each of the Mantis's movements were, the man started to study the Mantis, mimicking its movements. This birthed a new Taijutsu, the Mantis fist, however it still was not complete, although it granted the user the means of great physical control being able to dodge attacks taking the easiest least time consuming route possible, and only making the movements that were absolutely needed leaving very little room for openings and allowing quick controlled yet rigd and inhumane like conterstrikes that were so bizzare that it usually forced for the opponent to block through the use of reactions or dodge through the use of instinct rather than dodging by predicting the path of trajectory and also the fact that its prowess was equal to that of a punch if not greater, but due to the force being applied to a smaller area than a punch its effects where more devastating. Eventually after several years of wandering, passing down this way of fighting to many students, he came across a certain teenager, after learning the Mantis Fist, the man was able to identify with it, and soon added the use of chakra to the Mantis Fist, completing the art, or so he thought...

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The Mantis Fist is a taijustu style that invovles the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succesion in specific places alternating between hands for each strike the speed of hand movements rivaling that of the gentle fist . While striking the enemy, the user focus's a large amount of Raiton or Katon chakra on the tops of their fingers and when they strike the enemy, they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemies body, however even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the finger tips, its effects are devestating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, they insert their chakra into the opponents body, the chakra ripples outwards and in the direction of the original strike, much like when a pebble is dropped into a shallow pond and the water around it is disturbed and ripples outwards. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by striking certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings.
When this is done with raiton chakra, the chakra will ripple outwards on impact, which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects.
By using fire chakra the user can heat water present in bodies or the atmosphere causing the water to evapourate, this can be very effective as the body is made up of large sums of water and many organs rely on water present in the body

-Paralysation in the surronding area due to muscle contraction, similar to that of chidori Nagashi.
-Loss of feeling and pain in that area. The users raiton chakra's static charges are used to counter the static charges of the opponents sensory neurons, making the opponent have a loss of feeling and pain in that area, this proves disadvantageous, as damage can be done to the opponents body via a strongfist follow up without the opponent ever being aware of the effects caused(Broken ribs pierced lungs ect.)
-Heating and evapouration of water sources.
-Burning of Skin.

Additional effects and Restrictions: The Mantis Fist has one last ability, because of the way that the chakra is released and inserted, the non physical chakra part of the Mantis Fist does not require contact with the opponents body to work. Infact once the ripple effect is released, it can travel through mediums such as earth water and air for up to 5 inches the ripples becoming wider and affecting a larger area but becoming less potent as it reaches further from the source, much like a wave that passess through a small gap into a large area. The area covered having a diameter of 6 inches per 1 inch distance form the source.
This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succesion,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid ridigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
The Mantis fist contains stances that are strange and unusual,and usualy unprecidented to the enemy,making a mantis fist users movements hard to read.
-Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed, and unlike that of a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overeact and make unecesary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to avoid things and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely effecient at dodging, and giving them room for a swift counterattack.
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Note:Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justu's
~Precise chakra control is needed to benifit from the full offense of the mantis fist.
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijustu/strong fist and started Raiton and Fire training
~Anyone other than -Scaze- must be Taught the Mantis Fist

The first bolded bit is new as a background.
The second bolded bit has just been moved from the background to the effects.
Removed the sharingan part and re-worded some of the ~ Sentences.

±± Declined ±± for being banned

Genkoutsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Mantis fist was developed long ago by a man who constantly found that in fights his movements were to easy to read, and became predictable and easy to dodge since he often swung too wide or in a pattern, also he found that upon dodging he would often lose his footing or simply leave himself open for a quick follow up due to the fact that his movements were not controlled enough, they were to bodaucious, too outgoing, they were overeactions. After learning this and trying to learn from several great teachers whom he all failed, the man turned to nature, hoping that it would provide the answers he needed. Indeed it did, the man soon came across a Mantis, and upon seeing its rigid jerky movements, movements that were precise and were always in for the kill, seeing how controlled and meaningfull each of the Mantis's movements were, the man started to study the Mantis, mimicking its movements. This birthed a new Taijutsu, the Mantis fist, however it still was not complete, although it granted the user the means of great physical control being able to dodge attacks taking the easiest least time consuming route possible, and only making the movements that were absolutely needed leaving very little room for openings and allowing quick controlled yet rigd and inhumane like conterstrikes that were so bizzare that it usually forced for the opponent to block through the use of reactions or dodge through the use of instinct rather than dodging by predicting the path of trajectory and also the fact that its prowess was equal to that of a punch if not greater, but due to the force being applied to a smaller area than a punch its effects where more devastating. Eventually after several years of wandering, passing down this way of fighting to many students, he came across a certain teenager, after learning the Mantis Fist, the man was able to identify with it, and soon added the use of chakra to the Mantis Fist, completing the art, or so he thought...

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The Mantis Fist is a taijustu style that invovles the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succesion in specific places alternating between hands for each strike the speed of hand movements rivaling that of the gentle fist . While striking the enemy, the user focus's a large amount of Raiton or Katon chakra on the tops of their fingers and when they strike the enemy, they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemies body, however even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the finger tips, its effects are devestating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, they insert their chakra into the opponents body, the chakra ripples outwards and in the direction of the original strike, much like when a pebble is dropped into a shallow pond and the water around it is disturbed and ripples outwards. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by striking certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings.
When this is done with raiton chakra, the chakra will ripple outwards on impact, which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects.
By using fire chakra the user can heat water present in bodies or the atmosphere causing the water to evapourate, this can be very effective as the body is made up of large sums of water and many organs rely on water present in the body
-Paralysation in the surronding area due to muscle contraction, similar to that of chidori Nagashi.
-Loss of feeling and pain in that area. The users raiton chakra's static charges are used to counter the static charges of the opponents sensory neurons, making the opponent have a loss of feeling and pain in that area, this proves disadvantageous, as damage can be done to the opponents body via a strongfist follow up without the opponent ever being aware of the effects caused(Broken ribs pierced lungs ect.)
-Heating and evapouration of water sources.
-Burning of Skin.

Additional effects and Restrictions: The Mantis Fist has one last ability, because of the way that the chakra is released and inserted, the non physical chakra part of the Mantis Fist does not require contact with the opponents body to work. Infact once the ripple effect is released, it can travel through mediums such as earth water and air for up to 5 inches the ripples becoming wider and affecting a larger area but becoming less potent as it reaches further from the source, much like a wave that passess through a small gap into a large area. The area covered having a diameter of 6 inches per 1 inch distance form the source.
This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succesion,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid ridigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
The Mantis fist contains stances that are strange and unusual,and usualy unprecidented to the enemy,making a mantis fist users movements hard to read.
-Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed, and unlike that of a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overeact and make unecesary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to avoid things and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely effecient at dodging, and giving them room for a swift counterattack.
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Note:Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justu's
~Precise chakra control is needed to benifit from the full offense of the mantis fist.
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijustu/strong fist and started Raiton and Fire training
~Anyone other than -Scaze- must be Taught the Mantis Fist

The first bolded bit is new as a background.
The second bolded bit has just been moved from the background to the effects.
Removed the sharingan part and re-worded some of the ~ Sentences.

±± Declined ±± You need to wait 15 days between the checking and the resubmission. This means you can only resubmit this 15 days from today...
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-Haku Yuki-

Active member
Jan 4, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

areno kobushi desert fist
Type: nintaijutsu
Background: In suna there was a clan whose kekki genkai could dehydrate people and evaporate all water from whiten their body, wanting to improve on their keki genkai while at the same time their taijutsu they combined them together threw steady chakra control and precise aim when attacking they were able to dehydrate their enemy and make them so parched that they became Deloris and could barely make right choices and start seeing mirages similar to the affect of being taped in the desert long enough with out water which is why this style is called the desert fist.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user will focus their fire and wind chakra throughout their bodies and mix it into the scorch release and with chakra control will keep the chakra at a very hot level cable of evaporating water on contact. The user would then jump forward using their fists/ legs in any random kicking/punching manner to hit the enemy in the throat /head/ mouth or where ever the hit from the body will evaporate the water inside a person slowly from the first hit until after some odd amount of turns they will become dizzy tired and will start seeing things like lakes of course any water drank would help. resulting in a slow torment which will slow the enemys reaction time and sense of judgement. And making it imposable to do water jutsus above b rank ( towards enemy) for certain amount of turns. But drinking water can stop the effects of jutsu after hit.
Additional effects and Restrictions: Only members of Pakuras clan may use
must have mastered scorch release
user will gain a plus 10 to all scorth jutsu
user will be very tired after use and unable to use water above b rank for 3 turns
When active the users body will be so charged with scorch chakra that any water B rank and below will jutsu evaporate when it touchs the user.

±± Declined ±± Don't Resubmit.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Dunno yet ~.~
Type:NinTai| Inuzuka

Background: After mastering the Inuzuka clan techniques, Tsuna found that there was something missing, at first he hadn't a clue what, but after journying far and wide, he soon came across the answer. The inuzuka techniques didn't quite have the devestating full beast like strength of a wolf, yet at the same time relied on the beast like Instincts to a extent that it became intoxicating to the user, and in effect, was wild and untamed, unconcentrated. It lacked the precision and thought that was gained from a sentient human mind, and also didn't take much advantage of chakra control. Tsuna realised that it was imperfect, and thus searched and trained for a solution which he eventually found. He managed to obtain harmony between the five aspects that both Animal and Humans had that would be beneficial for fighting. Precision and clarity of thought, Instinct and the raw intent to kill, using chakra and elemental chakra effectively for enhancement or Wolf-Ninjutsu, the raw strength and speed of a beast, and the advanced beast senses. Like the standard Inuzuka techniques, this style required the user to first change and enhance themselves through the use of chakra, the result, was being a fericous both bipedal and quadpedal animal that stood over 6ft tall on two legs being covered in fur and having a thick hide, large fangs that bared over the users bottom jaw with the nose and below of the face being a wolf like snout slightly shallower than normal, having claws that instead of being extended nails, are actualy fingers tapered and elongated to a sharp point at the fingers upper quater and being as hard as carbon and stronger than steel, having a fairly long tail that drooped down onto the floor spreading a foot or so behind regardless of being in a bipedal or quadpedal state, and through this the user retained clarity of thought to use their strength and chakra to the best of their advantage, yet also held the 6th sense present in dogs and wolves alike. Instinct. However it still was not finished, after spending weeks on end meditating with his Ninken Lycoan and allowing their personalities and their very existance to flow into eachother through their "bond", and through much severe training, Lycoan became adept in the use of... aswell, and Tsuna was enhanced further, the technique was finally perfected.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:After changing their body to the advanced Wolf-Ninja state, the user gains access to immense above human strength and speed while retaining the clarity of thought to use this strength, appearance and limbs to the best of their advantage in focused attacks rather than wild and savage ones. For example, using their tail as a whip, coating their claws with chakra while striking their claws forward to the opponents heart, piercing through with their inhumane strength. They also keep hold of what Instinct that lurks within most wolves and dogs, the same instinct that tells dogs when a storm is approaching or some sort of maleveount evil. Being able to harness this Instinct and apply it better to their fighting style through the use of chakra, the real advantage of this state however, is how the user is able to use their chakra and elemental chakra along with their beast like state much like a extension of their body, for instance coating thier claws with their chakra and slashing their claws forwards, the chakra on their claws extending forwards as they slash into long chakra blades creating a attack that can reach further than short range. Or by roaring and using their chakra to enhance the rawr creating a shockwave of energy that is sent blasting towards the enemy. Or even by coating their body with elemental chakra auras as they preform Gatsuuga and its variants resulting in them being able to drill through things over than rock. Furthermore after learning and gaining acces to this state, the user overall grows closer to nature, being able to call upon animals for help in a similar way to Juugo, and grow life long attachments to animals other than their Ninken which can then be used to further benifit the user.

Additional effects and Restrictions: During the state that is the foundation for all.... techniques, the users speed and strength is enhanced greatly aswell as their five senses past the limits of that of a standard Ninken. Even a Taijutsu specialist and master would find it inexplicably hard to match their inhuman speed and strength.
-The users sense of smell is heightned from being that of maybe a specialist breed of dog, such as a basset hound, to the extent that their sense of smell rivals that of a bear.
-The users sense of hearing also greatly increases to the extent that their hearing would far surpass any species of cat, and also possibly even rival that of a Tawny Owls.
-Not only are the users smell and hearing enhanced, but unexpectedly the users sense of taste is also enhanced, their sense of test being roughly between a quater and a half of a catfish's
~Must have mastered Inuzuka Techniques first.
~Still editing~

±± Declined ±± For being banned
Dunno yet ~.~
Type:NinTai| Inuzuka

Background: After mastering the Inuzuka clan techniques, Tsuna found that there was something missing, at first he hadn't a clue what, but after journying far and wide, he soon came across the answer. The inuzuka techniques didn't quite have the devestating full beast like strength of a wolf, yet at the same time relied on the beast like Instincts to a extent that it became intoxicating to the user, and in effect, was wild and untamed, unconcentrated. It lacked the precision and thought that was gained from a sentient human mind, and also didn't take much advantage of chakra control. Tsuna realised that it was imperfect, and thus searched and trained for a solution which he eventually found. He managed to obtain harmony between the five aspects that both Animal and Humans had that would be beneficial for fighting. Precision and clarity of thought, Instinct and the raw intent to kill, using chakra and elemental chakra effectively for enhancement or Wolf-Ninjutsu, the raw strength and speed of a beast, and the advanced beast senses. Like the standard Inuzuka techniques, this style required the user to first change and enhance themselves through the use of chakra, the result, was being a fericous both bipedal and quadpedal animal that stood over 6ft tall on two legs being covered in fur and having a thick hide, large fangs that bared over the users bottom jaw with the nose and below of the face being a wolf like snout slightly shallower than normal, having claws that instead of being extended nails, are actualy fingers tapered and elongated to a sharp point at the fingers upper quater and being as hard as carbon and stronger than steel, having a fairly long tail that drooped down onto the floor spreading a foot or so behind regardless of being in a bipedal or quadpedal state, and through this the user retained clarity of thought to use their strength and chakra to the best of their advantage, yet also held the 6th sense present in dogs and wolves alike. Instinct. However it still was not finished, after spending weeks on end meditating with his Ninken Lycoan and allowing their personalities and their very existance to flow into eachother through their "bond", and through much severe training, Lycoan became adept in the use of... aswell, and Tsuna was enhanced further, the technique was finally perfected.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:After changing their body to the advanced Wolf-Ninja state, the user gains access to immense above human strength and speed while retaining the clarity of thought to use this strength, appearance and limbs to the best of their advantage in focused attacks rather than wild and savage ones. For example, using their tail as a whip, coating their claws with chakra while striking their claws forward to the opponents heart, piercing through with their inhumane strength. They also keep hold of what Instinct that lurks within most wolves and dogs, the same instinct that tells dogs when a storm is approaching or some sort of maleveount evil. Being able to harness this Instinct and apply it better to their fighting style through the use of chakra, the real advantage of this state however, is how the user is able to use their chakra and elemental chakra along with their beast like state much like a extension of their body, for instance coating thier claws with their chakra and slashing their claws forwards, the chakra on their claws extending forwards as they slash into long chakra blades creating a attack that can reach further than short range. Or by roaring and using their chakra to enhance the rawr creating a shockwave of energy that is sent blasting towards the enemy. Or even by coating their body with elemental chakra auras as they preform Gatsuuga and its variants resulting in them being able to drill through things over than rock. Furthermore after learning and gaining acces to this state, the user overall grows closer to nature, being able to call upon animals for help in a similar way to Juugo, and grow life long attachments to animals other than their Ninken which can then be used to further benifit the user.

Additional effects and Restrictions: During the state that is the foundation for all.... techniques, the users speed and strength is enhanced greatly aswell as their five senses past the limits of that of a standard Ninken. Even a Taijutsu specialist and master would find it inexplicably hard to match their inhuman speed and strength.
-The users sense of smell is heightned from being that of maybe a specialist breed of dog, such as a basset hound, to the extent that their sense of smell rivals that of a bear.
-The users sense of hearing also greatly increases to the extent that their hearing would far surpass any species of cat, and also possibly even rival that of a Tawny Owls.
-Not only are the users smell and hearing enhanced, but unexpectedly the users sense of taste is also enhanced, their sense of test being roughly between a quater and a half of a catfish's
~Must have mastered Inuzuka Techniques first.
~Still editing~

±± Declined ±± Same was with your other submission. You need to wait 15 days to resubmit, counting from today.
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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[BFire Dragon Slayer Magic (火の滅竜魔法 Ka no Metsuryū Mahō)B]

Type: Katon/Taijutsu


This ancient fighting style was passed down and taught to Natsu Uchiha, who was raised by a great fire dragon by the name of Igneel. Natsu was found as a baby by Igneel, a powerful Fire Dragon whom Natsu called his "father". Igneel raised him and taught him how to talk, write, and use a form of Lost Ninjutsu known as Fire Dragon Slayer Magic.

This fightning style was based on the power of fire and using that in combat to recreate the destructive power of a dragon. The user will control fire to wrap around their body to enhance their fighting style. After many years Igneel helped Natsu to master this style, much like the Raikage can use lightning to increase his power in taijutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Fire Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of taijutsu that grants the user various characteristics typical of a fire dragon: lungs capable of spewing flames, scales that grant protection against fire, and nails covered in flames. Consequently, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic allows the user to produce and control fire from any part of their body, which can be used both in melee and as a ranged form of offense. The generated flames can be manipulated in a wide variety of ways, their “type” can be changed at will, and they can even be given a somehow material consistency. Such fire seems to have a “blunt” effect to it, seemingly causing hitting damage alongside burnings. The fire produced by this type of taijutsu produces much more heat than a standard one, with even the user’s body temperature being capable of melting iron (if used correctly as a jutsu) not only that, but the user’s fire is strictly connected to their feelings, meaning the more emotional they get, the more their flames will increase exponentially in temperature, something that is referred as the “Flame of Emotion”.

In addition, the user can consume external sources of fire to restore their body to a healthy state and regain their reserves of strength (cj), something that also makes them immune to most types of fire, due to their capability of nullifying fire-based attacks by sucking them in and eating them; the consumed fire also seems to possess a different “taste” according to its “quality”. However, the user can’t eat their own flames, or things set on fire by them, to reinvigorate themselves. While classes of flames that are “higher” in rank to those produced by this type of jutsu, can’t be eaten directly and will thus damage the user, momentarily self-nullifying all of the user’s Magical power will grant them enough room to ****ocytize and even use such flames.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

  • The user has better control over fire in close combat
  • The user becomes a bit more resistant to fire due to their training with the use of fire
  • The user gains the sense of smell the same as a dragon
  • The user is stronger than the avergage ninja due to the imence training from a dragon

±± Declined ±± The problem with this is that you are editing the normal characteristics (physical/biological ones) of your bios as they use this which makes this a KG or basically a Custom Clan domain. Its not a CFS
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Active member
Jun 26, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Hachidori no Tsubasa no Ken | Hummingbird Wing Fist

Type: Nintaijutsu (because of Raiton usage)


This taijutsu style was developed after Selendrile studied the beat patterns of a Hummingbird's wings. The huge amount of beats per second of their wings inspired Selendrile to create a taijutsu style attempting to utilize the same speed. If a shinobi would be able to master this taijutsu style, he could become increasingly deadly in combat.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Hummingbird Wing Fist is utilized to inflict swift multiple strikes in one fluent striking motion. This taijutsu style uses a closed fist, or any position that increases the surface area of a hit to stimulate bruising and burns. Hummingbird Wing Fist is executed by performing a single main strike, with multiple vibrating hits that are placed at various points around the initial strike. When the practitioner strikes an enemy, the practitioner will rapidly vibrate their limb in order to inflict multiple strikes. However, due to the arduous training required to successfully execute the movements of Hummingbird Wing Fist, the vibrating strikes are not perceived to take any longer than a normal single strike.

The practitioner of this fighting style is capable of stimulating their Type IIx muscle tissue, the fastest tissue in the human body with moderate surges of raition chakra. This type of tissue combined with raiton chakra allows the practitioner incredibly fast bursts of agility. When delivering contact blows with opponents, stimulating the muscle groups in such a way allows high amounts of friction to take place as the initial strike is made which causes varying degrees of burns and bruising. The practitioner activates these muscles with raiton chakra in order to execute not only fluent agility when executing close range combat, but to deliver undetectable strikes originating from the initial contact of the first blow.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

-Only Selendrile, Nagato.. and those we allow may use this style.
-Requires mastery of normal Taijutsu and Raiton due to the process of utilizing this style.
-Burns and bruising varies according to the techniques.
-Mastery of this style allows the user increased reflexes, brute strength, and muscle speed compared to normal taijutsu specialists.
-The user's muscles fatigue quicker than normal because of this style, limiting the amount of Hummingbird Wing Fist techniques the practitioner can use back-to-back, as in the following turn.

±± Declined ±± The aditional effects and restrictions are way to generous. Also, you fail to explain what this vibration you make on your strikes is capable of doing. Also, remember these would actually damage you if used with speed of vibration that others can't perceive it. also, this needs to be defined in a way that makes it impossible to compare with A's Nintaijutsu...which presently isn't happening.
Hachidori no Tsubasa no Ken | Hummingbird Wing Fist

Type: Nintaijutsu (because of Raiton usage)


This taijutsu style was developed after Selendrile studied the beat patterns of a Hummingbird's wings. The huge amount of beats per second of their wings inspired Selendrile to create a taijutsu style attempting to utilize the same speed. If a shinobi would be able to master this taijutsu style, he could become increasingly deadly in combat.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Hummingbird Wing Fist is utilized to inflict swift multiple strikes in one fluent striking motion. This taijutsu style uses a closed fist, or any position that increases the surface area of a hit to stimulate bruising and burns. Hummingbird Wing Fist is executed by performing a single main strike, with multiple vibrating hits that are placed at various points around the initial strike. When the practitioner strikes an enemy, the practitioner will rapidly vibrate their limb in order to inflict multiple strikes. However, due to the arduous training required to successfully execute the movements of Hummingbird Wing Fist, the vibrating strikes are not perceived to take any longer than a normal single strike without the aid of an advanced Sharingan.

The practitioner of this fighting style is capable of stimulating their Type IIx muscle tissue, the fastest tissue in the human body with moderate, controlled surges of raiton chakra. This type of tissue combined with raiton chakra allows the practitioner incredibly fast bursts of agility.
The additional vibrating hits on the enemy due to their speed and use of raiton causes varying degrees of burning and bruising on the opponent's body. When delivering contact blows with opponents, stimulating the muscle groups in such a way allows high amounts of friction to take place as the initial strike is made which causes varying degrees of burns and bruising. The practitioner activates these muscles with raiton chakra in order to execute not only fluent agility when executing close range combat, but to deliver undetectable strikes originating from the initial contact of the first blow.

Additional Effects and Restrictions:

-Only Selendrile, Nagato..(Ryoku) and those we allow may use this style.
-Requires mastery of normal Taijutsu and Raiton due to the process of utilizing this style.
-Burns and bruising varies according to the techniques.
-Mastery of this style allows the user increased strength, and muscle speed compared to normal Strong Fist users.
-The user's muscles fatigue quicker than normal because of this style, restricting the user from using A-rank or above taijutsu techniques on the same turn when Hummingbird Wing Fist is used.
- The large raiton usage has a large strain on the user's hands, limiting the amount of Hummingbird Wing Fist techniques the practitioner can use back-to-back, as in the following turn.

Reduced additional effects of this style, while adding in more description. Put a clear effect of what the vibrating effects do, even though it was already in there. If you think it is too repetitive on what it says, feel free to edit. I also dont understand how this is similar to A's nintaijutsu, where his is used externally. This is used internally, therefore the opponent cannot see it, and is only released in short bursts.

±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit
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Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Card Magic || Majikku Kādo
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Background: Once Lyon.. was traveling through a jungle and suddenly he noticed and heard a sound of humans screaming in addition to sounds of sharp weapons clashing,Lyon.. trance and standing on his place for a while then he decided to go their to see if someone needs his help.Lyon.. rushed towards the location where the sound came from he ran at great speed till he noticed human bodies,he standing in a distance and watched carefully he noticed a couple of youth boys attacking a girl which seems youth too.He saw the boys attacking the girl with kuanis and shurikens and swords and he saw the girl holding very unusual and weird kind of weapons it even didn't seem as weapon.He saw the girl defending against herself with the unusual weapons which looks like some pieces of papers however they had had the ability to cut like the kunais/shurikens and it was very fast.He saw the girl throwing paper by paper till she throw all the weapons that the boys had had ,and at sudden time she took a paper from her bag it seemed like the others however it had had very effective and powerful attack Lyon.. saw her throwing that card on the ground and suddenly a huge torrent of flame coming out of the card burning all of the boys.Lyon.. became afraid and he was thinking about running away till the unknown girl noticed his movements and called him.Lyon.. came to her and he was a little afraid but she talked to him normally and she seemed very funny girl and after long conversation between Lyon.. and the girl he knew that her name is Akiza and she was a master of genjutsu and sharingan he also knew that that pieces of papers are called "Cards" and it's unusual and effective weapon.Akiza was the only one knowing the style of the card magic however after a spar with Lyon.. she knew that he worthy to hold and learn that style.After months of training Lyon.. mastered the magic cards style and he knew all the attacks and all the secrets of that style and before he leaves Akiza to go home she gave him a special deck of cards and she said "This was my father's and i want you to have it to remember me."after that Lyon.. took the cards and continue his way to his home.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Magic Cards style is based on the hand's movements and the special cards and there are several abilities of that style :


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By placing or pointing the face up part of the cards towards the opponent the user is able to cast a genjutsu on the opponent without any hand seal,also the user is able to use cannon genjutsu technique through the cards.


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The user is able to use the sharpness of the cards to cut a part of his body while swinging/moving his hands on the air causing the cards to be mixed with blood then the user can or throw the cards on the ground summoning the animal or pointing/placing the face up part of the cards towards the opponent summoning the animal.

Kenjutsu :

The user is able to use the cards as sharp weapons that is just like kunais and shurikens.

Ninjutsu :

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By infusing the user's elemental ninjutsu the user is able to turn the user's cards to one of the five based elements :

Fire : By infusing the user's fire chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into very sharp and fast torrents of fire that is able to burn the opponent upon touching his skin.

Water : By infusing the user's water's chakra with the cardsthe user is abe to turn the cards into very fast torrents of water that is capable to soak the opponent and inflect damage to him

Wind :
By infusing the user's wind's chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into very fast and slicing weapons that is able to cut to cut the opponent's skin and make very deep injured.

Lightning : By infusing the user's lightning chakra with the cards the use is able to turn the cards from normal cards to cards that is surrounds by electricity that is able to shock the opponent upon touching him.

Earth : By Infusing the user's earth chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards from normal paper to very hard and sharp pieces of earth.

Kekkei Genkai : By Infusing the user's kg chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into the user's kg effect/ability

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Ranks :

  • The Wizard || Mahoutsukai
    The Wizard is the person who masters all the effects and secrets of the cards magic style and he is able to use all techniques without any restrictions.

  • The Joker || Odokemono
    The Joker is the person who is able to use all the effects of the cards magic style however he doesn't know the secrets of the cards magic style and he is second in command.

  • The Hunter || Karyuudo
    The Hunter is the person who have spent some time learning cards magic style and he can only infuse cards with elemental chakra and use them as weapons.

  • The Junior || Mmeshita
    The Junior is the beginer who have just began learning the effects and how to use and control the cards and he can only infuse elemental chakra with the cards.
- Must master :

  • [*]Genjutsu.
    [*]All the five basic elements.
    [*]Must master the user's kg before can infusing his kg chakra with his cards.
    [*]and must learn the summoning technique.​
- To use the summoning ability the user must first sign a summoning contract and can only summon the animal that he signed it's contract.

±± Declined ±± This is a mess and a mix of so many things it barely know were to start. One thing i'll tell you, magic references need to disappear all together, period. Also, genjutsu just by placing cards? Nope, not going to thappen.

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Baba Yaga

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Jan 10, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Shaolin Kung-fu:

Type: Nintaijutsu

Shaolin Kung-fu is a fighting style where the individual uses gained knowledge of the environment(nature), the human body and the sciences to fight. It works on the principle of training ones body to reach perfection and meditation to become one with nature, and using several stances and combos to defeat an opponent with ease.

A long time ago, 3 renowned fighters,in their quest to understand nature better, isolated themselves to train and meditate on the earths energy.Their names were Tao, Sai and Pao. In their years of meditation, they uncovered many secrets of the environment as well as the human body such as the position of various important veins/arteries, the positions of the weakest joints in the body. After studying the earths energy,they also became huge nature activists. With this new love for nature they discovered how to blend their chakra with nature and achieve perfect harmony and peace. They then based their style of fighting on these findings and developed Shaolin Kung-fu which they trained people in in the Shaolin Monastery.

Description of the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style.
Shaolin Kung-fu deals with seasoning ones body to reach its limit and excede it a bit.
It also deals with mastery of chakra control through endurance training such as running bare-foot up a volcanic mountain and throwing punches into extremely hot sand. All this training allows disciples to gain mastery of their fear and have great chakra control even in intense battles.
The training and meditation extremely boosts stamina and strength levels.The knowledge of human anatomy also makes the user stronger than an average shinobi in a pound-for-pound match up. The skill of blending ones chakra with nature enables him to perform several techniques taught in this style(yet to come).

The 3 'monks' developed' a number of moves that go with this style of fighting and so divided their students into groups:

Kung Pao student: This is a new recruit into the Shaolin monastery. He is only taught one special move in addition to the basic training.

Kung Sai student:Each 2 or so months a tournament is held between the recruits and the top pupils advance to this stage. They are taught only 3 special moves.

Taoist: These are practitioners who prove their worth when given a chance by the leader. The chance may be any mission the leader deems fit.They are taught all special moves.

Aditional effects and Restrictions

-Have great stamina and strength due to strainous training
-Are more skilled in hand to hand combat than average shinobi due to study of human anatomy.
-Are able to release chakra from their skin and blend it with nature to achieve total peace of mind.This may be used to break some illusionary tricks below the users rank.(counts as a move)
-Have many stances and superb balance due to training

-Becomes a little slower than average shinobi of the same rank but has increased reactions.ie he would be slow in dodging but can use hands or feet to block or deflect accurately.
-Cant use any fire jutsu greater than B-rank. This is because the monks realise that fire caused more destruction to nature than good so only allowed it to be used for cooking and minor works and made it a law. As time went on several leaders tweeked the rule up to its current stand.

-This style can only be trained by defg.
-Only canon characters who have shown great hand-to-hand or sword skills in the anime can use this style.

balance and increased reactions
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video of concept-

±± Declined ±± You need to wait until S-Class to submit.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(This might be a bit advanced for a CFS and might be more of a ninjutsu than a nintaijutsu but you never know, right? If it doesn't fit the bounds for a CFS, please let me know and I will submit it in the custom jutsu section)

Satsui no Hadō/ Dakku Hadō | Surge of Murderous Intent/ Dark Intent

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Akuma with the characteristics of the Satsui no Hadō red chakra 'flares' around him
Type: Nintaijutsu

Akuma and his brother Gouken were students of their father Goutetsu, who taught to them a nameless life-threatening martial art, which incorporates elements of Karate, Judo, and Kempo. He also taught the Shun Goku Satsu (literally Instant Hell Murder), a lethal technique which, although incredibly powerful, puts the user in considerable danger.As the brothers progressed under Goutetsu's tutelage, a dispute arose on the true nature of their fighting style and the path to master it. Gouken, unable to accept the violent nature of the fighting style, left Goutetsu to begin his own dojo, however Goutetsu did not stop his student Gouken from leaving and even allowed him build his own dojo. Akuma continued Goutetsu's teachings and vowed to use their fighting style as it was intended.

In order to learn Shun Goku Satsu, Akuma had embraced a malevolent chakra and principle of Satsui no Hadō, the "Surge of the Intent to Kill/Killing Intent". In addition, Akuma realized his limits as a martial artist could be expanded, and left Goutetsu's guidance of enlightenment to train alone to gain more power; however, due to embracing the Satsui no Hadō to his fullest extent, he developed a lust to fight to the death, unlike Goutetsu, who had been able to use the Satsui no Hadō without giving in to its dark side and did not constantly use it to its fullest extent. After coming back from his island, Akuma went back to Goutetsu, and fought and killed him with the Shun Goku Satsu. Akuma, believing that he was the true master of the Art, took the prayer beads of his dead master and placed it on his neck. When Gouken went to visit his master to see how he was doing, he only found his body lifeless and saw his brother, now no longer looking human. Gouken, shocked to see that his younger brother took the life of their master, berated Akuma, who said nothing and left for the woods.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Description of Style

Satsui no Hadō is a manipulation of chakra that emanates greatly from oneself through the natural human instinct and desire to survive, to trample and impose over opposition, and on a metaphysical level, the natural occurrence and manifestation of loss, decline, and destruction. It is very hard to control. For those who do succeed in controlling it, they develop an almost cold, cynical detachment from themselves, as well as others. As such, Satsui no Hadō makes a human unbelievably powerful, increasing their strength, power and speed beyond that of a usual superhuman fighter or a supernatural being, but at the cost of one's humanity and compassion.

To tap into the Satsui no Hadō, a fighter must be so consumed with the desire to win or have an intense rage, that they are willing to actually kill their foes. As a result, only people who push themselves to be the best at all costs, can take full advantage of it. However, the untrained mind can be driven to a temporary insanity if they have not prepared for it.

Once a warrior has awoken the Satsui no Hadou within them, it can be very hard to resist. Learning Satsui no Hadou is the first step in learning the most fatal technique known to all of their martial arts - Shun Goku Satsu. If one has used it to their fullest extent for too long throughout years of their life, they will completely lose control, and will transform into a demonic being

The art of the Satsui no Hadō is not automatically activated in the warriors once they began training. It is only first unlocked under some stressful or emotional condition after which the Satsui no Hadō may be used freely. (similar to how the Sharingan is accessed).

Inner Workings of the Style

The fighting style that accompanies the Satsui no Hadō boasts a wide and extensive assortment of powerful punches, quickly spinning kicks, and deadly strikes coupled with super acrobatic skill make an extremely adept fighting style, allowing user to effectively weave continuous and powerful attacks upon adversaries and combine the power of his blows with the surging power of the Satsui no Hadō to create flawlessly fatal blows.

There are 5 methods, or main parts, or the style that are incorporated into the fighting style:

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A sweeping uppercut that can be enhanced by the Satsui no Hadō to cause internal damage to an opponent


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An often quick spinning hurricane kick in the air, connecting up to 3-4 times that can be enhanced with the Satsui no Hadō.


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A physical manifestation of the Satsui no Hadō, the user releases a burst of chakra from his hands that cause damage to an opponent's chakra paths, causing them to become damaged and have a slowed chakra flow. Can also be performed while jumping.

*Shun Goku Satsu:

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One of the most powerful offensive Satsui no Hadō techniques, the user focuses the Satui no Hadō chakra that he is utilizing into his upper body, mainly his chest and arms and lashes the target, and upon contact, the Satui no Hadō chakra causes them to be momentarily paralyzed (depending on rank difference there is a certain amount of time) in which time the user releases the Satsui no Hadō in deadly punches and attacks at the target.

*Ashura Senku:

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Using the Satsui no Hadō to augment the user's speed by moving across the field, bending the exerting chakra from the satsui no Hado to project a false illusion of himself 'lagging' behind his actual body, making taijutsu hard to land while using this.

(Note: By approving the custom style, you are not approving the above part. Each of these will be submitted as their own jutsu as a part of the form, this if just for listing of them in the art.)

Skill levels of the style:

Grand Master(created the style)
Master (knows Shun No Goku)
User (someone who knows Hadoken and Ashura Senku techniques)
Apprentice (is learning Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki techniques)​

Additional effects and Restrictions:
*Due to the large amounts of chakra flowing through the user's body at all the times the art is being used, the user is less susceptible to Genjutsu, rendering this less effective (greater resistance to genjutsu) The user also has increased taijutsu strength by +10, increased speed slightly faster than Rock Lee (Part II) without weights but still lower than EIG speeds.*

*In order for the user to be able to meditate long enough to access a darker part of his nature, the user must be standing completely still, similar to how Naruto originally enters Sage Mode.Once active, the form last until the end of the battle, but at the sake of the user's sanity. After the battle's end, the user is left with mental anguish that renders his chakra paths near useless and he's left in states of near-death.*

*Another side-effect of this power is that when a warrior embraces the Satsui no Hadou to their fullest extent - even when the warrior can not control it - they will develop a lust to fight to the death, their eyes will turn white or red, and their beliefs in fighting become very dark and cold-blooded. The warrior's personality will also change and become very violent and dark. However, as shown in the case of Goutetsu, if one embraces it to a small degree, their eye's pupils will become blue, and they will have no willingness to destroy anything or anyone.*

±± Declined ±± The idea of using Rage to power your chakra and body, creating a denser more aggressive use of chakra is a cool idea and its beautifully made, worded and mostly explained. However, some points make it unapprovable without some minor edits:

-Take the genjutsu resistance and the +10 to taijutsu. CFS don't give those bonus. Your bonus are SLIGHTLY higher or lower stats when compared to the benchmark of your CFS skill. Since this is taijutsu, the benchmark is a normal strong fist user

-Be sure that your moves and "stances" / "methods" aren't too similar to Gentle fist. Read through the gentle fist moves to get an idea. Some of your moves, mainly Hadoken is basically Gentle Fist.

Other than that, one of the best CFS submissions i've checked. Congrats
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Shiroi Tategami Gigei (White Lion Arts)

Type: Nin-Taijutsu (Chakra Manipulation & Control)

Background: The White Lion Arts, is a new form of hand-to-hand combat, developed by JiraiyaEroSennin, after studying the majestic creature, he developed a new fighting style, using immense amount of chakra and strength of a lion combined into a very powerful and new art. This new form of fighting gave him the ability to increase his strength rapidly and he gained incredible control over his own chakra.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The Master of White Lion Art, is capable of "transforming" his body, giving the user a more lion like appearance, this means your teeth and nails grow to the size of a lion while your body will slowly be forced into a lion like stance, though your still capable of standing on two legs and doing hand seals. This gives access to immense strength and stamina above human capabilities. A person who has mastered this new style of fighting, uses mere brute strength and agility, giving them an edge over their opponent when it comes to stamina, when they gain the same abilities and senses as a lion, giving them incredible hearing and smell and a strong will to keep fighting even when low on stamina. This fighting style utilizes mostly your arms and upper body for heavy combat, while your legs is merely for fast and rapid movement, and with the transformed body giving a person stronger legs and arms to resist incoming attacks. Even though it is a very strong fighting style, it pulls a great strain on the users body, which reduces their speed and even with the additional stamina gained, the user will fall to the loss of strength because of the immense strain and production of acid in the users muscles.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-A master of this form gains an enourmous amount of stamina to keep them from falling to the immense strain on the body.
-This art, turns you into a resistant body, which can take powerful blows to the body hardly taking any damage, though a person needs to go through incredibly harsh training and meditation.
-One must have begun earth release training to even begin to master this art.
-One must undergo intense training to master their chakra flow and physical training to strengthen their body.
-Can only be used & taught by JiraiyaEroSennin.

±± Declined ±± Resubmit when you are S-Class ninja
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Active member
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

:: Déjà Fu ::
Type: Gentaijutsu/Nintaijutsu
The Déjà Fu is a style developed by a select group of individuals known as the History Monks ( aka The Order of Wen the Eternally Surprised, the Men in Saffron ) , led by a sweeper called Lu-Tze. The monks grew so adept at laying the smackdown with this style that Rule One ( "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men") was created and spread around the Ninja World to prevent more unsuspecting shinobi from sharing the same horrific, although funny, fate of being schooled by little bald wrinkly smiling men in girly-looking saffron robes.
The style began to be taught to people outside the order recently.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Déjà Fu is best described as "the feeling that you have been kicked in the head this way before". Outwardly, it appears to be of such skill that the practitioner's hands move not only in space, but in time. Of course, this is merely a rather clever trick.

Déjà Fu consists of various methods to confuse an opponent so thoroughly about the timeframe of the battle that it appears to him that the user has changed time itself.

Firstly, the Déjà Fu practitioner layers all his Déjà Fu fighting techniques with a subtle illusion that delays the start of the user's physical movement to the opponent by a small amount of time, varying with techniques. Essentially, when the opponent sees the user starting to move, he has actually been moving for a while in reality and can strike an opponent whose guard is down. The illusion then replicates the user's move exactly, but delayed, to an opponent who has suddnly been struck, making it seem as if he was struck by a kick or fist even before the exact same strike connected with him.

The second principle of Déjà Fu is the Art of Posing. A practitioner will settle into certain stances that appear absolutely unique, and by repeating this stance during battles combined with illusions as to the time of the battle, will make it seem that the opponent is seeing the "same" pose again and again, as if time itself is rebooting.

The third principle of Déjà Fu is the Art of Witty Banter. This is the Nintaijutsu portion and is the only portion not dependent on Genjutsu. To utilize this principle, the practitioner must be a user of Sound style. The practitioner shouts out whatever he is doing loudly "Punch ! Kick ! Sword Block !" for example, at a specific frequency to disorient the opponent's mind and make him believe he has gone back in time to when the user was doing the exact same thing previously. The user can also layer his insults or repartee with frequencies to further cause the opponent's sense of time and space to blur confusingly. This is done by affecting the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain, which is responsible for time perception.

Ultimately, however, a Déjà Fu practitioner will often pretend to be helpless and cowardly, begging an opponent for mercy and running away, all to further confuse an opponent when he is seemingly struck from nowhere.

( All of the above, except for the running away bit, will be submitted as CJ )

Additional effects and Restrictions:

A Déjà Fu practitioner lacks strength and pinpoint accuracy with his blows, such as those required to strike a pressure point. However, he becomes slightly faster, but most importantly gains an exponential increase in agility and flexibility, allowing him to acrobatically avoid close combat techniques and strike poses impossible for normal ninja.

A Déjà Fu practitioner cannot use both elemental techniques and anything reliant on the Art of Witty Banter in the same turn ( the Art of Witty Banter, and Sound itself, is not an elemental nature per se ).

Each technique of Déjà Fu has a different level of chronal confusion, and will be specified in the submissions.

However, a Déjà Fu practitioner relies only on physical strikes and illusions, and is susceptible to wide-ranging elemental style fighting moves.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Emperor, our cannibalistic moderator, gave on the date August the 4th of 2012 a request for a Patent on Custom Fighting Style (Déjà Fu). I, Nexus of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by NarutoBase, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Déjà Fu
Powered by Nexus
Copyright 2012, Emperor, NarutoBase.net

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Active member
Aug 11, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Assassin's Arts | Asashin geijutsu
Type: Nin/Gentaijutsu
Background: This fighting style is based on the basic practices of shinobi to move unseen and attack with the element of surprise with a lethal ambush. This style is based on simple tenants of how a shinobi should engage in warfare:
Espionage, Sabotage and assassination. This style is based on the teachings of ninjutsu, but mainly on the lessons of: Hensōjutsu (disguise and impersonation), Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods),Chōhō (espionage) and Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment) alongside the mastery of taijutsu, kenjutsu and shurikenjutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

This style primarily consists of a simple set of abilities:

-The user emits chakra to induce a mild genjutsu that fools sensors into not noticing the user
9visual contact can be established, but their sensory abilities fail to pinpoint the users location)
-The user focuses chakra into their limbs and especially in their feet and hands to muffle their footsteps making it extremely difficult to track the imprints they leave or the sound of their steps
- The user specialises in assassination and capturing valuable targets and is therefore trained to kill their enemies in a single deadly strike, or render their target immobile quickly and silently due to their knowledge of the bodies vulnerable pressure points and the location of vital spots where the slightest cut spells certain death
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Requires Medical Training
-User must have mastered cannon ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu.
-The user has a movement and reaction speed 1.5x that of their untrained level

±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit. You know fairly well this can't ever be approved
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Sterling Malory Archer

Active member
Jun 8, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Airon Kobushi of Sono Doragon Iron Fist of the Dragon
Type: NinTaijutsu

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Toph...the founder of a special Earth element affiliated tribe was the first ninja with the ability to bend metal. Metal is derived from ore, which is found in the Earth. Guru Pathik, the tribe's elder explained to one of the the youngsters, Gajeel that "metal is just a part of earth that has been purified and refined". Because of the tribe's ability to feel the vibrations in earth, they was able to locate the impurities (the small fragments of earth) in metal and manipulate them to "bend" the metal portion.

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Gajeel, being a genius of the tribe, proceeded beyond any of the tribe's expectations, and developed a unique fighting style which he taught many that he felt needed to learn it.

Iron Fist of the Dragon is a type of fighting style which grants the user some characteristics unique to the tribe, allowing them to incorporate the element of metal (and, by extension, of steel) into their body, granting them the ability to change parts of their body (or the entirety of it) into iron, which can be shaped in a number of forms for different purposes, and to produce iron objects.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

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The style relies around the use of iron for both offense and defense, with the user being capable of creating a wide array of weapons from their body to attack the opponents both in melee and from a distance, and to cover their body with iron in order to dramatically increase their defensive power, at the same time greatly boosting their offense as well. Gajeel has proven to many ninjas that the metal produced by this style is stronger than normal one, and capable of rendering some physical assaults useless. Many types of iron forms can be produced from using this style, both offensive and defensive. The extensions can be used and shot as projectile barrage attacks.

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Additional effects and Restrictions:
+The user's movements are not slowed down by any fighting moves in this style.
+User can extend limbs up to mid range
-Needs mastery in Earth
-All techniques must be attached to the user's body (excluding Projectiles) | Such as the user can cause metal poles to rise from the ground randomly unless they are the user's
-Must be a Sannin
-No lightning Techniques can be used while in this stance

±± Declined ±± Something like this can only be done by Steel Bios.
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Jun 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

dansu sono kage : Dance Of The Shadows
Background:The masters of shadow dancing also known as Voidwalkers are the narutoverses legerdemains. They possess a wide range of skills that allow them to accomplish feats from disarming traps to high level spying to smacking a magic item until it works. They are decent in a fight, and if they can strike quickly or unseen — or are flanking an enemy with the help of a thoughtful ally — they can be truly deadly. Of course, they also excel at stealth.

The Voidwalkers of Suna are the masters of subterfuge, skilled and cunning adversaries of those who dare not look into the shadows to see what lurks there. Assassination is a profession for those who seek the adventures of stalking in silent forests, dimly lit halls and heavily guarded strongholds. Using trickery in combat and able to vanish at the slightest distraction, the Voidwalker is a welcome addition to any group of Shinobi. Ideal spies, deadly to those they can catch unaware, Voidwalkers have no problem finding a place in the world. Deadly masters of stealth, Voidwalkers are the whispers in shadowy corners and the hooded figures crossing dark fields. Skilled with daggers and the art of silent death, these vagabonds and bandits skulk about the land seeking targets and profit. A member of almost any village can learn the tricks necessary to become a skilled Voidwalker. Still the only true masters of the arts are the members of the village hidden in the sand where they honed there KG to deadly levels. Voidwalkers can be found among all villages in the land. Whether they are diplomats, spies, thieves, scoundrels, entertainers, or simply adventurers, you can find them plying just about any trade from Suna to Kiri.

For as long as there were dark alleys and needs for dark services, there have been Voidwalkers, and thus they are one of the oldest professions in the world. Voidwalkers are a diverse Sect, and they are typically made up from the dregs of society — cutthroats, pirates, robbers, and low-lifes. The only code Voidwalkers live by is the contract,

From the high-contract assassin hired in secret by respected noblemen to the lowly street mugger, Voidwalkers are the ones called upon when maintaining the status quo requires a questionable solution — and by fulfilling it, are branded as outcasts by the very society that calls upon their service.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Using Special camouflage techniques handed down by the original grandmaster of the style the user coats themself with there chakra becoming chameleon like, This is the main function of the style as stealth is crucial to the voidwalker as they are not designed to fight in all out wars or face to face instead preffering to take the flanks of an opponent.
This being there main method of concealement there mine style of attack is one of blistering speed targeting the most vulnerable part of an opponents body through the use of swift release and of course due to the extreme training involved there eyes and reactions can follow the speed of there bodys making targeting an opponent much easier.
This in total makes the voidwalker a fearsome combatant striking from the shadows unnoticed to wound or cripple much more powerful opponents through the use of intelligence and general knowledge of the human body.
The perfect voidwalker would be upon his enemy before they even realized he was coming making this not ideal for battle arena's or all out fights but for wars and similar stuff allowing one to travel a battlefield for the most part unhindered.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
While using this style no elemental techniques may be used no matter if your attacking or merely stealthed you may not use any element besides swift.
Doujutsu users can see through the stealth pinpointing your location.
While in using this style all swift techniques increase by +10 damage.
Maintaining stealth costs 30 chakra per turn and will automatically cease after five turns activity and will always have a space of two turns between each activation.

±± Declined ±± Invisibility+swift+concrete damage boost to swift = Do not resubmit.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Vayne geijutsu or Vatsu(Vayne Arts or Varts)

Type: Nin-Taijutsu (Chakra manipulation & Control)
Background: When Vayne was messing around in the gardens of the forbidden forest he came across a grass that was different from all the other he has ever seen. Vayne intrigued by the grass took it to his laboratory and began studying it the grass showed characteristics that was adaptable to extreme weather conditions the grass was able to endure cold/heat weathers that would usually cause death to living things. Vayne's fascination with the grass increased he began working on a way to control the grass, he requested help from his mentor which discovered another unique aspect of the grass which was the grasses ability to harden and create shield of extreme strength that was almost impossible to break and he also discovered that the grass was not grass but a parasite of grass characteristics. Vayne and his mentor worked day and night to find a way to control the "grass" *until on one night vayne accidentally poured a chemical on the "grass" which made it glow and grow (at a very high rate) Vayne in an ate mot to stop the growth of the "grass" inserted his chakra to it that lead to the "grass" to surround *vayne in a shield form and stopping the growth of the grass. The "grass" surrounded Vayne and protected him. The "grass" characteristics became that of Vayne when it was covering vayne. Vayne came up with an ingenious way to keep the "grass" characteristics, he took samples of the grass and devised a chemical that he drank which allowed him to control the "grass" at his will. The chemical contained a substance that allowed him to communicate with the "grass" (parasite). This lead to Vayne and the "grass" to reach to agreements on Bo of them helping each other out. Vayne by providing a subject that the parasite can live with and the paraite by giving it's abilities to vayne. The parasite took home on vayne's left arm in a shape of a small spot that was barely visible but when in battle the parasite will grow into a shield that surrounds vayne or what vayne wants. The parasite and vayne in their long battles discovered new abilities of the parasite that aided vayne in his battles.*
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The parasite with the help of vayne f found more of the parasite's kind and convinced them to join with people like vayne and parasite alpha(original one) have, the parasites agreed. With the difference in power levels of people's and their understandings of the art the people that used this art were at different levels which were

First Class
They were the weakest of the users of Vatsu they only had a resistance over D rank fire and ics techs with no special abilities.

Second class
They were stronger than first class but still considered weak in the use of Vatsu they had resistance over C rank fire and ice tech with no special abilities.

Third class
They were the average users of the art of Vatsu they had resistance over C rank fire and ice with addition to having the ability to form shields from the parasite wast down and continue fighting normally.

Fourth Class
They were the anbu of the users of Vatsu they had resistance over B rank fire and ice techs with addition to having the ability to manipulate the grass in various shapes that helped them in battle (only to short range) and they also had the ability to form shield of the parasite for there whole body.

Fifth class
The best users of the art of Vatsu they had resistance to A rank fire and Ice with the ability of all previous classes but better like having better usage of the parasite and ability to form objects that can be used up to long range.

Additional effects and Restrictions: *

~One must be s-Class Ninja and above levels to use art due to large amount of chakra needed to use this art.
~This art can only be thought by mangekyo byakugan.
~The Person wanting to use this art needs to pass a test given by me:D.
~The person wanting to use this art must have started at least training in three elements.
~The person who doesn't abide to the rules of his level gets automaticalout lose his right to use Vatsu.(yes I will check)
~No custom clan members can use this art.
~Only Inuzuka clan and Nara clan can use this art(meaning no Uchiha,hyuga... But people who aren't in a clan can still use it
-The users initial rank will be decided by the results if his test.

±± Declined ±± this makes no sense whatsoever.
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Mar 14, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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ドラゴンスタイル Doragon sutairu (Dragon Style)
Type: Taijutsu
Coming from the ancient dragons themselves. Humans saw how their moves were graceful and in tune. Humans began to copy these movements and to use it as their own. Later in years the elder dragons themselves begain to teach humans their ways in the art, fearing that one day their kind will end soon. So they passed their legacy down in hopes that the art of Dragon style will never be forgotten.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Dragon style is accesible by getting in touch with your inner dragon (kinda like how naruto can talk to the 9 tails). By doing so you can unlock and unlease your hidden Dragon powers know as "Dragon Aura". Dragon style works by channeling your "Dragon aura" and use it to move once like the dragons themselves, Gracefully, and in tune with ones self. A Dragon stylist defends himself by withdrawing or curving his body inwardly to absorb or neutralize any incoming attack. When the opponent has over-reached in his or her attack, the dragon stylist changes from soft to hard, and combines footwork with blocks as he intercepts his or her opponent. As one arm strikes forward, the other is readied back. Your arms swing in and out with power generated from the waist. The application of pressure is in the same direction as the attacker’s force.

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Additional effects and Restrictions:
Because dragons are know for their power and sense's (eye sight, hearing, etc.) using Dragon Style one can become extra awar of ones surroundings and presence, you also gain extra strength, but decreasing your speed and stamina. while your using dragon style, and because of the way you move using dragon style it takes energy to do so which takes away from your stamina and with each use of energy your speed begins to slow down as well.

-Must be at least a Jounin ninja.
-Must be calm and in tune with one self to even unlock the ability to learn this style.
-Can only be taught by Kwalker394
-Will get tired after awhile since your stamina is decreased
-Your lack of Speed and stamina will leave you open for attacks

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"Control yourself, let others do what they will.
This does not mean you are weak.
Control your heart, obey the principles of life.
This does not mean others are stronger."​

Doragon sutairu (Dragon Style)

Type: Taijutsu

Shaolin Buddhists developed this style back in the 18th century temple on Mount Luofu. The Shaolin Buddhists practiced other styles but they all lacked flexibility, strength, and force. Although there are a few who has two-thirds of these things only dragon style has all three. One day when a young monk was walking down a path wearing shaolin robes and a bandanna with the word "Dragon" on it, he saw three guys beating up an old drunken man. He went to go to defend the old man but was out numbered and only knew snake style, which is more flexibility than any. As he was fighting all three guys at once he quickly found it easy to swerve his body in avoid sneak attacks from behind. He also found it easy to hold his body more in and let the opponent to stretch out and then stretch out himself to deliver an forceful and powerful attack. After discovering this new way to take on more enemy's at once he quickly defeated all three. The old man gave his thanks and was questioning the young monk, but the monk did not stay. As the monk left the drunken man noticed the word "Dragon" on his forehead. In awe the drunken man went to the nearest town and told of his adventure with the Dragon Style user. Many people came and listen but only few believed. The drunken man tried to mimic the movements but couldn't get it down properly. He searched and searched for many years along with his students to find this young monk. Finally at Mount Luofu the old man and students found the young man with the Dragon bandanna. He begged the man to teach his students the style he used to defeat the three guys long ago. The young man accepted and began to teach the students the "Way of the Dragon" As the old man called it. Thus Dragon Style was born.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Dragon style is essential, chakra control method, but initial training is far more like hard, external training, rather than delicate approach of an internal training have. In learning Dragon style the student will strike hard, block hard and stomp into each position. Eventually, the method of transmitting power is retained, and the physically strengthened body is able to make transitions in the proper, fluid manner. In turn, this dragon like smoothness helps disguise the attack, making it extremely difficult for an adversary to effectively counter. For example, a practitioner of dragon style would deal with a punch or kick by swerving their body out of the way of the strike without moving their feet and then use their own momentum to strike back. The Dragon style leg work is characterized by a zig-zag motion that mimics the imagined movement of the mythical Chinese dragon. This also allows one to use floating and sinking movements which are very important in generating power and stability, making your body calm and relaxed. The Dragon Style practitioner typically attacks with winding low yang; that is, powerful and quick movements. For example, when striking with the fist, more power can be exerted when the movement originates from the feet, is guided by the waist, flows through the body, and exits through the fist.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Additional training in Dragon Style by the Shaolin monks they began to actually Sense their target. By doing so they can locate their target by simply using their basic sense's; Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Seeing, and Touching are all increased but Because of this styles way to use force, power, and flexibility stamina is quickly decreased, so they have to have high stamina to continue to use Dragon Style.
-Must be at least a Jounin to learn.
-Stamina is decreased
-Must have high stamina to use for a long time
-Must be calm and in tune with one self and have additional training in fighting training/Taijutsu training to learn.
-Can only be taught by Kwalker394

I basically took out everything and the whole mythical Dragon obtaining way and aura and replaced it with a more detailed, realistic story and on how it works. So basically I restarted from ground up.

±± Declined ±± You don't have the appropriate rank to submit a CFS
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Apr 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Sakura Ichitō Ryū 桜1刀後背 | Cherry Blossom One Sword Style

Type: Kenjutsu


Long before the introduction of chakra, in a time when people relied more on un-augmented and basic Taijutsu, woman were unable to keep up with men, being physically weaker than men. Over time, they developed their own sword style allowing them to fight on par with even the strongest and most physically capable of men-The Sakura One Strike Style (Sakura Ichitō Ryū). The style revolved around balancing power in order to manipulate opponent's strength meant to not to wave with the sword or to use power of speed but take advantage of the opponent’s movements, placing the blade where someone was going to move. Throughout the years that followed, the Sakura One Strike Style would go on to become the most infamous and widely feared sword style, its users regarded as top tier masters of the art of sword play; And then, came the introduction of chakra.

When the Sage of Six Paths introduced chakra, and Ninjutsu to the world, people began relying less on Taijutsu, and more on the use and manipulation of chakra. Women became capable of fighting on par with men through the use of Ninjutsu. As the years passed by, and people began to rely more and more on the use of Ninjutsu, the style began to fade away, getting lost with the years that past. Only few successors of the style still live on to this day, and carry on the ancient sword style.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

From harsh training in the style, successors of the sakura one sword style have an outstanding reaction speed, being able to formulate counter-strategies, find openings in the opponent's movements and exploit them regardless of how diminutive and narrow these are. The technique is a balancing power to manipulate the opponent's strength meant to not to wave with the sword or to use power of speed but take advantage of the opponents movements. It has been showed in two ways, to shift the direction of power or to manipulate the balance of it's opponent

Most inexperienced users of this style mostly in times do not start the fight with an offensive strike, but wait for the enemy to attack in order to use their reflexes to position the sword in such way that the opponents technically strike themselves. Users use the enemy's own momentum and force against them. Masters of the style are capable of using offensive strikes against their opponent, these being capable of efficiently using their own body and its movement with much less unnecessary waste of energy, which in return allows them to conserve their stamina for longer periods of time, though it could seem to go against the unwritten rules of the style, the offensive attacks usually are used as a feint in order for the opponent to flow with the attack.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

  • The user of the style has incredible reflexes and eye vision, as without these factors they would be incapable of operating the style in its full capacity. It could be said they have three times faster reaction than other kenjutsu users, though these reactions are only limited to close combat, as it's the only thing they trained their eyes to follow and react. Deduction also becomes an important part of the style, users being capable of analyze the opponent's strengths and weaknesses and play accordingly.

  • Users of the style do not use unecessary body movement. They use their body at maximum capacity to perform much more accurate and faster strikes without losing as much stamina as other styles.

  • The style allows the user to regain their stances and position at great speed, allowing them to be at full capacity at all times.

  • The user must be at least be Sannin in order to fully understand be capable of using the style at maximum capacity.

  • The user must have mastered regular kenjutsu in order to understand the kinematics of the sword.

  • Users must follow the path of the warrior, that is, follow the path of for earnest will and justice.

±± Declined ±± The way its worded, although not bad, it doesn't describe anything that can't be done in Free Form Kenjutsu. Thus, this as it stands its not worth a CFS
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Aug 18, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Hojōjutsu / Nawajutsu - Hidden Rope Art
Type: Other (encompasses Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Fuuinjutsu as well)

Background: Hojōjutsu or Nawajutsu, is the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord/rope/chain. Encompassing many different materials, techniques and methods from many different schools, Hojojutsu is a quintessentially Japanese art that is a unique product of Japanese history and culture.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Hojojutsu can be divided into two broad categories.
1. The first category is the capture and restraint of a prisoner that was effected with strong, thin cord (usually 3-4 millimeters) called a hayanawa or “fast rope”, and sometimes the sageo carried by samurai on the sword-sheaths. In law-enforcement, this cord was carried by constables who secreted the rope in a small bundle that fed cord from one end. This torinawa ("capture-rope") was coiled so that the cord would pay out from one end as the bundled cord was passed around the prisoner’s body, neck and arms as he or she was tied. This was usually accomplished by one constable in the course of performing an arrest while the
prisoner was actively resisting and had to be accomplished quickly.

Even at this stage, attention was still paid to visual and aesthetic concerns in the tying method as well as to the cultural needs of Japanese society. According to experts, an accused but not convicted prisoner would be tied using methods which allowed the prisoner to be securely restrained but which contained no knots to save the prisoner the shame of being publicly bound. Instead of securing the tie with knots, the constable held on to the free end of the rope and walked behind the prisoner to keep him or her under control as the prisoner was taken for an interrogation which could involve the application of one or more forms of judicial torture to elicit a confession.

2. The second category was effected with one or more “main ropes” or “honnawa” which like the torinawa could be any one of many different lengths, but was a proper hemp rope, possibly six or more millimeters in diameter and as much as eighty feet long—which was used to provide a more secure, long-term binding than is possible with the torinawa for transportation to a place of incarceration, restraint at legal proceedings, and—in the case of particularly severe crimes—for the public display of the prisoner prior to execution by such methods as beheading, crucifixion (i.e., the prisoner was displayed tied to a cross before spears were driven through the body), or, in arson convictions, death by fire.

Honnawa ties were applied by a group of people, usually not less than four, whose presence allowed the use of more intricate and ornate patterns than was the case with the torinawa. Both forms combined effective restraint with a distinct visual aesthetic.

In either form, the hojojutsu ties known today display a shrewd understanding of human anatomy through several recurrent themes. This can include leverage-removal (tying limbs in positions that decrease the force they can generate), rope-placement to discourage struggling or to make it less effective by placing one or more loops of rope around the neck and constricting restraint around points on the upper arms where determined struggle put pressure on blood vessels and nerves numbing the extremities.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-This style encompasses the raw strength of the user and requires finesse in its use. The cords/ropes are constantly feed chakra from the user and hidden under the clothes of the user in such a way that they are still capable of maintaining their full bodily movement without any restriction even though it is wrapped around the arms, torso, and legs of the user.
-Constant placement of the user's chakra in the cords/ropes grants the user complete control.
-Training with the slightly heavy cords and rope wrapped around their body occurs round the clock. When the user of Nawajutsu gets used to wearing a certain weight of rope/cord around their body, they increase the seal placed inside the very thread of the cord/rope, increasing its weight and hardness. This keeps the natural speed of the user in check. The weight of the ropes cannot exceed 100lbs.
- The cords/rope are laced with lines of chakra flexible/malleable metal capable of channeling chakra especially in the bulb ends of the cords/rope that are great conductors of electricity. The metal keeps the rope from being easily ignited via techniques of the user or the opponent. The most skilled users are capable of tying kunai to the ropes to attack with as well and still keep them hidden under their clothes without hurting themselves. They have scars under their clothing proving how difficult this was to master.
-This technique is so rare, that it is only allowed to have one person practice it in each village. User's not of a village cannot partake in the learning of this technique, as it can cause extreme stress on the body, and the user's have to be within the vicinity of a multiple medics in case of need. The Soke, or Grandmaster of Nawajutsu teaches each other village 1 of the 5 ways of sealing, leaving out the crucial component necessary that allows them to teach it to others. "Teaching them everything they know, but know All he knows."
-Master's of this technique are capable tying knots in the rope/cord with a mere wiggle of the rope, that are incapable of being undone unless the user of the rope, who has their own specific way of undoing the knot. Only the originator of Hojōjutsu is capable of undoing every knot, having mastered the technique beyond any other.
-The user is capable of using their chakra to cut part of the ropes/cords or even retract them back into their body with a movement of their arms/legs.
-Masters of this technique who have learned Fuuinjutsu are capable of completely binding an sealing an opponent using the cords/ropes. The sealing is extremely effective, as it can only be undone by the person who sealed them. The owner of this technique, knowing all ways of sealing and unsealing, is incapable of having Fuuinjutsu used on him in this way.

Soke Hojōjutsu - Hidden Grandmaster Rope Art Technique
Kumo Hojōjutsu - Hidden Thunder Rope Art Technique
Iwa Hojōjutsu- Hidden Stone Rope Art Technique
Suna Hojōjutsu - Hidden Erosion Rope Art Technique
Konoha Hojōjutsu - Hidden Flame Rope Art Technique
Kiri Hojōjutsu- Hidden Wave Rope Art Technique

-The Grandmaster is able to use any and all Hojōjutsu techniques.
-Each Master in the village is limited to their element and those that do not require any element. The village that the Grandmaster resides in can have 1 additional person know and use Hojōjutsu, but are limited to the restriction based upon that village.
- There can only be 1 Grandmaster per village.
- To become a Grandmaster, after having Mastered Hidden Rope Arts for at least 3 months, must have beaten 2 opponents in a Taijutsu/Kenjtusu only fight with Hidden Rope Arts, then challenge and defeat the original or another Grandmaster.

Grandmaster (Oraan) belongs to Iwagakure, however there can be a Master in Iwagakure, who will be limited to Hidden Stone Rope Art and rope art that does not contain any elemental value.....Jutsu for Hojōjutsu will look like the following. (Reference picture above)

Hojōjutsu -8-Notto-zu (Hidden Rope Art - Figure of 8 Knot)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: C (B with applied Elemental)
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (25 with applied Elemental)
Damage: 30 (40 with applied Elemental)
Description: The user charges his chakra (pure or elemental) rope/cord in one of his arms and thrusts his arm towards the ground. The knot of the rope/cord will bounce continuously ricochet across the ground at a rapid rate hitting multiple targets, one target in multiple areas, or multiple objects; until the user forces it to stop.
*Grandmaster - Can use an element they know for a desired effect.
*Stone - The knot is turned into a 10 inch(in diameter) stone, that causes mini craters in the ground and is capable of breaking bones and other objects up to its rank.
*Thunder - The knot is charged with lightning, capable of paralyzing on contact.
*Wave - The knot becomes extremely slick the more strikes the ground faster than normal and travels in a blur of speed and gaining power.
*Flame - The knot will be enveloped in flames when it strikes the ground becoming increasingly hot from friction.
*Erosion - The knot when hitting the ground will raise up a dust cloud from hitting the ground, making it hard for an opponent to see where the knot is coming from as it strikes. the dust cloud also hides the user from sight.

Hojōjutsu - Taitorōpusaikuron (Hidden Rope Art - Tight-Rope Cyclone)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B (A with applied Elemental) (S with Grandmaster Combo)
Range: Short
Chakra: 25 (30 with applied Elemental) (40 with Grandmaster Combo)
Damage: 40 (60 with applied Elemental) (80 with Grandmaster Combo)
Description: The user extends 10 feet of hidden rope out from both of their sleeves and charges it with chakra (pure or elemental) while spinning extremely quickly, creating a large cyclone. Each rope that extends out of the user's arm has a knot on the end of it. These are two separate ropes.
*Grandmaster - Costing 2/3 moves in a turn, can choose to charge each rope with a different chakra (up to 2 elemental chakra), resulting in an S ranked Combination
*Stone - Becomes an A Ranked Earth Cyclone
*Wave - Becomes an A Ranked Water Cyclone
*Thunder - Becomes an A Ranked Lightning Cyclone
*Flame - Becomes an A Ranked Fire Cylone
*Erosion - Becomes an A Ranked Wind Cyclone
Note: Grandmaster can only be used 3 times per battle.
Note: Grandmaster must wait 2 turns to use A Ranked and above Hojōjutsu.

Hojōjutsu - Te no Musubime (Hidden Rope Art - Knots in Hand Style)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B (A with applied Elemental)
Range: Short
Chakra: 25 (30 with applied Elemental)
Damage: 40 (60 with applied Elemental)
Description: The user extends hidden rope out from both of their sleeves and charges it with chakra (pure or elemental). The knots are held in the hands of the user and used in Taijutsu/Kenjutsu extreme close range fights or to deflect certain objects. Each rope that extends out of the user's arm has a knot on the end of it. These are two separate ropes.
*Grandmaster - Costing 2/3 moves in a turn, can choose to charge each rope with a different chakra (up to 2 elemental chakra), resulting in 2 A Ranked Elementals or an A Ranked elemental of anything other than Basic 5 causing the Grandmaster 5 damage per turn per hand. Can only be used for 5 turns and will resort in being forced to use pure chakra for 1 turn)
*Stone - turns knots to earth making bones crack
*Wave - covers knots to water making countering quicker
*Thunder - charges knots with lightning, causing paralysis in the body part that is hit.
*Flame - covers knots with a small fireball, burning flesh and clothing upon impact.
*Erosion - covers knots with wind, cutting more than bruising the opponent deeply

±± Declined ±± I really believed i was going to read something approvable, but you are actually trying to create something that isn't a custom Fighting style. Had you used the ropes combined with taijutsu to use in close combat techniques, using the rope as a weapon, i'd approve. But this surpasses that and much move, giving me the feel of a Ninjutsu set of techniques, instead of a Custom Fighting Style.

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Hojōjutsu / Nawajutsu - Hidden Rope Art
Type: Other (encompasses Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Fuuinjutsu as well)

Background: Hojōjutsu or Nawajutsu, is the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord/rope/chain. Encompassing many different materials, techniques and methods from many different schools, Hojojutsu is a quintessentially Japanese art that is a unique product of Japanese history and culture.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Hojojutsu can be divided into four broad categories.
1. The first category is the capture and restraint of a prisoner that was effected with strong, thin cord (usually 3-4 millimeters) called a hayanawa or “fast rope”, and sometimes the sageo carried by samurai on the sword-sheaths. In law-enforcement, this cord was carried by constables who secreted the rope in a small bundle that fed cord from one end. This torinawa ("capture-rope") was coiled so that the cord would pay out from one end as the bundled cord was passed around the prisoner’s body, neck and arms as he or she was tied. This was usually accomplished by one constable in the course of performing an arrest while the
prisoner was actively resisting and had to be accomplished quickly.

Even at this stage, attention was still paid to visual and aesthetic concerns in the tying method as well as to the cultural needs of Japanese society. According to experts, an accused but not convicted prisoner would be tied using methods which allowed the prisoner to be securely restrained but which contained no knots to save the prisoner the shame of being publicly bound. Instead of securing the tie with knots, the constable held on to the free end of the rope and walked behind the prisoner to keep him or her under control as the prisoner was taken for an interrogation which could involve the application of one or more forms of judicial torture to elicit a confession.

2. The second category was effected with one or more “main ropes” or “honnawa” which like the torinawa could be any one of many different lengths, but was a proper hemp rope, possibly six or more millimeters in diameter and as much as eighty feet long—which was used to provide a more secure, long-term binding than is possible with the torinawa for transportation to a place of incarceration, restraint at legal proceedings, and—in the case of particularly severe crimes—for the public display of the prisoner prior to execution by such methods as beheading, crucifixion (i.e., the prisoner was displayed tied to a cross before spears were driven through the body), or, in arson convictions, death by fire.

Honnawa ties were applied by a group of people, usually not less than four, whose presence allowed the use of more intricate and ornate patterns than was the case with the torinawa. Both forms combined effective restraint with a distinct visual aesthetic.

In either form, the hojojutsu ties known today display a shrewd understanding of human anatomy through several recurrent themes. This can include leverage-removal (tying limbs in positions that decrease the force they can generate), rope-placement to discourage struggling or to make it less effective by placing one or more loops of rope around the neck and constricting restraint around points on the upper arms where determined struggle put pressure on blood vessels and nerves numbing the extremities.

3. Hojojutsu/Nawajutsu is extremely efficient when fighting in hand to hand (taijutsu) combat. Capable of subduing the opponents hands and feet rendering them unable to move. The free use of the Hidden rope arts simply using the chakra to manipulate the ropes to do the user's bidding is the best use of rendering taijutsu users immobile. However there is also the Knots-in-hands style, which is used purely as a strike based taijutsu. The knots are thick and deliver quick, powerful blows to the body of the opponent. Even blocking an opponent's blow causes the opponent pain. Enough blocking in one particular area can immobilize an area rendering it numb and unusable. Another adaptation was for Hojojutsu users through the use of chakra, separate unwound their ropes and form smaller ropes, hence the reason that it looks like there is soo many ropes instead of just 3 or 4, and can easily force them to make nets and other objects.

4. Having been experienced with opponents using sharp weapons to battle, masters of Hojojutsu had to come up with a better way to defend themselves. Their ropes were too inefficient as the blades would easily cut through them. The masters decided that they made two decisions. The first was to use Hojojutsu with chakra chain metal. The second was to line the rope with multiple lines of chakra metal to advance with the times. The lining of the very flexible chakra metal enable them to use chakra just like others could with the blades, and kept their ropes from fully being cut through unless by a powerful technique capable of cutting metal. This is what makes the ropes heavier. The heavier the ropes the more chakra metal it is lined with. This enables the users to deal heavier blows with extended rope, capable of fighting at a safe distance from the blades as well as still allowing them to bind their opponent as well, making it even easier for them to subdue their opponent and impossible to escape from, making the breaking of the ropes physically impossible (Steel release, other metal CE exception).

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-This style encompasses the raw strength of the user and requires finesse in its use. The cords/ropes are constantly feed chakra from the user and hidden under the clothes of the user in such a way that they are still capable of maintaining their full bodily movement without any restriction even though it is wrapped around the arms, torso, and legs of the user.
-Constant placement of the user's chakra in the cords/ropes grants the user complete control.
-Training with the slightly heavy cords and rope wrapped around their body occurs round the clock. When the user of Nawajutsu gets used to wearing a certain weight of rope/cord around their body, they increase the seal placed inside the very thread of the cord/rope, increasing its weight and hardness. This keeps the natural speed of the user in check. The weight of the ropes cannot exceed 100lbs.
- The cords/rope are laced with lines of chakra flexible/malleable metal capable of channeling chakra especially in the bulb ends of the cords/rope that are great conductors of electricity. The metal keeps the rope from being easily ignited via techniques of the user or the opponent. The most skilled users are capable of tying kunai to the ropes to attack with as well and still keep them hidden under their clothes without hurting themselves. They have scars under their clothing proving how difficult this was to master.
-This technique is so rare, that it is only allowed to have one person practice it in each village. User's not of a village cannot partake in the learning of this technique, as it can cause extreme stress on the body, and the user's have to be within the vicinity of a multiple medics in case of need. The Soke, or Grandmaster of Nawajutsu teaches each other village 1 of the 5 ways of sealing, leaving out the crucial component necessary that allows them to teach it to others. "Teaching them everything they know, but know All he knows."
-Master's of this technique are capable tying knots in the rope/cord with a mere wiggle of the rope, that are incapable of being undone unless the user of the rope, who has their own specific way of undoing the knot. Only the originator of Hojōjutsu is capable of undoing every knot, having mastered the technique beyond any other.
-The user is capable of using their chakra to cut part of the ropes/cords or even retract them back into their body with a movement of their arms/legs.
-Masters of this technique who have learned Fuuinjutsu are capable of completely binding an sealing an opponent using the cords/ropes. The sealing is extremely effective, as it can only be undone by the person who sealed them. The owner of this technique, knowing all ways of sealing and unsealing, is incapable of having Fuuinjutsu used on him in this way.

Soke Hojōjutsu - Hidden Grandmaster Rope Art Technique
Kumo Hojōjutsu - Hidden Thunder Rope Art Technique
Iwa Hojōjutsu- Hidden Stone Rope Art Technique
Suna Hojōjutsu - Hidden Erosion Rope Art Technique
Konoha Hojōjutsu - Hidden Flame Rope Art Technique
Kiri Hojōjutsu- Hidden Wave Rope Art Technique

-The Grandmaster is able to use any and all Hojōjutsu techniques.
-Each Master in the village is limited to their element and those that do not require any element. The village that the Grandmaster resides in can have 1 additional person know and use Hojōjutsu, but are limited to the restriction based upon that village.
- There can only be 1 Grandmaster per village.
- To become a Grandmaster, after having Mastered Hidden Rope Arts for at least 3 months, must have beaten 2 opponents in a Taijutsu/Kenjtusu only fight with Hidden Rope Arts, then challenge and defeat the original or another Grandmaster.

Grandmaster (Oraan) belongs to Iwagakure, however there can be a Master in Iwagakure, who will be limited to Hidden Stone Rope Art and rope art that does not contain any elemental value.....Jutsu for Hojōjutsu will look like the following. (Reference picture above)

Hojōjutsu -8-Notto-zu (Hidden Rope Art - Figure of 8 Knot)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: C (B with applied Elemental)
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (25 with applied Elemental)
Damage: 30 (40 with applied Elemental)
Description: The user charges his chakra (pure or elemental) rope/cord in one of his arms and thrusts his arm towards the ground. The knot of the rope/cord will bounce continuously ricochet across the ground at a rapid rate hitting multiple targets, one target in multiple areas, or multiple objects; until the user forces it to stop.
*Grandmaster - Can use an element they know for a desired effect.
*Stone - The knot is turned into a 10 inch(in diameter) stone, that causes mini craters in the ground and is capable of breaking bones and other objects up to its rank.
*Thunder - The knot is charged with lightning, capable of paralyzing on contact.
*Wave - The knot becomes extremely slick the more strikes the ground faster than normal and travels in a blur of speed and gaining power.
*Flame - The knot will be enveloped in flames when it strikes the ground becoming increasingly hot from friction.
*Erosion - The knot when hitting the ground will raise up a dust cloud from hitting the ground, making it hard for an opponent to see where the knot is coming from as it strikes. the dust cloud also hides the user from sight.

Hojōjutsu - Taitorōpusaikuron (Hidden Rope Art - Tight-Rope Cyclone)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B (A with applied Elemental) (S with Grandmaster Combo)
Range: Short
Chakra: 25 (30 with applied Elemental) (40 with Grandmaster Combo)
Damage: 40 (60 with applied Elemental) (80 with Grandmaster Combo)
Description: The user extends 10 feet of hidden rope out from both of their sleeves and charges it with chakra (pure or elemental) while spinning extremely quickly, creating a large cyclone. Each rope that extends out of the user's arm has a knot on the end of it. These are two separate ropes.
*Grandmaster - Costing 2/3 moves in a turn, can choose to charge each rope with a different chakra (up to 2 elemental chakra), resulting in an S ranked Combination
*Stone - Becomes an A Ranked Earth Cyclone
*Wave - Becomes an A Ranked Water Cyclone
*Thunder - Becomes an A Ranked Lightning Cyclone
*Flame - Becomes an A Ranked Fire Cylone
*Erosion - Becomes an A Ranked Wind Cyclone
Note: Grandmaster can only be used 3 times per battle.
Note: Grandmaster must wait 2 turns to use A Ranked and above Hojōjutsu.

Hojōjutsu - Te no Musubime (Hidden Rope Art - Knots in Hand Style)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B (A with applied Elemental)
Range: Short
Chakra: 25 (30 with applied Elemental)
Damage: 40 (60 with applied Elemental)
Description: The user extends hidden rope out from both of their sleeves and charges it with chakra (pure or elemental). The knots are held in the hands of the user and used in Taijutsu/Kenjutsu extreme close range fights or to deflect certain objects. Each rope that extends out of the user's arm has a knot on the end of it. These are two separate ropes.
*Grandmaster - Costing 2/3 moves in a turn, can choose to charge each rope with a different chakra (up to 2 elemental chakra), resulting in 2 A Ranked Elementals or an A Ranked elemental of anything other than Basic 5 causing the Grandmaster 5 damage per turn per hand. Can only be used for 5 turns and will resort in being forced to use pure chakra for 1 turn)
*Stone - turns knots to earth making bones crack
*Wave - covers knots to water making countering quicker
*Thunder - charges knots with lightning, causing paralysis in the body part that is hit.
*Flame - covers knots with a small fireball, burning flesh and clothing upon impact.
*Erosion - covers knots with wind, cutting more than bruising the opponent deeply

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Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

This is the condensed version here. explain more detail below. I wasnt exactly sure how to explain this. Also wasnt sure what type it would be. Its not really a kekei genkai because its not combining elements for a new element. Its more like wrapping a jutsu in another jutsu for added effects, but simultaneously to form a new jutsu. To combine a fire jutsu with an earth jutsu, so that it required a same rank or above to block it. An example of a technique would be like
(Kuchi no Shishou: Hi no tsuchi bakudan) - Mouth master: Flaming Earth Bomb
Rank: B
Type: Offense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user gathers fire chakra in their chest and lungs, while gathering earth chakra in their mouth. Forming the earth chakra into a large ball, the user spits out an earth bullet, while moving the fire chakra into their mouth. as soon as the earth chakra has left the mouth completely, the user spits out the fire chakra, covering the earth projectile in flames.

This would require a B rank water jutsu to defend, because of the earth inside the fire. While this fighting style isnt really ment for killing, it can be useful to put opponents off balance to move in for a kill.

Master of the Mouth: Kuchi no Shishou

Type:Special ninjutsu

People who studied and worked with their mouths, throats, and chests, begin to find that they have a greater control, and strength in their bodies, pertaining to their mouths, throats and chest. They began to understand what it ment, to speak, to exhale, and how it was to breathe. They could feel their chakra flowing through their body, through their lungs, up through their throat, and around their mouths, and outwards. Because of their dedication to this training, they became the "masters" of the way of the voice and mouth. Through their training, they discovered how to gather chakra, in their different parts of bodies, at the same time, being able to gather different element chakra in their chest and lungs, and having a different element in their mouth. This allows them to exhale one chakra nature, then move the other, and spit out the remaining chakra almost immediately after.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This fighting style is primarily used in close quarters fights and taijutsu combat, because of the range, and nature of the style. It is used when you are blocking an opponents attack or when your hands are occupied by either a weapon, or blocking taijutsu attacks. Most Mouth Mastery attacks require little or no hand signs and therefore can be carried out during almost any scenario.

The mastery of the mouth, allows the user to spit out two different chakra natures, almost simultaneously, allowing them to combine the elements (In a non kekei genkai way). An example of this is when Sarutobi Hiruzen first used Earth Dragon Bombs, and then used Fire dragon bombs, which covered the earth bullets in fire. While he didnt spit out the first one, it could have been done quicker if he did. An advantage of this, is that while Dragon flame bombs is a B rank technique and could be countered or blocked by a C rank water technique, the Earth bombs can negate this effect, forcing an opponent to use a B rank Jutsu instead. Another advantage of this, is in short range combat, against a taijutsu user, being able to combine damage of the two attack into one. While fighting an opponent in taijutsu, your arms and legs can be used to block or dodge the opponent, and while using mastery of the mouth, being able to throw jutsu at your opponent can catch them off gaurd.
Mastery of the mouth is done by the user first gathering elemental chakra in their chest. Then after that, another elemental chakra is gathered in the mouth. The mouth's chakra must first be expelled before the chest chakra can be spat out. Primarily A rank techniques and below Elemental Chakra can be gathered at the same time both in the mouth and chest. However, S rank elemental chakra and forbidden techniques must be gathered sperately chest then mouth.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
This fighting style can only be used on jutsu that can be spat from the mouth. Anything that requires a sorce of elemental chakra cannot be used, only by gathering chakra inside ones self. Hence why not many A rank and above jutsus come from the mouth.
Mastery or the mouth techniques are spat instantly one after the other, and therefore look like one justu coming at an opponent.
As mentioned above Flaming Earth dragon Bombs is one such technique.
another example of a technique is the Drilling Water bullets.
This technique first combines the Water Bullets being spat from the mouth, then followed by the Drilling Wind Bullet technique. (will post that custom jutsu if approved here)

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Nov 19, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Lightning Dragon Slayer Arts 雷の滅竜魔法
When The Dragons move freely on Earth, before the HellsBadAss signed a contract with them, they decided to teach their arts to a young man. This young man went by the name of Laxus Dreyar. They taught him a variety of techniques that relied on having the power of the Dragon to work. A Fighting Style which allows the user to incorporate the element of lightning into their body, gaining exclusive characteristics which are commonly associated with the Great Lightning Dragons. User are capable of producing lightning from their body and of manipulating it to attack their opponents. This Style’s techniques seem to possess an incredibly high voltage, being particularly destructive, and the electricity of which they’re composed of seems capable of momentarily paralyzing foes, making it easier for the user to take them out.
Laxus trained all his life with the Great Lightning Dragons perfecting this to resemble them in the greatest possible way. His proficiency with lightning was inhumane at that point. He was able to use techniques that would easily kill a human with its volts. After a while all his techniques resembled those of a Dragon.
This was considered a form of the Great Dragon Fighting Techniques called Dragon Slayer Style. Where a user would adopt an Element and a Dragon would teach him to the point where they gained near immunity to that element. This is what Laxus learned from his Dragon.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Lightning Dragon Slayer Arts is a lost style which only few remember. The working of this Art is that the Lightning Dragon Slayer is capable of absorbing Lightning Techniques of a really low amount of voltage and use it to boost his techniques temporarily. He can also consume lightning to send it back at his opponent with a stronger amount of force by adding in his own chakra. (CJ to be submitted) They however, cannot eat Lightning produced from their own body to enhance their attacks. And each lightning has a different taste depending on its rank and quality.

Not only that but the Dragon Slayer can also manipulate Lightning around his body fluently and easily with simple hand movements. The user can also manipulate the lightning to change the amount of voltage delivered to make them less deadly or even more deadly (CJs to be submitted.)

The Taijutsu working in this lies in Lightning, the user will coat different limbs in lightning to enhance their movement speed and when they hit the opponent stun them due to the voltage delivered. When doing this the user spends a considerable amount of chakra to keep it going therefore usually once attacking with the Taijutsu working they are exhausted. (CJ to be submitted)

Those with Mastery over this style gain properties of a Dragon, a far greater sense of smell. Greater strength due to incredible training. Greater speed since it is associated with Lightning Training. In return the user some times loses it to a killing sensation and begins killing friend or foe when they overuse their techniques or absorb too much Lightning.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

  • The user has great control over Lightning in Close Combat
  • The user gains a resistance to lowered leveled Lightning (D rank with CJs to be submitted)
  • The user gains a sense of smell equivalent to a Dragon (Still far worse then the Iznuzuka one)
  • The user become slightly physically stronger due to the Dragon Training
  • The user become slightly faster due to that training as well
  • Must be Kage rank or above to learn
  • Must have mastered Lightning
  • Must have a Natural affinity to Lightning
  • Must have mastered Taijutsu
  • Must undergo a great deal of training

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