Aisu Bay (254)


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Blaubaume (179)

B&P made themselves comfortable on the new ship that was supposed to take them towards the outer lands. Panthalassa decided to stay inside and get some rest while Barney decided to take in some fresh chilly air. The open sea before them did him quite well as he sat on the deck of the icebreaker, covered with his dark heavy cloak and holding the hilt of his Goddess underneath it. There was just something about this sword, something that didn't let him to drop if even for a moment. He was like a child that just got a new toy, inseparable from it.

Leaving landmark with Panthalassa.


May 7, 2020
Trait Points

Lucifer and Strix Arrive in Aisu Bay as the boat rocks against an iceberg.

Shall we take a break?

Strix had grown weary, the long travel had pushed her fortitude to the limits and she needed to eat and rest.
Message referral:

Strix' voice woke Lucifer from his state of slumber, the journey had gone by quickly but it was uneventful allowing the child of Tiamat respite, no sooner did she speak than a message arrived from Madara.

Unfurling the scroll it informed him that a relic core was very near their location, Lucifer focused his life sensory and detected a familiar presence, Merlin one of the champions of humanity. Lucifer had been present when he gained a weapon from Irkalla, perhaps this was in fact a relic core like his own.

"We have a detour to make, you can come along or wait here with the Bijuu, either way it shouldn't take long."


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from #179, Blaubaume.

The journey through Aisu Bay was mostly uneventful. Numerous ships were coming back and forth, some returning from the West, others patrolling the waters around Blaubaume for any incidents that were bound to happen with a gathering this large. Piracy was one of the major concerns, so checks were made on returning vessels, while the sheer presence of authority made any would-be assailants think twice, as help for any vessel, merchant or otherwise, wasn't far away. Despite the earlier interaction, the captain didn't really pay Emiya much attention, too busy keeping the rotting mass of driftwood they called their ship running to maintain any advances or teases. There was also the fact that acting in such a manner in front of her crew wouldn't be very "captain-y". She was a commanding presence on deck, and making untoward comments would absolutely undermine that persona. She most likely made such actions because they were in private, thus Emiya simply made every effort to not be left alone with the captain, or alone in general if he could help it. Despite this he would still catch glimpses of a smirk and penetrating gaze from his would-be seducer, causing him to instantly shift attention to anything else.

Teasing aside, his time at sea with the Mistakæ was rather fun. Nothing like the tales of high romance and drama, not if he could help it, but the experience was well worth the time investment, and embarrassment the captain was causing him. Surprisingly none of the crew could make a meal between them, leaving them to resort to plain meals. Despite paying for his voyage, both in coin and coy advances, Emiya felt compelled to provide them a decent meal for the voyage. To his surprise, despite the blandness of their usual meals, their galley was well-stocked, and with a variety of exotic foodstuffs, including rare fruits, meats, herbs, spices and the like. For the first time in a long time the crew of the Mistakæ were treated to a good meal at sea, rather than simply grabbing something from within the stores and munching away. The crew were not only surprised, but completely satisfied with this little arrangement. As the Captain made a remark that Emiya was full of surprises, including a slyly worded double entendre about Emiya being both a strong man and an exemplary chef capable of preparing a delicious, substantial meal, he took that as his queue to leave, excusing himself from the gathered in the galley. While most of the crew remained in the galley, the few that were still going about their duties weren't enough to prevent him from confirming something...

Leaving Landmark. Heading to Ocean A, Western Ocean.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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Message referral:

Strix' voice woke Lucifer from his state of slumber, the journey had gone by quickly but it was uneventful allowing the child of Tiamat respite, no sooner did she speak than a message arrived from Madara.

Unfurling the scroll it informed him that a relic core was very near their location, Lucifer focused his life sensory and detected a familiar presence, Merlin one of the champions of humanity. Lucifer had been present when he gained a weapon from Irkalla, perhaps this was in fact a relic core like his own.

"We have a detour to make, you can come along or wait here with the Bijuu, either way it shouldn't take long."
Alright, well on your own head so be it. If Madara is asking about this bijuu later on I'm not going to lie about what took us longer...

It wasn't that she was against taking a detour, or that she was afraid or trying to get on Madara's good side, more at the prospect of exploring new lands that excited her and drove her fervour for reaching the co-ordinates. If the new lands were going to be dangerous however, then it would be best to have some ally with her, and besides, both being comrades in arms in the Akatsuki she was partial to Lucifer.

Lead on, but I hope this wont take long. Im excited to see these newly discovered lands spoken about
She confessed.

Following Lucifer's lead, she continued after him.

giving rexii control of travel/bio


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Alright, well on your own head so be it. If Madara is asking about this bijuu later on I'm not going to lie about what took us longer...

It wasn't that she was against taking a detour, or that she was afraid or trying to get on Madara's good side, more at the prospect of exploring new lands that excited her and drove her fervour for reaching the co-ordinates. If the new lands were going to be dangerous however, then it would be best to have some ally with her, and besides, both being comrades in arms in the Akatsuki she was partial to Lucifer.

Lead on, but I hope this wont take long. Im excited to see these newly discovered lands spoken about
She confessed.

Following Lucifer's lead, she continued after him.

giving rexii control of travel/bio
Lucifer and Strix head towards the land once more, with the bijuu in tow.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

The two headed out on the open water with Lilith hovering over the water with her wings while Alucard had his hands in his pockets and simply created a floor using his chakra holding up his weight and allowed him to pull a Jesus and walk on the water. They closed in on the Mirror Drone and the closer they got the more responding it seemed to become, jumping up and down until they were an arms reach away.

..So now what?

[Phonetic Imprint Authorized]
The drone suddenly created a holographic projection above itself revealing something that looked like blueprints of a massive underwater lab. It showed this image for about a minute before it allowed itself to sink into the water, no doubt moving towards the place it had just shown to them. Alucard sighed, no doubt was he getting roped into the depths of the icy waters here but he also had flashbacks over his encounter with the great water dragon Basmu. If it had somehow survived this could be quite the trap. Meanwhile, Lilith had already strapped the Triton Mask - a SNT invented by Alucard, onto her mouth and dived straight into the water in great speeds. Alucard saw an opportunity and opened up his thumb slightly using his teeth to smear blood over his right shoulders tattoo. Oh yes, it was time for the Vampire Squids to be summoned. Well, one of them, the smallest of the bunch as a matter of fact. The thick smoke of the summoning ritual revealed Akemi, a loyal companion of Alucard long before his creation of Lilith. Her 5 meter length and jet propulsion speeds would make her ideal for this task, to take him towards the underwater sealab no doubt the Deep Stone Crypt.. Or atleast something tied to it.

Master? It's been a while.

So it has. I've come to rely on you again as my beacon through the night of the sea. There is a cybernetic drone floating through the waters as we speak, carry me and follow it please.
Akemi almost slapped herself when she was about to make a somewhat ridiculous salute to him.

Who's the other fellow?

My daughter.

Bruh you have some explanations to tell while i escort you. Down we go!
Alucard got on Akemi's back and the two of them caught up to Lilith quite fast due to the Vampire Squids ability to use jet propulsion underwater making her go fast. Alucard used his mental link to Lilith as speaking underwater was no bueno.

You can barely swim lol, get on.
With an irritating expression she only attempted to outrun her father and Akemi, who thought the situation was hilarious. Nevertheless, Lilith had to accept defeat in the end as they had a mission to follow the Mirror Drone of Ada-1 - a drone that was fascinatingly fast even underwater. A couple of hundred meters down they stumbled upon the bottom of the Aisu Bay. It was almost pitch black down here but Akemi could sense presences underwater with ease due to pressure sensory. She traced the movements of the drone all the way to the entrance of what seemed to be a huge gate lit up with some barely luminent red lights. The drone was there too, waiting for their arrival which triggered it to move towards the dormant structure. It then activated a series of protocols which opened the gate in a sluggish yet somewhat epic fashion. A barrier that separated the air inside of the structure and the sea water was noticeable as soon as the gates had been fully opened. They went inside, Akemi excluded who would remain outside the structure for whenever they needed to head back. Or.. If something else should happen. Inside the great entrance there were no signs of any corrosion or other damage. Infact the whole facility so far looked like it was brand new yet there was a feeling of it being ancient. The architecture reminded them of the Artifact that Ada-1 had taken possession over, it was obsidian dark with perfectly veined and warped finishes. Alucard sensed the presence of several monstrous chakra signatures deeper inside of the structure. Not convinced of starting an all-out warfare inside of a facility this deep down under the ocean, as it's potential collapse would mean the death of them all, he was more keen on applying a stealth approach this time. He shared his thoughts with Lilith via their mental link rather than speaking out loud in this place.

*We seem to have some potential hostiles further ahead. I suggest you to use caution if we need to engage.*

*Alright dad.*
They would split up as the facility forked out into two and without any clue on where to head further it seemed like the ideal thing to do. The mirror drone would camoflauge itself and went on ahead. Meanwhile, Alucard was about to end up right infront of one of the entities he considered as a hostile yet there was no movement ahead. It seemed to be a stationary defense tech with loads of chakra stored inside of it. This sort of tech was almost unheard of out in the world and if this place was this ancient yet this evolved. He used his chakra to vanish into the surroundings, blending in to the floor with his Ninjutsu and slipped underneath the Goliath of a chakra turret. While this technique was efficient it left him severely vulnerable while being merged with the floor. The turrent stood dormant until he had passed it. A sensory barrier of some sort might've triggered his presence perhaps or did it pick something else up? With it's massive 12" guns it started to move slowly but firmly towards the directions where Lilith was. Seemed like Alucard had slipped passed it but now it was going for his daughter. He chuckled, not giving any indication to Lilith that it was heading towards her. He continued onwards with some concern for what was ahead of him. The other chakra signatures that were dormant had now activated and even though he could sense it it was even pronounced by the facility itself. A familiar voice echoed through it, the one of Clovis Bray from the other facility they had recently been at back at Ironwood Lumbermill.

Enjoying yourself intruders? This facility hosts the genesis of humanity and you've come with open arms and hearts into it's own. I don't expect to even find your DNA after my defenses have dealt with you as you will be fully destroyed.

Alucard re-assembled himself from the floor. It seemed like his charade would not take him further. Instead, he and Lilith would have to adapt a minimal but lethal strategy to take down the threats if they were forced into an encounter.

Meanwhile, Lilith picked up the rattling metallic sounds that were closing in on her. It was the assembly turret that Alucard had slipped past but somehow endorsed onto his daughter to deal with. It approached her from behind and pointed it's massive cannon towards her and unleashed a devastating volley of chakra bullets that were so dense they looked like actual solid bullets. Her response was agile and she freeform dodged the bullet by spinning herself in a counter-clockwise motion. Intentionally, she would stretch out her right arm towards the barrage of chakra in an attempt to teleport them into the dark dimension and being converted into Dark release chakra for her. Doing so gave her an arsenal of techniques that she would now use against the assembly turret. As fast as she had absorbed the chakra she counter released it towards the metallic opponent in the form of a horizontal sword with massive concussive strength. This blade would cut the turret in half, separating its cannons with its mobility wheels. She sighed at the sight, no damage had been done to the environment, however, upon shutting itself down the turret droid initiated a self-destruct which blasted Lilith clear some 30 feet and slammed her into the wall behind her with enough force that it cracked. Not only that but the surroundings of where it blew itself up had taken massive amounts of damage and the whole facility trembled due to the aftershocks. The A.I spoke again.

The secrets that lie here are better off destroyed than fallen into the wrong hands. Now then.
~[Protocol 1-DES-5-ENT initiated]~
Alucard had been holding onto the wall for balance due to the aftershocks. The remaining chakra signatures that he had sensed from the very beginning all moved towards his location now. At the same time he could sense his daughter's life force fading.

Yeah just.. feed me all the negative shit all at the same time. I bet today is a Monday too..
He had no choice but let her mend herself if possible. Alucard himself was about to become heavily pre-occupied. The same sort of assembly turret came towards him now. Only, it was a whole pack of them and even if he would be able to destroy them - he couldn't. With a somewhat arrogant glare he decided on what he would do and he would unleash his Chakra into a whirlpool of the coldest element there was, Liquid Krypton. This element would freeze the opponents before they would launch their attack on him and it would also hinder them from initiating self-destruction sequences. Atleast temporary.. With this done, Alucard would weave two handseals;

Dragon - Reverse Tiger

which would retract his physical form and vanished in a black gooey mass of endless eyeballs. He had taken the form of his Ghoulspine chakra and phased through the physical obstacles ahead of him like a ghost. This form allowed him to travel twice his default running speed. Once passed, he regained his physical form once again and went on ahead. He had to find out where Ada-1 had gone off too with the Artifact they had found a few days earlier. The drones behind him struggled to move due to his previous freezing spell but it was not like it would keep them locked in their place forever. The bigger problem, however, was the last obstacle he would face between him and the path that laid ahead. This, was a serious looking threat. A towering behemoth as large as it could physically be in this facility rivaling that of the great snake Manda this was also a serpentine monster yet it was made from the same sort of material as the structure itself. This was not a technologically built unit this.. Was alive yet it was not. It was something that reminded him of Yin release, paracausal. Alucard readied himself for a huge undertaking and so would opt for dexterity and absolute precision at this time. Not even sure he could hit the target, he would influence his body with the force of Yang - elevating his physical prowess to the extreme as well as granting him some serious agility. While his Chakra Cloak was superior it didn't passively gain him a fluctuation of Yang chakra which was probably needed to strike the target in the first place. Besides, going all-out here was by no means a great idea.

..This is more of my daughters approach but here goes.
Speaking of his daughter, meanwhile, Lilith was struggling to pick herself together from the immense blast that had sent her six feet into the wall. She was hardly breathing at this point but her will of fire wasn't extinguished so easily. After a while she had regained consciousness. Her right leg and left arm were both bleeding and after some closer look it was evident that they were both broken too. She cried out in pain as she tried to free herself from the debacle. Her cries were heard but not answered.. Alas she was no spoiled little brat either. Keeping her wits about her she decided to use the anger that was fueled by the physical pain. The anger led in turn to the will of trying, trying to pull herself together. She had already figured by now that Alucard was still deep inside the facility with whatever the mirror drone had found close by. She could not help him now however, she could only help herself. With a spark of chakra she concentrated deeply and thoroughly. Starting off by easing her pain and also to prevent herself from bleeding out, she would use the liquid krypton release but in miniscule quantities. A fraction of the liquid was used to spread over her two open wounds which would freeze the blood like a rock and sustain a closure of the wound. Normally she would've used Yang release to heal herself but she was simply too exhausted to manufacture such a strong force of chakra right now. She leapt out of the debris and headed with a limp towards the exit where Akemi was still waiting for them to return. As she approached the barrier that separated the ice cold water with the air and pressure of the facility, Akemi noticed her broken body and rushed to her aide as quickly as she could.

Whoa steady on lass!! I'll bring you to safe harbor at once.

Don.. wait for dad plea..

Afraid i can't let you wait for that long. I'll get you out of here right now, aye hold your breathe!
Lilith tried to resist but she was far too weak for it. Akemi's tentacles wrapped around her and carried her through the freezing water up towards the surface in what she felt like an underwater rocket. She held her breathe as hard as she could and before she knew it they had resurfaced a few hundred meters off the coast. There Akemi would treat her.

Back underground, Alucard challenged the obsidian serpentine that was controlled by the Clovis A.I in order to protect Ada-1 and the Artifact she had taken from the place they thought had been the Deep Stone Crypt. Sweat dripped from his neck as he tried to evade the surprisingly agile serpent which so far had made a fool out of him. The A.I's voice would let out a robotic laughter.

Magnificent isn't it.. Just like Clarity Control.
Yes, the very Artifact you stole from me is here with the failed Exo program unit Adelaide.
Alucard raised an eyebrow.

Oh, so she's here then?
A burst of Chakra protruded through Alucard's fists and formed into wolf-like claws made from his own bones. It was one of the Kaguya dances that allowed him to morph his skeleton like this. It was time he upped the game and claw himself through the hindrance in his way. With the Yang fortifications and his apex speed, Alucard would bring down the paracasual serpent with a dance of death. His bones would dig deep through it's ghost-like skin and cutting through it felt like cutting through water, almost no resistance whatsoever. The serpent was damaged but not yet out cold. It produced a large blast of chakra from it's mouth while coiling its body around Alucard and with a shattering sound frequencies it unleashed a seismic shockwave from it's throat no doubt intended to take the entire facility down with it as well as Alucard who grunted. He slashed through it's body with his Shikotsumyaku and Yang forte combined and cleared his way ahead. The problem now was that the whole structure was coming down. Large blocks started to collapse from the ceiling and he had to hurry. Still in his Yang trance, he would sprint through the pebbles and rocks until he reached the end - a chamber containing three cylinder formed stations - each containing an Exo unit behind thick glass. All three of them were identical and looked just like her, like Ada-1. Her Mirror Drone was also there and hovered above the one on the right side.

[Mirror Synchronization 100%]

What the ****?!
She emerged from the pod, alive just as before but in a digital mind.. Also just like before.

You. How did.. Did my.. No, there's no time for you to explain. Come along.
At the far back of the chamber, the Artifact was also found. Alucard would swiftly use his Fuinjutsu prowess to seal it inside of a scroll for transportation. And, for safety measures - judging by how things went last time. Meanwhile, Ada-1 had revealed an escape pod for the two of them to fit in that would take them back to the surface of the Aisu Bay. In the heat of the moment, the facility caved in and started to flood just in time for the two of them to escape with the artifact and Ada-1's body intact. Probably her last one too unless there could be more of them built in the future. Well above the surface they rejoined with Akemi and Lilith all heading to land quickly to heal her.

*Mission End*
