Advanced Elements


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Jul 31, 2009
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Since there is a highest level of element release for fire, I asume that there is or may be a higher level of release for the other elements

Lightning - It could either be black lighting or manipulation of real lighting, i think its black lightning but we dont know how it is better than regular lighting.

Earth - The only thing that makes sense is metal, not steal release because thats an advaced nature but iron like Kakuzu's Iron skin technique.

Wind - It could be sound because of noise comming off of Naruto's rasenshuriken which is the most powerful wind tech, when he first used it everyone seemed to comment of the peircing sound it was making.

Water - It could be the chakra consuming water that Kisame uses and then theres the dragon that came out of gedo mazo's mouth when Nagato first summoned it. It could be a water tech that takes all the oppenents chakra which kills them and the soul of the relased edo tensei was called their chakra. Maybe Tobirama had acces to technqiues like this, Imagine a Giant tidal wave that can completely drain the opponents chakra, Edo tensei was designed so the user could clear the map so the two would work well but thats just speculation.
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