[Predictions] 684


Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Chapter 684 Parody

Obito : Naruto,Sakura , let's wait for kaguya to open another portal
Kakashi : Oi oi, that portal looks exactly like the garganta from bleach manga
Black Zetsu : Excuse my mother she has no ability to talk
Black Zetsu : What she meant is that HOW DO YOU DARE TO CALL MY MOTHER A WANNA-BE
Kaguya : *opens another portal and tries to throw kakashi in it*
Obito : Fast let me in front of you i'll teleport us here
*Obito,Sakura,Naruto's clone enter the sand dimension*
Sakura : Sasuke-KUN!!!!!! what the..

"Sasuke appears dressed as a pharaoph with big moustache with hundreds of servants behind him, having an gold staff in his hand"
Naruto's Clone : Sasuke fast let's go back to kaguya
Sasuke : No, you are a mere peasent now naruto,i am the great pharaoph Sasukemon
Sakura : Sasuke-kun!! you have to come back with naruto and save the world
Sasukemon : Silence useless *****, you are not even worthy of my egyptean harem
Obito : Are you ****ing kidding me, i thought i'll look badass and important by taking you back to the battlefield and you don't wanna come??

Naruto : Sasuke are you ****ing retarded just wtf?

*Meanwhile Hagoromo and the hokages*

Hagormo : Wouldn't be a good idea to revive him, cause you gonna ged fked up again
Tobirama : tsk
Hagormo let's all talk inside my head
*In a dark place like where kurama talks to naruto appears and all the hokages and madara are here*

Hashirama : Madara please help us we gotta hurry to help naruto and sasuke to beat kaguya
Madara : That ***** took over my body pf..
Minato : Yea.. You should take revenge and help us to kill her
Madara : *sits down*
Madara : *Summoning no jutsu*
*Smoke clears and grumpy cat shows up*
'Madara is seen sitting down pating his grumpy cat'
Hiruzen : Come on Madara help us
*Madara shows the cat face to hiruzen*
Hokages : *sIGH*
Hashirama : Come on.. for the good old times.. rmemeber when you used to show me your sution
Madara : *grins* you want me to show it again

Hokages : No no thanks.

"In a corner of the place where hokages are arguing with Madara ,Hagormo sits down and drinks a coup of tea
Hagoromo : What's wrong with this world.. *facepalm*

*Back to Egypt Dimension*

Naruto : This is it im taking you back by force

*Sasuke starts running back to his pyramid*
*Sasuke stops running as he sees an old man that also is a pharaoph getting out of pyramid*
The old man spits on sasuke's face
*sasuke falls down*

Sasuke : Who the ..

The old man puts his foot on sasuke's face

The old man : I am Hamura the great pharaoph

Hamura : I suppose you are here for powerups you lame ass,

Naruto : Oooo you are hagoromo's broth...

Hamura : Silence you dumbass, you have come to the wrong place, i'm supposed to give powerup only to this lame ass fake-pharaoph
Sasuke : tsk

Naruto : but but from who im getting powerups then :|

Hamura : The hell i should know!? I Don't give a damn **** about it, don't ask me, take a trip to bleach-land and ask Aizen or Whitebeard, just get the **** out of here

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