[CSC] 蝟Porcupines


Active member
Jan 4, 2013
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Summoning Animal: Porcupine
Scroll Owner: Gaara
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Warrior of the Quill | Dendo | Yura | Genesis | Scleria
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Yura, Yamārashi)Summoning Technique: Yura, The Porcupine
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will wipe blood on their Porcupine tattoo and after performing five seals, the user will slam their hand on the ground, summoning Yura. Yura is a white porcupine (same size as Gamatatsu Naruto summons) and has blue eyes. She gets along with her summoners. Like all porcupines, she has two weak spots: her underside and an area above her head (where the summoner can sit), due to having no quills there. Yura has an affinity to Wind style, being able to use Wind jutsus without using any handseals. She can fire off quills (like the other porcupines) infused with wind chakra and can pierce through hard things up to C-ranked Earth technique. She also has the ability to curl up into a ball by putting the summoners and her/his allies on her underside protecting them from attacks.

- Can only launch quills twice. After that, Yura loses her quills for the remainder of the match
- Can only be summoned once in battle
- Everything Yura uses counts as a move
-While protecting the summoner, curling herself, she can take up to B-Rank attacks without being damaged
- Can only remain on the field for 4 turns
- Can use Wind techniques up to S rank

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Dendo , Yamārashi)Summoning Technique: Dendo The Porcupine
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will wipe blood on their Porcupine tattoo and after performing four seals, the user will slam their hand on the ground, summoning Dendo. Dendo is a large porcupine, just bigger than one of Pein's dogs. Dendo has a smug attitude, but gets all along well with other Porcupines and his Summoner. He has a scar running down his eye, which, according to him, is the result of his toughest battle. Like all porcupines, he has two weak spots, an area above his head and his underside, due to having no quills there. Dendo, like other porcupines, can fire off quills, which are strong enough to pierce through A-rank Earth and looks similar to Jiraiya's Needle Jizo. Dendo has an affinity to Earth style, being able to use any Earth style jutsu. He also has the ability to curl up into a ball and roll over targets. By putting the summoners and his allies on his underside, this can be used for transportation.

~Can only launch needles twice. After that, Dendo loses his quills for the remainder of the match.~

~Can only roll twice.~

~Can only remain on the field for 4 turns~

~Can all Earth techniques.~

~Can only be summoned by Rikerslade and -General Phaze-

Summoning Technique: (souseiki harinezumi)Genesis the Porcupine
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user will Bite his/her thumb. Wipe the blood on his/her porcupine tattoo. and do 3handseals and palm their hand on the ground. The porcupine Appears in front of The user at all times. It is the size of the Boss Toad Jariya always summon. This porcupine has only 2 Real vulnerable spots. Under his Body (No Quills are there) and On the top (His back) . The point at top (His Back) is where the user rides or sit. It can only fit 2 people though. This porcupine can fire off quills when it feels it is in danger or just to simply attack. He Also Specializes in S rank Earth and He does not need to do handsigns for jutsus that require handseals due to it being his specialty. The Quills fire off with very Great Speed. 60Mph to be exact. And Can Break Through A rank Earth

-Can only stay on the field for 4 turns
-The Quills are Short-Mid range
-Not phase by A rank and below Earth
-Quills Can only be shot 2 times pr battle
-If the porcupine use his quills twice He no longer will have them. making his whole body vulnerable.
-Can only be Taught By -General Phaze- and must be a signer of the porcupine contract

Yamārashi Kuchiyose: Kuiruzu no Senshi | Porcupine Summoning: Warrior of the Quill
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will perform 3 quick handseals and slam their hands downwards, allowing them to summon one of the warriors of the porcupine royal army. They range from about 4 feet to 6 feet tall and stand upright on their hind legs. They have green colored quills, signalling that they are members of the royal army. These porcupines are masters of close combat, they are taijutsu specialists and can use all strong fist taijutsu. They also have the ability to take the long quills off their back and use them to perform regular kenjutsu.
~Can only be used twice
~Lasts for 3 turns

Change the technique pretty much, just made it something basic, but something id like

Summoning Technique: Scleria | Kuchiyose: Scleria
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long[Summoned Short]
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will swiftly perform 4 hand seals, draw blood and slam his hand on the ground. Once done, the porcupine Scleria will be summoned. Scleria is only about 3 foot tall and 3 foot wide. As soon as its summoned it burrows itself into the ground. Due to Scleria being accustomed to burrowing through earth and using chakra to do so, A rank and below earth techniques will not affect him while he's underground. Once underground Scleria will use his second special ability, the ability to manipulate and extend his quills. Similar to the Dance of the Young Ferns kaguya technique, Scleria manipulates all of his quills and even multiplies most of them, to the point that the quills will swiftly rise all throughout the battlefield, piercing, stabbing, slicing, everything on the battlefield. Of course, because Scleria is in control of the quills it can exclude the user and even make clear paths for him to go through because Scleria has the ability to sense what's going on above the ground, similar to the hiding like a mole technique. This also helps to prevent the user from being pushed into any of the quills on accident. It can also help Scleria target the opponent even when he's extremely close to the user.
~Only lasts on the field for 4 turns
~Can only be used once
~No other S ranks in the turn its summoned
~No other porcupine summoning can be on the field at the same time
~All of its abilities count as moves and are A-Ranked (both the digging through the ground and the quill technique)
