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  1. BusinessManTeno

    Ninja World Conflict Resolution

    You used vile haze 3 times in total before that move and it takes a week to replenish one move. That move ain’t even go through. I can absorb up to S rank. Says it there in the move. Also he quoted 6 hours after not 8 hours.. so that quote is invalid.
  2. BusinessManTeno

    Ninja World Conflict Resolution

    Link to conflict: Reasoning: He attacked me for no reason. All I was doing was walking from another landmark into the portal. Nothing was said and didn’t even acknowledge nobody. Simply walked to the portal. He had no...
  3. BusinessManTeno

    Ninja World Conflict Resolution

    Link to Fight: Link to VM Conversation: Issue: He hit all his team members. Your Reasoning of the Issue: In his move he does a poison/rain technique that...
  4. BusinessManTeno

    Ninja World Conflict Resolution

    Instead of quotting and wanting to one shot. Try and enjoy the rp. My technique also says move the sides around two entities. If my partners are around me and urs around you, I can push the space around such. Your water technique implosion is forbidden rank. Not the creation. When the water...