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    How do I get my writing to reach a wider audience?

    Ever since I can remember, I have loved books and I have had this strong desire to be a writer. I just graduated from university where I majored in English Literature and I have been posting some of my stories/poems online on Facebook. The problem is that my audience is quite limited. In my...

    who would like to read original stories and poems

    i'm studying english lit in university, fourth year and i would really love to write like professionally. it is quite unfortunate that in my country, reading culture is very low, writing culture is worse. but that is not stopping me. i have been writing and looking for a platform to post my...

    i'm relentless (there is a free ipod shuffle involved) why Is it that good music gets ignored now days, please click the link and check out this band. They are pretty good but unfortunately, no one knows them. Their songs have been stuck in my head for weeks. And oh! Did I mention that you could win an iPod shuffle...

    check out this song

    Are there any music lovers out there? Does music do to you what it does to me? Modern music today has become less inspirational, less creative, less driven, and less good in a general term. (forgive my English.) but hope is not lost. There is still good music out there. Specifically two which...

    Review this song. Music lovers

    Hello there! So I released my first single not so long ago (yes!!! A musician on NB) and I'd like to know what people think. I'd like to hear reviews concerning it so that I'll know what improvements to make. I'm going to post the link and you can stream or download it for free. Don't be too...

    I need help please. Naruto Road

    Okay!!! So I have been trying all day to download Road to Ninja to no avail. Its either Indonisian or Korean sub which is so frustrating. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could download Road to Ninja 3gp format or any format for a mobile device. English Sub or Dub. Thank you

    [Discussion] Myths and Legends from around the world. Orature

    So I am having this test on Orature and we have to know a lot of Myths and Legends and I was wondering if you could tell me a few of the Myths you know or have heard of and where they originated. I'll share some that I've heard. I heared that there is a river in west Africa and the fishes there...

    How wonderful you have all been. Thank you.

    I am pretty sure some of you are going to ask "where is this coming from?" And "who the hell is this?" But this is truly from the heart. Last year, I was having some issues which made me very depressed and sad but I found Narutobase and I had so much fun. I made new friends and learnt new things...


    I am going to collage soon. Very soon. I was supposed to go last year but some complications arose. Now that I an finally going, I am scared. I am not really a peoples person and Highschool was hard for me. I really dont know what I should do?

    Collaborations never seen

    Nowadays is the music industry, there are alot of Collaborations. So tell me, what is the sickest collaboration you have ever seen or you can even make up sick collaborations of your own. Despite of time and Genre or even place. So tell me. Do it now. I was thinking of Aqua and Nicki Minaj.

    I do not care if Kakashi dies.

    The way the Manga is going, I am sure Kakashi will die Pretty soon. I know he is awesome and stuff. And extremely cool. I also know that he has a decent fan base. I dont mean to get anyone annoyed but this is a fact. I do not give a Floating Elephant if Kakashi dies, just as long as Kishimoto...

    wtf kakashi killed rin?

    and my title says it all. unbelievable

    hello my loves

    wow. its been a while. so who missed me?

    Who missed me?

    Hey! So I've not been on the Base for a while. No particular reason. I just wanted to give it a wee break. And I noticed that it has changed a bit. I know they will be lots of new people and most of you do not even know me. But heck, i'll ask anyway. Who missed me?

    I think I understand Sakura a little.

    A girl who is really in love with a guy is automatically blinded from all his faults. And as I always say true love is one sided. Being able to care fort someone who doesnt even know you exist. Loving the person without condition. I never really liked Sakura but I have come to understand that...

    Happy New Month NB

    The Title says it all. But you can post whatever you hope to achive in this new month, what you are looking foward to, your birthday, wedding, funeral... And i will wish you lots of luck.

    Ten Ten & Neji???

    Its quite obvious. But is it really? What is the probability that their relationship would work? Ten Ten has nothing going for her and Neji has been pushed back stage due to the massive power ups. So now if Tenji says "Hey, lets get together!" Do you think the relationship would work?

    Way to go!

    This thread is to thank everyone in NB for contributing in one way or the other in making it the best forum ever. I have been wanting to make this thread for a while now, the fear of what people will say has delayed me. This is simply and act of gratitude. I also thank the mods and V, the...

    What village would you eliminate?

    Let me put it like this. If you were the over all Kage over Narutoverse and you had to eliminate a village. That is a major village, for some particular reason, what village would it be. Let me rephrase my question. What village would Narutoverse be better off without and why?


    This tought just came to me. We all know that Naruto removed the seal in order to release Kurama and activate his current Biju Mood. I was wondering, just what if Kurama decides to go back on his word just after Naruto kills Tobi. I mean, there is nothing bounding him, and if he leaves, it would...