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  1. ahmadmaher

    iam amazed

    iam amazed that sasuke keep his cool when the second hokage called the uchiha clan by a cursed clan
  2. ahmadmaher

    it's confirmed naruto storm 3

    it's confirmed naruto storm 3 will have naruto vs kyuubi the game become interesting
  3. ahmadmaher


    after reading this chapter i dont know if there is any hope left for naruto and his group unless sasuke come and decided to fight side by side with naruto against madara and obito it will become naruto and sasuke vs madara and kakashi and guy vs obito
  4. ahmadmaher

    km naruto vs nagato vs here is the rulers naruto cant transform into bjiuu mode and has full information on all nagato technique nagato without his 6 path...
  5. ahmadmaher

    [Discussion] kabuto crying here in the page did anyone notice that kabuto was crying or it is just me just want to know
  6. ahmadmaher

    where is naruter chapter 584

    where is it any body know if so please tell me
  7. ahmadmaher

    sm naruto vs ms madara

    sm naruto vs ms madara naruto cant do km or bm because it is kurama powers madara cant do ems because it is his brother powers and of corse do have rinnegan because he took 1st hokage dna so km bm isnt naruto powers because he took it from kurama and madara dont have ems or rinnegan because it...
  8. ahmadmaher

    [Predictions] this what will happen in chapter582

  9. ahmadmaher

    sasuke, killerbee and naruto vs 5 kages

    Location: The Valley of the End Sasuke is at full power has Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan Killerbee is at full power and can use his 8tails BM unlimited Naruto is at full power and can use his 9tails BM unlimited Raikage is at full power and chakra. Tsunade is at full power and can use Byakugou...
  10. ahmadmaher

    why people keep hating and disliking naruto

    :shrug: why he is working very hard he is trying to destroy hatred and bring peace to the narutoverse and he don't give up on sasuke not like sakura and the leaf ninja did they keep underestimating him and when thread was creating about him getting the rinnegan all of you step forward and say no...
  11. ahmadmaher

    i am disappointed in nunsg naruto kyuubi chakra mode

    i am disappointed in naruto ultimate ninja storm generation naruto kyuubi chakra mode transformation he only have taijutsu no ninjutsu like a rassengan or rasen shuriken or tbb only taijutsu well watch this video to the end and you understand what i mean...
  12. ahmadmaher

    does sasuke deverse the rinnegan

    ok all of you are saying that sasuke will get the rinnegan of course sasuke fanboys will come and tell me are you crazy and other stuff but i don't care and i will say no he doesn't deserve the rinnegan don't forget that the rinnegan is an special eye made to guide the world to peace sasuke...
  13. ahmadmaher

    notice something

    i have notice something in these two episode that is related to tobi identity tobi is sasuke and itachi father because he wasnt in home at late time second he plan a attack on the hidden leaf village he know itachi past he always put an closer look to sasuke and save him from my dangerous...
  14. ahmadmaher

    sasuke in 4th ninja war

    when everyone of you saw sasuke standing in the battle field you all said that he is going to join tobi fight naruto well that is not what i am thinking when sasuke killed danzo tobi told him i going to give you an advice you should kill karin because she have information in us than sasuke said...
  15. ahmadmaher

    bjiuu or ems

    would you prefer have a tailed beasts power or ems and why
  16. ahmadmaher

    i am tried from the fanboy

    when sasuke or naruto get the power up they always make thread like naruto become stronger than sasuke or sasuke become stronger than naruto it make me mad :mad: they are equal ok so stop this useless thread
  17. ahmadmaher

    What is the most sadest moment

    What is the most sadest moment in all anime you saw that make you cry my when ace die in front of luffy
  18. ahmadmaher

    will kakashi get the ems

    kakashi is one of many favorite character but i didnt know why kishi dont want to give him a power up every time he fight and uses his ms after he used it he cant move and fight it make me mad would you want for kakashi to get his ems
  19. ahmadmaher

    i hate the third hokage

    because first of all he didnt tell naruto and the world who his parent was the only were kakashi and Jiraiya tsunade and orochimaru and the kage and they didnt tell him also they keep his parent a secret from him second danzo is the one that order the uchiha extermination but he didnt stop...
  20. ahmadmaher

    which one would win from the both team

    team number one naruto km and sasuke ems team number two tobi Rinnegan and madara Rinnegan at the valley of the end :confused: