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  1. Z

    Fairy Tail

    Just wanna say thanks to the guys/girls who recommended Fairy Tail to me. I cant remember who you are but thanks. Also anyone who hasn't read it. you should it is awesome
  2. Z

    anyone read walking dead comics?

    anyone read the walking dead comics. i got upto hundred and have to say it is AWESOME
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    [Discussion] obito would have been one of the strongest uchiha!

    I think obito wouldv'e been one of the strongest uchiha. I think S/T is prob the best technique. also i think each eye has a different use. tobi eye: short range atack/ defense kakashi eye: long range atack/defense p.s: i refuse to accept tobi is obito. it will make a mockery of kakashi...
  4. Z

    best three manga for me and also reccomend me some

    these are the only mangas i have read, hear are my ops. one piece: great character developement and also very funny bleach: epic battles naruto: intelligent fighting can you also reccomend me some. doesnt need to be about fighting. as long as its good. thanks
  5. Z

    kotoamatsukami is not 1 shot kill!!!!

    shisui's KA is not 1 shot kill. it manipulates the user w/o you knowing. if it makes you kill yourself you will know you are in genjutsu. danzou used on mifune into picking him used on itachi to help him save the village
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    [Discussion] Danzou use kotoamatsukami on Itachi!!!!

    I reckon danzou used kotoamatsukami on itachi to make him kill the clan as all this was his idea. he said itachi should destroy the clan to save his brother!!!
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    [Discussion] One shot kill

    There have been alot of discussions about ninja abilities. I just want to know which one you hear as a counter that makes you cringe. mine is...
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    [Discussion] who can muu lose to?????

    there have been a few threads about muu. his jinton, invisibilty, splitting and sensing ability, fly.... people seem to be over-rating him like he is invincible. so who can he lose to???? every answer is you cant see him, he can fly away etc... if he was so good, y is he dead????
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    say something stupid...

    say something stipid...
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    who do you hate more... justin bieber or twilight movies

    quite simple really...
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    Only person who can defeat so6p...

    Chuck norris
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    [Discussion] when did madara die and when did tobi takeover?

    title explains it all. facts: madara knew about nagato so he was alive then. no other information on time line. 1a. died shortly after nagato given rinnegan 1b. died after jiraiya training of nagato 2. died after fight with minato 3. died after uchiha masacre
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    kakashi & guy vs pein

    kakashi and guy can now counter all of pein's ability as shown in the manga. this means that they can now defeat pein...
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    smartest ninja

    i thinks its between these two . . . hatake kakashi; three elements, mastered sharingan to awaken mankegyo 4th hokage: creater of awesome tech, ftg, demon seal, resengan
  15. Z

    naruto's koto amatsukami

    naruto has been entrusted with the greatest genjustu technique, sought after by madara and kabuto. i think he will learn to activate it as you need the chakra of hashirama to activate it mentioned by itachi. i think the demon fox may have some of the chakra when he was control the the hashirama.
  16. Z

    sharingan counter or sharingan technique?

    i think the crow itachi gave is either a sharingan counter or sharingan technique. i dont think it will be a sharingan eye technique we have already seen like susanoo', ameterasu etc..
  17. Z

    konichiwa hello
