Search results

  1. Suki1

    Ever Bought Something That Actually Didn't Do What They Claimed?

    I'm just lazy to do my homework, so yeah xd. Did you ever buy something because of an advertisement but it didn't actually do what they really claimed to do? Like if you bought this washing liquid that actually didn't clean ALL of yoru stains. Tell your stories here. It doesn't have to be YOUR...
  2. Suki1

    Searching Characters For Fanfiction!

    This was made out of boredom. So me and Carlie are gonna try to make a fanfiction and it's going to be called World of NB kinda like World of Warcraft but NB Style :D BUT!!! For this epic idea to happen we need characters and approvals! So we need your class and whether your going to be an...
  3. Suki1

    What was the lamest fight you ever seen?

    [COLOR="Purple"]So what was the stupidest fight you ever seen O_O it can be physical or just an arguement and describe it please xD This is mine its actually taped by someone in my school and on youtube O^O
  4. Suki1

    Konoha Court House

    Sueing is awesome that's why we have this place U_U we'll take the craziest cases and judges and lawyers needed :D
  5. Suki1

    Su's and Carlie's Cafe

    Hello people to the opening of our new Cafe :p, We have different types of coffee,donuts and other pastries so enjoy! We need some more employees ^_^' so if you wanna work here tell us. >.> We did not copy Starbucks :overjoy:
  6. Suki1

    Not Again...

    Dare again :p
  7. Suki1

    Obama Shirtless Stir

    Well I dont really care much about this but the media seem too O.o I saw this on Yahoo this is a pic of him in his vacation in Hawaii XD yea Im bored enough to do this
  8. Suki1


    Blondie annouced that she is studying for the finals and will not be on until her internet connection is fixed which will be soon
  9. Suki1

    Vampire Knight RP

    Vampire Knight RP :kiss::kiss::kiss: Join if you like and post what character you like to be it can be custom or from the actual show *Note* If it is custom please fill out this form Name: Race: Gender: Ablilities: Looks: Peronality: Please be fair about...
  10. Suki1


    Welcome to Walmart ^_____^ I hope you'll find what you need also we're hiring if you wanna work here O_O lol:D
  11. Suki1

    Vampire Knight

    erm....have u guys read or watched this anime its great!! :D
  12. Suki1


    okey since i hav nothing to do yea so a party lol food and drinks r provided and someone needs to die by the end of this party lol O_O:p
  13. Suki1


    im the shortest person on nb -_-
  14. Suki1

    Konoha Bank

    O_O i just randomly thought to set this up XD >_> store ur money here if u wanna loan return money back in 2 weeks :D or ill send towelie after u O_O -suspenseful music-
  15. Suki1

    Funniest person on nb

    O_O dundundun lol any nominations b4 i set up poll :p
  16. Suki1

    Sasukes B-day Party

    O_O.................PARTY!!!! lol
  17. Suki1

    Hellbadass trains pixy

    O_O okey its up :p
  18. Suki1

    Elias trains Pixy

    okey its up wow i havent trained in a while...
  19. Suki1

    Rag vs. Pixy

    O_O........okey raggy bunny its up :p
  20. Suki1

    O_O The Blackout

    O_O yesh we dun hav any light we r in haunted house yea dun blame me if u see a ghost:p