Search results

  1. BishamonSama

    [Application] Bishamon Pirate Crew!

    My application thread is different because it has an exclamation point! Join us if you want to destroy stuff, pillage things, and make other people's lives really annoying! >:} Our main goal is to take Fleet Admiral Xylon prisoner and superglue a tutu onto him. I think we'll be able to...
  2. BishamonSama

    Pervy and Bishamon vs. ???

    *I stand in the middle of a forest clearing with a small stream wearing a tattered white robe with a Halberd and the Enma staff on my back. I wear a rusted helmet on my head. I press an FTG destination seal into the ground beneath my feet.* [Minato Bio] All out 2v2 fight. Standard rules, all...
  3. BishamonSama

    Pervy teaches Bisha

    *stands in the center of the training ground wearing a Gai jumpsuit* All right, let's get this started! >:O
  4. BishamonSama

    Challenge to an Interesting Fight

    Anyone up for a bit of an interesting fight? Standard rules and all, except for one thing: no Elemental Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. Weapons cannot be charged with elemental chakra, but can be charged with raw chakra (like the Samurai). Everything else, including CJ's (assuming you have some not...
  5. BishamonSama

    Bleach: The Lost Order Episode 10

    The standard canon Captains of Bleach have betrayed their comrades, the NarutoBase Captains, by planning to invade and take over the Human World! The NarutoBase Captains, joining forces with the Hollows, have returned to Soul Society, attacking the invasion force of the canon Captains head-on...
  6. BishamonSama

    Bleach: The Lost Order -Return Preview-

    LAST TIME, ON BLEACH: THE LOST ORDER!! (This is a highly shortened version of the previous chapter, chapter 9.) (Chapter 9 can be read here: ) (Read the others, if you like what you see)...
  7. BishamonSama

    [Approved] Minato Namikaze Biography

    Basic Information Name: Minato Namikaze Nickname: Konoha's Yellow Flash, The Harbor's Waves and Wind Gender: Male Age: 23 Clan: None. (Closely affiliated with the Uzumaki clan) Looks: Minato is a tall, fair-skinned man with bright blue eyes and spiky blond hair. He has jaw-length bangs...
  8. BishamonSama

    Any other Vonnegut fans out there?

    I first started reading the works of Kurt Vonnegut in I believe eighth grade, and immediately fell in love with everything I read of his. Then, suddenly, I stopped reading his stuff, and I'm not quite sure why. Now, quite a few years later, I've started to read his stuff again - I started...
  9. BishamonSama

    Nexus and Bishamon FINALLY tie the knot

    *is standing at the end of a Vegas chapel in a cheap tuxedo that's way too small, holding a plastic ring. Polyphonic wedding music is playing over a single staticy speaker* Come on, my wookie beast thing. O_O!
  10. BishamonSama

    Allow Daimyos to fight without being attacked

    The Village System is stagnating. People are giving up hope. Konoha was literally blown to pieces in a 10-page fight. The strong members and leaders of the villages have largely left the villages to join the Swordsmen of the Mist or Akatsuki. The villages need strong leaders who are...
  11. BishamonSama

    Hey again

    Hey, I'm back. I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, but I'd just like to let all who find the information relevant know that I'll be (hopefully) significantly more active in the coming months. ^_^ I'm looking forward to some more good times.
  12. BishamonSama


    Recently, I've been listening to a lot of music by the alternative rock / indie rock group, "Guster". So far, I've only met two people in real life who have actually heard of them, and I was wondering if anyone on NB has heard of them. I really like their music, and I suggest you check them...
  13. BishamonSama

    Hey again

    Hi. O_O I've got a bit of time over the next two weeks, so I've decided to spend some of it here. ^^ Perhaps I'll be a bit more active for longer than two weeks - no promises, though. For personal reasons, I've left Iwagakure, and I'm offering my services as a mercenary to whomever wants them...
  14. BishamonSama

    I'm sorry.

    Yeah... You've all probably guessed this, but I'm giving you all closure with this thread. I no longer have enough time to be active on NB. I've tried to make time, and I've tried to tell myself, "Just give it a little while - you'll be able to make time eventually." But I can't. That's the...
  15. BishamonSama

    Roleplay "Databook"

    Naruto databooks are released every once in a while. I believe three have been released so far. In addition to other things, these data books contain interesting information about the Naruto characters. (They also include battle statistics, but I'm not suggesting we incorporate those into the...
  16. BishamonSama

    Update some of the RP forum section descriptions?

    When you look at NB's forum from the main page, you can see little descriptions beneath the names of the forum section. For instance, under the "Announcements" section, you see "Here you'll find the announcements and updates about" Some of the descriptions - like that one -...
  17. BishamonSama

    If you had to meet one person from NB in real life, who would it be?

    Just like the title says. If you had to meet one person from NB in your real life, who would you like to meet, and why? I'd probably want to meet... Nexus xd Just because I want to know more about who he actually is -_O xd [/spoiler] EDIT: Rei doesn't count! xd Thanks, Astral xd
  18. BishamonSama


    I first learned about this game from SeaNanners. For those of you who don't know about SeaNanners, he's a YouTuber who uploads videos about various videogames. He's awesome O^O Anyway, Minecraft is even more awesome!! It's very difficult to describe... But it's a game about building blocks...
  19. BishamonSama

    Share a random piece of personal information! xD

    Some people (like me :p) don't want to give out "important" personal information like my age or, I dunno... phone number xd So instead, this thread is where you share one piece of random, insignificant "personal information" with each post you make ^_^ I'll start. I'm six feet tall. O_O
  20. BishamonSama

    Bishamon teaches Jinbei Osprey Summoning

    *standing on the top of a large cliff, waiting for Jinbei*