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  1. J

    [Spoilers] A possibly overlooked detail

    I don't know if this was obvious or was already discussed, but a few friends of mine didn't notice this, so I thought I'd share. Madara's arrogance will be his undoing. Obito didn't fail rip off more than a piece of the ichibi and hachibi, that was his plan. Naruto was short those 2 chakras...
  2. J

    [Predictions] Near the end... or are we?

    It looks like things are near the climax with Hinata and Naruto together powering up! But... Looking back at previous chapters, Chapter 613 page 6, Madara asks "don't you want to show how powerful the Juubi is in this state?" I find this wording interesting... he doesn't ask how strong the...
  3. J

    Jagat has arrived!

    Yes, I have arrived and here to stay! Don't know who I am? You will in time!