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  1. Voltron


    Should gay men be allowed to have abortions? This came up in my speech class today....
  2. Voltron

    First female Uchiha with Sharingan

    Today's Anime 338 marked the first time that a Female Uchiha was actually shown with the sharingan. Props to Kishi for ending the reign of sexism that lasted for many years.
  3. Voltron

    Couple of Avys......

    Just some loose ends.......
  4. Voltron

    Hug someone

    Give someone in this thread a hug...... and post I can't give myself a hug.... so...... I'll hug you all.....
  5. Voltron

    New premium avys

    Here we go! Haven't done this in a while. Some of the avys I made recently. Alternates: As one of my friends said: "praise is welcome, but constructive criticism allows one to recognize mistakes and improve"
  6. Voltron

    Stuff to do on NB for giggles

    for giggles....... 1. go to your vms...... 2. replace one of your conversations.... 3. like this ---> (so that both numbers are your member number..... 4. see if you talk to yourself.... :| 1. go to someone's profile 2...
  7. Voltron

    Need help with Pokemon

    Well, I need help in Pokemon. xD not beating the game or anything like that...... I am developing a rom hack.... for those that don't know, I take a regular pokemon game and mod it to my liking. For example, I am using a base Fire Red game.... Here is some stuff I have done.... Running...
  8. Voltron

    Kakashi Gaiden AMV

    Song: Never Too Late by Three Days Grace ***I didn't make this**** I honestly don't know how this doesn't have more views.... NftQzptfqVY
  9. Voltron

    Your power of resurrection

    You have now gained the ability to resurrect one person who is dead!! Who would you resurrect and why? **Restriction: person you resurrect will stay alive for at least 1 year!!!*** And please don't say: Person: Hitler Reason: so I could kill him again.... :sy:
  10. Voltron

    A Tag attempt

    My first tag..... tell me what you think! I feel the left side is empty...... CNC is welcome!!! Hopefully I will get better =D
  11. Voltron

    Avatar comparison

    Ok.... which one looks better???? The only difference is the lights in the second... *my thanks go to Skorm-sensei who gave me advice on the avy..... :skorm: Off Topic: another crap avy I made yesterday.... U_U
  12. Voltron

    [Theory] Madara's chakra sensing skills

    Hello fellow members and guests... While I was reading chapter 628 this morning, I came across something I thought was odd. While this might not seem odd, Madara seems to be an offensive type ninja rather than a sensory type ninja, much like Sasuke. And remember that Sasuke had to bring a...
  13. Voltron

    What I got out of today's chapter

    Well, so I had the expectations of a long chapter.... 23 pages doesn't qualify as long enough in my opinion.....:devil: So, I had to find something to get out of it......... Now, off to color the badass face of madara!! :scorps:
  14. Voltron

    [Photoshop] Avy I made

    An Avy I made last night...... First one I made of it's kind (using Fractals, C4d's and lots of effects) V1: V2: CnC is welcome.... Please!!! :bouncy: EDIT: Version 2 up!!!! :rei:
  15. Voltron

    what to do if you feel lazy

    watch this video..... and remember that you move faster than sloths....
  16. Voltron

    [Suggestion] Report button change

    No, I don't want it taken away..... -__- my suggestion is to make it more like the rep button. ie: where a little box pops up, you type in a message, and send the report off^^ I feel that although taking you to a new page is useful, it does have it's limitations. For example, there really...
  17. Voltron

    Real life Naruto (diet wise)

    Holy hell..... Ramen-style noodles, a staple in the pantry of broke college students, has been the mainstay of one teenager's diet for the past 13 years, according to an article in the New York Daily News...
  18. Voltron

    [Technical Issue] Advertisement at bottom of page??

    Is it just me, or is there an advertisement at the bottom of every page?? below the "all times are ..... gmt... etc? It's happening on my ipad and computer.... :( or am i just an idiot with a virus? XD EDIT: I'm not alone!! check the bottom of this page and post what server you are...
  19. Voltron

    FUB Used Manga Pages

    FUB Used Manga Pages I made this thread to document which manga pages are used in the Fill up the Bubble contest, just so that nobody suggests a page that was already used or uses a page that was used (while doing a "choose your own page contest") Discussion is here...
  20. Voltron

    Blazing souls accelate

    So blazing souls accelate came out recently for the iOS system.... It came out several months ago for the android system.... And it came out in 2010 for the psp.... Has anyone played this game before?? Does anyone know how to beat it?? I spent 45 hours playing it, only to get the bad...