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  1. Hikakuu Yondaimesama

    Hanzou = Danzou?

    So he made Hanzou a wanderer, and Hanzou became Danzou? Or is Danzou really a Konoha ninja from the past..? Is there anyone with more info?
  2. Hikakuu Yondaimesama

    Music in the end of Naruto episode 160

    What is the name or where can i download the music thats played in the end of episode 160? It's just beautiful! Such harmony :) and the friendly atmosphere the guys are creating ^.^ :naruto: :hinata: :kiba: Does anyone know it's name? Naruto Episode 160 Tailedfox it starts at 19:15
  3. Hikakuu Yondaimesama

    Music in the end of episode 160

    What is the name or where can i download the music thats played in the end of episode 160? It's just beautiful! Such harmony :) and the friendly atmosphere the guys are creating ^.^ :naruto: :hinata: :kiba: Does anyone know it's name? Naruto Episode 160 Tailedfox it starts at 19:15