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  1. W

    Since the first chapter naruto> sauce.

    just like hashirama, naruto never wanted to fight sasuke to the death, he never wanted to kill sasuke. and that led to his downfall in part 1. sasuke stabbed naruto with his chidori in part 1 he was always trying to kill him off. he pussied out at the last minute in part 1 tho but regardless. I...
  2. W

    Fist party prologue chapter(18 pages)

    [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
  3. W

    why cant i sent messeges andreply.

    i cannot reply to messeges please help I first wanted to confirm his knowledge of the historical evidence and validity of the bible as a historical text. and then its scientifically sound ideas.
  4. W

    The destruction and infiltration of them all(page 17,18,19)

    asspull if they do not get pwned. random parts from chapter 1
  5. W

    chapter 1 the scourges

    is this too violent?(cover) first couple pages, he has like 5 chapters done. I know its very sloppy he needs to download a manga program or something.
  6. W

    considering reading my brothers manga?

    its a pretty interesting story, he isnt sure how to get serialized or anything for that matter lol yes this was the hacking link lol this was all i was trying to post.
  7. W

    madara is not impressed.

    the main reason why madara never realy recognized sasuke is because having ems and susano probly isn't a big deal to madara. In madaras time the uchiha clan was most likely very powerful before the eaf alliance.(we know in the manga it shows that the older the generation, the stronger. Naruto...
  8. W

    sasuke fans should be crying

    Why are sasuke fans happy that he got a curse seal powerup... the only reason why he could so casualy grab some jugo sage shit is because he has the kyubi chakra. If you remember how sage mode works, it makes sense since kishi makes all sasukes accomplishments due to someone handing him...
  9. W

    what happened to the senju?

    to be honest i think this is the biggest plot whole in naruto. i see a flashback of the whole senju clan and the whole uchiha clan.... uchiha clan gets owned... theres tsunade.....and...well anway nice one kishi.
  10. W

    hypocrites in naruto..

    when i was watching 3rd hokage talking about family when fighting oro its funny how cold he was to naruto. I was then watching episode 257 how cold the 3rd was to naruto... his teachers told him to protect and cherish the next generation... i can understand tsuande and jiraya not being there but...
  11. W

    the truth about madara vs hashirama

    I'm going to begin by saying that i dont believe that current madara is able to be compared to hashirama, this thread is about hashirama vs madara... did madara simply let hashi win? or was it because he coudnt actualy beat hashi.... First off i wanna say weve seen alot of hashirama's...
  12. W

    double episode a let down?

    seriously the preview of these episodes totaly made me think it would be about naruto? ends up being some random bullshit about a cloud shinobi, you know hes not gonna die seriously was hoping on some perspective of how the cloud and others see naruto as the leafs hero... didnt expect two...
  13. W

    abit confused(sot6p)

    So in the kabuto vs itachi and sasuke fight i noticed he says he was the closest to being the hermit sage or something like that... also in the latest chapter obito called nagato the 3rd hermit sage... hermit? what does this actualy mean?does hermit mean sage?thats a strange translation if you...
  14. W

    to all the fanboys that are hating on kabuto

    well for one i gotta say kabuto is not a side character, hes a main villain and has been around since the first episodes. for some reason people are saying since oro took his chakra from kabuto that means he cant use sage mode? that is completely stupid, if oro comes back to life of course he...