Recent content by Yo pappy

  1. Yo pappy

    Gohan Frieza Saga vs Vegeta Saiyan Saga

    I don't see Gohan winning this at all.
  2. Yo pappy

    Who would be able to defeat this godly team?

    Sakura, Tenten, Tsunade, and Ino.
  3. Yo pappy

    Brutal road rage incident in Russia

    View at your own discretion.
  4. Yo pappy

    How is Sakura useless?

    It's not that she's useless, it's that compared to the other two main characters she's infinitely shittier.
  5. Yo pappy

    Green Ranger's NB persona

    Had some extra time around the command center today.
  6. Yo pappy

    Green Ranger Bio

    "Remember what we learned? To those who posses the great power, all things are possible!" - Basic Information - Name: Tommy Oliver Nickname: Green Ranger Gender: Male Age: 20 Clan: MMPR Height: 5'11" Weight: 214 lb Birthday: September 4th Eyes: Brown Hair: Black...
  7. Yo pappy

    Best dancer ever?

    Hello NB residents! Green Ranger here. I was just chillin' around the Command Center today playing Uno when me and a couple of other Rangers got into the discussion about dancing, and who are some of our favorites. Some of them said Michael Jackson was the best, and others mentioned members from...
  8. Yo pappy

    Manga Recommendation

    As some of you know (and for those who don't) I read a lot of manga, but a good number of them tend to be Seinen which for many of the members here isn't the most applicable of genres, and understandably so. Fortunately, I came across a manga not too long ago by the name of Bullet Armors which...
  9. Yo pappy

    Couple of drawings

    Haven't drawn in a long time, and I've decided to try and get back in the swing of things. Truth be told I'm my worst critic, and I hate all of these, but I figure some of you still might enjoy em'. Apologies in advance for the horrid picture quality, mah phone sucks. (random drawing)...
  10. Yo pappy

    [Question] Narutobase Debate Tournament

    First off I'd like to say that I don't normally do these kinds of things, but in this instance I can't help but to address the issue. As many of you know there was recently a Narutobase Debate Tournament going on in the versus section. This was a collective effort of over 40 members to do...
  11. Yo pappy

    Are Garra and Sasori Uzumaki?

    No, no, no. That was so not the point I was trying to make. lol I was just trying to prove that the reason she was able to use the chakra chains was not because she had chakra left over after the extraction, but because she was able to rest in between. In other words, during the extraction she...
  12. Yo pappy

    Are Garra and Sasori Uzumaki?

    He could potentially be part Uzumaki, but not a full blooded one. The requirements to be considered an Uzumaki as provided by the manga are in direct conflict with the information that has been provided throughout Gaaras story. It's just that simple. On a side note, your points are flat out...
  13. Yo pappy

    Are Garra and Sasori Uzumaki?

    wtf... you have got to be joking. Yes, you do not need red hair to be able to contain a Tailed Beast, both Killer Bee, and Naruto are proof of this. There is no arguing that point, but you do need to have red hair to be considered an Uzumaki, at least a full one anyway. It is a clan trait as...
  14. Yo pappy

    Are Garra and Sasori Uzumaki?

    You didn't debunk anything seeing as Kushina was in an arguably equal circumstance. Not to mention the method as to which Kurama was extracted from her was vastly different, and potentially worse than the one used on Gaara.
  15. Yo pappy

    Are Garra and Sasori Uzumaki?

    No. There's a difference between auburn, and red. Gaaras father has auburn (reddish-brownish) hair, Karin has red.