Recent content by Soraton

  1. Soraton

    [空] Eiichiro Oda-sensei-sama-dono!

    Yesh, tis' the mighty creator of One Piece. Behold his glory! And yes, the drawing is kinda crappy, but I've been saying this a lot and its really true, its cuz of the crappy quality of the photo! >>>>
  2. Soraton

    [空] Monkey.D.Luffy [Naruto Style]

    I was planning on posting this as a colored pic but my drawing tablet seems to have gone on strike...Genius tablets are absolute rubbish...:rage:
  3. Soraton

    [空] Wolf! The Final Rawr!

    Finally finished this sunnovagun. A long-ass pain to do but its finally done...and its beautiful!
  4. Soraton


  5. Soraton

    Full Moon Hunter

    I know....I messed up on the eye size and positioning...I hate myself....
  6. Soraton

    Funny As Hell Japanese Game Show why I friggin' love the Japanese...only if every nation were like them. The fun begins at 00:00 =D Even if you can't understand what the hell it is they're saying, it's still some funny shizzle. [YOUTUBE_WS]ZQylwd-I7dA[/YOUTUBE_WS] [YOUTUBE_WS]1iejZCub4Qk[/YOUTUBE_WS]
  7. Soraton

    Baldness is Scary...

    Random title for a random drawing...
  8. Soraton


    Just a basic sketch I did in like fifteen minutes out of boredom...:sweat: Comment nicely...
  9. Soraton

    [Adventure] Bloodline - Chapter 2 - A Rise From the Ashes

    Next chapter will be where it's at. I'll be explaining a lot, including Saga's current situation, what happened to the Yamato, maybe a bit of Bala's background and his relationship with Uzu and Katachi. This chapter was actually meant to be a bit larger but I felt that its too big as it is...
  10. Soraton

    Interactive Fiction....

    Long story short, I'm writing a manga-esque novel, perhaps you've read it? I plan on introducing people from NB as characters in my story and was wondering if anyone would like to sign up? I already have two compadre's I plan on introducing as characters and am looking for three more? Anyone...
  11. Soraton

    Places Where You Think Best?

    It might sound cliched but I think up the best ideas for my stories when I'm in the idea why, but that's how it works. What about you guys, where's your 'inspirational zone'?
  12. Soraton

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday Juju-chwan! For a fellow NB'er who loves pie almost as much as I do......almost. =D
  13. Soraton

    Motivational Songs To Pump Up Your Writing?

    Well, I've found that listening to awesome songs while writing or drawing often tends to dramatically improve the quality of your work and so I was wondering if anyone else did this, and if so, what are your motivational songs?
  14. Soraton

    Pride and Nobility

    The stag, among the most awesomest (is that a word?) creatures on the planet....and a friggin' hard animal to draw...Done using nothing more than a regular HB pencil and an eraser.
  15. Soraton

    [Adventure] Bloodline - Chapter 1 - A Bitter End

    Yo! Sora-sama here. I'd like to welcome you all to my super fabulous fic, please read, review and...well...enjoy! So, without further adieu, I present, Bloodline Chapter One. Chapter List! (-0-v-0-) Knowledge, some call it the true source of power, and in many cases that might be true...