Recent content by Rainbow

  1. Rainbow


    Do you guys have tumblr? What's your url?
  2. Rainbow

    Istanbul you are not alone

    Idk of you are watching our censored news but as far as I know Istanbul riot is getting pretty bad. It all started as peaceful protest against building a mall at city's only park. And it turned into this: I am disgust by their police and government. People of...
  3. Rainbow


    Does anyone here like to longboard or skateboard? What board do you have/want? What's your style?
  4. Rainbow

    Photos in motion

    that picture with a man reading newspapers is just awesome! =D
  5. Rainbow

    Photos in motion

    A young New York photographer Jamie Beck in collaboration with web designer Kevin Burgo has created a beautiful series of animated photographs called "Cinemagraphics". The unique way in which the artist creates images, it has earned her fame. Her photos are more than just photos, but can not be...
  6. Rainbow

    Polish President's Plane Crashed

    Re: Polish Presiden't Plane Crashed i saw it on the news :|
  7. Rainbow

    A 15 year old girl sold her 7 year old sister to get gang raped!?

    what the hell is wrong with this world
  8. Rainbow

    yays euphoria =D

    so its finally spring :overjoy: :overjoy: :overjoy: :p lol
  9. Rainbow

    why are you coming back?

    so.... i noticed some old members left NB and they came back after a while.. so i was thinking.. i havent been on much lately, i was too busy, but what keeps you guys coming back every day, or months after you left.... ? and why have you left in first place?
  10. Rainbow

    funny b-day song my sis was looking for some funny b-day song on youtube for her friend's b-day, and look what she found :D YouTube - corgis singing happy birthday i watched it 8 times and i was still laughing xd
  11. Rainbow

    The Reverend...Died T_T

    such a shame :| really sorry to hear that
  12. Rainbow

    What do you think? Is anime a bad influence?

    :p i see your point, but kids wouldn't watch anime with girls like the one on my avatar, so if they would it may be their parent's problem, not anime's cause kid's parent's should know what are they doing so no, i don't think anime is a bad influence
  13. Rainbow

    E. A. Poe

    i was talking to a friend about Poe's work yesterday and saw we have different opinion about his novels. so i think he is very good to discus about cause not everyone likes gothic romans. me think he is awesome and i like him cause of him morbid ideas, and some people think he lack hope.. my...