Recent content by Naruto 142

  1. Naruto 142

    Can some body answe me one question plz!!!

    Where is Boruto in this story? It was a story of Boruto too, right!?!?!?!? :dunno:
  2. Naruto 142

    Where can I watch Naruto Shippuden Movie 7: The Last english dubbed

    I posted it for other viewers too and when dubbed version will be released, it will on that page too! and the link i have given is working fine for me; you can check the following link too, may be that will work...
  3. Naruto 142

    Where can I watch Naruto Shippuden Movie 7: The Last english dubbed
  4. Naruto 142

    The Last: Naruto the Movie

    Didn't liked the movie at all ....... SO MUCH ALIENS STUFF! its no good waiting for blue ray version :(
  5. Naruto 142

    Do u find it weird & funny.....

    when sometimes, NV characters use their powers by saying them they are announcing it XD can't they use it silently? or just by thinking about it in their heads XD what are your thoughts ????
  6. Naruto 142

    sasuke has become naruto version 2

    I thought only naruto was an idiot xd, but now i think sasuke has become like him too xd I mean, how could he even predict a little girl as a friend of shin and point his sword at her when she looked exausted too Why kishi made him this way? Why??? Do u guys liked what sasuke did??? Especially...
  7. Naruto 142

    Who is slowest?

    ...... Every body talks about whos fastest now lets see whos slowest !?!?!? My vote goes to Kakashi cuz he is always late XD
  8. Naruto 142

    [Discussion] now what do u think who is the hooded figure?

    I hope its not oruchimaru if it really is, what has he done to himself...
  9. Naruto 142

    [Discussion] Who's ice magic is most beautiful...?

    Is it grey from FT???? or any other character from an another series??? First: i thought grey's ice magic is most beautiful but after watching "Frozen - (movie)" recently i changed my mind....*_* 2nd question? who do u prefer should use ice magic? a boy or a girl???
  10. Naruto 142

    the qualities of your favorite are....!

    Write only those specific qualities / charcteristics of your favorite from NV, that you think if u imply them in your real life they will help you greatly....
  11. Naruto 142

    Naruto VS Sasuke (only poll)

    ^^^ Just want to see who is more papular now-a-days ^^^
  12. Naruto 142

    [Question] Whats going on with NB lol

    first where is latest naruto chap discussion thread? And when i found it somehow its showing replies from different threads from different users in it xd
  13. Naruto 142

    [Discussion] Fairy tail - Blue Mistral - Wendal's adventures

    That was really funny chapter lol ; wendy is looking really cute xd. If you haven't read it yet; here is the link :)
  14. Naruto 142

    What is the meaning of "Gaiden" ?

    =D ^^^^^^^^^^^ =D