Recent content by Moonbird

  1. Moonbird

    [Discussion] Favourite One Piece fights

    Which One Piece fights made you the most hyped, had you emotionally involved, laugh most or what fight did you just enjoy the most plus why? Here's three fights I really liked for different reasons. Usopp vs. Perona This fight was very fun and inventive, after the entire arch where Usopp had...
  2. Moonbird

    [Spoilers] Oh god Usopp.

    TROLOLOLOLO! I litterately spewed out my coffee and laughed out-loud when it was announced that Usopp now has a 5 mio Berri price on his head.... Dudes, 5 mio Berries! That's more than Eustace Kids bountie! I know it's not an official bounty or any-thing, but it's the highest price we...
  3. Moonbird

    [Discussion] What jokes didn't work

    A big part of One Piece is that it's a comedy and it's mostly hillarious. If you ask me, 90% of Odas jokes, works! Which is an impressive feet indeed. But with such a long running series, it's been 15 years now and over 700 chapters.. what jokes just fell flat and plainly just didn't work...
  4. Moonbird

    [Question] Usopp's way easier option

    So, Usopp lost.. horrible.. against Sugar and Trebol.. mostly Trebol. Not really to surprising when he went up loudly against Trebol like that. But.. here's my question. Am I the only one noticing that Usopp actually had a way easier and way less painfull option readily available to him...