Recent content by LeEvilTongue

  1. LeEvilTongue

    [Question] How much longer?

    Not to sound like a total ***** (though I probably will), but how long can it take to translate Japanese to English? I mean, if I had to translate something from my native language to English, it would be done in no time.. (A few grammar errors, but still)
  2. LeEvilTongue

    [Discussion] Interesting trivia regarding Fujitora and Doflamingo

    Do you remember back when Rayleigh fought Kizaru? At one point Kizaru tried to move past him to attack the SH crew but was stopped by Rayleigh. The fight was a pun/reference to the phenomenon "Rayleigh scattering": It seems that Oda has done...
  3. LeEvilTongue

    Orochimaru runied?

    Do any of you honestly believe he is interested in being sucked into the eternal tsuki?
  4. LeEvilTongue

    Either way If looks could kill Tobirama kicks everyone's @$$

    YES! And his haters can go **** themselves...
  5. LeEvilTongue

    Izuna and Madara weren't equal

    Didn't know Hashirama wants to be the new Don Corleone XD
  6. LeEvilTongue

    Itachi fans' new "Trend"

    When did it become "Cool" for Itachi fans to say "Butthurt" ? :shrug:
  7. LeEvilTongue

    Done with Kabuto

    Lolwut? He will always be the guy who made Itachi look like a bitch
  8. LeEvilTongue

    Isit safe to say the Timeline is ******

    Ive read the chapter aaaaaaand I dont know that you are talking about.
  9. LeEvilTongue

    Why Can Itachi Solo Anyone

    NB these days........
  10. LeEvilTongue

    is 2th Mizukage and Hidan similar ????

    HAHA I think so to. xd
  11. LeEvilTongue

    Our President DID it!!!!!

    This is great news (for the poor in America). BTW you americans are pretty paranoid when it comes to the whole "freedom" concept. Many call Obama a socialist but believe me, he is not. In my country he would be seen as a right-winger. Besides how can you jugde socialism? You've never tried it.
  12. LeEvilTongue

    Who can counter Nidaime Mizukage's Clam Illusion?

    As far as I understood, the Illusion activates when the clam releases steam from it's siphons. Anyone who sees/comes in contact with this steam is caught. The only way to end the Illusion is to destroy the clam, but since the clam itself is hiding in the Illusion and normal sensor abilities...
  13. LeEvilTongue

    who is kagami?

    So far he is just an Uchiha with a name. Some thinks he is Tobi but you shouldn't speculate too much into this, as some also believe Tobi to be Sasuke from the future :S
  14. LeEvilTongue

    Kinkaku & Ginkaku vs Third Raikage

    Well they will each hit the anime this week. Who will win? KinGin or Third Raikage. Restrictions: Not ET. The brothers can use the Rikudo tools. :) I personally think the brothers has a fair chance due to their sealing tools. Thoughts?
  15. LeEvilTongue

    Kabuto hasnt proven himself to be strong yet

    This thread is a fail and "yuan of cruxis" is either the greatest troll ever or just a blistering idiot!!!