Recent content by Gerkak

  1. Gerkak

    Vegata’s new God mode form!

    Vegeta will never be equal to Goku. Goku and Vegeta are not Naruto and Sasuke, they aren't written to be equal.
  2. Gerkak

    Howcome Obito let Itachi killed whole Uchiha clan.

    Obito had no use for the clan, in fact the clan was better off dead than alive. The weaker the villages the easier it is to execute the Eye of the Moon plan.
  3. Gerkak

    Can the sharingan copy the rasenshuriken

    In theory yes. In practice it depends on the user's capacity.
  4. Gerkak

    Proof that EMS Madara didn't have PS

    Madara had PS, Sasuke didn't.
  5. Gerkak

    Let’s settle this here and now! War arc Rikudou Naru-Sasuke VS. Adult Naru-Sasuke

    No point comparing them. Adult Naruto and Sasuke are no longer the main characters so show casing their full abilities isn't important any more. Logically they should be stronger or at the very least just as capable but by feats they aren't.
  6. Gerkak

    Why do you think theres rushed endings

    They run out of ideas
  7. Gerkak

    [Question] Why does Whis not have an interest in training Gohan?

    Whis doesn't want Goku and Vegeta to be irrelevant. Look at how much stronger Gohan was than both Goku and Vegeta in the cell games. A well trained, well motivated Gohan is always far stronger than them
  8. Gerkak

    Sasuke has a jutsu to destroy Naruto's life...

    All Sasuke needs to do to destroy Naruto's life is to go rouge again. Naruto would abandon his family in search of him.
  9. Gerkak

    Madara’s MS abilities

    Hard to know, Kishimoto didn't care about a lot of things at that point.
  10. Gerkak

    Hebi Sasuke vs Kakuzu

    Kakuzu wins 6/10. Naruto only won because of plot, Kakuzu acted like an amateur as soon as Naruto arrived.
  11. Gerkak

    The Breaker news

    Good news
  12. Gerkak

    The first real photo of a Black Hole

    @Noodleland Thanks I'll check it out
  13. Gerkak

    [Tier] Who is the strongest shingami ?

    The strongest shinigami is Ichibei. He bodied the same Yhwach who casually killed Yamamato