Recent content by chaos control

  1. chaos control

    Does anyone need to have a logo made?

    If you need a logo made, I highly recommend you look to this page: You can get a great logo made for a very cheap price. 1581022931 Never mind. Access to the link has been blocked for some reason, so this thread can be deleted.
  2. chaos control

    [Question] Which is Ikemoto’s worst design alteration?

    Curly hair Sasuke most definitely. The others aren't that bad and some are even good. Fused Momoshiki was the best. Ikemoto's version was better than the original movie version. Naruto's cloak designs have been inconsistent ever since he became an adult, so the whisker thing doesn't stand out...
  3. chaos control

    The reason behind asspulls

    People complain about things such as Boruto summoning Garaga even though that data book said that he has the lowest chakara reserves on his team. They call stuff like this "asspulls", and they have been complaining about them since the days when Naruto was the main character. You people want...
  4. chaos control

    Aoda > Nue

    Why the comparison?
  5. chaos control

    I love power! Does anyone else? Screw you power haters!!! >:(

    This is more of a vent thread, but I just wanted to make this thread as a breath of fresh air to express how much I hate those freaking power haters! They are always trying to ruin my favorite series (plural)! These people want to eliminate crap tons of lore and story elements that deepen the...
  6. chaos control

    How are the new gen clones of their parents? Learn what a freakin clone is!

    There is a stupid claim floating around that the new gen kids are just clones of their parents. No offense to anyone, but those who say that don't know what they are talking about. Let me start by saying that the only new gen kid that is a clone of his parent is Mitsuki (who is actually...
  7. chaos control

    Best to worst MS user treatment from Kishi

    Mangekyou sharingan is powerful without a doubt. We all know this. However, Kishimoto really shafted some people hard in the MS department. Here is my ranking of MS users from 1 to 5 (where 1 means that Kishi was most benevolent to that person, while 5 means that Kishi did that person dirty!)...
  8. chaos control

    Stupid reasons to hate Sarada

    I have been seeing a bunch of people (including Uchiha fans) express a bunch of stupid reasons to hate Sarada. Allow me to address some of these reasons: Reason 1: She's a half breed Uchiha with glasses. My response: So what? For starters, is any Uchiha really "pure Uchiha"? If you think about...
  9. chaos control

    [Theoretical Thread] Breaking down the six paths lineage of powers

    For a long time, I have been analyzing the rikudou related powers related to Kaguya and her lineage. This has been mainly for the purpose of trying to make some sense of Naruto's RSM, but there are also some other controversies in the community pertaining to these rikudou powers. Here is a...
  10. chaos control

    For Fairy Tail Fans: Sasuke and Sakura could almost be Natsu and Zeref's parents

    I am not saying that this is literally a plausibility, due to the fact that Naruto and Fairy Tail are two entirely different franchises. However, there are some interesting coincidences to note: Natsu has pink hair and specializes in fire abilities. If he were to be placed in the NV, Natsu...
  11. chaos control

    Kakooli's "Bobito ghost arc" would low key be funny

    I know that it is just kakooli throwing shade at Obito when he suggests an arc where Obito's ghost comes back and stalks the girl's locker room in the academy, but that would actually low key be funny as filler. Not only would I (and the characters) be like "wtf?!!!", but how the heck would...
  12. chaos control

    Why do people worship black and white paper?

    I really can't understand the hatred for "filler". It's like, even if an episode was the best thing since sliced bread, people will still hate it because it wasn't written on black and white paper by one particular dude. Like for real: I have actually seen posts where some people admit that...
  13. chaos control

    How do you know? Judging characters' strength before they do anything

    I see people saying stuff like how the Kara members are fodder compares to the akautski, and how even Hidan>>>> Jigen. Well I have some questions about this: How the heck do you even know this? What are you even basing this on? Design? We literally know nothing about the arsenals of most of...
  14. chaos control

    Anyone else wonder why exactly Mitsuki would have to leave if he showed SM?

    I've been thinking about this. How exactly would it inconvenience Orochimaru or make Mitsuki have to leave if Mitsuki showed his true power in the chunin exams? I don't get it really. It's not like there aren't already several people that know that Mitsuki is Orochimaru's kid. For those that...
  15. chaos control

    Does anyone else ever feel like the zero mortals plan was good?

    ^^^This. The infinite tsukuyomi would be my first choice for peace, but then sometimes I feel like total eradication of humanity would be a good secondary option. Especially if the eradication could be painless (like everyone just getting erased suddenly, both body and soul). Sometimes I also...