[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Oct 28, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fuuton: Zennou Clap) - Wind Stye: Almighty Clap
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user spread his arms and then clap with all his power in the direction of target. The huge amount of wind blows in that direction, which can repel any fire style jutsu upto A-Rank with slightly greater speed. This technique doesnt continue on towards the opponent and if used with an opponent in close range the force will knock them off their feet
~Can only be used twice per match.
~Can't use S-rank and higher wind jutsus the following turn.
~Can only be taught by Enzup.

Updating the above technique into:

(Fuuton: Zennou Clap) - Wind Stye: Almighty Clap
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user spreads his arms and then claps with all his power in the direction of incoming attack. The huge amount of air blows in that direction with tremendous force which decreases the velocity of the incoming attack to zero, and add its own velocity to the attack and causes it to retrace its path back, which can repel any fire style jutsu upto A-Rank, lightning jutsu upto F-rank and other techniques upto its own rank, with slightly greater speed. This technique do not damage the opponent and if used with an opponent within range, the force will knock them off their feet and it is strong enough to even toss big summonings like gamabunta, into air.

Note:-It is the tremendous force with which the air is blowing, which causes the incoming technique to retrace its path back.
-Can't use S-rank and higher wind jutsus the following turn.
-Can only be used twice per match.
-Can only be taught by Enzup.

±± Update Declined ±±
The original one is as far as it will go

(Ninjutsu: Buru Mouretsu) - Ninja Style: Bull Rage
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 30 (+5 every turn)
Damage Points: N/A (-10 to user)
Description: A powerful technique used against formidable opponents where user channels his raw chakra in his torso, and causes some his fibres and muscles to tear a bit and move towards his limbs. After they reach their desired location, it causes an excess of them in the limbs and as a result user limbs expands a bit(size of a body builder), giving user tremendous taijutsu strength, being able to easily break through large boulders with a simple punch, and at the same time causing user's knees to bend a few inches in front, and heels to bulge inwards such that user now stands on his toes. Because of the power and strength in the legs and the way he stands; on his toes, he now can easily run with high speeds. Because of the lack of fibres and muscles in the torso, user's body becomes weak and even weak attacks can easily obliterate his torso. Due to his heavy hands, moderate amount of pressure is added on the body which makes him a slouch. Due to the overall body-structure he has gained, he looks like a standing Bull, and hence the name of the technique.

Note: -Technique lasts for 4 turns before fibres and muscles start returning to their original location; which takes 2 turns, in that period of time, user is left exhausted, unable to use any taijutsu. Also his speed decreases by two levels assessing the speed chart (Kage->S-class and Sannin-> Jounin).
-Usable once per battle.
-Can only be taught by Enzup.

±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit. You'd need mastery over medical ninjutsu for this.

(Genjutsu: Iyoku Sauron) - Illusion Arts: Will of Sauron
Type: Defense
Rank: D-S
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 05-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique is an illusion counter where user takes control of his own 5 senses. This is used when the user is trapped under an illusion. The user passes his chakra into his brain casting a genjutsu upon himself, where he fights back the opponent's illusion by doing antithesis/powerful to what opponent did to the user (like if user is binded with chains, he will make himself beleive that he is much stronger than the chains can hold, and thus breaking the chains with sheer force/or he can control his touch sense to regain the freedom), rendering the opponent's illusion/effect(s) of the illusion useless and thus breaking it.

Note: -Rank of this technique depends on the rank of the opponent's technique.
-Can only counter illusions upto its own rank.
-Can only be used twice per battle, regardless of the rank of the illusion, opponent uses.
-Can only be taught by Enzup.

X-Pending-X Leaving for someone else______________
±± Declined ±±
Self Genjutsu is a concept you learn with NB Genjutsu. Don't resubmit.
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Active member
Jun 11, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: rabbits
Scroll Owner: Ouacus
Other Users who have signed contract: none for now o_O
Summoning Boss if existing:Soel
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Soel) -Summoning Technique-Soel
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Offense
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: TThe user takes some blood and wipes it on their rabbit tattoo, then they make the rabbit handseal and slam their hand into the ground to summon Soel. Soel is a white rabbit with a red gem on its fore head similar to his twin brother, Larg. The fact that he looks weak and harmless tricks his foes when he releases his real powers. Soel is capable of using up to S rank fire techniques due to the fact that he is the boss of the rabbit summonings.

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-can only be taught by Ouacus
-Stays on the field for 3 turns and can only be summoned twice per match

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Larg) -Summoning Technique-Larg
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Offense
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user takes some blood and wipes it on their rabbit tattoo, then they make the rabbit handseal and slam their hand into the ground to summon Larg. Larg is a white black rabbit with a blue gem on its forehead similar to the one of his twin brother, Soel. The fact that he looks weak and harmless tricks his foes when he releases his real powers and is capable of using up to A rank water.

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-can only be taught by Ouacus
-Stays on the field for 5 turns and can only be summoned twice per match

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New submission:

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Larg) -Summoning Technique - Buneary
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Offense
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user takes some blood and wipes it on their rabbit tattoo, then they make the rabbit handseal and slam their hand into the ground to summon Buneary. Buneary is a brown bunny with yellow and fuzzy hair on the tip of bouth of her ears and on her lower part of her body. She is also small like most of the other rabbits in the rabbit contract and capable of using up to B rank earth tchniques.

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- Can only be summoned 3 times per battle
-Lasts for five turns in the battlefield

X-All Declined-X Including the contract that's 4 submission.
Summoning Animal: Rabbits
Scroll Owner: Ouacus
Other Users who have signed contract: Toshiro
Summoning Boss if existing: To be created
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background:
The Rabbits exist in a secluded area, said to have been merely a myth, a legend passed down through generations. An sacred island located in the middle of nowhere, not even recorded on the map, surrounded by mountains too steep to climb for a normal ninja, keeping this island away from prying eyes. Few who have managed to catch a glimpse of this mystical island live to tell the tale, for the journey to and from is fraught with danger, and any warning of an intruder would incur the utmost wrath of the rabbit inhabitants. This island is dubbed, the "Island of Abundant Solace". While the rabbits typically display a serene disposition, any signs of potential harm to any of the other rabbits, to whom they share a camaraderie with, would lead them to show their fierce and merciless nature towards the enemy. The Island of Abundant Solace is the epitome of peace, having long since escaped the threat of war. It is home to Rabbits, perhaps the most peaceful summon of them all. Signers of this contract are able to summon the Rabbits of this land.

General Abilities:

Vision: A rabbit's field of vision is immense. They have large eyes that are located on the sides and upper part of the head, enabling each eye to see more than one half of a circle. Together, they can see in every direction. Therefore, a rabbit can see an approaching predator and be on the lookout for an escape route simultaneously.
Despite their large field of vision, rabbits have reduced depth perception as well as a limited degree of close-up vision. Even though their close-up vision is not the best, rabbit eyes are designed to see moving objects far in the distance. This allows them to see a predator approaching at a great distance, and gives them ample time to run away.

Hearing: Hearing is a rabbit's most vital sense, hence the large upright ears they possess. The auditory system is used to detect predators, as well as to help a rabbit perceive the area around him. Acoustics help to overcome the reduced visual abilities by allowing the rabbit to navigate without difficulty. Sound waves bounce off objects, allowing the rabbit to recognize the arrangement of his surroundings.
Most rabbits have large, erect ears. When alert, the ears move forward and backward as they attempt to pinpoint the danger. When the rabbit is relaxed, the ears lie along his back, but they are quite responsive to noise. The slightest sound can be detected from very far away. A rabbit's sense of sound is vastly developed, far more finely tuned than his vision.

Smell: Rabbits have 100 million scent cells, making for a very keen sense of smell, which they use to identify other rabbits and animals. The nasal membrane is very sensitive to perfumes, chemicals and dust, and these agents can cause upper respiratory problems for the rabbit.
The rabbit's sense of smell is far more developed than that of the human. Movable folds inside the rabbit's nose assist in the detection of scent. The sense of smell in a rabbit is present at birth, allowing a newborn to find his mother's teat. Rabbits shift their noses up and down when trying to identify a scent; this is called "nose blinking".

Taste: The rabbit has seventeen thousand taste buds situated in the mouth and pharynx. They can distinguish between sweet, sour, bitter and salty. In the wild, rabbits can also differentiate between toxic and non-toxic plants.

Size: The rabbits size can vary from being as small as a newborn rabbit, or to the size of that of the Chief Toad Gamabunta. The rabbits can decreased, and increase their size easily by feeding off from two different types of vegetables located only on the Island of Abundant Solace. The vegetable which decreases the size of rabbits, is known to be a greenish leaf shaped vegetable, which has special properties of reducing the size of creatures. While it's counterpart is a purplish carrot shaped vegetable which has the special properties of increasing the size of creatures. These vegetables cannot be eaten by any other creatures besides the inhabitants from this land, as they're bodies aren't adjusted to it like the inhabitants of the island.

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Note: These are all general abilities, Rabbits are capable of using in "Real life", except the size part. xd

EDIT: Good job at the Size part, really liked your concept ^^
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Active member
Sep 15, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

New Submissions:

(Genjutsu:Komaiso;Taigo Sendai Yaburetayume) Illusion Technique:Great Burial; Ranks of the Irrevocably Shattered Souls
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is an advanced Non-Sharingan Genjutsu that can only be activated if and when the user can see the opponent’s body, or at least his upper torso. Within the illusion, the opponent believes that large amounts of water burst out of the ground and materialize from thin air to completely envelop and wash him away. The water will converge on and physical touch him no matter what methods of evasion are used, or whatever defense he has established. As the imaginary water washes him away, the opponent is exposed to a more powerful hallucination in which he or she, as a ninja, witnesses the pain and numerous deaths they’ve inflicted on others throughout their career as shinobi. The hallucination is excessively intricate and detailed, as the irrevocably shattered souls of the damned reciprocate the damage and pain that was once dealt to them in the past, using the water as their medium. While witnessing this, the water will thoroughly burn away the skin as if it was a potent acid. While this is not happening in reality – It’s nothing more than an illusion – the enemy is faced with such perceived agony and fear, that his muscles will begin to uncontrollably convulse, and he will scream out in pain, unable to fight, or even remain completely still as the pain washes over him, while under the influence of this jutsu.

*This technique can only be used twice per battle.
*Th user may only use one other jutsu can be used in the same turn as opposed to the usual allotted three.
*The user cannot use any Genjutsu at all within the following two turns.

X-Declined-X Well the thing is, different people have different numbers of people they've slaughtered. And different people are affected to emotions differently. It would troublesome if this technique is ineffective to some people and overly powerful for others.

Genjutsu: Komaiso; Taigo Sendai Yaburetayume) Illusion Technique: Great Burial; Ranks of the Irrevocably Shattered Souls
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is an advanced Non-Sharingan Genjutsu that can only be activated if and when the user can see the opponent’s body, or at least his upper torso. Within the illusion, the opponent believes that large amounts of water burst out of the ground and materialize from thin air to completely envelop and wash them away. The water will converge on and physically touch him no matter what methods of evasion are used, or whatever defense he has established. As the imaginary water washes him away, the opponent is exposed to a more powerful hallucination in which they, as a ninja, witness the pain and numerous deaths inflicted on others throughout history, during past wars and battles – The illusion manifests as a representation of the pain that war brings. The hallucination is excessively intricate and detailed, as the irrevocably shattered souls of the damned reciprocate the damage and pain that was once dealt to them in the past, using the water as their medium. While witnessing this, the water will thoroughly burn away the skin as if it was a potent acid. While this is not happening in reality – It’s nothing more than an illusion – the enemy is faced with such perceived agony and fear, that his muscles will begin to uncontrollably convulse, and he will scream out in pain, unable to fight, or even remain completely still as the pain washes over him, while under the influence of this jutsu.

*This technique can only be used twice per battle.
*The user cannot use any Genjutsu at all within the following turn.
*The user must wait a full three turns before using this technique a second time around.
*The user must remain still focused over the genjutsu through the entirety of the technique.
X-Approved-X added a restriction

CFS Approval

(Hakkyou Taijutsu: Choyo Goburetto) Hakkyou Martial Art: Chrysanthemum Goblet
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: One will begin by effectively subjecting their target to a powerful Genjutsu, within which they are plagued with the irresistible urge to scratch their body – Primarily the upper body, Arms, Mid-section, face, etc. As the opponent begins to scratch, several grotesque sores and bullae filled with yellow liquid and puss will form on the surface of the skin, while producing burning pains as they do. At this point the afflicted person – still scratching – within the Genjutsu, will begin to tear away at their own flesh and grind into their muscles, maiming and mutilating themselves as well as inducing an ample amount of pain. Though no longer than a few seconds, the illusion bends the senses to slightly manipulate the afflicted person’s perception of time; To the opponent, it feels more along the lines of a full minute -This is because of the ‘evolving’ nature of the genjutsu, as it takes time to progress through the stages to effectively deliver a thoroughly terrifying experience. As the Genjutsu runs its course, the user will sprint towards the enemy and drive their fist into the opponent’s Solar Plexus, followed by a swift uppercut, knocking the opponent into the air. Once in the air, the user will jump up, grab their neck, and slam the opponents face into the ground. The initial strike to the Solar Plexus serves to violently and abruptly break the opponent free of the Genjutsu, while also dealing enough damage to temporarily impair movement and prevent the opponent from properly reacting to the following combo; They’re left in shock, causing them to keel over, which makes way for the surprise uppercut. The Genjutsu itself is induced through the use of erratic hand gestures/bodily movements and maniacal laughter.
*In the following turn, the user is restricted to the use of A Rank and below Hakkyou Taijutsu as well as A Rank and below Genjutsu.
*One must wait a full three turns before utilizing this technique a second time around.
*This technique can only be used twice per battle.

±± Declined ±±
You can make your opponent feel the itch...you can't force or make him scratch himself.

Approved CFS:

(Hakkyou Taijutsu: Choyo Goburetto) Hakkyou Martial Art: Chrysanthemum Goblet
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: One will begin by effectively subjecting their target to a powerful Genjutsu through the use of erratic bodily movements or hand gestures. Within which, several grotesque sores and bullae filled with yellow liquid and puss will form on the surface of the skin, while producing – illusionary - burning pains as they do. Thereafter, while still flustered and confused, the flesh will begin to decay at an excessive rate, the skin beginning to peel away, exposing muscle and bone while inducing ample levels of (imaginary) pain in the process. Though no longer than a few seconds, the illusion bends the senses to slightly manipulate the afflicted person’s perception of time; To the opponent, it feels more along the lines of a full minute -This is because of the ‘evolving’ nature of the genjutsu, as it takes time to progress through the stages to effectively deliver a thoroughly terrifying experience. As the Genjutsu runs its course, the user will sprint towards the enemy and drive their fist into the opponent’s Solar Plexus, followed by a swift uppercut, knocking the opponent into the air. Once in the air, the user will jump up, grab their neck, and slam the opponents face into the ground. The initial strike to the Solar Plexus serves to violently and abruptly break the opponent free of the Genjutsu, leaving them in shock and causing them to keel over, which makes way for the surprise uppercut.

*This technique can only be used twice per battle.
*In the following turn, the user is restricted to the use of B Rank and below Hakkyou Taijutsu.

A visual representation (Save for the details I added and took out, like turning into a pile of nothing .-.)

X-Approved-X Thats disgusting.

(Raiton/Fuuton: Tenran Kashou) Lightning/Wind Release: Searing Orchid Sky
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80 [+15 if used in conjunction with a separate Suiton jutsu]
Description: The user will begin by imbuing his futon chakra into the air within the immediate vicinity of his intended target. This chakra will manifest itself in the form of a spherical enclosure that immediately forms around the target – It becomes visible after forming the enclosure, as the winds grow increasingly powerful. The enclosure is composed of rapidly spinning currents of air, or more specifically, numerous opposing wind shears coming from different directions, but all focused on one focal point – The opponent. The wind moves at such speeds that it actually generates friction in the air, generating miniscule electrical charges as a result. With his chakra, the user will thereafter infuse some of his ration chakra into this spherical enclosure, augmenting the electrical impulses to the point that the lightning and wind are able to complement each other’s strengths without the wind cancelling out the electric charge. It turns into a combination of the two fastest elements, while their cutting and destructive abilities add to the jutsu’s overall ability. The result is a whirlwind of wind and lightning, similar to the “Lightning Release: Thunder Dragon Tornado” surrounding the opponent from every possible angle, with no blind spots. From a distance, it bears resemblance to a cloud. The enclosure will thereafter ‘collapse’ in on itself, converging on the target from all sides, mincing them to pieces. To give an example of the level of severity, any few remains would be considered unrecognizable.

*This technique can only be used twice per battle.
*In the following turn, the user is restricted to the use of B Rank and below Fuuton and Raiton.
*One must wait a full two turns before using this technique a second time.

X-Declined-X Oped
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Fireflies
Scroll Owner: Sasora
Other Users who have signed contract: None so far
Summoning Boss if existing: Will be added later
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Will be added later
Description and Background:
Firefly's are an inscet in the family Coleoptera, which are able to create a bio luminescence from their thorax. As with toads and other summons in the Narutoverse, the sizes vary depending on how old they are, as well as their power. Like the other summons they also have a degree of chakra as well as techniques. Some Firefly's have an affinity for an element, which corresponts to their tail, such as blue for water, or yellow for lightning, or white for wind.

Signiners will have a tattoo on their wrist, such like
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Genjutsu; Hon wa Ruru | Illusionary arts; The Rule Book
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user pulls out a scroll and writes down a rule onto the scroll. The rule must be said aloud, which activates the genjutsu. Upon hearing the rule being read and finished, ALL characters in range will be affected by the genjutsu. The rule can restrict movement, or access to elements or paralyse the opponent.

- Only one rule can be active at a time
- Rules last for 2 turns
- User is affected as well
- No genjutsu same turn or turn after.


Suiton; Mizurasen | Water release; Water Spiral
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user first gathers up chakra in their hand and creates a ball of water in their hand. Then by using rasengan proporties the user create a violent and compacted typhoon in the ball as the power increases. The user then pushes their hand forward, launching out a double helix spiral of water that increases with distance.

Looks like

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Can only be used twice
No Water or Ninjutsu in same turn
No S rank water the turn after

X-Declined-X Rasengan variations are not allowed for the time being
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Tora Kuchiyose : Aeolus) - White Tiger Summoning : Aeolus
Type : Summon
Rank : S
Range : Short (Summoning Range)
Chakra cost : 40 (+5 every turn flight is active)
Damage points : N/A
Description : Aeolus, the White Tiger, was given his respective name after showcasing exceptional skill in the arts of Wind Release. Aeolus is roughly about half the size of Gamabunta and is well-known for his powers of being able to manipulate the surrounding winds around him, while at the same time, generate high amounts of air that seems to exerted from his body (which is not the case) to enable flight. The winds are produced through the molding of wind chakra of course. Flight was never accessible to the average White Tigers or any land animal summoning, but not Aeolus. With Wind Release being Aeolus' affinity, he is capable of performing all types of Wind techniques up to the user's rank and without the need of handseals, much like most summoning animals.

Note : Can only be summoned twice per battle
Note : Must have signed White Tiger contract
Note : Lasts for four turns after activation or until dispersed
Note : Only able to perform Wind Release techniques (Count as a move usage)
Note : In any battle between two White Tiger summoners, Aeolus respects and obeys -Yusuke- over the other summoner

X-Declined-X Link to being taught white tigers?

(Fuuton : Ringu Kinko) - Wind Release : Ring Imprisonment
Type : Offensive / Supplementary
Rank : A
Range : Short - Long
Chakra cost : 30
Damage points : 60
Description : With this technique, the user is capable of conjuring up to three rings entirely made out of pure wind. These rings are formed around a desired target or enemy and is usually formed around separate locations on the upper or lower body but they must remain some distance between each other as to not clash and cancel themselves out. Upon creation, these rings spin at ferocious speeds, allowing them to cut through the human flesh and slice through bones, including those of Kaguya bloodline. At the user's will, these rings are capable of contracting inwards onto the enemy's body, possibly killing them if not dealt with or escaped properly.

Note : Created by -Yusuke-
Note : Can only be used four times per battle
Note : No wind techniques higher than S-rank to be used in the same turn
Note : Cooldown period of one whole turn is requires between every usage

X-Declined-X Directly over the opponent? No

(Tora Kuchiyose : Aeolus) - White Tiger Summoning : Aeolus
Type : Summon
Rank : S
Range : Short (Summoning Range)
Chakra cost : 40 (+5 every turn flight is active)
Damage points : N/A
Description : Aeolus, the White Tiger, was given his respective name after showcasing exceptional skill in the arts of Wind Release. Aeolus is roughly about half the size of Gamabunta and is well-known for his powers of being able to manipulate the surrounding winds around him, while at the same time, generate high amounts of air that seems to exerted from his body (which is not the case) to enable flight. The winds are produced through the molding of wind chakra of course. Flight was never accessible to the average White Tigers or any land animal summoning, but not Aeolus. With Wind Release being Aeolus' affinity, he is capable of performing all types of Wind techniques up to the user's rank and without the need of handseals, much like most summoning animals.

Note : Can only be summoned twice per battle
Note : Must have signed White Tiger contract
Note : Lasts for four turns after activation or until dispersed
Note : Only able to perform Wind Release techniques (Count as a move usage)
Note : In any battle between two White Tiger summoners, Aeolus respects and obeys -Yusuke- over the other summoner
||Pending|| A flying white tiger...not sure how I feel about this one. Leaving for Scorps or Xylon
±± Declined ±±
Remove that last restriction. Ridiculous. If he can fly, then he can only use up to A-Rank Wind techniques and he can only be summoned once. Also, reduce his size to a normal Tiger size... Half the size of Gamabunta is too much

(Fuuton : Ringu Kinko) - Wind Release : Ring Imprisonment
Type : Offensive / Supplementary
Rank : A
Range : Short - Long
Chakra cost : 30
Damage points : 60
Description : With this technique, the user is capable of conjuring up to three rings entirely made out of pure wind. These rings are formed around a desired target or enemy and is usually formed around separate locations on the upper or lower body but they must remain some distance between each other as to not clash and cancel themselves out. Upon creation, these rings spin at ferocious speeds, allowing them to cut through the human flesh and slice through bones, including those of Kaguya bloodline. At the user's will, these rings are capable of contracting inwards onto the enemy's body, possibly killing them if not dealt with or escaped properly. There exists a rule that overwatches, 'Wind Release : Ring Imprisonment', that if a ring is created directly over an opponent's body, it cannot possess the ability to contract inwards to slice an opponent. For a ring to be able to contract inwards, they must have radii of at least half a meter, basically, diameter of a whole meter. This gives chance to at least even slim Akimichis as well to counter.

Note : Created by -Yusuke-
Note : Can only be used four times per battle
Note : Diameter of each ring is dependant on the user
Note : No wind techniques higher than S-rank to be used in the same turn
Note : Cooldown period of one whole turn is requires between every usage
||Declined|| A bit too overpowered, especially for an A-rank technique. The concept is basic, but its potential exploitations are numerous.

UPDATING [Technique lacked description] :

(Fuuton ken suna : Sunaarashi) - Sand & Wind Style : Sandstorm
Type : Offense/Supplementary
Rank : S
Range : Short-Long
Chakra cost : 40
Damage points : 80
Description : After churning for sand underground, the user will raise both his hands up which normally means 'Rise'. The user's sand would erupt from the ground and start rising in the air. For starters, they will just be in the air, but after awhile, they start spinning around the enemy and with the minerals and rich earth-made sand, it will hurt the enemy.

Note : No sand jutsus for next turn
Note : Usable only twice per battle
Note : Can only be used/taught by -Yusuke-
Note : Lasts until deactivated or countered
Note : No S-rank wind can be used in the same turn
Note : User must have been churning for sand underground for at least a turn
(Fuuton Ken Suna : Sunaarashi) - Sand & Wind Style : Sandstorm
Type : Offensive / Supplementary
Rank : S
Range : Short - Long
Chakra cost : 40 (+5 every turn active)
Damage points : 80
Description : After a whole turn of churning sand underground, the user will raise both his hands up, which would signify the verb, 'rise'. Exactly like the motion, most of the user's sand would erupt upwards from the ground, much like torrents or geysers of water. However, the does not rain down in glitters of sand like water fountains, falling onto the ground. Instead, the user will begin manipulating the wind currents that keeps the sand in the air with the usage and manipulation of his or her wind chakra. Just as fast as it had burst upwards, the sand begins furiously flying snd whirling around a desired area. Much like extreme sandstorms, the sand pecks away at whoever is inside. Unlike regular sand in deserts, these sand contains hard rocky minerals, obtained from the ground, thus, it would obviously add to the hurt. In any case, vision would be obscured to both the user and opponent(s).

Note : Created by -Yusuke-
Note : Can only be used two times per battle
Note : Lasts until deactivated or countered properly
Note : Must have had at least been churning sand in previous turns
Note : No sand and wind techniques higher than S-rank to be used in the same turn

||Declined|| You made the technique stronger and removed a restriction. How does that work exactly?
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Active member
Mar 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Raiton: Hiraishin no jutsu Level 3 || Lighting style: Flying thunder god Level 3
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short- Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: -
Description: For this jutsu the user strings together 2 seals Tiger - Snake and then with electricity crackling around his palms slams the surface below his feet. While doing so the user uses Lightning manipulation to an entirely different level in that he gives the touched surface a negative charge throughout the area upto mid range in all directions around him. (All the negatively charged surface will grow eerie blue while this jutsu is active). After having done this the user now goes on to send Lightning chakra crackling from his feet. This Lightning chakra though is Positively charged. With this there are two conflicting chakra types which repel each other, which in turn causes the Jutsu users feet to rise a small distance above the ground and reduces the friction between the feet and the surface on which they stand to an absolute zero. With friction reduced to zero the user is now able to move or literally glide along the battle field (Similar to gliding on ice with ice skates, only thing is this will require even less physical energy as there is no friction to overcome) at remarkable speeds. Since, the jutsu is frictionless gliding the user controls his speed and movement by occasionally reversing the polarity on some parts of his raiton charged legs. The speed when this jutsu is active is x4 times a normal shinobi on foot.

- The polarity on the ground remains for 4 turns.
- No other elemental jutsu while this is active. (Although raiton can be used)
- Can be used twice a battle with a space of 2 turns between successive usages.
- Excessive training in chakra control and usage required.
- No lightning style jutsu in the following 2 turns after its deactivation.
- In case of minato, this jutsu is a literal nightmare.
- Only Anduril can teach this.

X-Declined-X One, the technique exists: In the form of my Wing Blade. And its much similar to Kumogakure's village custom.
Two, slightly oped at parts. That pretty much makes DNR
@For your comment: This is a warning for you not involve personal quarrels in NB customs systems, moderators do not need to cope up with this.
Mehh just wanted to say, I did not comment about anything. And am a bit confused about the warning. I am at a loss trying to find a personal quarrel :confused:

Kenjutsu: Poseidon no ikari || Sword Arts: Wrath of Poseidon

Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: For this jutsu the user holds two of his swords backward and towards the ground. Then while fighting in short range, the user will jump up into the air to get an height advantage as compared to his opponent. Once the user has the height advantage he then swings both his swords from behind his head in an arc towards the opponent (the motion is like that of an executioner's axe). The arc that the sword follows resemble a gigantic wave of infinite power rising from below to tower menacingly over its opponent ready to strike him down. This move is meant to shatter any defense that the opponent may have made for himself. In case the opponent tries to stop this attack with his weapon, the weapon will be shattered and the opponent will get hit (In case of custom weapons which are not said to be indestructible). While in the case of indestructible weapons, the force of impact will be passed to the hands of the opponent and the surroundings such that the ground on which the opponent stands will become a crater. In case of a loose grip the weapon will fall from the opponents hand.

-Can shatter defenses B rank and below.
-Results in a mild ringing in the users hand which results in loose grip on his swords for the next one turn due to the amount of power put behind this attack.
-Only an indestructible weapon could be used to perform such a move.
-Need to have two swords for this move.

X-Declined-X How do you intend to gather such strength O_O
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Shin Kaito

Active member
May 10, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton: mizuashi tsuppari) Water Style: Water foot thrust.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Point: N/A
Description: the user focuses his water chakra under his feet and makes the water blast as he step forwards or any side. The blast throws the user towards his desired direction at a high speed. The user can reach upto mid range with 4 steps using this technique.
- Can only be used 3 times per battle.
-must master tai jutsu(canon) to use the jutsu perfectly.
-If the user don’t have any reaction time increaser like sharingan or byakugan, using this jutsu to get close to the opponent is similarly dangerous like chidori.
-4 steps is the most number of step can be performed at one turn. Each step covers ¼ distance to mid range.
-can only be used once in a single turn.
-Only shin Kaito can teach this jutsu to others.

(Suiton: mizu ayatsuri) Water style: Water manipulation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Point: N/A
Description: This jutsu is almost similar to Garra’s sand. The user 1st focuses his water chakra in his hands and raise both hands forward. As he releases the water chakra into the air, he transform it into water. The water then floats around the user while making circles. The water is controlled by the user’s hand movement.
-Can be used twice per battle.
-The water floats around the user a maximum of 3 turn for each time it is used.
-The water can form upto S- Rank wall of water in front of the user almost instantly. This counts as a move.
-The user can also shoot A rank water bullets from the water upto mid range.
-The water can be use to perform other water jutsu.
-Can’t use other elemental jutsu while using this technique.
-Once the wall get hit by a S rank or similarly strong jutsu, the water will disappear.
- If the user performs other Elemental jutsu, The water will fall down on the ground and that ends the jutsu.
-Only Shin Kaito can use/teach this jutsu.

X-Both declined-X Existing techniques
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Active member
Nov 15, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Genjutsu: Sunnari (Illusionary Arts: Slender)
Type : Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short Range
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will cast a Genjutsu onto his/her opponent and manipulate his chakra to make the opponent believe that he is trapped in a forest at night. The opponent will then start to feel as if he can’t move his body as the opponent sees a man in a suit but with a blank face. The opponent will then start to get a blurry vision as a noise, close to the sound as a screeching, static noise as the man with no face starts to draw in closer, with tentacles coming out of his back. Once the sound has finished, which takes about one turn, the man with then appear face to face with the opponent and cause him to faint, as if he is being taken away by the man with no face. The user can also manipulate his/her chakra to make the opponent think that he needs to collect 8 pages while in the forest and run away from the man with no face. Once the opponent collects the 8 pages, the opponent will hear the screeching, static noise and instead of the man with no face closing in, the man with no face would appear face to face and the opponent would faint.
-Can only be used once per battle
-the Genjutsu would only last 2 turns if the user manipulates his/her chakra to make the opponent stand in one place without moving
-The Genjutsu would last 3 turns if the user decides to manipulate his/her chakra to make the opponent find 8 pages in the forest
-No Genjutsu can be performed for the next 3 turns after performing this Genjutsu
-Can only be taught by Sindy

X-Declined-X An illusion in which a victim plays an entire scenario. Whats the gain? ._. paralysis? affecting perception of time?

Dropping CW:

(Yoruyonaka Kaze) Midnight Wind
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This sword was made by ancient samurai's long ago. It was made and crafted at midnight for several years. Because it was made at midnight, the design on the sword shows a stary night sky but has no effect to what the sword can really do. The sword can only use A rank wind and lower by sending their wind into the sword. The sword cannot use most of the techniques that require releasing wind chakra through the mouth, but can use techniques that releases wind chakra thorough the hands. meaning that the sword can only use wind techniques that require the use of hands. The user infuses their wind chakra into the sword to preform wind techniques with a valid reason.
-Can only be used by Sindy
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±± Approved ±±
Note that everything you use from it counts as a move.

(Roripoppu Kakuhan) Lollipop Whip
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40(+5 for each fire tech used with whip)
Damage: N/A
Description: Lollipop Whip was a regular whip at first with no special abilities attached to it. It was mainly used for herding cattle into groups on farms. It passed down generation to generation until it got to a girl who decided to paint it yellow and orange colors like a lollipop and she added recoil feature to it and would only open if you send fire chakra or regular chakra into it. The whip was now designed to be used for battle as a battle whip. The stick of the lollipop is the grip of the whip where the user would release their fire chakra into it, uncoiling the whip. When uncoiled, the whip would glow a red-orange color like a fire and would be used to hit the opponent, causing burns onto the opponent from the fire chakra on the whip. When the whip was recoiled, it resembled a big yellow-orange lollipop. The whip can use up to A rank fire and can cancel out B rank wind and below. It can also help the user create Fire/Wind Combos or any other combos involving fire by only making the fire part of the combo. The whip cannot use any fire technique from the users mouth, only the ones expelled from the ground and the user's hand. The user can use techniques that expel fire chakra into the ground by sending chakra into the whip and slashing the gorund with the whip and releasing the chakra in the ground. The user can also send regular non elemental chakra into the whip to preform kenjutsu techniques as well.

-Must know fire techniques up to A rank
-When making combos, it cannot preform anything other than fire technique
-Can only use fire techniques that involve the hand and ground
-Can only be used by Sindy

Picture of whip:
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X-Declined-X Vague Description

(Meiton: Kuro Uma No Jutsu) - Dark Release: Black Horse Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 every turn for re-fueling it and to keep it active)
Damage Points: N/A (-20 to user, after technique ends)
Description: The technique is passed down from genrations to generations to the selected Meiton users, secretly, for the purpose of vengeance. In this technique, user passes his/her dark chakra in the whole body, turning his/her whole body into dark chakra. The user now looks like he/she is burning in dark flames. User can now run with quite fast speeds, the speed with which the dark chakra travels when released, faster than wind but slower than lightning. User now is immune to Taijutsu based attacks as any physical hit would just "disperse" the dark chakra a bit, which, without any issue, will reform back, without damaging the user. User is also immune to techniques it is strong against while "absorbing", as all the techniques user will be hit will get absorbed and as usual user can use the same technique by making it one rank higher or this time, since the chakra is conserved, user can use another technique of his choice and make it one rank higher (with the exception of F-rank) using the chakra user has just absorbed. The one of the biggest downside of the technique is that user is, however, limited to use only genjutsu, chakra based, fire, lightning, wind or energy based techniques. Another downside is that user is also weak to earth and water based techniques, with which if he gets hit with, reduces the technique by 1 turn. Another big downside of the technique is that, when the technique ends, user is left in very exhaustive state, unable to perform any genjutsu, taijutsu above B-rank and energy based techniques (like fire, lightning and wind) above B-rank.

Note: -Technique lasts 5 turns.
-User can't use any Earth and Water techniques while this is active and doing so would automatically end the technique.
-If user gets hit with a Earth or water tech, the time length of this technique gets reduced by 1 turn.
-After the technique ends, user is left with exhaustion, unable to perform taijutsu or energy based techniques above B-rank for 2 turns.
-Can't use any Genjutsu in next turn after the techinque ends.
-Requires 2 turn cooldown period before another usage.
-Usable 2 times per battle at max.
-Only Sindy may teach this.

X-Declined-X How does use of Dark release grant that?
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Active member
Jun 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Irikuchi Bieuchi) ♌ Fire Release: Gate of Babylon
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Medium
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will start out by releasing fire chakra into the air within range. After carefully studying "Sticky Earth Drop's" attributes, the user will open either one or two portal(s) very similar to it. These one meter in diameter fiery yellow portal(s) can be created at least ten meters away from the desired target, or at user's short range. The portals can be created in any direction imaginable,(As long as they stay "flat" like wall and not curved) except from underneath the opponent. (Slanted, Behind, Above, Sides etc) As the portal(s) open, a single ripple will be seen, unlike its brother technique G.O.B II, as fire-based weapons emerge from each ripple, ranging from long double edged swords to spears, maces, and even halberds, retaining their average size. The fire-based weapon(s) will be seen emerging very slowly as if in slow-motion, however at any moment, the user can release all weapon(s) simultaneously as a projectile attack by causing the ripples to "burst" sending them at increased speed. The speed in which the projectiles travel can be compared to Kurotsuchi's "Water Release: Water Horn" thus similar to a pressurized jet of water. Unlike G.O.B II & III, the user is able compress the fire chakra within the fire-based weapon(s) and wield it himself for close quarter fighting or even throwing it as a projectile himself. The fire chakra within the fire-based weapon will fade away at the end of the second turn. Anything that the fire-based weapon slices or pierces through, will ignite on fire as the target in question continues to burn until the fire chakra fades away with the same restrictions as the fire-based weapon itself.(Two turns)

- Can be used five times per battle
- Fire-Based weapon lasts two turns before fading away
- No other S ranked or above fire techniques in the same turn
- Must be taught by Mathias

- The portal/ripple shown to release its item.
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(Katon: Irikuchi Bieuchi II) ♌ Fire Release: Gate of Babylon II
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After performing the Tiger → Ox hand seals, the user will release huge amounts of fire chakra into the air within range. After carefully studying "Sticky Earth Drop's" attributes, the user will open either one or two portal(s) very similar to it. These ten by ten meter fiery red portal(s) can be created at least ten meters away from the desired target, or at three meters behind the user himself to be used as frontal protection. The portals can be created in any direction imaginable,(As long as they stay "flat" like wall and not curved) except from underneath the opponent. (Slanted, Behind, Above, Sides etc) As the portal(s) open, countless ripples can be seen, as fire-based weapons emerge from within each individual ripple, ranging from long double edged swords to spears, maces, and even halberds, retaining their average size. The user has complete control of where the weapons will emerge within the portal, this is to avoid self inflicted damage should he choose to utilize the portal(s) behind him. The fire-based weapons will be seen emerging very slowly as if in slow-motion, however at any moment, the user can release all weapons simultaneously as a wave of projectile attacks by causing the ripples to "burst" sending them at increased speed. The speed in which the projectiles travel can be compared to Kurotsuchi's "Water Release: Water Horn" rivaling a pressurized jet of water.

- Can be used three times per battle
- No other A ranked or above fire techniques in the same turn
- No fire techniques above S rank next turn
- Must be taught by Mathias
- Portal
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- Weapons emerging
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(Katon: Irikuchi Bieuchi III) ♌ Fire Release: Gate of Babylon III
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-15 user)
Description: After performing the Tiger → Ox → Rabbit hand seals, the user will release huge amounts of fire chakra into the air within range. After carefully studying "Sticky Earth Drop's" attributes, the user will open either one-four portal(s) very similar to it. These ten by ten meter fiery yellow portal(s) can be created at least ten meters away from the desired target, or at three meters behind the user himself to be used as frontal protection. The portals can be created in any direction imaginable,(As long as they stay "flat" like wall and not curved) except from underneath the opponent. (Slanted, Behind, Above, Sides etc) As the portal(s) open, countless ripples can be seen, as fire-based weapons emerge from within each individual ripple, ranging from long double edged swords to spears, maces, and even halberds, retaining their average size. The user has complete control of where the weapons will emerge within the portal, this is to avoid self inflicted damage should he choose to utilize the portal(s) behind him. The fire-based weapons will be seen emerging very slowly as if in slow-motion, however at any moment, the user can release all weapons simultaneously as a wave of projectile attacks by causing the ripples to "burst" sending them at increased speed. The speed in which the projectiles travel can be compared to Kurotsuchi's "Water Release: Water Horn" rivaling a pressurized jet of water.

- Can only be used once per battle
- No other Fire techniques in the same turn
- No fire techniques next turn
- The chakra strain will leave the user out of breath for that turn
- The user is unable to wave the Tiger hand seal for one turn after use
- Must be taught by Mathias
- Portal
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- Weapons emerging
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X-All Declined-X
1) Being metallic weapons and launched at the speed of water horn while burning. Its the same as saveral bullet shots or cannon shots. Which is oped, even more when you consider there are 3 different versions you could pull the same trick 9 times total, since the speed part is the same
2) Considering the theme you want. It would still be considered time/space since youre bringing forth weapons. A better idea would be making weapons out of fire forming from the ripple like manner. They'd be intangible however but sasuke fire techniques have been shown to break through concrete...
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

1. Sealing Technique: Earth Style: Hades' Underworld Grasp. ♆ Fuuinjutsu: Doton: Aidaou Yomi Haaku
Rank: A
Type: Supplmentary/Offense
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn to maintain)
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user channels doton chakra in his feet and the earth under him at the same time. He then makes a string of 3 handseals (Snake - Horse - Tiger) and stomps the earth with great force, causing a large, 3 meter tall humanoid earth statue in the form of Hades, God of the Underwolrd, to rise up from the earth near the target, similar to Hade's Tombstone Transport. As he raises from the earth, he extends his arms, grabbing the enemy in his clutches. As he grabs him, a fuuinjutsu seal around his arms activate, draining the target of chakra while crushing him with his arms, preventing him from using high ranking jutsu of A-rank and higher while he's on contact with him. As he drains the chakra, he lifts the target up, and slams them into the earth with great force. He can either appear beside, in front of or behind the enemy, raising up face first.
*Can only be used 3 times a fight*
*After using, the user cannot use any Fuuinjutsu over B rank for two turns*

±± Approved ±±

2. Summoning Animal: Ornate Hawk-Eagle (or shortly Hawk-Eagle)
Scroll Owner: Lord of Kaos
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summon Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: A rare breed of birds from the Eagle family, these remarkable animals appeared to Percy Jackson during his stay in the Land of Fire in the village of Konohagakure. Though relatively new to him and the other villagers, these stunning birds of prey actually predated the forming of the Ninja Villages. Looking very much like a mix between eagles and hawks, the Hawk-Eagles holds a trait unique to them: while the hawks are incredibly fast and dangerous, Hawk-Eagles possess an ability Hunter's Abyss, where prolonged exposure to the talons will trigger a genjutsu (to be created at a later point as a passive ability of certain Hawk-Eagles. The typical adult has blackish upperparts and crown, bright chestnut sides to the neck and breast and a black-edged white throat and central breast. The rest of the underparts and feathered legs are white barred with black, and the tail has broad black bars. The underwings are white, with barred flight feathers; due to the heavy pattern birds usually look rather dark in flight. The Ornate Hawk-Eagle is a notably powerful predator which like other booted eagles can take prey up to 5 times its own weight.

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Information mostly taken from Wikipedia with small amounts of adaptation. Not a breed of either hawks or eagles, just to clarify.

±± Declined ±±
As different as it maybe, without the permission of both contract holders i can't approve this contract as it collides with both Hawk Contract and Eagle Contract.
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Active member
Mar 14, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Boss for my Summoning contract

Kuro Nodo Komadori: Senpai Seijin (Black-Throated Robin: Elder Sage)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long Range
Chakra: 40 Chakra
Damage: N/A
The user wipes his/her blood on the hand that he/she has the summoning tattoo on. He/she will then perform the Boar-Dog-Bird-Monkey-Ram and summon The Elder Sage The ruler of all Black-Throated Robin's. The Elder Sage is a true 100% Black-Throated Robin and is a giant standing at 45 meters tall. He is also very old. He has a Red face, throat and upper breast with a brown, red, and blue crown and nape, and a Black Zigzagged mark on the neck. The upper parts are grey, and the underparts black to dark grey over the abdomen and under the tail coverts. The bill and legs are black, and the eyes are dark red. The plumage is reminiscent of a cuckoo-shrike but the black neck marking is diagnostic.
The Elder Sage is a L. obscura Species in the Genus Luscinia.

~Elder Sage can use Katon up to S Rank
~Able to talk
~Because of his wing strength he can deflect any weapons thrown at him as well as any B rank attacks by flapping his powerful wings by creating a strong gust of wind.
~The summoner can ride on his back while flying
~When dispersing instead of the average white smoke, Elder Sage, when dispersed, erupts in a fire storm

~Must have signed the Black-Throated Robin contract
~Can only be summoned 1 time per battle
~Only the current onwer of the Black-Throated Robin contract can summon the Elder Sage but have to learn the technique from the previous owner (Unless the current owenr is the creator)
~No other Black-Throated Robin can be summoned at the same time as Elder Sage
~The Elder Sage can stay on the battle field for 6 turns
~Because of his age, as each turn passes while Elder Sage is summoned his power weakens (1st turn S rank, 2nd turn A rank, 3rd B rank, 4th C rank, 5th D rank, 6th D rank+dispersed as soon as the user's last jutsu is preformed

X-Declined-X Any B rank attack by flapping his wings? no

Genjutsu/Kuro Nodo Komadori: Tori Meshi (Illusionary Arts/Black-Throated Robin: Bird Call)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long Range
Chakra: 30 Chakra
Damage: N/A
While a Black-Throated Robin summon is summoned, the summon will whistle out his bird call. The sound of this bird call (when heard by the enemey) will put them under a genjutsu because the chakra from the summon will effect the targets senses making them see leaves falling. While the leaves fall the leaves then turn into Black-Throated Robins that are flying around the target in a tornado like manner pecking at the enemy, making them feel dizzy, and dazed. Whats really happening is the enemy is just standing there with a blank stare on their face.
~Must have signed the Black-Throated Robin Summoning contract
~Can be used 2 times per battle
~No Genjutsu other this turn or next
~Only usable by a Black-Throated Robin summon from the Black-Throated Robin contract

Note: Took out the parts about the user able to preform this technique


Kuro Nodo Komadori: Ishuu (Black-Throated Robin: Swarm
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long Range
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
The user will preform the Bird hand seal and the user will turn into a swarm of Black-Throated Robin's will swarm the battle area (about 30 regular size). After dispersing into Black-Throated Robin's they will flying around the target at high speeds. Obscuring the vision of the target they will begin pecking at the target causing damage due to their razor sharp beaks, allowing the user to escape or launch a surprise attack towards the target.
~Must have signed the Black-Throated Robin contract
~Can only be taught by Kwalker394
~Only last for 1 turn
~Can be used 1 time during battle
~Due to the constant pecking the target cannot preform a jutsu requiring hand seals


Summoning approval ~ ~

Kuro Nodo Komadori: Senpai Seijin (Black-Throated Robin: Elder Sage)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long Range
Chakra: 40 Chakra
Damage: N/A
The user wipes his/her blood on the hand that he/she has the summoning tattoo on. He/she will then perform the Boar-Dog-Bird-Monkey-Ram and summon The Elder Sage The ruler of all Black-Throated Robin's. The Elder Sage is a true 100% Black-Throated Robin and is a giant standing at 45 meters tall. He is also very old. He has a Red face, throat and upper breast with a brown, red, and blue crown and nape, and a Black Zigzagged mark on the neck. The upper parts are grey, and the underparts black to dark grey over the abdomen and under the tail coverts. The bill and legs are black, and the eyes are dark red. The plumage is reminiscent of a cuckoo-shrike but the black neck marking is diagnostic.
The Elder Sage is a L. obscura Species in the Genus Luscinia.

~Elder Sage can use Katon up to S Rank
~Able to talk
~Because of his wing strength he can deflect any weapons thrown at him as well as any C rank attacks by flapping his powerful wings by creating a strong gust of wind.
~The summoner can ride on his back while flying
~When dispersing instead of the average white smoke, Elder Sage, when dispersed, erupts in a fire storm

~Must have signed the Black-Throated Robin contract
~Can only be summoned 1 time per battle
~Only the current onwer of the Black-Throated Robin contract can summon the Elder Sage but have to learn the technique from the previous owner (Unless the current owenr is the creator)
~No other Black-Throated Robin can be summoned at the same time as Elder Sage
~The Elder Sage can stay on the battle field for 6 turns
~Because of his age, as each turn passes while Elder Sage is summoned his power weakens (1st turn S rank, 2nd turn A rank, 3rd B rank, 4th C rank, 5th D rank, 6th D rank+dispersed as soon as the user's last jutsu is preformed

Summoning approval ~ ~

Katana Reikon (Blade of Souls)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid Range
Chakra: 40 Chakra
Damage: N/A
Said to be forged by the Reaper himself, this scyord had been lost in time and to everyone. It was hidden in ancient ruins of old. During his travel through the Lighting Country, Kwalker394 stumbled onto some old ruins and found this sword sealed away. after trying to release the sword nothing worked then suddenly the ruins rumbled with heavy and deep words saying, "He who is worthy may only wield this scyord, for it only chooses one master." Hearing these words Kwalker394 stared at the crystal in the middle of the rings of the handle. Watching it glow dark red he tries to grab it. Slowly he griped the scyord and repeated to himself that "I am worthy." and pulled the scyord. After a good pull the seal wrapped around the scyord gave and the sword was free. In disbelief Kwalker394 closely examined the scyord and a whisper in his ear told him to channel chakra into the sword. As he did the blade of the sword pivoted and took a shape into a scythe. Taking the scyord with him on his travels Kwalker394 discovered another ability in the scyord as well. Later on finding out that the scyord was crafted from a very special dark metal called Reikon~Metaru (Soul Metal) which is indestructible metal that is soaked with chakra when forged and crafted which gave it special a ability.

Blade of Souls being able to have one master only responds to Kwalker394. The blade can extend or retract by using the users raw chakra making it a deadly sword to be in battle with. When the blade retracts the metal is compressed turning the scyord into a sword, and when the blade extends the scythe tip of the blade pivots out from the tip of the sword turning into a type of scythe. The weight and balance is different as well depending on the extending or retracting state. The sword can also be attracted to the user meaning that if the user looses the sword or the sword is knocked out of the users hand he can simply command the sword to return as long as the sword is in short distance away. Using the red crystal at the handle as a medium the user can cast a Genjutsu known as "The Graveyard" (A Rank). This Genjutsu makes the opponent believe that they are standing in a graveyard under a full moon. While the target is under this Genjutsu dead corpse's begin to rise out of the tombs and coffins and slowly limp towards the target. Surrounding him from all angles they trap the target and a shadow figure with a dark hood appears and chops off his limbs with the scyord. Releasing this genjutsu on to the opponent requires a cut, opponent looking at the sword, or some way come in contact with the opponent. Also Kwalker394 can swing the scyord and release the chakra in it at the target making a chakra slash. Once the target is hit with this chakra wave slash it will also put him in the genjutsu. If the opponent touches this scyord by the means of picking it up and using it for any reason the genjutsu is released automatically by the stored up chakra already in the sword from its master while also sucking a tiny bit of the opponents chakra.
~Only Kwalker394 can use this sword
~Must be a Master of Genjutsu in order to use this sword
~The Genjutsu "The Graveyard" can only be used 3 times per battle
~Self activating of the Genjutsu by opponents touch can only happen 1 time
~Either activation of the Genjutsu counts as a move towards the users 3 move limit/jutsu
~Can come back to the users hands if in short range and the user is able to use his hand
~Retracting/extending the blade can be used freely (But only 1 retract or extend per turn)
~Slashing the chakra from the scyord goes up to long range but gives makes the Genjutsu weak so it will be a B rank from mid range and C Rank from long range

Scyord looks:
Scyord= Sword+Scythe
You must be registered for see images

Will be dropping if approved

Katon: To-chi Awai (Fire Style: Welders Light)
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long Range
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: N/A
The user will send out his Katon chakra and create a ball of fire. The user will then heat it up intensively by using his mastery of Katon to where the flames turn white. While the flames turn white the light given off by this jutsu is as bright as a welders torch blinding anyone that looks at it. The flame is up and above the users head so it will not effect the user but anyone in front or all around that can see this jutsu will be short termed blinded if looked upon. If forced to look, or if the target stares directly in the light, the target my go blind for the rest of the battle due to the intense light.
~Can only be taught by Kwalker394
~Must have mastered Katon to use
~Can only be used 3 times per battle

±± All Declined ±±
When you quote something, don't edit the quotes.-..That can be constructed as trying to trick us. When you quote something, the colors and formatting of the quoted post are kept. Xylon's checks are grey... Don't ever try this again you 'll end up banned from the cj thread.
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Doton: Kyojin no Aizengaadu - Earth Release: Troll of Eisengard
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive/Suplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 90(-30 to user due to chakra strain)
Description: An advance earth chakra manipulation where the user creates a giant mud troll the same size as the "great stone golem". This mud troll is able to move about up to long range and acts via the user's will. Due to semi-intangibility of mud, the troll is immune to weapons and physical attacks as they would just pass through it. The troll regenerates when hit by a frail attack and not completely destroyed at once as it churns for more mud as it moves on the ground. The troll however can sweep a large area with mud flood and can extend his body. It can also break through S-rank earth.
The user however, would be exhausted after the troll is out of play and find it hard to mold earth chakra thus can't use doton for next 2 turns and at the same time he is only able to use 2 moves per turn for next 2 turns
+++Mud flood count as a move out of the 3 moves and is equivalent to A-rank earth
+++useable only once
+++User recieves +30 damage due to chakra strain
+++No doton for the next 2 turns after troll is out of play.
+++The user can only use two moves for the next two turns after troll is out of play
+++Stays on the field for 5 turns after which it crumbles forming a huge pile of mud. However it can be destroyed before then and still will still leave a massive aftermath.

+++No A-rank and above Earth when troll is on the field

±± Declined ±±
2 minor notes: you can't have it being intangible and then say it can break S-Rank earth. In fact, it can't break through tangible elements. Also, note that wood techniques, even if solid, would simply absorb the moisture of this technique, rooted and render is ineffective, following the elemental weaknesses and strengths, so saying its immune to physical attacks needs a bit of definition. 2nd thing is that if this is kept on the field you need to fuel it with chakra to sustain it so add a chakra cost per turn. And 4 turns max.

Doton: Tenkyo Tsuchi waku - Earth Style: Moving Earth Slide
Rank: A
Type: Sup
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30(-10 for each turn active)
Damage Point: N/A
Description: This is somewhat similar to Marvel Ice-Man's Ice Slide. The user focuses his/her doton chakra to the hands and legs and while constantly coating his legs in glossy molten mud, he also continously releases a stream of mud from one or both his/her hand which he/she extends a little bit forward so that a long Mud slide is formed conveying the user along as it extends. The mud he releases partially solidifies as soon as it is released in such a way that the upper half which will be in contact with the user's legs is inform of a glossy mud while the lower half is solid. The user then while his legs is coated with molten mud creates a small rideable mud wave from the top molten half of the mudslide. It appears that the user is riding a very narrow mud wave on an equally narrow solid earth sky-way. The user can ride this from his/her initial position(ground/Mid air) to any direction and can go high into mid air and also has quick manouvreability. The user is prone to lightning when using this.
-can't use any jutsu apart from earth while using this.
-Dormant earth slide crumbles one turn after user passes it(this is due to the user chakra timely depletion from the slide and also prevents unneccesary narrow bridges formed from the conveyance.
-Last 3 turns
-Useable only 3 times
-can carry only one person who holds on to the user while he rides the mud
-Requires Doton mastery

X-Pending-X Leaving for someone else

±± Declined ±±
All is more or less good, even if iffy here and there. but my main issue, and the only one i can point to decline this is that its too high rank. Its a C-Rank technique at best. This said, I don't get the "lasts 3 turns" part. You travel with this as long as you fuel chakra through it (add chakra cost per turn to travel). And for the love of all thats sacred in nb and V's bits, don't put useless restrictions like "requires doton mastery". Its not a restriction. Its something you put there just because you think it will make the technique look more restricted than it is.
Doton: Kyojin no Aizengaadu - Earth Release: Troll of Eisengard
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive/Suplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50(+20 per turn active)
Damage points: 90(-30 to user due to chakra strain)
Description: An advance earth chakra manipulation where the user creates (short range of him) a giant mud troll the same size as the "great stone golem". This mud troll is able to move about up to long range and acts via the user's will. Due to semi-intangibility of mud, the troll is immune to weapons and most physical attacks as they would just pass through it, however is weak to wood, lightning, etc following its elemental weakness towards other elements. The troll regenerates when hit by attacks that aren't enough to destroy it at once as it churns for more mud as it moves on the ground. The troll however can sweep a large area with mud flood and can extend his body. Due to its semi-intangibility, It can't break through most solid matter , however it can be fatal when a human recieves a direct hit.
The user however, would be exhausted after the troll is out of play and find it hard to mold earth chakra thus can't use doton for next 2 turns and at the same time he is only able to use 2 moves per turn for next 2 turns
+++Mud flood count as a move out of the 3 moves and is equivalent to A-rank mid range earth
+++useable only once
+++User recieves +30 damage due to chakra strain
+++No doton for the next 2 turns after troll is out of play.
+++The user can only use two moves for the next two turns after troll is out of play
+++Stays on the field for 3 turns after which it crumbles forming a huge pile of mud. However it can be destroyed before then where, depending on the technique used to drestroy it may or may not leave the mud pile behind.
+++No A-rank and above Earth when troll is on the field

±± Approved ±±

Doton: Tenkyo Tsuchi waku - Earth Style: Moving Earth Slide
Rank: C
Type: Sup
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15(+10 for each turn active)
Damage Point: N/A
Description: This is somewhat similar to Marvel Ice-Man's Ice Slide. The user focuses his/her doton chakra to the hands and legs and while constantly coating his legs in glossy molten mud, he also continously releases a stream of mud from one or both his/her hand which he/she extends a little bit forward so that a long Mud slide is formed conveying the user along as it extends. The mud he releases partially solidifies as soon as it is released in such a way that the upper half which will be in contact with the user's legs is inform of a glossy mud while the lower half is solid. The user then while his legs is coated with molten mud creates a small rideable mud wave from the top molten half of the mudslide. It appears that the user is riding a very narrow mud wave on an equally narrow solid earth sky-way. The user can ride this from his/her initial position(ground/Mid air) to any direction and can go high into mid air (not very high) and also has quick manouvreability. The user is prone to lightning when using this.
-can't use any jutsu apart from earth while using this although the user can't make handseals to sustain this
-Dormant earth slide crumbles one turn after user passes it(this is due to the user chakra timely depletion from the slide and also prevents unneccesary narrow bridges formed from the conveyance)
-can carry only one person who holds on to the user while he rides the mud

±± Approved ±±

New submission...

Saishuu Chikara - Final Strength
Type: Suplementary
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra cost: N/A(down to the last drop of chakra)
Damage Point: N/A (+10 to Taijutsu/Kenjutsu, +5 to Ninjutsu)
Description: Towards his end, a shinobi will channel his last remaining strength to achieve his goal in a short amount of time if possible, The user when severely injured and on a dying state, surmons the last of his energy converted to chakra, knowing he's going to die and with his will to die heroically. He uses his chakra to gain a large amount of strength(though his injuries are not healed) and can still move and fight at his normal speed like his former self and with enhanced physical prowess(Taijutsu & Kenjutsu +10, Ninjutsu +5). However he falls completely dead after 5 turns.
+Useable only once
+Last for 5 turns after which user dies
+Any damage above A rank recieved by the user reduces the duration of the jutsu by a turn
+Must be taught by Priest

±± Declined ±±
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Active member
Sep 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points:80
Description:Marker is a tall sword made of titanium,which weighs around 14-20 Kilogram , it has a golden handle which the user holds to wield the sword during battle. The sword is quite long and about 6 feet in height and cannot be broken or shattered by the opponent. It has a unique power of marking its targets. In short, when hit or struck at successful at the opponent ,the sword marks the opponent and copies it chakra signature making it unable for the user to hide in the battle field. The sword is capable of making powerful slashes[s rank] which is capable of creating great damages and slashing aside huge rocks [A rank] and deflecting kunai and shiruken with ease.

Note:The sword Lasts for three turns.
Note:One slash counts as a move in one turn.
Note:Only thunderbolt can wield the sword.

X-Declined-X Remove the slashes and all fine with it.

Note: I don,t have any approved weapon to my name ,i wanted to verify that.

Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points:80
Description:Marker is a tall sword made of titanium,which weighs around 14-20 Kilogram , it has a golden handle which the user holds to wield the sword during battle. The sword is quite long and about 6 feet in height and cannot be broken or shattered by the opponent. It has a unique power of marking its targets. In short, when hit or struck at successful at the opponent ,the sword marks the opponent and copies it chakra signature making it unable for the user to hide in the battle field. The sword provides some offensive means to and when swung can create blast of wind [A rank] which he uses to deflect against kunais and enemy opponent.

Note:The sword Lasts for three turns.
Note:One Blast counts as a move in one turn.
Note:Only thunderbolt can wield the sword.

Removed the slash and made it more realistic.

±± Declined ±±
Swords that produce elemental blasts have been done countless times before. If this is a CW why does it only last 3 turns? if it only lasts that long, whats its use? Its a pointless sword.

Ninjutsu sutairu: Tachi sagari noa: Ninjutsu Style: Falling Noah

Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user performs the dog and rat hand seals and channels his chakra into the sky to create an opening in the sky which a large ship with great mass and weight capable of covering half of the battle field emerges from it and, descend towards the opponent and crash on him impaling him and crushing him. The ship weighs rougly 1 ton and the the damage is not only done on the opponent upon impact but the terrain itself.

Note: Can only be used twice in a battle.
Note : Must have mastered ninjutsu.
Note:Must be taught by thunderbolt to use

±± Declined ±±
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Sparrow Konpasu - Sparrow Compass
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Long ago Jack Sparrow discovered a compass that was created, during the time of the sage of six paths, where the compass already had its own chakra signature, but dormant until it gets infused with the users chakra before it gets activated. The compass has a passive and main ability, the passive ability is its sensing like ability, where it can sense other peoples chakra around it and will point to the different chakras through the use of the needle within the compass. When pinpointing any opponent around you on the battlefield, the compass is only able to point around you, it is restricted to detecting the opponent around you but not beneath or above you. The main ability is activated by the users chakra inserted into the compass, when this happens, the compass needle will spin rapidly and then by combining its own and the user’s chakra it will burst out with chakra affecting both the user and the opponent at the same time. Though the user will know what is happening. It will latch onto anyone in the battlefield as if it's like a genjutsu however the chakra doesn't induce genjutsu. It only affects the physical limitations of all the members on the battlefield. The sense's which tells the motor skills of any person within the battlefield gets switched. For example if a person wants to punch with their left fist, the right fist will be used. If the person wants to walk forward, they will walk backwards. It only affects the physical motor skills and when using jutsu's it has no effect, the only affect it has on jutsu is when you use hand seals, let’s say you’re performing the Tiger – Boar – Ram hand seals you actually make the Ram – Boar – Tiger hand seals.
- Only usable by Gutsy Jiraiya
- Indestructible
- Passive ability is active at all times
- Passive ability will be ineffective when using the main ability
- Main ability needs activation
- Can be activated twice per battle
- Activation counts as a move
- Active for 5 turns

Dropping: (Post #4)

X-Declined-X First ability is fine, second ability is an existing technique usable by most people[/FONT]
- Resubmitting -

Sparrow Konpasu - Sparrow Compass
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Long ago Jack Sparrow discovered a compass that was created, during the time of the sage of six paths, where the compass already had its own chakra signature, but dormant until it gets infused with the users chakra before it gets activated. The compass has a passive and main ability, the passive ability is its sensing like ability, where it responds to the users chakra which lets it indicate whom or what the user is searching for. It can sense other people’s chakra around it and will point to the different chakras through the use of the needle within the compass. When pinpointing any opponent around you on the battlefield, the compass is only able to point around you; it is restricted to detecting the opponent around you but not beneath or above you. capable of sensing foreign chakra and therefor capable of knowing when the user is under a genjutsu. The main ability is activated when the opponent infuses their chakra into the wielder of the compass. The compass will force its own chakra into your body when you are under a genjutsu and will then break you out of the genjutsu.
- Only usable by Gutsy Jiraiya
- Indestructible
- Passive ability is active at all times
- Main ability is activated when foreign chakra enters the wielders body
- Can be activated 3 times per battle
- Activation counts as a move
- Break genjutsu of up to A-rank

±± Declined ±±
Genjutsu breaking ability can't be approved. Not only don't you exlplain how the compass has that knoledge and how it can act as a sentient thing to release you from a genjutsu on its own accord. Also, there are already weapons with variations of this ability.

Suiton: Burakku no Pa-ru | Water Style: The Black Pearl
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Whilst performing the handseals Tiger → Snake → Rat, the user focuses his chakra into a body of water and forms a large pirate ship that rises out of the water. The Black Pearl is about 25 feet tall and about 15 feet wide it has three masts. The Ship itself is big enough to to cover the the user if summoned in front of him. The user is able to send his chakra into his feet and stand on top of the ship where he controls it. The Ship has a single cannon in the front near the bow. It can fire two blasts of water. Each blast is of B-Rank (2 B-Rank Blasts = A Rank). After performing this technique you can't use any water techniques in the next turn. Because of the mass of water, the ship can sustain water attacks of B-Rank and below.
Note: Lasts 3 turns once summoned
Note: Can defend against water techniques of B-Rank and below
Note: Can't use water techniques in the next turn.
Note: Can only be taught by Gutsy Jiraiya

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.

Hitoshirezu Shado-Mizu Kei | Hidden Shadow Water Whips
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user gathers his suiton chakra which is expelled from the arm and forms several whips of water under the sleeve of the user. These whips will extend from the sleeve. The ninja can extend the water whips to attack a target and strangle them. Once extended the water whips can be used to hold the person in place and strangle them.
Note: Can only be taught by Gutsy Jiraiya

±± Declined ±±

Similar to existing techniques
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Active member
Sep 25, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Tsuinassai Ryūsē) – Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: After performing a set of 4 handseals, the user gathers a huge amount of fire chakra and releases it into the air, causing a portal similar to the "Sticky Earth Drop" technique to open to either of two opposite sides of the intended target, each portal is released 5 meters away from the opponent, summoning two identical meteor sized fireballs which are extremely compressed towards the opponent, approaching him from the two opposite sides, when the Fireballs each are 3 meters away from the opponent they resonate with each other, causing a "link" of fire to spread out connecting the two fireballs resulting in a ring of fire that's made around the opponent, entrapping him in the area he's in, however the opponent can escape vertically upwards since the ring of fire doesn't cover above him it only covers around him, the heat released from these two fireballs are enough to cause sweat to drip down the opponent's body when it's summoned out of the portals, letting him know the danger he's in, each Meteor sized fireball is considered an A-rank Fire technique, since it's an S-rank divided in two, when hit by either fireballs, anything caught in between the two fireballs will be crushed and burned severely.
Note: Can only be used once.
Note: No S-rank Fire Release or above techniques in the next turn.

X-Declined-X Well, excluding the strong relation with space-time ninjutsu (Sticky Earth drop was used by an anbu and can very well be a variant of summoning like wheel of fortune). There are 2 things:
-Mid Range? Mid range from you or your opponent? if you, you are in effect range.
-3m is too less, make it at least 10-15m.

(Katon: Ryūhonō kyūzō) – Fire Release: Dragon Flame Explosion
Type: Offensive
Rank: A – S
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 – 40
Damage Points: 60 – 80
Description: This is a variant of the original "Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors" technique, in which after the user forms 4 other handseals, a portal is created above the opponent which is similar to the "Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop" technique, summoning one Large sized dragon that heads onto the opponent from above him, when used solely this technique can only make the dragon that hits the opponent head on delivering burning damage to them and is considered an A-rank Fire technique, however when this technique is used after/in conjunction with the "Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors" technique the Fire dragon and the two meteor sized fireballs resonate with one another, forming a semi transparent pyramid shaped barrier of fire around the opponent which can be clearly seen with normal eyes, which explodes eradicating anyone within the barrier when used in conjunction or after the technique mentioned previously it's considered an S-rank, this technique is normally made at least 5 meters above the opponent's height.
Note: Can only be used twice.
Note: Each rank can be used once per battle.
Note: No S-rank or above fire techniques for the next 2 turns after using S-ranked version.
Note: No S-rank and above Fire techniques in the next turn after using the A-rank version.

X-Declined-X Pick One rank, and submit this after the first technique gets approved.

(Katon: Ryūhonō kyūzō) – Fire Release: Dragon Flame Explosion
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This is a variant of the original "Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors" technique, in which after the user forms 4 other handseals, a portal is created above the opponent which is similar to the "Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop" technique, summoning one Large sized dragon that heads onto the opponent from above him, when used solely this technique can only make the dragon that hits the opponent head on delivering burning damage to them and is considered an A-rank Fire technique, however when this technique is used after/in conjunction with the "Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors" technique the Fire dragon and the two meteor sized fireballs resonate with one another, forming a semi transparent pyramid shaped barrier of fire around the opponent which can be clearly seen with normal eyes, which explodes eradicating anyone within the barrier, The Dragon is normally made at least 5 meters above the opponent's height.
Note: Can only be used twice.
Note: No S-rank or above fire techniques for the next turn.

(Katon: Tsuinassai Ryūsē) – Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: 90
Description: After performing a set of 4 handseals, the user gathers a huge amount of fire chakra and releases it into the air, causing a portal similar to the "Sticky Earth Drop" technique to open to either of two opposite sides of the intended target, each portal is released 15 meters away from the opponent basically a Mid range to both of his sides, summoning two identical meteor sized fireballs which are extremely compressed towards the opponent, approaching him from the two opposite sides, when the Fireballs each are 10 meters away from the opponent they resonate with each other, causing a "link" of fire to spread out connecting the two fireballs resulting in a ring of fire that's made around the opponent, entrapping him in the area he's in, however the opponent can escape vertically upwards since the ring of fire doesn't cover above him it only covers around him, the heat released from these two fireballs are enough to cause sweat to drip down the opponent's body when it's summoned out of the portals, letting him know the danger he's in, each Meteor sized fireball is considered an A-rank Fire technique, since it's an S-rank divided in two, when hit by either fireballs, anything caught in between the two fireballs will be crushed and burned severely.
Note: Can only be used once.
Note: No S-rank Fire Release or above techniques in the next turn.
Note: -15 Damage to the user due to the sudden chakra exhaustion

X-Approved-X Although i made this forbidden ^^ sorry i cant find a better way to get this approvable.
(Katon: Doki no Naraku) – Fire Release: Wrath Of Hades
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: After forming 5 handseals, the user gathers a large amount of fire chakra throughout his whole body and stomps one of his legs onto the ground, releasing the fire chakra throughout the ground from either of the opponent's sides, meaning to his opponent's left and right sides or in front and behind him, Then using the fire chakra to cause two identical F-5 hurricanes to rise out of the ground from the opponent's sides 6 meters away from him, as they both head towards him the hurricanes spin around themselves at blazing speeds, so much that each hurricane generates enough pressure to pull the opponent towards it however since the two hurricanes are pulling the opponent from oppposite sides the opponent will be suspendly hanged into the air, with the pressure released from both hurricanes combined not allow him to move a muscle paralyzing him as the Hurricanes head towards him, when hit by either hurricane the opponent is sucked into them as he spins around inside the hurricane while he's being burned since it's made of fire, however if the opponent manages to destroy one hurricane of the two he will be able to move again, although that would mean that the other hurricane would pull him towards it.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: No Fire Release techniques the next turn.
||Declined|| Do not Resubmit

(Senpō: Kagutsuchi) – Sage Art: God Of Fire
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (+20 to Fire Release techniques)
Description: After entering Sage Mode the user utilizes a large amount of natural chakra and channels it throughout his whole body, by utilizing stacks of natural chakra and compressing it together when performing every fire technique there will be an addition of +40 chakra cost to every single fire technique the user uses basically following somewhat a similar principle to how Odama Rasengan is made from the original Rasengan, by pumping out more chakra while using the original Rasengan they make it bigger and much stronger than it was before, however as a downside of this technique it utilizes a gigantic amount of chakra and after a period of time there won't be much natural energy left for the user, this technique causes fire techniques to become hotter than they already are and become stronger it already was, while this technique is active, the user cannot use Water Release techniques at all, also by using this the user loses the additional damage points that Sage Mode grants to other ninjutsu techniques for as long as this technique is active and after this technique is deactivated, the user cannot use Fire Release techniques above A-rank for 3 turns.
Note: Can only be used once per battle.
Note: Lasts 4 turns.
Note: Cuts Sage Mode by 3 turns.
Note: Must be in Sage Mode to use this technique.
||Declined|| Do not Resubmit

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Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kuro Ito Boushi Koutei) – Dark Threads Rotatory Propeller
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary, Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A (-20 damage to the opponent if contact is made)
Description: The user shapes the dark threads on their back into eight rotary structures which form a wheel-like propeller capable of spinning at extremely high speeds. The resulting effect is an active defense on their back which blows away all small weapons and shreds the opponent’s limbs into thousands of pieces if contact is made with it. The propeller also grants the user the ability of flight or the ability to move efficiently underwater. However, if the threads are cut or destroyed the technique will automatically be cancelled.
Note: Must have Dark Threads active
Note: Last for Three Turns
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
||Declined|| No to the bolded...Especially not both of them.

(Kuro Ito Bunshin) – Dark Threads Clone
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user takes ¼ of their chakra and creates a clone constructed only of dark threads which has real form and substance. Due to be being constructed primarily of dark threads the clone has the ability to fly due to being weightless like Kakuzu's masks. Furthermore the clone doesn’t disperse against physical attacks as it will simply reshape, it must be completely destroyed and it can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. The real utility of this clone is that it can reintegrate back into the user’s body to break any A-Rank and lower Genjutsu due to the sudden disruption of chakra flow that occurs. Once it reintegrates, the remaining unused chakra in the clone is returned to the user. However if the clone is destroyed, the remaining chakra doesn’t return to the user and is lost completely. Whilst the clone is active, both the user and the clone are incapable of using Genjutsu as of result of the user's divided consciousness.
Note: Must have Dark Threads active
Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: Only one clone can be created during each use
Note: No other of the user's clones can be active while this jutsu is
Note: Can only be used by Negative Knight

Katana No Kazan| Sword of Vulcan
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-10 to the user per turn) (-20 to the opponent if contact is made)
Description: This is a weapon rumored to have been constructed by an Icelandic emperor nicknamed “Vulcan”. After a recent and catastrophic volcanic eruption, near the volcano rare and precious stones named Obsidian were found and harvested on behalf of Vulcan. They were tempered and condensed by putting them through the harshest of conditions, the highest of temperatures and the most daunting of physical pressures. After creating this new “super material”, Vulcan ordered for it to be smelted into a sword, using Titanium as the hilt to further imply his ambition to create the most enduring of all weapons.

The finished sword was made to look like a pitch black, large curved Scimitar, almost reaching Kubikiribōchō in size.

On his deathbed, Vulcan infused his fearsome chakra into the blade itself, granting it abilities unparalleled by most weapons altogether. Making his sword completely impervious to heats up to even the hottest of fires, he cast it deep into the pits of Mt. Etna to be recovered by only the truly daring. With Vulcan’s wishes being implanted in the sword, made it so that the one who discovers this sword would become the only person capable of wielding such an overwhelming and awe-inspiring power.

During his travels to master the element of Fire completely, Kakuzu came across this weapon after a recent eruption. After grasping the sword, it released painful tendrils which extracted a portion of his blood and signed an eternal contract with him, to honour him and only him.

-The weapon can endure extremely High Temperatures and Crushing Pressures

-The weapon naturally emits severe heats capable of melting through the toughest of metals, all inferior materials and organic materials e.g. Wood and etc.

-Has the ability to absorb all the Heat from Fire and Lava Release Techniques, making them ineffective in dealing any damage. Can only be used 3 times per battle on A-Rank and Lower Techniques. This technique cannot be used on consecutive turns.

-Whilst wielding it, the user’s body becomes insanely superheated, 20 Damage is dealt to the opponent if contacted is made with the user. This effect only applies once per turn. Due to super heating their body the user is shrouded in a crimson red Aura whilst wielding the weapon

-The user becomes extremely resistant to high temperatures, this mainly translates to becoming impervious to C-Rank and lower Fire and Lava Release Techniques (including CE Variants).

-Through its slashes the sword can expel spiky edged disks of fire towards the opponent.

-The Sword can only be wielded for 5 Turns

-Must have a Mastery of Fire to wield the Blade

-In no way does the sword absorb Katon chakra but rather raw heat itself. The heat it absorbs takes away the lethality of the technique but alters it in no other way e.g. Lava Release would still deal damage as it is now mud.

-The ability of absorption of heat can only be used 3 Times per battle and only on A-Rank and Lower Fire and Lava Techniques (includes CE Variants). Cannot be used on consecutive turns.

In this case only Lava would retain its capability to damage the user (it becomes mud) but the essential idea that remains is the sword absorbing heat and not chakra.

-Negative Knight is the only person capable of wielding this weapon. The sword severely burns anyone else who to attempts to wield it; with the heat growing exponentially the longer they wield it.

-The user super heating their body naturally exhausts it as its forced to work harder, subsequently causing damage to their tissue. The user takes 10 damage every turn they wield the blade.

-Whilst making the user’s body scolding hot to touch, it is highly chakra taxing to wield this blade hence the -10 chakra cost per turn for simply wielding it.

-+20 Damage to all Water Techniques against the user when the sword is being held due to the sword super heating their body.

-The user themselves is unable to use Water Release Techniques for the duration of wielding this weapon due to its natural enmity towards the element. However clones, summons and etc still can.

How the Material Looks

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How the shape of the Sword Looks (But it’s the Size of Zaubza’s Sword and the Hilt is different)

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That is how the sword looks minus the sharp part protruding from the back of the blade. Its slightly larger in size and the hilt is longer and made of hardened Titanium. The Kanji on the sword glows dark red when being held by the rightful owner.
||Leaving for Scorps|| I hate Roaches >_>

±± Declined ±±
Submit this in a proper manner. Also, Lets be honest and make this into a viable weapon shall we? Melting through basically any material? Just like that? Please...

And Roku...Yeah...they ugly. >_>
Original Submission -


Katana No Kazan| Sword of Vulcan
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-10 to the user per turn) (-20 to the opponent if contact is made)
Description: This is a weapon rumored to have been constructed by an Icelandic emperor nicknamed “Vulcan”. After a recent and catastrophic volcanic eruption, near the volcano rare and precious stones named Obsidian were found and harvested on behalf of Vulcan. They were tempered and condensed by putting them through the harshest of conditions, the highest of temperatures and the most daunting of physical pressures. After creating this new “super material”, Vulcan ordered for it to be smelted into a sword, using Titanium as the hilt to further imply his ambition to create the most enduring of all weapons. The finished sword was made to look like a pitch black, large curved Scimitar, almost reaching Kubikiribōchō in size.

On his deathbed, Vulcan infused his fearsome chakra into the blade itself, granting it abilities unparalleled by most weapons altogether. Making his sword completely impervious to heats up to even the hottest of fires, he cast it deep into the pits of Mt. Etna to be recovered by only the truly daring.

-The weapon can endure extremely High Temperatures and Crushing Pressures

-The blade naturally emits severe heats capable of melting through wood, skin, flesh and other inferior materials on contact.

-Has the ability to absorb all the Heat from Fire, Lava and heat based elements (including CE Variants), making them ineffective in dealing any damage. Can only be used 3 times per battle on S-Rank and Lower Techniques. This technique cannot be used on consecutive turns. This will count as one of the user's jutsu per turn.

-Whilst wielding it, the user’s body becomes insanely superheated, 20 Damage is dealt to the opponent if contacted is made with the user. This effect only applies once per turn. Due to super heating their body the user is shrouded in a crimson red Aura whilst wielding the weapon

-The user becomes extremely resistant to high temperatures, this mainly translates to becoming impervious to C-Rank and lower Fire and Lava Release Techniques (including CE Variants).

-The Sword can only be wielded for 5 Turns
-Must have a Mastery of Fire to wield the Blade
-Whilst wielding the blade the user is unable to use Water Release Techniques
-Water Release Techniques do 20 extra damage against the user
-The Sword absorbs heat and not chakra e.g. Lava Release becomes mud.

-Negative Knight is the only person capable of wielding this weapon. The sword severely burns anyone else who to attempts to wield it; with the heat growing exponentially the longer they wield it.

-The user super heating their body naturally exhausts it as its forced to work harder, subsequently causing damage to their tissue. The user takes 10 damage and loses 10 chakra points every turn they wield the blade.

How the Sword Looks (and its material)

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Changed the things in bold and edited the structuring of the submission.

Removed the "Through its slashes the sword can expel spiky edged disks of fire towards the opponent".

I plan on submitting the Heat Absorption as a Custom Jutsu later on, there i will explain the jutsu fully to avoid any and all misconceptions.

This is my first weapon.

||Leaving for Scorps||

±± Declined ±±
It now has abilities that have been done in other CWs and other techniques. DNR
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Nov 11, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Sekushīna watashi) | Illusionary Arts: Sexy me
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: After preforming the 'Ram' handseal the user lets out a burst of chakra towards the opponent, to put him under genjutsu. As soon as the opponent is under the genjutsu, he will see a mist in front of him for a split second, and when the mist disappears, the user will be replaced with a desirable man/woman of the opposite ***. This person starts to slowly undress himself/herself, causing the opponent to be distracted and giving the user a chance to attack.
Note: Can be used 2 times per battle

X-Declined-X LOL OPED

(Genjutsu: Sourubyū) | Illusionary Arts: Soul View
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user preforms a string of 5 handseals Rat Dog Boar Dragon Ram and release a burst of chakra towards the opponent(s), placing them under a genjutsu. As soon as the users chakra interferes with the opponent's chakra flow, the opponent will have the feeling that he leaves his body, and starts flowing towards the sky. As the opponent 'floats' in the sky he sees his body on the ground in a frozen stance, and vulnerable to attacks. In reality, the opponent stands immobilised on his place.
Note: Can be used once
Note: Lasts two turns
Note: No Genjutsu in the same or next turn
Note: Can affect multiple targets

X-Declined-X Why S rank?

(Genjutsu: Sekushīna watashi) | Illusionary Arts: Sexy me
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: After preforming the 'Ram' handseal the user lets out a burst of chakra towards the opponent, to put him under genjutsu. As soon as the opponent is under the genjutsu, he will see a mist in front of him for a split second, and when the mist disappears, the user will be replaced with a desirable man/woman of the opposite ***. This person starts to walk up to the opponent in a seducing way, causing the opponent to be distracted and giving the user a chance to attack.
Note: Can be used 2 times per battle
||Declined|| What exactly did you change besides what the person actually does?

(Genjutsu: Sourubyū) | Illusionary Arts: Soul View
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user preforms a string of 3 handseals and release a burst of chakra towards the opponent(s), placing them under a genjutsu. As soon as the users chakra interferes with the opponent's chakra flow, the opponent will have the feeling that he leaves his body, and starts flowing towards the sky. As the opponent 'floats' in the sky he sees his body on the ground in a frozen stance, and vulnerable to attacks. In reality, the opponent stands immobilised on his place.
Note: Can be used once
Note: Lasts two turns
Note: No Genjutsu in the same
Note: Can affect multiple targets
||Declined|| Remove the bolded.

(Hātoburēkā) | Heartbreaker
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Heartbreaker is a sword that belonged to legendary Davy Jones at one point and is Jack’s greatest weapon. Heartbraker is an indestructible sword, made by the Sea Goddess Calypso, and was given Davy Jones as a sign of her love for him. After Jones’ dead, the sword got lost, until a young ninja found the sword hidden in the sand on a deserted beach. For a long period of time the ninja used the sword as a regular sword until one day he channelled his chakra into the sword, and the sword changed into a metal whip. Upon practicing the young ninja found out that he could channel his chakra trough the sword, and use it for his own personal fighting style, Hoippu Geijutsu.
Hearbreaker is in it’s sword form a simple double handed sword, with a blade that is 4 feet long. Because of the special metal that is used to make Heartbraker, it is very light and the user will be able to wield it both with one or with two hands as he desires. The metal has another special property, it conducts chakra.
In it’s whip form, Heartbraker’s blade will split up in small fragments that create whip of 8 meters long. The segments are hold together by small strings of metal.
- Can only be wielded by -Severus Snape-
- Changing Heartbreaker’s form counts as one move

Sword form
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Whip form
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||Declined|| Conducts chakra? What is Hoippu Genjutsu
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Jun 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Doton: Chou Tengen Toppa)- Earth Release: Giga Drill Breaker
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user will perform three hand seals, and then place one palm onto the ground. When they remove the palm, they will cover their hand with earth, and use shape manipulation to form a massive drill at begins at the wrist, and extends outward six feet. When desired, the user has the option to fire the drill from the wrist via chakra towards the opponent. The range of the fired drill can extend to long range. The incredible drilling and puncture impact of this technique allows it to pierce most walled/flat surface defenses.
Note: Can only be taught/used by Selendrile
Note: Usable twice per battle
Note: Due to the weight of the drill, the user must have had mastered Taijutsu

(Doton: Chou Tengen Toppa)- Earth Release: Giga Drill Breaker
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user will perform three hand seals, and then focus his earth chakra to the edges of either of his arms. Similar to "Earth Release Armor", the user will use nature manipulation on his chakra to form a large drill composed of stone and rock on his both/one of his arms. The drill begins halfway up the forearm and extends outward six feet. When desired, the user has the option to fire the drill from the arm via chakra towards the opponent. The incredible drilling and puncture impact of this technique allows it to pierce most walled/flat surface defenses.
Note: Can only be taught by Selendrile
Note: Usable twice per battle
Note: Due to the weight of the drill, the user must have had mastered Taijutsu

(Hyō Unarigoe)- Pantera’s Snarl
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Hyō Unarigoe is an advanced, form fitting, white, segmented body armor that fits comfortably and perfectly around the entire lower portion of the wielder’s body. Hyō Unarigoe is composed of a lightweight, yet incredibly durable chakra metal. The armor is a suitable defense against sword strikes, weapon projectiles, and C-rank and below taijutsu. Tight, leather, chakra mesh is located under the basic armor and around the joints and points on the body requiring a large amount of movement and flexibility (such as the ankles, knees, etc). The knees have bladed projections on the front of them for cutting/slicing. The feet and ankle portion of the body armor are solid black, and contain several metal claws protruding from the toes. These provide the wielder increased traction on slick or difficult terrain (such as ice, etc). The claws can hook into surfaces to stop on whim, or aid the wielder in immediate directional changes. The bottoms of the feet are padded with a noise muffling material, allowing for near-silent running. However, the real ability that Hyō Unarigoe possesses is much more deadly. The strength of Hyō Unarigoe increases as it becomes dirtier, regardless of whether it is from mud, water, or anything containing chakra. Whenever a technique physically touches or makes contact with any part of Hyō Unarigoe, it saps the technique’s chakra, either completely dispelling or reducing the rank of the technique. This absorption does not apply to genjutsu, as genjutsu is not a physical manifestation of chakra. This also leaves the armor somewhat stained with black blotches. The chakra metal of Hyō Unarigoe will then stay charged with the chakra absorbed from techniques. When needed, the wielder will transfer the stored chakra from the armor to himself to be used to increase the power of his next technique, equal to the amount of stored chakra. This ability can be used four times per battle, and counts as a single move of the user.
Note: Can only be used by Selendrile unless given permission
Note: Can only absorb up to B-rank worth of chakra from a single technique per absorption

X-Declined-X Vague in theory, Gets stronger as it gets dirtier? No physical limit on absorption of chakra which allows this to even absorb forbidden ranked techniques with relative ease.

(Genjutsu: Danpenka Sa Reta Tamashī no Bōrei): Illusion Technique: Apparitions of a Fragmented Soul
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user will perform the Dragon → Bird hand seals, and inserts his chakra into his opponent(s) brain. Once done, the opponent(s) will experience a gradual burning sensation as a thick, smokey haze erupts from the area around their heart. The haze then spreads out all around the opponent(s), forming into several cloaked and hooded figures. All at once, the figures remove their hoods and fling open their robes, revealing themselves. The faces mimic the loved ones closest to the opponent(s), however with many prominent differences. The bodies of the apparitions are blackened, like severely burnt skin. Puss and blood ooze from every crack and crevice. Their faces have decayed skin hanging off in ragged strips, with maggots crawling throughout the eye sockets and mouth. Their voices are piercing and demonic, screaming constant, deafening curses and threats for not saving them before their untimely death. By this time, the burning sensation has spread throughout their chest and has begun to cook the opponent(s) skin, burning it a black color comparable to that of the apparition's. The apparitions then rapidly converge on the opponent, removing wicked looking swords and weapons. They proceed to stab the opponent(s) through every part and place on their body. As they stab through the opponent(s), they whisper "Welcome home."
Note: Can only be taught by Selendrile
Note: Usable twice per battle
Note: No Genjutsu above A-rank for two turns after use

X-Declined-X Similar to a multitude of existing techniques. And Damage points again?
(Hyō Unarigoe)- Pantera’s Snarl
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Hyō Unarigoe is an advanced, form fitting, white, segmented body armor that fits comfortably and perfectly around the entire lower portion of the wielder’s body. Hyō Unarigoe is composed of a lightweight, yet incredibly durable chakra metal. The armor is a suitable defense against sword strikes, weapon projectiles, and C-rank and below taijutsu.Tight, leather, chakra mesh is located under the basic armor and around the joints and points on the body requiring a large amount of movement and flexibility (such as the ankles, knees, etc). The knees have bladed projections on the front of them for cutting/slicing. The feet and ankle portion of the body armor are solid black, and contain several metal claws protruding from the toes. These provide the wielder increased traction on slick or difficult terrain (such as ice, etc). The claws can hook into surfaces to stop on whim, or aid the wielder in immediate directional changes. The bottoms of the feet are padded with a noise muffling material, allowing for near-silent running. However, the real ability that Hyō Unarigoe possesses is much more deadly. Whenever a technique physically touches or makes direct contact with any part of Hyō Unarigoe, it saps the technique’s chakra, either completely dispelling or reducing the rank of the technique. This absorption does not apply to genjutsu, as genjutsu is not a physical manifestation of chakra. This also leaves the armor somewhat stained with black blotches. The chakra metal of Hyō Unarigoe will then stay charged with the chakra absorbed from techniques. When needed, the wielder will transfer the stored chakra from the armor to himself to be used to increase the power of his next technique, equal to the amount of stored chakra. This ability can be used four times per battle, counts as a single move of the user, and can absorb chakra from S-rank and below techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Selendrile unless given permission
Note: Can absorb up to B-rank worth of chakra from a single techniquem per absorption

||Pending!|| I'll leave this for Xylon

X-Declined-X I still think the same, i'd ask others if i thought it had a better chance of approval by someone else. But already went through that from the last time.

(Suiton: Niji Ponpu)- Water Release: Secondary Pump
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: After using a water style technique, the user releases a quick, secondary spray of unfocused water into the released water technique. This technique, due to its simplicity, can be used directly after a previously released water technique. The speed of this technique allows the user only a fractional delay before it combines with the intended technique, augmenting its overall strength and volume.
Note: Can only be taught by Selendrile
Note: Usable three times per battle
||Declined|| How so and by how much?
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon/Fuuton: Koudo Bakuhatsu Enhogan ) | Fire Release/Wind Release: Advanced Exploding Flame Shots
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user shoots an abundance of heavily compressed bullets of fire towards their opponent. The bullets themselves, much like "Exploding Flame Shots" are comprised of a more condensed fire energy like substance rather than actual flames and therefore have a unique level of "Solidity". The bullets are about the size of a basketball, and constantly keep a fixed shape. The bullets are in fact hollow, and have multiple canals or pathways that lead from the exterior of the bullet towards its hollow center. The bullets flight paths are controlled by the intentions and will of the user upon release, allowing them to move in unique predetermined patterns. The bullets are released in extremely quick succession and a maximum of 16 can be released. The bullets fly at fairly high speeds however still remain traceable by the naked eye, albeit barely as it can be a hard task to keep up with the abundance of whizzing bullets. After having released the bullets the user continues to perform a single handseal, causing air to race inwards towards all of the bullets, the air passes into the air canals and builds up in the hollow center of the bullets, at which point the air canals close so as to prevent the mass of pent up air from escaping. As the canals close the bullets begin to compress inwards on themselves, shrinking to the size of a ping pong ball. Then as the bullets reach their intended targets, the fire part of the bullets begins to explode outwards, while it also releases its compression which thus allows the wind to erupt as it's no longer being kept in place by the flames, this results in a double explosion of sorts. As the fire and wind explode outwards, powerful flames erupt in all directions, scorching and burning all within their path, backed up by the second explosion of the scorching hot, yet not alight wind that increases the force of the explosion drastically.


- Can only be used 3x
- No Fire or wind Techniques above S rank for the rest of, or the next turn.

X-Declined-X Oped

I have Hazama's permission to submit this.

Hyouton: Habokku no Kanpa (Ice Release: Havoc's Cold Snap)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: An advanced and more concentrated form of Ice Release: Cold Snap, the user courses an immense amount of hyouton chakra all throughout their body and releases it in several 360 degree circular waves of ice in such a way that they are sent to cover every angle around the user. From the outside looking it, it seems as if the circles seem to orbit the user not unlike the rings of a saturn. Upon the user's snapping both of his fingers (One per hand), the waves of ice will be sent outwards in a 360 degree wave and is capable of freezing anything it comes into contact with. Water and wind makes this technique stronger.


- No Ice techniques can be performed for the rest of the turn
- Can only be used 2x per battle.
- Cold Snap refers to this technique;
- Can only be taught by Scaze

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X-Declined-X Powerful shape manipulation for a technique with no hand seals

Information, link of signing, and link of me taking over the contract, and link of the contracts approval can all be found by following this link;

Summoning Animal
Sting Rays
Scroll Owner
Other Users who have signed this contract
Toshiro - (He's going to sign it in the event this is approved and he wants his name there)
Summoning Boss if Existing
To be created upon approval

Other Summoning Animals Tied to this Contract
Kodai no mizūmi Sting Rays

The Rays are from a hidden secretive and mysterious lake found in a valley within a obscured mountain range called Kodai no mizūmi, translated to Lake of Antiquity.

General Description
Batoidea is a superorder of cartilaginous fish commonly known as rays and skates, containing more than 500 described species in thirteen families. They are closely related to sharks, from which they can be distinguished by their flattened bodies, enlarged pectoral fins that are fused to the head, and gill slits that are placed on their ventral surfaces. Some species of Rays being able to naturally generate a eletrical discharge used as a self defense or offense mechanism to stun a predator or prey. While others have what could only be describe as a tail with a barbed stinger on the end, that can literally be launched, the stinger containing naturally produced toxins that are usually protein based, and can be used to alter respiratory and heartbeat rate. Some even having what could be described as a long "Saw" like nose used for slashing at prey and predator alike.

Summon General Abilities
Kodai no mizūmi Rays vary in size, being as small as a plate to being as large as gamabunta, and other great summons.
Like all Rays, Rays that hail from Kodai no mizūmi also known as Lake of antiquity or sometimes referred to as Lake of the past or Lake of time, have their natural abilities, such as having a barbed stinger at the end of their "tail", or even naturally being able to generate eletrical discharges, however it is usually the case that their abilities are much more developed and "Heightened" than a standard Ray, the Protein-toxins being much more potent, naturally discharged eletric currents being much more harmful, and the strength of the Saw like noses being increased ten or even one hundred fold.Furthermore, Kodai no mizūmi Rays are aquatic animals, swimming with great agility and speed (and beauty) but some can even use their chakra to "swim" through the air for a limited amount of time (turns).

Summon Land History

Kodai no mizūmi being a epitome of beauty, nature untouched and unspoiled by the average human, however unfortunately the Rays that reside in the Lake of Antiquity, are segregated due to a civil cold war brought about due to triplets being born as heirs to the throne, and no record remaining of which is older, thus they both strived to establish dominance resulting in a stalemate and the Ray population being seperated.
As such the tripelts are all bosses of the three segregations keeping a level of peace, but still regarding eachother as traitors, leading to much tension between the tjree segregations. Something that every signer since has been striving to amend

±± Approved ±± Note that you'll need to define the poison and the stingrays will only have the abilities you put in each summon you submit. If you summon a generic singray into the battle field, it won't discharge lightning nor will it be poisonous. Also, the air swimming needs to be described in each summon you want that ability in and not for all of them.
Updating to clarify and avoid possible future disputes;

Summoning Animal
Rays (Batoids)
Scroll Owner
Other Users who have signed this contract
Kryptiic, Baldy, Tybone
Summoning Boss if Existing

Other Summoning Animals Tied to this Contract
Kodai no mizūmi Sting Rays

The Rays are from a hidden secretive and mysterious lake found in a valley within a obscured mountain range called Kodai no mizūmi, translated to Lake of Antiquity.

General Description
Batoidea is a superorder of cartilaginous fish commonly known as rays and skates, containing more than 500 described species in thirteen families. They are closely related to sharks, from which they can be distinguished by their flattened bodies, enlarged pectoral fins that are fused to the head, and gill slits that are placed on their ventral surfaces. Some species of Rays being able to naturally generate a eletrical discharge used as a self defense or offense mechanism to stun a predator or prey. While others have what could only be describe as a tail with a barbed stinger on the end, that can literally be launched, the stinger containing naturally produced toxins that are usually protein based, and can be used to alter respiratory and heartbeat rate. Some even having what could be described as a long "Saw" like nose used for slashing at prey and predator alike.

Summon General Abilities
Kodai no mizūmi Rays vary in size, being as small as a plate to being as large as gamabunta, and other great summons.
Like all Rays, Rays that hail from Kodai no mizūmi also known as Lake of antiquity or sometimes referred to as Lake of the past or Lake of time, have their natural abilities, such as having a barbed stinger at the end of their "tail", or even naturally being able to generate eletrical discharges, however it is usually the case that their abilities are much more developed and "Heightened" than a standard Ray, the Protein-toxins being much more potent, naturally discharged eletric currents being much more harmful, and the strength of the Saw like noses being increased ten or even one hundred fold.Furthermore, Kodai no mizūmi Rays are aquatic animals, swimming with great agility and speed (and beauty) but some can even use their chakra to "swim" through the air for a limited amount of time (turns). Rays that can swim through air have a unique adaptation that allows them to breathe in air for a period of time before being forced to return to water to breathe properly. Some Rays can keep this up for only a few minutes, while others have trained to be able to utilize this ability for hours or even days.

Summon Land History

Kodai no mizūmi being a epitome of beauty, nature untouched and unspoiled by the average human, however unfortunately the Rays that reside in the Lake of Antiquity, are segregated due to a civil cold war brought about due to triplets being born as heirs to the throne, and no record remaining of which is older, thus they both strived to establish dominance resulting in a stalemate and the Ray population being seperated.
As such the tripelts are all bosses of the three segregations keeping a level of peace, but still regarding eachother as traitors, leading to much tension between the tjree segregations. Something that every signer since has been striving to amend

X-Approved-X Better not be anything other then just the breathing in air part. And make sure to point out which rays are trained to stay up in the air for long and which arent.
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Bruce Banner

Active member
Aug 26, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±


(Jiton: Satetsu sensā) - Magnetism Release: Iron Sand Sensor
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: Sandaime kazekage puppet release a huge amount of iron sand which contain with chakra and scattered them surround the battle field and merge with the ground beneath into long range, the opponent who steps on the sand shall be detected by Sasori. However, it will not active anymore nor able to manipulate again by the 3rd kazekage because it will only contain weak chakra to be send to Sasori. Meaning, it can no longer be use to attack the opponent.

Note :
- Only usable be Sasori bio
- Usable only 1 times and must be release of the user first move
- After 4 turns the iron sand vanished automatically
- Can only be taught by Oasis Nara

X-Declined-X Doesn't means you cant use another technique that channels chakra through the same sand

New Submission

(Jiton: Kuroi kumo kyūbu) – Magnetism Release: Black Cloud Cube
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 100 (-40 to the user)
Description: Sasori whilst the 3rd Kazekage puppet, will send him fly to mid air then release a tremendous amount of iron sand from his mouth into the sky, cover the sky entirely above the battle field with iron sand scattered, the sky will seems like black dark cloud covering the battle field, then the 3rd Kazekage form the iron sand into a tremendous size of iron cube size of Gamabunta, and then will crash down upon the battle field in spinning motion, crushing anyone beneath the coverage of the iron cube crashed area (long range from the user), which nearly unavoidable, including Sasori’s ground shall be effected with the cube crashed, but the 3rd Kazekage will soften the iron sand above Sasori’s ground so only will harm him in minor injury, then the impact shall causing an earth quake into 7.0 Richter Scale when hit the ground, thus shall wipe back away anyone near the impact source, even to those who goes underground, while Sasori himself will off balance and suffer injury.

Restriction :
~Can only be used once per battle.
~Causing extremely exhausted and injury to Sasori also causing slow movement unable to dashing/running nor walking correctly for the following turn
~ The 3rd Kazekage will not be able to use iron sand for 2 turns and only A-Rank below after 2 turn
~ Sasori can only use C-Rank jutsu for the next 2 turn and Only A-Rank jutsu after the next 2 turn
~ The user takes damage -40
~ Can only be perform by Sasori bio
~ Can only be used by Oasis Nara and can’t be taught

X-Declined-X Fix the damage points

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Horusu, hikō u~onbatto ) -Summoning Technique-Horus, the flying Wombat
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user bite their finger to draw blood then perform 3 serial hand seal and slam their dominant hand into the ground to summon Horus. Horus is a Female wombat, a younger sister of Diprotodon (Lord of Wombat), she is the air force commander of Wombat empires, who are known the fastest flyer in Wombat empire, she is be able to fly 1.4 mach, a little faster than Pein giant bird. Her size is the same size with Diprotodon (4 meters or 15 feet long ) she is also the mastery of wind, able to use wind release up to S-Rank, she able to deflect elemental attack up to A-Rank jutsu with her father closed to her body except Fire and lightning attack. Horus can take 3 averages human in her back.
Note :
- Horus wind release also count as the users moves
- Horus able to speak English
- Can only be use twice per battle
- Stay on the field for 4 turn then auto vanished
- Must sign the Wombat Contract
- Must be taught by Oasis Nara

X-Pending-X Leaving for someone else

±± Declined ±±
Link to summoning contract?


(Jiton: Satetsu sensā) - Magnetism Release: Iron Sand Sensor
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: Sandaime kazekage puppet release a huge amount of iron sand which contain with chakra and scattered them surround the battle field and merge with the ground beneath into long range, the opponent who steps on the sand shall be detected by Sasori. However, it will not active anymore nor able to manipulate again by the 3rd kazekage because it will only contain weak chakra to be send to Sasori. Meaning, it can no longer be use to attack the opponent. And the remain of iron sand which have been release for detection purpose, will be no longer be able to manipulate by the user, meaning it will be a useless iron sand and turning into an ordinary sand.

Note :
- Only usable be Sasori bio
- Usable only 1 times and must be release of the user first move
- After 4 turns the iron sand vanished automatically
- Can only be taught by Oasis Nara

X-Declined-X Not gonna work

(Jiton: Kuroi kumo kyūbu) – Magnetism Release: Black Cloud Cube
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 90 (-40 to the user)
Description: Sasori whilst the 3rd Kazekage puppet, will send him fly to mid air then release a tremendous amount of iron sand from his mouth into the sky, cover the sky entirely above the battle field with iron sand scattered, the sky will seems like black dark cloud covering the battle field, then the 3rd Kazekage form the iron sand into a tremendous size of iron cube size of Gamabunta, and then will crash down upon the battle field in spinning motion, crushing anyone beneath the coverage of the iron cube crashed area (long range from the user), which nearly unavoidable, including Sasori’s ground shall be effected with the cube crashed, but the 3rd Kazekage will soften the iron sand above Sasori’s ground so only will harm him in minor injury, then the impact shall causing an earth quake into 7.0 Richter Scale when hit the ground, thus shall wipe back away anyone near the impact source, even to those who goes underground, while Sasori himself will off balance and suffer injury.

Restriction :
~Can only be used once per battle.
~Causing extremely exhausted and injury to Sasori also causing slow movement unable to dashing/running nor walking correctly for the following turn
~ The 3rd Kazekage will not be able to use iron sand for 2 turns and only A-Rank below after 2 turn
~ Sasori can only use C-Rank jutsu for the next 2 turn and Only A-Rank jutsu after the next 2 turn
~ The user takes damage -40
~ Can only be perform by Sasori bio
~ Can only be used by Oasis Nara and can’t be taught

X-Declined-X Earthquake of a magnitude 7.0? What are you thinking?

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Horusu, hikō u~onbatto ) -Summoning Technique-Horus, the flying Wombat
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user bite their finger to draw blood then perform 3 serial hand seal and slam their dominant hand into the ground to summon Horus. Horus is a Female wombat, a younger sister of Diprotodon (Lord of Wombat), she is the air force commander of Wombat empires, who are known the fastest flyer in Wombat empire, she is be able to fly 1.4 mach, a little faster than Pein giant bird. Her size is the same size with Diprotodon (4 meters or 15 feet long ) she is also the mastery of wind, able to use wind release up to S-Rank, she able to deflect elemental attack up to A-Rank jutsu with her father closed to her body except Fire and lightning attack. Horus can take 3 averages human in her back.
Note :
- Horus wind release also count as the users moves
- Horus able to speak English
- Can only be use twice per battle
- Stay on the field for 4 turn then auto vanished
- Must sign the Wombat Contract
- Must be taught by Oasis Nara

Wombat Approval Link >> <<

X-Declined-X Wombats started flying? At Mach 1.4?
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