[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Mar 5, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(ローズ拳) Rozu Ken ; Lord Fist
Type: Weapon
Rank: S.
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80

Physical: The basic design of the Rozu Ken is a metal band which when worn lies over the palm and circles the hand, there are two Rozu Ken, one for each hand and both are identical in all senses. The Rozu Ken is made up of the same chakra absorbing metal that Asuma’s trench knives are and work in a similar way.

Ability: The bands can absorb and redistribute the Chakra of the user causing a chakra coat around the fists.

The users hand and lower arm is covered in Chakra which enhances the power and strength on all the Taijutsu attacks of that said user. The power of the attack depends on the rank. The higher the rank the more damage a punch can do, a Kage/Sennin user of this weapon would have the strength similar to Tsunade’s chakra control punches able to shatter the ground of a large area or shatter the bones in an enemy’s arm while a S-Jounin user of the Rozu Ken would be able to break a single large rock or break the arm of the enemy in two halves. The main usage of this weapon is when used in conjunction with Taijutsu to enhance power.

Elemental usage: Once the user of the Rozu Ken has mastered an element the user can apply the element to the Chakra which is being absorbed by the band.

Fuuton: By channeling Fuuton chakra into the bands, two waves of wind are made around the band. One on the left, and one on the right side. Whenever the opponent kicks or punches, the user can use these waves to let the attacks slip off, meaning the attack doesn't connect and the user is imbalanced.

Raiton: By focusing raiton chakra into the bands, and releasing it at once, the user's attack becomes much faster and more powerful, due to the sudden outburst. If it connects, the opponent is briefly numbed in the place it connected.

Katon: By focusing Katon chakra into the bands, the user creates 3 small flaming spikes that come out of the front of the band. These spikes, when connecting to the opponent, penetrate the skin a little bit, and cause the skin of the opponent to be burned, as well as the penetrated flesh.

Doton: The user, when focusing Doton chakra into the band, creates a block of stone around his hand, increasing the power due to the punch, though decreasing the users speed slightly. This can also be used to block incoming up to C-rank taijutsu attacks.

Suiton: Each fist is coated in a think substance, if the users hands come in contact with the enemy, the substance bonds the users hand with the part of the body it has contact with allowing for follow up attacks. This lasts for the enemies next turn or if the enemy can detach themselves.

Note: Can only be used three times per fight.
Note: Only one element can be used per fight.
Note: Each usage of the weapon lasts 2 turns.

~ Oh, this is a weapon ? I almost didn't realize that. No, no one is gaining Tsunade-level strength whatever the case. That's the first of a few issues I ave, and the major one, so fix that, resubmit and we'll see. ~

(Rozu Ken) Lord Fist
Type: Weapon
Rank: S.
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80

Physical: The basic design of the Rozu Ken is a metal band which when worn lies over the palm and circles the hand, there are two Rozu Ken, one for each hand and both are identical in all senses. The Rozu Ken is made up of the same chakra absorbing metal that Asuma’s trench knives are and work in a similar way.

Ability: The bands can absorb and redistribute the Chakra of the user causing a chakra coat around the fists.

The users hand and lower arm is covered in Chakra which enhances the power and strength on all the Taijutsu attacks of that said user. The power of the attack depends on the rank. The higher the rank the more damage a punch can do, a Kage/Sennin user of this weapon would have the strength to shatter the ground in a 1-2 meter radius around them or to break an enemies arm. while a S-Jounin user of the Rozu Ken would be able to break a single large rock or tree and be able to seriously bruise a part of the enemies body causing pain for them to use it. The main usage of this weapon is when used in conjunction with Taijutsu to enhance power.

Elemental usage: Once the user of the Rozu Ken has mastered an element the user can apply the element to the Chakra which is being absorbed by the band.

Fuuton: By channeling Fuuton chakra into the bands, two waves of wind are made around the band. One on the left, and one on the right side. Whenever the opponent kicks or punches, the user can use these waves to let the attacks slip off, meaning the attack doesn't connect and the user is imbalanced.

Raiton: By focusing raiton chakra into the bands, and releasing it at once, the user's attack becomes much faster and more powerful, due to the sudden outburst. If it connects, the opponent is briefly numbed in the place it connected.

Katon: By focusing Katon chakra into the bands, the user creates 3 small flaming spikes that come out of the front of the band. These spikes, when connecting to the opponent, penetrate the skin a little bit, and cause the skin of the opponent to be burned, as well as the penetrated flesh.

Doton: The user, when focusing Doton chakra into the band, creates a block of stone around his hand, increasing the power due to the punch, though decreasing the users speed slightly. This can also be used to block incoming up to C-rank taijutsu attacks.

Suiton: Each fist is coated in a think substance, if the users hands come in contact with the enemy, the substance bonds the users hand with the part of the body it has contact with allowing for follow up attacks. This lasts for the enemies next turn or if the enemy can detach themselves.

Note: Can only be used three times per fight.
Note: Only one element can be used per fight.
Note: Each usage of the weapon lasts 2 turns.

~ Approved. ~

Removed the part about Tsunade like strength and down grounded overall power making the punches much weaker.
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Active member
Mar 14, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

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暗い魂の翼(Dark soul blade)
Rank:(Idk I'm still new at this type of thing)
Chakra: N/A I believe
Damage: N/A I believe
Description: As legend tells, the Dark Soul Blade was forged by demons themselves, was handed down from generations of Kenesu's family. It is a long curved blade that is Black and has a Blood stained tint to it with a Silver dragon hand guard. This sword has been in countless battles (which is why the blade is tinted red) over the long, long years since it was crafted from a very special dark metal called Desu· metaru (デスメタルdesumetaru-Death Metal) which is a Osmium and Titanium Alloy which are the hardest, and strongest metals on earth. The Titanium is there to give the sword its strength, high strength:weight ratio, high ductility, resistance to corrosion and a decently high melting point. Titanium has a relatively lower ability to conduct electricity and heat and has paramagnetic properties. The Osmium gives the sword its density, color, and gives off a soft sheen even at night. Because this sword has a high melting point that reaches over 3000°F and has a low ability to conduct heat, it is a perfect sword to channel your Katon chakra into it for attacks.

(Swords ability)

剣スタイル:火災のオーバーレイ(ken no geijutsu: uwabari kasai no jutsu - Sword Arts: Overlay of fire Jutsu)
Rank:E-B Rank
Chakra: E Rank: 05 D Rank: 10 C Rank: 15 B Rank: 20 Chakra
Damage: E 10 Damage: D 20 Damage: C 30 Damage: B 40 Damage
Coat the sword with flames from concentrating and channeling your Katon chakra into it the blade and slash your opponent with a fiery blade.
Depending on the level how much Katon Chakra you channel into the sword depends on how big/hot the flames are on the blade it self.
For example: If you only add the minimum amount of 5 Katon chakra into the blade the flames are very small and the damage is also small. But add more Katon chakra into it like the highest B rank the flames will increase in size and the damage will increase also to the amount of Katon chakra added to the blade.

Note: This blade is only wielded by Kenesu Hinokami (aka me) and only can be used by someone else if permission is received from me saying you can summon it in battle.
Note: This blades ability to cover itself with a fire coat only last 1 turn
Note: This blades ability to cover itself with a fire coat can only be used twice in battle
Note: You can only channel the maximum amount of B rank Katon chakra into the blade. If you are a Sage rank you can still ONLY channel B rank Katon chakra into it.
Note: You can only add Katon chakra you have learned so if you have yet to train in Katon then you cannot use this swords ability but can still use the blade itself in battle, but if you have trained in Katon then you can only channel the level of Katon chakra you have learned. Example: No training 0 fire. B rank Katon training B rank or lower chakra is used. D rank Katon training D rank or E rank chakra is used.

Feel free to edit it in whatever way that it needs to be edited. And if not the jutsu at least the CW because I really want it to be approved :D

~Declined~ Did you not take Scorps' advice at all?

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Kuro Kontan Katana (Dark Soul Blade)
Type: Weapon
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short Range
Chakra: N/A(+20 Chakra if using stage 2 +10 Chakra for the technique)
Damage: 15 Damage (+20 Damage if using the sword technique)
Dark Soul Blade was forged and handed down from generations of Kenesu's family so it can only react to Kenesu's chakra alone and no one else's. It is a long curved blade that is Black and has a Blood stained tint to it with a Silver dragon hand guard. This sword has been in countless battles (which is why the blade is tinted red) over the long, long years since it was crafted from a very special dark metal called oujou·metaru (Death Metal) which is a Osmium and Titanium Alloy. Kenesu's chakra is the only chakra that can infuse within the blade itself and to use the swords secret ability. When infused with chakra it will have a different appearance. Kenesu can channel his chakra into the blade and change the shape and form of the blade itself allowing more than just one fighting option. After he does this the blade will bend and straighten into a longer blade with demonic writing on it. Only in this form of the blade can kenesu use the swords Technique. Kenesu charges up his chakra into his hands increasing the vibrations and frequency to form Raiton chakra. Once his chakra is charged to make electricity Kenesu then channels his Raiton chakra into the blade and then slams his sword into the ground blade first. As soon as the blade is slamed to the ground an electric dome forms around kenesu from the blade protecting him from harm for the time being. When something or someone touches the dome it sends an electric current into the object or person shocking them as well as blasting the object or person away a few yards from kenesu.

~Can only be wielded by Kenesu
~Changing the sword from the first stage to stage 2 is takes up 2 moves
~Only when the blade is in the 2nd stage can Kenesu use the sword ability.
~The sword Secret ability can only be used 1 time in battle
~The sword ability can only be used 3 times in battle
~The shield can repel any weapons/human touch(even non human touch) but can be dispersed by any C rank or higher jutsu

I took out "As legend tells, the Dark Soul Blade was forged by demons themselves," "electricity and " ''which are the hardest, and strongest metals on earth.' "The Titanium is there to give the sword its strength, high strength:weight ratio, high ductility, resistance to corrosion and a decently high melting point. Titanium has a relatively lower ability to conduct heat and has paramagnetic properties. The Osmium gives the sword its density, color, and gives off a soft sheen even at night. Because this sword has a high melting point that reaches over 3000°F and has a low ability to conduct heat." because it wasnt needed and also "it is a perfect sword to channel your Katon chakra into it for attacks. ".

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Summoning Animal:Fire Salamander's
Scroll Owner: Kwalker394
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: In progress

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± All Declined ±± Your sword is too similar to existing swords and the salamander contract is a cannon contract
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Active member
Oct 24, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Raiton - ikazu kyuuden) Lightning Release- Thunder Palace
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short/Mid/Long Range
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
User by first making the necesary handseals (rat→snake→rabbit→snake) creates multiple Electricity balls with certain amount of Lightning chakra and suspends them high up in the air in a circular formation around the target When the orbs are released, everything below the circle is struck by powerful lightning bolts. Leaving the opponent paralized for 1 turn.

*Note: Can only be used by Gildarts.
*Note: Usable 2 times per battle.

±± Declined ±± This isn't a B-Rank
(Raiton - ikazu kyuuden) Lightning Release- Thunder Palace
Type: Offensive/Attack
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short/Mid/Long Range
Chakra: 30 Chakra
Damage: 60 Damage
User by first making the necesary handseals (rat→snake→rabbit→snake) creates multiple Electricity balls with certain amount of Lightning chakra and suspends them high up in the air in a circular formation around the target When the orbs are released, everything below the circle is struck by powerful lightning bolts. Leaving the opponent paralized for 1 turn.

*Note: Can only be used by Gildarts.
*Note: Usable 2 times per battle.

~ How large is the circle ? ~
±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit. This even has the same name, the same concept, etc of Akisha's technique called...you guessed it... Thunder Palace.

(Raiton - ikazu shobatsu) Lightning Release- Thunder Punishment
Type: Offensive/Attack
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Long range
Chakra: 40 Chakra
Damage: 80 Damage
With great Lightning chakra control, the user creates a small thunder bolt in his hands with a great amount of compressed lightning chakra in it, it then is sent towards the sky, and expanding it self with the chakra that had compressed within, turns into a meteor-zise thunder bolt, then by having the user pointing at the target the thunder bolt rains down towards the opponent increasing it's speed as it falls making it hard to evade, as it hits the ground/target, it creates a huge explosion, convering the same range a meteor would cover and because of the destructive power it leaves a whole on the ground half deep of it's original zise, meaning it would reach anything that is within that range underground, being able to be used only in long range, if not the user would be caught in aswell. It's strong enough to break through stone walls, as well as rock walls that are of lower rank.

~Note: Can only be used 1 time per battle.
~Note: The user can't use lightning based techniques for the following 3 turns.
~Note: Only Solf J. Kimblee may use it, and allow to use it.

~ Declined, do not resubmit ~
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Ration: itsutsu sutaffu metsubou) Lightning Style: 5 Staff Destruction
Type: Attack
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra Cost: 50
Chakra Damage: 90 (-40 To user)
Description : The User Will Release 5 staffs and stab them all in the ground in front of him. Once done, the user will channel 95% of your lightning chakra into those staffs. Once done the staffs will then all charge. Once they are done charging the staffs will then channel the lightning they charged up underground towards the opponent. The ground will then glow a yellowish color., Once it glows it will be a huge explosion under the opponent that spreads throughout the whole fiield.

-No Lightning Throughout the whole turn
-Must possess staffs to use this
-If used in Short-Mid Range. The user will get caught up in the explosion
-Counts as 2/3 user moves
-Takes 1 turn to charge up
-While Charging the user cant use any Nin or Genjutsu
-Once the move is done it strains the body and only allows the user to do 2 moves up to B rank throughout the whole battle.
-Only Taught by general Phaze

Overpowered. Add the hand seals needed for this technique to be performed and change the range of the explosion. Throughout the whole battlefield, really? No matter how much you restrict this, it will never be approved.


(Genjutsu : tenma sazanami) Genjutsu : Demon Ripple
Type: Sup
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost:20
Chakra Damage:40
Description: The User Takes out a Staff and Stabs it in the ground infront of him. If the opponent looks at the staff as it hits the ground, whenever the opponent blink they will see themselves in space. A ripple will then appear out of nowhere in space and a huge demon monster will appear from the ripple. The opponent will be too terrified to move as the monster will then reach for him and attempt to eat him. Making the opponent faint

-Can only use twice
-Must have a staff to use this
-Only Taught By General Phaze

You can't make the opponent feel what you want. And by your wording, the opponent sees himself in a gengutsu, only when he blinks? I think you meant ''after the opponent blinks''. Otherwise, a blink is too fast to affect an opponent. Not to mention they can just fight without blinking


(Fuuton: boufuu katta)Wind Release: Gale Cutter
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Chakra Damage: 60
Description: The user will take out one of his staffs and breathe on it. Kinda like danzo does. He then Stabs the staff into the ground forcefully. Forcing all of the wind chakra in the staff to forcefully channel underground under the oppenent. Wind will then violently erupt from the ground under the oppenent. Cutting him/her severly with deep gashes.

-Can only use Twice
-Cant Use no wind tech the next round
-Can only be use by general phaze

Similar jutsus were already created in the past

(Ration: itsutsu sutaffu metsubou) Lightning Style: 5 Staff Destruction
Type: Attack
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra Cost: 50
Chakra Damage: 90 (-40 To user)
Description : The User Will Release do 5handseals and take out 5 staffs and stab them all in the ground in front of him. Once done, the user will channel 95% of their lightning chakra into those staffs. Once done the staffs will then all charge. Once they are done charging the staffs will then channel the lightning they charged up underground towards the opponent. The ground will then glow a yellowish color., Once it glows it will be a huge explosion under the opponent that spreads throughout 10yards in height and width of the oppenent

-No Lightning Throughout the whole turn
-Must possess staffs to use this
-If used in Short-Mid Range. The user will get caught up in the explosion
-Counts as 2/3 user moves
-Takes 1 turn to charge up
-While Charging the user cant use any Nin or Genjutsu
-Once the move is done it strains the body and only allows the user to do 2 moves up to B rank throughout the whole battle.
-Only Taught by general Phaze

~ If you're using 95% of the lightning chakra, which, by the way, is a misnomer since there is no store of "lightning chakra", its just chakra that you give a lightning nature to, you'll be unable to use lightning for more than one turn. Second, all Forbidden ranks can be used only once, so add that. Also, is it 2 or 3 ? How are you supposed to use it in battle if you're unsure how many moves it counts as ? ~

(Genjutsu : tenma sazanami) Genjutsu : Demon Ripple
Type: Sup
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost:20
Chakra Damage:40
Description: The User Takes out a Staff and Stabs it in the ground infront of him. If the opponent looks at the staff as it hits the ground, The user will start to get woozy and the area around him will start to form into a space like area he will then be floating in space. A ripple will then appear out of nowhere in space and a huge demon monster will appear from the ripple. Due to the Opponent feeling as he is in space he has nowhere to run as he would be floating. The monster will then reach for him and attempt to eat him. Making the opponent faint

-Can only use twice
-Must have a staff to use this
-Only Taught By General Phaze

~ You want to make yourself feel woozy ? ~

SUMMON Submission

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(Ni kashira: Prometheus) Two Headed: Prometheus
Type: Attack
Chakra Cost:30
Chakra Damage:60
Description: General Will do 5handseals. once done he will bite his thumb till blood drip, wipe it on his tattoo , slam his hands on the ground and the 2 headed snake (Prometheus) will appear under him. Prometheus is about 3/4 the size of manda. about the same size of the snake that swallowed naruto. Prometheus is one of the rare breeds as it has 2 heads. He can use up to A rank Earth . Also he can go underground without using a jutsu. The Scales on this snake is so rough its not penetrated by B rank and Below Earth Jutsu. The snake is not poisonous so General Can ride inside their mouth if need be,. Both of the snakes speaks English,Spanish,and Dutch. (They was taught by oro) >_>

-Can only use Once
-Only last for 4turns
-No Ninjutsu while summon active
-All jutsus done by the snake counts as 1 towards the user
-The snake do not need to do hand seals for Earth techs
-Only can be used by General Phaze

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Declined ±± going underground without a technique? No. Also, dutch? spanish? =_= Yeah, because in narutoverse the concept of language is something that is equal to the RW. Remove that part.
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Active member
Oct 28, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Made it S-rank, removed the sensing ability, and completly removed the last ability paragraph (which was almost same as abilities). Also removed the ability "-The sword can anytime increase or decrease its weight from 1 ton to 1 Kg." Also removed the part "Superlight weight that allows him to use it more fluently and reaction time of user while using the sword is much less than of anyone else using a sword."

±± Leaving for another mod as i still wouldn't approve this ±±
Declined. This sword needs alot of work. I'm not going to say "Do Not Resubmit" but the concept of the sword needs to be completely redone because right now its unapprovable. lets hit this one by one.

-You say it has enourmous amounts of chakra. How much chakra does it have? why is that important? what does it do with this chakra?
-I'm not going to allow the sword to move around like Samaheda. Your sword is built like a piece of metal, Samaheda is built like a fish.
-"It can cut and slice through anything like butter" Does this include jutsu, mountains, diamond? That statement is too ambiguous and leaves it open for exploitation.
-what is the significance of the blade transforming? do the animals move? does they do anything other than just stay on the blade?
-If the blade can perform S-ranked offensive and defensive moves then there needs to be a limit of how many times this can be done.
-getting hit with +10 damage really doesnt mean much. its like getting punched in the arm. yeah it hurts but doesnt really matter.
-If the paralysis was the only part of the sword it MIGHT have a chance of being approved, but having it stacked on top of everything else, theres no way I'm allowing it.

You've managed to write alot, but not really tell us anything about what the sword does, at least nothing significant. the abilities are generalized and need to be detailed more.

From now on keep the swords history in your bio and leave it out of the weapon description. I dont want to have to read a book before I even know what the sword does.
-Since it will be having life of its own so it will require chakra of its own. Changed the word from "enormous" to "high" amount of chakra. Also I am planning on making jutsus of sword, so it'll need some chakra.

-Added a line where it states that how it got life. Also, don't think that hairs and skin are too soft so how can sword be indestructible. Its b'coz strength of hairs and skin differs from specie to specie. Like horse's hairs are as sharp as pin.. rhino's skin..etc etc. (just reminding :p)

-No it can't cut through jutsus of water, wind, lightning and fire. As they are not SOLID, but that of Earth. Also what if someone tries to cut water with a sword? water can't be cut, sword will just pass through water. Same goes for fire, wind and lightning. And bout earth I believe there are not much earth jutsus which can be cut, as MOST of them takes place below us. Added a sentence about it. Also it can't cut through mountains, sometimes size also matters. Like a bullet is meant to kill a living being, so it can kill a human, but what about a dinosaur.

-To be true, I added the transforming ability for fun in RP. But I really want it. Also I may create future jutsus, like when sword is in the form of porcupine (wind), then it can shoot spikes from its body or something like that (didn't thought of it much)

-Blade/Sword can't perform any S-Ranked jutsus as of now, as I stated above, I will create jutsus in future if this CW gets approved. And on basis of Rank I will limit the usage of jutsus. And if you're talking about transformation part itself, then there is already a restriction about its limit that it can only be done only once every turn.

-1 punch doesn't hurt much, but punches many times can lead to hospital.lol.. Changed it to +20. Also its not that like I am punched or something. I mean its not like just 10 DP, or 20 DP. Because I am just not getting only 10 or 20 damage. I am getting plus20 damage to any jutsu which is used on me. Like A-Rank (60 DP) when hits me, I will receive (60 + 20 = 80) equivalent to S-rank. Here this +20 DP worked as an A-Rank, coz it turned my enemy's A-Rank to S-Rank (A-Rank + A-Rank = S-Rank). Means here this +20 will be equal to the rank of the jutsu which my opponent uses on me.

-I added the paralyzation part so that even if someone kills me in a battle with killing/stealing allowed, then he can't steal my CW even if he wants to, coz my sword will paralyze him, forcing him to drop it.

I hope I cleared what sword can do. Also the main abilities will be its future jutsus which I will make in future. And I also hope that I've explained well, and if not then plz tell me on which part(s) I should focus more. And about the history part, I removed my whole history :( And replced it with suitable and small history which explains why sword have life of its own. And yes I will add my previous sword's history to my bio.

±± Leaving for Scary ±± Just a reminder though, that you can't pick who checks your cjs. Avoid doing such things in the future.


Some parts are still too ambiguous and you have too many abilities rolled into one sword. Since you want the transformations to be the main ability, get rid of the paralysis part completely. You need to put a set limit on how much chakra is in the sword, and I'm talking numbers, not words "enourmous" and "high" which have varying amounts based on peoples opinion (that substitution irritated me because you didnt change aything. you might as well have put a troll face on it). Take the whole "can cut through anything solid like butter" out. Its too ambiguous still and will lead to misuse. Word to the wise, dont put too many powers into it or it will be DNR'ed. Right now the sword is resembling more of a bypass for a custom summon, which I would not allow.
Completely removed the paralysis part. Added chakra in numbers. Removed the ability to cut and slice through solid. Added small parts in Bold.
Anything else of which I should take care sir ^_^

±± Declined ±± Define the animals, how long they last, what can they do, etc etc. It transforms into a phoenix with fire....ok...and? Also the part about one ton and what not, remove it. Takte the chakra of it completely out. Even if it has chakra and is a living sending thing, no need to compare it to ninja, otherwise it becomes also vulnerable to Genjutsu and other effects. Add a note stating clearly that this sword can't sense chakra.
1.) Shinigami Reaper (japanese/english name is same for this sword)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (+10 to kenjutsu)
Description: The sword was made by ancient priests of hell and heaven at a sacred place by using hairs, bones, skin, blood and senses of a living shinigami himself which gave the sword life and transforming ability. The sword was named after the shinigami. And it is believed that the shinigami is living in the form of sword now.
The size of the sword is very big. The hilt itself is of 2m height, and the blade is of 3m height making a total length of 5m, and its cross guard is of 1m length, while the blade is of half meter. It is a double-edged sword. And have a little curvature in the edge part and pointed on front. The sword is quite thick but the whole blade is covered with the hairs of shinigami which are very sharp, sharper than normal katana. All of its senses are almost covered with hairs on blade. It also have a very long chain tied to pommel part. The blade is bloody red in colour which is supposed to be the blood of millions of people killed by it and of shinigami himself. It also has 2 black strips originating from the rain guard to some extent on blade, and it was supposed to be the curse of people died from it.

-This sword is indestructible and have 1400 chakra points.
-It has life of its own just like samehada and thus it can react on its own when required.
-When Chakra is passed to the sword, then the chain remains the same but the sword transforms to |Fire- Phoenix|, |Water-Shark|, |Earth- Dragon|, |Lightning- Snakes|, |Wind- Porcupine|
-The sword only listens to Enzup.

-Passing any chakra to the sword, counts as a move, which is equivalent to S-rank Offense/Defense/Supplementary.
-Transformation lasts for a maximum of 4 turns.
-If opponent's chakra neutralizes or overcomes the animal's chakra (when transformed), then the transformed animal will come to his normal form again. i.e. in sword form.
-Can channel chakra to the sword only once per turn. Can't transform to same animal 2 times in a row.
-The sword can only transform in the animals listed above, and only when user passes chakra to it, not on its own.
-If user gets hit by a jutsu while holding this sword, then he will receive an addition of +20 damage points.
-Sword cannot sense chakra. lol

Removed the 1 ton part. Added a note stating that my sword cannot sense chakra. Since you said "Even if it has chakra and is a living sending thing, no need to compare it to ninja" and SY wanted my sword to have chakra in numbers, so I removed the "Kage Ranked" part and kept the chakra in numbers. Moved the line "Only listens to Enzup" from restrictions to Abilities.
As of the transformation part. Lets say I pass my wind chakra in the sword, my sword transforms to porcupine. Then I can shoot spikes from porcupine's body. (future jutsu, if this CW gets approved). Meaning, after my sword will transform into an animal, sword will use some special techniques which can be used by that special animal in the transformation. eg: porcupine-spikes.
About lasting, added a note about its lasting. And lets say my sword is in the form of phoenix (fire) which is equivalent to S-Rank, so any water technique of A-Rank can bring back my phoenix to sword form. Or if a B-Rank water is used on it, then sword's strength decreases to A-Rank. But overall the transformation lasts 4 turns.

If you have more doubts, then ask me. I will explain them in more detailed manner. And if you want something change, then let me know ^_^

2.) (Terrapin Mo-Do) - Terrapin Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: User starts concentrating on his terrapin chakra. Once concentrated enough, he releases that chakra throughout his body and thus entering into Terrapin Mode. After entering into the mode user gains some of the terrapin's features and properties; user's body becomes very tough and dark in color just like of terrapin's back shell which gives the user -20 to any technique he gets hit with. He start looking like a terrapin. User becomes lively underwater and thus water jutsus upto B-Rank don't have any effect on him. His speed and reflexes also increases which is equivalent to naruto in sage mode, but comparatively little bit slower. Due to terrapin's chakra flowing in user's body, user gets immune to S-Rank normal and A-Rank Doujutsu genjutsus.
Note: -Mode lasts 4 turns.
-User gives +20 to water ninjutsu and -20 to fire ninjutsu.
-Once the Terrapin mode wears off, user can't use it again for next 4 turns.
-Can only be used if user has signed "Terrapin" contract.
-Can only be used by Enzup.

You can remove the genjutsu part, if you think my mode is OP in this form.

3.) (Ninpou: Mitsukai Tsubasa) - Ninja Art: Angelic Wings
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: User uses his ink brush to draw giant wings on his back. Once drawn, it appears like the wings are emerging out of user's back and gives user somewhat angelic look and flying ability. Because of giant size of wings, user can fly with very great speed which is equivalent to Rock Lee without weights.
Note: -Must know Ink ninjutsu.
-Can only be taught by Enzup.
You must be registered for see images

You must be registered for see images

@Above tech: There are many ink ninjutsu which helps the user in flying for infinite amount of time (see spoiler below). Also user can create many birds, dragons and animals at a time. And I am creating just one thing. Also other ink ninjutsu can be used any no. of times. So I am just making a new ink custom which resembles other ink ninjutsu completely.. which is for fun..
Also there are not many people who possess ink ability on nb, and those who possess they "don't have a similar custom."
You can remove the great speed (lee without weights) part if you want..

(Ninpou: Choujuu Giga) - Ninja Art Beast Imitation
Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15(-3 for each additional animal created)
Damage Points:30
Description:The user draws out small animals that can attack(lions), bind(snakes),and allow the user to fly(birds).This jutsu consists of 5 small animals.The pictures can be pre-drawn but you must open the scroll.
Note:The 5 animal limit can be any variety of small animals.

(Ninpou: Chou Choujuu Giga) - Ninja Art: Super Beast Imitation
Chakra Cost:20(-6 for each additional large animal past 3 or -3 for each small animal past 10)
Damage Points:40
Description:This is a more powerful version of beast imitation.The user can create huge animals.This can range form 3 huge dragons or 10 small animals.The pictures can be pre-drawn but you must open the scroll.

±± All Declined ±±It has been stated countless times before, by Izuna and not only him that no submission that uses Spoilers without them being for images or videos will be checked.

As stated in the first post of this thread:

"-No submission that uses font or formatting alterations such as underline, bold, allignement, color, size, spoilers, etc will be checked. The only exception is that you are allowed to Bold or underline the title of each technique you submitt and you can use spoilers for videos or images you need to post for references.

-An exception to the above rule is the requirement to bold the alterations on re-submissions. Its required that every altered or add part is bolded. If you simply take out something, write beneath the jutsu stating "I took out the part where..."."
Resubmitting. Removed the spoilers.

Shinigami Reaper (japanese/english name is same for this sword)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (+10 to kenjutsu)
Description: The sword was made by ancient priests of hell and heaven at a sacred place by using hairs, bones, skin, blood and senses of a living shinigami himself which gave the sword life and transforming ability. The sword was named after the shinigami. And it is believed that the shinigami is living in the form of sword now.
The size of the sword is very big. The hilt itself is of 2m height, and the blade is of 3m height making a total length of 5m. It is a double-edged sword. And have a little curvature in the edge part and pointed on front. The sword is quite thick but the whole blade is covered with the hairs of shinigami which are very sharp, as a normal katana. The blade is bloody red in colour which is supposed to be the blood of millions of people killed by it and of shinigami himself. It also has 2 black strips originating from the rain guard to some extent on blade, and it was supposed to be the curse of people died from it.

-This sword is indestructible
-It has life of its own just like samehada and thus it can react on its own when required when its transformed into an animal.
-When Chakra is passed to the sword, the sword transforms into an elemental animal familiar that represents the element used |Fire- Phoenix|, |Water-Shark|, |Earth- Dragon|, |Lightning- Snakes|, |Wind- Porcupine|
-The sword only listens to Enzup.

-Passing any chakra to the sword, counts as a move, which is equivalent to S-rank Offense/Defense/Supplementary.
-Transformation lasts for a maximum of 4 turns and can only be done twice
-If opponent's chakra neutralizes or overcomes the animal's chakra (when transformed), then the transformed animal will come to its normal form again. i.e. in sword form.
-The sword transforms into an elemental version of the animal and not an animal on itself.
-If user gets hit by a jutsu while holding this sword, then he will receive an addition of +20 damage points.
-Sword cannot sense chakra.
-The size of the animal in which the sword transforms differs little to nothing from the normal size of the sword.

Removed the 1 ton part. Added a note stating that my sword cannot sense chakra. Since you said "Even if it has chakra and is a living sending thing, no need to compare it to ninja" and SY wanted my sword to have chakra in numbers, so I removed the "Kage Ranked" part and kept the chakra in numbers. Moved the line "Only listens to Enzup" from restrictions to Abilities.
As of the transformation part. Lets say I pass my wind chakra in the sword, my sword transforms to porcupine. Then I can shoot spikes from porcupine's body. (future jutsu, if this CW gets approved). Meaning, after my sword will transform into an animal, sword will use some special techniques which can be used by that special animal in the transformation. eg: porcupine-spikes.
About lasting, added a note about its lasting. And lets say my sword is in the form of phoenix (fire) which is equivalent to S-Rank, so any water technique of A-Rank can bring back my phoenix to sword form. Or if a B-Rank water is used on it, then sword's strength decreases to A-Rank. But overall the transformation lasts 4 turns.

If you have more doubts, then ask me. I will explain them in more detailed manner. And if you want something change, then let me know ^_^

±± Approved ±± Last time you pull this theatrical shenanigan for a CJ. Next time its DNR if you try to tell the checker how to check your custom.

(Medusa's Jubaku) - Medusa's Curse
Type: Offense/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: Snake user performs a row of 2 handseals, and grows a few of his hairs into small snakes. Although size of the snakes are very small when compared to other snake summons but they are venomous snakes. They are very fast in movement, being not traceable with 2T or below.
Note: -If these snakes bites someone, then after 5 turns, his speed will reduce to 75% of his original speed and due to the poison which has spread in his body, he'll not be able to use S-Rank and above jutsus for the whole remaning battle (after 5th turn)
-Can only be taught by Enzup.

This is a snake ninjutsu, not actual summoning.
You must be registered for see images

~ Left for Scorps since he seems to have checked it earlier ~

±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit.
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Active member
Jan 19, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Resubmitting only the last one.
Changes in bold/deletion of certain things ~_~

Genjutsu: Maboroshi Fukusuu | Illusionary Technique: Multiple Vision
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 25
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will disrupt the opponents flow of chakra within the brain so that it effects the part of their eye sight. Once the opponent is under this genjutsu, they will begin to see trails of the person they are looking at. Almost as if they are seeing a clone but not quite. The effect lasts three turns and the person under the genjutsu will not be able to attack with accuracy.

Note: Must know up to A rank genjutsu in order to use this technique
Note: Able to use it 2 times in battle
Note: Lasts 3 turns
Note: Can only be taught by -Vision-

How do you activate the gengutsu? Eye contact, hand seals, etc. Note that although the accuracy of your opponent may not be the best under this gengutsu, a large scale technique will still hit you

Genjutsu: Chien Taimu | Illusionary Technique: Time Delay
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will cast a genjutsu towards the opponent by disrupting their chakra flow in their brain. While the opponent is under this genjutsu, any action performed will be delayed by one second. Rather it's a jutsu, any form of taijutsu, or even running. The person under this genjutsu, they will think that they are performing the action right away however this is not the case. Whatever is performed it will be delayed by one second.

Note: Able to use twice in battle
Note: Must have mastered genjutsu
Note: Lasts two turns unless broken
NoteL Can only taught by -Vision-

How do you activate the gengutsu? Eye contact, hand seals, etc

Katon: Nami Atsusa | Fire Release: Heat Wave
Type: Attack / Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (Added Fire Attack +20 to damage)
Description: The user will make a hand seal tiger, then will slam their hands on the ground. Directing the chakra as the users desire of location. Then then a red ring will rise from the ground which turns into something like and ash coud around the opponent. The cloud of ash will move along with the opponent caught in it, however the cloud is not harmful in anyway. Though the area of the cloud gets hot enough when a fire jutsu hits any part of the cloud, it will react and explode instantly. The blast is big enough where it would injure anyone that is caught into to the point of not being able to continue their battle.

Note: Can use once in battle
Note: Last 3 turns and moves with the opponent as he moves
Note: EIG and Swift users are able to escape with ease
Note: If caught in the explosion it will injure any opponent severly
Note: A rank fire or above have to be used to be effective
Note: Can only be taught by -Vision-

Remove the last sentence of your jutsu description and also the +20 damage points to a fire technique. Also, for the ash cloud to move, you'd need to manipulate it. And you can't do that while performing multiple techniques so edit that part. You either cannot perform techniques to control the ash cloud, or you simply don't make the ash cloud move.

Resubmitting all

Genjutsu: Maboroshi Fukusuu | Illusionary Technique: Multiple Vision
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 25
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will disrupt the opponents flow of chakra within the brain by performing two hand seals Snake → Bird so that it effects the part of their eye sight. Once the opponent is under this genjutsu, they will begin to see trails of the person they are looking at. Almost as if they are seeing a clone but not quite. The effect lasts three turns and the person under the genjutsu will not be able to attack with accuracy, although a large scale attack would still be effective against the user but won't take a direct hit due to it's inaccuracy.

Note: Must know up to A rank genjutsu in order to use this technique
Note: Able to use it 2 times in battle
Note: Lasts 3 turns
Note: Can only be taught by -Vision-

~ You know the massive error in this technique ? If he sees a trail, then he can just shoot the farthest one in the direction in which you move and hit you, since all the others will be behind the real you. ~

Genjutsu: Chien Taimu | Illusionary Technique: Time Delay
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will cast a genjutsu towards the opponent by disrupting their chakra flow in their brain. The user will simply point towards the opponent and make a single hand seal Tiger → Boar to put them under this genjutsu. While the opponent is under this genjutsu, any action performed will be delayed by one second. Rather it's a jutsu, any form of taijutsu, or even running. The person under this genjutsu, they will think that they are performing the action right away however this is not the case. Whatever is performed it will be delayed by two second.

Note: Able to use twice in battle
Note: Must have mastered genjutsu
Note: Lasts two turns unless broken
NoteL Can only taught by -Vision-

~ Rephrase that to will not notice ~

Katon: Nami Atsusa | Fire Release: Heat Wave
Type: Attack / Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will make a hand seal tiger, then will slam their hands on the ground. Directing the chakra as the users desire of location. Then then a red ring will rise from the ground which turns into an orb of ash cloud that surrounds the opponent and is highly concentrated and dense with Katon chakra therefore highly combustable and once it gets in contact with any fire and lightning source it will instantly explode and create a chain reaction of explosions within the orb of the ash cloud. Once this jutsu is activated and the opponent gets caught in it some of the ash will stick to the clothes and skin due to the thick and dense concentration of the ash cloud. The orb of ash will move along with the opponent that is caught in it, however the cloud is not harmful in anyway. In order for the user to make it move with the opponent one must keep his hands on the ground to control the orb of ash cloud moving with the person that is surrounding it. The speed of the ash cloud is strictly determined by the users ability to track their opponent. Dojutsu users would be able to move this orb of ash cloud faster than normal shinobi, as well as any sensor or sound ninja's.

Note: Can use once in battle
Note: Last 3 turns and moves with the opponent as he moves
Note: EIG and Swift users are able to escape with ease
Note: A rank fire or above have to be used to be effective
Note: Must have Mastered Katon element to be able to use this jutsu
Note: Speed of the ash cloud is determined by the user and their ability to track their opponent.
Note: Can only be taught by -Vision-

~ Declined. You're not submitting it directly under the opponent, no way. ~

Please edit any for approval. All changes are made in bold.
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Active member
Oct 4, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Sono ooinaru aoi hebi- Enman) - The Great Green Snake- Enman
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The personal summon of Mugen, this is a relatively young snake who has been training with Mugen ever since they were children. The bond formed between them was created due to their compatibility in pure chakra and personality. Enman is young,and thus he is not quite as big as his fellow brethren.He is half of manda's size, however he makes up for it due to his superior speed.Enman can normally travel as fast as twice that of mandas, however once per battle he can unleash some of his chakra through his scales,and boost him to being almost thrice as fast as manda. (pretty much hard to see..)
*Can take damage of up to 2 B rank and below jutsus or 1 A and above jutsus.
*Can only be summoned by mugen,and only once per battle.

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Declined ±± Proof of signing the said contract
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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Sogeki no Geijutsu: Buruzuai)- Sniper Art: Bullseye
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-5 each turn)
Damage: N/A (+15 to kyujutsu and Sniper techniques, -10 to other ninjutsu)
Description: The user imbues large amounts of chakra into his bow which causes it to glow and release a pulse of chakra that is manifested as a barrier in the shape of a dome with the bow at the center. The barrier is one-sided, meaning the user can be protected from outside attacks and objects can leave the barrier freely. When the user aims his bow, a crosshair appears on the surface of the barrier and the arrows that pass through it are strengthened. A variation of this technique is performed by aiming the user's bow at a target and create the barrier around them instead in a reversed state so he can be trapped inside while the user attacks him from outside. The dome remains stationary when trapping a target.
-Usable twice per battle
-Lasts for 2 turns
-The barrier can be destroyed by 3 C-rank, 2 B-rank, or 1 A-rank attack

~ Here's something you should think about. If the dome is formed with the bow at the centre, it might work if you use it yourself, but as a trap, it's useless as when you hold the bow in front of you and point it at the opponent, the dome will form only unidirectionally ( i.e., in front of him ) since the bow has to be at the centre, and as a result, if he just moves back he'll escape. ~

Note- The barrier is changed from having a web shape to a dome shape.


(Sogeki no Geijutsu: Nagareboshi)- Sniper Art: Shooting Star
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A single arrow infused with a large amount of water chakra are shot from the user's bow at a target. Great volumes of water are then summoned from the arrow and takes the form of a rapidly spinning missile capable of causing major damage to everything in its path and flooding the area with water. By forming the seal of confrontation with one hand, the user can release numerous water arrows from the missile which will strike everything it passes by with enough force to pierce though a person's body. They can, however, be blocked by a suitable B-rank technique.
-Usable twice per battle
-Water arrows reach up to mid range from the missile.

~ Pick either the large volume of water around the arrow or the missiles, not both. ~

(Sogeki no Geijutsu: Nagareboshi)- Sniper Art: Shooting Star
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A single arrow infused with a large amount of water chakra is shot from the user's bow at a target. Great volumes of water are then summoned from the arrow and takes the form of a rapidly spinning missile capable of causing major damage to everything in its path and flooding the area ( short range of the arrow's trajectory ) with water.
-Usable twice per battle

~ Edited, Approved ~
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Active member
Sep 15, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu:Kanzen Samin)-Illusion Technique: Perfect Hypnosis
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique controls the five senses to the point that it can make a target misinterpret another person’s form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be that of the enemy’s. The initiation of such hypnosis is triggered through full sight of the upper half of the target’s body. Once a person is under the thrall of such hypnosis, they are initially unaware of the fact that they have in fact been placed under Genjutsu-this is because of the normalcy of such an illusion. A genjutsu as powerful as this one is capable of turning allies against each other, and even turning summons against their masters. This technique is highly useful in combat, as the user can create complex or simple illusions to distract an opponent-which must be described with the utmost detail. In those moments, one can hide his own movements and follow to attack with impunity. The opponent however shall be to occupied to properly react. Only when the user wishes, or the Genjutsu is forcibly broken, will the illusion shatter and disappear revealing reality once more.
~Can only be used twice per battle.
~After the illusion has been broken, or deactivated, one must wait one whole turn before using the technique again.
~No A Rank or above Genjutsu the turn after this technique is used.

~ Declined. Sorry, but this is just a panacea for all Genjutsu. You need to give specific illusions, or else this infringes too much over everyone's CJ. ~

I'm not sure if a technique like this has been submitted before or not, so I give my apologies if this is the case.

(Raiton:Sakurai Ran)-Lightning Release:Lightning Cherry Blossom Run
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:60
Description:To initiate this technique, one will begin by performing the Rat handseal to imbue their Ration chakra into the air. Afterwards, with precise and careful chakra manipulation the user will form this chakra into a vast amount of cherry blossom petals, roughly totaling 1000 petals. Once formed, the user has control over each and every single individual cherry blossom petal sending them in every which direction they please. The petals act like bullets, exhibiting cutting damage from the vibrations of the lightning, as well as delivering burning damage as lightning tends to do. Each petal is roughly equivalent in power, however a complete bullet storm of these cherry blossom petals can pack quite a punch equaling an A Rank technique in power. Each petal moves at 40 mph. When light reflects off of the cjakra it takes on a light pink appearance like actual cherry blossom petals, hence the name of the technique. To avoid self harm, once can implement 90cm safe zone around the user where there are no petals at all. This technique is different in principle to the Chidori Senbon, in that one maintains complete control of direction of the petals, being able to redirect their trajectories in order to compensate for a possible moving target.
~Can be used up to four times per battle.
~No other Raiton techniques within the same turn.

~ Senbonzakura much ? Already exists, Declined. ~
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Active member
Aug 19, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

---------Summoning Technique---------

You must be registered for see images

Summoning Animal:The Himalayan Monal(Lophophorus impejanus)
Scroll Owner:~Anubis~
Other Users who have signed contract: n/a
Summoning Boss if existing:need to be created
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:need to be created
Description and Background: The Himalayan Monal, Lophophorus impejanus also known as the Impeyan Monal or Impeyan Pheasant or Danphe is a bird of genus Lophophorus of the pheasant family, Phasianidae. It is the national bird of Nepal, where it is known as the Danfe, and the state bird of Uttarakhand.

Traditionally, the Himalayan Monal has been classified as monotypic. However, studies have shown that the male Himalayan Monals of northwestern India lack the white rump that other Himalayan Monals have, and have more green on the breast, indicating the possibility of a second subspecies.

It is a relatively large-sized bird with reference to family Phasianidae. About 70 cm in length, the weight of males and females range between 1980-2380g and 1800-2150g respectively. Adult males possess a long crest, are feathered with multicoloured plumage throughout their body, while the females, like in other pheasants, are dull in colour with the upper parts covered with dark brownish-black feathers. Notable features in males are a long crest that is metallic green, changeable reddish copper on the back and sides of the neck, and a prominent white back and rump while in flight (birds of northwestern India lack this). Tail feathers of males are uniformly rufous being darker towards the tips, whereas the lower tail coverts of females are white, barred with black and rufous. Females have a prominent white patch in the fore neck and a white strip on the tail. First year males and immatures resemble females, but first year males are larger and the immatures are less distinctly marked.
-Can only be summoned by me or people who has signed the contract-
-last 2 turns-
-can be summoned once only-
-Has affinity to wind release-

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Pending ±± I'll save the animal for you but be you need to submit this following proper template please. Read other contract submissions to understand how do correctly do so
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Active member
Feb 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kugutsu: Gitai) - Puppetry Technique: Mimicry
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: -
• The user after connecting puppet strings to a single puppet will perform the Ram seal and diverge the puppet strings to major points of his body (limbs, head etc). The puppet will then take on all the movements of the user exactly as depicted from wherever the puppet is adjacent to the user. It will keep the same distance and move in the same form and so on. The move lasts two turns after using it.
• Can only be used with one puppet out.
• Cannot create more puppet strings after this to control more puppets.

~ Approved ~

(Genjutsu: Genso no Konran) - Illusionary Technique: Elemental Confusion
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: -
• A simple genjutsu where the user puts the target in an illusion where they will perceive the next jutsu as a specific element of the user's choosing. They will feel the effects of the element when it draws close to them, such as heat from fire, shuddering ground from earth and so on. This is most effective when using jutsu of the same calibre, such as making them think that "Fire Release: Running Fire" is really "Water Release: Water Tornado".
• Can only be used twice a match.
• The user is incapable of using the element chosen through this for this and their next turn.

~ Your description and example are at odds; your description states you fake change the element, but in your example you're not only changing the element but also the form of the technique to make it look like a tornado. ~

(Doton: Kōka-ito) - Earth Release: Hardened Threads
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: -
• By focusing their earth chakra into their puppet strings, they can toughen them to the extent of using them like rope, either pulling something in with greater ease than regular puppet strings, or using it to connect to something and pull themselves to it. The jutsu doesn't need direct contact with the earth to use it.

~ Approved ~
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Active member
Aug 22, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Dragon Booster (Doragonbūsutā)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: Stage 1:20/Stage 2: 30/Stage 3: 40
Damage: Stage 1: X2 Physical strength, Stage 2: 50% to jutsu,
Description: The ultimate weapon named Dragon Booster is believed to give the wielder dragon-god power and it is considered dangerous weapon and forbidden. Only those who has chosen by the Kage can use it The Booster has three state depending on the user's sacrifice. It is said the more the user scarifice, the more power it gives, and that's the reason while it is forbidden to normal ninjas. It burns the will and the charka of the user and in return give some energy for a period.

The first state, when activated sacrifice 20 chakra and increase 2X damage on next physical attack(Only physical attack, not taijutsus), the gauntlet takes the chakra and feed its power back to the user, increasing the user's muscle strength for 10 seconds.

The second form, Dragon Booster activated if the user is willing to sacrifice more energy, thus exchanging powers. It give the user 50% more damage from jutsu and a lot stronger form for example, if the user uses a Hidden Mist tech, the Mist become larger and thicker. It costs the user 30 more chakra to use a jutsus and count as double move and only useable up to A-rank.

The last ability, Dragon Booster Second Revelation activated when the user sacrifice his will and energy. It eats up the willpower of one and then its chakra, in return, when the user block the attack with it, it absorbs the chakra in it, and stored in it. It allow the user to absorb the jutsu damage by using 40 chakra(cannot absorb genjutus, taijutsu and S-rank and greater techs) and then can relaunch it by sacrificing twice chakra cost of the original tech(not useable if not learnt that tech already).

- Cannot be used by anyone except Nara..
- The user changing forms take one move
- Only one form per turn and they cannot last over a turn.
- The user cannot use any jutsu in this turn after using third form
- Third Form needed to be activated only once per three turns and must be used at the first attack
- Third Form can only be activated 2 times and the absorbed tech must be launched back during the turn it has used which means it cannot be launched back in next turns.
- Second Form can only be used for 3 times
- First Form can be used unlimited

Reference: [ ]
You must be registered for see images

~ Declined. Incredibly OPed. ~
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Active member
Oct 28, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Terrapin
Scroll Owner: Enzup
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Jackie

Origin: It is said that, the place where all the turtles and terrapin lives is an island, next to kirigakure in south. Although it is very near to kiri but still reaching that island is almost impossible for any human who is not a friend of terrapins. Once the place was considered as a part of kirigakure, but due to some minor wars, the island was separated from kirigakure, and given its own name, "Mount Galápagos". Due to the island being situated next to kirigakure, its always raining on some parts of the island.

General Description and Abilities: Turtles or terrapins are reptiles, characterised by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs that acts as a shield.

Neck and Limbs Folding
Turtles are capable of withdrawing their necks and limbs completely into their shells. This makes them resilient and even quite strong attacks don't have any effect on them, because of their strong and hard shell.

Species of turtles can hide from predators in shallow water, where they lie entirely submerged except for their eyes and nostrils. Turtles are thought to have exceptional night vision due to the unusually large number of rod cells in their retinas.

The turtle shell is a highly complicated shield, completely enclosing all the vital organs of the turtle and in some cases even the head. It is constructed of modified bony elements such as the ribs, parts of the pelvis and other bones found in most reptiles. The outer layer of the shell is covered by horny scales called scutes that are part of its outer skin, or epidermis. These scutes overlap the seams between the shell bones and add strength to the shell.

Skin and molting
Each scute (or plate) on the shell corresponds to a single modified scale. The remainder of the skin is composed of skin with much smaller scales, similar to the skin of other reptiles. Turtles do not molt their skins all at once, as snakes do, but continuously, in small pieces. They also shed skin, but a lot of dead skin, which allows them in recovery of their new skin.

They swim using all four feet in a way similar to the dog paddle. Sea turtles are almost entirely aquatic and have flippers instead of feet. Sea turtles fly through the water, using the up-and-down motion of the front flippers to generate thrust; the back feet are not used for propulsion, but may be used as rudders for steering.

Other Abilities: They are of varying height and size, almost all the terrapins can stand on 2 legs, allowing them to use 2 of their remaining limbs for other purposes, like for fighting in close range or for performing handseals.
Due to all turtles/terrapins being able to live in and outside water, and thus they live on an island situated very close to kirigakure, which was considered a part of kirigakure, where its always raining, so each terrapin has the ability to use rain technique. Although it is limited that one terrapin can only use only 1 rain technique per battle.

Summoning: The person who signs this contract is able to summon many turtles from "Mount Galápagos" or from anywhere else if present. And gains access to "Turtle Ninjutsu Techniques" (will be creating in future)

Summoning Tattoo:
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Note to mod who checks this -I already own the contract. Its just a resubmit with new format.
-I almost copy-pasted all this info as it is from wikipedia.
-Just to let you know that "Terrapins" are "Turtles" only.
~ Left for Scorps ~

±± don't waste our time with this. There is no "New template". There is only one template. Some members choose to add some additional information, simple as that. But i won't have everyone trying to do it with their already approved contracts. Its approved, you got it, deal with it and move on ±±
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Sterling Malory Archer

Active member
Jun 8, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

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Kuchiyose: Honoo Hogosha Ippo) ~ Summoning: Flame Guardian Ippo
Type: Summoning
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user offers a sacrifice of blood and then stretches their arm at full length to summon the Flame Guardian Leopon, Ippo. Ippo is the most fiercest of all the Leopons, hence why he is instated the role of the Protector. He is part of the TriGuardian (Consists of 3 of the toughest Leopons) which serve to protect the King. Ippo mane is made out of strong raging flames which can't be doused with water. The Flames signify his life force and determination. His mane's flames can spread out and create wings which he can use for short flights and attacks. Ippo has some Leopon Art techniques that is Unique to Ippo himself, not even Leo could use them.
~Can only be summoned by those signed to the contract and with my permission
~Lasts 3 turns
~Can be summoned twice (Needs 2 turn break after dispersion)
~Can do up to A-rank cannon Fire techniques

~ An A-rank summon whose flames can't be doused ? Declined. ~

(Reopon Gigei: Honoo Heki) ~ Leopon Arts: Flame Burst
Rank: A
Type: Offense
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Ippo, the Flame Guardian, manipulates his flame mane and creates wings. With the wings, and his powerful muscles, Ippo makes one charge (A jump forward with a strong gust from his wings) with a sudden burst of speed, Head first to know the target in to long-range with the target's breath knocked out and stunned for a short time. (Like someone hitting your Solar Plexus).
~Can only be used by Ippo
~Can be used twice (After 1 turn break)
~Opponent is stunned for the 1st move of their turn
~During burst, Ippo's speed is immensely increased

~ Get the summon approved first. ~
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Active member
Jul 26, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summon has been approved but updating due to new signer and a few updates.

Summoning Animal: Tuatara
Scroll Owner: Saizo
Other Users Who Have Signed Contract: The Seven-Scaled boy
Summoning Boss If Existing: none currently
Other Summoning Animals Tied To Contract: Currently None

It is said if you keep going southeast from kirigakure, far beyond an endless sea where seemingly time has stopped due to the lack of winds, waves and currents, you'll reach their place. It is an elysian archiepielago of lush, green islands called the eternal nest or, in their mother toungue, mutunga kore kōhanga.

General Description:
Tuataras or sphenodons, are reptiles which look like lizards, however they are not related whatsoever. They are incredibly long-living and some are even considered living fossils. They are fast, agile, flexible and nimble. Also they have limited regenration capabilties, they can snap off their tail and then regenerate it. Also they posses spikes on their backs which can be stiffened if provoked, attacked or as general self defence.

Summon General Abilities:
In size, tuatara's vary, from their real life-size to sizes above humans or even large summon sizes.
Thanks to their incredible life-force and regenerative abilties, the tuataras are fearless (although not immortal of course) to attack and opponent. They can walk on all fours for maximum speed or in a bipedal way. Their claws are comparable to ninja tool metal (they can run their chakra through them to increase damage), also they are capable of handseals. The tuatara's are a complex tribe, divided into 5 districts depending on their elemental affinity and the royal family capable using two or more elements. Barring the ninjutsu, tuatara's are shown as fans of hand-to-hand combat usually carrying weapons to battle (metal claws, tail claws, scythes, daggers, bows) usually stringing intense combos aiming to surprise the opponent(s). They communicate in human words or even sounds often camouflaged as bird calls and surroundings sounds which can only be understood by signers of the contract. The spikes on their backs can be hardened to land piecing and curshing impacts in taijutsu (they extend all around their back including all of the shoulders).

The canon summoning jutsu will bring forth a single Tuatara's (per usage) from the districts the size of 2m when biped, clad in light-metal plated armour (like the first hokage's) with a claw/mace on their tail and another weapon; while also being able to use elemental jutsus of their affinities C-rank or below 5 times per summon and creating a A-ranked blast when combining his affinity with the user's elemental chakra in a collaboration jutsu once per summon (all count as a move and if all 5 are used he/she reverse summons). Also the cannon summoning jutsu can be used for bringing up to ten real-life sized tuatara's which don't have any weapons nor elemental jutsus and can be used for scouting/guarding. Summoming with higher and more specific amounts of chakra will bring forth specific summons to the arena which will be submitted later.

~ All changes must be bolded ~

±± Declined ±± This isn't done in this thread. Read the dam thread headers please.
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Active member
Oct 24, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

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Summoning Animal:

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract:
Summoning Boss if existing:
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:


The Nightjar hails from a secluded deciduous forest hidden on the peek of a deadly mountain that is always covered in storm clouds making the area seemingly always nighttime. This Dark and ominous place is referred to by many ninja as Mount Hakurei.

General Description:
Nightjars are medium-sized nocturnal or crepuscular birds with long wings, short legs and very short bills. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically coloured to resemble bark or leaves, making them excellent at blending in with their surroundings. They have beaks that are much wider than it is long, and it opens wide both - vertically as well as horizontally. The resulting big gaping mouth allows it to more easily scoop up it's prey in flight. Its large eyes are placed on each side of the head (laterally) - which significantly increases its visual field. A reflective membrane behind the retina (tapetum) enhances its vision at night by augmenting the light-gathering ability of its eyes.

The Nightjars are a prideful race of master assassins and will only grant their knowledge and loyalty to someone they deem ambitious. Once they have found someone worthy they will then give them the mark of the specter. This is a symbol that all nightjars have and will show they are kin of the nightjar. The nightjars specialize in stealth and disguise and often lurk in the shadows waiting to strike their opponent from behind without ever being seen they are often called disgraceful for attacking from behind but the nightjar will do whatever it takes for a quick and clean kill.

There is also a sub-group of the Nightjar known as the Nighthawk, the Elite Assassins of the Nightjar. These Elite Assassins were known to be even more deadly than the normal Nightjar, having more natural ability and a body even more fit for the job of silent killing. These Elite Assassins are always sent on the hardest missions possible, so in the end many of them were killed thus why to this day the numbers of the nighthawk are still waning. Not much is known about the Nighthawk besides that it is, faster, stronger, and more knowledgeable than the average Nightjar, which is saying a lot because the average Nightjar is known for its ability to kill and do it extremely well.

Summon General Abilities:
-The Nightjar is known to be a master of camouflage and naturally blend in to areas such as woods and forests.
-The Nightjar is silent but deadly, because it can fly very fast(2x the speed of an average bird) while maintaining complete silence.
-The beak of the Nightjar is as strong as steel, being able to break through incredibly solid materials.
-Finally, being a nocturnal animal, all Nightjar can see clearly at night.

Summoning tattoo:
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-Leaving for Scorps-

±± Declined ±± No font or allignement formatting. Its stated in the first post of this thread.

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Summoning Animal:

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract:
Summoning Boss if existing:
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:


The Nightjar hails from a secluded deciduous forest hidden on the peek of a deadly mountain that is always covered in storm clouds making the area seemingly always nighttime. This Dark and ominous place is referred to by many ninja as Mount Hakurei.

General Description:
Nightjars are medium-sized nocturnal or crepuscular birds with long wings, short legs and very short bills. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically coloured to resemble bark or leaves, making them excellent at blending in with their surroundings. They have beaks that are much wider than it is long, and it opens wide both - vertically as well as horizontally. The resulting big gaping mouth allows it to more easily scoop up it's prey in flight. Its large eyes are placed on each side of the head (laterally) - which significantly increases its visual field. A reflective membrane behind the retina (tapetum) enhances its vision at night by augmenting the light-gathering ability of its eyes.

The Nightjars are a prideful race of master assassins and will only grant their knowledge and loyalty to someone they deem ambitious. Once they have found someone worthy they will then give them the mark of the specter. This is a symbol that all nightjars have and will show they are kin of the nightjar. The nightjars specialize in stealth and disguise and often lurk in the shadows waiting to strike their opponent from behind without ever being seen they are often called disgraceful for attacking from behind but the nightjar will do whatever it takes for a quick and clean kill.

There is also a sub-group of the Nightjar known as the Nighthawk, the Elite Assassins of the Nightjar. These Elite Assassins were known to be even more deadly than the normal Nightjar, having more natural ability and a body even more fit for the job of silent killing. These Elite Assassins are always sent on the hardest missions possible, so in the end many of them were killed thus why to this day the numbers of the nighthawk are still waning. Not much is known about the Nighthawk besides that it is, faster, stronger, and more knowledgeable than the average Nightjar, which is saying a lot because the average Nightjar is known for its ability to kill and do it extremely well.

Summon General Abilities:
-The Nightjar is known to be a master of camouflage and naturally blend in to areas such as woods and forests.
-The Nightjar is silent but deadly, because it can fly very fast(2x the speed of an average bird) while maintaining complete silence.
-The beak of the Nightjar is as strong as steel, being able to break through incredibly solid materials.
-Finally, being a nocturnal animal, all Nightjar can see clearly at night.

Summoning tattoo:
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Removed font alignment.
If it is still not acceptable please remove anything needed to make it acceptable.

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Seriously? Where is the need for this? You already have this contract approved. Same as everything i said to the other members who tried the same ±±
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Active member
Mar 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±


(Raiton Houmen: Kyojin no Gekirin) - Lightning Release: Giant Wrath
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Makarov exudes a constant surge of destructive lightning that surrounds him, which shakes the surrounding environment and destroys everything within the vicinity, he feels hate and anger running trough his whole body getting the relish to destroy everyone who harmed or attacked his friends, allies or himself, his eyes will become white causing lightning currents surround him and during this state, Makarov is able to walk and while doing that, everything will get destroyed around him, every earth that touches him get's destroyed in a instant.

Note: Every C-Ranked water technique and below will evaporate because of the high ranked water, every Water technique above that rank will be lethal for the user activating this.
Note: Because of the high ranked lightning, not even forbidden ranked Earth technique's are able to handle the lightning currents
Note: The user won't be able to perform any Lightning technique's the following turn after dis-activating it
Note: -10 chakra points every turn
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~ When Roku said it was totally not overpowered, he was being sarcastic. Here, to help you out I've marked the line that's the most OP. ~

(Fearī Teiru's Iyoku Ryoku) - Fairy tail's will of power
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: -
Damage: -
Description: Makarov wears a suit with Kanji symbols upon the goldish shoulders, When having the suit on, Makarov feels the energy of the Kanji symbols flow through him, and when this occurs his wind based techniques have an increase in power by 10+ making him even more deadly as a wind user, when he puts these on, he gains powers because of the kanji's that run trough his whole body, making him more lethal if it's based for wind technique's, warmth and strength will then flow trough his whole body and thanks to the wind kanji's written on his shoulders he gains the ability to only sweep with his hands to perform wind technique's, Makarov already got the ability to use every wind technique with one single handseal, but this also gives him the opportunity to use wind technique like Gaara does while he control's his Sand technique's. (CJ'S will get submitted) Inspiration of his guild causes him to have an aura of wind flow around him giving him wind based attacks an additional 10+ damage however, the downside is when he wears this suit, every used Fire technique will become two ranks weaker then the original.

Note: -10 chakra every turn
Note: The bonus only applies to one attack per turn maximum
Note: Only can wield this suit
Note: 10+ On wind attacks or 10+ Damage on wind attacks
Note: When using a Fire technique, the rank will lower two ranks then the orginal (ex; using S-Rank Fire will become B-Rank)
Note: After he turns off the suit (If it get's disconnected with his body) he then won't be able to use wind and fire based technique's for the whole battle and loses -10 damage points

~ The first sentence I marked makes absolutely no sense, the second part won't be approved - it's too OP. ~

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Updated everything, hope it's fixed now.

(Raiton Houmen: Kyojin no Gekirin) - Lightning Release: Giant Wrath
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Makarov exudes a constant surge of destructive lightning that surrounds him, which shakes the surrounding environment and destroys stuff within the vicinity, he feels hate and anger running trough his whole body getting the relish to destroy everyone who harmed or attacked his friends, allies or himself, his eyes will become white causing lightning currents surround him and during this state, Makarov will also be able to walk or run around while having the lightning currents cover his body, every earth that touches him get's destroyed in a instant.

Note: Every C-Ranked water technique and below will evaporate because of the high ranked lightning covering him, every Water technique above that rank will be lethal for Makarov.
Note: Because of the high ranked lightning, not even forbidden ranked Earth technique's are able to handle the lightning currents
Note: The user won't be able to perform any Lightning technique's the following turn after dis-activating it
Note: -10 chakra points every turn
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~ Bold the changes ~

(Fearī Teiru's Iyoku Ryoku) - Fairy tail's will of power
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: -
Damage: -
Description: Makarov wears a suit with Kanji symbols upon the goldish shoulders, When having the suit on, Makarov feels the energy of the Kanji symbols flow through him, and when this occurs his wind based techniques have an increase in power by 10+ making him even more deadly as a wind user, when he puts these on, he gains the the power to receive +10 damage points to wind based technique's, warmth and strength will then flow trough his whole body and thanks to the wind kanji's written on his shoulders he gains the ability to only sweep with his hands to perform wind technique's, Makarov already got the ability to use every wind technique with one single handseal, but this also gives him the opportunity to use wind techniques with only sweeping his hands like Gaara does with sand, only related to the part of when he sweeps his hands, when Makarov does so, he will be able to perform a wind technique with only sweeping with his hands. (other CJ'S will get submitted) Inspiration of his guild causes him to have an aura of wind flow around him giving him wind based attacks an additional 10+ damage however, the downside is when he wears this suit, every used Fire technique will become two ranks weaker then the original.

Note: -10 chakra every turn
Note: The bonus only applies to one attack per turn maximum
Note: Only can wield this suit
Note: 10+ On wind attacks or 10+ Damage on wind attacks
Note: When using a Fire technique, the rank will lower two ranks then the orginal (ex; using S-Rank Fire will become B-Rank)
Note: After he turns off the suit (If it get's disconnected with his body) he then won't be able to use wind and fire based technique's for the whole battle and loses -10 damage points
Note: The bolded part means that when he sweeps his hands, he is able to perform a wind technique, which counts as a technique (ex; When he uses a S-Ranked Serial waves technique, he is able to sweep his hands back and forth, meaning that he will release the technique without making handseals, but this counts as 1 technique in a turn, meaning that he then only got two spots over for other technique's)

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Added/changed the bolded parts.

~ We don't have guilds in the Naruto World. ~
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Active member
Aug 28, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kuchiyose:Batoidea:Krieg)- Summoning: Batoidea : Krieg
Type: Summon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: n/a
Description: Krieg is a mediocre sized Ray who resembles a torpedo Ray in both looks and abilities, Krieg is roughly 18 meters long from tip to tail, with a pectoral wingspan of 24 meters, and his skin pattern resembles that of a cheetah, vibrant yellow with black spots. Krieg is fairly adept in the use of Raiton, and is able to use all Raiton jutsu up to and including A rank without the use of handseals, albeit slapping his pectoral fins together to replace handseals and using his Pectoral fins to execute the jutsu if need be. Krieg’s main ability, is that when using a Raiton jutsu, he automatically merges his natural ability to produce lightning currents with it, adding +20 damage to all Lightning jutsu used by Krieg. Krieg is also immune to all Raiton jutsu A rank and below, absorbing the lightning into his electric glands, and using the lightning to produce a large spherical omnidirectional blast of lightning that is released from all directions of his body, effectively creating a lightning bubble that spans out to mid range, stunning and blasting everything, the blast being equivalent to S rank. Krieg is however susceptible to S rank and above lightning jutsu, albeit he takes greatly reduced damage. Krieg is immune to his own current. Kreig's tail stinger is also indestructible. Additionally, he can speak both fluent English and Japanese, able to communicate with its summoner easily.

-Krieg can only be summoned once per battle
-Krieg can only stay on the field for 4 turns.
-Krieg can fly through the air for three turns through the use of chakra, on the fourth he must either be in water or he disappeared in a poof of smoke

±± Declined ±± Imune to A-Rank lighthing? Lol. Why do you have it adding +20 to lightning technqieus and then have it only use A-Rank lightning? Why all that if the end result is S-Rank the same? The omnidirectional blast needs restrictions and explanations.


(Kuchiyose:Batoidea:Sting)- Summoning:Batoidea:Sting
Type: Summon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Sting is a mediocre sized Stingray, being roughly 24 meters from top to tail tip, and having a pectoral fin span of 32 meters, Sting is dark turquoise in colour and has a large scar on his underbelly running from his left pectoral fin all the way to his bottom right side. Sting is the student of the weapons specialist of Kodai No Mizuumi, and as such excels at the use of weaponry. On the edge of Stings pectoral fins is a metal platelet, the metal platelet being honed to a fine edge and being extremely light and fitted perfectly. This allows Sting to slice his enemies in two as he swims past them at great speeds. Like all Stingrays, Sting has a large barbed stinger at the end of his tail that is roughly 15 inches long, the barbed tail enhanced with metallic blades, allowing it to pierce through even the most fortified defenses. Sting is able to shoot his stinger at a opponent, the stinger equating to a A rank non elemental projectile when launched. Sting specialises in the fuuton element being able to use up to and including A rank fuuton jutsu, slapping his pectoral fins against his sides in replacement for handseals and swinging his pectoral fins to execute the jutsu if need be. Sting can coat his Stinger and fins in fuuton chakra, making it equivalent to a S rank elemental jutsu. If an opponent is hit by Sting’s Stinger, the Stinger will begin to release its protein based toxins, resulting in their heart rate drastically slowing, the wound bleeding profusely, parallelization in the wounded area due to muscle cramps, and in three turns the user will surely die due to heart failure unless the enemy can counter its effects. Additionally, he can speak being able to communicate with its summoner easily.

-Sting’s stinger regenerates after one turn and can only be shot twice
-Sting can fly through the air by applying basic chakra for 3 turns, he then must return to water or return to kodai no muzuumi
-Sting stays on the field for 3 turns
-Sting can only be summoned once per battle
±± Approved ±±

(Kuchiyose: Batoidea: Driller)- Summoning: Batoidea: Driller
Type: Summon
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: n/a
Description: Driller is a large sawfish, a type of ray that highly resembles a shark with a flattened pronged outstretching nose. Driller is roughly 75 meters long, with his saw like nose comprising ⅓ of his body length and being nigh on indestructible. Driller has a pectoral fin span of roughly 18 meters. Drillers main ability is to coat things through primary or secondary contact in one of the five basic elemental chakras resulting in the thing coated, having a coloured shroud that equates to A rank elemental chakra, that can be used for defense and offensive purposes, and takes on the properties of the element used. Driller can be summoned above the opponent, nose first, as he falls, he begins to rotate frantically while coating himself in one of the five basic chakras, this forms a drill with Drillers Saw like nose at the epicentre of the drill, the drill coated in the chosen element, and falling down on the opponent, devastating everything within the immediate vicinity. Additionally, he can speak both fluent English and Japanese, able to communicate with its summoner easily.

-If Driller coats anything other than himself, it counts as one of the 3 moves per turn.
-Driller can stay on the field for 2 turns.
-Driller is able to fly through the air by applying small amounts of chakra.
-Driller can only be summoned once per battle

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Declined ±± A drill, long range, with any element that is almost the size of gamabunta? =_= NO!
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Goro Kaguya

Active member
Dec 6, 2008
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton: Gurando shākutorupedo) - Water Release: Grand Shark Torpedo
Rank: A
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: Short- Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: User spits out a large volume of water into the air and uses shape manipulation to shape the water into a massive water shark that surrounds their body. With the user in the center they can launch themselves into objects biting through them. If used in a water source user travels through the water quicker.
Note: The water created is equal to chakra source of the user.

Limit the amount of times it can be used and also give details on what it can bite through (up to X-rank earth, small chunks of earth, objects of small density, etc)

(Suiton: Gurando shākutorupedo) - Water Release: Grand Shark Torpedo
Rank: A
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: Short- Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: User spits out a large volume of water into the air and uses shape manipulation to shape the water into a massive water shark that surrounds their body. With the user in the center they can launch themselves into objects of equal or lesser density (up to A-rank earth) biting through them. If used in a water source user travels through the water quicker.
The amount water created is equal to chakra source of the user, with the maximum size of the shark being one-fifth of a boss summon.
Usable three times per battle

~ Approved ~
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Iberian Lynx
Scroll Owner: mangekyo byakugan
Other Users who have signed contract: none
Summoning Boss if existing: Scorps
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: The Iberian Lynx known as one of the most strongest animals in the world have signed a contract with a shinobi known as mangekyo byakugan they share to the shinobi history of there species they lived on mount Lynx and had very great tolerance to outsiders
Here is proof that is not something made up

~ Left for Scorps ~

Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: On contact
Chakra: 40 (when chnaging size)
Damage: 80 (i guess or like a normal sword)
Description: The Lengthenator is a sword made up of special materials that allow that sword to change it's size based on the user's will the Lengthenator can range in it's size from a size of a kunia to the size of a normal sword this helps in battles a lot. A string of chakra can also be used to change the size of the sword.

-Size can only range from a kunia to a normal sword
-a string of chakra can be attached to the sword and the user's hand to change it's size.
-must be stated in bio to use
-only the user's(mangekyo byakugan) chakra can change the size of the sword

~ Proper format required ~

Summoning technique: Scorps(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Scorps)
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Point of contact with ground
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user cuts his thumb and performs the required handseals and places his arm on the ground and summons Scorps the boss Lynx. Scorps stands as the height of gambuta and has sharp claws. Scorps can use Lightning and wind release techs up to B rank.
-lasts four turns
-can only be summoned once.
-must have signed Skorpioveator contaract to summon scorps.
-Can only use up to B rank wind/lightning techs and those which require handseals the user must perform them.

~ Scorps, check Scorps O_O ~

±± Summons are....well, all Declined o_O ±± as much as scorps is an awesome name to give anything, specially a boss summon (unless its a lame animal) the thing is that Lynx is already taken as a contract
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