Custom Summoning Submission

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Jan 24, 2013
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Please be sure to read the Summoning Animal Contract rules before making a submission.​

±± How to submit a Custom Summoning Contract. ±±

Step One: Choose your Animal: Refer to this list of approved Animal Contracts to help you choose. For extinct animals, or those of a mythical, or general fictional nature, they fall under Ancient, Mythical and Legendary Contracts respectively, and require the related purchase within the Kumi Shop for submission.

Step Two: Describe your animal: From their general appearance, to their behaviors, etc. While individual summons can wildly vary, the general description of your Contract defines their basic characteristics, and more importantly, what may set them apart from existing animals, especially those from the same genus, family, etc.

Step Three: Define their abilities: As stated in the Summoning Animal Rules, each Contract can have a number of "passive" or inherent traits for each animal on the Contract. While more powerful abilities are restricted to rare and unique Animals, such as Mythical and Legendary, even regular Contracts can have a number of basic abilities, starting at 2, and increasing with the Contract's rarity.

In regards as to what's allowed with Basic Abilities, each Summoning Animal is unique, however abilities such as passive damage increases for specific types of Jutsu used (For example a specific Element), damage mitigation/ shaving, a form of sensory based on the type of animal, like dogs with their sense of smell, etc are some of the things allowed via Basic Abilities, provided the scale of the boost isn't blatantly overpowered. Additionally, please keep in mind, in regards to basic abilities, despite having more on a Mythical or Legendary Contract, what is allowed is limited to the same scale as what would be allowed on a Basic Summoning Contract, as it's technically the same mechanic, there's simply more of them allowed on rarer Contracts.

Unique abilities are far more diverse, and open in what's allowed for them. With uniques your Summoning animals are allowed to go beyond the conventional boundaries of what's allowed on a Summoning Contract. This includes allowing Hiden Abilities, and Advanced Elements to your summons, and more specifically can incorporate unique elements of your Animal's myth, legend, etc, adding a more unique twist to your contract as a whole.

For reference, here are the Abilities allowed per Contract.

Normal & Ancient Contracts
2 standard abilities.

Mythical Contract
3 standard abilities + 1 unique ability.

Legendary Contracts
3 standard abilities + 2 unique abilities.

Step Four: Wait for the Contract to be checked.

±± Template for Custom Contracts & Summons ±±

[B]Summoning Animal:[/B]
[B]Scroll Owner:[/B]
[B]Other Users who have signed contract: [/B]
[B]Summoning Boss if existing:[/B]
[B]Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:[/B]
[B]Description and Background:[/B]
[B](Kuchiyose: ) Summoning:[/B]
[B]Type:[/B] Summon


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Reduced speed, increased detection point. And Removed the increased energy aspect from queens feast ;-;

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Semiramis ) - Summoning Technique: Semiramis
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Semiramis is the leader of a secret Assassin Squadron founded by Shadow within the ranks of the snakes of Ryuchi Cave. Being part of the assassins, Semiramis excels in the art of deceit, camouflage, & assassination of course. Semiramis is a fairly small snake, being of 3 meters length, regal black colour, and of a enthusiastic but arrogant personality that often likes to indulge in luxury. Semiramis' speed is equivalent to a Jonin Rank Ninja, with her vitality being at eighty health points, and her skillset being that of all standard snake's, such as basic sensory and access to all standard snake ninjutsu, with Semiramis having access to A rank and below normal ninjutsu, and lasting four turns on the field. Semiramis' distinguishing qualities are the following;

Assassin of Red: Like all snakes, Semiramis can sense and pinpoint her target through snake senses, but her unique ability is that when locked on a prey, she naturally enters her assassination state, becoming hidden to her target in regards to her bodily functions, allowing her to have an edge against those that track her via such functions, while also exuding an intent that reduces opponent's base speed by two levels. In this state Semiramis is still perceivable through the basic senses, although as she is an assassin, her movement's do not produce sounds, but her 'intent' itself is felt by the opponent's, alerting them that they are being targeted, with Semiramis position being revealed if she enters within 6 meters of her opponent. This ability is passive, with Semiramis sensory only extending to a single LM and her only being capable of targeting up to three opponent's at a single go.

The Queen's Feast: Semiramis' venom is quite distinct, as she is capable of administering it through a bite, or launching it at a range with the additional implementation of basic shape manipulation or simply a wide scaled spray. This is an A ranked ability, with the wide scaled spray reaching mid range distance, with a spread of 10 meters both vertically and horizontally, while the shape manipulated application can reach up to long range distance, with this application never being bigger than her own size. Those that fall prey to her venom would experience a forced rapid secretion of their serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine levels, rendering those afflicted experience feelings of pleasure, and emotional warmth. This pleasure and emotional warmth allures them to a sense of self love that prevents the use of forbidden ranked techniques and actions that cause self harm. Notably, Semiramis' venom itself is of S rank level but causes no standard physical damage by itself, but rather causes damage based on it's method of administration, where a bite is treated as an S rank attack, while her ranged release is treated as an A rank as previously mentioned.

Servant of the Holy Grail War: Semiramis' final ability is her passive ability to transform into a Bow, allowing the user to fire off her venom in arrow forms, at A rank levels, with the user having the option of utilisng her as a normal bow to fire off different arrows. Twice per battle Semiramis can coat a fired arrow with her venom, naturally costing a move, but can occur in the same t/f of another arrow technique.

Approved with edits.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Legendary Summon Found Inventory:

Summoning Animal: Harpy/Harpies
Scroll Owner: Mirai
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Harpy Queen, Reina
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: Harpies, commonly known as the “Personifications of Storm Winds” are highly rare species of animal dwelling within the shinobi world. Hidden away in their sanctuary known as the “Swallow’s Nest”, their territory said to be hidden somewhere in Tobusekai. It’s location is sealed off to foreigners, with only Harpies and those who has signed a contract with these beasts are capable of traveling. These creatures are humanoid in nature, having a combination of both human and bird like traits though their internal structures allow them to differ from humans enough to be established as their own species. Harpies are all inherently female, with no recorded males ever having been born, which due to their unique genetics are capable of reproducing without the need of a male. These avian humanoids through history has been described as “ugly” but in truth are beautiful, with their vibrant feathers complimenting their physique as well. While they lack traditional legs and arms, their abilities and adaptive nature provides them a unique niche. Also described as creatures of chaos, having been reported of sightings of these animals kidnapping others, stealing food and other stories, most of these proven true. They are mischievous and curious by nature but their sisterhood among themselves and worth enough female signers allow them to be powerful allies in the heat of combat, or even great companions overall. They live together in harmony, living under the rule of the Harpy Queen. These summons are not to be taken lightly, as they are savage hunters - being described as "humanoid birds of prey".

Harpy Physique (Standard Ability #1): Harpies as mentioned before are a hybrid species, lamenting on their raptor like avian traits and humanoid facial and body features. Instead of arms, all Harpies generally have entire wings composed of unique feathers which match their hair coloration, ending in bird like talons. The legs of harpies are also inhuman, having long skinny bird like legs ending in talons. These features are extremely streamlined with their bodies, allowing them to utilize these wings in order to fly easily to hunt prey. The talons are sharp as well, capable of easily ripping flesh apart but also strong enough to crush steel. This allows Harpy summons (at the cost of a move) the ability to slash, crush or generally attack with these talons or strike the opponent physically with their wings dealing damage based on their rank. Their bodies are all naturally smaller than most summons, with the max size a Harpy is known to grow is up to six feet tall. They are fast either on the ground or in the air, but also demonstrated to being good swimmers - moving at speeds rivaling an Sage Ranked Ninja (unless mentioned otherwise in specific summons submitted). They have chakra networks as well, however due to their lack of hands, they instead utilize gestures with their wings in order to mold chakra, having the possibility to have different elemental natures though most align with the affinity for Wind Release.

Apex Predators (Standard Ability #2): Harpies despite their humanoid appearances, are naturally birds of prey. This causes them, even in their chick stage (basically infant/child stage) to be savage hunters. Due to their near lack of fear towards prey and others, they are not easily intimidated having an extremely high resistance towards these types of abilities. Thus techniques such as "Killing Intent" or any type of mental influence (which try to forcefully induce "Fear") expressed to Harpies are ineffective to a degree. While they may have a high resistance, this only extents to abilities up to and including the summons rank. Though even in this case, they will not flee from their summoner's side even if they managed to get intimidated. They still however will adhere to any other debuffs or debilitating effects the opposing technique may attempt to inflict.

Harpie's Hunting Ground (Standard Ability #3): Harpies as mentioned beforehand are naturally apex hunters, which due to needing to constantly be able to hunt prey has perfected this skill. In combat or anywhere in general, Harpies have keen chakra sensing capabilities, strong enough to differentiate between others quite easily. This level of detail allows them to memorizes different species of animals, elemental natures and even allows it to spread across two adjacent landmarks. They are also capable of telling allies and enemies apart, utilizing their summoners positive/negative feelings towards others or if outright told by their summoner.

Storm Weavers (Unique Ability #1): An attribute to their moniker, Harpies are master of controlling natural winds around them to conjure up powerful storms. This ability can be seen as similar to "Konoha Ryujin" but rather than utilizing movement of the body to manipulate winds, Harpies are naturally able to do so. Their supernatural connection to the winds around them allow them to shape and mold the winds to their hearts content, capable of making constructs of wind, tornadoes or even powerful gusts/blasts of wind. This ability doesn't require chakra in order to utilize though a Harpie is only capable of utilizing this ability up to their rank and below, with A rank usage only being able to be used thrice per summon and S rank twice per summon with a cool down of three turns. These winds are neutral to elemental ninjutsu, with the scale capable of each rivaling the size of the each ranks biggest wind release technique (i.e A rank being Pressure Damage, meaning Storm Weaver usage can only be as big as it).

Femme Fatale (Unique Ability #2): An attribute to their "sisterhood" or "birds of a feather" mentality. Upon being summoned into battle, Harpies are capable of naturally give off a passive pheromone when in the presence of contract signers or even female allies. This pheromone is said to be an alluring smell, almost like a perfume. This aroma has an intoxicating effect, which causes those afflicted to be encouraged by their fellow sisters in arms. Thus this empowerment causes additional chakra when performing techniques to be in added in (+10). This causes an increase in power to techniques utilized by the affected to gain a boon equal to the amount of allies are present in battle excluding the caster harpie. This scales in an increment of +10 DMG per female ally, capping off at +20 (those requiring 2 unique allies, those clones are not included in the count). This pheromone can only be utilized by a Harpie Summon (or a human signer with the Naturalist Summoning Specialist specialty) once per battle, but a person can only be affected by the aroma twice per battle before developing a temp immunization towards it. This ability works only on those the Harpie summoner considers an ally (attributed from Harpie's Hunting Ground) though is truly effective only on females. Male allies are capable of being boosted as well, though the damage increase caps at +10 only and lasting two turns where as for females, the boons last four turns. This is passive ability, reaching up to long range and is a passive boost.

Restrictions: Harpies naturally align themselves with females only, rarely accepting males. In the case of male signers, they are incapable of summoning the Harpy Queen nor any Harpy summon above B rank. All signers naturally have a contract tattoo located on their body (unless specifically stated to lack one within the biography) though can be summoned through other methods such as summoning scrolls or through the basic summoning method. Harpies are naturally intelligent creatures, capable of easily communicating through human speech though are also capable of speaking in their own unique language, which only is taught to contract signers.

Contract Tattoo
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(Hāpyi Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kareinaru Bunshin ) Harpy Summoning Technique: Elegant Egotists
Rank: D - S Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 - 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Elegant Egotists serves as the generalized summoning technique of the Harpy Contract. Through the utilization of the summoning methods known to signers, they are capable of summoning a Harpy into battle in order to aid them combat or even outside of combat for other purposes. No two harpies are the same, which this technique aims to emphasis on, that very harpy summoned is unique in design and appearance. This grants a large and wide pool of unique summons to be brought forth. While this remains true, each summon has one of the basic elemental affinities attached to them. This allows the Harpy in question the ability to utilize the element without the need of handseals, instead performing gestures with their wings. They utilize this element up to their appropriate rank and below, though a Harpy who is brought lacks an elemental nature, they can instead utilize Kenjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu up to their appropriate rank and below. Uniquely enough, the Harpies go through a similar growth pattern akin to a human. D to C Rank Harpies are commonly known as "Chicks", which are usually the infant to toddler phase of the summons life span, with B to A being the adolescent stage and S rank being the adult stage. However in rare instances, there has been known for some adolescents or chicks to be S ranked level in power but of course this is a rare instance, but in the scheme of the rp this is mostly cosmetic and serves no real purpose. Harpy summons remain in battle until they sustain damage above their rank which causes them to automatically leave the battle field. Regardless of all this, the signger can only summon a max of two S rank Harpies per battle, which in each instance prohibits them from summoning anymore Harpies for a duration of two turns. Three A rank Harpies can be summoned per battle, while B rank and below can be summoned an unlimited amount of times per battle. Up to two Harpies can be summoned at the same time but requires the user to pay an additional move slot in order to do so but only paying the original amount of chakra based on the rank. Upon summoning a harpy, the user must declare what elemental affnitiy the Harpy has (if any) or if they lack such thing then must be stated what skill they possess (Tai, Ken or Genjutsu). In the case of kenjutsu, they utilize their natural sharp talons as substitutes to swords (if they aren't summoned with weapons). They can also be summoned with a weapon of choice if they so desire to wield in battle (capable of dealing free form damage or physical strikes based on their rank at the cost of a move).
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Declined on Request
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Active member
Apr 27, 2012
Trait Points
Link to roadrunner summon approval:

(Rōdoran'nā Kuchiyose: Minamoto) - Roadrunner Summon: Minamoto
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user summons Minamoto, a very small-sized roadrunner who spends most of his time sat on top of the user's head or shoulder (barely weights anything). He has orange feathers and possesses a blue-colored tattoo around his left eye. Minamoto is a jokester who enjoys to mispronounce words and behave in an obnoxious manner although it is rumored that he actually leads the entirety of the roadrunner tribe. He shares a mental link with the user and fellow roadrunners and can therefore understand their thoughts. Although proficient in water, Minamoto's isn't as large as most of his fellow roadrunners and has therefore focused on strengthening his mental will and can therefore withstand S-Rank and below illusions.

As for abilities:
- Minamoto excels in casting a strengthened form of the water release ability called "Water Style: Water Dragon Whip" utilizing it as S-Rank suiton without the need of handseals and can create it up to long range distance (counts as a move).
- Another skill Minamoto has is the ability to create condensed water in up to 4 different locations beneath fellow allies, acting as a glider that helps his allies fly away from incoming attacks. Once its purpose fulfilled, the condensed water continues as a directed offensive attack that can slice the target. This ability is an S-rank move although each condensed portion of water will have its rank power divided depending on how many there are.

Note: Summoned once
Note: Lasts 4 turns
Unchecked (rip Pekoms)


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

(Kuchiyose: Mori no sei) Summoning: Spirit of the Forest
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Within the special mystical forest that the Treants live, exist several different species of Treants that are used as summons for ninja that have signed the contract. Each summon has a specific affinity for a natural element, being infused by nature to have an adaptation for it. Those with fire will have embers within their trunks, looking like charred wood, those with an affinity for water will have slimy vines, looking more like willows, etc. Each Treant are still bound by the rules of summoning and the contract description but much like nature itself, each one grows in a unique fashion with their environment.
Depending on the Treant summoned, they will have access to sap/pollen capable of using the Treant specific ninjutsu associated with the contract. Considering the nature of Treakin, each turn they are summoned on the battlefield, that are capable of growing their roots, to extend the range of their techniques. For each turn they are capable of increasing the range by 1, meaning after 1 turn, they care capable of using short range techniques up to mid range, and after 2 turns capable of using short range up to long range. Treants are capable of shaping and growing their bodies, bending and flexing but retaining their strength, capable of matching S ranks in defence, using their body like weapons, such as spears, whips, swords, anything that could be considered an offensive tool.
-Summons last 4 turns
Can only be used twice

Declined, Group Summonings like these bypass the limit set for Mythical and Legendary Contracts. You cannot submitmore than one summoning like such for a Technique. In addition to this, how does growing their roots extend the range of their Ninjutsu? The rest looks fine, though.
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Active member
Apr 27, 2012
Trait Points
Approval link:

- adding standard abilities

Summoning Animal: Roadrunner
Scroll Owner: Inethas
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background:
Roadrunners are speedy ground birds who live in deserts, grasslands, and woodlands. It does not fly very often, preferring to run at great speed. When the roadrunner senses danger or is traveling downhill, it flies, revealing short, rounded wings with a white crescent. But it cannot keep its large body airborne for a long time, and so prefers walking or running. The feathers on the top part of its body are greenish- and bluish-brown streaked with white; on the bottom part, they are completely white. The head has a crest of feathers. Behind each eye there is a patch of bare skin that is partly bluish and partly reddish. On the roadrunner's back there is a dark patch of skin that the bird exposes to the sun to warm its body during cold weather. Well-adapted to arid habitats, the roadrunner has glands near its eyes that it uses to secrete excess salt. It can survive without drinking water, as long as it consumes prey with high water content.

Standard abilities:
  • Roadrunners doing roadrunner things: Being animals that specialize in speed, roadrunner summons briefly move at an abnormally increased movement speed during the first turn in which they are summoned. This allows them to easily evade harm from large-scaled attacks such as “Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation” and “Earth Release: Mountain Smash”. This ability does not count as a move when summoned, however, if they do wish to briefly boost their speed again during a future turn, then it’ll cost the user 1 of their 3 moves per turn from there on out. Other techniques can be performed by the roadrunners when moving faster.
  • Swap-swap: Whenever the roadrunner and owner are in direct contact with one-another, the roadrunner can trigger a body swap with its owner. They aren’t restricted to re-appear at the center of eachother’s previous position. What is meant by this is, for example, after the swap the owner’s palm with outstretched arm can re-appear where the roadrunner’s head was before the swap. From an outer’s perspective it’ll look like the roadrunner and owner have glitched. The purpose of this technique is to come in play as a nifty/fun counter during CQC. This ability counts as a move every time it’s used and can be used by roadrunners both in their animal form and non-animal form.
Update Pending: While I don't see an issue with the second ability, it basically boiling down to a variant of the Summoning/ Reverse Summoning, and you and your summon swapping places, I don't think I'll allow something as strong as a free dodge on your summons, especially with the only drawback being it costs a move each time they use it after the turn their summoned in. That's nowhere near enough of a drawback for what is essentially the ability to avoid anything. It's especially concerning when the examples you give of techniques you wish for them to be able to avoid are two of the largest, wide-scale canon techniques in the entire series, with one being a literal mountain being flipped up around you. VM me whether you'd prefer this ability to be changed, or give an alternative ability which I'll add in and approve the contract update, provided that replacement doesn't have a similar issue.

- - - - - -

Approval link:

- Deleted/shortened some sentences
- Trying to allow them being summoned in weapon form

(Rōdoran'nā Kuchiyose: Riamu to Sen) - Roadrunner Summon: Liam and Sen
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user summons two roadrunners, each having the height of an average shinobi. They both specialize in fire, but only perform a restricted amount of techniques. Liam performs S-Rank and A-Rank fire techniques. Sen performs A-Rank and B-Rank fire techniques. Both can perform those techniques without any hand seals. Besides their ability with elemental techniques, their movement and reaction speed is equal to the user's base movement and reaction speed. Each one of them also have a body strong enough to withstand C-Rank and below physical attacks. Unfortunately, due to their short wings, they can only fly/remain airborne for a duration of two turns. Lastly, they are distinguished by their ability to transform into two large-sized shurikens that are virtually indestructible. The user can choose to summon them in weapon form from the get-go rather than in roadrunner form.

Their shuriken form is covered with blood-red colored feathers made of ash. While in shuriken form, each one of them rotate around their own center and can hover in the air as they wish by sustaining their flight with their own chakra. The center of their shuriken form remains still, allowing the user to stand on it. While in this state, they will continuously release ash particles by decomposing the ash-feathers into small ash particles and letting those descend across the battlefield. New ash-feathers are continuously reformed on the shurikens as the older ones decompose. The release of ash begins from the moment they assume their shuriken form and can be restrained and maintained at will by the roadrunners. This can last for as long as they remain in shuriken form. The ash that descends is further manipulated by the roadrunners in shuriken form to be redirected towards a desired mid-range radius localized area. The ash is controlled to actively absorb a great amount of oxygen within the area. The ash doesn't trigger explosions nor does it physically harm those surrounded by it besides depriving them of oxygen. It can even affect the user if not positioned outside of it. Remaining within the ash for two full turns will hinder the target from performing techniques that are higher than A-Rank due to an increasing sense of dizziness. If a third consecutive turn passes without those within it managing to escape the oxygen-depriving ash, then they would lose consciousness. If those affected manage to escape outside the ash's area of effect before those three turns pass, then the "countdown" would be reset. Both roadrunners transforming into large shurikens together counts as a move unless summoned in shuriken form, and due to the transformation, the duration of their stay on the battlefield will be "reset", and begin counting towards 4 turns as though they had just been summoned. Once this timer reaches zero, they revert to their Roadrunner form, and continue from their turn count from before transforming. They can re-appear hovering next to the user or be held by the user upon transformation.

Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: They remain on the field for 4 turns while in both roadrunner and shuriken form, for a max of 8 turns.
Note: Techniques used by the roadrunners count towards the user's 3 moves per turn
Note: Transforming, which leads to the release of ash, is considered a sustained A-Rank technique
Note: Deactivating the release of ash does not count as a move, but its reactivation does

Update approved, with highlighted edits. All Summons need to have defined limits to how long they remain on the field. While you technically do, the ability to prolong their stay indefinitely in their Shuriken form is basically like having a Personal Summon without taking that specialization, so that needed to be changed. 2016 was well before the Bio Specialization changes brought Personal Summons, so I can understand why Pekoms allowed it in the past, but because of the change, Summons can't be indefinite without it.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Legendary Contract in Inventory

Summoning Animal: Cthulhu
Scroll Owner: Mirai
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Cthulhu, The Great Old One
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Leviathan, Spawn of Cthulhu
Description and Background: Cthulhu, a name feared by many since the earliest records of human kind. A high class divine entity that has said to come from beyond the stars, is a powerful alien being. His arrival to earth was near the dawn of the age of mankind, after the countless wars held against Tiamat, but his existence was considered an anomaly as his origins where not of earthly creation, even by the old gods of the world. In truth he came from another dimension of existence far away from the current one known. Where he terrorized the humans of the east, driving those who came near him mad. It wasn't until centuries later he was finally sealed at the bottom of the ocean in his own ruins known as R'leyh. It was from there, the Great Old One started to plot his return, as those humans who sealed him continued to perish, the seal to his ruins continued to weaken. As time passes, Cthulhu gave birth to his children, the Spawn of Cthulhu and his true and only successor named Leviathan. They roam the world, terrorizing humanity and seeking the final key to their father's awakening, the Vessel of the Outer Gods (Contract Holder).

Cthulhu is described as a giant creature, being humanoid with an octopus like head, draconic wings but his anatomy is too complex for humans to understand. Leviathan and his siblings (Spawns) look near identical to their father, though the physical differences are noticeable. Likewise, the spawns and Leviathan all share the same abilities as their father, though weaker compared to his level though Leviathan is still stronger than his siblings in comparison. Their abilities are as followed:

Anatomy of Shapeshifters (Basic Ability 1#) - This is the most common ability across all the creatures. Their bodies are extremely malleable, capable of reshaping for various purposes such as creating weapons for offensive or defensive purposes, wings for flight (something Spawn naturally lack as opposed to their father and elder brother Leviathan) etc. This can also allow them to blend into modern society, capable of taking on the appearance of other humans and animals, so much so they can even imitate vocals of others. This ability will be submitted as it's own technique.

Eyes of the Gods (Basic Ability #2): Despite its name, this ability refers to Cthulu and his children’s ability to sense the Chakra, or souls of other beings. Be it human, animal or other, if they possess either Chakra or a soul, they are within his scope. This is potent enough that even it is impossible to hide one’s Chakra or spiritual presence from them regardless of method or skill. This allow him to remember individuals he’s encountered or even deduct elemental chakra natures. This extends up to 1 adjacent landmark in ninja world.

Telepathic Communication (Basic Ability 3#) - The final basic ability of the creatures are their ability to communicate with each other telepathically. This done among the creatures themselves, with the Vessel of the Outer God, allies or even enemies, prying into their minds to speak. This is strictly used for communication purposes, in which they can respond back to the creatures as well. This doesn't require a move slot in order to utilize, simply being cosmetic.

Ink Manipulation and Generation (Unique Ability #1) - Cthulhu and his offspring are capable of creating ink naturally from their bodies, in which they manipulate it via Ink Ninjutsu. They do not require ink brushes, simply using shape manipulation with their chakra. They are all treat as Apex Handseal Specialists, needing no hand seals in order to perform the techniques.

Madness Induction (Unique Ability 2#) - An inherent ability is the creatures ability to induce madness into those nearby. This is done by an ability similar to Killing Intent, where the creatures causes those who experience this to see images of their death, which can invoke nausea, panic and unwillingness to approach the summon. This is an inherent ability they trigger mentally when desired, being a passive ability, which also causes those affected by to lose one rank in power to their techniques when within short range of the summon (counting as debuff), which this effect persists up to three turns, even if having left short range. However after being exposed, the target is unable to be affected until an additional two turns had passed after the madness ends, but can only be targeted once more for the battle. The effects also trigger on other summons/animals where animals who are one rank lower or lacking a rank per say (such as Inuzuka Ninken, Aburame Bugs etc) automatically become rendered unconscious when within short range, lasting for as long as they remain within this range. Summons instead flee from battle, leaving their masters aid. Vessel of the Outer God are immune to these effects as well as other creatures of the contract are immune to each other’s affects. The ranking of each madness induction will be mentioned in each summon. They also do not need to focus this ability; those are capable of performing techniques but can also willingly not induce said madness onto others.

Revoked by Imperfect.

Signed Contract Here:
Gained Ownership Here:
Original Contract Approval:

Summoning Animal: Cats (Nineko aka Ninja Cats)
Scroll Owner: Mirai
Other Users who have signed contract: Jonbro, Chihaya, Never
Summoning Boss if existing: Rinsei
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Carla , Bubbles, Happy, Pantherlily
Description and Background: The nineko,or ninja cats are a species of felines that resides on an island named Extalia. Their appearance and behavior directly matches that of common domesticated cats found on the main lands. However what separates these domesric cats are their affinity for chakra, allowing them to achieve feats such as walking on water, climb vertical walls and even perform jutsus. They are all capable of understanding human speech and also speak it as well. They all adopted the trait to stand upright on their hind legs if needed but also can just as easily walk on all fours much faster. They are ruled by their Queen, Rinsei who is the matriarch to cats residing on the island. While they share a lot of common abilities, many individual cats have demonstrated their unique traits that separate them from the rest of the family.

Average Cat (Basic Ability #1): All cats are naturally fast felines, which all of them move a speeds rivaling a Jonin Ranked Shinobi, though in some cases individual cats might even be faster or slower than this (specified per summon if needed). The feline specific summons with no mentioned speeds also follow the base speed mentioned here instead.

Keen Senses (Basic Ability #2): All cats are naturally good sensors, utilizing their noses and ears to detect others. This keen sense of smell however is far more potent, as they are capable of smelling the chakra of others akin the Inuzuka Clan. This allows them to track targets up to 1 adjacent landmarks away. This smell is so keen it can different between other humans and animals alike, and also the nature of elemental techniques used in battle.

Update Approved, with the highlighted edit.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Contract Approval:

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Kuto~urufu, Kyū shihai-sha) Summoning Technique: Cthulhu, the Great Old One
Rank: F
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A (- 10 Per Summon)
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals,\ or their Summoning Tattoo in order to summon forth Cthulhu, the Great Old One in the battle. However, simply doing this isn’t without a cost, as the divine creature takes an extra compensation of his summoner’s life energy (-10 HP) which cannot be negated even with Yang Specialist or any other sort of damage reduction skills. Once summoned, this monstrosity nigh immediately towers over the battlefield, rivaling Manda in size alone, with a humanoid body. His head shaped akin to an octopus with many tentacles protruding from his face with beaming red eyes and draconic like wings enabling him to fly. Cthulhu’s sheer presence is known to cause many to be driven completely mad, something that’s almost true (via Madness Induction). Outside of him and his children’s inherent powers, this divine monster has his own unique skills, namely “World Shaper” and “Call of Cthulhu”. Otherwise, he moves at speeds rivaling a Sage Rank Shinobi, with his Madness Induction affecting Sage Level and below shinobi or F rank and below summons.

World Shaper ( D – S): The unique skill Cthulhu possess, allowing the monster to shape the very world he walks on, namely controlling the environment to his leisure. This can be seen as an advanced version of Sage Arts: Inorganic Reincarnation but alas without the need of Senjutsu and also vaster, as he can also control liquids, gases or even the very air around him. This allows him to mold them into various shapes and forms, namely constructs with solids, blasts and powerful twisters with winds etc. The creation of these things is limitless and only limited by Cthulhu’s own imagination. The amount of chakra he fuels into these creations determines how strong they are. These cannot be spawned within 5 meters of the enemy however and is treated as neutral to elemental ninjutsu. A rank can only be used thrice per battle with a cool down of one turn between each use, while S rank can only be used twice per battle, having a cool down of three turns instead while making him incapable of using this skill up to A rank and above for two turns.

Call of Cthulhu (S): The second unique skill to Cthulhu, in which he physically merges with his Vessel. Upon being summoned, or at another point in the battle, by uttering the words “Merge with I”, the creature immediate merges his body into that of his summoner on a molecular level. This can be seen as similar in nature to the Soma no Kou Kekkai Genkai, as both his Vessel and himself merge into one being. While merged, Cthulhu’s divine chakra merges with his host (bypassing any inherent defenses they may have), bolstering the skills they have in common (i.e if his vessel also has ink ninjutsu etc) by an additional +20 DMG increase, but also enables them the ability to use all his intrinsic abilities of his species but also his “World Shaper” ability. The fusion lasts for as long as he remains in battle, though when time to leave he will simply unmerge and disappear. This costs a move in order to utilize but can also be used in the same TF he is summoned initially, immediately merging with his vessel thus counting as one move. While merged, both their minds remain separate, but chakra networks and body merge into one, with them being able to communicate to each other mentally.

Cthulhu can only be summoned once per battle, twice per NW Arc and remains in battle for four turns. While present in battle, none of his children minus Leviathan can be summoned into battle or any present will flee in his presence.
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Declined. The second part is virtually a DNR; your custom contract cannot merge with the user. There is no mention of such a complex vessel-based relationship that actually lets you put a summon within a human. Further, this is basically a complete rip from my own Yin-Yang Fuuinjutsu - just with worse wording. The abilities are, quite literally, ordered in the same way I made mine. Out of my benevolence I am not custom banning you, however much I would like to. But this is my final warning: do not rip customs. Resubmit Call of Cthulhu as something else entirely, this ability will not work.

(Kaibou-gaku no Sheipushifutā) Anatomy of Shapeshifters
Type: Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: This technique acts as the outline of Cthulhu and his children's ability to shape their natural body. An intrinsic ability, these summons are capable of manipulating their anatomy to a minor to large degree, ranging from shifting their limbs into powerful physically blunt or sharpen constructs, down to completely mimicking the appearance of humans and animals alike, with them being anything the user desires (within reason, such as not being able to make waves or anything that "detaches" from the summon). These changes can be made for offensive, defensive and supplementary purposes, depending on the needs of the summoner or summons themselves. They can use it to increase or decrease in size though they can only grow x1.5 their original height while also creating limbs they originally didn't have such as wings to fly or tentacles to grab and constrict others. These limbs can grow and reach up to mid range of Spawn of Cthulhu, while Leviathan and Cthulhu himself can reach up to long rang, with the amount of damage ranging based on the rank applied. D - B Rank can be used at unlimited amounts of times, A rank capable of being used thrice per summon in battle and S rank twice per battle with each having a cool down of two turns before being capable of using it again. These constructs are considered neutral to elemental ninjutsu and multiple can be made in a single use, though the damage splits based on rank applied. Signers of the contract with the "Naturalist Summoning Specialist " can also utilize this on themselves as well, though can only go up to mid range. While clashing with opposing techniques, the constructs are coated in chakra to act as a "barrier" to prevent damage to them unless the attack is overpowered. In the case of neutral clashes, the construct in question loses power and instantly reverts back to their body.

Declined: Two issues. Lesser issue is your own bold. This isn't something the Cthulhu produce naturally, but is rather something they can do as a result of their weird alien biology. Naturalist Spec doesn't give you the biology of the Summon, only the ability to produce the same materials they can, in your case Ink. I'd allow the summoner to use this ability through Sage Mode, as you can take on the physical characteristics and qualities of your summons in those cases, like Jiraiya in his Sage Mode, but not as an added bonus tacked on to the ability's technique itself.

The next issue is just how unbalanced this technique actually is. Not only are you saying that any constructs or alterations from this technique are Elementally neutral, you're also saying that they have a barrier surrounding them as a form of mitigation that means the summon themselves don't take damage. So if you summon Cthulhu, and have him use the S-Rank variation of this technique, not only does he grow up to 1.5x larger, but he also gains a neutral S-Rank defense which doesn't have a defined turn limit that your opponent would need to break before they can even begin dealing damage to him. And when you factor in the potential for your opponent to be affected by your Contracts second unique ability, Madness Induction, which causes their Jutsu to lose 1 Rank in power once affected, which would be rather easy to do since Cthulhu would be able to Shapeshift a part of himself into within 5m of your opponent, thus triggering the passive, it becomes that much harder. And if your opponent can't break through it and then deal enough damage in time, two turns later Cthulhu can do it again. It doesn't sound like a lot in the submission, but if you think about it in the context of a fight, it's way too much to allow. Overall, there's a lot of re-balancing that needs to be done for something that is supposed to be a technique for outlining the usages and limits of a passive ability.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Treant contract sub

(Mori no chi) | Blood of the Forest
Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
One feature that Treants carry is their internal network within their bodies, which contain sap. This sap is a special chakra conduit, meaning that much like special chakra metal, or chakra paper, it can conduct chakra and chakra natures. By secreting, forcefully channelling the sap out of their body or using chakra to create the sap itself, Treants and signers of the Treant contract are able to use this sap, either as an offensive or defensive tool, or using it to supplement themselves. Much like other natural elements, Sap has no elemental strengths or weaknesses. Once the sap leaves the user, it hardens after 1 turn, into a solid shape of whatever it was formed into. Breaking the Sap requires damage equal to whatever its value originally was. Treant sap has 2 uses detailed below.

- (Fuyu no shūkak) Winter Harvest
A generic and basic application of sap, the use of winter harvest allows the user to create blasts, streams or form sap into structures from themselves. Depending on how much chakra is used, the sap can be a small amount to a large torrent, or even condensed to a focused ball, still able to deal as much damage as a large stream. This basic application has no strengths or elemental weaknesses however, by infusing a chakra nature with it, the user can give it strengths and weaknesses of whatever element was infused with it., giving it additional properties. Should the user use earth, if the sap hardens onto an opponent, it will slow them by 2 base speed levels. If used by water, it will turn to a slimy sap that will no harden, but simply begin to multiply growing and eventually cover their whole body. Infused with wind increases its travel speed by 2 base levels of the user to strike faster, while lightning causes paralysis of any areas of the opponent struck. Infusing with fire causes burning, dealing 20 damage over 2 turns.

- (Haru no ōkui) Spring Gluttony
- After learning how to use chakra and finding out its uses, they found the sap could be replicated with chakra. This also expanded into using chakra as a fuel and energy source via the sap when water or food was scarce. With the Spring Gluttony, sap can be used to absorb chakra of an equal amount. If applied directly to a target, the sap will start absorbing 50 chakra per turn. Should they choose, they can use this technique to absorb an incoming technique of equal chakra value by excreting sap over themselves. While this is used, it can passively be excreted from the skin but still costs a move within the turn. When this technique is applied to the usage above, then the cost of the technique is increased by 10. eg B rank of 20 chakra will cost 30.

- A rank needs 2 handseals while S rank needs 3, unless the user is a treeant.
- S rank can only be used 4 times per battle
- Spring Gluttony can only be used 4 times per battle total

Declined by Imperfect: Couple of things, but I'll try and keep this brief.

First, you won't be able to use this technique yourself at all unless you take the Naturalist specialty, so add that to the notes. Next, while I'm skeptical on the adding of Elemental Chakra to the sap, at least you have that carry the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the Elements which is fine. The additional effects added to each elemental application however needs to go. It's too much to allow on something like this. Finally, Spring Gluttony is just a no, sorry. You're effectively giving yourself the same sealing capacity of Fuin, along with Chakra draining from physical contact. Also, "passive but still costs a move" isn't a thing. It's either passive, or it costs a move, but everything you do has a place in the timeframe, so that line is virtually useless. And finally, because it isn't specified, I'm going to assume you intend for that last line on Spring Gluttony to increase Chakra, and the overall potency along with it? If so, that would also be a no.

When I first started reading, I thought this would be a technique to cover the healing/ poisonous sap you have listed in the Contract's abilities, and while I'm okay with Winter Harvest, minus the aforementioned extra effects, Spring Gluttony will need a bit of a rework, cause as is it's pretty much a free S-Rank barrier disguised as a Contract material's "Elemental Release" technique.

(Kuchiyose: Durthu) | Summoning Technique: Durthu
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Durthu is from one of the original Seeds of the Treants, that grew from the first Glade where they were born. This gave him a lifetime of knowledge and experience to learn, while he eventually became known to the world. Standing at medium 12m tall, Durthu is a battle ready Treant who has chased off many intruders into the Glades. Durthu from his lifetime of experience has managed to use chakra and capable of manipulating it on a level equal to a Sage. However, much like many other Treants, Durthu has learned to manipulate the world around him with chakra having mastery over all of the techniques that Treants have, while possessing his own unique skills. Durthu is specifically several parts of trees that are combines and held together by thick vines, much like muscles that form his body. He is capable of compressing himself to a smaller state, which effectively creates a suit of wooden armour for his summoner. In this form, he saps 5 chakra from the user per turn to strengthen his skin, giving them a -20 damage shaving or increasing their current damage shaving by -20. While in his armour form, he can still perform his own treekin techniques, however he cannot move on his own, being restricted to being stuck on the user. Once per turn, Durthu can sap 20 chakra from the user to strengthen his body to double the damage shaving ability, however this only lasts for 2 turns. This can be deactivated at will by him.
A side ability of the Armour, is that Durthu can manipulate his body to form extra arms, legs, appendages that are required for the user. These can be used to perform freeform actions, and non elemental taijutsu moves.
- Durthu can passively form his armour state or reform to his Treant state
- Damage shaving ability can only be used 3 times per turn with a one turn cooldown upon deactivation.

Declined by Imperfect.

I'll keep this simple. As much as I'd love to have it myself, I'm not allowing a +40 to damage shaving, or 40 damage shaving in general, regardless of the duration. That's higher than the Yang spec, which if I remember correctly you already tried as a passive ability for the Treants in a previous submission of the contract before it was approved. You can have this Summon have an inherent durability equivalent to it's own Rank that it can "tank" for you without any mitigation, and act like an actual armor for you. I'd also allow for it to "heal" through it's sap once wounded, like the injuries spill out sap that auto regenerates it, and your own health, but the healing would need to be limited to a certain number, and once the durability on the summon hits zero, it's summoning ends, regardless of any time left on the Summon. I won't, and don't think damage shaving boosting will ever be allowed. If it is, Summoning is not the field you'll achieve it in.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Perfect Sage Mode in my inventory.
Contract Approval:

( Kanpekinanin Sandābādo Sennin Modo ) Perfect Thunderbird Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 30 damage to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S rank.
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively fly at 3x his speed and sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Taijutsu techniques and Ninjutsu by +30. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required. In addition to this, the user is able capable of utilizing Sky Dominion, allowing them to generate natural thunderclouds (which are S Rank while in Sage Mode). Lastly, the user gains access to thunderbird like anatomy, gaining wings and talons for physical attacks (can still make hand seals and hold weapons), ability to use Thunderbird Arts (without requiring any Thunderbird summon present) and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.

Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.
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Approved by Imperfect.

Contract Approval:

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Kuto~urufu, Kyū shihai-sha) Summoning Technique: Cthulhu, the Great Old One
Rank: F
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A (- 10 Per Summon)
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals,\ or their Summoning Tattoo in order to summon forth Cthulhu, the Great Old One in the battle. However, simply doing this isn’t without a cost, as the divine creature takes an extra compensation of his summoner’s life energy (-10 HP) which cannot be negated even with Yang Specialist or any other sort of damage reduction skills. Once summoned, this monstrosity nigh immediately towers over the battlefield, rivaling Manda in size alone, with a humanoid body. His head shaped akin to an octopus with many tentacles protruding from his face with beaming red eyes and draconic like wings enabling him to fly. Cthulhu’s sheer presence is known to cause many to be driven completely mad, something that’s almost true (via Madness Induction). Outside of him and his children’s inherent powers, this divine monster has his own unique skills, namely “World Shaper” and “Call of Cthulhu”. Otherwise, he moves at speeds rivaling a Sage Rank Shinobi, with his Madness Induction affecting Sage Level and below shinobi or F rank and below summons.

World Shaper ( D – S): The unique skill Cthulhu possess, allowing the monster to shape the very world he walks on, namely controlling the environment to his leisure. This can be seen as an advanced version of Sage Arts: Inorganic Reincarnation but alas without the need of Senjutsu and also vaster, as he can also control liquids, gases or even the very air around him. This allows him to mold them into various shapes and forms, namely constructs with solids, blasts and powerful twisters with winds etc. The creation of these things is limitless and only limited by Cthulhu’s own imagination. The amount of chakra he fuels into these creations determines how strong they are. These cannot be spawned within 5 meters of the enemy however and is treated as neutral to elemental ninjutsu. A rank can only be used thrice per battle with a cool down of one turn between each use, while S rank can only be used twice per battle, having a cool down of three turns instead while making him incapable of using this skill up to A rank and above for two turns.

Call of Cthulhu (S): The second unique skill to Cthulhu, in which he physically merges with his Vessel. Upon being summoned, or at another point in the battle, by uttering the words “Merge with I”, the creature immediate merges his body into that of his summoner on a molecular level. This can be seen as similar in nature to the Soma no Kou Kekkai Genkai, as both his Vessel and himself merge into one being. While merged, Cthulhu’s divine chakra merges with his host (bypassing any inherent defenses they may have), bolstering the skills they have in common (i.e if his vessel also has ink ninjutsu etc) by an additional +20 DMG increase, but also enables them the ability to use all his intrinsic abilities of his species but also his “World Shaper” ability. The fusion lasts for as long as he remains in battle, though when time to leave he will simply unmerge and disappear. This costs a move in order to utilize but can also be used in the same TF he is summoned initially, immediately merging with his vessel thus counting as one move. While merged, both their minds remain separate, but chakra networks and body merge into one, with them being able to communicate to each other mentally.

Cthulhu can only be summoned once per battle, twice per NW Arc and remains in battle for four turns. While present in battle, none of his children minus Leviathan can be summoned into battle or any present will flee in his presence.
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Declined. The second part is virtually a DNR; your custom contract cannot merge with the user. There is no mention of such a complex vessel-based relationship that actually lets you put a summon within a human. Further, this is basically a complete rip from my own Yin-Yang Fuuinjutsu - just with worse wording. The abilities are, quite literally, ordered in the same way I made mine. Out of my benevolence I am not custom banning you, however much I would like to. But this is my final warning: do not rip customs. Resubmit Call of Cthulhu as something else entirely, this ability will not work.

(Kaibou-gaku no Sheipushifutā) Anatomy of Shapeshifters
Type: Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: This technique acts as the outline of Cthulhu and his children's ability to shape their natural body. An intrinsic ability, these summons are capable of manipulating their anatomy to a minor to large degree, ranging from shifting their limbs into powerful physically blunt or sharpen constructs, down to completely mimicking the appearance of humans and animals alike, with them being anything the user desires (within reason, such as not being able to make waves or anything that "detaches" from the summon). These changes can be made for offensive, defensive and supplementary purposes, depending on the needs of the summoner or summons themselves. They can use it to increase or decrease in size though they can only grow x1.5 their original height while also creating limbs they originally didn't have such as wings to fly or tentacles to grab and constrict others. These limbs can grow and reach up to mid range of Spawn of Cthulhu, while Leviathan and Cthulhu himself can reach up to long rang, with the amount of damage ranging based on the rank applied. D - B Rank can be used at unlimited amounts of times, A rank capable of being used thrice per summon in battle and S rank twice per battle with each having a cool down of two turns before being capable of using it again. These constructs are considered neutral to elemental ninjutsu and multiple can be made in a single use, though the damage splits based on rank applied. Signers of the contract with the "Naturalist Summoning Specialist " can also utilize this on themselves as well, though can only go up to mid range. While clashing with opposing techniques, the constructs are coated in chakra to act as a "barrier" to prevent damage to them unless the attack is overpowered. In the case of neutral clashes, the construct in question loses power and instantly reverts back to their body.

Declined: Two issues. Lesser issue is your own bold. This isn't something the Cthulhu produce naturally, but is rather something they can do as a result of their weird alien biology. Naturalist Spec doesn't give you the biology of the Summon, only the ability to produce the same materials they can, in your case Ink. I'd allow the summoner to use this ability through Sage Mode, as you can take on the physical characteristics and qualities of your summons in those cases, like Jiraiya in his Sage Mode, but not as an added bonus tacked on to the ability's technique itself.

The next issue is just how unbalanced this technique actually is. Not only are you saying that any constructs or alterations from this technique are Elementally neutral, you're also saying that they have a barrier surrounding them as a form of mitigation that means the summon themselves don't take damage. So if you summon Cthulhu, and have him use the S-Rank variation of this technique, not only does he grow up to 1.5x larger, but he also gains a neutral S-Rank defense which doesn't have a defined turn limit that your opponent would need to break before they can even begin dealing damage to him. And when you factor in the potential for your opponent to be affected by your Contracts second unique ability, Madness Induction, which causes their Jutsu to lose 1 Rank in power once affected, which would be rather easy to do since Cthulhu would be able to Shapeshift a part of himself into within 5m of your opponent, thus triggering the passive, it becomes that much harder. And if your opponent can't break through it and then deal enough damage in time, two turns later Cthulhu can do it again. It doesn't sound like a lot in the submission, but if you think about it in the context of a fight, it's way too much to allow. Overall, there's a lot of re-balancing that needs to be done for something that is supposed to be a technique for outlining the usages and limits of a passive ability.
(Kaibou-gaku no Sheipushifutā) Anatomy of Shapeshifters
Type: Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: This technique acts as the outline of Cthulhu and his children's ability to shape their natural body. An intrinsic ability, these summons are capable of manipulating their anatomy to a minor to large degree, ranging from shifting their limbs into powerful physically blunt or sharpen constructs, down to completely mimicking the appearance of humans and animals alike, with them being anything the user desires (within reason, such as not being able to make waves or anything that "detaches" from the summon). These changes can be made for offensive, defensive and supplementary purposes, depending on the needs of the summoner or summons themselves. They can use it to increase or decrease in size though they can only grow x1.5 their original height while also creating limbs they originally didn't have such as wings to fly or tentacles to grab and constrict others. These limbs can grow and reach up to mid-range of Spawn of Cthulhu, while Leviathan and Cthulhu himself can reach up to long rang, with the amount of damage ranging based on the rank applied. D - B Rank can be used at unlimited amounts of times, A rank capable of being used thrice per summon in battle and S rank twice per battle with each having a cool down of two turns before being capable of using it again. These constructs are considered neutral to elemental ninjutsu and multiple can be made in a single use, though the damage splits based on rank applied. Signers of the contract with the ability to access "Sage Mode (Imperfect or Perfect) " can also utilize this on themselves as well due to their similar anatomy, though can only go up to mid-range. While clashing with opposing techniques, these constructs do not cause any damage to the summons themselves, simply being extensions of themselves. However if they are overpowered by opposing techniques, the extensions simply detach and become useless.

Approved by Imperfect.
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Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Legendary Contract found in inventory.

Summoning Animal: Dementor
Scroll Owner: Venom
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing:
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background: A Dementor is a gliding, wraithlike Dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the shinobi world. Dementors feed on human happiness and thus generate feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them upon being summoned. They can also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus are often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends", rendering a person an 'empty-shell'. Dementors have a humanoid shape, approximately three metres, or 10 feet high, and are covered in dark hooded cloaks of long ripped black cloth, making them closely resemble wraiths. Its body is greyed and decayed looking, like a decomposing corpse, and its breath sounds rattling like it is trying to "suck more than air" out of a room. Its hands are "glistening, greyish, slimy-looking, and scabbed". They seem to exude cold. A Dementor's face has empty eye sockets, covered with scabbed skin. There is a gaping large hole where the mouth should be, which is used for sucking the soul out of the victim. They levitate/fly round the battlefield at twice the base speed of a Sage rank shinobi. Being blind and unable to utilize normal human senses, Dementors 'sense' their enemies by their life force and chakra up to long range away (1 LM away in the NW), making it near impossible to hide from them or use a technique to sneak attack them. Due to lack of human senses, Dementors were unable to distinguish between ally and enemy until a shinobi by the name of Venom found a way to harness their power through a curse mark located on the body placed by the Dementor's king. With this, Venom was able to summon them to do his biding.

Standard Ability: Unlike normal animal contracts where the user must sacrifice blood and perform several hand seals to summon them, Dementors are much different. Instead they appear on the battlefield through a plume of smoke from the user's curse seal mark on the body. With this, the user simply pays +10 more chakra to summon the Dementor through this method (Ex: An S rank Dementor would sap 50 chakra from the user). Through an additional +20 strain of chakra, the user is able to conjure up the Dementor(s) up to mid-range away from the curse seal but never within 5meters of an opponent. Although both seems like a long method, they're both instant due to still being a space-time technique.

Standard Ability: Upon a Dementor being summon, they passively place those mid-range around within a genjutsu (A rank within the same timeframe of being summon) that brings about feelings of depression and despair. The opponent(s) would simply see dark smoke escaping from the user's mark and spread along the ground rapidly like fire, consuming the terrain and raising high into the sky, eventually blocking out all form of light and sight. Their body would feel cold and begin to go numb as they hear the sounds of the Dementors roaming around. Even the strongest of shinobi with the most pride would succumb to these effects. Suddenly, the Dementor(s) summon would take shape around the opponent from the smoke and attempt to grab and suck his life force away. If not released, the opponent(s) would be unable to use A rank and above techniques after 1 turn of being trapped within the genjutsu and pass out at the beginning of the 2nd turn. Despite seeming like a long process, their senses would be robbed immediately upon the Dementor being summoned successfully. In reality, the dementor was simply summoned and the opponent's senses robbed from him/her (All except sense of taste).

Unique: Due to not being actual creatures with blood, flesh or human senses their body are unable to be harmed by physical base techniques. They're able to simply phase through techniques and/or terrain similar to the Gedo Mazo's phantom dragons. Unfortunately due to this, they cannot use techniques that are physical base either (Such as Earth, Water, Taijutsu etc) but can use all energy & spiritual base techniques of the user without the need for a source or handseals.

Unique: Unique to every Dementor is their specific ability to curse everyone around ranging from stripping them of a certain ability to restricting their chakra usage (will specify with each summoning jutsu) while also gifting the user with the ability to use the Ototon advance ninjutsu upon being summon. Due to receiving this ability through the Dementor/Curse Seal, the user's Ototon abilities and/or Dementor's one cannot negatively affect each other (Dementor not having the ability to hear and Dementors not being able to harm the user in any way or form due to the curse seal).

Declined: Okay, so as mentioned, a lot to go through with this one. I'm just going to list all the problems I have with it, and if I can, give you direction on where to go with it.

First off, I don't know if it was intentional or not, but putting abilities within the description and background portion won't fly. If you want to say all of them can move at twice the speed of a Sage, which is more than twice I'm willing to allow for any contract, Legendary or not, or that they all have sensory, they go in the abilities section. The actual flight itself doesn't need to count as an ability to be clear, as it's not required for birds and such, and this is a fictional creature that naturally possesses the ability of flight, but the tacked on insane speed is a no go.

Next, that first standard. Personally I don't like writing a blank check that lets you summon a Summon up to Mid Range away, as that's typically the range most fights start within, and there's no telling how something like that can be abused. Actually, there is telling, cause if you were to get x2 Sage Speed Dementors on the border between mid and close range, I'm sure there's plenty of ways to abuse that. You'll need to change that, sorry. I also think that's an ability exclusive to the Animal Path of the Rinnegan, but I can't quite remember off the top of my head. Also not really sure what the difference between your Dementor Cursed Mark and a Summoning Tattoo would be, besides the even shorter method of swiping blood and activating the tattoo. This is less of a request to remove it, and more of a game of semantics where I don't really see the difference.

Next, that Genjutsu won't fly as a passive. As a Custom Jutsu for the Contract? Sure. But not something that activates upon any Dementor being Summoned, and especially not when it's Mid Range on top of the proposed Mid Range distance your Summons can manifest from you.
Sorry, but no.

Now we come to the uniques, and honestly, I'm skeptical about that first one. It fits the theme of Dementors, but complete immunity to physical attacks is far too much to allow in my opinion. The only people who would be able to combat your Summons would be those with Yin, and other similarly spiritual based techniques, which is far too little a pool of biographies to actually be fair. It would be fairer if they had a resistance to physical attacks, which you could pass off as a Basic, since it'd basically be a flavored version of a damage shaving ability. Just don't try and reach with the amount on the shaving if you take my advice here.

And that final unique is two in one, so sorry, but instant no. Aside for the twofer, how does sealing/ restricting your opponents abilities allow you to gain the ability of Sound? I would allow for the Dementors themselves to use Sound Release, as Summons can have AN and AE as uniques. You yourself getting Sound without having it on your bio though is a stretch, but it's not impossible, there is simply one complication. This has been allowed in some capacity with one contract in particular in recent memory, Mirai's Cthulhu contract with Ink, through the Naturalist Specialty, though in that Specialty's case it's always a physical material Summons themselves can produce, like Spiders with Silk, Toads with Oil, Snakes with Venom, etc. Sound is something technically any animal can make really, which is why I'm on the fence about allowing Sound this way. It's definitely something LoK would need to rule on, as I don't have that kind of power. So, yeah, Dementors themselves can have Sound as a Unique, but you'd need to contact LoK as to whether or not Sound would be allowed through the Naturalist Specialty.

Sorry I can't be more help with this check, but I hope I've given you enough of an idea of where to go with it.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Anubis Summon Approval:

(Anubisu Kuchiyose: Morudibu) Anubis Summoning : Maldives
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/a
Description: Maldives is one of the Anubis Trio of the Anubis summon, while being one of the two girls of the species. Maldives is a humanoid summon with a canine head, green eyes, and two large, feathered, gold wings which is easily used for flight and can even carry up to two humans on her back being a testament to her strength. She wears a around her neck, jeweled bands on its upper arms, and bracelets on her wrist. Her upper body is otherwise unadorned, revealing pale blue fur with dark blue patterns. It has two large hands with claws on them which is able to cut through harden materials of S rank and below with ease but A rank durability. Maldives carries a slender black staff but is very swift and nimble. Her eyes are one with the world and very trained so much that her tracking is twice that of the users. Though during combat her senses are push to the limit. She is able to momentarily track incoming attacks that would normally exceed her tracking, and her body will instantly react dodging it, being a sort of sixth sense. This of course does not mean she can normally track techniques that fast, but this allows to be virtually impossible to be blitzed. Her style of fighting is also unique as when in combat she mimicks the chakra, chakra build up and even the signs of the opponent, similar to how Hiruzen did versus the Gedo Statue. Though she has no mastery of affinity, through her sensory and mastery she is able to passively conjure up a body instantly that will then replicate the exact same technique used against her. Nullifying both techniques, while immediate dispersing the body conjured up. Once per battle she is able to slam her staff into the ground affecting all those within long range of her whom she wish who are on the ground. This technique cause the painful and agony voices of the underworld to project into the heads of the opponent. This isnt considered a genjutsu this cant break from pain, only from severing contact from the ground itself. The voices are powerful and scary screams which disturbs the focus of the opponent. This restricts the opponent from doing jutsus that require handseals and focus (Genjutsu, Yamanaka techniques, etc and Forbidden rank techniques)
Note: Can use once per battle
Note: Has A rank durability
Note: Stays on the field for a max of four turns
Note: Conjuring up a body and using the technique is done in the same time frame, but the countering technique ONLY counts as a usage.
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Declined: First off, that tracking won't fly. Two times the users' own tracking? With no real definition on how it's achieved, or an upper limit? So if you've got say 100 tracking, this summon somehow just has 200? Sorry, won't fly. This is the same as the Olm Summoning I had to decline last year, because it was always twice(?) the opponents movement speed. It just makes no sense for this kind of "ability" to be allowed. This is especially pointless when you pretty much say her tracking is outright useless in actual combat, and that she just can't be blitzed. So she's got ultra high tracking, but it doesn't matter because she can see everything coming anyway, even if she can't physically react to it?

Next, that sensory/ body clone ability probably won't be allowed either. A blank check on recreating any technique and having them cancel one another out is far too broad an ability to allow. It doesn't even really make much sense, since Hiruzen only saw that they were dealing with all 5 Elemental Chakra natures, and made clones to cover each of them. You'd be allowed to copy just about anything with this, even stuff you or your summon shouldn't be allowed to use. Then there's the issue of how does this cancel out the usage of "instant" techniques, like Kirin, or Amaterasu? And there's no real limit on how many times your summon can use this ability, you only specify that both the creation of a body and the transformation of that body into a technique count as a move. No overall usage limit, no cooldown per usages, nothing. Way too loose to allow.

Finally, Long Range on that illusory ability is too big, especially since it's an AoE, not technically a Genjutsu, and requires a method to break that wouldn't immediately be logically discernible. So tone this one down please.

Luckily there's good news. It recently came to my attention that Legendary Contracts, since they have less overall slots, are allowed to remain on the field indefinitely once summoned, so you can replace the 4 turn timer on your summons. With this in mind, from this point on I'll be checking Legendary Summons with this ability in mind in regards to their abilities, so please try and balance them appropriately.

(Anubisu Kuchiyose: Fijī) Anubis Summoning : Fiji
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/a
Description: Fiji is one of the Anubis Trio of the Anubis summon. Not only is she the older sister of the two, and the most powerful but also the boss summon of the species. Fijiis a tall humanoid summon with small wings but can be used for flight. Most of her body is covered in black, skin-tight fabric. It wears knee-high, purple and yellow boots with the symbol on the instep, and purple and yellow gauntlets with the yin-yang symbol displayed on the backs of the hands. She also wears a yellow and shoulder guards (the latter of which have the yin-yang symbol emblazoned upon them), and a yellow, traditional -style half mask which obscures its human-like face. She also has ankle-length silver hair tied into pigtails, and carries a long, gold staff with several rings adorning the tip. She is unique in nature as she is known to be one of the true masters of Kinjutsu that she is able to temporarily revive a dead body and control them without the need of a sacrifice or drawbacks. Her fighting style shares with the master of the contract. Though her fighting cost alot more than the average. Throughout her time on the battlefield, she constantly siphons chakra from those who are on the ground, be it opponent or the user and pools it into all of her techniques. Being able to siphon a max of 15 chakra points passively from both the user and the opponent with a combine chakra pooling of +30 that gets added into whatever technique she uses. Though the unique thing about her is her ability to manipulate the dead by using them or freeing them. She is able to release an hold on edo bodies by striking them with her staff. This strikes the soul out of the body freeing them. This applies to any technique that summon the dead in any form or fashion. She is also able to stay on the field even if the user was to pass out or die, allowing her to manipulate the human with a pseudo necromancy. One per battle she is able to dispel anything on the battlefield that does not directly harm the opponent by slamming her staff into the ground. By doing this, it will send a powerful shock-wave outward long range (That does no damage but cant be blocked). This ranges from anything such as techniques of any kind, modes, summons, binds, etc. This defies the odds of normality but this also causes her to disperse right after.

Note: Can use once per battle
Note: Can stay on the battlefield a max of four turns
Note: If the user was to die she is able to control the body, but the body cant use techniques above S rank being slightly limited
Note: She bypasses the normal rules for the anubis to balance power (Where you can buff or debuff))
Note: She shares the chakra network (Not chakra amount) and health of the user meaning if the caster is damaged so is she, and vice versa etc.

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Pending: Want to get a second opinion about this one. Do note, regardless of how much Chakra the Summon siphons, you wouldn't get more than a +10 to any technique. That's a concrete rule.
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Completely revamping and bring this contract up to par with Myth Contract standards. Though alot of the update is similar to the original contract it has been significantly tweaked, as such changes were not bolded as it would have essentially have been the entire contract.

Summoning Animal: Hakutaku - White Marsh
Scroll Owner: LGeezy
Other Users who have signed contract: TBD
Summoning Boss if existing: TBD
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: TBD
Description and Background:
The Hakutaku is a holy creature originating in Chinese folklore usually appearing as a bovine or felid creature said to be an extremely good omen that brings good fortune to those who encounter them. In Japanese folklore, they are creatures that know all and can ward of evil spirits and disease, and because of its vast knowledge, evil creatures would stay away from it. They are very knowledgeable of the world and may speak in human languages. This clan of mythical beasts can only be encountered in the remote holy mountains of the Land of Lightning. As mythical creatures, the Hakutaku take different appearances often appearing as a monstrous white ox or white lion creatures with a varying number of eyes and horns. The most common depiction being the eyes appearing in sets of three, with three on the face and three on both flanks, along with six horns. However, the number of eyes and horns can vary between the creatures. According to its Chinese legend, it once told a legendary emperor about all the various types of mythical creatures in the world and how to defeat them and the disasters they caused. This knowledge was recorded but has since been lost. In Japan, the creature was said to warn a village of a coming deadly plague and how to craft magical talismans and that would protect them. When they were saved, the creature became revered as a symbol of medicine.

To aid the user in the Narutoverse, these legends have been translated into a variety of abilities that aid the user in combat.
  • White Marshes are highly intelligent creatures said to know everything that ever was and everything that ever will be. They have the ability to look into and gain an understanding of people, things, and phenomena, which alone couldn't account for their incredible amount of knowledge and understanding, but it only serves to compound that gained by millennia of research and study. As such, White Marshes are very advanced sensors and have a sensory ability comparable to Karin Uzumaki's Mind's Eye of Kagura which is how they gain an understanding of the world. This sensory ability, allows the White Marsh to sense chakra over vast distance (2 landmarks) and with acute clarity. They are able to perceive the most minute fluctuations of a person's chakra and can tell when someone or themselves are under genjutsu.
  • White Marshes are creatures revered as symbols of healing and medicine. They each carry a talisman that grants them immunity to toxins and diseases until the talisman is destroyed. These have durability equivalent to one rank below that of the summoning wearing it.
Myth Contract in Inventory

Summoning Animal: Hakutaku - White Marsh
Scroll Owner: LGeezy
Other Users who have signed contract: TBD
Summoning Boss if existing: TBD
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: TBD
Description and Background:
White Marshes are said to be an extremely good omen as these creatures bring good fortune to those who encounter them usually appearing to those deemed wise and virtuous leaders. They are very knowledgeable of all things in creation and may speak in human languages. It is through this knowledge, that White Mashes have acquired the abilities capable of warding off evil and even disease. This clan of mythical beasts make its home in the most remote mountains of the Land of Lightning. As mythical creatures, White Marshes take different appearances often appearing as monstrous white ox or white lion creatures with a varying number of eyes and horns. The most common depiction being the eyes appearing in sets of three, with three on the face and three on both flanks, along with six horns. However, the number of eyes and horns can vary between the creatures. According to its legend, White Marshes appear when a major disaster is about to happen often being blamed for the results. Taking the role of guardians against disaster, it was one of these creatures who once told an emperor about all the various types of mythical creatures in the world and how to defeat them and the disasters they caused which was recorded in a manual that has since been lost. Another time, the creature was said to warn a village of a coming deadly plague and how to craft magical talismans that would protect them. When they were saved, the creature became revered as a symbol of medicine. White Marshes are said to eat and consume the evils experiences and bad dreams one may experience and people would often hang its image in their homes. To aid the user in the Ninja World, these legends have been translated into a variety of abilities that aid the user in and out of combat.
  • Unwavering Perception: (Standard #1) White Marshes eyes are one of a kind almost akin to doujutsu. Their eyes cannot be blinded by any means, and can recognize and negate visual illusions up to their rank.
  • Third Eye (Standard #2) With the ability to sense disaster, White Marshes all posses chakra sensory comparable to Karin Uzumaki's Mind's Eye of Divine Entertainment though they may only achieve this sensing up to two landmarks away.
  • Dream Eater (Standard #3) While summoned, White Marshes are capable of sensing and consuming a portion of the chakra created from spiritual-based techniques. All spiritual based techniques utilized by the opponent lose one rank in power.
  • Guardian Diety (Unique #1) As guardians, White Marshes posses great insight and knowledge on how to create wards that can protect themselves and others. This makes them all Apex Sealing Specialists capable of utilizing Barrier Techniques without handseals and that normally would require clones or others without the need for them up to S-rank.
Update Pending: Unwavering perception is bordering on something more along the lines of a Unique with how strong it is. You've basically got one of the effects of a 3T Sharingan there alone with the passive Genjutsu piercing. Third Eye will also need to be toned down one level, as Summon-based perception is limited to 1 Landmark. Dream Eater is fine, as it's just like having an inherent boost, and as such would count as one of your two boosts/ dubuffs per Jutsu interaction. Guardian Deity is why this is bordering on a Decline however, because, as far as I'm aware, Summons aren't allowed to have Fuinjutsu as their ability, so having an entire contract with the ability is a big nope. Unless this has changed in recent days, or is something LoK would allow on a Mythic or Legendary contract is why this is currently pending, as I'll need to verify with him whether or not this is still the case.

Update Declined: So after a brief discussion with LoK, Summons are allowed Fuinjutsu, just not in it's full capacity, so Guardian Deity would work. The rank of the techniques your summons are allowed to utilize though are still limited by their rank. Not about to let a B-Rank Summon start using S-Ranks, and so on. And as mentioned in the above pending, reduce the scale of Third Eye, and change Unwavering Perception for the aforementioned reason of bordering on a Doujutsu.
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
All approved previously here
Updating to fit the Legendary Summon on field limit

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Feisuhagā) - Summoning Technique: Facehugger
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (-60)
Description: Facehuggers are the “baby” stage of Xenos that are spiker like creatures with a tail. Its bony finger-like legs allow it to crawl rapidly and its long tail can launch it in great distances. These particular appendages give them an appearance somewhat comparable to chelicerate arthropods such as arachnids and horseshoe crabs. The facehugger is a parasitoid; its only purpose is to make contact with the host's mouth for the implantation process. The Facehugger secures its eight finger-like appendages tightly around the head of its victim and wraps its tail tightly around the host's neck, eliciting a gasping response and allowing the insertion of an ovipositor into the host's esophagus. When wrapped around an opponent's face, it will take an A rank or above jutsu to cut free of them off but the opponent will deal with acid blood being dripped on them. When the Facehugger attaches to an opponent's face they also release a noxious gas that knocks out opponents for 1 turn in which during the turn the creature will inject the victim with a parasite that becomes a Xenomoprh. After the 1 turn of being knocked out/injected the facehugger will die and come off the opponent. After 2 more turns, the next form of the Xenomoprh will burst out of the opponent's chest (dealing A rank damage) creating a baby Xenomoporh. The opponent will not die instantly but will need Medical Ninjutsu to heal or any other ability applicable at the time. This process allows for the Xenomoprh to have access to any logical KG/AE that the opponent had up to S rank. This method can be used against humans or summons as the Facehuigger can expand to match the face of the opponent but they can never be used against someone or something larger than ten meters large.
Note: Must know Xenomporhs Summons
Note: Can summon between 1-2 Facehuggers at once
Note: Usable 4 times a battle
Note: An S-rank Xenomorph can only be summoned three times with a three-turn duration.
Note: Facehuggers stay on the field till destroyed unless the Injecting process gets completed than t
hey die and poof away

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(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Igyō ) - Summoning Technique: Xenomorph
Type: Summoning
Rank: A-S Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30-40
Damage: N/A
Description: Xenomorphs all tend to share some common traits: a vertebrate-like body, a protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated domed head, with nearly invisible eyes near the mouth, and a toothed maw hiding a proboscis-like inner mouth. Little is known about their biology, but it is known that they eat with their inner or secondary mouths, not their outer mouths. This mouth is somewhat similar to the pharyngeal jaw of a moray eel. All of them possess great advance sensory and the cocooning ability as well as acidic blood (in contract description). If a basic Xenomorph is summoned then it will be A rank. They possess a second mouth and a knife-like tail that can break up to B rank armor to deal damage to users. Any jutsu the Xenomoprh uses counts towards the user's moveset. Xenmorphs also move at regular jounin speed. The A rank version can tank up to B rank damage.
Note: Must Know Xenomorph Summon
Note: A rank can be summoned 4 times a match, S rank 3 times
Note: Both versions stay on the field till defeated
Note: An S-rank version can be summoned through Facehuggers.

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(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Joō zenomōfu ) - Summoning Technique: Queen Xenomorph
Type: Summoning
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (-30 to the user)
Description: The QueenXenomporh are much larger than Drones and Warriors and is 3/4 of the size of Gambunta. They have twin sets of arms and are built more similarly to a large theropod dinosaur than a humanoid. They also have a much larger braincase than the average adult Xenomorph, protected by a large crest above their heads. They have a slightly stronger tail, which can be used as a weapon, along with their limbs and inner jaw but can use any basic ability that a normal Xenomorph can. Due to their immense size, they are extremely strong. The Queen Xenomorph second mouth and tail are able to break through A rank and below armor/defense. They are also able to tank A rank jutsus and are able to resist 1 S rank jutsu. Queen Xenomoprh is able to lay up to 4 eggs per turn (counts as a move) that after 2 turns will hatch into Facehuggers. The Queen is also able to release a blast of her acid blood that deals A rank damage and can reach up to long-range. All Xenos, The Queen, and the user will be immune to the acid. When on the field, if there are any other Xenomorph summons they will try to take any damage/jutsu that might hit the Queen so that she doesn't.
Note: Must know Xenomorph Summoning
Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Eggs and Acid Blast counts as a move
Note: Stays on the field till defeated

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All Approved by Imperfect.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Contract Approval:
Signed Contract Here:

(Sandābādo Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Mizuno ) Thunderbird Summoning Technique: Mizuno
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, their Summoning Tattoo or their Summoning Scroll to summon Mizuno. This thunderbird is a rather solitary one, living on her own island in the middle of the ocean, raising her children. This island, due to her presence is always experiencing thunderstorms, causing many to aovid the island dubbed “Thundergod Island”. Outside of this, Mizuno is a rather tall thunderbird, being ten feet tall, with three pairs of wings with a wingspan enough to support her flight. In terms of power- Mizuno moves at the speeds of a Jounin Ranked Shinobi, which due to how she groomed her feathers and utilizing chakra, she can swim in water at highspeeds (x2 her base speed while submerged). She can stay underwater for up to three turns without needing to resurface. Mizuno however is capable of utilizing Water Release without the need of hand seals up to S rank, but due to her species unique connection to natural lightning; all her water techniques are inherently charged with it. This causes those who makes contact with her water techniques to additionally be electrocuted and paralyzed with varying, increasing effects on the target; Upon first contact with one of Mizuno's Water techniques the target with suffer a minor form of electrocution, requiring them to add an additional seal to their techniques. Upon contact with a second technique, their movements become slowed, sluggish, as they're forced to fight against involuntary muscle spasms, and similarly hindering effects, resulting in a -2 speed penalty to their base speed. Upon contact with a third Water technique from Mizuno, they become unable to physically move for one turn. Finally, this electrocution/ paralysis effect doesn't trigger on techniques of a purely supplemental nature, such as "(Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu) - Water Style: Rain Tiger at Will Technique", or the Thunderbird's passive, "Sky Dominion". Can only be summoned once per battle, lasting four turns each time.
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Approved by Imperfect, with highlighted edit.

If you'd prefer this Summon be declined so you can make your own edits, let me know and I'll reverse the changes.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Treant contract sub

(Mori no chi) | Blood of the Forest
Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
One feature that Treants carry is their internal network within their bodies, which contain sap. This sap is a special chakra conduit, meaning that much like special chakra metal, or chakra paper, it can conduct chakra and chakra natures. By secreting, forcefully channelling the sap out of their body or using chakra to create the sap itself, Treants and signers of the Treant contract are able to use this sap, either as an offensive or defensive tool, or using it to supplement themselves. Much like other natural elements, Sap has no elemental strengths or weaknesses. Once the sap leaves the user, it hardens after 1 turn, into a solid shape of whatever it was formed into. Breaking the Sap requires damage equal to whatever its value originally was. Treant sap has 2 uses detailed below.

- (Fuyu no shūkak) Winter Harvest
A generic and basic application of sap, the use of winter harvest allows the user to create blasts, streams or form sap into structures from themselves. Depending on how much chakra is used, the sap can be a small amount to a large torrent, or even condensed to a focused ball, still able to deal as much damage as a large stream. This basic application has no strengths or elemental weaknesses however, by infusing a chakra nature with it, the user can give it strengths and weaknesses of whatever element was infused with it., giving it additional properties. Should the user use earth, if the sap hardens onto an opponent, it will slow them by 2 base speed levels. If used by water, it will turn to a slimy sap that will no harden, but simply begin to multiply growing and eventually cover their whole body. Infused with wind increases its travel speed by 2 base levels of the user to strike faster, while lightning causes paralysis of any areas of the opponent struck. Infusing with fire causes burning, dealing 20 damage over 2 turns.

- (Haru no ōkui) Spring Gluttony
- After learning how to use chakra and finding out its uses, they found the sap could be replicated with chakra. This also expanded into using chakra as a fuel and energy source via the sap when water or food was scarce. With the Spring Gluttony, sap can be used to absorb chakra of an equal amount. If applied directly to a target, the sap will start absorbing 50 chakra per turn. Should they choose, they can use this technique to absorb an incoming technique of equal chakra value by excreting sap over themselves. While this is used, it can passively be excreted from the skin but still costs a move within the turn. When this technique is applied to the usage above, then the cost of the technique is increased by 10. eg B rank of 20 chakra will cost 30.

- A rank needs 2 handseals while S rank needs 3, unless the user is a treeant.
- S rank can only be used 4 times per battle
- Spring Gluttony can only be used 4 times per battle total

Declined by Imperfect: Couple of things, but I'll try and keep this brief.

First, you won't be able to use this technique yourself at all unless you take the Naturalist specialty, so add that to the notes. Next, while I'm skeptical on the adding of Elemental Chakra to the sap, at least you have that carry the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the Elements which is fine. The additional effects added to each elemental application however needs to go. It's too much to allow on something like this. Finally, Spring Gluttony is just a no, sorry. You're effectively giving yourself the same sealing capacity of Fuin, along with Chakra draining from physical contact. Also, "passive but still costs a move" isn't a thing. It's either passive, or it costs a move, but everything you do has a place in the timeframe, so that line is virtually useless. And finally, because it isn't specified, I'm going to assume you intend for that last line on Spring Gluttony to increase Chakra, and the overall potency along with it? If so, that would also be a no.

When I first started reading, I thought this would be a technique to cover the healing/ poisonous sap you have listed in the Contract's abilities, and while I'm okay with Winter Harvest, minus the aforementioned extra effects, Spring Gluttony will need a bit of a rework, cause as is it's pretty much a free S-Rank barrier disguised as a Contract material's "Elemental Release" technique.

(Kuchiyose: Durthu) | Summoning Technique: Durthu
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Durthu is from one of the original Seeds of the Treants, that grew from the first Glade where they were born. This gave him a lifetime of knowledge and experience to learn, while he eventually became known to the world. Standing at medium 12m tall, Durthu is a battle ready Treant who has chased off many intruders into the Glades. Durthu from his lifetime of experience has managed to use chakra and capable of manipulating it on a level equal to a Sage. However, much like many other Treants, Durthu has learned to manipulate the world around him with chakra having mastery over all of the techniques that Treants have, while possessing his own unique skills. Durthu is specifically several parts of trees that are combines and held together by thick vines, much like muscles that form his body. He is capable of compressing himself to a smaller state, which effectively creates a suit of wooden armour for his summoner. In this form, he saps 5 chakra from the user per turn to strengthen his skin, giving them a -20 damage shaving or increasing their current damage shaving by -20. While in his armour form, he can still perform his own treekin techniques, however he cannot move on his own, being restricted to being stuck on the user. Once per turn, Durthu can sap 20 chakra from the user to strengthen his body to double the damage shaving ability, however this only lasts for 2 turns. This can be deactivated at will by him.
A side ability of the Armour, is that Durthu can manipulate his body to form extra arms, legs, appendages that are required for the user. These can be used to perform freeform actions, and non elemental taijutsu moves.
- Durthu can passively form his armour state or reform to his Treant state
- Damage shaving ability can only be used 3 times per turn with a one turn cooldown upon deactivation.

Declined by Imperfect.

I'll keep this simple. As much as I'd love to have it myself, I'm not allowing a +40 to damage shaving, or 40 damage shaving in general, regardless of the duration. That's higher than the Yang spec, which if I remember correctly you already tried as a passive ability for the Treants in a previous submission of the contract before it was approved. You can have this Summon have an inherent durability equivalent to it's own Rank that it can "tank" for you without any mitigation, and act like an actual armor for you. I'd also allow for it to "heal" through it's sap once wounded, like the injuries spill out sap that auto regenerates it, and your own health, but the healing would need to be limited to a certain number, and once the durability on the summon hits zero, it's summoning ends, regardless of any time left on the Summon. I won't, and don't think damage shaving boosting will ever be allowed. If it is, Summoning is not the field you'll achieve it in.
(Mori no chi) | Blood of the Forest
Offense, Supplementary, Defensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 to Sustain)
Damage: 20 - 80
One feature that Treants carry is their internal network within their bodies, which contain sap. This sap is a special chakra conduit, meaning that much like special chakra metal, or chakra paper, it can conduct chakra and chakra natures. By secreting, forcefully channelling the sap out of their body or using chakra to create the sap itself, Treants and signers of the Treant contract are able to use this sap, either as an offensive or defensive tool, or using it to supplement themselves. Much like other natural elements, Sap has no elemental strengths or weaknesses. Once the sap leaves the user, it hardens after 1 turn, into a solid shape of whatever it was formed into. Breaking the Sap requires damage equal to whatever its value originally was. Treant sap has 2 uses detailed below.

- (Fuyu no shūkak) Winter Harvest
A generic and basic application of sap, the use of winter harvest allows the user to create blasts, streams or form sap into structures from themselves. Depending on how much chakra is used, the sap can be a small amount to a large torrent, or even condensed to a focused ball, still able to deal as much damage as a large stream. This basic application has no strengths or elemental weaknesses however, by infusing a chakra nature with it, the user can give it strengths and weaknesses of whatever element was infused with it.

- (Haru no ōkui) Spring Gluttony
Instead of creating a sap for Winter's Harvest, which is for more generally combat oriented purposes, a Treant, or Summoner with the Naturalist Specialty can perform Spring Gluttony, a supplementary application where they can infuse the sap over their body, or the body of a given target, which heals them for 30 damage per turn. This technique is a passive use, using natural healing properties that come with the sap.

- A rank needs 2 handseals while S rank needs 3, unless the user is a treeant.
- S rank can only be used 4 times per battle
- Spring Gluttony can only be used 3 times per battle total
- Spring Gluttony lasts for 3 turns with a 4 turn cooldown inbetween

Approved with edits to cooldown and total uses for Spring Gluttony. Also removed the part in Spring Gluttony about drawing it from the environment. As mentioned in the last check, if you want your bios to use these, they'll need to have the Naturalist Specialty, otherwise, it's exclusive to the Treants. Personally not keen on allowing Summoners to convert existing natural parts of the environment into something exclusive to their contract, as I can see it getting wildly out of control very quickly.
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Remaking the contract coz it's been messy wew, as well as updating the summons to match the contract. Also I'm not sure what to do if I want to uhm delete summons so I'm just not gonna add them to the uh contract.
Contact First approval
Signed and gained Ownership Here

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Lady Serilda
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano
Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an Island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks and often love to appear as humans when interacting with the outside world, having learned how to look like them and talk like them it’s easy to mistake them from your average person. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by The Burning Goddess Serilda. Those of royal lineage obtain two basic abilities which they are born with. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons, and for those who have signed the contract for a month will receive from the royals a suit of armor made from a special type of cardinal beaks which will not only aid them in battle but will help them withstand the effects of one of the abilities of the cardinals. The cardinals will not utilize their secondary ability to assist a user who has not obtained the armor.

Multi-Afinitial (Ability 1): All cardinals of the royal lineage except the head of the cardinals, are born with dual affinity or in other words the ability to manipulate two chakra natures at the same time. This is unique to each of them. The head of the Cardinals has 3 affinities unlike the rest of the royals.

Music to be Murdered by (Ability 2): Being Passerine Birds all cardinals can naturally sing very well. Those of royal lineage have honed this skill making them able to affect themselves or the world around them via song by singing at different frequencies (which match their affinities) simultaneously and adding chakra into their songs and creating various effects unique to each royal with the ability to either change the environment completely or change themselves, with the exception of Serilda who can change with her environment of course. (Details on this ability in Summoning description)

Update Declined: So, first off, you can't just decide to drop Summons from a Contract. Updating it doesn't allow for a completely clean slate. You can update your Summons, like you appear to be doing, but you don't get to drop any from a Contract. You also can't update them to the point it's an entirely new Summon. Just wanted to be clear on that.

So, first issue with the update is that first ability. The ability to use more than one Chakra Nature at a time is highly restricted in general. In canon, the only example I can remember was Darui's Water + Lightning combo, and in the RP that Jutsu itself is the exception, not the rule. In the RP itself, the only people who were allowed to use multiple natures at the same time, without them being AE or CE naturally, were Yin Yang users in the old, old days, before the revamp.

Second issue, Music to be Murdered to is just too vague to allow. What exactly does "changing themselves or their environment" entail? The only definitives you mention is that it involves their Chakra Natures, and requires more Chakra, but that second one is hollow. Summons Chakra isn't deducted from your own Chakra pool as far as I'm aware, as they're different beings. To see where you want to go with this, I'll read your Summons first, then come back.

Okay, so after reading Serilda, this is essentially a blank cheque to basically go overboard with every Summon. Terrain control, damage boosts for yourself, increased range for all your Jutsu under these Elements, debuffs the opponents Jutsu, induce vague allusions to fatigue, dehydration then fainting without any definition on what these would do to the opponent aside from give you an instant win on the third turn, etc. And this is just one standalone ability, and isn't even taking into account anything else the Summon can do? And Keleano is just as insane. Constant water bullets that deal damage, while six, let me repeat for emphasis, SIX A-Rank Lightning bolts strike down? So every turn that's at least 360 damage from the Lightning Bolts, and an additional 30 or 40 from the Water bullets, both of which would obviously benefit from the additional damage from the terrain boosting them, because why wouldn't they? They're Water and Lightning, and so would obviously be boosted in the terrain, right? So, if my math is right, every turn you have a potential 430 damage, freeform, as a result of simply summoning your Summon? And all this before you yourself have begun performing a Jutsu after the Summoning? Won't lie, that sounds great. Wish I could get something like that. Shame it's blatantly broken, and has to be declined.

My advice is look at the first post in this thread, and see what is typically allowed when it comes to basic abilities, and update accordingly.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami, Aphrodite) - Summoning: Love Goddess, Aphrodite
Rank: S

Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses his summoning tattoo to summon the Love Goddess of Cardinals, Aphrodite. The Love Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle, a whirl of flame envelopes the cardinal, altering her drastically in almost an instant. What emerges is a vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, glimmering as it shields wing, head, chest and legs from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests. As the transformation is completed, she opens her wings thus causing the flame that begat this transformation to burst forward as a wave of B-Rank flames, leaving its mark not only on her feathers by making the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze, but also on the field burning anything in front of it up to mid-range. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wing span of 18 meters. Although commonly known as The Love Goddess, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first Cardinal to obtain dual elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire and wind, which she can perform up to A-Rank. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoner’s unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Aphrodite has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assureds she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: The Armor takes 3 B-Rank hits and breaks.
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.

Note: Lasts for four turns
(Kuchiyose: Moeru Megami Seriruda) Summoning: Burning Goddess Serilda
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses their summoning tattoo to summon the Head of the Cardinals, Serilda. The Burning Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Like all Royal Cardinals, Serilda likes to appear in human form most times. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so. When entering a battle she often opts to revert to her true form, a gigantic flame tornado envelopes Serilda pulling in chunks of earth from the surrounding area, altering her drastically in almost an instant. A vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, set ablaze as it shields wings, head, chest and legs from immediate dangers. Serilda's legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests with razor sharp talons. As the transformation is completed, she swiftly with all her power opens her wings thus causing the flame that begat this transformation to burst forward sending outwards not only large flaming chunks of earth at great speeds as if pushed by wind but also a wave of A-Rank flames , leaving its mark on Serilda’s feathers by making the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze. The result, a sight similar to that of a flash war as the battlefield in front of Serilda is destroyed and mostly on fire, a horror show for lovers of nature. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wingspan of 20 meters. Although commonly known as The Burning Goddess due to her love of the flame element, she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu for being the first and only known Cardinal to obtain triple elemental affinities. Her affinities are to fire, wind and earth which she can easily perform up to S-rank although she mostly prefers fire. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoners unless they somehow prove themselves to her or she just likes their “Vibe”. These are the greatest flaws Serilda has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assured nature, she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

A Flaming Goddess Leaving Heaven (Music to be murdered by)
Serilda would activate this ability by singing at 3 different frequencies simultaneously and adding the different chakras she has an affinity towards (Fire, Wind, Earth) thus sending them out as a song of sorts. This will cause the environment to drastically change into her ideal territory as the earth breaks apart causing jagged rock formations to protrude from the soil and fire to erupt from the ground the air becomes very hot and the wind rages on heavily. Serilda herself changes with the environment, growing a second pair of flaming wings, her eyes becoming completely white and her talons and beak becoming more sharp. All her affinities gain a +20 dmg boost as well as a range buff with short becoming mid and mid becoming long. The user of the contract remains unharmed by the domain due to the suit but also gains a +20 dmg boost to their fire, wind and earth elements as well as a range buff same as Serilda’s. Opponents caught in Serilda’s domain by first turn begin to have difficulty breathing due to the intense heat, getting more and more fatigued and dehydrated as the heat rises and with each turn causing them to faint by the third turn. All water and lightning techniques within the domain (user’s included ) receive a -10 dmg penalty on the first turn, -20 on the second and -30 on the third turn. Overall the domain lasts only 4 turns. If the opponent has not already fainted by the time the domain has worn off they will have experienced 3rd degree burns all over their body and have a very hard and painful time breathing as their airways and lungs would have burned from inhaling extreme heat too which happens by the 4th turn. Once this ability wears off the battlefield is left in complete ruins as everything has been turned to ashes. Serilda reverts to her normal form, her and the user are unable to use fire, wind and earth techniques of A-rank and above for 2 turns. This technique due to its extreme nature can only be utilized twice with a cooldown interval of 4 turns.

Note: Can only be summoned once per battle.
Note: Serilda’s Armor can take 3 A-rank hits before breaking from anything that she doesn’t have an affinity to. Meaning Fire, Earth and Wind up to A-rank can all be tanked by the armor. S-rank variations of aforementioned elements break her armor in 4 hits.
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: As head summon she is able to stay on the battlefield till she has been defeated.

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no Onna Keleano) - Summoning: Keleano Lady of the Storm
Type: Supplementary

Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is the Love Goddess Aphrodite's very fierce younger sister. She was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became so accustomed to that environment, and as such gained dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to A-rank. Similar to the way her sister enters battle, Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of water also altering her looks. She emerges as a large blue bird, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 15 meters and can fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water vortex shoots forward a powerful stream of water, equivalent to that of a B-rank technique which leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has flown in that weather many a time and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade from any type of danger, this including lightning. As such she is very agile and can fly and move faster than the average summon. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well.

Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: Must sign cardinal contract to use.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard.

Note: Lasts for four turns
(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is Serilda’s very fierce younger sister. Her egg was stolen from the Royal palace but the thieves made the mistake of trying to cut through Cardinallia Valley as a means of escape and died as soon as they entered leaving the egg there to be taken care of by nature. By some miracle she was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became so accustomed to that environment, and as a royal gained dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to S-rank. She later went back to the palace and very quickly took a liking to her older sister looking up to her so it’s not a surprise that she enters battle and often reverts to her cardinal form in a similar manner. Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of water with many lightning bolts shooting from it up to mid-range also altering her normal human form to that of a large cardinal. She emerges as a large blue bird, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 16 meters and can comfortably fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water shoots forward a multitude of electrically charged bullets as well as an electrically charged wave equivalent to that of an A-rank technique which not only leaves the battlefield in front of her drenched and devastated as if a tsunami had just washed through but also leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has flown in that weather many times and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade any type of danger, especially the never ending hail and lightning storms within Cardinallia Valley . As such she is very agile and can fly and easily move and react faster than the average summon and ninja of Sage rank. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well.

A Storm Of Premonition (Music to be murdered by)
Keleano much like her sister has her own variation of the Royal lineage’s secondary ability very reminiscent of Cardinallia Valley . Her song starts with her singing at 2 different frequencies and adding the different chakras she has an affinity to (Water And Lightning) simultaneously. This causes a massive amount of water from any nearby water sources and all the water from her drenching the field with her transformation burst outwards forming tiny water bullets to shoot out in an random omnidirectional manner. The water bullets would get faster and harder to track with each turn and will constantly become more in number as well. Keleano’s domain requires her to constantly sing in order to maintain and as such she has learned to multitask thus giving her the ability to move and fight whilst singing without losing concentration an easy feat considering where she grew up. In addition to the water bullets storm clouds will also form at the same time as the bullets begin flying and 6 lightning bolts will constantly rain down on the battlefield each turn wherever she wishes making it harder and more dangerous for opponents. The water bullets will deal +30 blunt force damage in the 1st turn, +40 heavy blunt force damage in the 2nd, and piercing damage from the third until the domain is inactive. As for the lightning bolts they are each equivalent to an A-rank bolt. Keleano and the user also get +20 dmg buffs for their water lightning techniques as well as additional range to aforementioned elements (Short become mid, mid become long). Due to all the water bullets, all small to medium sized fire techniques are rendered null unless within short range whilst big ones receive a -35 dmg penalty. The user of course due to the suit will be immune to damage from the domain. Keleano has just recently learned this ability and as such can only utilize her domain once, it lasts for 4 turns.

Note: Can be summoned only once in battle.
Note: Must sign cardinal contract to use.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.

Both Updates Declined: Contract Update was declined.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Legendary Contract in Inventory

Summoning Animal: Tengu
Scroll Owner: Lord of Kaos
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: Tengu, or "Heavenly Sentinel", are a type of legendary creature found in Japanese folk religion. They are considered a type of yōkai (supernatural beings) or Shinto kami (gods). The appearance of Tengu tend to vary widely but they all share common traits which usually falls somewhere between a large, monstrous bird-like form and a wholly anthropomorphized being, often with a red face or an unusually large or long nose. They tend to have hair of varying shades of either red, black or white though it is not uncommon for them to have hair of different colors or to not even have an avian like appearance outside of large functional wings.

Standard Ability: Tengu have a myriad of abilities, some unique to just them and others that are more common to normal Summoning Contracts, mixed and shown below. Tengu have the innate ability of flight, capable of flying at speeds equal to that of a Jounin. Because of their winged forms, they are able to use this once per turn to avoid techniques at high speeds.

Standard Ability 2: Due to their spiritual forms and demigod like nature, Tengu have a very unique form of sensing that is not uncommon but does not derive from chakra sensory; instead, Tengu are capable of sensing spiritual energy and the sprit itself and it's many forms. This essentially translates into an ability to sense the spiritual presence of an entity despite their actual location or form. This extends up to 1 landmark away from the Tengu but is ever present at the same level of a 3 Tomoe Sharingan user, allowing him to sense even interdimensional entities if they have a spirit. This does not, however, allow him the ability to sense chakra based techniques that do not possess a soul or spirit to be sensed, such as those created from Yang release techniques.

Standard Ability 3: Tengu have access to empowered flames, granting his Fire-based techniques a +20 damage increase, allowing them to become more dangerous and hotter.

Unique Ability: Tengu are known to use a special form of Fire known as Tengubi, which means Tengu Fire. Tengubi Fire, a spiritual and magical form of fire, are natural flames that the user is capable of creating, devoid of chakra. As a result, these flames are neutral to all other forms of energy and allows the Tengu to combat high powered attacks by burning away at the spiritual root of the techniques by deteriorating the energy of objects struck by it, dealing intense damage and force to them. This energy can be shaped in a myriad of ways and, much like it's wielder, can be used to bypass physical barriers and forces as it maintains a unique property making it immune to sealing techniques as well as physical deterrents.

Unique Ability 2: Tengu also have the unique ability to use Tengubi in their own bodies, allowing them to mimic the abilities of those near them through a unique form of Magic called Mimicry. This allows a Tengu the ability to transmute their chakra signature and tenketsu to mimic those around it, allowing it to adopt the skills of the summoner or any ninja nearby that it bonds with. This allows it to once per battle adopt the skill of one ninja, be it their advanced Elemental Natures, their Kekkei Genkei or unique physical alterations their body/anatomy. This ability operates in a staggered system, gaining a stronger and wider access to their bonded vessel’s arsenal over time. Triggered immediately in the first turn the Tengu is summoned, it gains access to one spiritually bonded target’s AN or HA. In the second turn, the user gains access to up to 1 Universal or Mode the target has. In the third turn, the Tengu gains the ability to utilize the target’s KG/AE or CC ability, within reason. After 4 turns, the Tengu is capable of mimicking a target’s canon arsenal. Certain Tengu have differing bonding if bonding with their summoner as noted in the individual summoning submission. This appears in the form of allowing accelerated access to their abilities or similar. In the case of CC abilities, the target gains access to their KG related abilities as noted in their submission.

Approved by Imperfect.
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  • Haha
Reactions: Daemon


Active member
Apr 27, 2012
Trait Points
Approval link:

- adding standard abilities

Summoning Animal: Roadrunner
Scroll Owner: Inethas
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background:
Roadrunners are speedy ground birds who live in deserts, grasslands, and woodlands. It does not fly very often, preferring to run at great speed. When the roadrunner senses danger or is traveling downhill, it flies, revealing short, rounded wings with a white crescent. But it cannot keep its large body airborne for a long time, and so prefers walking or running. The feathers on the top part of its body are greenish- and bluish-brown streaked with white; on the bottom part, they are completely white. The head has a crest of feathers. Behind each eye there is a patch of bare skin that is partly bluish and partly reddish. On the roadrunner's back there is a dark patch of skin that the bird exposes to the sun to warm its body during cold weather. Well-adapted to arid habitats, the roadrunner has glands near its eyes that it uses to secrete excess salt. It can survive without drinking water, as long as it consumes prey with high water content.

Standard abilities:
  • Roadrunners doing roadrunner things: Being animals that specialize in speed, roadrunner summons briefly move at an abnormally increased movement speed during the first turn in which they are summoned. This allows them to easily evade harm from large-scaled attacks such as “Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation” and “Earth Release: Mountain Smash”. This ability does not count as a move when summoned, however, if they do wish to briefly boost their speed again during a future turn, then it’ll cost the user 1 of their 3 moves per turn from there on out. Other techniques can be performed by the roadrunners when moving faster.
  • Swap-swap: Whenever the roadrunner and owner are in direct contact with one-another, the roadrunner can trigger a body swap with its owner. They aren’t restricted to re-appear at the center of eachother’s previous position. What is meant by this is, for example, after the swap the owner’s palm with outstretched arm can re-appear where the roadrunner’s head was before the swap. From an outer’s perspective it’ll look like the roadrunner and owner have glitched. The purpose of this technique is to come in play as a nifty/fun counter during CQC. This ability counts as a move every time it’s used and can be used by roadrunners both in their animal form and non-animal form.
Update Pending: While I don't see an issue with the second ability, it basically boiling down to a variant of the Summoning/ Reverse Summoning, and you and your summon swapping places, I don't think I'll allow something as strong as a free dodge on your summons, especially with the only drawback being it costs a move each time they use it after the turn their summoned in. That's nowhere near enough of a drawback for what is essentially the ability to avoid anything. It's especially concerning when the examples you give of techniques you wish for them to be able to avoid are two of the largest, wide-scale canon techniques in the entire series, with one being a literal mountain being flipped up around you. VM me whether you'd prefer this ability to be changed, or give an alternative ability which I'll add in and approve the contract update, provided that replacement doesn't have a similar issue.
- Replaced the first ability "Roadrunners doing roadrunner things" with "Leave it to me".

Summoning Animal: Roadrunner
Scroll Owner: Inethas
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background:
Roadrunners are speedy ground birds who live in deserts, grasslands, and woodlands. It does not fly very often, preferring to run at great speed. When the roadrunner senses danger or is traveling downhill, it flies, revealing short, rounded wings with a white crescent. But it cannot keep its large body airborne for a long time, and so prefers walking or running. The feathers on the top part of its body are greenish- and bluish-brown streaked with white; on the bottom part, they are completely white. The head has a crest of feathers. Behind each eye there is a patch of bare skin that is partly bluish and partly reddish. On the roadrunner's back there is a dark patch of skin that the bird exposes to the sun to warm its body during cold weather. Well-adapted to arid habitats, the roadrunner has glands near its eyes that it uses to secrete excess salt. It can survive without drinking water, as long as it consumes prey with high water content.

Standard abilities:
  • Runners Sense: All Roadrunners have an innate Chakra Sensory, allowing them to detect sources of Chakra within the same Landmark. This acute extrasensory perception has lead to the misconception that Roadrunners are somewhat omniscient, given their ability to avoid predators, however it is simply this ability paired with their obvious speed that allows for such tales.
  • Swap-swap: Whenever the roadrunner and owner are in direct contact with one-another, the roadrunner can trigger a body swap with its owner. They aren’t restricted to re-appear at the center of eachother’s previous position. What is meant by this is, for example, after the swap the owner’s palm with outstretched arm can re-appear where the roadrunner’s head was before the swap. From an outer’s perspective it’ll look like the roadrunner and owner have glitched. The purpose of this technique is to come in play as a nifty/fun counter during CQC. This ability counts as a move every time it’s used and can be used by roadrunners both in their animal form and non-animal form.
Approved by Imperfect.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Fusei Kōi) - ☪ Summoning Technique: Malfeasance ☪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Malfeasance is a smaller barracuda about a foot long that is summoned by the user in a small body of water that goes from short range from the user (however Malfeasance himself can go anywhere water is present). Malfeasance's job is to swim around and make it to any surrounding water sources and taint it with its urine filled with its chakra which is connected with the summoner. This makes it to where the water source is unusable for the match for the opponent and usable only for the summoner however this source could be cleared of the urine by extra means or if Malfesance is dispelled either by turn limit or damage. Being a deadly swimmer and having an affinity for sound, Malfeasance is able to swim around undetectable by basic eyesight and sound as it makes little to no sound by molding its sound chakra in a specific way while swimming and makes precise motions while swimming as to not cause any ripples or waves above water. However he is detectable by extrasensory, doujutsu, etc. He can also taint a water-based kekkei genkai source, making it usable for the summoner and not the user of the kekkei genkai. However, only this specific source shall it be on the field and if Malfeasance can make it to this source by means of swimming. However this does not grant the summoner access to the specific techniques of the kekkei genkai, the summoner would only be able to perform canon water based techniques with the properties of the captured kekkei genkai, not the kekkei genkai techniques themselves. Ex: the summoner captures a specific water HA, KG or CE, then the summoner could perform something like water dragon whip or stormy blockade with the properties of that captured element, not the techniques specific for that element as the summoner nor summon has been taught such techniques. He would also be able to sacrifice himself to taint and urinate in a water source containing heat, acid, etc. that would ordinarily harm a living being but would dispel due to the damage. If this were to happen, Malfeasance will not be able to be summoned again for the rest of the battle. If Malfeasance takes a hold of a water based kekkei genkai, the summoner is not able to use any other water based techniques for as long as they have a hold of this. Malfeasance is able to drink its own urine from the water source to release it from the summoner's use on command. Being an A ranked summon, once a water source is captured, the summoner may only use A ranked techniques based off the water source. Malfeasance doesn't communicate much and is a very mean Barracuda. He seems to only talk to Karui.. However only when necessary and usually only passing mean comments.

Must be a signer of the Barracuda contract to summon
Stays on the field for three turns before dispelling
Capturing a water source counts as a technique slot during your three technique turn
Must wait a turn before summoning again
Can only be taught by Karui.

Contract Approved here [x]

Declined: First off, blanket rule you should know moving forward, Summons that deal in KG, AE, etc aren't allowed any more. The only exception is the Unique Ability granted to Mythical and Legendary Contracts, which is one of the perks they get for being so expensive. Next, it's semantics to say your Summon can capture a given source of Water/ Liquid for you to use, even if it's for an AE or CE, but you can't use any of the techniques. Of course you can't use someone else's AE/ CE techniques, unless you yourself know them. Not even the Sharingan Copy technique's that good. But manipulating something that isn't plain "Water", especially if you're aiming for stuff you yourself cannot control isn't allowed. Let's say you're fighting Shady, and he uses Stygian Water to create a pool of it, and you take control of a it with your Summon. That's not Water you're trying to control, but Stygian Water, meaning there's more to it than just two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule. If I remember correctly that CE is a combination of Fire and Water, which is combined in a certain way to make that CE, and not say Steam, or Boil. If you don't know that Element, then you don't know how to combine your Chakra to manipulate your captured source. At best the presence of your Summon's Chakra would act as a hindering force, either making the source useless for x duration, or make the act of manipulating the source a bit harder. The ability to capture basic sources of Water isn't an issue, but rather any mention of AE, KG, CE, etc. It's a roundabout way of being able to "use" other people's CE or AE you don't have, and as mentioned, isn't allowed any more.
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