Owatatsumi (214)


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
“Very well…” she said in response, prompting Tengen to lead the assault, causing the ninja to immediately smirk. “With pleasure!” he said, running off into the direction of the zombies. It didn’t take any effort, as it simple inhale and exhale was enough. These motions released a powerful sound wave that cleared the forestry a bit in front of them as it revealed a horde of zombies. “Attack!” she commanded before she noticed a giant creature behind of all of them. It was the Child of Tiamat. “Ningen…” the creature, once a human, spoke the moment he laid eyes on the group. Mirabelle immediately rushed over, summoning her bow into her palm once again. She would draw an arrow from her quiver on her back, as she drew the golden string back. “Die” she said, releasing the arrow but as it became airborne, she would weave a quick set of hand seals. This causes the arrow to multiply by x100, creating an airborne assault on the enemy. The arrows rained down, striking as many zombies as possible as the sharp arrowhead severed their hands from the wrists.

Tengen on the other hand was more bothered by the Child of Tiamat. He would passively activate the fourth gate, blitzing passed the area as he approached the demonic creature. “Konoha Ryujin!” he said, performing a kick which in turn causes a giant tornado to form into a dragon. The very same dragon as it formed would kick up a storm – causing many of the undead to be trashed around the place. “Die!” he yelled as the dragon roared and aimed for the enemy but it wasn’t enough considering the strength of the Child of Tiamat. The Child of Tiamat simply released a breath of flames, burning at the damned dragon. The two attacks clashed with each other but not before Mirabelle loaded an arrow again onto her bow.

Star of Destruction!” she yelled, releasing the arrow. It immediately sailed through the skies, making contact with the enemy, exploding into a purple inferno. “Insolent brat!” the enemy roared, as it unleashed another powerful attack. As it did, a surge of the vile mud was spat from its mouth, causing Tengen to activate one of the gates, namely the fifth gate as he grabbed Mirabelle and Chise to avoid it the blast jumping into the air. “Thank you

Chise, unleash your strongest attack,” she said, pressing her hand onto Tengen and Chise’s back. “NOW!” she said pulsing her chakra into both of her allies, providing a boost to them as Tengen unleashed a powerful sonic roar at the demon.

Tengen Jutsu
(Ototon: Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Echo Assault Skill
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user gathers his sound chakra into his throat as he inhales afterwards exhaling as he screams, yells or roars. The resulting effect is a massive forward shockwave of low frequency, high amplitude sound that levels anything in its path. Despite weakening as it travels, its faster than most wind or lightning techniques and can still be defended from. If used within a water source it receives +20 damage.

( Konoha Ryūjin ) - Leaf Dragon God
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
This is an ultimate taijutsu technique created by the legendary taijutsu master Chen. It appears to be initiated by an upward spin kick at which point it quickly becomes like tornado. Forming into a dragon with long whiskers, it attacks the target aiming to swallow them, at which point they are cut by the razor sharp air currents inside the attack. After initiating the attack, the user appears to remain shielded within the base of the tornado as the outward surface of the dragon seems to be solid enough for a person to impact and rebound off of, making the only way to enter the technique once it has been initiated is by being swallowed. However, there is one distinct weakness to the technique. Since the Dragon God's real form (and what it basically is) is that of an ordinary tornado, though cosmetically shaped into a dragon, its attack power is based on rotation. If one enters the attack's centre (Dragon's Eye) while rotating at high speed, such as Lee's One-Man Front Lotus, it can be dispersed without inflicting damage. The technique, while seemingly similar to Wind Release, is actually just the users own physical power (through the use of the spinning kick) shaping the air into currents through movement. It is, however, enough to fight off elemental ninjutsu of the same rank and below.
Note: Can only be used by Taijutsu Specialists and EIG users

(Ototon: Ōkibo na Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Massive Echo Assault Skill
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This is a much greater and skilled version of the (Ototon: Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Echo Assault Skill technique in which the user gathers his sound chakra into his throat as he inhales afterwards exhaling as he screams, yells or roars. The resulting effect is a massive shockwave of low frequency, high amplitude destructive sound that levels anything in its path. The biggest different is that the user can control the area of affect of the technique, depending on the range he targets and the angle of the sound waves his sound waves take. 180º to 90º, the technique is Short Ranged. 90º to 45º, the technique is Mid-Range and from 5º to 45º the technique is Long Ranged. If used within a water source it receives +20 damage.
Note: Usable once every 3 turns

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the desired gate. EIG Masters can do so easily and in a passive way (not spending a move). When one opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts 4 turns. Opening additional gates upon the last turn of the active opening adds 2 turns. However, there is an exception. Opening the last and 8th gate can only be done for 2 turns, even if the user opens it immediately.
  • (Kaimon) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
  • (Kyūmon) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
  • (Seimon) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • (Shōmon) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • (Tomon) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • (Keimon) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
  • (Kyōmon) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger without great strain on the user's chakra. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
  • (Shimon) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted approximately a hundred times their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match. EIG Masters can open EIGs three per battle if the first two uses are only up to 5th gate
Note: Starting with the fourth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out. EIG Masters don't suffer damage from opening up to 6th Gate, being left unable to move correctly for 2 turns and unable to mold chakra above S rank in the next turn. EIG Masters will feel the side effects for opening 7th Gate and up.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: Opening the 8th Gate kills the user at the end of the 2 turns it remains opened.

Mirabelle Jutsu
(Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After throwing one shuriken or more against their target, the user creates up to a thousand shadow clones of the shuriken (or kunai, senbon, etc, basically any basic weapon) after performing Ram → Rat → Bird → Boar → Tiger which multiply the damage as its striking down the enemy. This is a technique that combines ninja tools with ninjutsu. Compared to normal shadow clones, clones of material objects are said to be on a far higher level. There is no need for preparations beforehand, like stocking up on shuriken, yet since the shadow clones are real and not illusions, all the shadow blades that fly around are equally lethal. This is valid for any weapon copied and it has been seen that the copied weapons will also have the tags or markings of the original, like sealing or explosive tags or sealing marks.

Hakai no Hoshi, Star of Destruction
By focusing chakra into this seal located on the aft side of the weapon, a readied arrow becomes shrouded in a unique, undulating barrier with the appearance of a drill. As the barrier spins it generates brilliant purple flames like that of Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment that burns very much like actual flames. However, this is a mere side effect. The barrier is of an extremely offensive nature who's ultimate purpose is to divide. The undulation, heat, plus shape of the barrier allows it to act similar to a hot knife, where it is able to pierce through techniques of equal and lesser rank easily to allow its payload to hit its target. If the barrier divides a technique of lesser rank than itself it will not weaken or lose speed. And once it reaches its target the barrier will explode in a short-ranged, purple maelstrom (A Rank). If it goes against a technique of equal rank though, it will split it apart, but be canceled in the process. The arrow in itself is highly lethal, and it is able to decapitate human-sized targets or even push back medium-sized summons entirely based on the force from which it is loosened from the Enki. This ability is A-ranked, and counts as an enhancement to an otherwise regular arrow. This ability is A-ranked, and counts as an enhancement to an otherwise regular arrow. This ability can be used once per turn, four times per battle , with a cooldown of two turns between each use.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Child of Tiamat Jutsu
(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 100
Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 – 60
Damage: 80 – 100
Description: The Sea of Life is the principle and signature skill of all Children of Tiamat; like Tiamat, it is a manifestation of their will and an extension of their own bodies. In essence, the Sea of Life emulates the concept of all life being born from the sea. Unlike the All-Mother, the Children of Tiamat expend considerable chakra when accessing this technique, or its variants. The black mud can be generated from any part of the user’s body and is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. When used the scale of this technique can vary depending on the rank used; at its highest rank it can surpass even that of Water Release: Great Waterfall. Through physical force alone it can overwhelm multiple opponents, carrying immense concussive force. The user is able to release the mud from their body in any shape that they choose, limited only by their imagination and rank. The technique carries with it the Amino-Geis, forcibly converting whoever is caught into a slave of the user. The mud can be blocked or sealed, although it must respect neutrality and damage values. S-Rank applications can be used thrice per battle, once every two turns


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
“Very well…” she said in response, prompting Tengen to lead the assault, causing the ninja to immediately smirk. “With pleasure!” he said, running off into the direction of the zombies. It didn’t take any effort, as it simple inhale and exhale was enough. These motions released a powerful sound wave that cleared the forestry a bit in front of them as it revealed a horde of zombies. “Attack!” she commanded before she noticed a giant creature behind of all of them. It was the Child of Tiamat. “Ningen…” the creature, once a human, spoke the moment he laid eyes on the group. Mirabelle immediately rushed over, summoning her bow into her palm once again. She would draw an arrow from her quiver on her back, as she drew the golden string back. “Die” she said, releasing the arrow but as it became airborne, she would weave a quick set of hand seals. This causes the arrow to multiply by x100, creating an airborne assault on the enemy. The arrows rained down, striking as many zombies as possible as the sharp arrowhead severed their hands from the wrists.

Tengen on the other hand was more bothered by the Child of Tiamat. He would passively activate the fourth gate, blitzing passed the area as he approached the demonic creature. “Konoha Ryujin!” he said, performing a kick which in turn causes a giant tornado to form into a dragon. The very same dragon as it formed would kick up a storm – causing many of the undead to be trashed around the place. “Die!” he yelled as the dragon roared and aimed for the enemy but it wasn’t enough considering the strength of the Child of Tiamat. The Child of Tiamat simply released a breath of flames, burning at the damned dragon. The two attacks clashed with each other but not before Mirabelle loaded an arrow again onto her bow.

Star of Destruction!” she yelled, releasing the arrow. It immediately sailed through the skies, making contact with the enemy, exploding into a purple inferno. “Insolent brat!” the enemy roared, as it unleashed another powerful attack. As it did, a surge of the vile mud was spat from its mouth, causing Tengen to activate one of the gates, namely the fifth gate as he grabbed Mirabelle and Chise to avoid it the blast jumping into the air. “Thank you

Chise, unleash your strongest attack,” she said, pressing her hand onto Tengen and Chise’s back. “NOW!” she said pulsing her chakra into both of her allies, providing a boost to them as Tengen unleashed a powerful sonic roar at the demon.

Tengen Jutsu
(Ototon: Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Echo Assault Skill
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user gathers his sound chakra into his throat as he inhales afterwards exhaling as he screams, yells or roars. The resulting effect is a massive forward shockwave of low frequency, high amplitude sound that levels anything in its path. Despite weakening as it travels, its faster than most wind or lightning techniques and can still be defended from. If used within a water source it receives +20 damage.

( Konoha Ryūjin ) - Leaf Dragon God
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
This is an ultimate taijutsu technique created by the legendary taijutsu master Chen. It appears to be initiated by an upward spin kick at which point it quickly becomes like tornado. Forming into a dragon with long whiskers, it attacks the target aiming to swallow them, at which point they are cut by the razor sharp air currents inside the attack. After initiating the attack, the user appears to remain shielded within the base of the tornado as the outward surface of the dragon seems to be solid enough for a person to impact and rebound off of, making the only way to enter the technique once it has been initiated is by being swallowed. However, there is one distinct weakness to the technique. Since the Dragon God's real form (and what it basically is) is that of an ordinary tornado, though cosmetically shaped into a dragon, its attack power is based on rotation. If one enters the attack's centre (Dragon's Eye) while rotating at high speed, such as Lee's One-Man Front Lotus, it can be dispersed without inflicting damage. The technique, while seemingly similar to Wind Release, is actually just the users own physical power (through the use of the spinning kick) shaping the air into currents through movement. It is, however, enough to fight off elemental ninjutsu of the same rank and below.
Note: Can only be used by Taijutsu Specialists and EIG users

(Ototon: Ōkibo na Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Massive Echo Assault Skill
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This is a much greater and skilled version of the (Ototon: Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Echo Assault Skill technique in which the user gathers his sound chakra into his throat as he inhales afterwards exhaling as he screams, yells or roars. The resulting effect is a massive shockwave of low frequency, high amplitude destructive sound that levels anything in its path. The biggest different is that the user can control the area of affect of the technique, depending on the range he targets and the angle of the sound waves his sound waves take. 180º to 90º, the technique is Short Ranged. 90º to 45º, the technique is Mid-Range and from 5º to 45º the technique is Long Ranged. If used within a water source it receives +20 damage.
Note: Usable once every 3 turns

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the desired gate. EIG Masters can do so easily and in a passive way (not spending a move). When one opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts 4 turns. Opening additional gates upon the last turn of the active opening adds 2 turns. However, there is an exception. Opening the last and 8th gate can only be done for 2 turns, even if the user opens it immediately.
  • (Kaimon) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
  • (Kyūmon) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
  • (Seimon) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • (Shōmon) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • (Tomon) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • (Keimon) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
  • (Kyōmon) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger without great strain on the user's chakra. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
  • (Shimon) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted approximately a hundred times their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match. EIG Masters can open EIGs three per battle if the first two uses are only up to 5th gate
Note: Starting with the fourth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out. EIG Masters don't suffer damage from opening up to 6th Gate, being left unable to move correctly for 2 turns and unable to mold chakra above S rank in the next turn. EIG Masters will feel the side effects for opening 7th Gate and up.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: Opening the 8th Gate kills the user at the end of the 2 turns it remains opened.
Mirabelle Jutsu
(Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After throwing one shuriken or more against their target, the user creates up to a thousand shadow clones of the shuriken (or kunai, senbon, etc, basically any basic weapon) after performing Ram → Rat → Bird → Boar → Tiger which multiply the damage as its striking down the enemy. This is a technique that combines ninja tools with ninjutsu. Compared to normal shadow clones, clones of material objects are said to be on a far higher level. There is no need for preparations beforehand, like stocking up on shuriken, yet since the shadow clones are real and not illusions, all the shadow blades that fly around are equally lethal. This is valid for any weapon copied and it has been seen that the copied weapons will also have the tags or markings of the original, like sealing or explosive tags or sealing marks.

Hakai no Hoshi, Star of Destruction
By focusing chakra into this seal located on the aft side of the weapon, a readied arrow becomes shrouded in a unique, undulating barrier with the appearance of a drill. As the barrier spins it generates brilliant purple flames like that of Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment that burns very much like actual flames. However, this is a mere side effect. The barrier is of an extremely offensive nature who's ultimate purpose is to divide. The undulation, heat, plus shape of the barrier allows it to act similar to a hot knife, where it is able to pierce through techniques of equal and lesser rank easily to allow its payload to hit its target. If the barrier divides a technique of lesser rank than itself it will not weaken or lose speed. And once it reaches its target the barrier will explode in a short-ranged, purple maelstrom (A Rank). If it goes against a technique of equal rank though, it will split it apart, but be canceled in the process. The arrow in itself is highly lethal, and it is able to decapitate human-sized targets or even push back medium-sized summons entirely based on the force from which it is loosened from the Enki. This ability is A-ranked, and counts as an enhancement to an otherwise regular arrow. This ability is A-ranked, and counts as an enhancement to an otherwise regular arrow. This ability can be used once per turn, four times per battle , with a cooldown of two turns between each use.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Child of Tiamat Jutsu
(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 100
Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 – 60
Damage: 80 – 100
Description: The Sea of Life is the principle and signature skill of all Children of Tiamat; like Tiamat, it is a manifestation of their will and an extension of their own bodies. In essence, the Sea of Life emulates the concept of all life being born from the sea. Unlike the All-Mother, the Children of Tiamat expend considerable chakra when accessing this technique, or its variants. The black mud can be generated from any part of the user’s body and is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. When used the scale of this technique can vary depending on the rank used; at its highest rank it can surpass even that of Water Release: Great Waterfall. Through physical force alone it can overwhelm multiple opponents, carrying immense concussive force. The user is able to release the mud from their body in any shape that they choose, limited only by their imagination and rank. The technique carries with it the Amino-Geis, forcibly converting whoever is caught into a slave of the user. The mud can be blocked or sealed, although it must respect neutrality and damage values. S-Rank applications can be used thrice per battle, once every two turns
Chise's shouldered tensed the moment she heard Tengen exclaim his proclamation of joy just prior to advancing as the spearhead to the chain of assaults that were to follow in the exchange. She watched carefully, keeping her feet planted intently in place upon the branch they had arrived in the area upon. She imagined that getting involved too early when the engagement was just kicking off was a bad move, especially for her. She didn't care to be a burden to the others, and that required her to acknowledge her limitations and how outclassed she really was in this situation. Her emerald eyes darted across the field rapidly, trying to take in the rapid escalation of the fight. Trees were blown apart into splinters from all directions due to
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Tengen's opening technique, of which the tree she stood upon seemed no exception. She quickly leapt straight up and backward, dropping herself like an arrow down from the branch before landing as loosely as possible upon the ground, letting her knees bend as her hands planted against the dirt to help support her fall. She quickly looked up to meet the scene of fire erupting everywhere, accompanied by the new involvement of Mirabelle in the fight. Chise turned her focus toward several of the undead that lined the outer reach of the forest, all moving inward to advance where the first wave had failed. She noted that both of her comrades were now entirely distracted by the primary target they faced, which meant she needed to do something to assist..

Quickly lifting her hands, Chise had tucked them over her shoulders, into her bag that she had brought with her since she had left Tsumigakure to come to Owatatsumi to find Mirabelle. Pulling up from it was a rather large size scroll, one of which she had not planned to use just yet, but felt she had little choice in this particular situation. Quickly she unlocked the binding that held it before tossing it high into the air, directly above that of the main flock of undead that had begun to emerge and charge the center of the field where the main encounter was taking place. As the scroll unraveled, it began to erupt in several plumes of smoke as kunai began to rain down aimed directly upon the walking corpses, showering them in shredding, piercing steel that would inevitably puncture joints and nerves that would debilitate several of the undead. For those that didn't drop immediately as a result of this, the scroll finalized by dispersing several large, flowing chains from it, each swirling rapidly across the air by the direction of chakra Chise had pushed through them to give her directional control of them before coiling around the remaining undead that stood at the forefront of the assault, binding them and pinning them aggressively into the dirt, left to either a concussed state from being dropped violently against the earth, or to squirm pointlessly against their restraints.

Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: Like Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Chain of Destruction, The user unrolls and throws their large scroll over the enemy. They summon countless Kunai from the scroll to rain down on the enemy before releasing four large chains to force the enemy to the ground as the chains collapse on them.

She quickly shot her gaze across the field, taking note of anything else that might be moving on the outskirts. For now, it was left up to the Child of Tiamat to be their opponent. “Insolent brat!” Just as Chise had reclaimed her footing in a more balanced manner she heard the being exclaim aggressively toward Mirabelle's attack, of which was almost immediately followed up by the onslaught of what appeared to be something akin to mud, but was hardly so simple, and somehow she knew that much despite having never seen something like it before.. She was scrambling in her mind to decide how to react; to either jump high or simply rush backward, hoping to outrun it. Just before she had the opportunity to do either, Tengen had -like a bullet- lunged back in her direction, Mirabelle wrapped around one arm then Chise around the other, carrying them rapidly in a closing distance that might give them time to retaliate. Eyeing the onslaught of the mud-like substance that was spewing from the Child of Tiamat, Chise quickly clapped her hands together to form the snake seal, concentrating a flow of her chakra into the ground beneath them that would result in the sudden emergence of the very Earth surrounding the field to suddenly plunge upward to form a narrowing corridor of rock that stretched just behind the Child of Tiamat up to mid-range distance in total length, enclosed on both sides, acting as a sort of rectangular space that forced the directional pathing of the Sea of Life to be constricted to it to some extent.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will first perform the snake hand seal and then cause the earth in the surrounding area to rise up and over a target and create a cavern, imprisoning the target. The user can leave an opening to allow attacks to go in to strike down the trapped adversaries, or close it up completely to prevent escape.

In a quick succession following the use of the Earth Corridor technique, Chise had rapidly reformed the snake seal she had formed previously into that of a tiger seal, re-concentrating her chakra to manipulate the earth directly beneath their elevated forms to rise upward in a quick ascension, forming an elongated rampart-like formation that stretched to catch their footing in the air. Bringing her footing back to something resembling solidarity, Chise turned her focus briefly down the C-like shaped rampart that curved on either side around the field, half surrounding the Corridor that had been intended to ensnare the Child of Tiamat and it's technique, hopeful that it'd -if nothing else- buy them a moment of reprieve to recollect themselves to prepare for the next large engagement.

Type: Supplementary/ Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: By performing the Tiger hand seal the user then makes a gigantic rampart rise up beneath the user's feet, by shaping the ground and increasing the amount of earth with chakra. Depending on what the user imagines, the shape of the rampart can be anything from level ground to a steep, needle-like mountain. If the user increases the volume of earth too much, he can be forced to keep his chakra consumption down. The user can combine this jutsu with Water Style: Waterfall Basin Technique to create a waterfall.

Chise quickly let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding thus far, bringing her lungs some reprieve from the stress they felt from the tension that wracked through her nerves, adrenaline pumping through her down to the tips of her fingers like electricity. She turned her focus briefly to eye Mirabelle whom had planted her hand along Chise's back, along with one to Tengen's before exclaiming her order to release her
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strongest technique. Chise's eyes widened as she felt the surge of rejuvenating chakra. What was her strongest technique..? She turned her focus toward Tengen as he quickly hurled another sound technique toward the direction of the Child of Tiamat in an aggressive roar. Chise turned her focus downward, surely the creature had been caught in it's own technique as she had intended..?

"Foolish.. Disappointing.." A howling rumble of words broke through the stone that had ensnared the Child of Tiamat just prior to suddenly rupture in a rippling of cracks as it buckled under the growing pressure of the sea of life like a bursting water balloon as the stone seemingly crumbled like sand against a wave, the left palm of the Child of Tiamat being planted in mid-air where the solid structure of the corridor had previously been, causing it to decompose almost immediately by way of his own chakra based manipulation of the structure of the stone, causing it to soften and give way under even the slightest back-pressure put against it.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: This jutsu is based on the Earth Chakra's abilities to harden or soften any earth feature. By slamming the user's palm on the ground, or on any thrown or erupted earth structure, the user is able to harden or soften the said structure, all at once. The technique is based on the user's chakra reservations, and thus the area and volume of the feature the user wishes to change varies with it.
As described this technique has two variants:

(Buru no Ai Naguriai) Bison's Love Fist, which allows the structure struck by the right hand to harden immediately. Basically, any soft structure, such as Sand, Gravel or Mud (Created by Earth Release (Canon Element), not Mud Release (Custom Element) will turn into rock.

(Ushi no Nyuujou Kissu) Cow's Milky Kiss, which allows the structure struck by the left hand to soften immediately. Basically, any hard structure, such as Rock, Harden Mud or Earth will turn into sand.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle
Note: Courtesy of Lili-Chwan

Immediately following, the Child of Tiamat noted the prior sound jutsu that had been used in the encounter thus far by the man amongst the trio. Clenching a tightened fist at it's side, they quickly began to conjure a collective of condensed wind chakra around their fist before hurling it forward toward the sky, in the general direction of where the three were positioned. The wind chakra hurled from the fist formed, howling forward rapidly like a hurricane to meet the oncoming sound wave mid-air, colliding with the frequency and dispersing it almost immediately, being the natural opposition to sound techniques and accounting for the weakening nature that the shockwave carried through the distance it had traveled to that point in it's attempt to reach the Child of Tiamat.

Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user delivers a punch that releases a giant, adaptable whirlwind.

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With the field neutralized of any traveling attacks for only a brief instance, the Child of Tiamat merely hunched slightly, shoulders rocking forward as a ragged breath escaped him in something of a disgruntled exasperation. "You will know the Mother.. You will know her Children!" Suddenly, two appendages had abruptly ruptured from the back of the Child of Tiamat, extending rapidly outward from it's sides and hurling forward, colliding violently and effortlessly against the rampart that Chise had formed, shattering the earth it was made from and rippling in a destructive force that shook the structure, forcing it to begin crumbling apart like a collapsing tower of clay against the density of the blackened appendages that were working independently from the movements of it's host. After shattering the stability of the structure, the hands began to rush in an upward advance toward the top of the crumbling rampart, releasing a sudden blast of more mud-like substance from their palms, aimed directly toward where the trio stood.

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 50 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 90 each arm
Description: Derived from the Sea of Life, this technique allows the user to shape up to two autonomous arms from their backs. Formed from the Sea of Life itself, the arms possess a higher level of autonomy that allows the arms to operate entirely independent of the user but must remain attached to their back, siphoning chakra passively. The arms possess mid-range reach and, through the Sea’s extraordinary density, can smash physical obstacles, shatter bones, and overwhelm defenses with relative ease. The technique is naturally imbued with the Amino-Geis. Once per turn the arms can produce their own small blasts of Sea of Life material from their tips or hands, depending on how they are shaped. These blasts possess the same physical strength as the arms themselves. This technique can be used three times per battle, and last for three turns.

Chise's eyes widened in shock as the creature seemed to effortlessly level the structures she had built around it. She tightened her jaw as she fought to maintain some semblance of balance on the now crumbling rampart she stood upon, she rapidly began to naturally conjure the flow of her elemental affinity, water chakra, through her, recalling Mirabelle's order she had given her only moments ago. She swiftly slammed her palms against the crumbling ground she stood upon, pouring her water chakra into the air above the Child of Tiamat to begin manifesting a sudden massive collective of water, as if being plucked from the very moisture in the air it seemingly materialized from. With a resolute intent, she quickly pushed the water in a downward motion upon the Child of Tiamat, aiming to submerge them entirely in the water. She suspected it would have very little effect on it, yet her goal at this point was simply to provide support to her comrades in whatever way she could.

Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will slam their hands against then ground allowing him/her to summon a massive amount of water from the sky, crushing it into the opponent. If needed, the user can cancel the technique in an instant.

Note: The water needs to be summoned at least 10 meters above the opponent to have any real effect.

With the rampart now crumbling beyond any point of being considered stable, she quickly followed up by utilizing her already focused water chakra to conjure pillars of water that would surface beneath her, Mirabelle and Tengen, lunging them quickly on the opposite side of the now collapsing rampart away from the Child of Tiamat and narrowly avoiding the bullet-like projectiles of the Sea of Life that the appendages had hurled at them, toward the safety net of nearby trees that had been out of the range of Tengen's previous technique that had cleared the others at the beginning of the fight. Chise nearly missed her branch, only barely catching her balance as she quickly dropped down against it to plant her hands as additional support to help reinforce herself. A sweat-beaded brow flicked as she turned her focus toward Mirabelle almost instinctively, hoping for something of a plan to be put forward.. "Mira-Sensei.. i-I'm not sure how we're supposed to fight that thing.. w-What even is it..?!"

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will manipulate their chakra and then they create water to rise up from the ground beneath the target lifting them into the air.



Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
The spawn of a goddess…” she answered bluntly. She’s been purging so many of these demonic creatures, its almost Ludacris to believe so many still existed. She would look towards Tengen, who was still in his 5th gate form before looking back at Chise herself. She realized things needed to end here, and now. “Tengen…care to show our little guest our previous razzle-dazzle combination?” she gestured to her friend who simply smirked at the thought. “Its been ages, but I think I still got it. Let’s do it” he said agreeing with Mirabelle. This prompted her to begin to utilize some unique tools of hers that she kept well hidden on her person. The first of which she would use a battery located in her tool pouch in order to pull the senjutsu sealed within it, as she also reached her hand towards her waist. Holstered there is a unique handgun. This allowed her to also pull chakra from it, immediately causing her to shift into Sage Mode.

She placed her bow back into her seal. As Tengen himself, now activated the seventh gate, as the chakra around him spiraled out of control. “Chise, just watch from here” she said. Immediately both her and Tengen darted into the direction of the demon. “Foolishness” the creature growled, but before it can retaliate – it would be meet with an assault of fiery fists from Tengen, smashing against his body. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” as the final hit is dealt, it would be struck down by another technique directly from behind of it. “Don’t falter now!” Mirabelle said as several chakra arrows struck it in the back.

UGHHHHH” the creature yelled, not before unleashing a powerful concentrated stream of flames towards Tengen. The Hayabusa would “kick” off the air, avoiding the path of the flames easily as he appeared above him now instead. “Mirabelllleeeee!” he said, making a unique hand sign.

Mirabelle made a sole hand seal, immediately summoning forth an arrow composed of dragon chakra into her palms. “Haaaaaaaaa!” she unleashed the arrow, at the same time.The two techniques clashed, immediately causing a violent eruption. They would be outside of the blast zone, watching as the mud faded away. Mirabelle sighed, having finally put an end to it – she looked to see some of the zombies remained in tact. “Good work” she said, high fiving Tengen, who deactivated the gate. Mirabelle however desired to remain in Sage Mode for a bit longer. “You ok?” she asked to Chise just to assure the safety of her sister.

(Haato no Joou) Queen of Hearts
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 - 40
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: The Queen of Hearts, a uniquely designed piece of custom technology crafted by a gunsmith named Paradox. It was an original draft, given to him by Mirabelle in her endeavor to create new forms of weapons to further her weapons mastery. The tool in question takes the form of a handgun, colored white in coloration. The metallic frame is structured with ascents resembling roses and a golden dragon on it. At first glance, the weapon seems like an ordinary handgun but in reality, with Paradox’s ideals and Mirabelle’s ambition, the managed to craft one of the best guns known to society. Ability wise, the entire gun is based on two things: Fuinjutsu and Senjutsu, two fields Mirabelle considered her weakest – thus she aimed to use this to help cover some holes up. However, due to her love of sharing, many copies of the gun was made so others may utilize it's glory as well

Rosemary, Queen of Wyrms – The first ability of the gun, in which combines the previous two abilities into one. Among the rose like ascents, there are seals located within its design that is well hidden to the untrained eye. When holstered or not directly in her hand, the unique magazine is “loaded”, feed through the aforementioned seal. The seal is passively absorbing Natural Energy around the user but also draining their chakra, causing it to mix and create Senjutsu. This process is automatic, which cannot be prevented once the gun is empty and the user is within at least five meters of the weapon. However, what this does is that it converts 10% of the user’s max chakra into senjutsu, passively converting 10% per turn though only for two turns (i.e if the user's maxed chakra is 2000, it passively takes 200 chakra from the user per turn for two turns to convert into senjutsu). The chakra is then stored in the seal, at least until the user makes physical contact with the handle of the gun. This senjutsu chakra is immediately rushed into the user’s body, forcefully activating Sage Mode for them. Once drained, however, should the user be in Sage Mode already, Rosemary’s effects remain inactive, simply allowing the second portion of the gun to come into play. This can only be used with Imperfect Sage Mode.

Thorn, Scorn of the Draco
– The secondary ability of the gun though is a bit more simplistic. This portion is the firing mechanism, which in turn allows the user to infuse their senjutsu into the handgun. This allows them to fire off shots of senjutsu bullets, capable of piercing into the bodies of others with relative ease. The damage these bullets carry varies, as the amount of Senjutsu infused is largely up to the user. The bullets are fast, moving as fast as a lightning technique, and are also easily seen – appearing similar to the air projectiles released akin to (Fūton: Shinkūdama) - Wind Release: Vacuum Bullet. It should be noted, however, that the bullets upon impact will also detonate, causing an explosion capable of pushing someone back up to five meters and they also travel in a linear path. Despite all this, the user is also capable of firing none senjutsu bullets as well, this, however, being freeform but taking 5 chakra per bullet to do so.

Restrictions: Queen of Hearts can only be used by those with knowledge of Fuinjutsu and Sage Mode. The activation of Sage Mode via Rosemary shares the same usage amount of the user’s current remaining uses of the Sage Mode Technique. This means should the user only have one Sage Mode use left, then so does this weapon. The sealing and storing of Senjutsu is passive, though it can only hold a max of 400 chakra in total, regardless in which once the gun reaches this max, Rosemary’s effects are inactive. Thron’s firing ability counts as a move, with D to B Rank having no usage limits while A Rank bullets can only be used thrice per battle with a cooldown of two turns and S Rank bullets being usable twice with a cooldown of three turns after use. The bullets due to being senjutsu based are pulled from the user’s Sage Mode chakra pool, thus will slowly or rapidly deplete the user’s enhanced state, thus leaving the user unable to fire bullets until returning into Sage Mode once more. Raw Chakra bullets are freeform, not requiring a move to fire. These bullets can also be fired while in Sage Mode, however, are still free-formed thus not getting the boost in power Sage Mode provides to the user. The user also, however, can only fire three freeform bullets per turn.

( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

( Fukanzen Sennin Modo ) - Imperfect Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage: N/A (Active +20 Damage to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S-Rank)
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be moulded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is able to reduce 20 damage from damage for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced by x2. Their ninjutsu and strength increases, empowering taijutsu and other close range physical combat techniques by +20. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required (Effective on Genjutsu up to B rank). Lastly, the user gains access to contract-specific anatomical features and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.
Note: Usable twice per battle . Must wait 2 turns before using this technique again. Perfect Sages can use either perfect or imperfect form thrice with a delay of 1 turn between modes.
Note: Imperfect Sages can convert a maximum of 30% of their total chakra reserve. Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.

(Fuuton/Raiton: Houkou no Kora-Hanta) Wind/Lightning Style: The Growl of the White Tigress
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80 + 20 = 100
Description: The user charges wind or lightning chakra on the hand. When the hand is pulled back, simulating a string of a bow being pulled, a concentrated wind arrow appears charged. Upon release, the arrow disappears to the eye of the opponent, but actually it turns into several sharper arrows, that travel just a little bit faster than a normal arrow, and hit the opponent's body several times in multiple places. Depending on the accuracy and weapon's mastery of the user, the arrows can hit random body points or specific nerves, arteries or organs, though easily traceable even to a first-tomoe sharingan, after creating the arrow, user can enlarge it with a second layer of chakra. Upon releasing, the Lightning/Wind will combine to maximize the piercing and speed abilities, being so that it is a combination of the two fastest and sharpest elements. The barrage of tiny arrows will increase it's range and speed drastically, while the arrows themselves will be drastically smaller and more piercing.
*Can only be used once every 4 turns, for a maximum of 2 times, given the chakra strain*
*Can't use Lightning or Wind Techniques above S rank in the next 2 turns*

(Neidan: Taij Dao ) Internal Alchemey: Way of the Supreme
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 60
Damage: 20 - 90 (80 + 20 = 100)
Description: Taiji Dao is the sister technique to Wuji Dao and its polar opposite. Where the latter returns existence to nothigness, Taiji Dao brings existence from nothingness. Fundamentally, the user creates physical, vital, and/or spiritual entities through the use of their Dantian. The user is also capable of returning enties they've erased with Wuji Dao back into existence in the condition they were erased. The constructs and creations that a user can conjure are limited to their imagination. These constructs, if appropriate, are capable of using Neidan techniques that coincide with the dantian used to create them (e.g physical constructs can use techniques with the lower dantian) ( the entities can, not constructs ). Like other techniques that possess the Chakra of the Dragon, the user is capable of keeping track of anything created with this technique via their Taijin ability. The basic application of this technique sees the use of one of the three dantian to create an entity. However, advanced users are capable of combining two or all three dantian to create entities with qualities of multiple dantian. Combining all three of the dantian is the equivalent to creating a sentient familiar. This technique is learned at genin rank and requires 5 hand signs for external uses. Each rank reduces the requirements for hand signs by 2. The upper echleon (Dragon, Head, Master) may use this technique B-rank and below without hand signs.

Lower Dantian: This application sees the creation of physical entities from Wuji (Nothingness). Entities created with this dantian may possess properties of any material state of matter (solids and liquids primarily) and can be created internal or external of the Hayabusa. Hayabusa are also capable of replacing or adding body parts to themselves (or others through direct contact A-rank usage) such as lost or additional limbs, appendages, or wings. Those with medical knowledge can even replace vital organs, tissues, and cells. The limitations of this technique are that: entities created must be 5 meters away from adversaries unless the user is within close range. Entities such as poisons, diseases, or composites of actual elemental natures cannot be created. Familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. All created constructs possess a black reptilian scale like aesthetic pattern, representing Sokotsu.

Middle Dantian: This application sees the creation of vital/etheral entities from Wuji. Entities created with this dantian possess plasma like forms similar to lightning and fire and appear as translucent black energy. The versatility of this application is less than the lower dantian's application as it possesses no such maluable ability to be formed into multiple different states of matter. Entities created with this application is incredibly high energy giving them the capability to burn on touch or even ignite objects and beings within close proximity (ignition at A-rank and above must be within 2 meters of the entity). The user is immune to their own energy's burning effects. Like the previous application, familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. Entities cannot be created within 5 meters of adversaries unless close range is already established between the user and opponent(s).

Upper Dantian: This application sees the creation of spiritual entities from Wuji. This application allows the user to create a seperate sentience within themselves, or others. This spiritual creation may appear however the user deems fit as it is only a mental representation of the consciousness. Unless created within the consciousness of another, these spiritual beings are only concievable, and communicable to the Hayabusa who created it. Unlike the previous two applications, the user may create this spiritual sentience within another as long as they are within appropriate range. However, their only function is to prevent opponents from using mental/spiritual techniques of certain levels (B-rank prevents enemies from using S-rank and above spiritual/mental techniques. Every rank above that decreases the enemy's use by 1-rank). If created inside the user, the entity acts as a partner capable of using upper dantian techniques without the need for the user's input and is unaffected by spiritual/mental techniques directed at the user. Likewise it can block spiritual techniques on the user's behalf as well (A-rank and below starting at B-rank creations and increasing by 1 rank for every rank above B). This application requires one to be chunin rank and is B-rank at minimum. B and A-rank uses require the user to be within mid-range to use against targets. S-rank requires short range and Forbidden rank requires direct physical contact.

Multi-Dantian: This sees the application of more than one of the dantian being used in one specific use. There are only 3 combinations that may arise from this; lower+upper, middle+upper, and all three combined. The former two applications are a minimum of A-rank. Creating an entity with all 3 dantian is S-rank at minimum and acts as an entirely independent existence.

Note: Genin may use this technique up to C-rank every two turns. Chunin may use this every other turn up to B-rank. Jounin may use this technique up to S-rank (A-rank for upper dantian), however S-rank usage requires a one turn cool down before re-use. Jounin are also capable of using Multi-Dantian.
Note: Dragon/Head Ninja/Master Ninja may use this technique up to Forbidden Rank but only Masters can use Forbidden Rank multi-dantian.
Note: Forbidden usage of any kind can only be used twice per battle and renders the user incapable of using any Neidan technique for two turns after use.
Note: All applications and familiars may be maintained with additional chakra per turn B-rank and below -5 chakra, A to S -10, -15 for Forbidden.
Note: Familiars consisting of multiple dantian last 4 turns if they are A-rank and 3 S-rank and above. However, only one multi-dantian familiar may exist at any given time from the user.


(Hachimon: Asa Kujaku) - Eight Gates: Morning Peacock

Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user will approach the target in a crane stance and kick then into the sky.Then the target is stuck with many punches that are literally on fire, which makes the peacock design in the air.The last blow send the enemy flying into the ground
Requirements:6 gates open

( Sukaiu~ōku ) - Sky Walk
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A skill usable by all EIG users and masters, once one has opened at least six of the EIG, he will gain the ability to walk on air to dodge, attack or defend from techniques. The ability pertains to movement in the air, meaning walking, jumping, dashing off the air itself etc and its speed depends on the Gate currently opened.
Note: Must have at least one gate opened.

(Hachimon: Hirudora) - Eight Gates: Daytime Tiger
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Daytime tiger is a strong and fast attack only useable through the activation of the seventh gate. the user makes a fist in front of their face with one hand and then taps it with their other, which creates a massive amount of air pressure resembling a tiger. The user then forms a unique hand seal, which launches the tiger at the opponent. The air pressure will condense as it's moving and be focused into a single point. The technique then explodes before impact, releasing the built up air pressure in an instant. A massive concussive explosion is created which can be felt a significant distance away.
Note: Use of technique will result in the user collapsing two turns after use due to tremendous pain.
Note: Can only be used twice.
Note: Requires EIG mastery.
(Nanimonai Zentei) – Vestibule of Nothingness
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 120
Description: The Vestibule of Nothingness is a skill that was used by the corrupted Takauji Ashikaga to invoke the natural powers afforded to him by the Void. Now usable by those high ranking necromancers and cultists who have undergone similar experimentation this technique, much like similar elemental variants, produces a type of natural fire that is devoid of chakra yet carries with it extremely powerful temperatures. As such it plays neutrally to all elemental natures. The destructive power of this technique is such that it can easily wipe out entire landmarks in a titanic blast of fire; alternatively, it can be released in the form of fireballs and beams of concentrated flame that can destroy much in the way of life.



Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
The spawn of a goddess…” she answered bluntly. She’s been purging so many of these demonic creatures, its almost Ludacris to believe so many still existed. She would look towards Tengen, who was still in his 5th gate form before looking back at Chise herself. She realized things needed to end here, and now. “Tengen…care to show our little guest our previous razzle-dazzle combination?” she gestured to her friend who simply smirked at the thought. “Its been ages, but I think I still got it. Let’s do it” he said agreeing with Mirabelle. This prompted her to begin to utilize some unique tools of hers that she kept well hidden on her person. The first of which she would use a battery located in her tool pouch in order to pull the senjutsu sealed within it, as she also reached her hand towards her waist. Holstered there is a unique handgun. This allowed her to also pull chakra from it, immediately causing her to shift into Sage Mode.

She placed her bow back into her seal. As Tengen himself, now activated the seventh gate, as the chakra around him spiraled out of control. “Chise, just watch from here” she said. Immediately both her and Tengen darted into the direction of the demon. “Foolishness” the creature growled, but before it can retaliate – it would be meet with an assault of fiery fists from Tengen, smashing against his body. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” as the final hit is dealt, it would be struck down by another technique directly from behind of it. “Don’t falter now!” Mirabelle said as several chakra arrows struck it in the back.

UGHHHHH” the creature yelled, not before unleashing a powerful concentrated stream of flames towards Tengen. The Hayabusa would “kick” off the air, avoiding the path of the flames easily as he appeared above him now instead. “Mirabelllleeeee!” he said, making a unique hand sign.

Mirabelle made a sole hand seal, immediately summoning forth an arrow composed of dragon chakra into her palms. “Haaaaaaaaa!” she unleashed the arrow, at the same time.The two techniques clashed, immediately causing a violent eruption. They would be outside of the blast zone, watching as the mud faded away. Mirabelle sighed, having finally put an end to it – she looked to see some of the zombies remained in tact. “Good work” she said, high fiving Tengen, who deactivated the gate. Mirabelle however desired to remain in Sage Mode for a bit longer. “You ok?” she asked to Chise just to assure the safety of her sister.

(Haato no Joou) Queen of Hearts
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 - 40
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: The Queen of Hearts, a uniquely designed piece of custom technology crafted by a gunsmith named Paradox. It was an original draft, given to him by Mirabelle in her endeavor to create new forms of weapons to further her weapons mastery. The tool in question takes the form of a handgun, colored white in coloration. The metallic frame is structured with ascents resembling roses and a golden dragon on it. At first glance, the weapon seems like an ordinary handgun but in reality, with Paradox’s ideals and Mirabelle’s ambition, the managed to craft one of the best guns known to society. Ability wise, the entire gun is based on two things: Fuinjutsu and Senjutsu, two fields Mirabelle considered her weakest – thus she aimed to use this to help cover some holes up. However, due to her love of sharing, many copies of the gun was made so others may utilize it's glory as well

Rosemary, Queen of Wyrms – The first ability of the gun, in which combines the previous two abilities into one. Among the rose like ascents, there are seals located within its design that is well hidden to the untrained eye. When holstered or not directly in her hand, the unique magazine is “loaded”, feed through the aforementioned seal. The seal is passively absorbing Natural Energy around the user but also draining their chakra, causing it to mix and create Senjutsu. This process is automatic, which cannot be prevented once the gun is empty and the user is within at least five meters of the weapon. However, what this does is that it converts 10% of the user’s max chakra into senjutsu, passively converting 10% per turn though only for two turns (i.e if the user's maxed chakra is 2000, it passively takes 200 chakra from the user per turn for two turns to convert into senjutsu). The chakra is then stored in the seal, at least until the user makes physical contact with the handle of the gun. This senjutsu chakra is immediately rushed into the user’s body, forcefully activating Sage Mode for them. Once drained, however, should the user be in Sage Mode already, Rosemary’s effects remain inactive, simply allowing the second portion of the gun to come into play. This can only be used with Imperfect Sage Mode.

Thorn, Scorn of the Draco
– The secondary ability of the gun though is a bit more simplistic. This portion is the firing mechanism, which in turn allows the user to infuse their senjutsu into the handgun. This allows them to fire off shots of senjutsu bullets, capable of piercing into the bodies of others with relative ease. The damage these bullets carry varies, as the amount of Senjutsu infused is largely up to the user. The bullets are fast, moving as fast as a lightning technique, and are also easily seen – appearing similar to the air projectiles released akin to (Fūton: Shinkūdama) - Wind Release: Vacuum Bullet. It should be noted, however, that the bullets upon impact will also detonate, causing an explosion capable of pushing someone back up to five meters and they also travel in a linear path. Despite all this, the user is also capable of firing none senjutsu bullets as well, this, however, being freeform but taking 5 chakra per bullet to do so.

Restrictions: Queen of Hearts can only be used by those with knowledge of Fuinjutsu and Sage Mode. The activation of Sage Mode via Rosemary shares the same usage amount of the user’s current remaining uses of the Sage Mode Technique. This means should the user only have one Sage Mode use left, then so does this weapon. The sealing and storing of Senjutsu is passive, though it can only hold a max of 400 chakra in total, regardless in which once the gun reaches this max, Rosemary’s effects are inactive. Thron’s firing ability counts as a move, with D to B Rank having no usage limits while A Rank bullets can only be used thrice per battle with a cooldown of two turns and S Rank bullets being usable twice with a cooldown of three turns after use. The bullets due to being senjutsu based are pulled from the user’s Sage Mode chakra pool, thus will slowly or rapidly deplete the user’s enhanced state, thus leaving the user unable to fire bullets until returning into Sage Mode once more. Raw Chakra bullets are freeform, not requiring a move to fire. These bullets can also be fired while in Sage Mode, however, are still free-formed thus not getting the boost in power Sage Mode provides to the user. The user also, however, can only fire three freeform bullets per turn.

( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

( Fukanzen Sennin Modo ) - Imperfect Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage: N/A (Active +20 Damage to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S-Rank)
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be moulded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is able to reduce 20 damage from damage for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced by x2. Their ninjutsu and strength increases, empowering taijutsu and other close range physical combat techniques by +20. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required (Effective on Genjutsu up to B rank). Lastly, the user gains access to contract-specific anatomical features and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.
Note: Usable twice per battle . Must wait 2 turns before using this technique again. Perfect Sages can use either perfect or imperfect form thrice with a delay of 1 turn between modes.
Note: Imperfect Sages can convert a maximum of 30% of their total chakra reserve. Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.

(Fuuton/Raiton: Houkou no Kora-Hanta) Wind/Lightning Style: The Growl of the White Tigress
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80 + 20 = 100
Description: The user charges wind or lightning chakra on the hand. When the hand is pulled back, simulating a string of a bow being pulled, a concentrated wind arrow appears charged. Upon release, the arrow disappears to the eye of the opponent, but actually it turns into several sharper arrows, that travel just a little bit faster than a normal arrow, and hit the opponent's body several times in multiple places. Depending on the accuracy and weapon's mastery of the user, the arrows can hit random body points or specific nerves, arteries or organs, though easily traceable even to a first-tomoe sharingan, after creating the arrow, user can enlarge it with a second layer of chakra. Upon releasing, the Lightning/Wind will combine to maximize the piercing and speed abilities, being so that it is a combination of the two fastest and sharpest elements. The barrage of tiny arrows will increase it's range and speed drastically, while the arrows themselves will be drastically smaller and more piercing.
*Can only be used once every 4 turns, for a maximum of 2 times, given the chakra strain*
*Can't use Lightning or Wind Techniques above S rank in the next 2 turns*

(Neidan: Taij Dao ) Internal Alchemey: Way of the Supreme
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 60
Damage: 20 - 90 (80 + 20 = 100)
Description: Taiji Dao is the sister technique to Wuji Dao and its polar opposite. Where the latter returns existence to nothigness, Taiji Dao brings existence from nothingness. Fundamentally, the user creates physical, vital, and/or spiritual entities through the use of their Dantian. The user is also capable of returning enties they've erased with Wuji Dao back into existence in the condition they were erased. The constructs and creations that a user can conjure are limited to their imagination. These constructs, if appropriate, are capable of using Neidan techniques that coincide with the dantian used to create them (e.g physical constructs can use techniques with the lower dantian) ( the entities can, not constructs ). Like other techniques that possess the Chakra of the Dragon, the user is capable of keeping track of anything created with this technique via their Taijin ability. The basic application of this technique sees the use of one of the three dantian to create an entity. However, advanced users are capable of combining two or all three dantian to create entities with qualities of multiple dantian. Combining all three of the dantian is the equivalent to creating a sentient familiar. This technique is learned at genin rank and requires 5 hand signs for external uses. Each rank reduces the requirements for hand signs by 2. The upper echleon (Dragon, Head, Master) may use this technique B-rank and below without hand signs.

Lower Dantian: This application sees the creation of physical entities from Wuji (Nothingness). Entities created with this dantian may possess properties of any material state of matter (solids and liquids primarily) and can be created internal or external of the Hayabusa. Hayabusa are also capable of replacing or adding body parts to themselves (or others through direct contact A-rank usage) such as lost or additional limbs, appendages, or wings. Those with medical knowledge can even replace vital organs, tissues, and cells. The limitations of this technique are that: entities created must be 5 meters away from adversaries unless the user is within close range. Entities such as poisons, diseases, or composites of actual elemental natures cannot be created. Familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. All created constructs possess a black reptilian scale like aesthetic pattern, representing Sokotsu.

Middle Dantian: This application sees the creation of vital/etheral entities from Wuji. Entities created with this dantian possess plasma like forms similar to lightning and fire and appear as translucent black energy. The versatility of this application is less than the lower dantian's application as it possesses no such maluable ability to be formed into multiple different states of matter. Entities created with this application is incredibly high energy giving them the capability to burn on touch or even ignite objects and beings within close proximity (ignition at A-rank and above must be within 2 meters of the entity). The user is immune to their own energy's burning effects. Like the previous application, familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. Entities cannot be created within 5 meters of adversaries unless close range is already established between the user and opponent(s).

Upper Dantian: This application sees the creation of spiritual entities from Wuji. This application allows the user to create a seperate sentience within themselves, or others. This spiritual creation may appear however the user deems fit as it is only a mental representation of the consciousness. Unless created within the consciousness of another, these spiritual beings are only concievable, and communicable to the Hayabusa who created it. Unlike the previous two applications, the user may create this spiritual sentience within another as long as they are within appropriate range. However, their only function is to prevent opponents from using mental/spiritual techniques of certain levels (B-rank prevents enemies from using S-rank and above spiritual/mental techniques. Every rank above that decreases the enemy's use by 1-rank). If created inside the user, the entity acts as a partner capable of using upper dantian techniques without the need for the user's input and is unaffected by spiritual/mental techniques directed at the user. Likewise it can block spiritual techniques on the user's behalf as well (A-rank and below starting at B-rank creations and increasing by 1 rank for every rank above B). This application requires one to be chunin rank and is B-rank at minimum. B and A-rank uses require the user to be within mid-range to use against targets. S-rank requires short range and Forbidden rank requires direct physical contact.

Multi-Dantian: This sees the application of more than one of the dantian being used in one specific use. There are only 3 combinations that may arise from this; lower+upper, middle+upper, and all three combined. The former two applications are a minimum of A-rank. Creating an entity with all 3 dantian is S-rank at minimum and acts as an entirely independent existence.

Note: Genin may use this technique up to C-rank every two turns. Chunin may use this every other turn up to B-rank. Jounin may use this technique up to S-rank (A-rank for upper dantian), however S-rank usage requires a one turn cool down before re-use. Jounin are also capable of using Multi-Dantian.
Note: Dragon/Head Ninja/Master Ninja may use this technique up to Forbidden Rank but only Masters can use Forbidden Rank multi-dantian.
Note: Forbidden usage of any kind can only be used twice per battle and renders the user incapable of using any Neidan technique for two turns after use.
Note: All applications and familiars may be maintained with additional chakra per turn B-rank and below -5 chakra, A to S -10, -15 for Forbidden.
Note: Familiars consisting of multiple dantian last 4 turns if they are A-rank and 3 S-rank and above. However, only one multi-dantian familiar may exist at any given time from the user.


(Hachimon: Asa Kujaku) - Eight Gates: Morning Peacock

Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user will approach the target in a crane stance and kick then into the sky.Then the target is stuck with many punches that are literally on fire, which makes the peacock design in the air.The last blow send the enemy flying into the ground
Requirements:6 gates open

( Sukaiu~ōku ) - Sky Walk
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A skill usable by all EIG users and masters, once one has opened at least six of the EIG, he will gain the ability to walk on air to dodge, attack or defend from techniques. The ability pertains to movement in the air, meaning walking, jumping, dashing off the air itself etc and its speed depends on the Gate currently opened.
Note: Must have at least one gate opened.

(Hachimon: Hirudora) - Eight Gates: Daytime Tiger
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Daytime tiger is a strong and fast attack only useable through the activation of the seventh gate. the user makes a fist in front of their face with one hand and then taps it with their other, which creates a massive amount of air pressure resembling a tiger. The user then forms a unique hand seal, which launches the tiger at the opponent. The air pressure will condense as it's moving and be focused into a single point. The technique then explodes before impact, releasing the built up air pressure in an instant. A massive concussive explosion is created which can be felt a significant distance away.
Note: Use of technique will result in the user collapsing two turns after use due to tremendous pain.
Note: Can only be used twice.
Note: Requires EIG mastery.
(Nanimonai Zentei) – Vestibule of Nothingness
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 120
Description: The Vestibule of Nothingness is a skill that was used by the corrupted Takauji Ashikaga to invoke the natural powers afforded to him by the Void. Now usable by those high ranking necromancers and cultists who have undergone similar experimentation this technique, much like similar elemental variants, produces a type of natural fire that is devoid of chakra yet carries with it extremely powerful temperatures. As such it plays neutrally to all elemental natures. The destructive power of this technique is such that it can easily wipe out entire landmarks in a titanic blast of fire; alternatively, it can be released in the form of fireballs and beams of concentrated flame that can destroy much in the way of life.
Chise watched intently as the pair seemed to play out their strategy of choice in handling the Child of Tiamat in one final onslaught. Her brows knitted together in something akin to wariness as she was told to sit idly by and watch the pair take off toward the enemy. She remained vigilant in her position, waiting for any possible timing or need for her to step in and provide support as she had originally designated herself as. She watched in awe as the pair synced their strikes in seamless fluidity that left little to no room for the Child of Tiamat to retaliate. She watched as the fire began to surge from it's mouth and pour outward toward the open field and toward herself. Her eyes widened as Tengen dodged it rather easily, yet she'd have to deal with the crossfire. Swiftly she waved her hands together in a rapid successive forming of three seals, all the while her water chakra coursing through her. Immediately after the final seal was made, Chise had raised her right arm up, hand open and palm facing toward the oncoming flames as if she were prepared to catch it. Instead, a swirling rotation of water began to form around the center of her palm, of which upon her immediate will, suddenly poured outward in a rapidly growing torrent of rushing water that formed something of a wall in front of her and pushed forward with the swiftness of a racing current, colliding with the raging flames and swelling them in a rupturing dissipation of steam that rolled across the field.

Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: After waving the Boar → Dog → Ram handseals, a water vortex created in the palm of the user’s hand that can then be blasted forward creating a spiraling wall of water which can then be used to attack or defend.

After a hard swallow and a slow blink, Chise eyed the situation a moment longer to make sure she hadn't the need to immediately follow up with anything else, realizing that Mirabelle and Tengen had finished taking out the Child of Tiamat. She let out a heavy sigh, slowly bringing herself up from her previously crouched state, now standing straighter. Immediately she felt light-headed, bringing a hand over one of her blurring eyes as she let the rush slowly pass before turning her attention to Mirabelle once again. "Ah. Yeah, I'm fine.. We should--" Suddenly, a gurgling laughter that reverberated deeply through the air echoed from what was thought to be the lifeless remains of the enemy, yet it seemed to cling to a temporary shred of life. "So naive.. Never trust the herd is safe whilst.. chasing a lone wolf.. The pack knows the smell of fear.. And your flock is rank with it.." Chise's emerald eyes fell upon the beast as it echoed it's final words, carried out by a low, under-breath laughter that fell as it's last breath before the life finally left it's retinas permanently. Slowly, she turned her attention to Mirabelle and Tengen both. What did it mean..? Then, it hit her. "Mirabelle-Sensei! The Village!" Chise exclaimed in realization as she swiftly pivoted on her heels, rushing as quickly as she could back toward the direction of the village in pace with that of Mirabelle and Tengen both.

Upon arrival and coming in sight of the village, Chise noticed that the horde of undead had already reached the walls of the village, where the normal village guard fought violently to defend in any possible way to prevent the undead from getting inside. Rushing forward, Chise quickly formed a singular seal as she rushed toward the entrance of the village, of which she reeled her head back slightly in a deep breath before exhaling it in a streaming mist that ventured rapidly forward ahead of her. Upon inspection, the mist appeared to carry with it a volley of nails, all of which were aimed for the immediate line of undead that clogged the path toward the gates. The nails pierced primary joints, some into the backs of the head of the undead, causing a solid number to crumble to the ground from either debilitation or simply killed, leaving a narrow path for her to rush the rest of the way through to the gates where guards stood relieved by the fact they were no longer being violently assaulted at that very moment.

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description: After forming the needed hand seal, the user will emit a flying mist of small nails from their mouth. These small nails can travel towards the opponent at quite a distance.

The guard heaved a heavy, disgruntled gasp as he eyed Mirabelle and Tengen most prominently, practically disregarding Chise, given she was still very much a foreigner in their eyes, and it hardly changed their ways despite the crisis. "Thank the Gods you've returned, my lord and lady! They fell upon us so quickly, some got into the village but we're not sure how many..!" The guard exclaimed in a panic as he nurtured a wound that was visible across his left side with a firm pressed hand into it. Chise quickly turned her focus toward Mirabelle, offering her a steady gaze in her emerald eyes. "Mira-Sensei, do not worry about the village, I will clear the city. Please help them out here. They're injured and bound to begin dying if this isn't wrapped up quickly." With that, Chise didn't wait for a response before turning her attention toward the gate and kicked off of her feet, bolting down the street.

Quickly, she noted the undead that filled the streets of one particular district center and were making for barred doors and windows, tearing at the wood frames and threatening to pull them apart with little effort. She knew that she wouldn't be able to handle all of them on her own before it'd be too late for at least someone, so she needed to reinforce her efforts.. Chise rushed toward a fountain that sat at the center of the district she was in, looking in to make sure it was filled with water. With a quick formation of a single seal, she concentrated her water chakra into the pool of water in the fountain, causing it to begin molding upward into shapes that mimicked her own appearance, creating two clones of herself.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: After performing the Tiger handseal the user creates a clone of themselves made of water. These water clones have 1/10th of the users chakra. These clones are also limited in that they can only travel short range from the user without losing control. When a water clone take enough damage they revert back to normal water.

Note: Can only perform up to C-rank Water Release techniques, and requires a water source.

With numbers slightly more balanced toward her favor, Chise immediately took off toward a merchant cart that was being assaulted, a man hunched inside of it, barely avoiding the prying hands that were reaching for him as he cried out in fear for someone to help. She couldn't very well use her jutsu without possibly harming the man in the process, she'd have to result to more basic means. Quickly she lifted her hands to swiftly wave three consecutive seals, of which her clones mimicked the exact same before water chakra began to flow to each of their hands, forming a whip-like weapon that each of them utilized to sling toward the small collection of undead, each coiling around the necks and bodies of three different undead, pulling them away from the cart with hard tugs, leaving them more open and visible to strike with shuriken that Chise had pulled from her pouch and hurled toward the three ensnared undead, piercing into each of their skulls, causing them to drop lifelessly to the ground.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: After the user performs a series of three handseals: Rat → Dog → Ox, the user creates a whip of water that can be used to strike the opponent with a lashing action or wrap around the target to bind them. This technique can also have lightning techniques channeled through when they have bound their victim with the water whip.

Once the cart was taken care of, Chise quickly turned her focus toward a nearby building that was being broken into, of which seemed to have the cries of children sounding out from the splintering windows and doors. Chise and her clones rushed the scene, moving to pluck a kunai from her back pouch, of which her clones imitated similarly as the two clones rushed ahead of her, spearheading their attack. Each clone jumped upon one of the undead, driving their kunai deep into their necks as they used it as leverage to yank the corpses away from the house, of which Chise opted to instead prioritize killing her target, spearing it in the skull with her kunai, not even bothering to pull it out as she merely let go of it as it fell limp with the corpse to the ground. Chise pivoted, now being the only thing between the house and the undead that had been pulled away by her clones, of which had been hit several times by some lone undead that had shuttered toward the scene, biting into their necks and clawing at their chest, forcing them to dissolve into pools of water that they had originated from.

With a stern look, she eyed the group of four undead intently then just past them, noting that the space behind them was the broadside of a group of trees with a wall behind them. She quickly straightened her posture, a swelling of water chakra pooling through her as she exerted it outward from her mouth in a sudden wave that crashed forward toward the undead, only for her to immediately infuse the wave with a rush of wind chakra that she passed through into the wave, hastening it's speed and force as the wave violently crashed against the group of corpses, carrying them quickly across the center of the town before crashing through the trees, smashing their bodies off against them, causing the undead to fall lifelessly to the ground after the water slowly lost it's form and simply flooded the ground.

Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will first release a wave of water at the opponent, and then the user will enhance the wave's destructive capacity with wind.

With a heavy sigh of relief, Chise turned her attention one way, then the other, noting that there were no more immediate threats. She slowly slumped to the ground, back against the house she had just defended, panting softly as the adrenaline started to leave her body slowly, reminding her of just how much strain she had just put her body through while still being subject to the violent illness that had swept across the land. She turned her gaze to the small children that slowly poked their head out of the door, their mother behind them as she gave Chise a solid nod. "Thank you.. Thank you so much.." Chise slowly played a weak smile across her lips as the bags beneath her exhausted eyes darkened, lifting a hand to wave toward the woman slowly. "I'm just glad you're all safe.. Please, stay inside though until we know for sure everything is secure." The woman didn't hesitate before rushing her children back inside and closing the half-mangled door behind them, leaving Chise to rest, knowing that she had done far more than she ever imagined she would have been doing at the start of her day.. She slowly peered up toward the sky in the direction of the front gate she had arrived to, hoping that Mirabelle was managing well on her end.

This message marks the end of my mission.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Without a second doubt in her mind, Mirabelle and Tengen finished up the Child of Tiamat, and with the wave of zombies dealt with they arrived to the gates of the village. Mirabelle still in Sage Mode, she noticed the chaos currently happening as she moved next to the Hayabusa member. “Tengen…” she noted to her aid, which immediately knew what to do. She would apply her yang chakra into the wound, fully healing the man back to his peak state. “You’re welcome,” she said before turning around as they both faced the opposite direction of the area.

Fire Style: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation!
Fire Style: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation!

They both said, firing their attacks off into the distance, finishing the final horde off. “That should do..” she said, fist bumping Tengen with a cheeky smile.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.
(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

End of Misison.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
After a day of much needed rest after the events that had transpired with their mission to take out one of the Children of Tiamat, Chise had begun to resupply her equipment, along with food and water for the travel back to the village of Tsumigakure on the Western continent. After the events that had taken place, Chise seemed to have a slightly more genuine relationship with the village of the Hayabusa. Sure, she was still an outsider and treated as such, but it was at least less glares and gritted teeth at every corner she'd circle in the presence of one of them while she was there, with or without Mirabelle.

Once they had taken the time to settle their affairs, Mirabelle saying her goodbyes to those she was most familiar with in the village and a final visit to the shrine she had been the maiden of, where Chise had helped her clean up around the yard, they began to make their footwork toward the Western-most edge of the region of Owatatsumi, where they would find accommodations upon a ship at the harbor there that will fairy them across the waterline of Kasumi Strait as the beginning portion of their voyage back home.

Permission given by @Nakiri to navigate their bio Mirabelle Hayabusa across the following travel log:
Starting: Owatatsumi ( 214 )
Traveling across: Shalewood ( 171 ) < Ōkuninushi’s Peak ( 169 ) < Kurland ( 164 ) < Sister Isles ( 187 ) < Edo ( 113 ) < Warenaiwa ( 114 )
Final Destination: Graveyard of Sin ( 115 )

Chise & Mirabelle LLM ( 214 ) < ( 171 )

Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Sieg had traveled a far ways coming from the Badlands of earth, where the village he resided in prospered. It had been many many years since Sieg had even set foot within Owatatsumi. To be exact, he was still considered a child when he last visited the place. The many shrines dedicated to the Ryujin had made Sieg happy to know that the beings that had given the Hayabusa their abilities were being praised as they should. It was only the right thing to do. But this wasn't the reason he was here. He was here for something - No, someone else.

You see, Sieg had come across a very rare weapon some time ago; Specifically he had come into possession of a blade he had named Balmung. Balmung was passed down from warrior to warrior, all coming from different clans, lands and villages. Every holder before Sieg had lost their lives in the midst of battle for possession of the blade. All except a single soul. The previous holder of Balmung - Well the "Spirit Reaper" to other people, was a descendant of the same Clan that Sieg was from; The Hayabusa Clan. At some point in the past, the man and Sieg had ran into one another and fought for the right to be the owner of the blade, and Sieg was victorious. They were near equals at that point, but 2 things stopped Sieg from killing the man. One was the respect the man had earned from Sieg. Sieg always respected a warrior's pride and heart for battle, as long as they weren't scum. And for that respect, he couldn't take his life. He wanted to have more bouts when they both grew. And Sieg damn sure grew. The second, and more important reason that Sieg didn't kill the man, was the fact they both possessed the blood of the dragon lineage. There were strict rules within the clan and growing up a part of such a tight knit group, Sieg learned to follow such rules. One of the most strictly followed rules was not to take a life of another Hayabusa. This alone was reason enough that Sieg wouldn't kill the man. But - just like Sieg, the man had alot of Pride within him, and he wouldn't accept being spared. He gave up his life in a different way.

Sieg and the man had come to an agreement. If Sieg wouldn't kill the man, he'd have to use his control over Wuji to erase him from this plain of existence. And that's exactly what Sieg did. He erased the man entirely. But lately, the Calamity had felt alone. Like he needed something else to cause a fire within him. Then he had decided it. He'd return to bring the man back into existence, and it would most likely hurt the man's pride and force him to grow at a greater pace. Then with the feeling of being spared by Sieg would bring him to show Sieg another great battle between the two. It was perfect...

Now stopping at a shrine that seemed a bit smaller than the others Sieg had passed, he sat in the lotus position about 10m away from it.

"Still in the same condition as when I first built it, eh Raiden?"

Sieg knew that he would get no response. Well not yet at least. But hopefully he would soon be united with a warrior of great infamy. Now in the lotus position, Sieg closed his eyes and began whispering to himself while tapping into the power of his Neidan. Specifically he would be in touch with the side of Wuji he was actually more adept with than the other fields; Taij Dao.

Sieg wasn't sure how much time passed during his meditation and attempts to fully bring back a full blown member, but he finally opened his eyes. Still sitting in the lotus position, Sieg would sigh, bring out a bottle of sake from his bag and begin to sip it as he awaited. Either his attempts were a failure and he just got numerous days worth of meditation in, or he'd have one of his brethren back in this world, which would be cause for celebration; Hence the Sake being brought out.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought the strong stuff. The man has been gone for years, this will definitely burn his gut up. Ahahah"


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Sieg had traveled a far ways coming from the Badlands of earth, where the village he resided in prospered. It had been many many years since Sieg had even set foot within Owatatsumi. To be exact, he was still considered a child when he last visited the place. The many shrines dedicated to the Ryujin had made Sieg happy to know that the beings that had given the Hayabusa their abilities were being praised as they should. It was only the right thing to do. But this wasn't the reason he was here. He was here for something - No, someone else.

You see, Sieg had come across a very rare weapon some time ago; Specifically he had come into possession of a blade he had named Balmung. Balmung was passed down from warrior to warrior, all coming from different clans, lands and villages. Every holder before Sieg had lost their lives in the midst of battle for possession of the blade. All except a single soul. The previous holder of Balmung - Well the "Spirit Reaper" to other people, was a descendant of the same Clan that Sieg was from; The Hayabusa Clan. At some point in the past, the man and Sieg had ran into one another and fought for the right to be the owner of the blade, and Sieg was victorious. They were near equals at that point, but 2 things stopped Sieg from killing the man. One was the respect the man had earned from Sieg. Sieg always respected a warrior's pride and heart for battle, as long as they weren't scum. And for that respect, he couldn't take his life. He wanted to have more bouts when they both grew. And Sieg damn sure grew. The second, and more important reason that Sieg didn't kill the man, was the fact they both possessed the blood of the dragon lineage. There were strict rules within the clan and growing up a part of such a tight knit group, Sieg learned to follow such rules. One of the most strictly followed rules was not to take a life of another Hayabusa. This alone was reason enough that Sieg wouldn't kill the man. But - just like Sieg, the man had alot of Pride within him, and he wouldn't accept being spared. He gave up his life in a different way.

Sieg and the man had come to an agreement. If Sieg wouldn't kill the man, he'd have to use his control over Wuji to erase him from this plain of existence. And that's exactly what Sieg did. He erased the man entirely. But lately, the Calamity had felt alone. Like he needed something else to cause a fire within him. Then he had decided it. He'd return to bring the man back into existence, and it would most likely hurt the man's pride and force him to grow at a greater pace. Then with the feeling of being spared by Sieg would bring him to show Sieg another great battle between the two. It was perfect...

Now stopping at a shrine that seemed a bit smaller than the others Sieg had passed, he sat in the lotus position about 10m away from it.

"Still in the same condition as when I first built it, eh Raiden?"

Sieg knew that he would get no response. Well not yet at least. But hopefully he would soon be united with a warrior of great infamy. Now in the lotus position, Sieg closed his eyes and began whispering to himself while tapping into the power of his Neidan. Specifically he would be in touch with the side of Wuji he was actually more adept with than the other fields; Taij Dao.

Sieg wasn't sure how much time passed during his meditation and attempts to fully bring back a full blown member, but he finally opened his eyes. Still sitting in the lotus position, Sieg would sigh, bring out a bottle of sake from his bag and begin to sip it as he awaited. Either his attempts were a failure and he just got numerous days worth of meditation in, or he'd have one of his brethren back in this world, which would be cause for celebration; Hence the Sake being brought out.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought the strong stuff. The man has been gone for years, this will definitely burn his gut up. Ahahah"

Raiden’s eyes slowly opened as he felt the air rubbing against his body and flowing through his hair once more. It was as if he had just awakened from a year long slumber. As his eyes finally open fully, he slowly looks around, surveying the area he was in. He didn’t know where he was but he could easily sense many of his clan members nearby through his Taijin. Judging by the looks of the shrine that seemed a bit familiar to him he had one guess to where he currently was; home. There was one particular Hayabusa he sensed that seemed to be quite close. Right outside the small shrine. His signature was a bit familiar and so Raiden turned around and exited the shrine to greet the man.

As he came outside, he squinted his eyes then quickly place his right hand near his forehead, sheltering his eyes from the bright sun rays that was hitting him. His sight slowly came to him and everything soon began to show clearly. He was indeed in the country of Owatatsumi. A bit in front of him was the man he was sensing while in the shrine, a man meditating right there alone in the open.

“You there…”

Raiden addressed the man while looking around then ‘scanning’ the man. The clan’s power was strong within this one Raiden thought as he walked down the steps closer to the man.

“Why are you here?”

Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points

Raiden’s eyes slowly opened as he felt the air rubbing against his body and flowing through his hair once more. It was as if he had just awakened from a year long slumber. As his eyes finally open fully, he slowly looks around, surveying the area he was in. He didn’t know where he was but he could easily sense many of his clan members nearby through his Taijin. Judging by the looks of the shrine that seemed a bit familiar to him he had one guess to where he currently was; home. There was one particular Hayabusa he sensed that seemed to be quite close. Right outside the small shrine. His signature was a bit familiar and so Raiden turned around and exited the shrine to greet the man.

As he came outside, he squinted his eyes then quickly place his right hand near his forehead, sheltering his eyes from the bright sun rays that was hitting him. His sight slowly came to him and everything soon began to show clearly. He was indeed in the country of Owatatsumi. A bit in front of him was the man he was sensing while in the shrine, a man meditating right there alone in the open.

“You there…”

Raiden addressed the man while looking around then ‘scanning’ the man. The clan’s power was strong within this one Raiden thought as he walked down the steps closer to the man.

“Why are you here?”
Drinking the Sake and minding his own business at this point, Sieg heard someone with a scratchy voice speak up.

"You there..."

For a moment a feeling of genuine shock overcame Sieg, though he quickly got over it as the voice once again echoed into his ears.

“Why are you here?”

Sieg simply took another swig of his sake before putting the lid on to the bottle and tossing it to Raiden. Seems he didn't recognize Sieg off of first glance.

"Why? Heh. I didn't think I took away your memory when I erased you from this world. But then again, who knows. You're the first person I've ever brought back, so that could be a side effect. Hmm. Maybe you'll remember this -"

Sieg stood up and brought the Balmung off of his back, letting it's glimmering shine resonate along with the sun rays bouncing off of it.

"I think you called it, Spirit Reaper? He's been a good companion since that day...."


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Drinking the Sake and minding his own business at this point, Sieg heard someone with a scratchy voice speak up.

"You there..."

For a moment a feeling of genuine shock overcame Sieg, though he quickly got over it as the voice once again echoed into his ears.

“Why are you here?”

Sieg simply took another swig of his sake before putting the lid on to the bottle and tossing it to Raiden. Seems he didn't recognize Sieg off of first glance.

"Why? Heh. I didn't think I took away your memory when I erased you from this world. But then again, who knows. You're the first person I've ever brought back, so that could be a side effect. Hmm. Maybe you'll remember this -"

Sieg stood up and brought the Balmung off of his back, letting it's glimmering shine resonate along with the sun rays bouncing off of it.

"I think you called it, Spirit Reaper? He's been a good companion since that day...."
As Raiden questioned the man, he simply continued to drink instead of answering right away, then threw the bottle towards Raiden. Easily catching it with his left hand, Raiden shook it a bit to find out it was half empty before opening the lid to first smell it. ‘Sake??’ The White Devil thought to himself as the man began to talk. It seems this was some sort of gift, a conversation starter so to say. Before drinking it, Raiden would reach in his pouch for a vile of his own ‘magic’, consuming both together. Raiden’s focus wasn’t really on the man, but he was indeed listening to him slightly.

“…spirit reaper..”

Raiden immediately stopped drinking the sake as he heard those words. His memory began racing through his head, of his prized sword that he once wielded. Looking to his own side he saw it was nothing but a measly sword and not the spirit reaper. So, these memories of it being taken from him were true. Looking up back at the man he squinted his eyes, looking at his face. It all came back to him now.

“Thank you for bringing me back and keeping my sword in good hands…”

Raiden addressed the man as he cracked his neck. Flicking it from left to right, then throwing back his empty bottle of sake at him after taking the last amount in one mouth full.

“But it’s time you give me back my sword…or shall we go at it again?”

Raiden said with a devilish smirk. He knew this man wouldn’t easily give the sword back.

(Waidan) Golden Elixir
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Elixir, also called the Elixir of Immortality is a fabled elixir that is said to grant one immortality. Jo Hayabusa created a concoction in his youth and named it after the fabled elixir. The concoction is a mixture of herbs and soil from Owatatsumi, the blood of the Hayabusa, and the combination of a Hayabusa’s chakra from all three dantian. The result is a fogless, blood red elixir that augments a Hayabusa’s Neidan techniques when touched or ingested. This elixir is stored within a sealed container that, when released, causes the chakra stored within it to overflow back into the user. This elixir increase the strength of a Hayabusa’s Neidan techniques through increasing the chakra output of their techniques.

Note: This elixir can be created by jounin ranked shinobi and higher. Dragon and Head Ninja can carry two elixirs while master ninja can carry three. All elixirs must be posted in one’s bios.
Note: Making the elixir happens outside of battle and requires the user to sacrifice a fixed amount of their chakra. For example, if a user makes 2 elixirs that contain 100 chakra each, then their default chakra capacity at the beginning of battles and/or events is 200 less than what it would normally be. This is a result of the user sealing that fixed amount inside their elixir. No elixir can contain more than 300 chakra.
Note: When an elixir is used, the chakra from the elixir adds to the user’s Neidan techniques every time they are used (by increments of 10) until the chakra is used up. The results of this increases a Neidan technique’s capabilities to match techniques of equivalent chakra.
Note: Hayabusa can also utilize the elixir to elongate a Neidan technique’s turn duration by one turn for every 100 chakra points contained in the elixir. However only one elixir can be used to achieve this per battle.
Note: If anybody other than a Hayabusa attempts to use the elixir they will lose chakra equivalent to what is in the elixir due to their inability to handle the chakra of the dantian.

Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
As Raiden questioned the man, he simply continued to drink instead of answering right away, then threw the bottle towards Raiden. Easily catching it with his left hand, Raiden shook it a bit to find out it was half empty before opening the lid to first smell it. ‘Sake??’ The White Devil thought to himself as the man began to talk. It seems this was some sort of gift, a conversation starter so to say. Before drinking it, Raiden would reach in his pouch for a vile of his own ‘magic’, consuming both together. Raiden’s focus wasn’t really on the man, but he was indeed listening to him slightly.

“…spirit reaper..”

Raiden immediately stopped drinking the sake as he heard those words. His memory began racing through his head, of his prized sword that he once wielded. Looking to his own side he saw it was nothing but a measly sword and not the spirit reaper. So, these memories of it being taken from him were true. Looking up back at the man he squinted his eyes, looking at his face. It all came back to him now.

“Thank you for bringing me back and keeping my sword in good hands…”

Raiden addressed the man as he cracked his neck. Flicking it from left to right, then throwing back his empty bottle of sake at him after taking the last amount in one mouth full.

“But it’s time you give me back my sword…or shall we go at it again?”

Raiden said with a devilish smirk. He knew this man wouldn’t easily give the sword back.

(Waidan) Golden Elixir
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Elixir, also called the Elixir of Immortality is a fabled elixir that is said to grant one immortality. Jo Hayabusa created a concoction in his youth and named it after the fabled elixir. The concoction is a mixture of herbs and soil from Owatatsumi, the blood of the Hayabusa, and the combination of a Hayabusa’s chakra from all three dantian. The result is a fogless, blood red elixir that augments a Hayabusa’s Neidan techniques when touched or ingested. This elixir is stored within a sealed container that, when released, causes the chakra stored within it to overflow back into the user. This elixir increase the strength of a Hayabusa’s Neidan techniques through increasing the chakra output of their techniques.

Note: This elixir can be created by jounin ranked shinobi and higher. Dragon and Head Ninja can carry two elixirs while master ninja can carry three. All elixirs must be posted in one’s bios.
Note: Making the elixir happens outside of battle and requires the user to sacrifice a fixed amount of their chakra. For example, if a user makes 2 elixirs that contain 100 chakra each, then their default chakra capacity at the beginning of battles and/or events is 200 less than what it would normally be. This is a result of the user sealing that fixed amount inside their elixir. No elixir can contain more than 300 chakra.
Note: When an elixir is used, the chakra from the elixir adds to the user’s Neidan techniques every time they are used (by increments of 10) until the chakra is used up. The results of this increases a Neidan technique’s capabilities to match techniques of equivalent chakra.
Note: Hayabusa can also utilize the elixir to elongate a Neidan technique’s turn duration by one turn for every 100 chakra points contained in the elixir. However only one elixir can be used to achieve this per battle.
Note: If anybody other than a Hayabusa attempts to use the elixir they will lose chakra equivalent to what is in the elixir due to their inability to handle the chakra of the dantian.
Sieg watched Raiden inspect the bottle of Sake with a smell of the drink. It was only natural to do so, so Sieg took no offense to it. But what was interesting was the fact the man pulled out what seemed to be a Golden Elixir, which he could tell by the fact he could feel the Neidan existing within the drink. After seeing Raiden down the Elixir along with the Sake, Sieg knew the intentions that were in mind. Raiden was a Dragon for a reason, and his mind state when it came to battling was probably similar to that of Seig's.

“Thank you for bringing me back and keeping my sword in good hands…”

Sieg had a kinda confused look on his face at this point. Did Raiden truly believe the sword belonged to him still? He must've went insane within the limbo of nonexistence. There would never be another soul to wield the sword that Sieg held in his had, and that was something he would personally make sure of. With that in mind, Sieg simply caught the sake bottle and ignored the comment altogether.

“But it’s time you give me back my sword…or shall we go at it again?”

Now THIS caught Sieg's attention. He'd flex his chakra a bit to put pressure on Raiden, and knowing full well what the golden Elixir was capable of, Sieg still decided not to drink his to show the man that he needed nothing additional to put him on his pockets.

"Hmm. Guess you do have some fighting to make up for. Let's test a few things out...."

(Ninjutsu: oshi kokuou) Ninja Art: Pressure Of A King
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 5 - 40 (40)
Damage: N/a
Description: This technique is used as another form of intimidation, by showcasing the amount of chakra the user currently wields/posses. The user will exert chakra from all over their body releasing their chakra causing it to take on a transparent hue but visible to the eye. Resembling a distortion in the air. This chakra due to it being very powerful becomes very dense, meaning others though its not offensive, can feel it. As if their body got slightly heavier then normal. Depending on how much chakra is released, depends on how far the chakra can be felt from a distance.

Note: This jutsu is mainly for rping purposes but the effects of S rank can stun a chounin and genin
Note: The S rank can only be used twice
Note: A-S rank reaches up to long range C-B reaches up to mid range E-D Short range
Note: This is offensive in no way at all. This jutsu though it makes the opponent feel slightly heavier its for cosmetic purposes and does not effect the speed what so ever


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Sieg watched Raiden inspect the bottle of Sake with a smell of the drink. It was only natural to do so, so Sieg took no offense to it. But what was interesting was the fact the man pulled out what seemed to be a Golden Elixir, which he could tell by the fact he could feel the Neidan existing within the drink. After seeing Raiden down the Elixir along with the Sake, Sieg knew the intentions that were in mind. Raiden was a Dragon for a reason, and his mind state when it came to battling was probably similar to that of Seig's.

“Thank you for bringing me back and keeping my sword in good hands…”

Sieg had a kinda confused look on his face at this point. Did Raiden truly believe the sword belonged to him still? He must've went insane within the limbo of nonexistence. There would never be another soul to wield the sword that Sieg held in his had, and that was something he would personally make sure of. With that in mind, Sieg simply caught the sake bottle and ignored the comment altogether.

“But it’s time you give me back my sword…or shall we go at it again?”

Now THIS caught Sieg's attention. He'd flex his chakra a bit to put pressure on Raiden, and knowing full well what the golden Elixir was capable of, Sieg still decided not to drink his to show the man that he needed nothing additional to put him on his pockets.

"Hmm. Guess you do have some fighting to make up for. Let's test a few things out...."

(Ninjutsu: oshi kokuou) Ninja Art: Pressure Of A King
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 5 - 40 (40)
Damage: N/a
Description: This technique is used as another form of intimidation, by showcasing the amount of chakra the user currently wields/posses. The user will exert chakra from all over their body releasing their chakra causing it to take on a transparent hue but visible to the eye. Resembling a distortion in the air. This chakra due to it being very powerful becomes very dense, meaning others though its not offensive, can feel it. As if their body got slightly heavier then normal. Depending on how much chakra is released, depends on how far the chakra can be felt from a distance.

Note: This jutsu is mainly for rping purposes but the effects of S rank can stun a chounin and genin
Note: The S rank can only be used twice
Note: A-S rank reaches up to long range C-B reaches up to mid range E-D Short range
Note: This is offensive in no way at all. This jutsu though it makes the opponent feel slightly heavier its for cosmetic purposes and does not effect the speed what so ever
(I'll make the fight thread rn)

‘Such power…’ raiden thought to himself as he smirked and began to slowly walk to his side while surveying the area and the ninja himself. By this time, he would bring forth his other half to speak with using one of his clan’s oldest ability.

‘Seems we have a strong one here once more Master Raiden..’

‘We’ve been through worse. Heh’

Raiden mentally communicated to his enhance spirit partner as he focused wind chakra into his hand and quickly swiped it to the side, releasing a sharp and fast blade of wind to travel horizontally at the man. He wanted to test the man’s skills out slowly but surely, but he couldn’t let his guard down.

Neidan: Taij Dao ) Internal Alchemey: Way of the Supreme
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D - Forbidden (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 60 (40)
Description: Taiji Dao is the sister technique to Wuji Dao and its polar opposite. Where the latter returns existence to nothigness, Taiji Dao brings existence from nothingness. Fundamentally, the user creates physical, vital, and/or spiritual entities through the use of their Dantian. The user is also capable of returning enties they've erased with Wuji Dao back into existence in the condition they were erased. The constructs and creations that a user can conjure are limited to their imagination. These constructs, if appropriate, are capable of using Neidan techniques that coincide with the dantian used to create them (e.g physical constructs can use techniques with the lower dantian) ( the entities can, not constructs ). Like other techniques that possess the Chakra of the Dragon, the user is capable of keeping track of anything created with this technique via their Taijin ability. The basic application of this technique sees the use of one of the three dantian to create an entity. However, advanced users are capable of combining two or all three dantian to create entities with qualities of multiple dantian. Combining all three of the dantian is the equivalent to creating a sentient familiar. This technique is learned at genin rank and requires 5 hand signs for external uses. Each rank reduces the requirements for hand signs by 2. The upper echleon (Dragon, Head, Master) may use this technique B-rank and below without hand signs.

Lower Dantian: This application sees the creation of physical entities from Wuji (Nothingness). Entities created with this dantian may possess properties of any material state of matter (solids and liquids primarily) and can be created internal or external of the Hayabusa. Hayabusa are also capable of replacing or adding body parts to themselves (or others through direct contact A-rank usage) such as lost or additional limbs, appendages, or wings. Those with medical knowledge can even replace vital organs, tissues, and cells. The limitations of this technique are that: entities created must be 5 meters away from adversaries unless the user is within close range. Entities such as poisons, diseases, or composites of actual elemental natures cannot be created. Familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. All created constructs possess a black reptilian scale like aesthetic pattern, representing Sokotsu.

Middle Dantian: This application sees the creation of vital/etheral entities from Wuji. Entities created with this dantian possess plasma like forms similar to lightning and fire and appear as translucent black energy. The versatility of this application is less than the lower dantian's application as it possesses no such maluable ability to be formed into multiple different states of matter. Entities created with this application is incredibly high energy giving them the capability to burn on touch or even ignite objects and beings within close proximity (ignition at A-rank and above must be within 2 meters of the entity). The user is immune to their own energy's burning effects. Like the previous application, familiars created with this dantian alone are non-sentient. Entities cannot be created within 5 meters of adversaries unless close range is already established between the user and opponent(s).

Upper Dantian: This application sees the creation of spiritual entities from Wuji. This application allows the user to create a seperate sentience within themselves, or others. This spiritual creation may appear however the user deems fit as it is only a mental representation of the consciousness. Unless created within the consciousness of another, these spiritual beings are only concievable, and communicable to the Hayabusa who created it. Unlike the previous two applications, the user may create this spiritual sentience within another as long as they are within appropriate range. However, their only function is to prevent opponents from using mental/spiritual techniques of certain levels (B-rank prevents enemies from using S-rank and above spiritual/mental techniques. Every rank above that decreases the enemy's use by 1-rank). If created inside the user, the entity acts as a partner capable of using upper dantian techniques without the need for the user's input and is unaffected by spiritual/mental techniques directed at the user. Likewise it can block spiritual techniques on the user's behalf as well (A-rank and below starting at B-rank creations and increasing by 1 rank for every rank above B). This application requires one to be chunin rank and is B-rank at minimum. B and A-rank uses require the user to be within mid-range to use against targets. S-rank requires short range and Forbidden rank requires direct physical contact.

Multi-Dantian: This sees the application of more than one of the dantian being used in one specific use. There are only 3 combinations that may arise from this; lower+upper, middle+upper, and all three combined. The former two applications are a minimum of A-rank. Creating an entity with all 3 dantian is S-rank at minimum and acts as an entirely independent existence.

Note: Genin may use this technique up to C-rank every two turns. Chunin may use this every other turn up to B-rank. Jounin may use this technique up to S-rank (A-rank for upper dantian), however S-rank usage requires a one turn cool down before re-use. Jounin are also capable of using Multi-Dantian.
Note: Dragon/Head Ninja/Master Ninja may use this technique up to Forbidden Rank but only Masters can use Forbidden Rank multi-dantian.
Note: Forbidden usage of any kind can only be used twice per battle and renders the user incapable of using any Neidan technique for two turns after use.
Note: All applications and familiars may be maintained with additional chakra per turn B-rank and below -5 chakra, A to S -10, -15 for Forbidden.
Note: Familiars consisting of multiple dantian last 4 turns if they are A-rank and 3 S-rank and above. However, only one multi-dantian familiar may exist at any given time from the user.

Fūton: Kaze No Yaiba) - Wind Style: Wind Blade
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This technique is a pinpoint slashing strike, where the user emits chakra from their fingertips and materialises it into an near invisible weapon that assaults the enemy in a gust of wind. If the Sickle Weasel Technique can be regarded as a swarm of small wind kunai, then this technique is akin to a virtually unavoidable longsword which can leave the target's body mutilated. Just being in close proximity to the technique can cause minor cuts. The wind blades can be created and thrown, like projectiles, in rapid succession, although in this case, each one weaker than the single use application. The technique cannot be blocked by physical weapons and is insanely fast by not relying on the use of Hand seals but, because it still requires the user to perform hand gestures to use and is somewhat visible in the effect it produces, it can still be defended against by using appropriate evasion techniques or fast elemental ninjutsu.


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from here

Upon the formation of the sealing barrier, Raiden knew this could be it, unless the man suddenly retreats which no true Hayabusa warrior ever would. But suddenly, something on the man began to glow and before he knew it his barrier was erased. ‘Wuji Dao??’ Raiden asked his conscience as he was caught off guard, his eyes opening wide as he didn’t have time to react or evade. His former blade sliced across his chest, gushing out a flow of blood. Holding his wound and stumbling back the man continued to talk and instead of fear or regret, Raiden smiled at the sight of his own blood. This made him acknowledge the man’s might even more. Being able to damage The White Devil so easily, with his former blade too at that.

As he took one step back to try to gain his balance, he was suddenly blasted by some wind from Sieg sending him with speed to the shrine’s wall he came out from. His body banged against the wall as more blood gushed out his mouth and he fell to the ground, sitting up and leaning against the wall. He was gone for too long; his full power wasn’t there yet. The battle wouldn’t need to continue, Raiden already knew what the outcome would be if he did. Instead he simply began laughing after looking at the cut across his chest and gently place his left hand on it, healing the cut as if it never happened.

“My oh my...I guess I really underestimated you..sieg’

Raiden said as he slowly rose back to his feet after healing his wound. Sieg spoke of much stronger opponents in some country of his. As a battle hungry warrior of course, this would peak Raiden’s interest.

‘But you say they are stronger ones out there?’

Raiden asked as he looked into the sky, as if he was remembering someone or something. The man’s offer to come to his country seem rather interesting.

‘I think it’s time for me to indeed venture out and regain my skills, sieg..’
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from here

Upon the formation of the sealing barrier, Raiden knew this could be it, unless the man suddenly retreats which no true Hayabusa warrior ever would. But suddenly, something on the man began to glow and before he knew it his barrier was erased. ‘Wuji Dao??’ Raiden asked his conscience as he was caught off guard, his eyes opening wide as he didn’t have time to react or evade. His former blade sliced across his chest, gushing out a flow of blood. Holding his wound and stumbling back the man continued to talk and instead of fear or regret, Raiden smiled at the sight of his own blood. This made him acknowledge the man’s might even more. Being able to damage The White Devil so easily, with his former blade too at that.

As he took one step back to try to gain his balance, he was suddenly blasted by some wind from Sieg sending him with speed to the shrine’s wall he came out from. His body banged against the wall as more blood gushed out his mouth and he fell to the ground, sitting up and leaning against the wall. He was gone for too long; his full power wasn’t there yet. The battle wouldn’t need to continue, Raiden already knew what the outcome would be if he did. Instead he simply began laughing after looking at the cut across his chest and gently place his left hand on it, healing the cut as if it never happened.

“My oh my...I guess I really underestimated you..sieg’

Raiden said as he slowly rose back to his feet after healing his wound. Sieg spoke of much stronger opponents in some country of his. As a battle hungry warrior of course, this would peak Raiden’s interest.

‘But you say they are stronger ones out there?’

Raiden asked as he looked into the sky, as if he was remembering someone or something. The man’s offer to come to his country seem rather interesting.

‘I think it’s time for me to indeed venture out and regain my skills, sieg..’
With Raiden healing himself and speaking up, Sieg could feel that the small bout had come to an end. He was relieved that it ended with minimal bloodshed between the Hayabusa brethren, and it seemed Raiden would take up Sieg's offer to make Tsumigakure his new home. It was relieving indeed to be adding yet another great war potential to the likes of the Sin village.

"Ah yes... There are a few above me in power. There's Geets... Mirabelle and even Sado sama himself. How about we head there so we can accommodate you?!"

At this point Sieg would sheath Balmung on his back againa and let out a last sigh of relief.

"Maybe grab a few more bottles of Sake on the way also. My treat. Aha"


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
With Raiden healing himself and speaking up, Sieg could feel that the small bout had come to an end. He was relieved that it ended with minimal bloodshed between the Hayabusa brethren, and it seemed Raiden would take up Sieg's offer to make Tsumigakure his new home. It was relieving indeed to be adding yet another great war potential to the likes of the Sin village.

"Ah yes... There are a few above me in power. There's Geets... Mirabelle and even Sado sama himself. How about we head there so we can accommodate you?!"

At this point Sieg would sheath Balmung on his back againa and let out a last sigh of relief.

"Maybe grab a few more bottles of Sake on the way also. My treat. Aha"
Raiden didn't have much to say. He simply nodded his head while dusting off himself.

'Lead the way, brother..'

(Giving you permission to control my bio for travel purposes)
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  • Love
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Sieg took the nod as Raiden accepting the offer into Tsumigakure. With that done and out the way, the two, clansmen and village mates took off together; Leaving the country of the Hayabusa and making their way towards their homeland.

Travel Itinerary:
214 > 206 (5:15pm)
206 > 205 (6pm)
205 > 259 (6:45pm)
259 > 25 (7:30pm)
25 > 26 (8:15pm)
26 > 34 (9pm)
34 > 33 (9:45pm)
33 > 38 (10:30pm)
38 > 40 (11:15pm)
40 > 43 (12am)
43 > 120 (12:45am)
120 > 118 (1:30am)
118 > 115 (2:15am)


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from: https://animebase.me/threads/kasumi-straight-256.757189/latest

This post begins the mission utilizing the following elements:

  • Visit one’s homeland (1, Custom)
Finally arriving back to Owatatsumi; which honestly felt like years. Mirabelle commanded her thunderbird, as the creature slowly began to lower in descend towards the ground. Mirabelle already can sense three entities approaching rapidly towards her position. She decided to land roughly a mile away from the northern borders; prompting shinobi from Owatasumi to quickly converge to her position. Once the thunderbird landed, she desummoned it – having no more use for and having no interest in it summoning up a storm over the country. Once she turned, she met face to face with the border patrol unit of the village. They all immediately lowered into a bow of sorts, causing Mirabelle to feel awkward almost immediately. “Mira-hime…it’s been months seen we’ve last seen you however its an honor having you back home once more” one of the men spoke. However before she can speak another one immediately followed in. “Master Tengen has been keeping things in order for you in your absence, it was a thrill to know you was approaching the village. Everyone is waiting to see once more” they all got up. Mirabelle felt embarrassed honestly, these damned patrols already set the tone of how things are going to be when she arrives back at the village. “Right…lets get moving shall we?” she said immediately body flickering into the trees. They nodded and followed suite; as it only took a few minutes to arrive at the north gate of the Dragon Castle. Once they arrived, Mirabelle was immediately agreed with claps and applause. “Welcome home Princess Mirabelle!” many of them shouted. Her face turned red immediately, as she scratched her cheek. She wasn’t accustomed of being called Princess, but due her being of the royal linage of the clan, it was to be expected afterall.

She waved to everyone who greeted her, but as she walked to the center of operations in the village, she noticed Tengen and Chiyo waiting on her. “Well well, if it isn’t the village princess. It’s about time you came and saw us” Tengen said gently bumping his fist into her shoulders. She chuckled a bit as she lowered herself to meet with Chiyo. “Granny Chiyo…I’m glad you’re ok” she said hugging her. “My my what a pretty woman you’ve become…” Chiyo said, but her smile started to fade into sadness. Mirabelle noticed too, the other councilmen of the village. She didn’t want to ask, but she figured she would. Prompting it to Tengen, the man looked over in the direction of the village cemetery. “One hundred and seven…among them included Hina…” he had to say the bad news to Mirabelle. Her eyes widened, only to become watery. As she started to sob, Tengen placed his hand on her shoulder. “Hina said not to cry; you’re her idol and doesn’t want to see you crying” Tengen said, placing a hair clip that once belong to Hina in her hand. Mirabelle clenched in her palms, as she nodded. “Thank you, Hina…” she said placing the hair clip on hair.

Mirabelle cleared her eyes up, as she sat down and started to look into the skies above. “Sorry it took me so long…its just…I became the leader of Tsumigakure as well, so trying to balance out to places at once can be a bit…hard” she said trying to find the right words to use here. Tengen took a seat next to her too, as they both looked out to the villagers carrying out their daily routines. “I understand, which is why I’m your substitute when not here. All orders I make come from you directly, I don’t mind being you’re proxy after all haha” Tengen said with an earnest tone. Mirabelle really could count on him. “Well let’s chill out for a little bit, visit Hina and the others before my wives get back” he said getting up; taking Mirabelle by the hand and dragging her to the cemetery. Mirabelle arrived to the gravesite, reading the headstone “Hina Hayabusa” her birthday was today…she’d be nine years old. The red fever claimed her life and honestly, Mirabelle couldn’t help but feel enraged by the loss of so many people. She vowed to protect the world, no matter what she had to do from now on to make sure no one ever has to suffer like this again. “Let’s go…I need to start working on tell you about what’s been happening at the Last Bastion…” Mirabelle said as they both walked back to the central building to discuss what happened as of recently and her plans.

End of Mission.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Came from: https://animebase.me/threads/kasumi-straight-256.757189/latest

This post begins the mission utilizing the following elements:

  • Visit one’s homeland (1, Custom)
Finally arriving back to Owatatsumi; which honestly felt like years. Mirabelle commanded her thunderbird, as the creature slowly began to lower in descend towards the ground. Mirabelle already can sense three entities approaching rapidly towards her position. She decided to land roughly a mile away from the northern borders; prompting shinobi from Owatasumi to quickly converge to her position. Once the thunderbird landed, she desummoned it – having no more use for and having no interest in it summoning up a storm over the country. Once she turned, she met face to face with the border patrol unit of the village. They all immediately lowered into a bow of sorts, causing Mirabelle to feel awkward almost immediately. “Mira-hime…it’s been months seen we’ve last seen you however its an honor having you back home once more” one of the men spoke. However before she can speak another one immediately followed in. “Master Tengen has been keeping things in order for you in your absence, it was a thrill to know you was approaching the village. Everyone is waiting to see once more” they all got up. Mirabelle felt embarrassed honestly, these damned patrols already set the tone of how things are going to be when she arrives back at the village. “Right…lets get moving shall we?” she said immediately body flickering into the trees. They nodded and followed suite; as it only took a few minutes to arrive at the north gate of the Dragon Castle. Once they arrived, Mirabelle was immediately agreed with claps and applause. “Welcome home Princess Mirabelle!” many of them shouted. Her face turned red immediately, as she scratched her cheek. She wasn’t accustomed of being called Princess, but due her being of the royal linage of the clan, it was to be expected afterall.

She waved to everyone who greeted her, but as she walked to the center of operations in the village, she noticed Tengen and Chiyo waiting on her. “Well well, if it isn’t the village princess. It’s about time you came and saw us” Tengen said gently bumping his fist into her shoulders. She chuckled a bit as she lowered herself to meet with Chiyo. “Granny Chiyo…I’m glad you’re ok” she said hugging her. “My my what a pretty woman you’ve become…” Chiyo said, but her smile started to fade into sadness. Mirabelle noticed too, the other councilmen of the village. She didn’t want to ask, but she figured she would. Prompting it to Tengen, the man looked over in the direction of the village cemetery. “One hundred and seven…among them included Hina…” he had to say the bad news to Mirabelle. Her eyes widened, only to become watery. As she started to sob, Tengen placed his hand on her shoulder. “Hina said not to cry; you’re her idol and doesn’t want to see you crying” Tengen said, placing a hair clip that once belong to Hina in her hand. Mirabelle clenched in her palms, as she nodded. “Thank you, Hina…” she said placing the hair clip on hair.

Mirabelle cleared her eyes up, as she sat down and started to look into the skies above. “Sorry it took me so long…its just…I became the leader of Tsumigakure as well, so trying to balance out to places at once can be a bit…hard” she said trying to find the right words to use here. Tengen took a seat next to her too, as they both looked out to the villagers carrying out their daily routines. “I understand, which is why I’m your substitute when not here. All orders I make come from you directly, I don’t mind being you’re proxy after all haha” Tengen said with an earnest tone. Mirabelle really could count on him. “Well let’s chill out for a little bit, visit Hina and the others before my wives get back” he said getting up; taking Mirabelle by the hand and dragging her to the cemetery. Mirabelle arrived to the gravesite, reading the headstone “Hina Hayabusa” her birthday was today…she’d be nine years old. The red fever claimed her life and honestly, Mirabelle couldn’t help but feel enraged by the loss of so many people. She vowed to protect the world, no matter what she had to do from now on to make sure no one ever has to suffer like this again. “Let’s go…I need to start working on tell you about what’s been happening at the Last Bastion…” Mirabelle said as they both walked back to the central building to discuss what happened as of recently and her plans.

End of Mission.

Spawning le Hayabusa.

Leda wakes up in a bed in what appeared to be a... Shed. At least, that is what it looks like from the inside... I mean, it could be a home. But only a home for someone who would consider a shed a house... She rolls over in this sorry excuse for a bed and notices two bottles of saki drunk almost to their end. And as she rolled over to the first sight being saki, her head and stomach immediately began to turn... "Bloody..." she murmured without finishing. She wanted to scream at the sheer headache she felt however that would only make it worse. "What the hell happened... What time is it?.. Where... Where am I?.." Leda thought to herself. Slowly but surely, she got out of bed and made her way to the door. As she turned the very shaky knob, the knob stayed in her hand and the door fell forward both off the hinges and off the knob. Leda was not impressed. She lightly tossed doorknob behind her and proceeded to walk outside. It looked... Like a beautiful village... It looked like... Her home... Owatatsumi.

"This is... Home..." Leda said as she put on a great smile. However, that smile quickly faded when she remembered she distanced herself some time ago... It had been around a decade. At least, it had to be. It felt like it to her. She reached down in her ninja pouch on her right leg and pulled out a cup. Then reached into another pouch on her left leg and pulled out what appeared to be a travel size bottle of saki. She then proceeded to "po up". "This might become interesting."

She traveled a little up north from her location, traversing some grassy hills of what appeared to have been farmlands of the old. She had been unbothered and not apprehended by any rivaling shinobi thus far so that was indeed a good sign. She knew if she was not wanted in Owatatsumi, she would have most likely already have been assassinated... Traversing a few miles ahead, Leda stumbles on... A castle?.. One she did not necessarily remember before. This meant two things in Leda's mind: things have changed around here, or she had just never been to these parts of her homeland before. "Interesting..." Leda murmurs followed by a big gulp of her saki. There was simply no one around. Was this place abandoned?.. She passed through what appeared to be very faultily secured gates and made her way into the castle... A bold move on her part but again, if the inhabitants of her homeland wanted her dead, she would have surely perished by now...

After entering this... Castle, which was oddly very nice... She blatantly and clearly spoke: "Hello?.. Anyone here?.." Not a peep... "I need to use the bathroom!" She yelled. She took a final and giant sip of the last bit of the saki that was in her cup and tossed the cup to the side where it would shatter across the hard flooring. No answer. Empty... "This place looks far from abandoned." She stared at the adorned castle scenary while waiting to be greeted by someone... Anyone...


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points

Spawning le Hayabusa.

Leda wakes up in a bed in what appeared to be a... Shed. At least, that is what it looks like from the inside... I mean, it could be a home. But only a home for someone who would consider a shed a house... She rolls over in this sorry excuse for a bed and notices two bottles of saki drunk almost to their end. And as she rolled over to the first sight being saki, her head and stomach immediately began to turn... "Bloody..." she murmured without finishing. She wanted to scream at the sheer headache she felt however that would only make it worse. "What the hell happened... What time is it?.. Where... Where am I?.." Leda thought to herself. Slowly but surely, she got out of bed and made her way to the door. As she turned the very shaky knob, the knob stayed in her hand and the door fell forward both off the hinges and off the knob. Leda was not impressed. She lightly tossed doorknob behind her and proceeded to walk outside. It looked... Like a beautiful village... It looked like... Her home... Owatatsumi.

"This is... Home..." Leda said as she put on a great smile. However, that smile quickly faded when she remembered she distanced herself some time ago... It had been around a decade. At least, it had to be. It felt like it to her. She reached down in her ninja pouch on her right leg and pulled out a cup. Then reached into another pouch on her left leg and pulled out what appeared to be a travel size bottle of saki. She then proceeded to "po up". "This might become interesting."

She traveled a little up north from her location, traversing some grassy hills of what appeared to have been farmlands of the old. She had been unbothered and not apprehended by any rivaling shinobi thus far so that was indeed a good sign. She knew if she was not wanted in Owatatsumi, she would have most likely already have been assassinated... Traversing a few miles ahead, Leda stumbles on... A castle?.. One she did not necessarily remember before. This meant two things in Leda's mind: things have changed around here, or she had just never been to these parts of her homeland before. "Interesting..." Leda murmurs followed by a big gulp of her saki. There was simply no one around. Was this place abandoned?.. She passed through what appeared to be very faultily secured gates and made her way into the castle... A bold move on her part but again, if the inhabitants of her homeland wanted her dead, she would have surely perished by now...

After entering this... Castle, which was oddly very nice... She blatantly and clearly spoke: "Hello?.. Anyone here?.." Not a peep... "I need to use the bathroom!" She yelled. She took a final and giant sip of the last bit of the saki that was in her cup and tossed the cup to the side where it would shatter across the hard flooring. No answer. Empty... "This place looks far from abandoned." She stared at the adorned castle scenary while waiting to be greeted by someone... Anyone...
Idly in the middle of chatter with Tengen, both shinobi sensed another Hayabusa approaching the central part of the village. While they where always aware of the person’s location regardless of where they are in the world; they don’t always hone in on particular individuals unless needed. This with the accompaniment of yelling and the breaking of what sounds like glass prompted both of them to get up and quickly investigate what was happening. Upon arrival they noticed a rather…unfamiliar face; both watching and shrugging at each other as both didn’t have the slightest clue as to whom she was. Never the less, Mirabelle quickly came to her aid, seeing the glass it can only be chalked up to her being drunk. “What terrible condition you’re in…” she said placing her hands on her body and utilizing her medical expertise to scan her. Her initial guess was correct, she was intoxicated as all hell. Mirabelle placed sighed, perhaps one of the party goers who drank a little bit too much for her arrival back home. She rested her onto a chair as Tengen got some of the medical treatment gear from the pantry. “You need to be careful, why do you all over do it sometimes?” she asked the woman. Mirabelle scuffed, simply getting some water in a cup from the fountain nearby as she returned towards the newcomer. “And who might you be?” she asked. It was clear she was a Hayabusa, but she still had no idea who she was at all. As Tengen came back, he had some medication to help with the intoxication.

Drink this, then explain yourself” she ordered her to do. Judging by her connection to Wuji, Mirabelle can tell it was rather weak. A Genin or Chunin at best, but that didn’t matter at the moment.


Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Idly in the middle of chatter with Tengen, both shinobi sensed another Hayabusa approaching the central part of the village. While they where always aware of the person’s location regardless of where they are in the world; they don’t always hone in on particular individuals unless needed. This with the accompaniment of yelling and the breaking of what sounds like glass prompted both of them to get up and quickly investigate what was happening. Upon arrival they noticed a rather…unfamiliar face; both watching and shrugging at each other as both didn’t have the slightest clue as to whom she was. Never the less, Mirabelle quickly came to her aid, seeing the glass it can only be chalked up to her being drunk. “What terrible condition you’re in…” she said placing her hands on her body and utilizing her medical expertise to scan her. Her initial guess was correct, she was intoxicated as all hell. Mirabelle placed sighed, perhaps one of the party goers who drank a little bit too much for her arrival back home. She rested her onto a chair as Tengen got some of the medical treatment gear from the pantry. “You need to be careful, why do you all over do it sometimes?” she asked the woman. Mirabelle scuffed, simply getting some water in a cup from the fountain nearby as she returned towards the newcomer. “And who might you be?” she asked. It was clear she was a Hayabusa, but she still had no idea who she was at all. As Tengen came back, he had some medication to help with the intoxication.

Drink this, then explain yourself” she ordered her to do. Judging by her connection to Wuji, Mirabelle can tell it was rather weak. A Genin or Chunin at best, but that didn’t matter at the moment.
Seeing two folks approached her calmed Leda's racing mind as she was indubitably confused on what was going on at this time. Her being under the influence did not help... "Hiya..." Leda laughed as she stumbled towards the lady. She overheard her say something about... Her condition... "Aha. Terrible condition... If you think this is terrible, you should have seen the younger me..." Leda laughed as she said this. She whispered into the main lady's ear "WILD." Leda giggled. As the main lady placed her hand onto Leda's body, she jerked her head back as if both not understanding what the lady was trying to do and not fond of being touched regardless, however she was too far gone to understand if this was some sort of subtle attack on Leda, or... Something rather different. This being said, Leda allowed the main lady to do her fancy magic thingy... Or whatever...

"You sure know how to touch a gal yeah?" Leda giggled and then winked at her in a goofy way. In a joking manner of course. Or was it? That was up for higher powers to decide.

She allowed the main lady to rest her in this chair. However Leda took it upon herself to lazily throw herself into the chair in the middle of the two assisting her. She sat in it... Like some sort of drugged up kingpin expecting some money. She didn't mind all of this though. She had never been to a place so fancy. Not one she had been invited to or welcomed, anyway. She didn't mind this at all. For some reason, it kind of felt like how a family would treat their own. It felt both weird yet pleasingly natural for this to be happening. And Leda at this time was far... Far... From putting the pieces together.

The lady asked her a question about people over doing it... This confused Leda... "You all? You mean me? I seem to be the only one here... Well, me and you two." Leda said in a blunt manner. Although she recognized this was her home, it was still not clear if the Hayabusa still resided in this land... Maybe the Hayabusa no longer existed at all. This would fondly explain how Leda even made it this far. She had no idea for what was to come. How could she? She had been venturing for so long on a path so unclear. "Mind you, I do not think this is overdone..." Leda pointed both of her pointer fingers towards herself which just so happened to point at both her breasts even though she was just referring to herself. "I think this is just the right amount of done."

She asked Leda who she was as Leda snatched the drink from whomever's hand was handing it to her. She couldn't tell. And of course, nor did she care. "Leda. Leda Hayabusa." She answered proudly and somewhat... Menacingly. She took a big swish of the glass of water but before she could swallow she spit it out onto both of the hosts' clothes. "This is not saki!" She exclaimed before tossing this glass to the side as well. "Don't you dare try to poison me like that again." Leda said, half joking, half serious. Nowadays, she was on a bad diet of barbecue, chips and saki. Occasionally beef ramen. Amazing how she has never gained weight. She used to train vigorously at a younger age, but that was many years ago. Maybe it was to subconsciously prepare her for what she is going through as of today. Nothingness, goaless, and nowhere to really go.

"Who are you?.." Leda asked both nonchalantly and as if she didn't really care, not having the slightest clue. She was only returning the formality. Although a curious being, which her curiosity is what lead her to the point she was at now, she cared little about who the woman was or her name... Or her friend. Or her friend's name... However it was hard not to confuse this being that Leda was indeed grateful that the two were willing to help, however this did not affect her natural instinct to not care. Not to be confused with curiosity. Funny how that works, isn't it? Perhaps it was Leda, perhaps it was the saki. This was up for the two hosts to decide...