The Seal is not the Tech! Why Sakura wankers are full of themselves


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Apr 17, 2014
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because she's like broly. her power is limitless. magic
Is she Kaguya now? She did punch her in the head and that's where the Rinnesharingan was.
Sakura also has a mark on her forehead. So did Hagoromo.

I bet she was the one that held back Urashiki and his partner during the Boruto movie, that's why they were dropped from the movie.
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Jan 18, 2018
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Is she Kaguya now? She did punch her in the head and that's where the Rinnesharingan was.
Sakura also has a mark on her forehead. So did Hagoromo.

I bet she was the one that held back Urashiki and his partner during the Boruto movie, that's why they were dropped from the movie.
These are great ideas. You should give these theories threads of their own and flesh them out further.


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Apr 10, 2014
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Like I said.. she isn't a savant like those two. Her character was "great" due to forced relevancy. I don't think you understand proper storytelling.
I never said her character great nor does she to be “savant” like Naruto or Sasuke to be gifted as she is, Sakura achieving the pinnacle of chakra control is not forced what so ever if your unbiased enough to realize chakra control was always her thing. I think it’s you who has the misunderstanding in all honestly..

[/QUOTE]I know it is Kishi but damn.. recognize that her character was an asspull. The fact that she is being put into the mix of the likes of Naruto, Sasuke, Tsunade, and any other Otsutsuki members tell you that you shouldn't worship someone that is a straight up asspull..

The hate you have for Sakura has you sounding crazy... Sakura has always been in the Neo-Sannin mix and was paralleled to Tsunade before we even knew who Tsunade was. “Power wise” Kishimoto intended for Sakura to be a born normal ninja (like Lee or Gai) and achieve greatness with clan ties, handouts or Ass pulls. There’s a lot of flaws in your logic and even more salt, if I said it was a tragedy that Hinata (a ninja kicked out of her own clan for losing to a little girl half her age) but still managed to receive Humuras chakra was a complete ass pull you’d call me salty.

It’s not about worshiping characters, I’m simply stating facts that you don’t want to accept, Sakura is rightfully so on tsunades level and a contributing member to team 7.

I will however gladly wank Tsunade. At least her story was legitimate with being the product of Senju and Uzumaki. What is Sakura?
I’m glad you’d admitted to being a wanker though but I in same instance will attribute Sakura’s perseverance, intelligence and ability minus any advantages like Senju DNA. Your really exposing yourself honestly but I’m here for it because no matter how mad you are, Sakura didn’t need Uzumaki or Senju DNA to be the strongest female shinobi of her generation.

Soak it in..

A nobody. Until the Haruno clan, most notably, Sakura gets disclosed as coming from another celestial that is far superior that Kaguya's line, then she is straight up an asspull. Even other great clan members from the Otsutsuki clan, like the rest of Uchihas, did not attain greatness and were just plebs like the rest.
Your theories are plain butthurt lol.. Sakura being from Kaguya’s line is not nor will ever be a topic of discussion but her ability to actually learn techniques (like Orochimaru) is totally realistic.

But weren’t you the one who said anyone can use Byakugō as long as the can collect chakra? Why are you now switching your argument and implying that you specifically need Senju/Uzumaki dna to learn such a thing?

Orochimaru studied forbidden techs of Tobirama and experimented.
Sakura also studied forbidden techs too.

Kakashi got a handout from Obito. What did Sakura do?
Absolutely nothing. Her training was just "chakra control"
What did Sakura do? I mean it’s not like she used her chakra to jump demissions, mastered medical ninjutsu or that she healed an entire army in seconds.. and no her training wasn’t just chakra control, read the manga.

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You seem to absolutely miss Lee, someone that is only hardwork. Did he get to do any ninjutsu? No.
Lee didn’t train nor had any goals to use ninjutsu.. read the manga?

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Your trolling now... his hard work had nothing to do with ninjutsu.. tf?
[/QUOTE]Why? Because he is not affiliated with it. [/QUOTE]

Your going on tangent.. my comment had nothing to do with know or not knowing ninjutsu, he was only mentioned to prove my point that your dancing around too while trying to save face.

I brought him up to illustrate the that you don’t need clan ties to be power or learn power techniques.

Sakura on the otherhand, she is an asspull because, again, she is a pleb.
Resorting to character bashing only means your argument is shit and you since you don’t like the facts you’ll nor read the manga your a troll.

Other Uzumakis did not have the chakra chains, Uchihas did not develop MS, Hyugas are still Part 1 characters to the end, and Senjus? Tsunade can't even Sage Mode.

Answer me how Sakura actually makes sense here... She is an asspull, get over it.
I already countered this... stop flapping and read

[/QOUTE]LMAO WTF?! The entire last bit of the series and even the last 2 movies were all about the Otsutsuki bloodline. Get out of your wanking cloud. Even the next series, Boruto, is all about that celestial crap.[/QUOTE

Lmao and know this bit of series is calling on Sakura’s technique while the Hyūga topic is fading.

Anyway, your not worth an argument.. your all over the place and butthurt about a character you hate. You big time trolling and typing a wall of text that the majority is off topic.

Sakura has Byakugō.. stay mad!
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Apr 17, 2014
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unbiased enough to realize chakra control was always her thing
Like I said, I have no issue with Byakugou, nor Sakura's aptitude. My concern is that there is a potential that Byakugou is a Rikudou tech. Which does not make sense when it is applied to Sakura.

Hence the comment "might as well give her Rinnegan tech"

Say that Byakugou truly is a Rikudou tech, does it make sense to you?
OR are you so much of a wanker that you will make a pass of it?

This is where I have been getting at and this where my "hate" is coming from. There has been an established rule that you cannot be just a human being, nor even being in a special bloodline to be able to become great. You have to have a special chakra on top of that. That was the whole reason of Hagoromo and Hamura passing on their chakra in the first place. Even gathering the eyes and the body just to unlock the Rinnegan and Tenseigan. As well as gathering the bijuu and gedo mazou. You need those requirements.

No amount of hardwork will get you those. This is why I brought up Lee. Lee and Gai have done so much work and they cannot do anything ninjutsu related. Even after their hardwork, they STILL cannot do any ninjutsu nor genjutsu.

he was only mentioned to prove my point that your dancing around too while trying to save face.

I brought him up to illustrate the that you don’t need clan ties to be power or learn power techniques.
How exactly am I dancing around? You are the one that is. The point is that Sakura does not make sense as a character.

"power techniques" Yeah, like I said, Byakugou can be learned by Sakura as long as it is not a Rikudou tech. If it is a normal technique that Tsunade came up with, that's fine. If not, and it is connected to Karma and other Rikudou stuff, then she has to meet those requirements.
Therefore, how is it that Sakura can possibly learn Byakugou (if it does become a Rikudou tech)?

Why are you now switching your argument and implying that you specifically need Senju/Uzumaki dna to learn such a thing?
I did not switch it around. The possible retcon of Byakugou being a Rikudou tech made it possible for this scenario to arise. If it is a normal tech, then anyone should be able to use it. But if it is a god-tier tech, then only people in that are connected to the celestial's bloodline can. Hence the argument and my saying "I'm fine if the Haruno is part of the Otsutsuki Clan"

I do not discredit Sakura for her chakra control. Like I said, I am perfectly fine with it.

This entire thing has always been the character being placed to be important. I brought up Hinata to even emphasized this.
Hinata came from the same bloodline and even got a movie that gave her Hamura's chakra. With that said, she is completely irrelevant. Yet Sakura is being put on the spotlight.

How is it that a nobody pleb can stand in the battle of the gods? Explain that?

That character is an asspull and do not deserve the hype and fans of Sakura have no basis to say that she is a great character.
She is more useless than Kaguya and Kaguya can do a lot of stuff.

Tsunade is deserving of the hype and the fan wanking. Sakura can go to hell.
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Apr 10, 2014
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Like I said, I have no issue with Byakugou, nor Sakura's aptitude. My concern is that there is a potential that Byakugou is a Rikudou tech. Which does not make sense when it is applied to Sakura.
It makes absolute sense simply because of her aptitude, your lost. Nowhere in the manga does it imply that you have to be from a certain bloodline or come from a certain place to utilize a Rikudou technique, this is a standard you made up based on zero facts.
Say that Byakugou truly is a Rikudou tech, does it make sense to you?
Of course it can, it just needs to be illustrated properly.

OR are you so much of a wanker that you will make a pass of it?
I’m not wanking anything nor does it take a wanker to make sense of the possibilities Byakugō can bring.

This is where I have been getting at and this where my "hate" is coming from. There has been an established rule that you cannot be just a human being, nor even being in a special bloodline to be able to become great. You have to have a special chakra on top of that.
There is no such established rule, this is a metric that you’ve made up in your mind because you want to see things a certain way rather then seeing them for what they are. It’s almost as if your trying to rewrite the manga lol

That was the whole reason of Hagoromo and Hamura passing on their chakra in the first place. Even gathering the eyes and the body just to unlock the Rinnegan and Tenseigan. As well as gathering the bijuu and gedo mazou. You need those requirements.
Irrelevant to the topic of Byakugō.

No amount of hardwork will get you those.
When did I say hard work gets you SO6P chakra or kkg? I believe I said hard work was the reason Sakura was able to match Tsunade without any of her advantages being that you basically said it should’ve been impossible for her to do. Your once again going on a off topic tangent to distract from the conversation your not holding up to well on.

This is why I brought up Lee. Lee and Gai have done so much work and they cannot do anything ninjutsu related. Even after their hardwork, they STILL cannot do any ninjutsu nor genjutsu.
This has nothing to do with the topic at hand and even if it did it still doesn’t make any sense. Gai & Lee did not train or dedicate their hard work to ninjutsu, Lee stopped trying to learn ninjutsu WAY BEFORE Gai’s tutelage.

Lee’s hard work was 100% dedicated to mastering Taijutsu and proving to the world that a ninja could be great without using ninjutsu which he’s proven, your super clueless my guy.

How exactly am I dancing around? You are the one that is. The point is that Sakura does not make sense as a character.
This is irrelevant!

"power techniques" Yeah, like I said, Byakugou can be learned by Sakura as long as it is not a Rikudou tech.
All fanfic, your shitty butthurt logic aren’t facts, this isn’t based on anything tangible in the manga.

If it is a normal technique that Tsunade came up with, that's fine.
The manga isn’t being written to please you guy, get over it. The technique will be whatever the author decides it to be period.

If not, and it is connected to Karma and other Rikudou stuff, then she has to meet those requirements.
Fanfic! There are no requirements, more shit you made up to sooth your ego.

Therefore, how is it that Sakura can possibly learn Byakugou (if it does become a Rikudou tech)?
Because Sakura is a skilled ninja who had the requirements, flawless chakra control.

I did not switch it around. The possible retcon of Byakugou being a Rikudou tech made it possible for this scenario to arise. If it is a normal tech, then anyone should be able to use it.
Again, none of the shit your saying is backed by any facts. Anyone can not just learn Byakugō if that were the case then Shizune would have it too..

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Just stop embarrassing yourself.

But if it is a god-tier tech, then only people in that are connected to the celestial's bloodline can.
Fanfic.. you made this bs up in your head, your interpretations that you use to make sense of the manga aren’t facts.
How is it that a nobody pleb can stand in the battle of the gods? Explain that?
By becoming their strongest and preforming when called upon. Gai was a “nobody pleb” he laid hands on a god tier character, your logic is shit.

That character is an asspull and do not deserve the hype and fans of Sakura have no basis to say that she is a great character.
Your opinion but still irrelevant.

She is more useless than Kaguya and Kaguya can do a lot of stuff.
Lmao you’ve given yourself an L with this trolling, stop posting.

Tsunade is deserving of the hype and the fan wanking. Sakura can go to hell.
Yeah your done here, all you can now do is bash and be ignorant.


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Jul 23, 2014
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Infuin(Yin Seal) is not Otsutsuki tech but Ancient Shinobi tech probably Uzumaki.

It just Kodachi couldnt write compelling and very logical story. Lacking idea could be the reason. Boruto series will lost not just Shinobi centered story but also human centered story.

Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of otsutsuki but not the way Kodachi handles them.
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Did people just assume that Karma is Rikudou tech?

I think people get really mixed up at this point.

Feel free to ask me my opinion on this matter.
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Dec 20, 2017
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Nowhere in the manga does it imply that you have to be from a certain bloodline or come from a certain place to utilize a Rikudou technique
I'd like to add to this. When Naruto and Sasuke gained Rikudou Powers, the chakra was just passed unto them. Madara and Obito also obtained permanent Rikudou Chakra after being the Juubi-Jin for a little while as seen when Obito's chakra allowed Kakashi to preform "Black Raikiri" which the black color is a result of Senjutsu, specifically Rikudou Senjutsu. Hence the use of Rikudou Ninjutsu doesn't require a specific bloodline or individual. It simply requires the ability to use that chakra.

Now that being said, we know that obtaining his chakra naturally isn't easy and Sakura shouldn't, nor does she have this chakra. However, if Byakugou is indeed a jutsu based on a technique from Hagoromo's era then it might be a weaker version of that original technique as Tsunade and Sakura lack the Rikudou Chakra to compliment it. Much like how the Rasengan is a weaker version of the Bijuu Bomb in theory.
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Feb 24, 2018
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madara and kaguya were so connected that they become one after madara was boobified
Hey, being connected with a chick isn’t a bad thing as far as I can recall. 🤷‍♂️ I mean, the man practically ate her, she provided him sustenance. Did you see that smile she had when Madara ate her? She literally begged Madara to take her into him. She was thirsty as ****.


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Apr 17, 2014
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Nowhere in the manga does it imply that you have to be from a certain bloodline or come from a certain place to utilize a Rikudou technique, this is a standard you made up based on zero facts.

The hecc are you on about?
Is your wanking blocking your sensibility or something?

The entire part 2 became all about the special chakra even all the way back from Orochimaru toying around with Sage Mode with curse marks. Then there's the zetsu with Hashirama cells. Danzo and the Uchiha eyes, Yamato with Hashirama. So on.

That's how Yamato and Karin and the rest of Taka team came about. The entire thing how Madara got the Rinnegan was due to his eyes that he got from Izuna. Both centered around special chakra and transmigrants.

Did you even watch the entire Part 2? It looks like you only watched the bits where Sakura was on screen.
Hell, even the movie, The Last, talked about how this is all about the celestials and their chakra.

"Zero facts" my arse.
the chakra was just passed unto them
Basically this^

if Byakugou is indeed a jutsu based on a technique from Hagoromo's era then it might be a weaker version of that original technique as Tsunade and Sakura lack the Rikudou Chakra to compliment it
I would say Tsunade should be able to as her bloodline, and therefore her chakra, ties in with the Otsutsukis. But if you are talking about its, Byakugou's, fullest potential, I do agree that she cannot fully utilize it to its full strength as her bloodline is diluted.

I’m not wanking anything nor does it take a wanker to make sense of the possibilities Byakugō can bring.
There is a slight disconnect in the topic of our arguments here. The point I was getting at is that Sakura should not be able to use Byakugou if it is indeed a Rikudou era tech. And by Rikudou era, I do not mean just old tech but rather an overpowered, mostly belonging to the Otsutsuki Clan kind of tech. Which means some kind of KKG.

Much like the Uzumakis' chakra chain. Even in their clan, having chakra chain is considered special and rare.

Again, not talking about the Byakugou, I am completely fine with Byakugou being retconned to be a Rikudou tech rather than Tsunade inventing it. The problem is Sakura. Her association and her learning the Rikudou tech is the issue here.

There is a discrepancy on the established rule that you have to possess celestial chakra in order to use celestial techs. If they are implying that Byakugou is from the Rikudou era and that the Karma is connected to it somehow, it means that Byakugou is a celestial tech.

Which means Sakura CANNOT possibly learn it and yet she has.

You backing this up and saying that it makes sense is what makes me call you a wanker. Because you just take things at face value and not question it as it is because it is good for your fandom.

The technique will be whatever the author decides it to be period
Of course, the story would just be trash.

Fanfic! There are no requirements, more shit you made up to sooth your ego
NICE FANFIC.. where'd you get the idea that there are no requirements from?

By becoming their strongest and preforming when called upon. Gai was a “nobody pleb” he laid hands on a god tier character, your logic is shit.
LMAO! It was established that the gates can give you godlike strength. Byakugou was never established to be anything other than for Creation Rebirth usage, which boosts speed and strength and regeneration.

Stop trying to use other character's tech to justify a different one. This is the entire problem here. Neither of those 2 are similar to be used as a substitute.
Sakura is a pleb. That is why she is a medical ninja.

Gai and Lee are combatants. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Tsunade belongs to Uzumaki (chains from Mito) and Senju (sage mode from Hashirama), therefore special chakra. Sakura belongs to nobody clan, no special chakra, she does not even have sage mode. BIG DIFFERENCE.

In conclusion, your wanking is baseless nor is Sakura important. She is being retconned for asspulls to stay relevant because of Team 7 thing like she always has been. Sakura =/= Tsunade.

I rest my case with your quote:
Lmao you’ve given yourself an L with this trolling, stop posting.
Yeah your done here, all you can now do is bash and be ignorant.
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Apr 17, 2014
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Did people just assume that Karma is Rikudou tech?
It might have been bad translations and whatnot.
There are heavy implications as why Byakugou can be considered as a Rikudou tech (because possible backstory).

One, the era. Ninjutsu was not a thing yet till the 2nd gen (Indra and Asura).
For the most part, it is still ninshu. Aside from Kaguya, which we do not know much about.

Regardless of when ninjutsu started, Kaguya, Hagoromo and Hamura are the only ones that can do techs at this point. Humans are still trying to learn them, if they are even at this point in time.

We can certainly say that Asura's and Indra's time is when humanity really started learning techniques.

Rikudou techs are basically celestial techniques anyways. Just diluted.
Perhaps the Moon and Sun seal that Naruto and Sasuke received from Hagoromo were just like the Karma seal.
There's also the transmigrant ninshu as well. Perhaps those are simply a form of Karma or Black Zetsu type deal.

Infuin(Yin Seal) is not Otsutsuki tech but Ancient Shinobi tech probably Uzumaki.
This is where I was getting at. That the seal has always been seperated from Byakugou. But as people pointed out, it is and so I am just going along with it at this point in time.

The things are implied here: Byakugou is a Rikudou era tech. This means, it is a celestial tech (Otsutsuki)
Rikudou at this point only pertains to Hagoromo. As Hamura has gone to the moon and completely disconnected with Earth (although I doubt it as Hyugas exists on Earth and there is a portal to and from the moon)

Hagoromo and Hamura eliminating Kaguya. Ninshu (sharing of chakra) is probably in its infancy stage.
Why? We know that Hagoromo started dying or vanishing and gave the ninshu responsibility to Ashura (we do not know how old the siblings are here yet)

But we can frame the period to be still Rikudou but nearing its end. Not a lot of people are invested in using chakra for wars.
Meaning ninjutsu is being used for progress such as building and creating better quality of life.

Only Indra is using it for war.

Byakugou being implied is from the Rikudou era means that it is indeed a celestial tech. Especially when the topic arose discussing the Karma seal.

Hence the logic of Byakugou is a celestial tech as evidence show that it is a Rikudou era technique, which not a lot of people are in ninjutsu.

Basically it is too advanced for humans at the time and the only ones that have extensive knowledge about techniques are the Otsutsukis, whom are celestials.

For the most part we can assume that humans can only do the basic 5 elements and anything that is based off of Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang releases are the Otsutsukis.
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Tsunade cannot use that original version as she doesn't have a single bit of Rikudou Chakra. Not a fraction, not even small glass of it.
Well bloodline ties in a lot into this thing. Her lineage came from Hashirama (who is a transmigrant of Asura). This basically makes her greatgrandfather Hagoromo, pressumably, in terms of chakra.

Although we cannot say certain that transmigrant's potent chakra can be transfered to offsprings. We do not know more about Sarada (Boruto is out of the question here as Momoshiki basically made him his vessel).

While Asura is not a Rikudou, he is at least half. Which makes Tsunade, following the basis of dilution, have some fraction of Rikudou chakra.
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Jul 23, 2014
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It might have been bad translations and whatnot.
There are heavy implications as why Byakugou can be considered as a Rikudou tech (because possible backstory).

One, the era. Ninjutsu was not a thing yet till the 2nd gen (Indra and Asura).
For the most part, it is still ninshu. Aside from Kaguya, which we do not know much about.

Regardless of when ninjutsu started, Kaguya, Hagoromo and Hamura are the only ones that can do techs at this point. Humans are still trying to learn them, if they are even at this point in time.

We can certainly say that Asura's and Indra's time is when humanity really started learning techniques.

Rikudou techs are basically celestial techniques anyways. Just diluted.
Perhaps the Moon and Sun seal that Naruto and Sasuke received from Hagoromo were just like the Karma seal.
There's also the transmigrant ninshu as well. Perhaps those are simply a form of Karma or Black Zetsu type deal.

This is where I was getting at. That the seal has always been seperated from Byakugou. But as people pointed out, it is and so I am just going along with it at this point in time.

The things are implied here: Byakugou is a Rikudou era tech. This means, it is a celestial tech (Otsutsuki)
Rikudou at this point only pertains to Hagoromo. As Hamura has gone to the moon and completely disconnected with Earth (although I doubt it as Hyugas exists on Earth and there is a portal to and from the moon)

Hagoromo and Hamura eliminating Kaguya. Ninshu (sharing of chakra) is probably in its infancy stage.
Why? We know that Hagoromo started dying or vanishing and gave the ninshu responsibility to Ashura (we do not know how old the siblings are here yet)

But we can frame the period to be still Rikudou but nearing its end. Not a lot of people are invested in using chakra for wars.
Meaning ninjutsu is being used for progress such as building and creating better quality of life.

Only Indra is using it for war.

Byakugou being implied is from the Rikudou era means that it is indeed a celestial tech. Especially when the topic arose discussing the Karma seal.

Hence the logic of Byakugou is a celestial tech as evidence show that it is a Rikudou era technique, which not a lot of people are in ninjutsu.

Basically it is too advanced for humans at the time and the only ones that have extensive knowledge about techniques are the Otsutsukis, whom are celestials.

For the most part we can assume that humans can only do the basic 5 elements and anything that is based off of Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang releases are the Otsutsukis.
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Well bloodline ties in a lot into this thing. Her lineage came from Hashirama (who is a transmigrant of Asura). This basically makes her greatgrandfather Hagoromo, pressumably, in terms of chakra.

Although we cannot say certain that transmigrant's potent chakra can be transfered to offsprings. We do not know more about Sarada (Boruto is out of the question here as Momoshiki basically made him his vessel).

While Asura is not a Rikudou, he is at least half. Which makes Tsunade, following the basis of dilution, have some fraction of Rikudou chakra.
For a starter Rikudou means/referring to 6 path power and mostly related to Rinnegan.

So anyone who doesn't have a Rinnegan cannot be called as Rikudou.

Rikudou is not type of chakra but the name sometimes referring to Chakra possess by Hagoromo.


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Apr 17, 2014
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For a starter Rikudou means/referring to 6 path power and mostly related to Rinnegan.

So anyone who doesn't have a Rinnegan cannot be called as Rikudou.

Rikudou is not type of chakra but the name sometimes referring to Chakra possess by Hagoromo.
We're talking about the era as that was the topic of Sakura hinting that the Byakugan was originally from.
So you could be right, that it is a Rikudou tech. Then at this point, Tsunade and Sakura cannot use this technique.

However, Rikudou era can mean gen 0 (Kaguya's time) gen 1 (Hagoromo's and Hamura's) or gen 2 (Indra's and Asura's)
Any time frame that Hagoromo/Hamura was active.

So it could just be that Byakugou was something Indra/Asura came up with. Anything beyond that time frame like gen 1 or gen 0, it should be off limits to the likes of Tsunade.

You would need Rinnegan/Tenseigan at that point to unlock those techs.