16 year old mother throws baby out of window


Nov 15, 2011
Trait Points
Schoolgirl, 16, who is accused of throwing her baby girl out of a window moments after giving birth asked for a ride and a 'huge favor' on Facebook just 30 minutes before paramedics arrived and found infant dead

A 16-year-old girl accused of throwing her newborn child out of the window asked for help on Facebook just before authorities arrived.

Antonia Lopez, of Omaha, Nebraska, is being charged as an adult in the death of her daughter.

Authorities believe she went into labor on Friday, gave birth in her bedroom and threw her baby girl from the second floor of her apartment building.

Lopez then told her mother what had happened, according to authorities. Lopez's mother found the baby in the grass, called 911 and gave the newborn CPR until paramedics arrived, police said.

A 16-year-old girl who is accused of casting her newborn out of her Omaha apartment’s second-story window on Friday is to be charged as an adult with felony child abuse resulting in death.

Police on Saturday booked Antonia Lopez into the Douglas County Youth Center, a juvenile detention facility. The charge, treating her as an adult, is expected to be filed this week, authorities said Saturday.

The gender of the infant, the cause of the baby’s death and the length of time the teen was pregnant were not made public, though law enforcement officials offered some clarity Saturday on the infant’s medical status when born prematurely in Lopez’s bedroom.

“The child wasn’t a stillborn,” Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said. “To be booked on that count, the child would have had to have been born alive.”

Fire Department paramedics indicated that the newborn was dead by the time they transported the baby to nearby Creighton University Medical Center. There, the baby was formally pronounced dead.

Lopez went into labor before dawn Friday, although it is not clear exactly when the baby was born. At 3:40 a.m. Friday, about 30 minutes before police were called, Lopez posted on Facebook, “Who can do me a huge favor and has a car?” Three crying emoji faces followed the request.

At some point, police said, she discarded her newborn.

Police said Lopez then told her mother what she had done, though the precise amount of time that elapsed between those actions was not disclosed.

Lopez’s mother found the infant in the grass outside their Kellom Knolls apartment building at 2567 Izard Court, police said. She called 911 and performed CPR on the baby until paramedics and police arrived.

Lopez was taken to Creighton for a medical evaluation. She was released Saturday and transferred to the juvenile facility.

Police said Friday that autopsy results on the infant are not expected for several days.

The death will be counted among the city’s homicides, according to Uniform Crime Reporting guidelines that call for child abuse resulting in death cases to be classified that way. The infant is the 19th criminal killing victim in Omaha in 2016. There were 36 homicides at this time last year.

A complete picture of Lopez’s life was elusive Saturday. Her Facebook page identifies her as a Central High student; an Omaha Public Schools spokeswoman did not respond to a request for confirmation. Lopez’s relatives could not be reached.

A year ago Lopez and another teen were accused of shoplifting cellphone cases from an Omaha Walmart store and concealing them in a pink purse. When confronted, both girls refused to give information to authorities, including their real names.

Their obstinance continued at the youth center until a cellphone began to ring from a purse. A staff member answered, and the caller, who was the mother of one of the girls, identified both teens.

Lopez was sentenced to at least six months of probation on charges of theft by unlawful taking and false information. She has a juvenile review hearing for that case scheduled for Dec. 15.

What do you think about this?
Why did she get preggers?
why did not she get aborted?
Was it okay for her to throw the baby coz her body her rightz

How do you think babies like these fare against refugees and unwanted immigrants?
If the gubment cares more about babies then is it better for them to invest in unwanted babies instead of taking more refugees?
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Apr 26, 2014
Trait Points
This is ****ed up. First of all getting pregnant as 16 will probably **** over your life but to throw it away?? She should have taken responsibility if she wanted it gone and indeed have taken an abortian.


Jan 4, 2012
Trait Points

What do you think about this?
Why did she get preggers?
why did not she get aborted?
Was it okay for her to throw the baby coz her body her rightz

How do you think babies like these fare against refugees and unwanted immigrants?
If the gubment cares more about babies then is it better for them to invest in unwanted babies instead of taking more refugees?
1) Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you can find idiots anywhere.
2) Because she had ***, duh. Any contraception, apart from absention, is not 100%. Plus we do not know whether she used any.
3) Shame? She may have thought in the sense of "it will happen somehow", maybe she would get shunned by her family. Also not sure whether abortion in the U.S.A. is for free, religion might have taken place. I know nothing about her cultural background.
4) Uhhh, mate. No. This is a murder. I am all for abortion, but hey, this is something entirely different.

5) I can safely assume that dead babies do not fare against anyone, be it refugees or unwanted immigrants.
6) How would you invest more in them? In my country (Czech Republic), interruption is permitted and we have babyboxes, where you can put your babies if you do not want them for an adoption straight away. But truly, you cannot do much with a girl like Lopez. Once again, dunno about America, prolly a bit different.

Overall, I don´t really know where are you heading with the comparison of this topic and unwanted immigrants. Would you enlighten me?


Mar 14, 2014
Trait Points
Was it okay for her to throw the baby coz her body her rightz
One of the dumbest shiet I've heard all day.

Why don't women take responsibility for anything? Why do they always want their Daddy Government at their aid?


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
What's up with adding silly jab of 'her body her choice' in this context, as it' not a case of abortion but murder? Maybe she should have been given the option to abort.

Maybe her family couldn't make the distinction between the two just like you missed it, equating both. Google says one cannot get an abortion without parental consent in Nebraska. So she wasn't old enough to make a decision for herself but she would be treated as an adult for the case and court will decide it. That's about it.

And here a murderer walks out of jail after raping a woman ( victim ends up dead due to injuries) because he was 4 month short of 18.
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Active member
Jan 3, 2016
Trait Points
This "mother" is a horrible being and I hope she never gets a single day of joy in her entire life again.
Not wanting a child is one thing, but there is NEVER a reason to throw it out of the window. If someone is indeed too stupid to use contraceptives (which wouldn't need much braincells to begin with) and doesn't want the baby, then the little one has to be given free for adoption. How can someone not follow such simple things.

This incredible level of stupidity is not comprehensible.