[Applications] Kisei Applications

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
The Sorting Ceremony

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At Hogwarts in the Great Hall sits four long tables where students of each House sit at during mealtimes, as well as the staff table at the front, where the entire Hogwarts staff sits. Judal stood near the end, wand in hand as he glared at the crowd standing near the entrance. Vivi could be scene tripping over his oversized robes while Sinbad flirted with the Herbology teacher. The throne like chair in the center was blank, the Headmaster being absent and handling business elsewhere while a large decorative banner in silver and green was hung above them, the words "For Voldemort and Valor" shining brightly as the enchanted ceiling resembled a dark and gloomy sky, flashes of lightning streaking across ever so often.

As the Hall filled up with students, whispers could be heard over what House they would be joining and if the Dark Lord would appear. As the whispering grew to full chattering, Judal scoffed, waving his wand and with a loud bang, someone scurried forward holding a tattered fabric, bent and dusty looking. Placing it on a large stool, the man rushed off as the Hall grew quiet, staring at the hat. Suddenly, it shook the dust off and begin speaking.

A thousand years or more ago,
When I was newly sewn,
There lived a wizard of renown,
Whose name are still well-known:
Merlin the Great Wizard
A tale as old as time
An adventure dating back to the Juubi
and it's fall marked Merlin's climb
Eager for fame and power
merlin had a plan;
He'd travel to where the Juubi
was bested by those from the Otsutsuki Clan
His travels long and winded
He came across a place
Where he met powerful monks
who taught to him magic
And taught it with grace
Years of training went by
And from it emerged
A determined Merlin
Set on using Magic to purge
The Ninja World of foulness
and his sins he could atone
But he wasn't foolish
And knew he couldnt do it alone
He knew it would be a heavy burden
One with a heavy weight
So he trained four students
Each having different traits
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor,
Fair Ravlenclaw from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin from fen.
They share a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan,
To educate young sorcerers,
Thus Hogwarts school began.
Now each of these four founders
Formed their own house, for each
Did value different virtues,
In the ones they had to teach.
By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff, hardworkers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin
Loved those of great ambition.
The students divided between
The Four Houses of the school
It created a system
That the students thought "ruled"
Decades and centuries passed
and Voldemort came to rise
And despite winning the war
Kept everything he despised.
The school kept the Houses
and only the motto changed
For Voldemort and Valor
Now this might seem strange
Or even Long winded
But some things must be said
Now step forward, clear your mind
And place me upon your head
I've yet to be wrong
About where you belong at
For it is my job
As the Sorting Hat!

What Bio would you be making?:
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it):
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?:
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Name: Priest

What Bio would you be making?: Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: She's the opposite of Priest. She's evil and also a scientist. Similar to Orochimaru, she likes experimenting on people and she's a snake user or should I say she's a snake. Very confident of herself and a great strategist. She would manipulate people with illusions of goodwill and love then later use them. She has no remorse even to her own kin, should they show any kind of weakness or kindness.

There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Computer

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I have been wanting to make Medusa for a long time but I could not find a suitable clan for her until now. She's a witch and I want it to stay that way. I want her to totally stay in character and seeing the Kisei, this was the first thing that comes to mind. I'm also a very good fan of Harry Potter that I still have the whole collection till date, so seeing all the familiar terms from one of my best movies, interests me so.


Active member
Mar 7, 2009
Trait Points
Name: Jokey
What Bio would you be making?: Yamraiha
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Generally, Yamraiha is a sweet and caring person, but she also has a violent side and a sharp tongue. She can be nice to people she is interested in, and respects her masters a great deal. She's confident in her skills and occasionally when confronting enemies she'll go all out to devour them, especially during times of need and war. Those that belittle her masters will surely feel her wrath, turning off a certain kind of switch that'll change her into this emotionless and ruthless monster.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Computer
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Hogwarts seems like an amazing school for me to finally write down my ideas and fantasies I have had for over years. I have RP'ed quite allot in the past as a wizard from Hogwarts in the BA just for fun, but now that it's actually something that's straight up valid and even combinable with elements, genjutsu and other things is... just... too much. I have read over the clan submission for like ten times straight and was like damn this would really be amazing to RP with in both the NW and BA. All in all, I won't disappoint, that's all that I have to say.

I'll be straight honest with you. I'm hype. Been a Harry potter fan since I was seven years old. Now that someone finally came by and succeeded combining both Naruto and Harry potter in the right way is too much for my excitement to bare. My knowledge for the Harry potter series is humongous, so it'll be easy for me to fit right in. I have joined a few clans now in my eight years of being a member here, but as you can see, once I get a liking to a clan, I'll remain a loyal and honest member like I did with the Kiyoshi, which I now am a part of for over four years. I have been checking out the technique's and such and would love to be a part of something this good. Besides, I have read every book for over three times and re-watch the complete series twice a year just for the sake of it. I'm practically a Harry potter nerd, and would love to share ideas.
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Active member
Jun 20, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Yanks

What Bio would you be making?: Bastila from Kotor

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: She's mostly brash, impulsive, and somewhat overconfident in her own abilities. Sometimes, Shan acted as though she were unstoppable, though she was constantly aware of the responsibilities resting on her. She's what you would call a goody two-shoes; staying out of trouble, obedient to authority and whatnot. However, she can be manipulative and use others if it's in her best interest.

There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Because it sounds fun tbh Thanks for your consideration.


Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Penguin
What Bio would you be making?: I'd be making a special bio that fit in quite well with the wizard theme. I'd rather not say here in the off chance my bio would be ripped, but it's very, very cool and literally just thought of the idea.
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: A character sure of their skill, but hesitant to fight. Not one to provoke others. Very rational, experienced in the world even.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone, obviously.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Hogwarts will be fun. You are leading it, so I know you will pick RPers with good potential or ones that are high leveled already. I once heard a saying that stated, more or less, "surround yourself with the best, then adapt to the environments". Why not try and obtain a chance to get better as a role player, and have fun while doing so?

21 Savage

Active member
Mar 14, 2014
Trait Points
Name: Thaal Sinestro
What Bio would you be making?: Kurt Wagner - Night Crawler
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: One of the most epic X-men character to be created. Kurt is selfish, cunning maybe because he had been maltreated from birth by the masses and community at large. Though he could be kind sometimes, to protect the things he holds dear but even that doesn't overshadow his evil self. He fits the wizard theme tbh.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet,a computer,a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A Tablet
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter series which is the foundation of this clan. Plus being a new clan and all, it'll be a good place to start off from again tbvh.
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Active member
Jul 15, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Littlefinger
What Bio would you be making?: Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Littlefinger is extremely clever, cunning, manipulative, and very ambitious. He is also a calculative, friendly, witty and charming man who will stab you in the back when you least expect. He is also very intelligent and resourceful; the kind of man you would want to keep close...but not too close.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): TV
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: My love for Emma Watson (Hermoine Granger).

ps:I like the concept of the clan. The Harry Potter theme makes it completely different from what we are accustomed to in our RP. So I want to experience firsthand how swinging wands, casting spells, tossing potions around and flying on broomsticks will work in our RP.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Moxxi
What Bio would you be making?: Lyssa Drak
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: She is about infinite wisdom and magical prowess to the full extent. Her life and body is bound to one of her magical books.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Computer
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I really like Harry Potter and I like the idea of the clan and its abilities. The character I have in mind will fit perfectly.
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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Name: Sasori

What Bio would you be making?: A Circe one

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of magical potions and a wand or a staff, she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. Some say she was exiled to the solitary island of Aeaea by her subjects and her father for ending the life of her husband, the prince of Colchis. Later traditions tell of her leaving or even destroying the island and moving to Italy, where she was identified with Cape Circeo

There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): computer

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Always thought it was a cool story and if I could implement it into the RP that'd be even cooler


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Name: Ichibe
What Bio would you be making?: Hex(dropping Oro)
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Hex is a power hungry and willing to go to great lengths to increase his power and mastery over everything but mainly magic. He is a ruthless and arrogant. He does demand respect from everyone even his late brother's daughter, Charmcaster. Now his personality does a whole 180 degree when he thought he had lost his niece so he had abandoned his desired for more power and became to love teaching others the ways of the mystical magical abilities. When he found his niece alive, he expressed his desired to have a family with her again because he cared for her like a niece.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Phone
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: *Hex* I am wanting to increase my magic and mastery over it and protect my young niece and teach her the ways of magic so she doesn't need up like my late brother Spellbinder.
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Professor Sarutobi

Active member
Dec 12, 2010
Trait Points
Name: Professor Sarutobi
What Bio would you be making?: Crowley (supernatural's King of Hell)
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Crowley is a talented and manipulative Demon (in life and death) abused and abandoned by his mother and in turn abusing his own son later on Crowley was a drunk and two big tailor, selling his soul for an extra 3 inches below the waist. Crowley is also a businessman through and through being the King of crossroad deals. Never underestimates his opponenets and likes to reseach anything dark and magic.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it):Computer.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I read the books as they came out (and my wife is a super fan lol) I like the spells and depth of the books and characters, growing up in the "harry potter gen" of course. Also i think the crossover is awesome.
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Active member
Jun 25, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Joker
What Bio would you be making?: John Constantine
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Who is John? John is someone who's smart, quick-witted, and knows how to get what he wants in life through any means necessary. His silver tongue allows him to transverse through all types of situations, whether it's outsmarting literal intergalactic demons or manipulating someone close to him, the magic wielding chainsmoking detective is no stranger to treachery in order to further his own agenda.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I like the idea of magic through all of it's media portrayals, it's versatility (which you've brought to NB through the techniques), and just general usage was always appealing to me. The clan was done nicely, and it's not just about strength, but about using magic in a tactical way to gain the advantage. Not only that, but Constantine incorporates tactical magic rather than full fledged attacks that can topple buildings. He's mindful with what he uses.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Name: Priest

What Bio would you be making?: Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: She's the opposite of Priest. She's evil and also a scientist. Similar to Orochimaru, she likes experimenting on people and she's a snake user or should I say she's a snake. Very confident of herself and a great strategist. She would manipulate people with illusions of goodwill and love then later use them. She has no remorse even to her own kin, should they show any kind of weakness or kindness.

There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Computer

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I have been wanting to make Medusa for a long time but I could not find a suitable clan for her until now. She's a witch and I want it to stay that way. I want her to totally stay in character and seeing the Kisei, this was the first thing that comes to mind. I'm also a very good fan of Harry Potter that I still have the whole collection till date, so seeing all the familiar terms from one of my best movies, interests me so.
Declined, sorry reapply in the near future.​

Name: Jokey
What Bio would you be making?: Yamraiha
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Generally, Yamraiha is a sweet and caring person, but she also has a violent side and a sharp tongue. She can be nice to people she is interested in, and respects her masters a great deal. She's confident in her skills and occasionally when confronting enemies she'll go all out to devour them, especially during times of need and war. Those that belittle her masters will surely feel her wrath, turning off a certain kind of switch that'll change her into this emotionless and ruthless monster.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Computer
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Hogwarts seems like an amazing school for me to finally write down my ideas and fantasies I have had for over years. I have RP'ed quite allot in the past as a wizard from Hogwarts in the BA just for fun, but now that it's actually something that's straight up valid and even combinable with elements, genjutsu and other things is... just... too much. I have read over the clan submission for like ten times straight and was like damn this would really be amazing to RP with in both the NW and BA. All in all, I won't disappoint, that's all that I have to say.

I'll be straight honest with you. I'm hype. Been a Harry potter fan since I was seven years old. Now that someone finally came by and succeeded combining both Naruto and Harry potter in the right way is too much for my excitement to bare. My knowledge for the Harry potter series is humongous, so it'll be easy for me to fit right in. I have joined a few clans now in my eight years of being a member here, but as you can see, once I get a liking to a clan, I'll remain a loyal and honest member like I did with the Kiyoshi, which I now am a part of for over four years. I have been checking out the technique's and such and would love to be a part of something this good. Besides, I have read every book for over three times and re-watch the complete series twice a year just for the sake of it. I'm practically a Harry potter nerd, and would love to share ideas.
Declined, sorry reapply in the near future.​

Name: Yanks

What Bio would you be making?: Bastila from Kotor

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: She's mostly brash, impulsive, and somewhat overconfident in her own abilities. Sometimes, Shan acted as though she were unstoppable, though she was constantly aware of the responsibilities resting on her. She's what you would call a goody two-shoes; staying out of trouble, obedient to authority and whatnot. However, she can be manipulative and use others if it's in her best interest.

There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Because it sounds fun tbh Thanks for your consideration.
Declined, sorry reapply in the near future.​

Name: Penguin
What Bio would you be making?: I'd be making a special bio that fit in quite well with the wizard theme. I'd rather not say here in the off chance my bio would be ripped, but it's very, very cool and literally just thought of the idea.
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: A character sure of their skill, but hesitant to fight. Not one to provoke others. Very rational, experienced in the world even.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone, obviously.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Hogwarts will be fun. You are leading it, so I know you will pick RPers with good potential or ones that are high leveled already. I once heard a saying that stated, more or less, "surround yourself with the best, then adapt to the environments". Why not try and obtain a chance to get better as a role player, and have fun while doing so?
Congratulations, you have been sorted in GRYFFINDOR. Apply and message me on Skype about your wand choice.​

Name: Thaal Sinestro
What Bio would you be making?: Kurt Wagner - Night Crawler
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: One of the most epic X-men character to be created. Kurt is selfish, cunning maybe because he had been maltreated from birth by the masses and community at large. Though he could be kind sometimes, to protect the things he holds dear but even that doesn't overshadow his evil self. He fits the wizard theme tbh.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet,a computer,a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A Tablet
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter series which is the foundation of this clan. Plus being a new clan and all, it'll be a good place to start off from again tbvh.
Declined, sorry reapply in the near future.​

Name: Littlefinger
What Bio would you be making?: Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Littlefinger is extremely clever, cunning, manipulative, and very ambitious. He is also a calculative, friendly, witty and charming man who will stab you in the back when you least expect. He is also very intelligent and resourceful; the kind of man you would want to keep close...but not too close.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): TV
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: My love for Emma Watson (Hermoine Granger).

ps:I like the concept of the clan. The Harry Potter theme makes it completely different from what we are accustomed to in our RP. So I want to experience firsthand how swinging wands, casting spells, tossing potions around and flying on broomsticks will work in our RP.
Declined, sorry reapply in the near future.​

Name: Moxxi
What Bio would you be making?: Lyssa Drak
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: She is about infinite wisdom and magical prowess to the full extent. Her life and body is bound to one of her magical books.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Computer
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I really like Harry Potter and I like the idea of the clan and its abilities. The character I have in mind will fit perfectly.
Congratulations, you have been sorted in RAVENCLAW. Apply and message me on Skype about your wand choice.​

Name: Sasori

What Bio would you be making?: A Circe one

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of magical potions and a wand or a staff, she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. Some say she was exiled to the solitary island of Aeaea by her subjects and her father for ending the life of her husband, the prince of Colchis. Later traditions tell of her leaving or even destroying the island and moving to Italy, where she was identified with Cape Circeo

There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): computer

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Always thought it was a cool story and if I could implement it into the RP that'd be even cooler
Congratulations, you have been sorted in HUFFLEPUFF. Apply and message me on Skype about your wand choice.​

Name: Professor Sarutobi
What Bio would you be making?: Crowley (supernatural's King of Hell)
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Crowley is a talented and manipulative Demon (in life and death) abused and abandoned by his mother and in turn abusing his own son later on Crowley was a drunk and two big tailor, selling his soul for an extra 3 inches below the waist. Crowley is also a businessman through and through being the King of crossroad deals. Never underestimates his opponenets and likes to reseach anything dark and magic.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it):Computer.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I read the books as they came out (and my wife is a super fan lol) I like the spells and depth of the books and characters, growing up in the "harry potter gen" of course. Also i think the crossover is awesome.
Declined, sorry reapply in the near future.​

Name: Joker
What Bio would you be making?: John Constantine
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Who is John? John is someone who's smart, quick-witted, and knows how to get what he wants in life through any means necessary. His silver tongue allows him to transverse through all types of situations, whether it's outsmarting literal intergalactic demons or manipulating someone close to him, the magic wielding chainsmoking detective is no stranger to treachery in order to further his own agenda.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I like the idea of magic through all of it's media portrayals, it's versatility (which you've brought to NB through the techniques), and just general usage was always appealing to me. The clan was done nicely, and it's not just about strength, but about using magic in a tactical way to gain the advantage. Not only that, but Constantine incorporates tactical magic rather than full fledged attacks that can topple buildings. He's mindful with what he uses.
Congratulations, you have been sorted in RAVENCLAW. Apply and message me on Skype about your wand choice.​
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Just like before, fill out the template below if interested in joining. Note that your choices will determine your placement in the clan and will ultimately decide which abilities you have to use in the end. Canon characters cannot be chosen unless discussed with me and allowed and trolling/spamming will be punished.

[B]Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: 
[/B][B]What Bio would you be making?:
[/B][B]How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:
[/B][B]Which is more important: the past or present?
[/B][B]You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:[/B]
[Indent][*]The golden tree bearing silver apples	
[*]The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another
[*]A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
[*]The statue of an old Kage with a strangely twinkling and glowing eye[/list]
[B]Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?:[/B]


Active member
Oct 25, 2012
Trait Points
Name: Osmon
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning
What Bio would you be making?: Balthazar Blake or Harry Potter
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Watch Sorcerer's Apprentice, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
  • The golden tree bearing silver apples
  • The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another
  • A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
  • The statue of an old Kage with a strangely twinkling and glowing eye
striked one is creepy as shit, I'd probably try to use genjutsu kai if I saw that
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Cuz it's lit fym why? Always wanted someone to come and tell me that I'm a wizard irl but sadly nobody did so I'm trying to have some hp fun here​

21 Savage

Active member
Mar 14, 2014
Trait Points
Its worth a shot z.z
Name: Thaal Sinestro
Rank the five elements in order from
least to most favorite :
Fire | Wind | Lightning | Water | Earth
What Bio would you be making?: Jafar, the Sultan [from Aladdin]
How do they behave / act? What is
their personality?:
Cunning, suave, cruel, evil, dark, mysterious, conceited, snobby, selfish, power-hungry, vindictive, plucky, greedy, psychotic, insane, dramatic, shadowy, sneaky, persuasive, classy,
cynical, vain, deceptive, impatient, smooth-talking, dishonest, gradually pompous.
He likes Power, obedience, fame, puns, torturing his enemies, respect and totally detests serving others, disrespect and defeat.
Which is more important : the past or
present ?
The Past, the Past determines the Present.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World
and see several items in a clearing . Which do you approach first:

  • The golden tree bearing silver
  • The fat toads that appear to be
    talking to one another
  • A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
  • The statue of an old Kage with a strangely twinkling and glowing eye
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?:
I love the idea of implementing wizardry into the Naruto verse, the idea is extremely brilliant and I'll like to be part of the train.
P.S I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series like seriously I love it. I also see this as getting a shot at being better in RP generally and feel good in the process.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Vayne
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Hard to say, as I’m changing styles currently, but it would be a tie between Fire and Lightning for second, then alternating between Wind, Earth, and Water, for first.
What Bio would you be making?: Unsure currently, though I’m likely to use them as a skin, so whats below is what matters. Also, if accepted, the looks are likely to change depending on the house and abilities.
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Perhaps something I haven’t tried before, the cunning servant type, then depending on the house it would eventually change to fit the general traits of the house. Killing Voldy is overrated anyways.
Which is more important: the past or present? The present, as it is the gateway to ruling the future.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Beauxbatons was against having me as the only male student on campus, so, Hogwarts.
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