-CONTEST- RISK game Europe


Apr 26, 2014
Trait Points
I will start the contest risk game when we got enough people and have waited long enough for everyone that wanted to join could join.

Please help your fellow players who don't understand how everyone works.

You can rollplay and post as much pictures as you want if you're interested in that stuff. In my opinion it makes the game a bit more fun

You must be registered for see images

Link where you can see the Rolls

Bonuses are achieved by taking over factories or conquering countries you can see them on the map

New thing >>>>>> last game there was some problems Bonuses don't matter with the rolls otherwise you lose too fast like last time. So if you roll better than someone with a way higher bonus you still win. Last game there was some problems with this.


You can join the game by telling which name you want, color and where you want to start

>Name for your nation (example: Holy Roman empire)
>color you want (example: red)
>Starting place for your nation (example: France)

Rolls are very easy to understand in this version.
Your last digit is what matters. You're roll is worth what the outcome is with (your roll)x3=...

There are some special values tho
dubs= 11 22 33 66 88 00 etc
trips= 555 888 000 etc
Quads= 2222 3333 6666 etc
3d pali= 343 565 828 etc
4d Pali= 2323 5959 0202
5d pali 14141 83838 40404

If you didn't roll a special number than the last number on your roll is what you rolled. For example if you have rolled 1847319 you rolled 9 which value is also 9. You can see all the values on the map if you click on it.

How posting in this game works:
You always state your nation you are and besides that the bonus you got from factories or countries

Under your nations name and system you post what you want to do. For example:Expending to the north, Invading ... in Europe etc.

Alliances and NAP's:
You can have up to 1 ally in this version. You can just ask someone through a non rolling post if he/she wants to be your ally. If him or her accepts than please state it again if you think the OP didn't see it since he/she might be too busy with map.

Besides alliances there is also another option for not going to war with another nation. This doesn't mean they will help you when you get attacked. It is called an NAP aka Non-agression pact. They can be broken but only by saying it officially before you attack them so not in the same post. You can just ask if they want a NAP with you and if they accept than you know he she won't betray you... Most likely :bdpf:

Link where you can see the rolls. I will only start rolling when people have stated what they want to do. Otherwise they could just see what they have rolled and see wether or not they would win a war against the other. This system is automatic the moment I roll for someone it cannot be changed and will go straight away to that board.

(credits to wabbit he made this site and rolling system)

If you have any questions left please ask so the game will go smooth.

Goodluck everyone there can 2 winners at most. It will either be an alliance which can only have 2 people in it.

Moldavia is worht +1 it isn't on that map so don't forget it.

Also if you feel like someone is cheating or calculated his/her bonus wrong please point it out
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Hell Autarch

Active member
Apr 7, 2013
Trait Points
This time, I would appreciate if the entire Game doesn't gang up on me like last time without any reason when I was clearly do peaceful ;-;

All I did was attack 4 people at once and abandon my ally