[ARCHIVE] Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Apr 24, 2013
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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(Chuuou Furikkushon)-Central Friction


Background: Long ago, a man originating from the Land of Fire gazed upon the falling stars during a meteor shower and wondered at their beauty. Eventually, he set eyes upon a comet and sought out a way to harness that power for himself. Through ninjutsu, he was able to mimic its image, and rumors began to spread about a man, who was born from a comet, that had the ability to call upon the cosmos to destroy his foes. Known as the “living comet”, he was able to spread his legend far and wide. Eventually the rumors became legend and folklore, that is until Ragna uncovered one of his secret texts during a patrol in Konoha. Using this text he uncovered the secrets behind this legendary taijutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: It is not overly complicated to create this style. You must view the air as a huge medium; similar to how you would view being underwater. Whenever you move within the medium, that medium is displaced. This displacement can change depending on force and velocity. We have already seen that with natural physical ability the user can utilize the air to augment their attacks(without nature transformation. (As is the case with the Leaf Dragon God). Knowing how much a ninja’s force can affect the medium around him is very crucial to understanding this concept.

First, the user utilizes Katon chakra to heat up the air that is being displaced around their attack. To understand this concept we will start with taijutsu at its most basic level, (a simple punch). The first step is to heat the air around the fist, or strike. Simultaneously, you begin to compress the heated air around the fist/strike to build intense pressure. The more air that is compressed will result in stronger attacks, this is just simple mechanics. This heat and compression can cause the area around the strike to glow/shine with an orange hue due to the Katon chakra's influence. Then finally, the user releases this pressure upon the enemy once they physically complete the strike. It is worthy to note that the user never actually makes contact with the enemy, rather they attack with the displaced, and compressed air. The built up pressure, once released, deals concussive damage; however, the air is also superheated. This can inflict severe burns upon the opponent.

While it certainly boasts several flashy aspects, one of its better qualities is the deception. For instance, if the user's strikes are never meant to actually hit the enemy itself. If one were to throw a punch, they would intentionally finish their strike near the enemy, and then release the compressed air to create the actual attack. This also means accuracy is not extremely crucial (In certain cases). This is a subtle part of the style, but it can create confusion, and hesitation. Any slight hesitation can create an opening.

The picture below illustrates air, or any medium really, when something travels through it. In the Ninja Verse this displacement becomes nearly super human. (To reiterate this is seen with certain taijutsu attacks that can move a great amount of air without nature transformation.
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Example Techniques:

( )-Central Friction: Vice Bomb
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user performs a front flip over the enemy. While flipping over the enemy, the user will spread his arms out, and keep his palms open while heating the air. When he is directly over the enemy, the user will swing both of his arms toward the enemies head as if he were getting ready to clap. During this time the user will quickly compress and then release the air pressure when the palms come near the head. The resulting blast can cause skull fractures, burns, and intense discombobulation. The user will complete the flip and land on his two feet on the other side of the downed enemy.

( )-Central Friction: Hades Carousel.
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user flips onto his hands and then performs a rapid, and powerful spinning kick. This generates rotating air currents around him that are compressed and heated. The user then releases the compressed air to form a rapidly expanding tornado (starting short and expanding to mid range). Any vegetation in the area would become charred from this attack, and the enemy would be left with sever burns, and minor fractures.

( )-Central Friction: Phoenix Gun
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
The user will perform a simple palm strike against the enemy. However, the user will intentionally aim his strike to come up short against the enemy, so that he does not physically touch him. This could cause some confusion to the enemy as he is then barraged by compressed, heated air. This is capable of blowing the enemy back a couple of meters, and leaving minor burns and bruises.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Bio must specialize in katon
-Must be Kage Rank
-Must have mastered taijutsu
-Must have mastered Katon

✦ Declined, you essentially just described Morning Peacock, which is made through the punches moving fast enough to cause friction and to superheat the attacks and release bursts of heated air and fire. In addition tto that, this would clash would countless Katon Nintaijutsu attacks where the user channels Katon chakra and then punches to release bursts of fire when hit. ✦
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Oct 22, 2009
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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The way of the Bisento
Type: Ken/tai

The Bisento has been in use since before the shinobi world was created. It wasn’t a typical warrior -type halberd; Bisento was used as a longer-distance sword with an ability to cut and pierce. The original Bisento was used by infantry. The weapon was able to reach the legs of a horse carrying a samurai into battle. Before the sage of the six paths tought the world ninjutsu, there were constant wars and so with each passing year new weapons were being made for the soldiers in clan wars, they were trained to use it in a long-distance fight to protect their families and estates. The idea behind it was to pretty much have a sword on a stick, an extention to ones body.

There was one ninja that adapted the Bisento to flow with his entire body, not just seeing the Bisento as a weapon but as one with his body. He mastered it to such an extent that he was never hurt in battle even by attacks from a distance such as arrows. As the years went on, the ninja world was born as the sage of the six paths taught the way of chakra to try and bring peace but that was far from what happened. Kilik saw the fault in his style, how could as Bisento hold up against such deadly attacks while also seeing the samurai develope their own style. Kilik went on a mission to learn how to control chakra and then rather than using it to master ninjutsu, he focussed it into his bisento to create his own fighting style. The way of the bisento.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The way of the bisento is a martial artist style with a Staff with a sword type blade on the end as its weapon. The length of his Staff allows a multitude of long range attacks and accordingly Kilik is most effective at this distance. However if an opponent does manage to get very close to Kilik he does have tools to employ; the most effective of these are his fast horizontal strikes. Many of Kilik's more powerful attack strings are vertical hits that can be sidestepped if anticipated. Although linear, these powerful attacks Kilik possesses are relatively fast and deal great damage. It is for this reason that Kilik excels to a great degree more than most ignorant power hungry ninja. Kilik has a diverse array of low attacks, some slow and heavily damaging, some fast and hard to react to.

The style revolves around the user using both hands on their Bisento releasing their chakra into in to enhance their reach and power with their attacks. From a forward thrust enhanced with chakra of the elements, to keep the opponent at a range, to spinning the bisento in front of them infused with chakra to create a rapid spin, forming a shield deflecting attacks. The blade of the bisento makes it so much more versatile in combat as it's not just blunt attacks. The entire style can be seen as a ranged version of Kenjutsu, adapting that of the samurai techniques with the enhancing it with the use of chakra. It's not a complex style but one that takes a long time to master without hurting yourself.

Example Techniques:

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(Way of the Bisento: Piercing strike)
Type: Attack/Defence
Rank: A
Range: Short mid
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points: 50
Description: The user will focus their chakra into their bisento thrusting it forwards forwards focussing their chakra into the point of the blade reaching out 2 meters infront of them, upon contact with another justu, the chakra will be released through the point of the blade like a bullet hitting glass sending several cracks of chakra out through the jutsu hitting it head on shattering a jutsu of the same rank and below. If it were to hit a fire jutsu it would cause it to explode but thanks to the reach of the bisento it would keep the user safe.

(Bojutsu: ) - Elemental rotation wall
Type: Attack/Deffence
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost:
Damage points:
Description: The user will focus one of the 5 basic elements into their Bisento. The they will begin spinning their staff, like a helecopter blade in front of them at great speeds releasing their elemental chakra. Fire/water/wind element will create a fire/water/wind sheild or blast of the chosen element in the shape of a cylinder towards the opponent. If lightning or earth chakra they create a dense sheild infront of the user, the earth style rotation will defect all solid objects, where as the lighting will destroy all earth that is coming at the user.

(Bisento art: Cartwheel kick)
Type: Attack/Deffence
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15
Damage points: 30
Description: This is a highly useful evasion or attack technique through using the way of the bisento. The user will rotate their body sideways as though they were going to do a cartwheel but with their bisento in hand they will stab that into the ground lifting themselves 3 times highter into the air going up and over and if can use the momentum and height to come down delivering two deadly kicks to their target. This can be hightly useful using the extention of the Bisento to avoid an attack.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Can only be used through a bisento that must be mentioned in your bio.
Must have mastered basic tai as so you're in control of your body and don't end up hitting yourself with your staff.

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✦ Declined, for starters, based on what the description says, this would be a Ninkenjutsu style. Next, the actual description itself is very simple, you could submit these in the CJ thread as their own CJ. What about this is unique enough to patent as an actual CFS? You also dont mention elemental ninjutsu usage in the description but you do it in the example jutsu.I suggest adding a portion that details elemental ninjutsu usage with the bisento to make it unique enough to warrant approval ✦
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Apr 7, 2010
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Touch of Lunacy | Kyōjin Ken

Type: Nin | Tai | Gen | Fuin

Priest traveled to shibusen when it needed help to fight against the Demon God. Kishin was ressurected and it took Priest 3 Months before he could finally put kishin permanently to rest. However, during the fight, Priest had to put up with and almost consumed by the madness wavelenght the kishin exhumes. During the course of their fight, he is able to seal kishin's madness wavelenght, absorb it into his system and train himself to be able to manipulate it to his own gain. People always say Priest is a psychotic and ruthless killer but little did they know that madness lie within him beyond anyone could ever withstand.

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Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The style revolves around using augmented close quarter combat to generate and induce special form of pulses called MADNESS WAVELENGHT into the target's neuro system through the use of alternate forms of lightning release. Where electromagnetic impulses would be transfered through direct contact, weapons, or ranged through the use of fuin seals that materiallizes around the user.

Madness wavelenghts are invisible molecular forms of lightning pulses which has the same invisible appearance of an EMP(ElectroMagnetic Pulse) albeit a redish hue and being the core of this style is made to affect the target in a special way and not in the known destructive nature of lightning.

The madness wavelenghts upon induction into the target's neuro system, would immediately and temprarily modify the victim's brain wave pattern to BETA though there are different levels in the Beta brainwave pattern which would be determined by the amount of concentration of the madness wavelenght induced into the victim's system.

The brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The electrical activity of the brain is a cyclic, wave-like nature called Brainwave pattern thus our mind is able to regulate its activities by means of electric waves which are registered in the brain, emiting tiny electrochemical impulses of varied frequencies.
Now Beta brainwaves are of frequencies ranging from 13 to 60 pulses per seconds and these occurs when we feel agitated, tensed, afraid, in pain or confused.
The style allows you to induce the target unorthodoxly through the use of hand to hand combat, weaponplay and seals thus instantly modifying their brainwave frequencies to the one that cause them to undergo different emotional disorders. Though this is temporary, the target would surfer affect ranging from:

Paranoia: This is the least and weakest of the Beta brainwave pattern with pulses of frequency between 13-20p/sec. Paranoia is a form of subtle simple illusion that gives the target a short form of illusion of granduer where the targets upon being hit by the pulses would see one of his goal accomplish. The goal might range from "him accomplishing his short term goal. for example: his punch succesully hit the user or something he is aiming at" to " seeing himself as high and mighty and thus something as big as a large boulder would look so tiny before him"
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Fear: Occurs with pulses between 21-30. This causes the victim to experience sudden uncontrollable fear and anxiety depending on the situation he meets himself. For example if this occurs while in a battle, he feel enormous and paralizing fear of his opponent. This is similar to paralysing fear someone experience via killing intent.

Rage: Occurs with pulses between 31-40. This is a double edge sword that can even be detrimental to the user himself. It causes the victim to elevate into a state of enormous and uncontrollable rage. Even though there is no reason for him to do such, He finds himself not able to control himself. A drawback to this is that the target is not able to string long handseals(3 and above) without stoping due to impatience. While unable to use Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu, His Ninjutsu suffers a one rank demotion due to inability to perfectly mold chakra. However, due to this rage, his tajutsu would shoot upwards, increasing by a rank, his speed also increases by a rank and he won't feel pain so much.
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Lunacy: Occurs with pulses between 41-60. This causes the victim to loose their mind completely. A state of complete insanity, where the victim looses control of himself. A brain disorder which makes it seems the brain has been overloaded with tons of activities.
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Apart from the first three which are short term/temporary affects, Lunacy quickly mutates to a state of catalepsy, which is a commatose state.

Example Techniques:
Wrath of Ologi
Description: The user claps and forms 4 sealing circles around him. The topmost seals are quite bigger than the two below and are inform of eyes of the demon. From the eyes, two beams of madness wavelenght would shoot out with immense speed towards the target.
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Madness Cladding
Description: The user clads his weapon in madness wavelenght, thereby increasing its volume and morphing it into shape of a demon slayer scythe.

Madness Pop
Description: The user would infuse madness wavelenght into the target through a touch, He does not stop there, the wavelenght converge into the targets central nervous system and explode. This does not cause the target to experience beta brainwave pattern like normal but because the brainwaves pulses are unstable, explodes into a one time catastrophic pop that would knock out the target and cause him to bleed from the nose and ears.
NOTE: Does not physical harm the target.
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Additional effects and Restrictions:
Requires mastery of Taijutsu, FUinjutsu, Genjutsu and Raiton​

✦ Declined, this is not a CFS, but rather a mode. ✦
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Apr 14, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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(Senbonzakura) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms
Type: Ninjutsu
Background: Being a shinobi of the leaf, ~Havoc~ has spent much time on the forest that surrounds the land of fire's village, becoming one with nature, so much that no animal is afraid of him and allow him to pet them at will, while in the time he spent there he discovered a way of making the forest itself or actually the leafs themselfs help him in combat.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This is a simple yet efficient and strong fighting style, where the user focusses chakra into tree's nearby by and coats the leafs on them in sharp or dense chakra depending on the usseage he wants to give them, becoming moer like sharp small blades and not leafs, he them is able to freely manipulate them in waves of thousands of petals, depending on the amount of leafs the user can gather them together and compress them, giving them a single solid form with great strength and such. While the blades are supposedly too small to be seen normally, they reflect light in such a way as to appear as cherry blossom petals due to the extra type of chakra added by the user. The user can control the "blades" at will, allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through many defenses within reason. The blades are also used for defensive purposes, as they can even protect the user from an incoming sword swing, kunais, shurikens, and other regular ninja weapons. A master of this fighting style is allowed to carry a gourd full of petals already coated in his chakra, allowing him to use them, without the need of controlling the leafs of trees nearby by.

Skill levels of the style:

Creator (created the style, Dominates it)
Master (knows Senbonzakura and advanced techniques)
User (someone who knows basic techniques)
Apprentice (is learning basic techniques)

Additional effects and Restrictions:
• Can only be used if there are trees around the field, or if the user carries his petal gourd.
• Must have mastery over Ninjutsu. (Due to the need of extreme chakra control)
• Only ~Havoc~ may teach Senbonzakura.
• Must complete 2 training sessions to be an Apprentice.
• Must complete 3 training sessions to be a User.
• Must complete 5 training sessions to be a Master.
• Must be atleast Sannin rank to start basic training.
• An apprentice can only learn up to C rank.
• A user can only learn up to B rank.
• A master can learn up to S rank.
• Only the Creator can use F rank techinques.


(Senbonzakura: Chire) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Scatter
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will take control of a thousand petals and scatter them across the field, maknig it look like a pink ground is what they are on top of.
• Must have several trees nearby by or carrying the user's petal gourd.

(Senbonzakura: Senkei) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Annihilate
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user unites the scattered petals into complete glowing swords, numbering in the thousands, that form four rows. These rows float just above the other, and circle around the user and his opponent in a continuously moving, column-like array. It abandons defense in favor of a concentrated offense. Though visually menacing, this form is not meant for attack from all sides; rather, it is to concentrate his power into fewer blades, thus increasing his attack power. While the suer can control these swords, he commonly calls them to his hands for actual melee combat. When in his hand, they lose their glow, and take the form of a katana. While they seem solid in this state, the swords can just as easily dissipate back into the multitude of tiny blades that they are made up of. It seems to take fewer blows from a Senkei blade to gravely injure an opponent than the multiple cuts needed. The Senkei also cages himself with his enemy, allowing neither combatant to move very far from each other, though the area is still large enough for maneuverability. The most effective use of the Senkei form is that it allows for use of all the swords at the same attack level, making it highly versatile as a way to effectively defeat an enemy unaware of the danger of the situation.
• May only be used 2 times per match.

(Senbonzakura: Hakuteiken) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: White Emperor Sword
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This condenses each and every single one of his "blades" into a single, potent sword, drastically increasing its cutting power. The chakra and pressure of this form released is immense. The blade appears bright white and its aura takes the form of a bird, earning it the name Hakuteiken ("White Emperor Sword"). Pure white wings form on the user's back, as well as a halo-like circle, made of concentrated petals. The blade in this form is dangerous enough to cause aggravated injuries in one single blow. The wings are capable of being used for flight, the user can either only create the wings or only the sword, or both if wanted.
• May only be used 3 times per match.
Being from Konoha doesn't allow you to control leaves. And even if you weren't necessarily controlling the leaves but the chakra around them, that's basically like saying I coat wood with my chakra and now I can control wood.
to resubmit with a conceptual overhaul
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(Senbonzakura) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms

Ninjutsu - Kenjutsu - Taijutsu - Hybrid

Background: Legend tells of three Sages, whom each specialized in one of three arts. The arts were respectively Basic Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Taijutsu. Each Sage believing their art to be superior to the others. Not being able to come to an agreement the Sages formulated a test to see whose art was truly superior. The test was exterminating a large group of criminals and thieves known as the Rare Hunters using only said art. Each Sage attempted the latter, and failed. Causing the Rare Hunters to openly mock and disrespect the arts of the sages. Unable to compete against their numbers individually the Sages decided that unity would be the key, and thus united their respective arts into one style of combat. One that combined the core concept of using basic chakra manipulation to create a condensed blade or blades of chakra that could be used as a means for kenjutsu. Or having the blade(s) scatter into thousands of smaller blades that took the appearance of harmless cherry blossom petals collectively that could act as an extension of the users body through taijutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The user will have his chakra manifest and condense into an extremely compact blade or several exhibiting an extreme level of sharpness. From there the opponent can wield the blade as he would a normal one to preform kenjutsu oriented techniques. Or he can further manipulate them through ninjutsu to have the condensed blade or blades "scatter" into thousands of smaller blades taking on the appearance of harmless cherry blossom petals from which the style draws its name. In reality however these petals are of an extremely sharp and quick nature allowing for the user to easily use them as a defense or offense. These petals can become an extension of the users body, through direct body movements - taijutsu, allowing ranged combat. Or can be used in CQC by having them scatter after making direct contact via kenjutsu, using a senbonzakura blade in a way such as stabbing the chest and then scatter internally to tear the opponent apart from the inside. Stances differ based on the approach the user takes regarding use of the style as one can easily transition from kenjutsu to ninjutsu to taijutsu. By doing as mentioned before either using a blade to preform kenjutsu oriented techniques and having the blade scatter upon contact internally. Or using Ninjutsu to materialize several blades in a condensed form around the user and having them attack the target or scatter and attack. Then comes using the scattered petals to augment taijutsu and increase range by having the petals become an extension of the users movements, this can be via body movements or sword movements.(Although never directly making contact with the user, as the petals can harm him as well.)

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Rows of Condensed Senbonzakura swords circling the area around the opponent and user.

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Large Senbonzakura swords scattering.
Master (Knows all techniques and gains all benefits associated)
Advanced User (Knows basic techniques and is learning intermediate level ones)
User (Knows basic techniques and is learning intermediate level ones)
Apprentice (is learning basic techniques)

Example Techniques:

(Senbonzakura: Senkei) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Annihilate
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user manifests complete glowing swords, numbering in the thousands, that form four rows. These rows float just above the other, and circle around the user and his opponent in a continuously moving, column-like array. It abandons defense in favor of a concentrated offense. This form can be meant for attack from all sides; or rather, to concentrate power into fewer blades. While the user can control these swords, he commonly calls them to his hands for actual melee combat. When in his hand, they lose their glow, and take the form of a katana. While they seem solid in this state, the swords can just as easily dissipate back into the multitude of tiny blades that they are made up of. It takes few blows from a Senkei blade to gravely injure an opponent due to the sharpness of the blade foremost but its ability to scatter upon making contact is what is truly dangerous. The Senkei also cages the user with his enemy, allowing neither combatant to move very far from each other, though the area is still large enough for maneuverability. The most effective use of the Senkei form is that it allows for use of all the swords at the same attack level, making it highly versatile as a way to launch a direct attack from all sides via
• May only be used 3 times per match.

(Senbonzakura: Senkei) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Protect
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Considered to be the absolute defense of the style. The user manifests complete glowing swords, few in number, five to ten. In a row around himself, floating and circling around the user. Upon contact with any material will proceed to scatter and shred said material to pieces protecting the user form all harm. However this technique is preset, passively feeding of the users chakra to maintain itself. Meaning the user can not take control of the swords and send them at the opponents like other techniques. Despite being the absolute defensive technique of the style it does allow the user to attack in a way other then controlling the swords. Via taking hold of one of the swords circling him, having it lose its glow and become a standard katana proceeding to use it in a normal kenjutsu fashion as he would a normal sword, although with the ability to have it scatter at anytime.
• May only be used 2 times per match.
• Lasts for 4 turns.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

- The chakra is condensed and shaped heavily to become sharp and thus plays equally in its interaction with elements.
- Masters of the style have increased Agility, Reflexes and Movement Speed when compared to a normal Strong Fist Master
- Due to the heavy and complex manipulation of chakra, master of the style generally have great chakra control
- Users of the style rely on swift, graceful movements and the sharpness and cutting abilities of senbozakura swords
- Logically the more swords the weaker the individual and vise versa the less swords the more the individual is condensed/stronger
- The size of the swords can vary with techniques picture 3 being an example of a highly advanced scatter technique

✦ Declined, to start the type is wrong. No increased movement speed either. Remove teh part about stabbing someone and using the blades to cut internally as that's essentially GG with any hit as they will cause microscopic damage even if it's a stab in the hand at no deeper than an inch. Besides that, the rest seems fine. ✦
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Mar 18, 2013
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Aiorosu Heiki: Kusari ātsu| アイオロス兵器・アーツ | Aeolus Armament: Chain Arts

Type: Ninjutsu/Bukijutsu

The style was much fabled one often heard about in elaborate oral stories, said to be created and used by a denizen of wind named Aelous. Aelous was neither human nor monster but instead a force who could take many forms. Most of the time he would acquire an unnamed human form. The story dwindled over the generations changing the legendary warrior's name to Emissary of Wind, Soldier of the Tempest, etc. But one name stuck to the ears of many no matter the story derivation, the Warrior of the North Wind.

As the legends would have it, the Warrior of the North Wind was a shinobi so skilled with Fūton hat he could control country wide hurricanes and even command the atmosphere itself. He was a force to be reckoned with. But amidst his obvious talents the warrior knew not what he fought for or what he was, and instead was abused by the nations. Each country would employ him in the name of good, that their cause was the right way, and that the other had to be eliminated. Unsure of himself or his purpose the Warrior would be torn between the most confident employer. Eventually, in times leading up to the first Shinobi World War, he was captured and tortured into divulging the secrets of his origin and unique fighting style, Aelous Armament. Defiant, he was killed and with him went his style.

However, as the legends continue, with the Warrior not being human to begin with, on the verge of death he had transformed his body into air itself and ascended into the heavens. Now, every decade the Warrior descends onto worthy shinobi who have shown great skill in Fūton. A unique form of transcendence, the Warrior would chose his champion to fight in the name of good. With this opportunity the selected shinobi is also taught the fighting style. So because of this, the style is only seen every decade. At the end of the champion's life, they too are transformed into spiritual wind and ascend to the heavens where they watch over the future generations along side Aelous himself.

Description on the Abilities & Inner Workings of the Style:

The style is comprised of two components, Chain Arts and Aelous Armament;

Aelous Armament Mechanic: The style, as dictated by the many stories, speaks of 'weapons drawn from thin air' and used by the Warrior. Each time the Warrior was reincarnated from a chosen shinobi it was deemed the beginning of a cycle, the chosen vessel's weapon would then be copied and at the end of the cycle that weapon will become added to the style. In the end, after over 30 cycles being completed the style has over 30 weapons ranging from short axes to long swords. The new chosen warrior is now given the style in addition to these weapons. Each weapon is then replicated through acute Fūton chakra control and classic transformation jutsu. By commanding the wind with Fūton chakra and shaping it the user is able to create specific weapons of previous cycles. The creation of the weapons all follow the same process; first the user commands a section of wind around him with his Fūton chakra, then with shape manipulation the wind is compressed into the shape of the chosen weapon. At this stage in creation the weapon will be a ghostly green hue while being made of tangible wind. Then the final step of the process, the green shell of a weapon is then made real by employing the transformation technique. This final step makes them, for all means and purposes, actual weapons to the point where they even exhibit the sound of steel when clashed with actual swords. Being made of wind primarily the user is able to control them without actually touching through his Fūton chakra. This allows the user to control the many weapons of the style with gestures and simple movements of the arms coupled with chakra control. Similar to how a puppet would perform, the user uses very specific maneuvers with his arms and control the weapons to react exactly the way he wants such as pointing at the enemy to have a sword pierce them.

As stated before the user is able to create these weapons within short ranged of himself but they can be manipulated up to long ranged with specific techniques. However, if the area short ranged of the user should be clouded with foreign chakra the weapons wont be able to form as they need a space completely devoid of alien chakra. Which means, if the area surrounding the user or anywhere he aims to construct the weapons is filled to the brim with foreign chakra he is unable to channel his own unless it is of higher rank (following regular NB mechanics). But in the same light, if the area is absent of obstruction in terms of foreign chakra the user is able to channel and mold his own and create the weapons of the style. Upon creation they spawn into being with a flash of green light from the Fūton chakra and are then instantly transformed. Being made of Fūton the blades also carry the strengths and weaknesses of the release such as strength to Raiton and susceptibility to Katon. When destroyed or relinquished by the user they simply vanish into thin air, returning to whence the came- the wind. These wind constructs are the core to the style, and if not the main reason why Aelous was dubbed Warrior of the North Wind. Here is a quick list of of the weapons that are tied to the style from the previous Warrior cycles, if it's not listed here it can't be created with Aelous Armament;

The weapon from the most recent cycle, said to be held by a once powerful Uchiha. It was called the Viper Blade also because it carries a pair of thin wires in between the blade that when it's swung the blade splits into 13 sections each connected by the thin wire and reaching up to
A short blade from the 12th cycle, it is half the length of the regular katana.
A thin saber from the 7th cycle, this blade is a staggering 160 cm which is twice the length of a katana. It was said to be held by a samurai named Sephiroth which is paradoxical seeing that samurai can't use Fūton.
A blade from the 28th cycle, it had a peculiar twisted metal design like that of a lance which made it perfect for thrusting or throwing.
A folding, circular arm shield used by a woman of the 13th cycle. It spans the entire arm length when unfolded and 10 inches when folded along with an embedded crest of a four winged bird on the front, which could have probably been her clan/family sigil.
A javelin used by a rogue shinobi of the 26th cycle. Pitch black in appearance it stands 2 meters tall.
A pair of daggers, each the length of a kunai. They seemed to be engraved with an oath, but no one knows by whom and for what. One reads "wash away the sin" and the other reads "for I am born again".
A war fan used by a shinobi of Sunagakure, it is of the same dimensions as the gunbai used by the Uchiha.
An elaborately designed bow, etched with dragons and vines along its finish. Strangely enough, the bow does not fire arrows...
Nodachi and Kodachi
Two straight swords one shiny crimson and the other golden. At the base of the swords' handles is a notch where they can become connected and form a double bladed staff.

Chain Mechanic: This is the more technical/complex side of the style, involving the chain techniques and how they behave. This "chain mechanism" is introduced as the ability to perform two techniques of the Aeolus Armament CFS as one technique. That is, the chain mechanic merges the techniques allowing them to be performed, effected, and perceived as one technique. The chain resultant, or amalgam then becomes a single technique and is treated as such. Each chain contains two techniques of the CFS each arranged in a way that not only makes the chain more formidable, but uniquely different from its parent techniques. That is, the chains, even though consisting of techniques of the CFS, are merged so seamlessly that they can be considered as different techniques of the style. Because of this there will be five very versatile core techniques of the style and an accompanying five versatile chain type attacks.

Because of being treated as one technique, the chain attacks are granted some privileges of single attacks. Such as constriction of time frame, where it is near impossible to perform two techniques before the opponent can do one. The chains are performed so quick and seamlessly that they can be performed with physical and time frame promptness, allowing the opponent's technique to be countered efficiently with a chain type attack. However, chain type attacks are never performed faster than the average technique, or the average time it takes a shinobi with the Futon primary specialty to perform a technique. In fact, the chain attacks' speed are equal to a shinobi of Futon specialty performing such a technique. The second privilege of single attacks that chain attacks are granted immunity to interruption. For example, as per the NB Battle Arena rules, if the user should perform a chain type attack for his first move, even though it is essentially two moves the merger allows them to be treated as one and such to interrupt them would be breaking these rules. They can be countered logically however, by finding the near impossibly fast gap between the two techniques. This is left to shinobi with highly perceptive abilities like that of the Sharingan or other superior tracking capabilities.

Now being made of two techniques of the style the chain attacks also take up two move slots of the user's allotted three. This means, after a chain attack is performed the user is left to only one technique slot and there can never be two chains in a single sequence as that would go over the 3 move slots into 4. Also, being an amalgam of two techniques the chains would logically have a higher cost/damage output. However, not only would a straight addition scheme be impractical for the user's chakra reserves, but also OP in terms of damage output. To combat this issue of logic, B(20/40)+B(20/40) =/= A(40/80). Instead, when merging two techniques of the style into a chain there is a simple algorithm to follow:

The lower ranking component of the two move chain must be placed first, i.e (B+A, C+B, D+C, etc). Then, the first (lower ranking) technique's cost and damage are left untouched while the second (higher ranking) technique's cost and damage are halved. With this algorithm, chain attacks will only cost at max 5 more chakra points and do 10 more damage than a regular technique of the same rank. And also, the chain attack's highest and lowest range takes on that of either component techniques, and if both ranges are equal the chain's range is the addition of these ranges, i.e (short+short= short/mid ranged, short+mid= short/long). Below is a table to clarify things:

C Rank + C Ranked // Chain B attackC rank + B rank // Chain attack B+ ranked
B rank + B rank // Chain attack A rankedB rank + A rank // Chain attack A+ ranked
A rank + A rank // Chain attack S rankedA rank + S rank // Chain attack S+ ranked
S rank + S rank // Not allowedS rank + F rank // Not allowed
Short ranged + Short ranged // Chain mid rangedShort ranged + Mid ranged // Chain short-mid ranged
Mid ranged + Mid ranged // Chain long rangedShort ranged + Long ranged // Chain short-long ranged
Long ranged + Long ranged // Long rangedMid ranged + Long ranged // Chain mid-long ranged

Example Techniques:

:))Aeolus Armament: Hurricane Shield
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short/Mid
Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: In the face of enemy advancement or attacks the user will hold out a palm and focus his Futn chakra into commanding the wind into either the Aegis or the Januwiyah. Whether or not the Aegis or Januwiyah is used, even though being thoroughly composed of wind, both weapons carry an outward wind coat of rapidly revolving currents. This allows them to protect more than its dimensions allow, and the revolving air currents around it cover the user's entire body in a semi-dome formation with a diameter of 6 feet, instead of just his arm and parts of his torso. However, this wind covering also serves an offensive role. Being made of 'hard' wind this overshield can be used to bash into objects and people as well as parry weapons. The weapons can dispel Raiton techniques up to A ranked but is weak to Katon, as per the elemental interactions. This defensive and offensive side to the technique allows it to be very versatile and one of the backbone techniques of the style. As an alternative, the user may throw the shield up to mid ranged by having it stay connected to his arm by a Futon tether. With a diameter of six feet and the velocity of a fired arrow the shield can then become a slicing weapon looking similar to Naruto's Rasenshuriken when thrown. The Januwiyah gunbai can be used to create small gusts of wind to blow back opponents/weapons a few feet. After throwing it the user may retract it by this Futon tether or he may allow it run wild and sever the connection. After it passes the mid ranged mark it disperses as a gale of wind.
- Dispelling Raiton techniques of A ranked causes the wind overshield to be removed and the user must wait a full turn for it to return.

:))Aeolus Armament: Charge of Winward Souls
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid/Long
Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: By holding out both arms in any manner the user prefers, he will focus his Futon chakra into the air around him to form various weapons of the CFS such as the Crissaegrim, Murasame, Obelisk etc short ranged around him. From there he controls them with hand gestures and can send them shooting up to long ranged to attack enemies. This is a streaming type technique as once a weapon is removed and shot at the enemy another reforms and another until the user ends the technique. This stream isn't allowed to exceed a single turn however and the user can't perform any other techniques while focused on it.

:))Aeolus Armament: Chain Attack Type 1: Reposte
Type: Chain
Rank: A+
Range: Short/Long
Cost: 20(+15)(+10 per turn)
Damage: 40(+30)
Description: After performing the technique "Hurricane Shield" to defend/coutner the enemy or still in play the user will have its wind overshield (if it is still present) detach from the shield itself and form a projectile salvo of 2 meter long Obelisk javelins. This salvo is a stream type and comes from the addition of "Charge of Windward Souls" to the chain attack. As the overshield splits into these javelins the user will continue the stream by steadily feeding chakra throught he Futon tether that is connected to the Aegis. Unlike the regular "Charge of Winward Souls" this steady stream of near infinite weapons can last the turn it is performed and the next at a chakra taxation of -10 per turn. The user may also move about on the field and control the stream with hand gestures.

:))Aeolus Armament: Hurricane Shield
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short/Mid
Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: In the face of enemy advancement or attacks the user will hold out a palm and focus his Futn chakra into commanding the wind into the Aegis. This small shield, even though being thoroughly composed of wind, also carries an outward wind coat of rapidly revolving winds. This allows the shield to protect more than its dimensions can, and the revolving air currents around it cover the user's entire body with a dome like formation with a diameter of 6 feet, instead of just his arm and parts of his torso. However, this wind covering also serves an offensive role. Being made of 'hard' wind this overshield can be used to bash into objects and people as well as parry weapons. The shield can dispel Raiton techniques up to A ranked but is weak to Katon, as per the elemental interactions. This defensive and offensive side to the technique allows it to be very veratile and one of the backbone techniques of the style. As an alternative, the user may throw the shield up to mid ranged by having it stay connected to his arm by a Futon tether. With a diamter of six feet and the velocity of a thrown kunai the shield can then become a slicing weapon looking similar to Naruto's Rasenshuriken when thrown. After throwing it the user may retract it by this Futon tether or he may allow it run wild and sever the connection. After it passes the mid ranged mark it disperses as a gale of wind.
- Dispelling Raiton tehchniques of A ranked causes the wind overshield to be removed and the user must wait a full turn for it to return.

:))Aeolus Armament: Charge of Winward Souls
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid/Long
Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: By holding out both arms in any manner the user prefers, he will focus his Futon chakra into the air around him to form various weapons of the CFS such as the Crissaegrim, Murasame, Obelisk etc short ranged around him. From there he controls them with hand gestures and can send them shooting up to long ranged to attack enemies. This is a streaming type technique as once a weapon is removed and shot at the enemy another reforms and another until the user ends the technique. This stream isn't allowed to exceed a single turn however and the user can't perform any other techniques while focused on it.
- This chain attack can only be done 3x per battle/event.
- Requires a turn cooldown, two if the stream is used longer than the turn performed.

Additional Effects:

- Weapons of the style are inherently weak to Katon due to their Futon composition and as such cannot physically contend with elemental release.


- User must be of at least Kage rank and have mastered Futon and Ninjutsu.

✦ Declined, where to start? You aren't using 30 different weapons with this, not even close to half that. That corners the market on a LOT of bladed CFS that use Wind chakra. The chain part reminds me of Azazel's CFS related to Chains, can't recall the exact name atm. You aren't turning these weapons "real" after summoning them with Wind either. I haven't even gone through the full CFS noting things as these are the main things that rule this unapprovable. ✦
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

✦✦ Thread Reopened ✦✦

So, I was a day or two late opening this, give me a break. Anyway, I will finish checking the CFSJ and open that thread as well after making edits to it. That said, there are a few other submissions pending in here. I either didn't check them yet, need a second opinion from Reborn or someone else, or don't have the patience to write all of why it's declined right now so I'll get to them later. Other than that, you know the rules I hope. Don't just submit anything as a CFS; it has to have either Hand to Hand CQC involved, or some form of weaponry. No, throwing dynamite isn't a CFS. Quoting someone into submissions isn't a CFS. Arguing until someone kills themselves isn't a CFS. I know, I know: "But it works". Still. Have fun submitting. The normal limit still applies.
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Anbu Kirito

Active member
Jul 1, 2014
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

Path of the Vanishing Fist
Type: Gentaikenjutsu
Created by Kirito Uchiha as a way to incorporate genjutsu into his standard taijutsu and kenjutsu style, it is a fairly intricate form. He felt that direct attacks and even naturally unexpected assaults were rather ineffective against ranged or dojutsu using opponents. First, he began to improve his reflexes, becoming able to preform handseals for genjutsu while preparing for taijutsu attacks. This allowed him to cast illusions while delivering melee attacks. Eventually, he tried creating genjutsu to be used without seals, but being triggered through certain taijutsu or kenjutsu motions. This is how the style was created. He began fighting opponents, and by using these special genjutsu, he became able to use a certain taijutsu technique and have it appear like another to the opponent. The only disadvantage was that these were all visual genjutsu, giving the style a major disadvantage.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The user will enter stances or perform attacks, which through visual eye contact, usually requiring no hand, will trigger a genjutsu on the opponent. These genjutsu can range from false clone viewing, to the more advanced ability to cause the enemy to see the user doing a different taijutsu or kenjutsu technique than they are actually doing. For example, the user may actually be throwing a punch, but by using a technique from the style, the opponent may see them use a round kick. This can be avoided by taijutsu masters who know the genjutsu is visual type by looking at the users chin, and not face. The genjutsu can also be broken through normal means, pain, kai, or foreign chakra, meaning it still can be broken if noticed. The users of the style advance through 4 classifications, each learning more and gaining abilities greater than the last. All experienced users of the style will also gain enhanced reflexes and chakra control due to the learning of techniques preformed with handseals during an already launched taijutsu attack.
The User Classes:
Dragonfly: The spirit animal known for illusions, this rank is reserved for the masters and creators of the style. These people can perform all of the techniques in the style without handseals, and gain +10 damage to the style's techniques. They also have very fast reflexes, and extremely tuned chakra control, both above the threshold of a normal shinobi.

Coyote: The trickster spirit, these people are few in number and can use all of the techniques of the style. They can even use the handseal requiring techniques with a single handseal. It is also at this level and beyond that the user is experienced enough to be considered a small amount above average with chakra control and reflexes compared to a normal strong fist user.

Fox: Known for being a mysterious animal, these people are large in number and master the basics and some of the more advanced techniques of the style. They can use the techniques with normal effectiveness, and have access to the handseal requiring techniques, but must use the full number of handseals.

Wolf: A vicious but not very quiet animal, this class is given to those still learning the basic techniques of the style. They cannot perform the techniques which require handseals in the style, as they do not have the needed reflexes or chakra control yet.

Example Techniques:
Path of the Vanishing Fist: Reverse Sucker Punch
The user will run at the opponent as if chambering a left arm punch. They will then stare at the opponent, triggering a visual genjutsu. In the genjutsu, the opponent will see the user create a clone which runs at them and punches them in face with a left arm sucker punch as the real user runs at the opponent and delivers a left arm jab. However, in reality, the user will create a clone, and instead of delivering a left arm jab, will deliver a right arm sucker punch as the clone uses a right arm jab.
-This counts as one of the user's usages of clones.

Path of the Vanishing Fist: False Attack Technique
The user will make 3 handseals, inducing a visual genjutsu on the opponent. This can be used with any freeform ken/tai attack. In the illusion, the opponent will see the user use a certain attack, whether it be a sword slash or a punch. In reality, the user will use a different melee attack, such as a kick or something. This is the most generic multi application technique in the style, and can only be used on freeform because of this. It is still considered relatively advanced due to its versatility, and therefore, has a usage requirement.
-Can be used twice by Fox Ranked Users, Four times by Coyotes, and 5 times by dragonflies.
-Can be used no more than once a turn, no genjutsu during the same turn.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-The more experienced users of the Style as stated above gain:
-Enhanced Chakra Control
-Enhanced Reflexes in comparison to a normal strong fist user.
The requirements to learn the style are:
-User must have completed Genjutsu, and have started training in taijutsu
-User must be Jounin Rank or higher
-Permission from a Dragonfly Ranked User to learn

✦ Declined, for starters this entire CFS is basically just Sharingan genjutsu + a taijutsu or kenjutsu at the end. You also need Ken as well as Tai finished to submit a CFS based on it. ✦
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Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

Seijin Genkotsu | Sage Fist
Type: SenTaijutsu
Background: After Hashirama finished learning Senjutsu from Jiraiya-sensei, he moved on his on to develop his fighting style and enhances every bit of it with Senjutsu. One day, while Hashirama was wandering in Konoha, he came to find a young Hyuuga practicing the Hyuuga's infamous, Gentle Fist. It wasn't the first time he has ever seen or heard about Gentle Fist, but it certainly was the first time after learning Senjutsu. He was fascinated by the concept of the Hyuuga which is to inject chakra in the opponent's tenketsu in order to stop the chakra flow, a really smart concept. One that he decided to take and develop even more with Senjutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The Sage Fist is really similar yet really distinctive from Gentle Fist. While it has the same concept, which is injecting a kind of chakra or energy inside the opponent's body to do a certain effect, the energy used in the art is Natural Energy. Using any mean of Hand to Hand combat, whether it would be with a fist like gentle fist, a punch, a kick or anything really. It is just a mean of conduction to Natural Energy and by delivering the attack, the user would inject Senjutsu into the opponent's body, causing the part of the body which is attacked to turn into stone upon impact due to their inability to withstand Natural Energy.

Example Techniques:

Sage Fist: Punch
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The users delivers a regular punch to the opponent's stomach, injecting natural energy in the said part and causing it to turn into stone upon impact.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Given how it depends on the opponent's inability to withstand natural energy, if it is done against someone whose body is used to Natural energy like other Senjutsu users, Juugo or the Valentines, then the natural energy has no effect, although the physical attack would still has effect.
-Can only be used by Sage Mode users

✦ Declined, this is really too OPed to allow because of what the effects themself are; one hit and they're turning into stone and note that you even said on impact; if they counter said attack with Taijutsu, they're still turning into stone. Dis tew much. ✦
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Apr 3, 2014
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Nejire manyūba no michi - Way of Twisting Maneuvers
Type: Taijutsu
This type of taijutsu was invented in a small village island off the coast of the Land of Lightning. This island was often visited and harassed by pirates, stealing their valuables and burning down their homes. A missing-nin from Kirigakure arrived at this island one day after a raid to see the town in ruins. This man, determined to teach the remaining villagers how to protect themselves from these pirates tried educating them in ninjutsu, but none of them showed particular skill in this field. He then tried genjutsu, but that yielded the same results. Finally he tried teaching them taijutsu. Though none of them were naturals, they achieved the most success in this field out of the three. The ninja that taught them how to fight did not do it thoroughly enough, and the villagers slowly began to develop habits in their fighting that were different from average taijutsu. The difference was that they would turn their body before their strikes in certain ways, which unbeknownst to them actually ended up generating more power than normal attacks of the same nature. When the pirates returned, the villagers fended them off with their new style of taijutsu.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This fighting style revolves around the twisting of body parts a moment before a strike to generate more power and ability to cause internal damage. For punches, it is normally the wrist that spins to generate this intense power. Though this style mostly does revolve around punches, there are some techniques that use other body parts like the leg. The force generated from this turning can cause the recipients of attacks to be sent spinning through the air. The force generated can break bones and cause internal damage.
Example Techniques:

Type: (Tsuisuto ken) - Twisted Fist
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 0
Damage: 40
The user punches at a target, turning their fist and wrist a moment before impact. This twisting continues as the fist makes contact with the target, causing their skin and/or other possible matter (clothes, rocks, etc) to twist and rupture, with the ability to break bones near the surface as well (like ribs). The spinning also can cause the target to be blown backwards in a spiraling motion if the user spins their fist enough, blasting them back up to mid range.
-Must be taught by Leathercandle
-Can be used thrice per battle

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Masters of this style can twist their body parts at faster speeds to cause much more damage and blowback force.
-Masters of this style can move around faster and with more agility than a normal ninja due to the training that goes into using this.
-All practitioners of this style have developed calluses on their knuckles and hand through training. Punching hard objects does not hurt very much due to this.
-Must have completed taijutsu to learn
-Must be at least Sannin rank to learn

✦Declined, what makes this different from being submitted as regular Taijutsu?✦
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

to resubmit with a conceptual overhaul
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(Senbonzakura) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms

Ninjutsu - Kenjutsu - Taijutsu - Hybrid

Background: Legend tells of three Sages, whom each specialized in one of three arts. The arts were respectively Basic Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Taijutsu. Each Sage believing their art to be superior to the others. Not being able to come to an agreement the Sages formulated a test to see whose art was truly superior. The test was exterminating a large group of criminals and thieves known as the Rare Hunters using only said art. Each Sage attempted the latter, and failed. Causing the Rare Hunters to openly mock and disrespect the arts of the sages. Unable to compete against their numbers individually the Sages decided that unity would be the key, and thus united their respective arts into one style of combat. One that combined the core concept of using basic chakra manipulation to create a condensed blade or blades of chakra that could be used as a means for kenjutsu. Or having the blade(s) scatter into thousands of smaller blades that took the appearance of harmless cherry blossom petals collectively that could act as an extension of the users body through taijutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The user will have his chakra manifest and condense into an extremely compact blade or several exhibiting an extreme level of sharpness. From there the opponent can wield the blade as he would a normal one to preform kenjutsu oriented techniques. Or he can further manipulate them through ninjutsu to have the condensed blade or blades "scatter" into thousands of smaller blades taking on the appearance of harmless cherry blossom petals from which the style draws its name. In reality however these petals are of an extremely sharp and quick nature allowing for the user to easily use them as a defense or offense. These petals can become an extension of the users body, through direct body movements - taijutsu, allowing ranged combat. Or can be used in CQC by having them scatter after making direct contact via kenjutsu, using a senbonzakura blade in a way such as stabbing the chest and then scatter internally to tear the opponent apart from the inside. Stances differ based on the approach the user takes regarding use of the style as one can easily transition from kenjutsu to ninjutsu to taijutsu. By doing as mentioned before either using a blade to preform kenjutsu oriented techniques and having the blade scatter upon contact internally. Or using Ninjutsu to materialize several blades in a condensed form around the user and having them attack the target or scatter and attack. Then comes using the scattered petals to augment taijutsu and increase range by having the petals become an extension of the users movements, this can be via body movements or sword movements.(Although never directly making contact with the user, as the petals can harm him as well.)

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Rows of Condensed Senbonzakura swords circling the area around the opponent and user.

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Large Senbonzakura swords scattering.
Master (Knows all techniques and gains all benefits associated)
Advanced User (Knows basic techniques and is learning intermediate level ones)
User (Knows basic techniques and is learning intermediate level ones)
Apprentice (is learning basic techniques)

Example Techniques:

(Senbonzakura: Senkei) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Annihilate
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user manifests complete glowing swords, numbering in the thousands, that form four rows. These rows float just above the other, and circle around the user and his opponent in a continuously moving, column-like array. It abandons defense in favor of a concentrated offense. This form can be meant for attack from all sides; or rather, to concentrate power into fewer blades. While the user can control these swords, he commonly calls them to his hands for actual melee combat. When in his hand, they lose their glow, and take the form of a katana. While they seem solid in this state, the swords can just as easily dissipate back into the multitude of tiny blades that they are made up of. It takes few blows from a Senkei blade to gravely injure an opponent due to the sharpness of the blade foremost but its ability to scatter upon making contact is what is truly dangerous. The Senkei also cages the user with his enemy, allowing neither combatant to move very far from each other, though the area is still large enough for maneuverability. The most effective use of the Senkei form is that it allows for use of all the swords at the same attack level, making it highly versatile as a way to launch a direct attack from all sides via
• May only be used 3 times per match.

(Senbonzakura: Senkei) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Protect
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Considered to be the absolute defense of the style. The user manifests complete glowing swords, few in number, five to ten. In a row around himself, floating and circling around the user. Upon contact with any material will proceed to scatter and shred said material to pieces protecting the user form all harm. However this technique is preset, passively feeding of the users chakra to maintain itself. Meaning the user can not take control of the swords and send them at the opponents like other techniques. Despite being the absolute defensive technique of the style it does allow the user to attack in a way other then controlling the swords. Via taking hold of one of the swords circling him, having it lose its glow and become a standard katana proceeding to use it in a normal kenjutsu fashion as he would a normal sword, although with the ability to have it scatter at anytime.
• May only be used 2 times per match.
• Lasts for 4 turns.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

- The chakra is condensed and shaped heavily to become sharp and thus plays equally in its interaction with elements.
- Masters of the style have increased Agility, Reflexes and Movement Speed when compared to a normal Strong Fist Master
- Due to the heavy and complex manipulation of chakra, master of the style generally have great chakra control
- Users of the style rely on swift, graceful movements and the sharpness and cutting abilities of senbozakura swords
- Logically the more swords the weaker the individual and vise versa the less swords the more the individual is condensed/stronger
- The size of the swords can vary with techniques picture 3 being an example of a highly advanced scatter technique

✦ Declined, to start the type is wrong. No increased movement speed either. Remove teh part about stabbing someone and using the blades to cut internally as that's essentially GG with any hit as they will cause microscopic damage even if it's a stab in the hand at no deeper than an inch. Besides that, the rest seems fine. ✦
- Changed Cosmetic Background History
- Took out all mentions of scattering internally as that is essentially GG
- Changed movement speed for flexibility

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₪ (Senbonzakura) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms ₪

Type: NinKenTaijutsu

₪ Background ₪ Legend tells of a young ninja by the name of Yusei, a warrior in training whose greatest weakness was that of Close Quarter Combat. Travelling the world he looked for a way to overcome the latter and truly become strong. His travels brought him far and wide but it was only when he stumbled upon Mount. Sakura did his journey into the art of fighting truly begin. He learned under the four great Sages who each taught a specific art. Their arts were respectively Basic Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Taijutsu. Learning under them Yusei came to understand and love each aspect to the point he was unable to choose the route he would pursue. He instead chose to take his favorite aspects from each art and combine to fit his own style of fighting with the mountains cherry blossom filled scenery as his inspiration. One that combined the core concept of using basic chakra manipulation to create a condensed blade or blades of chakra that could be used as a means for kenjutsu. Or having the blade(s) scatter into thousands of smaller blades that took the appearance of harmless cherry blossom petals collectively that could act as an extension of the users body through taijutsu or Kenjutsu.

₪ Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style ₪

The user will have his chakra manifest and condense into an extremely compact blade or several exhibiting an extreme level of sharpness. From there the opponent can wield the blade as he would a normal one to preform kenjutsu oriented techniques. Or he can further manipulate them through ninjutsu to have the condensed blade or blades "scatter" into thousands of smaller blades taking on the appearance of harmless cherry blossom petals from which the style draws its name. In reality however these petals are of an extremely sharp and quick nature allowing for the user to easily use them as a defense or offense. These petals can become an extension of the users body, through direct body movements - taijutsu, allowing ranged combat. Stances differ based on the approach the user takes regarding use of the style as one can easily transition from kenjutsu to ninjutsu to taijutsu. By doing as mentioned before either using a blade to perform kenjutsu oriented techniques. Or using Ninjutsu to materialize several blades in a condensed form around the user and having them attack the target or scatter and attack. Then comes using the scattered petals to augment taijutsu and increase range by having the petals become an extension of the users movements, this can be via body movements or sword movements.(Although never directly making contact with the user, as the petals can harm him as well.)

Visual Depictions of the Style
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₪Master₪ - Mastered all techniques and gains all benefits associated

₪Senior Apprentice₪ - Begins learning advanced techniques

₪Junior Apprentice₪ - Begins learning intermediate level techniques

₪Apprentice₪ - Begins learning basic techniques)

₪ Example Techniques ₪

(Senbonzakura: Zenmetsu sa seru) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Annihilate
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user manifests complete glowing swords, numbering in the thousands, that form four rows. These rows float just above the other, and circle around the user and his opponent in a continuously moving, column-like array. It abandons defense in favor of a concentrated offense. This form can be meant for attack from all sides; or rather, to concentrate power into fewer blades. While the user can control these swords, he commonly calls them to his hands for actual melee combat. When in his hand, they lose their glow, and take the form of a katana. While they seem solid in this state, the swords can just as easily dissipate back into the multitude of tiny blades that they are made up of. It takes few blows from a Senkei blade to gravely injure an opponent due to the sharpness of the blade foremost but its ability to scatter upon making contact is what is truly dangerous. The Senkei also cages the user with his enemy, allowing neither combatant to move very far from each other, though the area is still large enough for maneuverability. The most effective use of the Senkei form is that it allows for use of all the swords at the same attack level, making it highly versatile as a way to launch a direct attack from all sides via
May only be used 3 times per match.

(Senbonzakura: Hogo suru) - Thousand Cherry Blossoms: Protect
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Considered to be the absolute defense of the style. The user manifests complete glowing swords, few in number, five to ten. In a row around himself, floating and circling around the user. Upon contact with any material will proceed to scatter and shred said material to pieces protecting the user form all harm. However this technique is preset, passively feeding of the users chakra to maintain itself. Meaning the user can not take control of the swords and send them at the opponents like other techniques. Despite being the absolute defensive technique of the style it does allow the user to attack in a way other then controlling the swords. Via taking hold of one of the swords circling him, having it lose its glow and become a standard katana proceeding to use it in a normal kenjutsu fashion as he would a normal sword, although with the ability to have it scatter at anytime.
May only be used 2 times per match.
Lasts for 4 turns.

₪ Additional effects and Restrictions ₪

The chakra is condensed and shaped heavily to become sharp and thus plays equally in its interaction with elements.
Masters of the style have increased Agility, Reflexes, and Flexibility when compared to a normal Strong Fist Master
Due to the heavy and complex manipulation of chakra, master of the style generally have great chakra control
Users of the style rely on swift, graceful movements and the sharpness and cutting abilities of senbozakura swords
Logically the more swords the weaker the individual and vise versa the less swords the more the individual is condensed/stronger
The size of the swords can vary with techniques picture 3 being an example of a highly advanced scatter technique

✦ Auto Declined, you have to wait at least 14 days before resubmitting a CFS. ✦
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Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Karambit Arts.
The origin of the karambit is shrouded in mystery and controversy, but it’s fairly certain that these combat knives were devised in an unknown land as a counter to the kunai and shuriken used by ninja, many centuries ago.

Karambit arts are the unique name given to a mysterious and almost completely forgotten style of combat, the style itself seems to be specifically used in conjunction with a bladed weapon known as the Karambit.
The Karambit itself is said to have been modelled from the claws of the wild cats in the lands of it's creation. The knife itself has a single ring that the user places his finger through at the base of the weapon, intended to prevent disarmement, with there index finger placed in the ring holder the knife is held in a reversed grip with the blade facing outwards.

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See spoiler for image.​

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
One of the key unique points of using the Karambit fighting style is the near seemless transition between wielding a weapon and using ninjutsu techniques. While the style was designed to combat ninja the arts themselves are much more useful to a ninja in that regard, with the loop placed over the finger, the user is able to release the grip to make handseals, while the knife itself wouldn't drop from his grasp, making it incredibly effective in transitions.
The karambit can be held in other ways to facilitate other attacks, stuns and locks. The foregrip has the karambit blade extended upwards from the hand with the blade pointed forward. This grip allows for fast, shallow cuts. The hole in the handle of the blade can then be used to whip the blade around the finger, allowing increased momentum. The claw grip is similar to the standard grip, except the blade is pointed back towards the wielder. This allows the karambit user to grab the opponent with the blade. This technique can be used to grab the opponent's wrist and drag them, or dig into the opponent's shoulder or collarbone, severely immobilizing them.
The main use of the Karambit itself, is the fact it can collaborate with almost any fighting style that directly uses Taijutsu without impeding it, in fact it enhances punches due to the knuckles being partially supported with a clenched fist, due to the grip of the karambit keeping the knuckles in line.
The karambit is generally deployed in a slashing or hooking attack that is delivered in a manner similar to a cross or uppercut punch. But instead of making contact with your fist, it is the blade that strikes your target and cuts or slashes as you follow through your strike.
So this directly augments other Taijutsu attacks adding cutting power to them.
Although this is merely the base of Karambit fighting, the hidden power in the style stems from the usage of chakra. The creators of the style realizing the limitations of the arts against ninja learned to enhance the blades with there own chakra. The style branched in to several sub styles that all have there own unique methods and enhancements via chakra. These are mostly based in the sealing arts, which non ninja can use easily as long as they have access to pre made seals.

Panther Claw.
The style known as Panther Claw is a variant of the Karambit arts that has the user hold the blade in a reversed grip manner, with the blade facing inwards, this is known as the most damaging style in relation to gripping and harming the opponent. The secret behind this art is that once the opponent is gripped and hooked, the user will project his chakra in to the Karambit causing several fish hook like extensions of chakra to form, attaching themself firmly to the opponent, this would prevent him from creating any distance between himself and the user. As attempting to pull the blade free would cause far more damage with the chakra hooks in place, easily causing massive internal bleeding rupturing veins and severing tendons. Additionally a unique sealing script can be placed on the karambit during panther claw style provided the user is a master of basic non medical fuuinjutsu and karambit arts. This sealing script will inhibit any medical jutsu's abilities to actually heal the user the seal itself is capable of sealing the chakra of medical jutsu leaving no option for healing during battle.

Tiger Claw.
The style known as Tiger Claw is another variant of the Karambit arts, this is considered the most lethal of the styles in terms of speed and instant damage, whereas the Panther Claw focuses on hooking in and causing lasting damage. Tiger Claw instead has the blade facing outwards, and is used in fast and vicious swipes in the reverse hand grip. Using Tiger Claw the user would focus chakra in to the blade in a fast back and forth motion, similar to the Rasengan in terms of chakra manipulation instead of rotating the chakra the user will push two edges of chakra in synchronisation alongside each other, to gain an enhanced slicing effect, allowing this small unassuming blade to rend flesh and cause serious injury with a single slash. Additionally to these effects a unique effect can be placed on the tigers claw that allows it to absorb the opponents basic elemental jutsu's chakra as long as they are based on fire, lightning, or wind. Only the more energy based elements, it can also absorb raw chakra. Once absorbed the user is capable of releasing the chakra back from the seal to enhance his karambits. This can only be used provided the user is a master of basic non medical fuuinjutsu and karambit arts.

Dragon Claw.
This is possibly the most unique method of using the Karambit, and can only be accessed by a master of this style and of the basic non medical fuuinjutsu arts. By running a unique sealing script along the length of the blades it allows the user to inflict anyone cut by this blade with a powerful chakra sealing technique that prevents chakra flowing around the body correctly. This equates to cuts to the opponent even light grazing cuts can greatly inhibit the opponent. The deeper the wounds the more powerful the sealing scripts effect effectively limiting chakra by fixed numbers that will be submitted as a move.

Example Techniques:

Panthers Grip
Damage:60 (+10 every turn)
Description: The user will adopt the Panther Claw style, and then using the Karambit will impale the blade in to a location on the opponents body, using his chakra to create several fishooks around the Karambit's edge, making the blade incredibly hard to remove, and far more dangerous to attempt removal as it causes considerable damage to do so.

Tigers Slash
Description: The user will adopt the Tiger Claw style, and then using the Karambit will attempt to slash the opponent upon the slash connecting the user will release the razor sharp edge of chakra formed on the Karambit to inflict a considerable increase in cutting potential able to slice through bone easily.

Dragons Dance.
Description: The user will adopt the Dragon Claw style, and then using the Karambit will slash from a distance, causing a wave of razor sharp chakra to be released, upon contact with the opponent the chakra would form fish hooks latching to the opponent, and then begin grinding away to cause damage over time unless removed quickly.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
All Taijutsu attacks using the hands are able to be augmented to become a bladed taijutsu attack when using this style, adding a dangerous element to each attack. This applies to all canon and custom taijutsu attacks using the hands to strike. Making them harder to block.
While using this style the user can keep the Karambit in hand even when using handseals thanks to the ring attachement.
The user however can't combine the raw chakra attacks of this style with any elemental techniques.
Those trained in the karambit arts have increased hand speed thanks to their lengthy training with purely hand based attacks and movement. This equates to them having hand movement speed equal to a fully trained master of gentle fist.

Added a video demonstration of the Karambit in action.​

Resubmitting, overhauled a lot of the style and tried to make it more unique. Had to remove the video from the previous quote since NB won't let me post two videos in one post. So sorry for that.

✦ Declined, the parts about Fuuinjutsu seem iffy and hastily added; a seal cannot just seal medical arts, as most of those are raw chakra based jutsu. It's also OPed to seal something like healing from just a chakra enhanced cut. I'm also not keen on approving anything that absorbs chakra without the bio using it being a chakra absorber, such as a Rinnegan user. It can also be seen as a partial rip of Madara's Uchiwa Gunbai absorption ability, the absorption of energy based elements. The last form collides with too many Fuuinjutsu seals to allow, the sealing of chakra from strikes. Also, the increased hand movement part should be removed ✦
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Karambit Arts.
The origin of the karambit is shrouded in mystery and controversy, but it’s fairly certain that these combat knives were devised in an unknown land as a counter to the kunai and shuriken used by ninja, many centuries ago.

Karambit arts are the unique name given to a mysterious and almost completely forgotten style of combat, the style itself seems to be specifically used in conjunction with a bladed weapon known as the Karambit.
The Karambit itself is said to have been modeled from the claws of the wild cats in the lands of it's creation. The knife itself has a single ring that the user places his finger through at the base of the weapon, intended to prevent disarmament, with there index finger placed in the ring holder the knife is held in a reversed grip with the blade facing outwards.

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See spoiler for image.​

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
One of the key unique points of using the Karambit fighting style is the near seamless transition between wielding a weapon and using ninjutsu techniques. While the style was designed to combat ninja the arts themselves are much more useful to a ninja in that regard, with the loop placed over the finger, the user is able to release the grip to make handseals, while the knife itself wouldn't drop from his grasp, making it incredibly effective in transitions.
The karambit can be held in other ways to facilitate other attacks, stuns and locks. The fore-grip has the karambit blade extended upwards from the hand with the blade pointed forward. This grip allows for fast, shallow cuts. The hole in the handle of the blade can then be used to whip the blade around the finger, allowing increased momentum. The claw grip is similar to the standard grip, except the blade is pointed back towards the wielder. This allows the karambit user to grab the opponent with the blade. This technique can be used to grab the opponent's wrist and drag them, or dig into the opponent's shoulder or collarbone, severely immobilizing them.
The main use of the Karambit itself, is the fact it can collaborate with almost any fighting style that directly uses Taijutsu without impeding it, in fact it enhances punches due to the knuckles being partially supported with a clenched fist, due to the grip of the karambit keeping the knuckles in line.
The karambit is generally deployed in a slashing or hooking attack that is delivered in a manner similar to a cross or uppercut punch. But instead of making contact with your fist, it is the blade that strikes your target and cuts or slashes as you follow through your strike.
So this directly augments other Taijutsu attacks adding cutting power to them.
Although this is merely the base of Karambit fighting, the hidden power in the style stems from the usage of chakra. The creators of the style realizing the limitations of the arts against ninja learned to enhance the blades with there own chakra. The style branched in to several sub styles that all have there own unique methods and enhancements via chakra. These are mostly based in the sealing arts, which non ninja can use easily as long as they have access to pre made seals.

Panther Claw.
The style known as Panther Claw is a variant of the Karambit arts that has the user hold the blade in a reversed grip manner, with the blade facing inwards, this is known as the most damaging style in relation to gripping and harming the opponent. The secret behind this art is that once the opponent is gripped and hooked, the user will project his chakra in to the Karambit causing several fish hook like extensions of chakra to form, attaching them self firmly to the opponent, this would prevent him from creating any distance between himself and the user. As attempting to pull the blade free would cause far more damage with the chakra hooks in place, easily causing massive internal bleeding rupturing veins and severing tendons. Additionally a unique sealing script can be placed on the karambit during panther claw style provided the user is a master of basic non medical fuuinjutsu and karambit arts. This sealing script will prevent the coagulation or healing of wounds via medical jutsu so long as it remains active, by creating an invisible sealing barrier over the top of the cut area, that can be removed via any sealing release or by damaging it enough to break it. Additionally the user can cancel the barrier at any time. Additionally due to the nature of the barrier, it's not effective against healing jutsu that work internally such as strength of a hundred.

Tiger Claw.
The style known as Tiger Claw is another variant of the Karambit arts, this is considered the most lethal of the styles in terms of speed and instant damage, whereas the Panther Claw focuses on hooking in and causing lasting damage. Tiger Claw instead has the blade facing outwards, and is used in fast and vicious swipes in the reverse hand grip. Using Tiger Claw the user would focus chakra in to the blade in a fast back and forth motion, similar to the Rasengan in terms of chakra manipulation instead of rotating the chakra the user will push two edges of chakra in synchronization alongside each other, to gain an enhanced slicing effect, allowing this small unassuming blade to rend flesh and cause serious injury with a single slash. Additionally to these effects a unique effect can be placed on the tigers claw that allows it to absorb the opponents basic elemental jutsu's chakra as long as they are based on fire, lightning, or wind. Only the more energy based elements, it can also absorb raw chakra. Once absorbed the user is capable of releasing the chakra back from the seal to enhance his karambits. This can only be used provided the user is a master of basic non medical fuuinjutsu and karambit arts. This technique works on the same principles as the five elements sealing style, and can only be used to seal energy based elements and only one technique per turn with a cooldown of two turns between uses.

Dragon Claw.
The final style, Dragon Claw. Works on the principle of slowing your opponents down and bleeding them. Not outright killing but instead you fight as though you were a matador facing a bull. Every strike delivered in the Dragon Claw style carries a unique form of damage that is a combination of two things. Firstly the blade is enhanced with chakra to a razor sharp edge, but is also formed in a serrated manner causing cuts with this blade to bleed heavily. This will cause any attack with the Dragon Claw to inflict -10 damage to the opponent each turn for the remainder of the fight, or war. Until he received medical treatment or somehow cauterized the wound. The second effect is applicable only if the user has mastered fuuinjutsu, though not med school based fuuin, and also mastered Karambit arts. By modifying a version of the canon muscle restriction seal technique, the user is capable of adding the unique sealing script to any limb cut for varying effects. Usually causing painful contractions of the body preventing the effective usage of that limb for a set amount of turns.

Example Techniques:

Panthers Grip
Damage:60 (+10 every turn)
Description: The user will adopt the Panther Claw style, and then using the Karambit will impale the blade in to a location on the opponents body, using his chakra to create several fishooks around the Karambit's edge, making the blade incredibly hard to remove, and far more dangerous to attempt removal as it causes considerable damage to do so.

Tigers Slash
Description: The user will adopt the Tiger Claw style, and then using the Karambit will attempt to slash the opponent upon the slash connecting the user will release the razor sharp edge of chakra formed on the Karambit to inflict a considerable increase in cutting potential able to slice through bone easily.

Dragons Dance.
Description: The user will adopt the Dragon Claw style, and then using the karambit will slash the opponents body, causing a deep bleeding wound and applying the unique version of the muscle restriction seal to this body part. Causing varying effects depending on the struck location. I.E if struck in the arm, the opponent will be unable to use that arm to perform more than 3 handseals per turn. For four turns.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
All Taijutsu attacks using the hands are able to be augmented to become a bladed taijutsu attack when using this style, adding a dangerous element to each attack. This applies to all canon and custom taijutsu attacks using the hands to strike. Making them harder to block.
While using this style the user can keep the Karambit in hand even when using handseals thanks to the ring attachement.
The user however can't combine the raw chakra attacks of this style with any elemental techniques.

Added a video demonstration of the Karambit in action.​

Resubmitting, Overhauled some of the sealing effects and completely overhauled the final ability. Removed the sealing of medical jutsu entirely, instead opted for the creation of a barrier over the wound to prevent any raw chakra from reaching in to the body to heal. I.E via another healer. Also explained the absorbing of chakra better. It's meant to behave as a pseudo five elements seal/unseal where a jutsu is sealed then released on to the blade to augment it's effect. A little like Pervy's dragon slayer magic. Not Madara's Gunbai.

✦ Declined, ultimately nothing changed for the better; Panther Claw now allows you to cut and form barrier that limit the opponent on contact that still does the same thing you originally attempted, which I said was a no. You're attempting to seal off something as specific as medjutsu which imo would require medical fuuinjutsu to do. The more I go through the Fuuinjutsu reserved for mednins, it's easier to see that something on that scale requires medical ninjutsu training, or at the least I wont approve of something of that nature without it. The edits to Tiger Claw don't make much sense as the Five Element seal is used to restrict high ranking ninjutsu and to make it harder to use other forms, not absorb ninjutsu. You have to confused with the Fire/Earth/Wind/Water/Lightning Element Seal method, which is scroll and handseal dependent, not capable of being applied to a weapon and used without the release of the mist and formation of the seals so this can't be based on that as you would no longer be using FuuinKen nor Fuuintai but instead full on Fuuinjutsu/ninjutsu. You later say it's related to Pervy's seal, which still isn't accurate as his seal is based on forming handseals and breathing said jutsu in and isn't solely energy based as this is, making the comparison to the Uchiwa Gunbai more apparent. This is literally a Fuuin-blade version of it. The first part of the Dragon Claw is also a no; you're not having -10 to an opponent per turn for blows that land once. And the Karambits would apply to all logical hand based Taijutsu, not all canon and custom as not all would allow blows to land that deal damage such as this does. Also, one hasn't mastered Fuuin unless you have the medfuuin techs. ✦
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Active member
Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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(Dexyuerisutodo) - Way of Fencing
Type: Kenjutsu
Background: Fencing is a style of sword fighting brought over from a far away unknown continent. It involves the use of light one handed swords against lightly armored opponents. Fencing has evolved to be a gentleman's fighting style used in one on one duels using similar weapons as their opponent. A foreign and exotic style, it has made its way into the land of iron as a different form of kenjutsu.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The style utilizes the qualities of light swords to be used differently than normal kenjutsu. Fencing techniques also sometimes include the pairing of daggers or buckler shields in accompaniment with the sabers and rapiers that are primarily used. The weapons used are very light enabling the application of more complex actions. The blades are also more flexible which can allow the user to whip the blade around an opponent's defense. Footwork plays an important role as balance and control are especially important when fighting similarly armed opponents. Practitioners use lunges and other moves to control distance and change the tempo of battle. Because the swords are so light practitioners mostly use precise thrusts to attack. The light swords require finesse and often deflect and divert attacks and use complicated attacks rather than meet things head on.

Example Techniques:

(Tosshin) - Lunge
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Med
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: User lunges directly forward propelled by their outstretched blade to thrust into their opponent. This attack covers a lot of ground and is meant as a gap closer to attack when the enemy's defense is open and they're on their heels.

(Kaeshi) - Parry Riposte
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:User directly blocks an attack with their blade and then promptly thrusts the blade forward in retaliation.
-Capable of blocking B- rank jutsu

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Practitioners are able to predict and analyze kenjutsu by paying close attention to an opponent similar to how sharingan predicts jutsu.​

✦ Declined, what is different enough about this that it cant be done in the CJ thread? ✦
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
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Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Dark Écriture - Dāku Écriture

Type: Fuinjutsu/Genjutsu/Kenjutsu

Inspired by of FairyTail
The ability of demon to pierce through someone's mind and manipulate it to his own will which leads to to the numerous sins that are in this times, The struggle of Priest to curb and expel all demon from the world of the living inspired Priest to go further and delving his mastery of fuinjutsu into something so sacred. He through research and rigorous training stumble upon a special style that seems capable of banishing the evil spirit from this realm for good.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The user through the use of his chakra, is able to dish out curses which can be divided into two forms through the use of runes.

What are RUnes?
The user is able to write runes in the air, either with his sword or his own fingers. The runes are just fuinjutsu kanjis that are created/manifested via the user's chakra. If the user user wants He may create thousands of runes in a blink of an eye though via hand/sword gestures, to form a barrier or He could write rune letters and send it to attach to the opponent so that it affects him directly.
Depending on the type of runes he writes, either the barrier or the one that attaches to the target's body, Their affect even they are not too different, gives special and non agressive effect, the barrier mostly supplementary while the other for attack.

Dark Écriture Barrier
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Rune Barriers forms very fast and if the user wants, so far the target is close enough(Short-Mid), He could form the barrier around a limb or a specific location. The barriers are special and they particularly seal off chakra in a special way. Instead of absorbing chakra, they seal off a distinct property which according to the user, may be effective in many ways. Sealing off distinct specific property of chakra is similar to the way "( Chakra Taisan Fūin ) - Chakra Confusion Seal" confuses the chakra network thus decreasing the potency of the jutsu the victim uses or the way "( Genjutsu Fūin ) - Illusion Skill Seal" restricts the victim from using just genjutsu. The barrier works in a similar way though according to the user, the barrier may give set of rules from restricting the use of katon chakra by sealing the ability to mold katon chakra or other elemental chakra, ability to use advanced ninjutsu like fuinjutsu or genjutsu etc. They would be submitted and clarified as jutsus.
Like it was said, the barrier can be form to encapsulate just a limb during a CQC or an entire area. Should it cover a limb, unless distroyed, the limb won't be able to mold the specific restricted chakra, not to talk or release it. If the limb has the restricted jutsu on it already before the barrier is made, the barrier would make the chakra unstable in its attempt to steal it, thus the jutsu may explode on the said limb. This are on of the numerous ways the barrier could be useful during hand to hand combat.

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Dark Écriture Exorcism
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Dark Écriture Exorcism are runes that are written and affects the target directly and unlike the barrier, they only work when they make contact with the target.
Through hand or sword/tool gestures, the user of this style write runes in form of a single word or two that move at lightning speed and once they touch the target, they induce genjutsu that causes the affect that corresponds to the word written in the runes.
Notable words that could be written are:

By inscribing runes of pain onto his opponents, The user can inflict a genjutsu that causes immense pain upon them. The genjutsu can be used repeatedly/layered to maximize the inflicted pain, should the user adds another rune letters of pain by slashing the target many times in rapid succession administeering the runes with each slashes. Although very effective in short range due to the kenjutsu involved, the user can also employ this to atmost mid-range, with the written runes being sent flying at the opponent in small groups.

By inscribing runes of fear onto his opponents, The user can inflict a genjutsu that instills the emotion of fear on them. The genjutsu can be used repeatedly/layered to maximize the said fear to become very immense that it causes the target to panic and eventually pass out due to sheer fear.

By inscribing runes of suffering onto his opponents, The user can inflict a genjutsu that causes very immense pain. This kind of pain actually is greater than the one runes of pain inflicts, thus layering this with another rune of suffering would cause a pain so immense that the target becomes mad and unable to mold chakra due to his insanity.

There are other flexible ways to utilize Dark Écriture Exorcism as instead of writting the letters mentioned above, he could just write a rather supplementary words like "shield", "shadow" etc or even dangerous ones like "death" though each of them would be further explained in their respective jutsus.

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Example Techniques:
Dark Ecriture Exorcism:
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user using his finger, hand gesture or his sword, He would write a rune letters or word. This runes are supplementary and depending on the kind of word that was written the runes can be used in various ways.
Shadow means a pervasive presence or refuge from danger so the runes tends to form for the user as his body becomes covered in a dark armor, complete with large shoulder pads and a helmet with a menacing appearance.
Reflect would make the runes form a shield according to the user's will. The shield is however, not ordinary as it would reflect a projectile that is sent at the user.

Dark Ecriture Exorcism: Distruction
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This is an offensive application of exorcism in which eveery runes made through this are destructive either through share force which the letter cases blunt and heavy damage as they expand into a larger size or they morphing into a particular weapon, sharp, blunt or pointed which can be used to impale, slash or injure.

Dark Ecriture BArrier:
Type: sup
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user writes thousands of runes by waving his swords or hand. The runes would immediately form a barrier around the targets arms. The rule of the barrier are absolute, it seals raiton chakra and thus the target would not be able to channel lightning through his hands except he destroys the barrier.
Additional effects and Restrictions:

-Users of this style have advanced chakra control than an average ninja
-Users of this style must hanve mastered kenjutsu, fuinjutsu and genjutsu

✦ Declined, this collides with a CFS that Zero Kelvin created, the formation of seals via scripts and formulae in the air. The only notable difference here is you use a sword but given how you explain this, it's much like his and not a true Kenjutsu based style nor hand to hand. ✦
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Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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The War Generals Way.
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every country have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and a vast knowledge of arms and armor to wreak havoc in glorious combat. Some protect from the front lines with shields, locking down enemies while allies support the warrior from behind with jutsu and bow. Others forgo the shield and unleash their rage at the closest threat with a variety of deadly weapons.

The warrior’s battle cries embolden friends and leave foes cowering in fear. With legendary precision, warriors target the smallest gaps in armor and slice at hamstrings in a blur of steel.

Every dragon slain, corrupted tyrant toppled, and demon banished from the world has trembled in the face of these lords of war.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
These Warriors equip themselves carefully for combat and engage their enemies head-on, letting attacks glance off their heavy armor. They use diverse combat tactics and a wide variety of weapon types to protect their more vulnerable allies. Warriors must carefully master their rage – the power behind their strongest attacks – in order to maximize their effectiveness in combat. The unique mechanic of generating the power behind their attacks relates directly to the aura of a warrior of this style, aura being based on the users chakra. Essentially the user of this style will pool chakra throughout their body and chosen weapons. This pool will increase charging their weapons and allowing them to deliver devastating moves with unique effects based on their stance. Essentially meaning that warriors of this style will need to spool up their power to unleash it when the time is right. This style has three unique variations that a practitioner can learn. However they can only use one or two of the styles in a battle. Depending on ranking, however the creator and grandmaster of this style can use all three in a single battle if he so chooses. Additionally each member must pick a single elemental affinity for this style, that is to be recorded within their bio. Only that element can be used to fuel attacks used by this style, though all practitioners can use raw chakra to charge the attacks though it behaves as raw chakra, being strong to nothing. The three unique styles are as follows.

Arms Warrior.
A battle-hardened master of two-handed weapons, using mobility and overpowering attacks to strike his opponents down. This style of warrior channels his power through two handed weapons, spears, great swords or axes. Anything that requires both hands to wield effectively in combat. Using this style allows the user greater mobility and tremendous power in his physical attacks using the chakra charged in to his weapons in a breaker style. Making the attacks incredibly hard to block for any tangible elements or other weapons. If the user was to use a B ranked technique of the arms warrior it could shatter any earthen defenses of A rank and below or any solid tangible elements or custom elements such as steel variants. It can also break other custom weapons even those that are stated to be indestructible I.E custom weapons. However it would take S rank damage to destroy these custom weapons.

Fury Warrior.
A furious berserker wielding a weapon in each hand, unleashing a flurry of attacks to carve his opponents to pieces. This style of warrior channels his power through single handed weapons, swords axes or daggers or anything that can be wielded in a single hand. However they must hold weapons in both hands prohibiting the usage of handseals in combat. However to make up for this weakness the fury warrior is a whirling maelstrom of death easily able to attack and defend in the same instances, using his huge speed and the coverage of both weapons to defend his body from the opponent. Being able to block any jutsu A rank and below by whirling his body around rapidly spinning his blades to cover every inch of himself in a rapidly spinning tornado of steel. This costs a move slot but can be passively used. However it should be noted that it's not so effective when countering techniques that are incorporeal such as lightning or fire. The unique ability of the fury warrior in terms of offense is the ability to use two techniques simultaneously thanks to his dual wielding, while it still uses two move slots both attacks can happen at the exact same time, making it very powerful in close range duels.

Protection Warrior.
A stalwart protector who uses a shield to safeguard himself and his allies. This style of warrior chooses to pair a one handed weapon such as a sword, short spear, or axe. With a shield. The most defensive of the three styles this warrior focuses on being an indomitable wall in combat. Not moving fast or waiting for openings like the other two styles, this warrior instead focuses on wearing his opponent down in combat and turning his own attacks back against them. With his powerful shield this warrior is capable of reflecting any intangible techniques such as fire wind or lightning or anything that lacks a solid nature, up to A rank. He can reflect it directly at the opponent if he wishes or deflect it anywhere away from his person, at the cost of a move slot per usage. The offensive ability of the protection warrior comes in the form of his revenge ability, or riposte. When directly attacked with a physical technique the user is able to redirect the motion of the technique through his shield essentially flipping the balance of the kinetic energy in the interaction knocking his opponent off balance and delivering a powerful attack that has the exact same amount of force behind it that the opponent originally directed at him.

Example Techniques:

Battle Stance
Damage:60 (+10 every turn)
Description: The user will adopt the arms warrior stance, readying his weapon and focusing chakra in to his body to enhance his raw physical strength. Once activated the user become capable of using the passive abilities of the arms warrior.

Fury Stance
Damage:60 (+10 every turn)
Description: The user will adopt the fury warrior stance, readying his weapons and focusing chakra in to his body to enhance his raw physical speed. Once activated the user become capable of using the passive abilities of the fury warrior.

Protection Stance
Damage:60 (+10 every turn)
Description: The user will adopt the protection warrior stance, readying his weapon and shield and focusing chakra in to his body to enhance his raw physical strength. Once activated the user become capable of using the passive abilities of the protection warrior.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Users of this style have considerable power in their stances. Gaining a +5 passive damage bonus to any jutsu that uses their chosen weapon provided they're in the correct stance to use that weapon. I.E using a greatsword in arms stance.
-Users of this style by default wear large cumbersome heavy armor that usually entirely covers their body or leaves just their head exposed. This armor can protect from jutsu D rank and below and any freeform attacks such as thrown kunai or even exploding tags that are freeform. Initially this armor will slow the user by two speed levels, but after mastering the style the user will be uninhibited by the armor.
-There are 3 ranks of this CFS, initiate, master and grandmaster. Initiates may only use one stance per battle, masters may use two and grandmasters may use all three in a battle. Only the creator can be grandmaster rank and is by default.

✦ Declined, these three styles are not styles but rather modes given how they are worded. I think I've said it a few times on your submissions but CFS cannot grant damage boosts, speed boosts nor racking boosts. The last two are very sparingly allowed but the first is almost always a no. Arms Stance is just a way to gain a way to destroy higher ranking physical, matter based attacks. Fury is a way to grant a somewhat partial immunity to A ranks and below as well as releasing two jutsu at one time albeit limited in how. Protection Warrior is basically a way to reflect intangible elements of A rank and below. With these three, you basically have a way to negate any jutsu A rank and below as well as use an ability generally reserved for YY users, using two jutsu or natures at once. Also, no passive immunity either to anything. Given how this CFS is setup, it's essentially a DNR given almost all of it isnt allowed and certainly not together. ✦
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Active member
Jan 9, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

Mato sono Kanningu - Mark of the Trickster


In the early days during Amegakures formation into a hidden village there was a young shinobi, gifted though he was in ninjutsu and genjutsu he lacked any prowess in taijutsu at all. This proved a major hinderance for him and culminated in the ninja losing a close friend during a mission, a barrier had been laid out for them as a trap that suppressed all access to chakra which left the shinobi almost useless as his friend died in front of him. He was grief stricken by this incident and seemed to give up on the life of a ninja altogether, simply staying in his room alone day in and day out. Although his friends tried to contact and even visit him he refused and they were saddened as he seemed swallowed by his own grief and guilt. One year after the incident the young man stepped out from his room once more having perfected his own taijustu style, using his expertise in ninjutsu and genjutsu to support him and make him into a deadly taijutsu combatant.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Firstly this style revolves around two different and distinct layers designed to disorientate and hinder targets.

The first layer is focused on using concentrated lightning chakra in conjunction with attacking or defending movements. The user will focus their Raiton chakra into a part of their body or limb and from that create extremely bright flashes intended to distract, disorientate and hinder the opponent. These can either be a single bright flash, multiple flashes that are spread over a duration or multiple flashes that occur continuously throughout the attack. All of these flashes would temporarily blind the opponent for a period of time and serve to form an almost strobe like affect, making it quite difficult for the opponent to correctly read the practitioners movements and appropriately time their attacks or defense. Its also worth noting that transparent objects between the user and the target will not serve to protect them from the effects of the flashes. The flashes emanate usually from the main attacking or defending limb and will be outlined in each technique, while their area of effect is always facing away from the user so as to not hinder them as well. Users of this style will be able to take advantage of the blindness and disorientation caused by the flashes to alter their movements or attacks in the tight time constraints of battle, within reason.

The second layer to this style is that of a usually weak dormant genjutsu though this can vary from technique to technique. The practitioner uses the visual contact between the opponents sight and their body movements(punch, kick, etc) as a medium to place a dormant genjutsu upon them. The actual casting of this illusion can happen before or after a flash or even in the space between two, and once in place the illusion will remain latent until it is activated. The specific illusion can vary along with the illusions complexity and strength but in general the genjutsu will hinder or deceive the opponent when simple triggers are activated. (For example when the opponent throws a punch or sees fire.)

Example Techniques:
(Mato sono Kanningu): Kan Jugyou- Mark of the Trickster: First Lesson
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long (Long for the flash)
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
The user will throw a simple straight punch while focusing their lightning chakra into their hand. Once they begin this attack the user can create a flash forwards towards at any point during the attack. This flash would temporarily blind the opponent for just a couple moments, making it difficult for them to counter appropriately since they cannot see the practitioners movements. If they choose the user can take advantage of the momentary blindness and in the space of the flash angle their punch slightly differently, hitting up to a few inches away from their original target.

(Mato sono Kanningu): Gyokaku Kemuri- Mark of the Trickster: Catching Smoke
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long(Long for flash)
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Upon seeing an incoming strike from an opponent the user will begin to focus raiton chakra into one of their limbs in preparation. The user will then move their limb in an attempt to either block or deflect the strike, as they begin to move they create a bright flash from their limb that would temporarily blind and disorientate their opponent. Using this as an opening will allow them to defend themselves as they wish before the opponent recovers a moment later.

(Mato sono Kanningu): Shinkirou Tousou- Mark of the Trickster: Mirage Conflict
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long(Long range for flash)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user will start by shifting their weight onto one leg and performing a roundhouse kick to their opponent and shortly after beginning to move they will focus raiton chakra in their leg Upon the opponent seeing this movement, the eyes are used as a medium to place a weak (C rank) dormant genjutsu upon them. This illusion is triggered by the next punch that the enemy throws, making it seem as if their arms have suddenly gone limp with no control over them. During the flash if they wish, the user can take advantage of the targets disorientation by shifting their body and changing their attack without losing momentum, within reason.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
~Must have mastered Lightning Release and Genjutsu
~A user of this style moves slightly faster than the average strong fist taijutsu user
~Must be at least Sannin Rank for the necessary chakra control
~Can only be taught by xHoudinii

✦ Declined, the second restriction needs to go, no speed boosts. The second application, seeing Genjutsu cast by bodily movement, collides with both my own Drunken Monkey Fist CFS and Emperor's Deja Fu CFS. ✦
Mato sono Kanningu - Mark of the Trickster


In the early days during Amegakures formation into a hidden village there was a young shinobi, gifted though he was in ninjutsu and genjutsu he lacked any prowess in taijutsu at all. This proved a major hinderance for him and culminated in the ninja losing a close friend during a mission, a barrier had been laid out for them as a trap that suppressed all access to chakra which left the shinobi almost useless as his friend died in front of him. He was grief stricken by this incident and seemed to give up on the life of a ninja altogether, simply staying in his room alone day in and day out. Although his friends tried to contact and even visit him he refused and they were saddened as he seemed swallowed by his own grief and guilt. One year after the incident the young man stepped out from his room once more having perfected his own taijustu style, using his expertise in ninjutsu and genjutsu to support him and make him into a deadly taijutsu combatant.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Firstly this style revolves around two different and distinct layers designed to disorientate and hinder targets.

The first layer is focused on using concentrated lightning chakra in conjunction with attacking or defending movements. The user will focus their Raiton chakra into a part of their body or limb and from that create extremely bright flashes intended to distract, disorientate and hinder the opponent. These can either be a single bright flash, multiple flashes that are spread over a duration or multiple flashes that occur continuously throughout the attack. All of these flashes would temporarily blind the opponent for a period of time and serve to form an almost strobe like affect, making it quite difficult for the opponent to correctly read the practitioners movements and appropriately time their attacks or defense. Its also worth noting that transparent objects between the user and the target will not serve to protect them from the effects of the flashes. The flashes emanate usually from the main attacking or defending limb and will be outlined in each technique, while their area of effect is always facing away from the user so as to not hinder them as well. Users of this style will be able to take advantage of the blindness and disorientation caused by the flashes to alter their movements or attacks in the tight time constraints of battle, within reason.

The second layer to this style is that of a usually dormant genjutsu though this can vary from technique to technique. As the practitioner is creating flashes this causes a fluctuation of the ambient light in the area due to the glare of the flashes on the environment. Due to the intensity of the glare on the environment it will affect the eyes as they adjust for the sudden and large changes in brightness, this takes a few moments to fade completely due to the flashes strength. It is this steady 'fading' of the ambient light after the flashes and its effects on the eyes that is used as a medium to place genjutsu upon the opponent. The actual casting of this illusion can happen before or after a flash or even in the space between two, and once in place the illusion will remain latent until it is activated. The specific illusion can vary along with the illusions complexity and strength but in general the genjutsu will hinder or deceive the opponent when simple triggers are activated. (For example when the opponent throws a punch or sees fire.)

Example Techniques:
(Mato sono Kanningu): Kan Jugyou- Mark of the Trickster: First Lesson
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long (Long for the flash)
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
The user will throw a simple straight punch while focusing their lightning chakra into their hand. Once they begin this attack the user can create a flash forwards towards at any point during the attack. This flash would temporarily blind the opponent for just a couple moments, making it difficult for them to counter appropriately since they cannot see the practitioners movements. If they choose the user can take advantage of the momentary blindness and in the space of the flash angle their punch slightly differently, hitting up to a few inches away from their original target.

(Mato sono Kanningu): Gyokaku Kemuri- Mark of the Trickster: Catching Smoke
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long(Long for flash)
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Upon seeing an incoming strike from an opponent the user will begin to focus raiton chakra into one of their limbs in preparation. The user will then move their limb in an attempt to either block or deflect the strike, as they begin to move they create a bright flash from their limb that would temporarily blind and disorientate their opponent. Using this as an opening will allow them to defend themselves as they wish before the opponent recovers a moment later.

(Mato sono Kanningu): Shinkirou Tousou- Mark of the Trickster: Mirage Conflict
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long(Long range for flash)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user will start by shifting their weight onto one leg and performing a roundhouse kick to their opponent and shortly after beginning to move they will focus raiton chakra in their leg and create a flash. As the flash fades away the change in ambient light is used as a medium to place a weak (C rank) dormant genjutsu upon them. This illusion is triggered by the next punch that the enemy throws, making it seem as if their arms have suddenly gone limp with no control over them. During the flash if they wish, the user can take advantage of the targets disorientation by shifting their body and changing their attack without losing momentum, within reason.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
~Must have mastered Lightning Release and Genjutsu
~Must be at least Sannin Rank for the necessary chakra control
~Can only be taught by xHoudinii

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

xHoudinii, our loyal member, gave on the 14th of March 2016, a request for a Patent on the Custom Fighting Style Mato sono Kanningu | Mark of the Trickster. I, Lord of Kaos of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Caliburn, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;

Mato sono Kanningu | Mark of the Trickster
Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright 2016, xHoudinii, NarutoBase.net

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Active member
Apr 24, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

Shattered Soul Arts


Background: This is a fighting style created by Ragna whom was very adept in kenjutsu growing up with the legend of the seven swordsman of the mist. During a training exercise he accidently shattered his blade ending his practice session prematurely. Sitting down next to the broken blade, Ragna developed a new style of kenjutsu by using this unorthodox and unusual style of fighting known as Shattered Soul Arts. Its name derives from the ancient practice of the sword being seen as an extension of one’s own soul. By shattering your sword, you have broken your soul as well, but in this style you have given the broken soul new life.This style would help Ragna contend with other sword fighters everywhere.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The basic premise of this style is using a shattered blade to attack the enemy. It sounds unique and interesting, but to make it possible would require a bit of work. First the enemy would need to carry “broken swords with them.” Their swords will already be purposely broken to pieces about the size of a coin (like a quarter), wrapped in bandages, or in a holster, holding them together.

From the outside it looks as if a normal blade is held within the bandages/sword holster, but when the user begins to use this style the enemy will discover the truth inside. Being a master of Katon chakra, Ragna felt this would best be used with the shattered sword and the meaning behind it. Utilizing ideas from the ( Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique, in which the shuriken and fire were controlled through chakra, Ragna did the same thing with the shattered pieces of the blade. He channeled his Katon chakra with the shattered blade to control them and destroy many things as he tested its abilities.The user will quickly pull a strand off the bandages allowing them to fall off so the shards can then be used. It is also feasible to simply burn through the bandages through Katon chakra. Shattered pieces act as a paradox being solid and deadly, yet too intangible to fend off by normal physical means which makes this a deadly style in close quarters combat. The blades constantly strike and move about controlled by the user, and to conserve their chakra, or use other jutsus during a battle, the user can always quickly return the moving shards to the handle of the blade sheathing the shards in the holster/or bandages until its next use. If the user is unable to sheath the sword, the blade shards can be allowed to fall to the ground at which point they can use them later to attack again. (That is not recommended in many cases but it can be useful.) Of course being imbued with fire chakra means they are susceptible to water techniques. The user can choose to piece it back together, and draw it back to the handle through chakra to sheath it in their holster. Having the blade in shards allows the user to cover many areas of attack as it maximizes the blade's range and versatility. One can perform impossible strikes known to normal kenjutsu through this style.
NOTE:the bandages aren’t used in this style for fighting. They are only used to hold the shards within the blade.

Winter-The user can only due the basic moves of this style just grasping the concepts of the shattered blade

Fall-The student can now maneuver the pieces around for more diverse attacks still short range

Spring-He can now use more chakra into this style and is able to attack short-Mid distances

Summer-The user is a master of this style and can perform the most creative, and elegant of moves

Example Techniques:
Spiral Cannon
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: 30
Description: Thrusting their broken sword forward the user will separate the shards, or cause the shards to spin around toward the enemy in a cylindrical manner burning and slicing the enemy in a multitude of strikes provided by the many pieces of the blade.

Aegis Spring Falls
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60 (If thrown)
Description: Stabbing the ground the user will kneel down in a stabbing motion toward the ground while causing the shards to rapidly rise and fall in a moving pattern to block incoming attacks from the enemy. If the user were to run into this he would surely become scathed by the shield.

Final Autumn Dragon
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid (start short travel to mid range)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Notably one of the strongest strikes in this jutsu. The user will dash toward the enemy with their sword and pour large amounts of Katon chakra into it. The shards will do a pattern around the user coiling around him and then heading toward the enemy. The user would manipulate theshards in a fast moving pattern to make it seem look like a dragon is heading straight toward the enemy which will scorch and slice the enemy to pieces easily.
-Can only be used once
-No S rank kenjutsu next turn

Notes and Restrictions
-This style can only be taught by Omega
-Must have mastered Katon
-Must master Kenjutsu
-Must be Sannin
-Normal Kenjutsu Techniques cannot be performed with broken swords
-Notes: Broken Swords should be kept in the holster and bandages until it becomes in use, and when you plan on using another jutsu sheath the shards into the holster or bandages. If you can't/don't then the pieces will just drop and be vunerable to various attacks from an enemy or yourself. It’s advised to have more than one broken sword no more than 4.

NOTES: Edited grammar, syntax, etc >_<, and took out the normal kenjutsu use.

✦ Pending ✦

 Declined  As I started reading, I thought it was going to be interesting...but its not. Its just a weird explanation on a weird concept that I cannot make much sense of. The usage of a sword that is broken apart is interesting and has many branches to work out as a fantastic kenjutsu based cfs...but I'm not sure you will be able to pull it off. I cannot tell you exactly what to do with it but I'll leave you with a clue and a point in the direction that this could work and a name Saijo Leonhard. Check how he uses a sword and you might get something no one has ever done and that is simply amazing.
Unchecked since July of 2015, and was pending before that resubmission in February 2015, so I'm resubmitting again......3rd times the charm. (probably 5th time the charm if you count declines. LOL xD)
Massive Overhaul-don't want to bold the whole submission.

(Togiretogire Zenreijutsu)| Shattered Soul Arts


Background: Ragna's life has always revolved around the sword. His pain, tragedies, have all revolved around his days in Kirigakure and the life that was lead by the sword and influenced by the famous mist swordsmen. During one of his trainings he broke one of his swords and reflected on the life he had lived thus far. He learned from his sensei that the sword was not merely a tool but an extension of one's soul, so as he looked down at the broken sword he thought of the broken soul of a man. This illustrated his life perfectly and he became obsessed with trying to mend a broken sword. At first he could control the broken pieces with chakra, but it became impractical to try and use the broken pieces that way. They could never come together again rendering them useless after every technique. The key was to mend the broken sword back together. In the end he finally was able to forge a blade that he named Hollow. It had the unique ability to mend its soul. It was meant to augment smoke ninjutsu, but Ragna discovered a way to utilize it in a unique manner akin to kenjutsu. To kenjutsu practitioners what Ragna was doing was taboo. He was willingly breaking the soul of his sword thus shattering his own soul. This was unheard of from kenjutsu users; however, no matter how many times this blade separated into its segments, it would always return to its complete form. To Ragna's delight he had found a blade like himself. An unwavering soul determined to live. Even though the blade was created to simply perform that way, legends would say it was Ragna's unwavering soul that forced the blade back together. He trained endlessly to break his limits and master using this strange blade that refused to have its soul vanquished. The way of the sword, Ragna's life, are responsible for the name Ragna gave this art of fighting. The name Shattered Soul.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Only wielders of the blade Hollow can use this particular fighting style. The sword was originally used in smoke ninjutsu because it also had wrist launcher mechanisms that could be activated, but its main ability was that it could detach into shards, and reattach whenever the user ended this ability. The sword will always reattach itself no matter how many times the user willing breaks this sword apart. The number of shards can overwhelm an enemy, but a drawback is that with a blade broken into segments it would be too scattered to defend from a strike of the enemy. To overcome this setback the user channels basic chakra into the segments. The segments are sharp enough to slice through objects but not strong enough to counter strikes from other blades, or close ranged tactics. By strengthening the segments with a compressed layer of basic chakra in each segment it is able to contend with a single blade, or fist of the enemy without wavering or breaking. For this reason attacks of this style can play on equal terms of elemental ninjutsu. The overall force and cutting ability of the shards are increased by this futon layer. It causes the segments to emit a nearly transparent aura with a blue hue. The user gains many advantages compared to normal kenjutsu in this way. For example, since the blade is in segments, the blade itself can reach longer ranges and attack from many different angles. In normal kenjutsu the user needs to use projectile based attacks (i.e chakra waves) in order to reach the enemy at such a range. Essentially it is as if the enemy is trying to fight against multiple blades despite their size. Since the blade can become whole again the user is also able to shift through classic kenjutsu and this style of kenjutsu without problems.

These are the four stages in learning this style. The names of each phase consist of a status of the soul. The more broken the soul the greater the power.

Bending Soul-The user can only due the basic moves of this style just grasping the concepts of the shattered blade

Splitting Soul-The student can now maneuver the pieces around for more diverse attacks still short range

Fragmented Soul-He can now use more chakra into this style and is able to attack short-Mid distances

Zero Soul-The user is a master of this style and can perform the most creative, and elegant of moves

Example Techniques:

()-Guillotine of the Spirit Realm
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will raise their sword high and separate them into shards. The user will swing the blade down as the shards rain down upon the enemy. The force of the shards coming down leaves small cracks into the ground.

()-Crescent Arc
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will swing his blade in a horizontal manner while separating the segments of the blade. The segments will travel in a arcing motion toward the enemies side easily piercing them.

()-Stardust Rift
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will stab/thrust at the target and once they are engaged with the enemy the user will release the blade into its segments that easily skewer everything around it.

-Must master Kenjutsu
-Must master Ninjutsu
-Must be Sannin
-Can only be taught by Omega

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Omegā, our loyal member, gave on the of 2016, a request for a Patent on (Togiretogire Zenreijutsu)| Shattered Soul Arts . I, Vex of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Lord of Kaos, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;

(Togiretogire Zenreijutsu)| Shattered Soul Arts
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Oct 1, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Namikazeron) – Theory of Waves and Wind
Type: Fūinjutsu & Ninjutsu (Inton)
Namikazeron has its root in its namesake; Namikaze Minato, though the famed Sealing Master and Fourth Fire Shadow had no part in its creation, as the style was created after his death.
Namikazeron began as a humble, philosophical movement among intellectuals that advocated experimental Sealing Techniques. Namikaze had displayed unmatched knowledge of seals when he layered two ‘Four Symbols Seals’ to create the ‘Eight Trigrams’ Sealing Style and many groups sought to take the new concept of ‘layered seals’ further. The resulting wave of experimental seals added a whole new dimension to the art of Fūinjutsu.
The Kanji (which defines the central purpose of most seals) was discovered to hold the potential to be used independently of formulae as long as the given purpose was simple enough. Formulae (which deal with the lesser workings of most seals) were similarly proven able to exist and function independently of Kanji, as long as the given specifications were without a central purpose.
As the experiments grew progressively more obscure (and dangerous) as time went on; a minor faction of the movement moved to implement a series of safety-measures to be used by the movement as a whole. The goal was to minimize the chance of injuries caused by destabilizing/overloading seals and the most effective measure, much to the surprise of the faction, was discovered to be calligraphy.
Over the years; Namikazeron has become more than just a movement. The contributions of the Sealing Sage, Axle, created a new, battle-oriented branch of the movement which is still used to this day.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The fundamental principle of Namikazeron is the separation of formulae and Kanji in Fūinjutsu and the combinatory usage of the two, both in and outside of combat. The difference between said concept and normal Fūinjutsu can be compared to a Yin-Yang Master’s simultaneous usage of two elemental natures and a Kekkei Genkai-wielding Ninja’s inherited ability to combine two elemental natures. Where normal Fūinjutsu always includes both formulae and Kanji, Namikazerian Fūinjutsu can use either concept separately or blend them in a multitude of ways.
There are two ‘Columns’ to this, known as the ’Formula Line’ (Jutsushiki-Sen) and ‘Layered Characters’ (Sōjō Kanji) respectively.

The purpose of formulae in Namikazerian Fūinjutsu is to act as a medium for the creation of Kanji. In regular Fūinjutsu; formulae is a mysterious phenomenon. As observed in the fight between Sasuke Uchiha and Shimura Danzō; formulae created in mid-air as part of the ‘Summoning Technique’ remained unaffected by the lack of solid mass beneath it and formed in a perfectly flat pattern. Similarly, formulae have been observed to form in gravity-defying designs and even move, as seen with the sealing formula of the Flying Thunder God Technique. Namikazeron takes advantage of these features to remain unaffected and unchanged by environmental/external factors and uses them alongside a relatively simple, Genjutsu-like form of Inton to create what is known as the First Column of Namikazerian Fūinjutsu; the Jutsushiki-Sen (Formula Line).

Jutsushiki-Sen is not an Inton technique, thought the two categories are conceptually alike. As observed by the Second Mizukage; Inton is a broad term and the concept of ‘creating forms out of nothingness’ is also fundamentally linked to illusionary techniques. Just like Genjutsu however; Jutsushiki-Sen does not require Yin-Yang training to utilize.
The ‘Formula Line’ is a self-sustaining, redundant circuit of chakra that assumes the shape of ever-changing black threads. The circuit always originates from its user’s body, but being a massless phenomenon – to the extent that chakra is massless – and simply a manifestation of the user’s chakra; it’s safe to say that it has virtually no limitations within fields such as speed and reach.
In and by itself however; the Jutsushiki-Sen is useless in battle. The ‘threads’ can serve as visual barriers, but they are unable to interact with matter in any shape or form on their own accord.

The purpose of Kanji in Namikazerian Fūinjutsu is to act as extensions of the Jutsushiki-Sen. Through miniscule changes in the chakra inside the circuit; the Sōjō Kanji-concept changes the shape of individual parts of the Formula Line into Kanji that, in turn, shapes its required formulae from the surrounding area of the Line. Multiple identical Kanji can be created simultaneously through the use of the Jutsushiki-Sen’s properties as a circuit. Similarly; Kanji can be created outside the user’s field of visions through the implementation of the calligraphy-safeguard, which is a vital part of Namikazeron as a field of study.
One of the most important features of Sōjō Kanji is the ‘thickness’ associated with it. Like the name implies; the products of the Second Column are ‘layered’, in the sense that the created Kanji are based so thoroughly on the Formula Line that tags become obsolete. Naturally; this restricts the effectiveness of seals that require a continuous contact with its target(s).

Namikazeron shares its close-quarter-combat aspects with other styles, such as Whip Arts, in the sense that the Formula Lines are meant to act as extensions of the user's body. Like the Third Raikage's Hell Stab technique Namikazeron acts as a medium of extending destruction that increases the user's immediate capabilities in combat situations that call for a Taijutsu-inspired counter-attack strengthened by chakra-requiring techniques.

Example Techniques:
(Namikazeron ♦ Bakushin) – Theory of Waves and Wind ♦ Ground Zero
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user infuses one or several Formula Lines with chakra, using the Sōjō Kanji-concept to create a great amount of explosive seals. Upon creation; the seals will detonate in the same manner as normal explosive tags, causing much destruction.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Formula Lines can be created in freeform, as can seals that aren’t technique-related, such as non-ranked explosive tags.

✦ Declined, I started to approve this but had to reread and two key things stand out: For one, Inton isn't a suitable style; Though Yin is an umbrella term, by classifying anything as Inton techniques, you label it as a Yin technique and as such, Y/Y usage is needed. Secondly, a CFS needs to contain some form of Hand to Hand combat, be it Taijutsu or Weapon usage. This on the other hand is an additional way to form Fuuinjutsus; Taijutsu usage isn't here at all, thus, this isn't a CFS. You need to encorporate Hand to Hand CQC in some way for this to be a CFS. As it stands, it's just an additional way to utilize Fuuinjutsu. ✦
(Namikazeron) – Theory of Waves and Wind
Type: Fūinjutsu & Ninjutsu
Namikazeron has its root in its namesake, Namikaze Minato, though the famed Sealing Master and Fourth Fire Shadow had no part in its creation as the style was created after his death.
Namikazeron began as a humble, philosophical movement among intellectuals that advocated experimental Sealing Techniques. Namikaze had displayed unmatched knowledge of seals when he layered two ‘Four Symbols Seals’ to create the ‘Eight Trigrams’ Sealing Style and many groups sought to take the new concept of ‘layered seals’ further. The resulting wave of experimental seals added a whole new dimension to the art of Fūinjutsu.
The Kanji (which defines the central purpose of most seals) was discovered to hold the potential to be used independently of formulae as long as the given purpose was simple enough. Formulae (which deal with the lesser workings of most seals) were similarly proven able to exist and function independently of Kanji, as long as the given specifications were without a central purpose.
The experiments grew progressively more obscure (and dangerous) as time went on and soon a minor faction of the movement moved to implement a series of safety-measures to be used by the movement as a whole. The goal was to minimize the chance of injuries caused by destabilizing and overloading seals, and the most effective measure, much to the surprise of the faction, was discovered to be calligraphy.
Over the years Namikazeron has become more than just a movement. The contributions of the Sealing Sage, Axle, created a new, battle-oriented branch of the movement which is still used to this day.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The fundamental principle of Namikazeron is the separation of formulae and Kanji in Fūinjutsu and the combinatory usage of the two, both in and outside of combat. The difference between said concept and normal Fūinjutsu can be compared to a Yin-Yang Master’s simultaneous usage of two elemental natures and a Kekkei Genkai-wielding Ninja’s inherited ability to combine two elemental natures. Where normal Fūinjutsu always includes both formulae and Kanji, Namikazerian Fūinjutsu can use either concept separately or blend them in a multitude of ways.
There are two ‘Columns’ to this, known as the ’Formula Line’ (Jutsushiki-Sen) and ‘Layered Characters’ (Sōjō Kanji) respectively.

The purpose of formulae in Namikazerian Fūinjutsu is to act as a medium for the creation of Kanji. In regular Fūinjutsu formulae are a mysterious phenomenon. As observed in the fight between Sasuke Uchiha and Shimura Danzō formulae created in mid-air as part of the ‘Summoning Technique’ remained unaffected by the lack of solid mass beneath them and formed in a perfectly flat pattern. Similarly, formulae have been observed to form in gravity-defying designs and even move, as seen with the sealing formula of the Flying Thunder God Technique. Namikazeron takes advantage of these features to remain unaffected and unchanged by environmental/external factors and uses them to create what is known as the First Column of Namikazerian Fūinjutsu; the Jutsushiki-Sen (Formula Line).

Jutsushiki-Sen is not an Inton technique, thought the two categories are conceptually alike. As observed by the Second Mizukage; Inton is a broad term and the concept of ‘creating forms out of nothingness’ is also fundamentally linked to illusionary techniques. Just like Genjutsu however; Jutsushiki-Sen does not require Yin-Yang training to utilize.
The ‘Formula Line’ is a self-sustaining, redundant circuit of chakra that assumes the shape of ever-changing black threads. The circuit always originates from its user’s hands or feet, but being a massless phenomenon – to the extent that chakra is massless – and simply a manifestation of the user’s chakra it is safe to say that it has virtually no limitations within fields such as speed and reach.
In and by itself however the Jutsushiki-Sen is useless in battle. The ‘threads’ can serve as visual barriers, but they are unable to interact with matter in any shape or form on their own accord.

The purpose of Kanji in Namikazerian Fūinjutsu is to act as extensions of the Jutsushiki-Sen. Through miniscule changes in the chakra inside the circuit the Sōjō Kanji-concept changes the shape of individual parts of the Formula Line into Kanji that, in turn, shapes its required formulae from the surrounding area of the Line. Multiple identical Kanji can be created simultaneously through the use of the Jutsushiki-Sen’s properties as a circuit. Similarly, Kanji can be created outside the user’s field of visions through the implementation of the calligraphy-safeguard, which is a vital part of Namikazeron as a field of study.
One of the most important features of Sōjō Kanji is the ‘thickness’ associated with it. Like the name implies the products of the Second Column are ‘layered’, in the sense that the created Kanji are based so thoroughly on the Formula Line that tags become obsolete. In this sense the Formula Line and Sōjō Kanji can be said to act as extensions of the user's physical self . Naturally; this restricts the effectiveness of seals that require a continuous contact with its target(s).

Namikazeron shares its close-quarter-combat aspects with other styles, such as Whip Arts, in the sense that the Formula Lines are meant to act as extensions of the user's body. Like the Third Raikage's Hell Stab technique Namikazeron acts as a medium of extending destruction that increases the user's immediate capabilities in combat situations that call for a Taijutsu-inspired counter-attack strengthened by chakra-requiring techniques.
Namikazerian Fūinjutsu has a distinctive limitation in that its second column - Sōjō Kanji, which changes the Formula Line into functionable Seals - cannot be applied at long range. The style serves as an extension of the user's own body and thus ceases to function correctly if it is stretched too far. This goes hand in hand with the fact that Formula Lines always originate from the user's hands or feet.

Example Techniques:
(Namikazeron ♦ Bakushin) – Theory of Waves and Wind ♦ Ground Zero
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user infuses one or several Formula Lines with chakra, using the Sōjō Kanji-concept to create a great amount of explosive seals. Upon creation; the seals will detonate in the same manner as normal explosive tags, causing much destruction.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Formula Lines can be created in freeform, as can seals that aren’t technique-related, such as non-ranked explosive tags.
-Due to Formula Lines being operating as closed circuits of chakra the total chakra output needed for techniques based on Namikazerian Fūinjutsu is halved.

✦ Declined, there's still no true Tai nor Weaponry aspect; you only wrote that the seals are an extension of your body but it's still used as if this is Ninjutsu alone. There needs to be a real Taijutsu or weapon based aspect to this or it's not approvable. ✦
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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(Rīpā no gaitōtotanken) - Reaper's Cloak and Dagger
"The motto of the cape is to be always prepared."
Type: Bukijutsu + Kenjutsu
Background:"Reaper's Cloak and dagger" is the term given to this style as It used the naming to refer to situations involving intrigue, secrecy, espionage, or mystery experiences. Rīpā no gaitōtotanken literally meaning "of cloak and sword" for the imagery of these two items became associated with the archetypal spy or assassin: The cloak, worn to hide one's identity or remain hidden from view, and the dagger, a concealable and silent weapon.

Doing It's research, the historical martial arts of term could've been taken literally, and refered to wielding a dagger in one hand and a cloak in the other. The purpose of the cloak was to obscure the presence or movement of the dagger, to provide minor protection from slashes, to restrict the movement of the opponent's weapon, and to provide a distraction. Like a Fencing master, this method of combat is ill and such fighting of this way was not necessarily seen as a first choice of learning to use weapons, but it become a necessity in situations of self-defense if one were not carrying a sword, with the dark cloak being a common garment of the war shinobi times that could be pressed into use as a defensive aid. In contemporary culture
the swordfight in war times, bloody stabbing repeatedly in the back with a dagger, and having flung their cloak over the latter's head, lead to articles of such knowledge hidden but, not lost. Thus learning of such style in the in the center of the Jomaegakure right underground, where there's a base that consisted of a deep library of knowledge collected from all over the world, It soon begun mastering it.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The cloak, or cape, worn by users is an integral part of the Reaper's Cloak and Dagger-fighting style. It was a circle or three-quarter circle of cloth, custom fitted to the height of the wearer. It enables the user to hold their knife out of sight while at the ready, and through skilfull manipulation it could block an incoming attack, screen their actions from view, or wrap around their opponent's arm or legs.

Victims would feel a strange distrust of RCD (Reaper's Cloak and Dagger) as they approach, pass, or follow them, enveloped as they are in their capes or cloaks. Naruto we occasionally see representations of brigands or shinobis dressed in these capes, the ample folds of which seem contrived for the purpose of disguise or for the concealment of weapons. The cape is a national costume, and is worn by every shinobi who spies. The upper classes have them made usually of black cloth, lined with costly furs or silk; the middle and lower classes wear proportionately less costly materials.

The more expensive the cloak the greater extent of cloth is used in the making; the circumference at the bottom of those of superior make measures about seven yards. The wearer, by a peculiar swing of the arm, cleverly flings the cape over the opposite shoulder in such a manner as to have a double covering into the middle of the back, thus their arms are totally enveloped, and at the same time their face is half-buried in its folds—to complete the suspicious garb, the true master draws down their slouching hat over their eyes. It may be added, for our uncomfortable suspicions are not altogether groundless, for the dress is indeed a cloak of mischief and a reaper's duties. Bad characters have an opportunity of hiding designs, which they fully avail themselves of, and for they are frequently cautioned to avoid people who do not cloak when addressing you—an act of courtesy well understood by the masters themselves. Thus obtained are worth noticing.

"Though every cape should be of the same proportionate length, just failing to reach the ankles, just measuring seven yards round the hem, the wearer who wishes to avoid the least slip will carry his cape fully six months before claiming its obedience. It is much like a horse; its qualities must be thoroughly well known. For instance, bear witness--"

Example Techniques:

(Kēpujutsu) - Cape Art
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/a
Damage Points: N/a
To fight, one puts the garment over the left arm, or so; one bends the body from the perpendicular - thus; one plants the feet just so, and draws back the right arm to the rear, with the knife/sword held level in this manner. The eye is fixed upon the adversary, the gathered-up cape serves as a shield upon the left, the feet ready to leap you to right or left, like a flea, to evade the coming message and to speed the return of post. They menace their victims face with the cape, and just as your opponent prepares to parry a neck blow, their cape passes before their eyes, and then they bury their knife below the belt into the guts of their victim. Quickly enough, the victim won't know when the blade left their body. Received in your cape! Now, indeed, you are undone, unless if your own cape flies hither and thither like Satanic serpent. They'll be more accurate in control and target's movements, for not a single movement of the cape will go at random, for every coil threatening to entrap their hand, body, face, etc. Even letting them be best the knife, the user would still be better with the cape, than their other mass said. Knife having deflected, they must manipulate to recover. So saying, let themselves fall behind their knife which the user has drawn and opened to illustrate the pass and retreat, eyes fixed upon their aggressor, the cape now made ready and motionless, now suddenly flies to intercept a lunge or to threaten the enemy's wrist unitizing their motion to them as they switch positions landing them back to square one where both parities start over with the user having their weapon once more from the switch grabbing.

Notice: Though in a sense in extremist, the user will have two hands for their cape for when the victim presses hard. While the user cannot regain the knife/sword at this point, and so they do this; with sword/knife sent forth that they kick the knife/sword's back end a few paces to the left, skipped unexpectedly in the same direction as the user did so move, and swinging their cloak towards their enemy in such a manner that the latter could not possibly have intercepted their quick recovery of the knife/sword. The user's movements are rapid as those of a lizard, and the cloak hiding them so well, it makes it hard even those with the KG vision to keep track.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
--Masters of Reaper's Cloak and Dagger have increased Agility, Reflexes and a keen prospective sight for ill-mannered intentions.
--Users of this style will be able masters of stealth and trail tracking.
--Must be S-rank or above to learn.
--Mastery of Kenjutsu and Specialist of Bukijutsu stated on Biography.

✦ Declined

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Wht does this even do????? ✦
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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Fighting Styles Submission

(Sensō no Ken)War Fist
Background: The War Fist fighting style’s origins lay within the criminal underworld of Kirigakure. During the era of the Bloody Mist, impoverished areas of the village became increasingly riddled with crime, as resources such as food and shelter began to ran out. Many of those who rose to the top of the criminal underworld were practitioners of Ninjutsu, former shinobi who were forced to turn to a life of crime. One such shinobi was an Uzumaki who had survived the destruction of her country. With the only available refuge she could find being in Kirigakure, she found herself in the middle of the potbelly of the village. In order to survive, she utilized her skills in Barrier Fuuinjutsu to survive, developing an ability that enhanced her fighting prowess. This ability eventually developed into its own style of combat, which then spread throughout her criminal family.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: War Fist utilizes Fuuinjutsu in order to supplement the close combat abilities of the user. The style is invoked through the creation of a specialized barrier that surrounds the user, appearing as a dark aura. The barrier appears ethereal in nature; when not in direct use, the barrier appears to fade away, though remaining active and becoming visible again when in direct use. Along the sides of the torsos of the user’s of the style, there are six arms, with three arms emanating from each side of the users’ torsos. These arms are around the same size of the user’s arms, but twice as long.

Despite appearing ethereal in nature, the arms of the aura are capable of physically interacting with other objects, including other people. These arms supplement the Taijutsu of the user. As aforementioned, the aura appears to vanish when not in direct usage. However, upon landing a physical blow, such as a punch, the arms of the aura will manifest themselves around the limb delivering the strike, enhancing the blow. Through the use of the barrier’s arms, the user is capable of landing multiple blows at once and performing combos that would normally be impossible for a two-armed human being. The user can even forcibly manipulate the arms to manifest and strike by themselves without moving their actual, physical limbs.

Due to being ninjutsu/chakra-based in nature, elements are also capable of being channeled into the arms to invoke particular properties into the arms through specialized techniques of the style. Inducing Earth chakra into the limbs increases the damage dealt by the arms by making them heavier. Inducing Water into the limbs increases the range of the arms by using the free-flowing properties of Water to extend the length of the arms. Wind causes the hands of the arms to become shaped like blades, allowing them to be used to cut or pierce a target. The use of Lightning chakra increases the speed of the arms, allowing them to strike rapidly and induce numbing on the body parts struck. When Fire is induced to the arms, the strikes causes large burns on the target’s body, leaving small flames on the place of impact.
Example Techniques:
(Ashura no Bōkō) Asura’s Assault
Description:Through mental control, the user will control two of the arms of Asura’s Aura to grab onto the opponent’s arms, holding them up and restraining them. Simultaneously, the remaining four arms of the Aura will begin a relentless assault, delivering a barrage of high speed punches to the target.

(Ashura no Jōshō)Asura’s Ascension
Description:The user will charge towards the opponent and deliver a powerful uppercut to the bottom of their jaw, manifesting two arms of Asura’s Arms around their arm to enhance the blow.

(Ashura no Gatoringu) Asura’s Gatling
Description: This technique of the War Fist style is invoked through inducing Suiton chakra throughout the arms of the aura and taking advantage of all six arms at once. The user will launch forwards the six arms, delivering a continuous barrage of devastating punches onto the target.

(Ashura no Ōgama) Asura’s Scythe
Description:The user will dash towards the opponent at high speed, manifesting two Wind-infused arms on each side of their body. As the user dashes past the opponent, the two arms will slice across the opponent’s chest, leaving a gaping X-shaped wound in their midsection.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must have mastered Basic Fuuinjutsu and Taijutsu
-In order to use elemental variations, the user must have mastered that element

✦ Declines, collides with several chakra as well as KG based CJ that are existing already ✦
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