[Theory] The Demon: Part 2

Rabbit Teth

Jun 21, 2014
Trait Points
Continuation from the thread

Time for one last Naruto Theory? Naruto is technically finished for the moment but personally I doubt whether it will stay dead for too long. Kishi still has a lot of loose ends to wrap up … and well … Orochimaru is still kicking about the place. In order for any of this theory to actually come true there will have to be further Naruto stories but I’m still confident enough that Kishi has plans for his characters.

I’ll start with some general thoughts about the future of the franchise and why I think there’s life still left in it. Following up, I wanted to take a look at some of the more obscure symbolism hidden within Naruto. To end, I’ll look at how the Boruto Movie ties in with the central premise of this thread… namely that Orochimaru is the prime suspect for everything that has ever gone wrong in the Narutoverse… the Demon.

Knock on Wood
Spoiler warning* while I haven’t seen the Boruto Movie I have read the translated novelisation of the movie. If you are at all worried about spoilers then don’t read any of this. Some of the material I’m going to discuss also concerns work from Kishi’s twin brother Seishi. If you haven’t read 666 Satan and ever plan on reading it then don’t read this first either. I think that material relevant to 666 Satan is equally relevant to Naruto and I’ll try and show how. I don’t know if there are any huge revelations here but I think the connections and patterns are actually pretty interesting so I thought I’d write about them. Lets start with the money though … it makes the world go round and however much us fans love the series it needs to make money to create the opportunity to tell new stories (should Kishi or anybody else want to).

Money Tree
If you’ve gotten to read or see Kishi’s interviews in the run up to the release of Boruto: Naruto the Movie then you will have heard that Kishi intends Boruto: Naruto the Movie to be the concluding chapter in Naruto’s story. While I think it is usually best to take people at face value, I have learned over the years not to trust anything Kishi says during promotional tours for his series. It’s not that Kishi lies outright… though that may be the nub of it… it’s that he wants his fans to get the best experience possible from his work and that involves raising expectations by toying with fan’s hopes and fears for the series. The purpose this serves has a practical function…. it helps persuade fans to part with their cash (again and again) to go and see each new conclusion in the expectation that there won’t be some new twist or development further down the line. The more money a movie makes the more freedom there is to develop new projects and to maintain production standards. New movies are not cheap to produce or to release and there are tremendous gambles being made on each new installment.

Even if Kishi is telling the truth when he says that Boruto: Naruto the Movie is the conclusion to his series, he would not be the first writer to announce the finale of his series before later backtracking on his statements and going on to write more. Arthur Conan Doyle had Sherlock Holmes thrown off a cliff (the Reichenbach Falls) when he grew bored of writing his stories before resurrecting his creation for more and more tales - Sherlock is still going strong by the way – just with a new set of writers.
The (non) Death of Sherlock Holmes
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Despite having concluded in WSJ quite some time ago, Naruto as a Franchise is probably stronger than ever. There are still new video games being produced. Recently, the film rights for a live-action version were snapped up by Avi Arad (one of the key men behind bringing us the Marvel Universe to the big screen). We will inevitably get more Naruto in the years to come whether Kishi is actively involved or not. Star Wars has been given new life by George Lucas handing over his creation to Disney and JJ Abrams. I hope Kishi does continue to write Naruto but even if he didn’t then I expect there are plenty of talented mangaka dying to get their hands on the character and that there are plenty of entertainment companies who’d be willing to pay good money for the rights to produce and market new Naruto material. The Boruto Movie has already made more money than Naruto: The Last. So long as fans are willing to part with their cash to support the franchise, there will be new material being made to entertain them – it’s just the way it is until there isn’t enough interest left in a franchise.

I expect the New Era Project will be more than just a Gaiden run and a movie. Had the project been a failure then I might have believed Kishi’s statements but the box office receipts and general fan reception tell me that there is an appetite for more and what the audience wants the audience usually gets. Despite what Kishi says in interviews I think we can expect more in the future. Moreover I think Kishi has been planting story threads that are far from finished which I’ll get into shortly.

On the off chance that Avi Arad & Son and Lionsgate read any forums about their new franchise - please learn from M Night Shyamalan’s mistakes… (and get in touch if you want any fan input).
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Tree Circles
Symbolism in Naruto… you’d think the subject had been mined to death already but I wanted to go into some detail about how certain symbols connect with each other both in real life and in the manga in less than obvious ways. In particular I wanted to look at the symbols of the Ootsutsuki Clan and the derivative symbols of their descendants. You may consider symbolism to be unimportant or simple window dressing but I think real world symbolism inspired a lot of the story and frames certain themes that could be important moving forward.

I won’t talk about every symbol in Naruto since there are too many to keep track of and I’ve already talked about many of them in earlier posts. Instead I’m going to focus on the symbols that appear in Naruto which are important to Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry. In particular I want to focus on circles.

Kabbalah is not a mainstream religion. It is principally related to Judaism and Christianity though it is much more focused on symbolism. It is unclear whether Kishi is a follower of Kabbalah or whether he simply appreciates the symbolism of the religion. Kishi uses a lot of symbols that are very important to Kabbalah. These symbols are also important to other religions as well. We can tell that Kabbalah has had a strong influence on Kishi because it also had a big impact on the work of Kishi’s Twin (Seishi Kishimoto) in his manga 666 Satan where the connections to Kabbalah were made very explicit. Where the same symbols have different meanings in multiple religions all at once, Kishi tends to incorporate elements of the meaning from each religion side by side.
666 Satan – Kaballah and the Sephirot
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A key theme in Kabbalah is the Tree of Life. The 10 circles that make up the Sephirot (above) are aligned in such a way that they form the rough shape of a Tree. The Symbol of the Sephirot is not included in Naruto but many symbols from Kabbalah that are derived from the Sephirot do appear.

Lets start with the Rinnegan. The Rinnegan is made of multiple concentric circles. Within Naruto the Rinnegan grants the power to use every technique at the same time and as well as “creation of all things”. The equivalent symbol of the Rinnegan in Kabbalah is used to describe the Ein Sof (the “Infinite” = essentially all of creation) it is a variation *on the sephirot in that it combines the 10 circles of the Tree of Life into one overlapping set of circles.
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Ein Sof
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It is not just the Rinnegan Eye’s concentric circles that form a symbol of Kabbalah but the shape of the eye itself. Occasionally the eye is framed in a pointed oval shape known as a Vesica Piscis (a “Fish Bladder” I don’t know what a fish bladder looks like but I’m guessing its sort of oval shaped). This is a shape that is often used in religious art and religious architecture. It is made from two overlapping circles like these:
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In Christian Art this shape is often used as an Aureola – a sort of heavenly cloud of light that surrounds figures (such as Christ) in depictions of miracles.
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… or as a fish symbol used to represent Christ known as the Icthys (greek for fish)
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In Naruto the same shape is used to frame the Rinnegan
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…and it could also be considered the basis of the Uchiha Fan Symbol
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The Vesica Piscis tends to be interpreted as the meeting of heaven and earth in one person but it is also the first in a series of patterns used in Kabbalah which layers circles on top of each other to form ever more complex designs. These designs are used as diagrams to convey lessons.

If you lay more circles on top of each other then you get ascending symbols found within Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry… the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life:
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Taken a stage further and you will find the Tree of Life symbol from Kabbalah
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You might recognise the Seed of Life in the design of Sasuke’s EMS. The Petals that are superimposed over the top of Sasuke’s normal MS are taken directly from the Seed of Life Design:
(combine the two eyes)
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This Seed of Life design might also have been the inspiration for Hinata’s most powerful technique. Hinata’s twin lions are based on the Imperial Chinese Guardian Lions:
Hinata’s Twin Lions
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Imperial Chinese Guardian Lions
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You may not be able to make out too much detail on the above picture but the guardian lions represent power and nurture. One Male lion is usually shown standing on a ball representing supremacy over the world (they are imperial lions after all) while the accompanying lion is usually shown with a cub representing nurture. If you look closely at the ball under the male lion's foot you’ll notice the Seed of Life design usually adorns the ball.
Male Lion’s Ball
eg 1
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eg 2
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The symbol is not part of some global conspiracy. Kishi probably knew about the symbol from Kabbalah and then found out about other places that it appeared. The Symbol appeared in ancient Egypt and the doodlings of Leonardo Da Vinci as well. Kishi has a very magpie approach to storytelling.
Da Vinci
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Temple of Osiris
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The image of the Seed of Life is emphasized in Naruto: The Last. In order to destroy the Tenseigan only heirs to Kaguya are able to break the seal. Hinata needs to use her Twin Lion technique supercharged with Naruto’s Chakra to crack apart the superweapon. Blink and you’ll miss it but the design on the Tenseigan is actually the Seed of Life design:
Hinata and Naruto combining power
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Seed of Life / Tenseigan
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The underlying design of Sasuke’s EMS is also a variation on the Flower of Life Design known as Metatron’s Cube. Metatron is a character in 666 Satan (Kishi’s twin’s manga) who is taken directly from Kabbalah. In Kabbalah Metatron is God’s most senior angel:
Metatron 666 Satan
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Metatron’s Cube
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Sasuke’s MS
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The general shape of Sasuke’s MS can be seen in the inner and outer star / flower design – the only difference being that Kishi uses the Vesica Piscis design to join the circles rather than the straight lines of Metatron’s cube. Sasuke’s MS is essentially formed of the same component parts as each of the Seed, Flower and Tree of Life designs that are so important to Kabbalah and other mystic groups.

This Hexagram (six-pointed star) symbol is one of those symbols that has lots of different meanings in lots of different religions. Kishi goes out of his way to emphasize a lot of these diverse meanings in the character who is marked with it. In Hinduism for example this symbol is associated with Anahata / the “Heart Chakra”.
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In Kabballah, Anahata tends to be associated with Tiferet (one of the ten Sephirot circles). It is primarily associated with Love and Balance. This is probably why Madara is able to identify Sasuke’s type of MS based solely on the fluidity of his movements:
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… but also why Kishi emphasizes that the source of power for the Uchiha is their overabundance of love:
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The link with Metatron and Metatron’s cube might also explain some of the abilities ascribed to Sasuke’s Sharingan. Metatron is the “Recording Angel” in Kabbalah (the one who records everything for God), while the Sharingan has the ability to record everything it sees:
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Metatron’s Cube meanwhile is called a “cube” because of how the arrangement of these circles can be used to draw a perfect cube. This is given special meaning in “Sacred Geometry” because it allows the depiction of a 3 dimensional object (a cube) using simple 2 dimensional shapes (circles). The main ability of Sasuke’s new Rinnesharingan is the ability to move between dimensions … an ability seen used in Boruto: Naruto the Movie for the first time but which was also used in the Naruto Gaiden Manga:
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The Cube … (with dots connected)
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I think that the six-pointed star of Sasuke’s eye also corresponds to the six dimensions of Kaguya, to the Sage of Six Paths and to the Six Paths of Pain. In the real life Samsara the Six Realms share the same names as the Six Paths of Pain.
6 Realms of the Samsara
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Kaguya 6 Dimensions
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Sage of Six Paths
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6 Paths of Pain
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One last set of Tree of Life symbolism concerns the Bijuu who are all modeled on a symbol for the Tree of Life. The tails of the Bijuu and the Juubi follow the same pattern as the Menorah (a seven candle lamp) and thae Hanukiah (a nine candle lamp) which are both important to Judaism. The Menorah is widely associated with the Tree of Life. Kishi seems to have modeled the Tailed beasts tails on the branches of the traditional menorah:
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Kyuubi Jinchuuriki
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In terms of an overarching theme, I think that Kishi is borrowing building blocks from a variety of real world religions and uniting them by reference to their symbols. In terms of the importance to plot, these designs show how the Tree of Life (personified in the Manga by the Shinju) has been dispersed amongst the Shinobi, many if not all of whom are Kaguya’s descendants to a greeter or lesser degree.
New Shoots
In the Boruto Movie, the villains seek to collect together the remains of the Shinju in order to create a drug that can turn them into gods. The villains of Boruto: Naruto the Movie have destroyed the Shinju from their dimension and turned their world into a hell as a result. They come to Naruto’s dimension to acquire the power of the Shinju of that dimension and can only do so by reducing ninja into pills that they can consume. Naruto and Sasuke are not the only heirs to Kaguya, they are just the two primary heirs. The point is that the Tree of Life is no longer a tree in the Narutoverse it is the blood of shinobi in its totality. Some ninja like Hashirama inherited so much of the Shinju’s power that they can manipulate trees but all those who have any capacity to wield chakra could essentially be considered heirs to the Shinju.

Where does this lead the story? In the Narutoverse the Shinju is due to create a new fruit every thousand years. Just because there is no Tree left in the Narutoverse does not mean that there is no longer going to be a new fruit of the Shinju. I think the Fruit of the Shinju will be a person. In particular I think the new fruit of the Shinju will be “the Blue Eyed Boy” that is going to “play with the Bijuu”… the destined child. In the manga thus far it would seem that Naruto is that “Child of Destiny” but during the Boruto Movie and it’s novella the point is emphasized several times how Boruto’s Eyes are even bluer than his father’s. Boruto does not just have Blue Eyes… he looks like a fruit as well (at least he has a stem).*
Fruit of the Shinju
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Child of Destiny – Blue Eyed Boy
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Typical Cartoon Fruit with Stem
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The Theme of the Fruit of the Shinju and the Child of Destiny seems (to me at least) to be being progressed but not concluded in Boruto: Naruto the Movie. I think the prophecy has a way to go yet and that Kishi will not be done with the story until the prophecy has come to fruition (excuse the puns). Kishi did not need to establish that a new fruit grows every thousand years. I think the only reason why he did so was to bring the story full circle.

So far I’ve covered the circles of the Ootsutsuki and their importance but that still leaves the other main component of their techniques… the Tomoe. I think that these might be a legacy of whoever was responsible for turning Kaguya from the Rabbit Goddess into the Rabbit Demon. Hagoromo remembers his mother had once been good and cannot explain what turned her evil.
Something must’ve happened but we still don’t know what
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I think that the Tomoe are rooted in Evil. Not everyone who has Tomoe are evil but the Tomoe are the source of their raw power (including the Ootsutsuki, the Bijuu, the Uchiha and the Snakes). The Shinju represents not just the Tree of Life but the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (discussed previously). I think that the circles represent Good and that the Tomoe represent Evil. Hagoromo, the epitome of Good, has Circles but no Tomoe in his eyes. Orochimaru and his snakes have Tomoe but no circles.
Snake Tomoe
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Orochimaru’s Cursed Seal on Sasuke (666)
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Orochimaru’s Cursed Seal aka The Devil’s Fruit
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Orochimaru’s Robes
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Is there any evidence of a connection between Orochimaru and Momoshiki and Kinshiki Ootsutsuki, the villains of the Boruto film? The short answer is not a lot but there is some. In an earlier theory I speculated on the inspirations for the character of Orochimaru. The real life figure who I thought best fit with Orochimaru and the interlocking historical themes found in Naruto was a man called Qin Shi Huang. In particular I drew parallels between Qin Shi Huang’s search for immortality through his consumption of a mercury ore known as Cinnabar. In Boruto: Naruto the Movie the goal of Momoshiki and Kinshiki is to reduce all the heirs of the Shinju to pills called Cinnabar Panacea. I don’t know what the odds are of this being a coincidence but Cinnabar does not exactly just crop up in many stories.
Earlier Thread
Orochimaru’s experiments in Naruto Gaiden are a storyline that is developed but again not concluded. It has never been entirely clear what the purpose of Orochimaru’s experiments has been. In the past it seemed as though Orochimaru was just randomly selecting ninja to serve as guinea pigs for his experiments. The more we learn about the subjects of those experiments however the more connections there are being made between Orochimaru’s victims and the lineage of the Ootsutsuki Clan. I think Kishi’s choice of Momoshiki’s human design raises more questions about Orochimaru’s previous first choice for his future vessel Kimimaro. You will notice how Kimimaro, Momoshiki and Kaguya all have the same haircut.*
Orochimaru’s Experiments
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It would seem from Naruto Gaiden that Orochimaru already knows how Momoshiki and Kinshiki want to attain immortality, in part because he is already doing much the same thing with those he identifies as being descendants of the Ootsutsuki.
Aging Backwards
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After Momoshiki consumes some refined Cinnabar he undergoes a transformation that looks a lot like a Cursed Seal Transformation.
Momoshiki 2nd state
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In particular his transformation resembles that of Kidōmaru:
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There is no direct link established between Momoshiki / Kinshiki and Orochimaru but there are hints of a bigger evil that Kaguya built her army of white Zetsu in order to fight. This looming threat was also raised during the prequel Naruto Gaiden Chapters:
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In the Movie and the novelization of the movie it is suggested that Kinshiki and Momoshiki are the bigger evil but it is never actually confirmed. Sasuke finds a scroll that he thinks will explain the bigger threat but he is unable to decipher that scroll. Naruto sends the scroll to be decrypted but Momoshiki and Kinshiki attack before Sasuke’s and the decryption team’s investigation can be completed. It is taken for granted that the scroll warns of Kinshiki and Momoshiki after they attack during the Chuunin exams. In the epilogue of the novelization it is mentioned that investigations would carry on into the identities of Konoha’s assailants – suggesting to me at least that there is more to find out about this bigger threat that Kaguya was supposed to be so frightened of.

While Kinshiki and Momoshiki are basically filler adversaries for the purpose of the film I think it is pretty clear that they were never on a par with Kaguya. Kaguya was at least a Princess within the Kaguya Clan. There is no suggestion that Momoshiki was the king of the clan. At best Momoshiki and Kinshiki were disgruntled junior members that had ended up in another dimension and who, having mined all they could out of the Shinju in their dimension, then move on to Naruto’s dimension in search of more Cinnabar. If they had been the bigger threat then I would have expected a lot more backstory and at least a couple of flashbacks. I think those will come later when the true threat is revealed. I’m also intrigued to find out if there is a different Shinju in each dimension since there are at least six more than the normal one.

Like Kaguya, Kinshiki and Momoshiki are both based on old Japanese folklore. They are rooted in subverted idealisations of perfect sons. Kinshiki is based Kintarō while Momoshiki is based on a character called Momotarō. Momoshiki and Kinshiki are both adaptations of traditional Japanese stories about perfect young sons. When Japanese parents raise their children they use the fictional characters of Momotarō and Kintarō to show their kids what they should aspire to be like.

Momotarō was a sort of prototype Superman from what I can make out. He is a boy who fell from heaven in a giant peach and is taken in by an elderly couple (who accordingly name him “peach boy” … Momotarō). When he grows up he is said to have gone to an island to fight demons to save his village. Momoshiki, unlike Momotarō, is a villain. Kishi has his own take on how kids should grow up and used the old legend as a contrast to his own character of Boruto to show that kids can do bad things but can learn from their mistakes (Boruto cheats in the Chuunin Exams and has to make amends by helping fight the movie’s villains who are examples of where cheating gets you). You may recognise the origin of Momoshiki’s horns in Momotaro’s funny hat (I’m not sure what the bunny ears on his head are but I’ll go with hat for the time being). Momoshi's summons during the film are representations of Momotarō's animal companions on his adventures … a dog, a monkey and a pheasant (though Momoshiki also has Snakes that Momotarō did not ...hmm):
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Momoshiki Pheasant
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Momoshiki Snakes?
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Kintarō is the “Golden Boy” of Japanese legend (Kin means gold as in Kin and Gin of the Gold and Silver brothers). He was a boy born of superhuman strength who grew up to be a warrior for Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Japanese parents give their sons Kintarō dolls in the hopes that they will become brave and strong like the child of legend. Kinshiki wields the same weapon as Kintarō at various points (a giant axe / hatchet)
Kintarō Doll
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The suffix in Momoshiki and Kinshiki’s names is the same as the shiki of Shiki Fujin… The Dead Demon Seal. It’s unclear how or whether Momoshiki and Kinshiki are related to the Dead Demon seal but there would appear to be some kind of connection. The Dead Demon shares many of the features of the Ootsutsuki … pale skin, horns, fingernails, forehead markings, white robes etc and he like Momshiki also seems to have the cursed seal.
Ootsutsuki collective
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Dead Demon
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Which leads me to a new idea. What if the Cursed Seal is actually a way of activating Ootsutuki heritage. When normal people are infected by the Cursed Seal it simply kills them. When those with Ootsutsuki blood are afflicted their Ootsutsuki traits become exagerated and they grow horns, their skin changes colour and they take on the general appearance of a Demon. Only 10% of people hit with Orochimaru’s Cursed Seal actually survive – normal people just die:
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Ootsutsuki Descendants?
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Finally, if you’ve read the spoilers about the Boruto Movie then you’ll have heard the biggest revelation from the movie is that Orochimaru had a kid and that that kid is Boruto’s team mate… Mitsuki. There are major questions asked about how exactly the two are related which are never answered. We don’t know whether Orochimaru is Mitsuki’s father or mother, both or even his Dr. Frankenstein.
Gender Neutral / Asexual … or just plain creepy?
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Mitsuki also makes a point of telling his teammates that even though Sarada’s dad is a member of the famous Uchiha Clan and Boruto’s father is the Seventh Hokage, his “parent” is stronger than both of theirs. Mitsuki is not portrayed as a boastful character and he does not say it as a joke. I think there is a decent chance we’ll get to see that fight. Orochimaru won’t win but he might get the consolation prize of being the true Final Villain of the series.
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Active member
Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Re: The Demon

Toneri's Tenseigan is also a six pronged lotus, just like Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan.

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Theory was an interesting read. I wonder when you will make the thread connecting the Shinju and Samehada.


Active member
Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Re: The Demon

Time for one last Naruto Theory? Naruto is technically finished for the moment but personally I doubt whether it will stay dead for too long. Kishi still has a lot of loose ends to wrap up … and well … Orochimaru is still kicking about the place. In order for any of this theory to actually come true there will have to be further Naruto stories but I’m still confident enough that Kishi has plans for his characters.

I’ll start with some general thoughts about the future of the franchise and why I think there’s life still left in it. Following up, I wanted to take a look at some of the more obscure symbolism hidden within Naruto. To end, I’ll look at how the Boruto Movie ties in with the central premise of this thread… namely that Orochimaru is the prime suspect for everything that has ever gone wrong in the Narutoverse… the Demon.

Knock on Wood
Spoiler warning* while I haven’t seen the Boruto Movie I have read the translated novelisation of the movie. If you are at all worried about spoilers then don’t read any of this. Some of the material I’m going to discuss also concerns work from Kishi’s twin brother Seishi. If you haven’t read 666 Satan and ever plan on reading it then don’t read this first either. I think that material relevant to 666 Satan is equally relevant to Naruto and I’ll try and show how. I don’t know if there are any huge revelations here but I think the connections and patterns are actually pretty interesting so I thought I’d write about them. Lets start with the money though … it makes the world go round and however much us fans love the series it needs to make money to create the opportunity to tell new stories (should Kishi or anybody else want to).

Money Tree
If you’ve gotten to read or see Kishi’s interviews in the run up to the release of Boruto: Naruto the Movie then you will have heard that Kishi intends Boruto: Naruto the Movie to be the concluding chapter in Naruto’s story. While I think it is usually best to take people at face value, I have learned over the years not to trust anything Kishi says during promotional tours for his series. It’s not that Kishi lies outright… though that may be the nub of it… it’s that he wants his fans to get the best experience possible from his work and that involves raising expectations by toying with fan’s hopes and fears for the series. The purpose this serves has a practical function…. it helps persuade fans to part with their cash (again and again) to go and see each new conclusion in the expectation that there won’t be some new twist or development further down the line. The more money a movie makes the more freedom there is to develop new projects and to maintain production standards. New movies are not cheap to produce or to release and there are tremendous gambles being made on each new installment.

Even if Kishi is telling the truth when he says that Boruto: Naruto the Movie is the conclusion to his series, he would not be the first writer to announce the finale of his series before later backtracking on his statements and going on to write more. Arthur Conan Doyle had Sherlock Holmes thrown off a cliff (the Reichenbach Falls) when he grew bored of writing his stories before resurrecting his creation for more and more tales - Sherlock is still going strong by the way – just with a new set of writers.
The (non) Death of Sherlock Holmes
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Despite having concluded in WSJ quite some time ago, Naruto as a Franchise is probably stronger than ever. There are still new video games being produced. Recently, the film rights for a live-action version were snapped up by Avi Arad (one of the key men behind bringing us the Marvel Universe to the big screen). We will inevitably get more Naruto in the years to come whether Kishi is actively involved or not. Star Wars has been given new life by George Lucas handing over his creation to Disney and JJ Abrams. I hope Kishi does continue to write Naruto but even if he didn’t then I expect there are plenty of talented mangaka dying to get their hands on the character and that there are plenty of entertainment companies who’d be willing to pay good money for the rights to produce and market new Naruto material. The Boruto Movie has already made more money than Naruto: The Last. So long as fans are willing to part with their cash to support the franchise, there will be new material being made to entertain them – it’s just the way it is until there isn’t enough interest left in a franchise.

I expect the New Era Project will be more than just a Gaiden run and a movie. Had the project been a failure then I might have believed Kishi’s statements but the box office receipts and general fan reception tell me that there is an appetite for more and what the audience wants the audience usually gets. Despite what Kishi says in interviews I think we can expect more in the future. Moreover I think Kishi has been planting story threads that are far from finished which I’ll get into shortly.

On the off chance that Avi Arad & Son and Lionsgate read any forums about their new franchise - please learn from M Night Shyamalan’s mistakes… (and get in touch if you want any fan input).
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Tree Circles
Symbolism in Naruto… you’d think the subject had been mined to death already but I wanted to go into some detail about how certain symbols connect with each other both in real life and in the manga in less than obvious ways. In particular I wanted to look at the symbols of the Ootsutsuki Clan and the derivative symbols of their descendants. You may consider symbolism to be unimportant or simple window dressing but I think real world symbolism inspired a lot of the story and frames certain themes that could be important moving forward.

I won’t talk about every symbol in Naruto since there are too many to keep track of and I’ve already talked about many of them in earlier posts. Instead I’m going to focus on the symbols that appear in Naruto which are important to Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry. In particular I want to focus on circles.

Kabbalah is not a mainstream religion. It is principally related to Judaism and Christianity though it is much more focused on symbolism. It is unclear whether Kishi is a follower of Kabbalah or whether he simply appreciates the symbolism of the religion. Kishi uses a lot of symbols that are very important to Kabbalah. These symbols are also important to other religions as well. We can tell that Kabbalah has had a strong influence on Kishi because it also had a big impact on the work of Kishi’s Twin (Seishi Kishimoto) in his manga 666 Satan where the connections to Kabbalah were made very explicit. Where the same symbols have different meanings in multiple religions all at once, Kishi tends to incorporate elements of the meaning from each religion side by side.
666 Satan – Kaballah and the Sephirot
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A key theme in Kabbalah is the Tree of Life. The 10 circles that make up the Sephirot (above) are aligned in such a way that they form the rough shape of a Tree. The Symbol of the Sephirot is not included in Naruto but many symbols from Kabbalah that are derived from the Sephirot do appear.

Lets start with the Rinnegan. The Rinnegan is made of multiple concentric circles. Within Naruto the Rinnegan grants the power to use every technique at the same time and as well as “creation of all things”. The equivalent symbol of the Rinnegan in Kabbalah is used to describe the Ein Sof (the “Infinite” = essentially all of creation) it is a variation *on the sephirot in that it combines the 10 circles of the Tree of Life into one overlapping set of circles.
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Ein Sof
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It is not just the Rinnegan Eye’s concentric circles that form a symbol of Kabbalah but the shape of the eye itself. Occasionally the eye is framed in a pointed oval shape known as a Vesica Piscis (a “Fish Bladder” I don’t know what a fish bladder looks like but I’m guessing its sort of oval shaped). This is a shape that is often used in religious art and religious architecture. It is made from two overlapping circles like these:
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In Christian Art this shape is often used as an Aureola – a sort of heavenly cloud of light that surrounds figures (such as Christ) in depictions of miracles.
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… or as a fish symbol used to represent Christ known as the Icthys (greek for fish)
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In Naruto the same shape is used to frame the Rinnegan
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…and it could also be considered the basis of the Uchiha Fan Symbol
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The Vesica Piscis tends to be interpreted as the meeting of heaven and earth in one person but it is also the first in a series of patterns used in Kabbalah which layers circles on top of each other to form ever more complex designs. These designs are used as diagrams to convey lessons.

If you lay more circles on top of each other then you get ascending symbols found within Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry… the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life:
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Taken a stage further and you will find the Tree of Life symbol from Kabbalah
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You might recognise the Seed of Life in the design of Sasuke’s EMS. The Petals that are superimposed over the top of Sasuke’s normal MS are taken directly from the Seed of Life Design:
(combine the two eyes)
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This Seed of Life design might also have been the inspiration for Hinata’s most powerful technique. Hinata’s twin lions are based on the Imperial Chinese Guardian Lions:
Hinata’s Twin Lions
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Imperial Chinese Guardian Lions
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You may not be able to make out too much detail on the above picture but the guardian lions represent power and nurture. One Male lion is usually shown standing on a ball representing supremacy over the world (they are imperial lions after all) while the accompanying lion is usually shown with a cub representing nurture. If you look closely at the ball under the male lion's foot you’ll notice the Seed of Life design usually adorns the ball.
Male Lion’s Ball
eg 1
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eg 2
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The symbol is not part of some global conspiracy. Kishi probably knew about the symbol from Kabbalah and then found out about other places that it appeared. The Symbol appeared in ancient Egypt and the doodlings of Leonardo Da Vinci as well. Kishi has a very magpie approach to storytelling.
Da Vinci
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Temple of Osiris
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The image of the Seed of Life is emphasized in Naruto: The Last. In order to destroy the Tenseigan only heirs to Kaguya are able to break the seal. Hinata needs to use her Twin Lion technique supercharged with Naruto’s Chakra to crack apart the superweapon. Blink and you’ll miss it but the design on the Tenseigan is actually the Seed of Life design:
Hinata and Naruto combining power
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Seed of Life / Tenseigan
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The underlying design of Sasuke’s EMS is also a variation on the Flower of Life Design known as Metatron’s Cube. Metatron is a character in 666 Satan (Kishi’s twin’s manga) who is taken directly from Kabbalah. In Kabbalah Metatron is God’s most senior angel:
Metatron 666 Satan
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Metatron’s Cube
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Sasuke’s MS
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The general shape of Sasuke’s MS can be seen in the inner and outer star / flower design – the only difference being that Kishi uses the Vesica Piscis design to join the circles rather than the straight lines of Metatron’s cube. Sasuke’s MS is essentially formed of the same component parts as each of the Seed, Flower and Tree of Life designs that are so important to Kabbalah and other mystic groups.

This Hexagram (six-pointed star) symbol is one of those symbols that has lots of different meanings in lots of different religions. Kishi goes out of his way to emphasize a lot of these diverse meanings in the character who is marked with it. In Hinduism for example this symbol is associated with Anahata / the “Heart Chakra”.
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In Kabballah, Anahata tends to be associated with Tiferet (one of the ten Sephirot circles). It is primarily associated with Love and Balance. This is probably why Madara is able to identify Sasuke’s type of MS based solely on the fluidity of his movements:
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… but also why Kishi emphasizes that the source of power for the Uchiha is their overabundance of love:
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The link with Metatron and Metatron’s cube might also explain some of the abilities ascribed to Sasuke’s Sharingan. Metatron is the “Recording Angel” in Kabbalah (the one who records everything for God), while the Sharingan has the ability to record everything it sees:
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Metatron’s Cube meanwhile is called a “cube” because of how the arrangement of these circles can be used to draw a perfect cube. This is given special meaning in “Sacred Geometry” because it allows the depiction of a 3 dimensional object (a cube) using simple 2 dimensional shapes (circles). The main ability of Sasuke’s new Rinnesharingan is the ability to move between dimensions … an ability seen used in Boruto: Naruto the Movie for the first time but which was also used in the Naruto Gaiden Manga:
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The Cube … (with dots connected)
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I think that the six-pointed star of Sasuke’s eye also corresponds to the six dimensions of Kaguya, to the Sage of Six Paths and to the Six Paths of Pain. In the real life Samsara the Six Realms share the same names as the Six Paths of Pain.
6 Realms of the Samsara
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Kaguya 6 Dimensions
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Sage of Six Paths
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6 Paths of Pain
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One last set of Tree of Life symbolism concerns the Bijuu who are all modeled on a symbol for the Tree of Life. The tails of the Bijuu and the Juubi follow the same pattern as the Menorah (a seven candle lamp) and thae Hanukiah (a nine candle lamp) which are both important to Judaism. The Menorah is widely associated with the Tree of Life. Kishi seems to have modeled the Tailed beasts tails on the branches of the traditional menorah:
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Kyuubi Jinchuuriki
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In terms of an overarching theme, I think that Kishi is borrowing building blocks from a variety of real world religions and uniting them by reference to their symbols. In terms of the importance to plot, these designs show how the Tree of Life (personified in the Manga by the Shinju) has been dispersed amongst the Shinobi, many if not all of whom are Kaguya’s descendants to a greeter or lesser degree.
New Shoots
In the Boruto Movie, the villains seek to collect together the remains of the Shinju in order to create a drug that can turn them into gods. The villains of Boruto: Naruto the Movie have destroyed the Shinju from their dimension and turned their world into a hell as a result. They come to Naruto’s dimension to acquire the power of the Shinju of that dimension and can only do so by reducing ninja into pills that they can consume. Naruto and Sasuke are not the only heirs to Kaguya, they are just the two primary heirs. The point is that the Tree of Life is no longer a tree in the Narutoverse it is the blood of shinobi in its totality. Some ninja like Hashirama inherited so much of the Shinju’s power that they can manipulate trees but all those who have any capacity to wield chakra could essentially be considered heirs to the Shinju.

Where does this lead the story? In the Narutoverse the Shinju is due to create a new fruit every thousand years. Just because there is no Tree left in the Narutoverse does not mean that there is no longer going to be a new fruit of the Shinju. I think the Fruit of the Shinju will be a person. In particular I think the new fruit of the Shinju will be “the Blue Eyed Boy” that is going to “play with the Bijuu”… the destined child. In the manga thus far it would seem that Naruto is that “Child of Destiny” but during the Boruto Movie and it’s novella the point is emphasized several times how Boruto’s Eyes are even bluer than his father’s. Boruto does not just have Blue Eyes… he looks like a fruit as well (at least he has a stem).*
Fruit of the Shinju
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Child of Destiny – Blue Eyed Boy
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Typical Cartoon Fruit with Stem
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The Theme of the Fruit of the Shinju and the Child of Destiny seems (to me at least) to be being progressed but not concluded in Boruto: Naruto the Movie. I think the prophecy has a way to go yet and that Kishi will not be done with the story until the prophecy has come to fruition (excuse the puns). Kishi did not need to establish that a new fruit grows every thousand years. I think the only reason why he did so was to bring the story full circle.

So far I’ve covered the circles of the Ootsutsuki and their importance but that still leaves the other main component of their techniques… the Tomoe. I think that these might be a legacy of whoever was responsible for turning Kaguya from the Rabbit Goddess into the Rabbit Demon. Hagoromo remembers his mother had once been good and cannot explain what turned her evil.
Something must’ve happened but we still don’t know what
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I think that the Tomoe are rooted in Evil. Not everyone who has Tomoe are evil but the Tomoe are the source of their raw power (including the Ootsutsuki, the Bijuu, the Uchiha and the Snakes). The Shinju represents not just the Tree of Life but the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (discussed previously). I think that the circles represent Good and that the Tomoe represent Evil. Hagoromo, the epitome of Good, has Circles but no Tomoe in his eyes. Orochimaru and his snakes have Tomoe but no circles.
Snake Tomoe
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Orochimaru’s Cursed Seal on Sasuke (666)
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Orochimaru’s Cursed Seal aka The Devil’s Fruit
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Orochimaru’s Robes
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Is there any evidence of a connection between Orochimaru and Momoshiki and Kinshiki Ootsutsuki, the villains of the Boruto film? The short answer is not a lot but there is some. In an earlier theory I speculated on the inspirations for the character of Orochimaru. The real life figure who I thought best fit with Orochimaru and the interlocking historical themes found in Naruto was a man called Qin Shi Huang. In particular I drew parallels between Qin Shi Huang’s search for immortality through his consumption of a mercury ore known as Cinnabar. In Boruto: Naruto the Movie the goal of Momoshiki and Kinshiki is to reduce all the heirs of the Shinju to pills called Cinnabar Panacea. I don’t know what the odds are of this being a coincidence but Cinnabar does not exactly just crop up in many stories.
Earlier Thread
Orochimaru’s experiments in Naruto Gaiden are a storyline that is developed but again not concluded. It has never been entirely clear what the purpose of Orochimaru’s experiments has been. In the past it seemed as though Orochimaru was just randomly selecting ninja to serve as guinea pigs for his experiments. The more we learn about the subjects of those experiments however the more connections there are being made between Orochimaru’s victims and the lineage of the Ootsutsuki Clan. I think Kishi’s choice of Momoshiki’s human design raises more questions about Orochimaru’s previous first choice for his future vessel Kimimaro. You will notice how Kimimaro, Momoshiki and Kaguya all have the same haircut.*
Orochimaru’s Experiments
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It would seem from Naruto Gaiden that Orochimaru already knows how Momoshiki and Kinshiki want to attain immortality, in part because he is already doing much the same thing with those he identifies as being descendants of the Ootsutsuki.
Aging Backwards
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After Momoshiki consumes some refined Cinnabar he undergoes a transformation that looks a lot like a Cursed Seal Transformation.
Momoshiki 2nd state
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In particular his transformation resembles that of Kidōmaru:
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There is no direct link established between Momoshiki / Kinshiki and Orochimaru but there are hints of a bigger evil that Kaguya built her army of white Zetsu in order to fight. This looming threat was also raised during the prequel Naruto Gaiden Chapters:
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In the Movie and the novelization of the movie it is suggested that Kinshiki and Momoshiki are the bigger evil but it is never actually confirmed. Sasuke finds a scroll that he thinks will explain the bigger threat but he is unable to decipher that scroll. Naruto sends the scroll to be decrypted but Momoshiki and Kinshiki attack before Sasuke’s and the decryption team’s investigation can be completed. It is taken for granted that the scroll warns of Kinshiki and Momoshiki after they attack during the Chuunin exams. In the epilogue of the novelization it is mentioned that investigations would carry on into the identities of Konoha’s assailants – suggesting to me at least that there is more to find out about this bigger threat that Kaguya was supposed to be so frightened of.

While Kinshiki and Momoshiki are basically filler adversaries for the purpose of the film I think it is pretty clear that they were never on a par with Kaguya. Kaguya was at least a Princess within the Kaguya Clan. There is no suggestion that Momoshiki was the king of the clan. At best Momoshiki and Kinshiki were disgruntled junior members that had ended up in another dimension and who, having mined all they could out of the Shinju in their dimension, then move on to Naruto’s dimension in search of more Cinnabar. If they had been the bigger threat then I would have expected a lot more backstory and at least a couple of flashbacks. I think those will come later when the true threat is revealed. I’m also intrigued to find out if there is a different Shinju in each dimension since there are at least six more than the normal one.

Like Kaguya, Kinshiki and Momoshiki are both based on old Japanese folklore. They are rooted in subverted idealisations of perfect sons. Kinshiki is based Kintarō while Momoshiki is based on a character called Momotarō. Momoshiki and Kinshiki are both adaptations of traditional Japanese stories about perfect young sons. When Japanese parents raise their children they use the fictional characters of Momotarō and Kintarō to show their kids what they should aspire to be like.

Momotarō was a sort of prototype Superman from what I can make out. He is a boy who fell from heaven in a giant peach and is taken in by an elderly couple (who accordingly name him “peach boy” … Momotarō). When he grows up he is said to have gone to an island to fight demons to save his village. Momoshiki, unlike Momotarō, is a villain. Kishi has his own take on how kids should grow up and used the old legend as a contrast to his own character of Boruto to show that kids can do bad things but can learn from their mistakes (Boruto cheats in the Chuunin Exams and has to make amends by helping fight the movie’s villains who are examples of where cheating gets you). You may recognise the origin of Momoshiki’s horns in Momotaro’s funny hat (I’m not sure what the bunny ears on his head are but I’ll go with hat for the time being). Momoshi's summons during the film are representations of Momotarō's animal companions on his adventures … a dog, a monkey and a pheasant (though Momoshiki also has Snakes that Momotarō did not ...hmm):
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Momoshiki Pheasant
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Momoshiki Snakes?
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Kintarō is the “Golden Boy” of Japanese legend (Kin means gold as in Kin and Gin of the Gold and Silver brothers). He was a boy born of superhuman strength who grew up to be a warrior for Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Japanese parents give their sons Kintarō dolls in the hopes that they will become brave and strong like the child of legend. Kinshiki wields the same weapon as Kintarō at various points (a giant axe / hatchet)
Kintarō Doll
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The suffix in Momoshiki and Kinshiki’s names is the same as the shiki of Shiki Fujin… The Dead Demon Seal. It’s unclear how or whether Momoshiki and Kinshiki are related to the Dead Demon seal but there would appear to be some kind of connection. The Dead Demon shares many of the features of the Ootsutsuki … pale skin, horns, fingernails, forehead markings, white robes etc and he like Momshiki also seems to have the cursed seal.
Ootsutsuki collective
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Dead Demon
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Which leads me to a new idea. What if the Cursed Seal is actually a way of activating Ootsutuki heritage. When normal people are infected by the Cursed Seal it simply kills them. When those with Ootsutsuki blood are afflicted their Ootsutsuki traits become exagerated and they grow horns, their skin changes colour and they take on the general appearance of a Demon. Only 10% of people hit with Orochimaru’s Cursed Seal actually survive – normal people just die:
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Ootsutsuki Descendants?
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Finally, if you’ve read the spoilers about the Boruto Movie then you’ll have heard the biggest revelation from the movie is that Orochimaru had a kid and that that kid is Boruto’s team mate… Mitsuki. There are major questions asked about how exactly the two are related which are never answered. We don’t know whether Orochimaru is Mitsuki’s father or mother, both or even his Dr. Frankenstein.
Gender Neutral / Asexual … or just plain creepy?
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Mitsuki also makes a point of telling his teammates that even though Sarada’s dad is a member of the famous Uchiha Clan and Boruto’s father is the Seventh Hokage, his “parent” is stronger than both of theirs. Mitsuki is not portrayed as a boastful character and he does not say it as a joke. I think there is a decent chance we’ll get to see that fight. Orochimaru won’t win but he might get the consolation prize of being the true Final Villain of the series.
I've been an avid fan of your theories. Congrats on this new delivery!


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Mar 10, 2014
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Re: The Demon: One last theory part 2

Since the Previous thread got closed, I think we will have to continue here. I think it's good to have a new start. For convienence sake, I will post the Index of the Previous theories here.



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May 8, 2012
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Was that spam the Orochimaru screen cap I posted?

Anyways, Sam. I saw the movie online and I don't think they said they were retainers of Kaguya's will, but that they were going to finish what she started. They did not speak of her in any particularly high regard and it sounded more like they were in competition for power. I'll add the picture in as a spoiler I guess.

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Mar 10, 2014
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Was that spam the Orochimaru screen cap I posted?

Anyways, Sam. I saw the movie online and I don't think they said they were retainers of Kaguya's will, but that they were going to finish what she started. They did not speak of her in any particularly high regard and it sounded more like they were in competition for power. I'll add the picture in as a spoiler I guess.

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No, it was because the thread got bumped when it was already a month old. And that is against the rules of NB.

I based my previous theory on the Spoilers that I got at that time. They were inaccurate though. I still think the positioning of Momoshinki's Rinnegan on his palms connects him from Shin to Danzo to Orochimaru at the tail end.


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May 8, 2012
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Well, the Wiki also has Momoshiki's backstory thoroughly explained.

He comes from presumably another planet that had its own Shinju and Kaguya created the Zetsu army because she knew he would eventually seek out this planet. They came across Sasuke by accident in one of the dimensions and apparently could not find Earth until they traced Sasuke to it.

My guess would be that he might have been emperor or whatever and Kaguya decided to leave since he was hogging all of their planet's energy. She knew he'd eventually run out and seek out her new home. After watching them put their planet to waste, one could understand why she was so protective of this "beautiful planet". Another interesting point is that the Rinnegans he wielded were red rather than purple.

Rabbit Teth

Jun 21, 2014
Trait Points
Toneri's Tenseigan is also a six pronged lotus, just like Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan.

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Theory was an interesting read. I wonder when you will make the thread connecting the Shinju and Samehada.
I still haven't seen the Boruto movie yet. I was holding off on that idea until I'd seen the film. I'll put up a new update when I get the time. I found some new stuff to support the idea in that Databook link.

I see the Tenseigan as an attempt by Hamura to circumvent the prophecy by creating an eye that could be activated as and when the need should arrive. I hope we get more backstory on the Tenseigan. Maybe Kishi will deliver some history on the Hyuuga in future material. If Kishi ever does write a part 3 I hope we get to see Hinata explaining to Himawari and Boruto what happened to their uncle and why neither of them has a cursed seal (or better yet maybe they do...).

I've been an avid fan of your theories. Congrats on this new delivery!
Thanks. Some of them hold up better than other ones but mostly they are all connected. I'll go into some astronomy and astrology next time since you're a fan of Carl Sagan.

nicefanfics bruhs :p
Now we really are going round in circles.

Since the Previous thread got closed, I think we will have to continue here. I think it's good to have a new start. For convienence sake, I will post the Index of the Previous theories here.

Thanks again for putting together an index. It helps a lot whenever I find new material that relates to old ideas. Some of it's been thoroughly debunked by now but a lot of it still holds water.

Was that spam the Orochimaru screen cap I posted?

Anyways, Sam. I saw the movie online and I don't think they said they were retainers of Kaguya's will, but that they were going to finish what she started. They did not speak of her in any particularly high regard and it sounded more like they were in competition for power. I'll add the picture in as a spoiler I guess.

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Thats was a great find by the way. That scene parallels a lot of the earlier story arcs. Maybe there's hope for this theory yet.

Well, the Wiki also has Momoshiki's backstory thoroughly explained.

He comes from presumably another planet that had its own Shinju and Kaguya created the Zetsu army because she knew he would eventually seek out this planet. They came across Sasuke by accident in one of the dimensions and apparently could not find Earth until they traced Sasuke to it.

My guess would be that he might have been emperor or whatever and Kaguya decided to leave since he was hogging all of their planet's energy. She knew he'd eventually run out and seek out her new home. After watching them put their planet to waste, one could understand why she was so protective of this "beautiful planet". Another interesting point is that the Rinnegans he wielded were red rather than purple.
Personally I doubt Momoshiki is Emperor material. If Kishi doesn't write anything new on Naruto then I suppose Momoshiki is the Final Villain by default. I'm still expecting a big reveal at some point further down the line (so long as Kishi isn't enjoying his retirement too much). Kishi keeps on introducing too many new loose ends to make me think he has any intention of closing the book on Naruto. The Momotaro legend is enough to build a filler villain around but not enough for a big bad. Until Kishi announces a new movie what you say is true though.


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May 8, 2012
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For now it is the end, but I still see Kishimoto as setting this ending a bit open-ended in case he feels reinvigorated after a long vacation. Remember the creators of Saint Seiya took a long time off. Anyways, Kishimoto left Orochimaru's secret motive a secret for a reason. The very last thing we see is Orochimaru...That is a rather weird way to end the series. Add to this the fact he's looking down at the village much like he and Sasuke did in the past before a big decision against it. He might be mulling over allowing this peace with his son or actually getting his plan started.

Rabbit Teth

Jun 21, 2014
Trait Points
For now it is the end, but I still see Kishimoto as setting this ending a bit open-ended in case he feels reinvigorated after a long vacation. Remember the creators of Saint Seiya took a long time off. Anyways, Kishimoto left Orochimaru's secret motive a secret for a reason. The very last thing we see is Orochimaru...That is a rather weird way to end the series. Add to this the fact he's looking down at the village much like he and Sasuke did in the past before a big decision against it. He might be mulling over allowing this peace with his son or actually getting his plan started.
I agree but at the same time I think there might be a bigger theme behind that shot you picked out. Whenever we see characters watching from afar it tends to portend major developments to come. When Kishi pulls away from the action he is usually reminding us that there is a bigger picture in play. The choices of the protagonist are what tips the balance between good and evil.

The good guys are looking out for the Child of Destiny. None of the good guys are sure who the Child of Destiny is but they have a hazy prophecy that seems to fit with Naruto. At the start Sarutobi is simply watching over Naruto to make sure that the Demon Fox is not inadvertently released but over time we learn that Gamamaru and Hagoromo have been watching over Naruto as well
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Hagoromo ("you've been watching your children fight until now")
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On the Dark Side we have Black Zetsu who has been overseeing the corruption of Indra's Transmigrant for generations, hoping to find one able to release the Demon (I think Kaguya was a former vessel for "the Demon" rather than the Demon herself … at least that's the basic premise of this theory). He has been avidly watching each confrontation between the spirits of Hagoromo's sons

Asura (Hashirama) vs Indra (Madara) Mark 2
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Asura (Naruto) vs Indra (Sasuke) Mark 3
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Asura vs Indra …Mark 1 (was somebody watching? I don't know but I'd like to think both sides were paying close attention)
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If Orochimaru was simply looking out for his son then it would have been enough to show us Oro picking up Mitsuki from school. I think the way that that final shot from the Boruto Movie is framed might hint that the story of the Demon and the Child of Destiny still has a way to go yet…
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It's still just a theory .. at least until Kishi announces a new movie. I'll be back with more when I get the chance.
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May 8, 2012
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Ah seems the new series didn't take that long. Hopefully we will finally get some closure on Orochimaru and Boruto turns out to be the actual child of prophecy.

Dark Matter Thief

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Aug 7, 2011
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I've been keeping up with you for a while Rabbit, well, before I went on a hiatus. I've returned and continued to follow your thread! (Which brought me to the new one here)

Apparently there will be some Naruto news, which Sir Naruto and Orochimagus pointed out. I didn't really read much into it recently, but it may possibly be a manga, anime or even another movie. But it will indeed continue with the new generation. I'm willing to say that Orochimaru may very well be the final villain!

I'll be keeping up with the thread to continue reading your amazing posts!


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Mar 10, 2014
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I am posting this to make a few changes to Rabbit Teth's original Triple Spiral Theory : . I hope you will excuse me for the lack of images as this is just a summary thread and it will be very hard to get all the Pictures.

I am gonna call the Three Spirals the Central Spiral, the Right Spiral and the Left Spiral.

Central Spiral

The Central Spiral is all wrapped up in the story of the Fruit of the Shinju. When we first see Kaguya eating the Shinju's fruit, it is a Spiral Fruit. However in Hagoromo's memories, the fruit is a Circular Fruit with circles like the Rinnegan. This means that we have been given descriptions of two Shinju Fruits : A Spiral Fruit and A Circular Fruit.

However the Shinju can only grow one Fruit, not two, so how can two descriptions of the Fruit exist ? This means that one Fruit was fake and the other was real.

The Spiral Fruit that Kaguya ate was the Fake Fruit of the Shinju, the Devil's Fruit and was actually the Central Spiral in disguise.

The Original and Real Fruit of the Shinju/ The Circular Fruit was sealed away in a sword, that sword I think is Samehada : (Read Samehada part).

We know from Madara's description that the Right Spiral/Rinnesharingan was acting as the Shinju's Flower (Reference from Obito Juubi Jin Arc). If the Spirals can act as a Flower of the Shinju then it's not a longshot to assume that the Spirals can act as the Shinju's Fruit also.

After Kaguya ate the Central Spiral Fruit, she awakened the Central Spiral/Rinnesharingan as a Third Eye. This Spiral appears as the Juubi's eye in the fight against Hagoromo and Hamura.

This Central Spiral was sealed away along with Kaguya's Body in the NV's Moon by Hagoromo and Hamura through Chibaku Tensei.

Timeline of Central Spiral

Someone replaces the Circular Fruit of the Shinju with the Central Spiral -> Kaguya eats the Central Spiral Fruit -> Kaguya awakens the Central Spiral/Rinnesharingan -> The Central Spiral is transferred to the Juubi when Kaguya merges with the Shinju -> The Central Spiral is sealed away by Hagoromo and Hamura's Chibaku Tensei as NV's Moon.

Location of Central Spiral : The NV Moon.


Before I go to the Left and Right Spirals, we must tackle Indra. When Indra was born, he awakened the Sharingan. In the long run, he also awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan (Hinted by his PS). However if Indra used the Mangekyo Sharingan he would have gone blind. Since Ashura never had Sharingan in the first place, Indra didn't have any replacement Sharingans to restore his eyesight.

Indra going blind I think was the Turning point of Ashura surpassing him.

With Indra gone blind, Black Zetsu tempted him to the Darkness by offering him the Left and Right Spirals (Black Zetsu hints to the exchange). With the two Spirals, Indra's eyesight was restored and we see his Dual Spiral Eyes. The power of the Dual Spirals will pass on to the Uchiha Descendants as the "Special Brain Chakra".

After this point, I think Indra was digested and sealed into Hagoromo's Gedo Mazou where he became Spiral Zetsu. Madara would eventually re-summon the Gedo Mazou and free Indra in his Spiral Zetsu form along with Ashura Zetsu. Now on to the other two Spirals.

Right Spiral

The Right Spiral of Indra was fused by him into the Gedo Mazou after his release in Spiral Zetsu form. The Right Spiral/Rinnesharingan awakened when The Nine Bijuus were inserted into it and is seen as the Juubi's single eye in the Fourth Shinobi World War.

From the Juubi, it was transferred to the Shinju, then to Madara and then to Kaguya until it was finally sealed away by Naruto and Sasuke's Chibaku Tensei in Kaguya's Core Dimension.

Timeline of Right Spiral

Black Zetsu gives Right Spiral to Indra -> After being released, Indra fuses the Right Spiral into the Gedo Mazou -> The Right Spiral awakens after the Gedou Mazou transforms into the Juubi -> The Right Spiral is transferred to the Shinju -> Then transferred to Madara -> Then transferred to Kaguya -> Gets sealed by Naruto and Sasuke's Chibaku Tensei.

Location of Right Spiral : The Sealing stone/Moon in the Core Dimension of Kaguya's six realms.

Left Spiral

The Left Spiral's story is complicated.

Initially I think Indra after his release from Gedo Mazou gave the Left Spiral to Madara in it's de-activated form as theorized by Rabbit Teth here :

Now the assumption by Rabbit Teth is that Sasuke's Left eye is the final Left Spiral/Rinnesharingan. However I find his theory on how Sasuke got it wonky. The theory of Rabbit Teth's suggests that Sasuke got it because he is Indra's transmigrant.

However, I highly doubt that Sasuke can get the Left Spiral through Indra's chakra alone. In order for Indra/Spiral Zetsu to be a fully conscious individual, he needs to retain his soul. It is heavily implied that Sasuke only has Indra's chakra, not his soul. (Naruto was shown with Ashura's soul, why was Sasuke made the exception ?) Just having Indra's chakra is not guarantee enough to get the Left Spiral. Thus if Sasuke had to get the Left Spiral, he had to meet Spiral Zetsu at one point.

The Meeting of Tobi and Sasuke

After Sasuke goes blind with his MS in the Five Summit Kage Arc, he asks Tobi to transplant Itachi's eyes into him. However, it's important to note that Obito was still wearing the Spiral Zetsu mask !

This means that it's highly possible that the EMS transplant operation was done by Indra/Spiral Zetsu himself who was controlling Obito ! I think Indra transplanted Itachi's Right eye into Sasuke. However he put aside Itachi's left eye and instead Transplanted the Left Spiral into Sasuke in a de-activated form.

After Sasuke gets Rikudou chakra from Hagoromo, his Left Spiral eye awakens.

Timeline of the Left Spiral -

Black Zetsu gives Left Spiral to Indra -> Indra gives it to Madara temporarily -> Indra preserves the Left Spiral after Madara's Death -> Sasuke asks Tobi/Spiral Zetsu/Obito to transplant Itachi's eyes so he can get EMS -> Tobi transplants the Left Spiral into Sasuke instead of Itachi's eye -> The Left Spiral awakens after being exposed to Rikudou Chakra.

Location of Left Spiral : Sasuke's Left Eye.

The Union of the Three Spirals and The Snake's Awakening

In the Fourth Shinobi World War, The Central, Right and Left Spirals are re-united temporarily and the power shines upon a Snake who literally takes a sunbath in it.

The Right Spiral is awakened by Madara :-

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He reflects the Right Spiral on NV's Moon and activates the Central Spiral :-

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Sasuke gazes at the Moon with his Left Spiral for a short while :-

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The Three Spirals are combined and the resulting light from the Three Spirals falls on a Snake :-

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Who seems satisfied with the end result. However Kabuto has his doubts :-

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I hope it makes sense. :sweat:
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Dark Matter Thief

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Aug 7, 2011
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I am posting this to make a few changes to Rabbit Teth's original Triple Spiral Theory : . I hope you will excuse me for the lack of images as this is just a summary thread and it will be very hard to get all the Pictures.

I am gonna call the Three Spirals the Central Spiral, the Right Spiral and the Left Spiral.

Central Spiral

The Central Spiral is all wrapped up in the story of the Fruit of the Shinju. When we first see Kaguya eating the Shinju's fruit, it is a Spiral Fruit. However in Hagoromo's memories, the fruit is a Circular Fruit with circles like the Rinnegan. This means that we have been given descriptions of two Shinju Fruits : A Spiral Fruit and A Circular Fruit.

However the Shinju can only grow one Fruit, not two, so how can two descriptions of the Fruit exist ? This means that one Fruit was fake and the other was real.

The Spiral Fruit that Kaguya ate was the Fake Fruit of the Shinju, the Devil's Fruit and was actually the Central Spiral in disguise.

The Original and Real Fruit of the Shinju/ The Circular Fruit was sealed away in a sword, that sword I think is Samehada : (Read Samehada part).

We know from Madara's description that the Right Spiral/Rinnesharingan was acting as the Shinju's Flower (Reference from Obito Juubi Jin Arc). If the Spirals can act as a Flower of the Shinju then it's not a longshot to assume that the Spirals can act as the Shinju's Fruit also.

After Kaguya ate the Central Spiral Fruit, she awakened the Central Spiral/Rinnesharingan as a Third Eye. This Spiral appears as the Juubi's eye in the fight against Hagoromo and Hamura.

This Central Spiral was sealed away along with Kaguya's Body in the NV's Moon by Hagoromo and Hamura through Chibaku Tensei.

Timeline of Central Spiral

Someone replaces the Circular Fruit of the Shinju with the Central Spiral -> Kaguya eats the Central Spiral Fruit -> Kaguya awakens the Central Spiral/Rinnesharingan -> The Central Spiral is transferred to the Juubi when Kaguya merges with the Shinju -> The Central Spiral is sealed away by Hagoromo and Hamura's Chibaku Tensei as NV's Moon.

Location of Central Spiral : The NV Moon.


Before I go to the Left and Right Spirals, we must tackle Indra. When Indra was born, he awakened the Sharingan. In the long run, he also awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan (Hinted by his PS). However if Indra used the Mangekyo Sharingan he would have gone blind. Since Ashura never had Sharingan in the first place, Indra didn't have any replacement Sharingans to restore his eyesight.

Indra going blind I think was the Turning point of Ashura surpassing him.

With Indra gone blind, Black Zetsu tempted him to the Darkness by offering him the Left and Right Spirals (Black Zetsu hints to the exchange). With the two Spirals, Indra's eyesight was restored and we see his Dual Spiral Eyes. The power of the Dual Spirals will pass on to the Uchiha Descendants as the "Special Brain Chakra".

After this point, I think Indra was digested and sealed into Hagoromo's Gedo Mazou where he became Spiral Zetsu. Madara would eventually re-summon the Gedo Mazou and free Indra in his Spiral Zetsu form along with Ashura Zetsu. Now on to the other two Spirals.

Right Spiral

The Right Spiral of Indra was fused by him into the Gedo Mazou after his release in Spiral Zetsu form. The Right Spiral/Rinnesharingan awakened when The Nine Bijuus were inserted into it and is seen as the Juubi's single eye in the Fourth Shinobi World War.

From the Juubi, it was transferred to the Shinju, then to Madara and then to Kaguya until it was finally sealed away by Naruto and Sasuke's Chibaku Tensei in Kaguya's Core Dimension.

Timeline of Right Spiral

Black Zetsu gives Right Spiral to Indra -> After being released, Indra fuses the Right Spiral into the Gedo Mazou -> The Right Spiral awakens after the Gedou Mazou transforms into the Juubi -> The Right Spiral is transferred to the Shinju -> Then transferred to Madara -> Then transferred to Kaguya -> Gets sealed by Naruto and Sasuke's Chibaku Tensei.

Location of Right Spiral : The Sealing stone/Moon in the Core Dimension of Kaguya's six realms.

Left Spiral

The Left Spiral's story is complicated.

Initially I think Indra after his release from Gedo Mazou gave the Left Spiral to Madara in it's de-activated form as theorized by Rabbit Teth here :

Now the assumption by Rabbit Teth is that Sasuke's Left eye is the final Left Spiral/Rinnesharingan. However I find his theory on how Sasuke got it wonky. The theory of Rabbit Teth's suggests that Sasuke got it because he is Indra's transmigrant.

However, I highly doubt that Sasuke can get the Left Spiral through Indra's chakra alone. In order for Indra/Spiral Zetsu to be a fully conscious individual, he needs to retain his soul. It is heavily implied that Sasuke only has Indra's chakra, not his soul. (Naruto was shown with Ashura's soul, why was Sasuke made the exception ?) Just having Indra's chakra is not guarantee enough to get the Left Spiral. Thus if Sasuke had to get the Left Spiral, he had to meet Spiral Zetsu at one point.

The Meeting of Tobi and Sasuke

After Sasuke goes blind with his MS in the Five Summit Kage Arc, he asks Tobi to transplant Itachi's eyes into him. However, it's important to note that Obito was still wearing the Spiral Zetsu mask !

This means that it's highly possible that the EMS transplant operation was done by Indra/Spiral Zetsu himself who was controlling Obito ! I think Indra transplanted Itachi's Right eye into Sasuke. However he put aside Itachi's left eye and instead Transplanted the Left Spiral into Sasuke in a de-activated form.

After Sasuke gets Rikudou chakra from Hagoromo, his Left Spiral eye awakens.

Timeline of the Left Spiral -

Black Zetsu gives Left Spiral to Indra -> Indra gives it to Madara temporarily -> Indra preserves the Left Spiral after Madara's Death -> Sasuke asks Tobi/Spiral Zetsu/Obito to transplant Itachi's eyes so he can get EMS -> Tobi transplants the Left Spiral into Sasuke instead of Itachi's eye -> The Left Spiral awakens after being exposed to Rikudou Chakra.

Location of Left Spiral : Sasuke's Left Eye.

The Union of the Three Spirals and The Snake's Awakening

In the Fourth Shinobi World War, The Central, Right and Left Spirals are re-united temporarily and the power shines upon a Snake who literally takes a sunbath in it.

The Right Spiral is awakened by Madara :-

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He reflects the Right Spiral on NV's Moon and activates the Central Spiral :-

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Sasuke gazes at the Moon with his Left Spiral for a short while :-

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The Three Spirals are combined and the resulting light from the Three Spirals falls on a Snake :-

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Who seems satisfied with the end result. However Kabuto has his doubts :-

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I hope it makes sense. :sweat:
It makes sense to me. I liked it!


Active member
Mar 10, 2014
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This is from the Fourth Databook :-

White Snake Sage (白蛇仙人, Hakuja Sennin)

Heading: This strange soul has untested authority in Ryūchi Cave (I think).

The unexplored region of Ryūchi Cave rivals (in terms of fame) Mount Myōboku and Shikkotsu Forest, which is ruled over by the Snake Sage. A massive white Naga on top of an enshrinement, unifies with the earth (?, i'm not sure here). By calling on his esoteric teachings he uses his fangs to bite and inject a person with natural energy. According to legend If the body can withstand the snake-ification, it will accept it without reservation.

Ninja registration number: —
Birthday: 6th April (? years old, Aries)
Height: ? cm Weight: ? kg Blood type: ?
Personality: TBA
Isn't bold exactly what Orochimaru does to give his Victims Curse Seals ?


Active member
Mar 10, 2014
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Finally the new generation timer has ended !

Starting Spring 2016, a special Boruto one-shot created by Masashi Kishimoto and a new monthly series starring Boruto will return to the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump . This brand-new manga series will be supervised by Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto and created by novelist Ukyo Kodachi and artist Mikio Ikemoto. The special one-shot and new monthly series will run simultaneously in the English language version of Shonen Jump.

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Basically Kishimoto's editor will be drawing/writing a monthly /on going/ Boruto series for the next generation, with Kishimoto supervising.

Kishimoto will be drawing a Mitsuki One shot, which will probably be tying in with the 'next generation monthly series'. It's a one shot, so it won't be long.

Note: Forget about my other two threads on this, because there was a mix-up of information. I will get those deleted.

Also, there is an confirmed Itachi Shin-den anime series:
Bold is what will be interesting.

Rabbit Teth

Jun 21, 2014
Trait Points
I have no idea whether this theory is true but I've kept it going this long and Kishi is still delivering new material which I think supports the idea that Orochimaru is the true final villain in Naruto. If you haven't been keeping up with this thread, don't worry, I'll try to recap some of the basic themes in play as I go along.

Same Face, New Skin
The basic premise of this theory is that Orochimaru has been swapping bodies since before the time of the Sage of Six Paths. As far as anyone in the leaf village knows, Orochimaru was raised as an orphan under the care of the Third Hokage but there is strong evidence to suggest that Orochimaru could be much, much older. This new Chapter has some solid clues that Orochimaru has been much more active behind the scenes than we have been told up to this point. I don’t want to rehash too much of the established theory so I’ll focus on the clues contained within this latest chapter.

Lets start with Mitsuki’s training. Orochimaru went to considerable lengths to set up the conditions for Mitsuki to develop his skills and follow the path of snakes:
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We meet the villain of the chapter plotting with Orochimaru as Mitsuki is in a separate room waking up – mysterious smoking man
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We only learn that this mysterious figure was in fact a Mitsuki clone (either the original Mistuki or an aged clone) at the end of the chapter when we see him having another cigarette with Orochimaru:
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The older Mitsuki Clone has gone through the same exercise with young Mitsuki five times already. Each time that young Mitsuki failed to activate Snake Sage mode, Orochimaru would erase young Mitsuki’s memories and start again. By creating the right emotional state, Orochimaru was able to pull forth the ability much as a Sharingan user can have their Mangekyo activated by the death of a someone close to them:

Stage 1 – Erase Memories

Kabuto Memory Loss
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Mitsuki Memory Loss
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Stage 2 Reconditioning (underpants)

Old Tricks
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Kabuto New Identity
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Mitsuki New Identity
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Stage 3 Profit

Mitsuki Snake Sage Mode
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Orochimaru has done the same exercise before with Kabuto.
Kabuto Snake Sage mode
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Orochimaru is up to the same old tricks that he has always been up to. He might have done exactly the same thing to countless other Shinobi eg Kimimaro
Mitsuki Fresh Start
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Kimimaro Fresh Start
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Next there are more clues to suggest that Orochimaru was pulling the strings behind the villain from Naruto: The Last. In case it escaped your attention Toneri (the villain from the Last) looks an awful lot like Mitsuki in Snake Sage Mode:
Toneri Chakra Cloak
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Mitsuki Snake Sage Mode
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Some might suggest that this could mean that Toneri is due to make a comeback as a villain. I think Toneri learned his lesson in the Last and was one of those villains who was never really evil in the first place. In The Last, Toneri was under the belief that he was fulfilling a prophecy handed down to him that demanded he destroy the world and start anew… just as Mitsuki was under the false belief that he was on a mission to recover lost information in this latest chapter. I think Orochimaru might have raised Toneri without Toneri ever knowing it. In Naruto: The Last you may recall that Toneri was kept company by an army of synthetic beings who had raised the young blind Toneri since the ‘mysterious’ death of his family. In this most recent chapter Orochimaru offered to create new ‘friends’ for Mitsuki in much the same way.

Toneri’s friends
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Orochimaru offering to make some for Mitsuki
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One thing interested me more than any other within this latest chapter and that is the nature of Mitsuki’s Sage Mode. I have argued previously that there are signs that Orochimaru might have been interfering with generation after generation of shinobi going back to the start. This latest chapter adds fuel to the fire in terms of creating links between what Orochimaru has been trying to awaken within Mitsuki and what I have hypothesized happened to the Ootsutsuki dynasty.

Previously I linked Orochimaru’s transmigration technique with Orochimaru’s take over of Kabuto’s body. By way of reminder here is Orochimaru taking over Kabuto’s body and what I think might be a clue that Orochimaru might have had something to do with Kaguya losing her mind before she lost control of her power:
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How long before Mitsuki loses control and is named a Demon under the possession of Orochimaru
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More importantly this chapter shows the awakening of Mitsuki to Orochimaru’s legacy with his Snake Sage Mode. I think that the Snake Spirit Cloak or what I think might be better termed the Naga Cloak is also what infected Hagoromo prior to his death (leading to the second awakening of the Juubi). According to the lore the Gedo Mazo is in fact the empty shell of Hagoromo (see earlier posts on the main thread for more detail).

I think that the snakes and indeed the tomoe are the fingerprints of Orochimaru’s handiwork … they show his previous interference in the bloodlines of the shinobi as well as his ongoing attempts to create a vessel for carrying his spirit (the Naga).

Snake Tomoe
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Snake Spirits Gedo Mazo / Haogoromo’s Empty Shell
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Young Padawans
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I also don’t think it is accidental that Mitsuki’s Sage Mode also shares elements from
Sasuke’s Cursed Seal Mode, developed by Orochimaru to take control of Sasuke and only thwarted by Itachi:
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… and the Juubi Eye
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Finally I thought I’d throw in some deep cuts to entertain those who have been reading this theory carefully from the start. I suggested previously that Hagoromo was a riff on an ancient Indian legend concerning a Hawk God called Garuda who was locked in an eternal battle with the evil Snake Gods… the Naga. Turns out that the bird with Rinnegan who I thought might be Hagoromo’s avatar protecting Sasuke is in fact called Garuda … I don’t know whether this is confirmation or not but I wrote my theory before the bird had a name (… I think the bird was named in the Databooks a good time after I wrote the original theory – though someone might want to correct me, or at the very least I didn’t know his name when I wrote it).
Garuda Statue (Fire God of the Fire Nation)
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Garuda (Sasuke’s ride)
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Garuda IRL
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2nd Update… I also suggested that Orochimaru might be borrowing pieces from a legendary Japanese celestial primordial god of chaos variously called Amatsu-Mikaboshi and Amenominakanushi. It was also revealed subsequent to one of my theories that one of Kaguya’s strongest techniques was named Amenominaka (the short version of the full name I was making connections to). I didn’t know this at the time but the connections between the names links Oro / Kaguya and Toneri in ways that support the above. For more read North Star:
Earlier Theory – see North Star under the Monring Star Theory
Final update – I wanted to draw attention to one of the more subtle Easter eggs in this chapter which ties in with hints at a demonic force behind the scenes. Mitsuki’s name was explained this chapter as coming from the old Chinese names for Snake and Vessel:
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This suggests to me that Mitsuki will one day be the intended new vessel for Orochimaru, just as Kimimaro and Sasuke were intended to be before him. A less obvious hidden easter egg is the fact that the name comes from the 6th Chinese Zodiac. I think Kishi might be making a reference to his own brother’s manga here. Mitsuki is named after the Sixth Chinese Zodiac, it also takes 6 attempts to make him activate Snake Sage Mode:
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I think this is a refrerence to Satan 666 – a manga written by Kishi’s twin Seishi. Kishi is letting us know that the Demon is almost ready … at least I hope this is what Kishi is alluding to just in time to kick off a new Brouto manga.
666 Satan
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Maybe I've got it wrong after all who wouldn't trust a face like this … (older Mitsuki is a fool)
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Oro’s not so unfathomable designs (Oro detailing his plan while inhabiting the skin of one of his earlier proteges who also bears an uncanny resemblance to Mitsuki… Gen'yūmaru)
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Some apt music … Satan Spawn
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