[CSC] Custom Summoning Contract - Ligers

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
A small fluttering sound is heard as Crowley makes his way towards the two men, his signature black suit and coat adorned on his body, with his hands tucked into the pockets. A cheerful half-smile on his face, he looks slightly upwards at them. "Hello boys," he chimes. "Welcome to my neck of the woods."
Percy leans to his left towards Vex and whispers "This guy is pretty crazy, huh?". Turning to the side, he sees there is no one there. "Oh yeah, he hasn't made it here yet."

"Hey, you're the Suna guy I asked to meet me here, right? It's so hooooottttttt here what the Hades, man? Your Ninja air conditioner guy must make a fortune here. If only there was a way to create a source of water to drink from. Like creating water from thin air, or spitting out a large amount of water. Though I wouldnt want to drink water that someone spit out, what if it's like all spit? What if it's just blue throw up? I had some blue coke the other day, and no, not that coke. I know a guy that tried to blew coke. I know, I know. "It's 'blow coke', idiot." But then that doesn't rhyme as much. Well, it never rhymed but it make a good punchline. Kinda like this one time at Camp Halfblood when I told Clarrise that she looked like a satyr's butt that got cursed by Apollo House's disfiguring curse that makes you uglier. I couldn't eat straight for a while, man that girl has an arm on her. She should play baseball and be a pitcher. Speaking of which, get a pitcher of water out here man. Wait, what were we talking about again?"

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Percy leans to his left towards Vex and whispers "This guy is pretty crazy, huh?". Turning to the side, he sees there is no one there. "Oh yeah, he hasn't made it here yet."

"Hey, you're the Suna guy I asked to meet me here, right? It's so hooooottttttt here what the Hades, man? Your Ninja air conditioner guy must make a fortune here. If only there was a way to create a source of water to drink from. Like creating water from thin air, or spitting out a large amount of water. Though I wouldnt want to drink water that someone spit out, what if it's like all spit? What if it's just blue throw up? I had some blue coke the other day, and no, not that coke. I know a guy that tried to blew coke. I know, I know. "It's 'blow coke', idiot." But then that doesn't rhyme as much. Well, it never rhymed but it make a good punchline. Kinda like this one time at Camp Halfblood when I told Clarrise that she looked like a satyr's butt that got cursed by Apollo House's disfiguring curse that makes you uglier. I couldn't eat straight for a while, man that girl has an arm on her. She should play baseball and be a pitcher. Speaking of which, get a pitcher of water out here man. Wait, what were we talking about again?"
Crowley listens to Percy's rambling, his eyes squinting and hid eyebrows furrowing inwards slightly with each new sentence. When Percy finishes, he turns to Vex. "Next time, I suggest this one wear a hat. Sauna gets hot, looks like the sun is already getting to him," he says, removing his left hand from his pocket briefly to point at Percy. "The air conditioner guy....ah yeah, him, he's dead now. Wasn't quite getting the cold air flowing out, so why have breathing air flowing in, amirite? Come, come, we can move to my private domicle and kink out the business," Crowley says, placing a slight emphasis on the word kink while motioning with his head in the direction he walked in from. "Unless you had something else in mind."


Active member
Jul 18, 2012
Trait Points
After a long hike, Vex is practically dying of thirst. He drags himself through the desert with sheer will power. Eventually, he encounters an Oasis. He slakes his thirst with sweet water, and some strange fruits. Vex was used to the colder temperatures of the Land of Earth, this heat was killing him. However eventually, in the distance, he spots two figures conversing. He walks over, feeling fresh and rejuvenated from his time in the oasis. One of the figures is Percy, the other is unrecognizable.
"PERCY! Do you know how much trouble it is for a guy accustomed to cold weather to travel through the desert?"

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
After a long hike, Vex is practically dying of thirst. He drags himself through the desert with sheer will power. Eventually, he encounters an Oasis. He slakes his thirst with sweet water, and some strange fruits. Vex was used to the colder temperatures of the Land of Earth, this heat was killing him. However eventually, in the distance, he spots two figures conversing. He walks over, feeling fresh and rejuvenated from his time in the oasis. One of the figures is Percy, the other is unrecognizable.
"PERCY! Do you know how much trouble it is for a guy accustomed to cold weather to travel through the desert?"
Almost immediately after he spoke, Crowley's confusion only increased as he watched Vex slump over to a pile of sand. He shoveled the shimmering, golden grains into his mouth, clumpy handful after clumpy handful. He turned back to them and started speaking, the sand spilling out across his chin and clothes. He tried to speak, but all that came out was muffled sounds struggling to escape past the sand. "Now this one is hallucinating...perhaps I should get you both hats."


Active member
Jul 18, 2012
Trait Points
Vex felt very confused. This water didn't taste like water at all, neither did the fruit. The consistency was remnant of...Sand. "Ooooooooh"
Vex rubs his chin thoughtfully
"You know sometimes I forget that I'm a shinobi tbh"
Focusing chakra, Vex materializes a large amount of water into his cupped palms, as he drinks it. The water continually manifests itself until Vex is satisfied.
"Much better, now what was this about hats? I'm a big fan of hats you know. Especially sombreros."

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
As Vex drinks, Percy watches him intently.

"So you just not going to even try to offer me any water? I should have let Achilles kill you, you son of a..."

Turning back to the man in front of him, Percy pulls an empty water bottle out and tries to drink from it.

"Oh right... Anyway, thanks for meeting me here. It's time" Percy leans towards Vex "we ditch the kid here and start your own training, feel me?" Turning to look, he notices the person he's talking to is Vex and not the man.

"I mean, it's time we move on. "

Walking forward, Percy starts explaining more.

"Anyway, Vex you're going to like this guy. He's nicer...well, he's not really nice but he's cooler...well, he's a bit of an *******. But he's pretty carefree....actually, he's pretty war prone. Wow, he's really an *******. You'll hate him. Other guy, what's your name anyway? You can sign it on this contract here, Vex signed the other one and man, that was great. You should have seen it, he got sued and all. But yeah, here's the actual contract. "

Throwing a scroll to the man, Percy keeps talking.

"We're heading towards the Escape Tunnels btw; there's a cave there were he'll probably be at. ****er still likes hiding in caves for some reason. Hey new guy, what do you know about the old greek warrior Theseus?"

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
As Vex drinks, Percy watches him intently.

"So you just not going to even try to offer me any water? I should have let Achilles kill you, you son of a..."

Turning back to the man in front of him, Percy pulls an empty water bottle out and tries to drink from it.

"Oh right... Anyway, thanks for meeting me here. It's time" Percy leans towards Vex "we ditch the kid here and start your own training, feel me?" Turning to look, he notices the person he's talking to is Vex and not the man.

"I mean, it's time we move on. "

Walking forward, Percy starts explaining more.

"Anyway, Vex you're going to like this guy. He's nicer...well, he's not really nice but he's cooler...well, he's a bit of an *******. But he's pretty carefree....actually, he's pretty war prone. Wow, he's really an *******. You'll hate him. Other guy, what's your name anyway? You can sign it on this contract here, Vex signed the other one and man, that was great. You should have seen it, he got sued and all. But yeah, here's the actual contract. "

Throwing a scroll to the man, Percy keeps talking.

"We're heading towards the Escape Tunnels btw; there's a cave there were he'll probably be at. ****er still likes hiding in caves for some reason. Hey new guy, what do you know about the old greek warrior Theseus?"
A slight, curious smile came across Crowley's face as he watched Percy and Vex speak. They almost reminded him of Squirrel and Moose. He caught the contract Percy threw at him with his left hand and slowly opened it. "Being a less than exactly honest businessman myself, I'm gonna read over the fine print. If I only I had a Sharingan. Well, looks to be in order," he says, biting into his thumb and writing his name onto the scroll. "I go by Crowley these days." He closes the scroll and tosses it back to Percy.

"Theseus you say? Bit of an old bloke by now, never quite like him. Always seemed too into the heroics, owes me 40 Euro, the bastard. Speaking of, he's got quite the peculiar parental situation going on, must make child support hearings quite interesting. He completed a few labors, killed a few ogres, and formed Athens under Attica, small stuff. Why?"


Active member
Jul 18, 2012
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"...Aren't you like son of the sea god? Can't you materialize water any time at all :|."
Vex begins walking towards the cave, following Percy. The cave opening up the farther in they went. Larger than some of the caves back at Iwa. The hard stone crumbles, and shrinks as Vex walks over it.
"Hey Percy are you sure this Theseus guy will be cool with me? I mean Achilles almost beat me to death...I was almost mauled to death in that other cave, actually it was pretty similar to this one. I felt like Odysseus was gonna tear me apart. Wow you almost get me killed at an alarmingly frequent rate tbh.."

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Making to the tunnels, Percy stops and turns to the pair.

He's in there, near the center. It's a gigantic maze though and chakra sensing abilities don't work in there, so you'll have to travel through it without wasting chakra and find him. Good luck though, I hear he can be as stubborn as a bull sometimes.

Percy points towards the maze as he sits and makes a pool of water to swim in.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Crowley approaches the entrance to the maze with his hands in his pockets. He looks back at Percy. "Maze?" He raises his eyebrow as he sees Percy make himself a pool and start swimming in it. "Are you going to give us any more detail than that?" He turned back to the entrance and sighed. Chakra sensing wouldn't work, not that he had it anyways. He narrowed his eyes in thought. Percy had inquired about the lore of Theseus right before reaching here. Crowley looked back over his left shoulder one last time at Percy swimming, his mouth open a crack and his eyes squinted as he ran through his memories of the mythology of Theseus. He remembered one of his trials involved traveling through a maze. He looked at Vex and motioned with his head towards the cave. "Yo, I'm gonna go ahead. Feel free to follow whenever you're ready, but try not to ride my ass."

Crowley pulls a kunai and a long piece of wire. He ties one end of the wire around the kunai's circular tip and throws the blade into the wall of the cave's entrance. He walks into the cave, trailing the wire from the pouch stitched into the inside of his jacket pocket as he proceeds into the labyrinth. Using the wire to navigate, retracing his steps at dead ends and avoiding going where he's already been, Crowley moves deeper towards the mysterious figure inside.


Active member
Jul 18, 2012
Trait Points
Vex was a fan of mazes. Especially big ones where you had to find a stubborn animal. Surprisingly enough, this was the second time something like this had happened. This one time Hazama had lost his goat in some of Iwa's caves, and made it an S ranked mission to find it. Almost everyone went to look for the goat, the prize money would buy enough drinks to last a lifetime. Vex didn't find it though. Roy did. Man, Vex really hated mazes. **** mazes. **** Roy too.
Thus when Crowley entered the maze, Vex went in right behind him. For most of it. By most I mean the beginning. Like, the first 6 or 7 steps. Then Vex made a wrong turn. It wasn't his fault, his head was leaned back and he was resting his eyes. It was only a few seconds of course, but when he woke up, Crowley was gone and he had no idea where he was. With a sigh, Vex began to walk forwards by himself, although being extremely cautious. Although he was rather joking at times, he was usually quite aware of his surroundings.
As he walked, he began to softly grumble to himself.

"Why are caves never well-lit and decorated? They always go for that creepy cave look. Is it too much to ask to search for the dangerous Liger in a flowery meadow, surrounded by puppies?"

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Crowley walks into a dark mid ranged opening where a shadow stirred. Turning, the dark beast growled low, teeth baring as it stood if hind legs and it's shadow gave off the appearance of a monstrous Minotaur, horns on either side of it's Head.

"Halt! Who goes there?!"

As the voice echoed through the cave, Percy heard it outside as he exited the lake.

Probably should have told them he's grumpy.... I wonder if he already ate that Vex kid...

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
As Crowley approached the creature, it rose from an apparent slumber. Its form was large and downright monstrous. Crowley simply placed his hands in the pockets of his coat and looked up as the beast stood on its hind legs, not breaking eye contact.

"Down boy," he says, a light smirk complimenting the smug look on his face. "I'm only here to talk." Crowley looks around the cave, his mouth hanging open slightly and he raises one eyebrow. "This...is where you dwell? What's the decor, hobbit chic?"

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Upon hearing three man insult his home, the creature roars loudly and releases a massive burst of wind from his horns, forming together in front of him as a giant burst of wind blasting towards the man.

(Fūton: Atsugai) - Wind Style: Pressure Damage
Rank: A
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:60
Description: The user does the Ram handseal and inhales, kneading his chakra into his lungs, exhaling a huge blast of wind that levels anything in its path. Can cause major damage and requires a sufficient chakra level to perform. This large wind blast moves in tremendous speed and cannot be controlled. If the user gets caught in it, it will harm him also.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
As the creature roars, its anger filling the air, Crowley rolls his eyes exasperatedly. He channels his chakra and slams his hands onto the ground, causing the earth all along the width of the cavern to shoot up and stop as it touches the ceiling above them. The rampart acts as a wall of sorts, the wind slamming into it. The rampart is destroyed, with the wind exhausting itself as the powerful gusts tear the rock apart, making the distance between Crowley and the beast clear again.

(Doton: Chidōkaku) - Earth Release: Moving Earth Core
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user slams his hands on the ground and lowers or raises the ground in the surrounding area at high speeds, allowing them to create giant holes in the ground or avoid attacks. The size of the affected area as well as the depths that it is lowered to is up to the user and rasing earth can be done up to 20 meters tall creating a small cliff or they can create trenches that can be as deep as 20 meters. Other than being moved below ground relative to the surrounding surface the terrain is not altered, plant life and people retaining their same positions.

"If we're done with the tantrums, I'd like to make a deal with you."As he speaks, a scroll falls down Crowley's sleeve and lands in his hand.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
As the creature roars, its anger filling the air, Crowley rolls his eyes exasperatedly. He channels his chakra and slams his hands onto the ground, causing the earth all along the width of the cavern to shoot up and stop as it touches the ceiling above them. The rampart acts as a wall of sorts, the wind slamming into it. The rampart is destroyed, with the wind exhausting itself as the powerful gusts tear the rock apart, making the distance between Crowley and the beast clear again.

(Doton: Chidōkaku) - Earth Release: Moving Earth Core
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user slams his hands on the ground and lowers or raises the ground in the surrounding area at high speeds, allowing them to create giant holes in the ground or avoid attacks. The size of the affected area as well as the depths that it is lowered to is up to the user and rasing earth can be done up to 20 meters tall creating a small cliff or they can create trenches that can be as deep as 20 meters. Other than being moved below ground relative to the surrounding surface the terrain is not altered, plant life and people retaining their same positions.

"If we're done with the tantrums, I'd like to make a deal with you."As he speaks, a scroll falls down Crowley's sleeve and lands in his hand.
No chakra allowed in the cave, fam.