Anonymous declare war on islamic fundamentalists


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
I did not insult any of them as I did not make one racist joke that day. Atleast, nothing concerning their roots. They were the ones bickering amongst each other saying things in Hindi or w/e xd But you're right, such comments shouldn't be made on a forum and especially not between us 2 because we're not friends. I apologize for that and it won't happen again.

As for the extremism; Out of religious and cultural traditions comes pride and there will always be some people that come out of such environments and have a no-tolerance policy against anything that speaks of their faith and customs in condemnation. Tell an atheist friend he's gullible and needs Jesus and he will laugh at you. Tell a religious friend he's gullible and needs to (Lol) and he might retort to violence due to his pride. The environment people grow up in usually has great influence on them later on in their life. That was my point.
SMH.... I can see you seem to be miffed at not being 'close friend' bit but it's the truth after all. Out of all the time I have known you, you decide to go for such jokes when I disagreed over an issue. Nice timing to go for sudden flaming familiarity .. Oh well.. never mind. Apology accepted.

As for the rest- I disagree. This was not the case of hurt pride. It was terrorism. You are trying to trivialize it as a random crime of passion under the guise of "too much pride", that just doesn't cut it. But Caliburn saved me a lot of time :

I'm closing this. I read the entire thread and, as usual, I'm conflicted between crying and laughing about how horribly some people are informed by serious matters like this and are by no means qualified to participate in the discussions about the topic, but somehow are under the illusion they are and even think they are an authority on the matter.

The attack on Charlie Hebdo and the hostages that followed it were beyond all reasonable doubt terrorist attacks. There is no discussion there, there is no debate there, it's a hardcore truth and fact. That's the reality of the situation. Anyone who denies or disagrees with that is in complete denial and should keep his/her mouth shut for his/her own good. If they just wanted to punish Charlie Hebdo, if they just wanted to simply murder them as some people say in this thread, why the hell didn't they just assassinate them quietly by picking them off one by one? People die under mysterious circumstances all the time. It shouldn't be that hard for them to just kill the cartoonists and make it look like a failed robbery or make it appear someone else did it. Charlie Hebdo had no shortage of enemies. If their point was simply to punish them for their deeds, they could have done it in a far more efficient way without hurting innocent people and above all without discrediting -again- the Muslim faith. This is what Israel did with escaped Nazi's.

But no that's not what they did. In total 20 people died. Excluding the 3 terrorists themselves who died dog's deaths, 17 people died of which many were innocent people who had nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo whatsoever, including a cop that was a Muslim himself. So how the hell is this just plain murder and a punishment for Charlie Hebdo? Are some of you people really so extremely naive to think that if CH had apologized or had never made those cartoons, nothing would have happened? Oh please get a reality check. If it wasn't CH, they would have used another target. Just living in Europe or America alone is enough reason for them to pull stuff like this. That CH was this time around the victim because they made cartoons, was just a feeble excuse to attack them specifically. They would have attacked someone or something either way. Why? Because the point of this attacks is to sow fear. Terror literally means fear in Latin. I mean France has a population of over 60 million and they killed 17 of them. Statistically that's peanuts, almost a laughable joke. But the result is that France has been almost burning for 3 days. Why? Because they kill innocent people randomly, they show that they have no morals, that they have no hesitation whatsoever to commit gruesome, inhumane acts. That's why this is a terrorist attack. Charlie Hebdo was nothing more than a superficial layer, a frame work, a box that contained what truly was the point: they wanted to hurt their enemies and their enemies are everyone who do not bow to their tyrannical views. They could easily have used another box. They would have never gotten this result if they silently assassinated the cartoonists. That would have lacked all impact. Isreal aimed specifically at individual nazi's, they wanted to make them pay for the deeds they personally were responsible for. This is not what they wanted, they wanted to make all their enemies bleed, this was on the level of a society and not and individual, Charlie Hebdo simply was the one who literally had to take the bullet.

And for crying out loud these attacks were even claimed by notorious terrorist organizations whose national sports are raping, murdering and suicide-bombing. How is it possible that some of you are so out of the loop to even deny that.

And FYI terrorism is linked with Islam because these days nut-job Muslim extremists are responsible for the most severe terrorist attacks, hence the two are strongly tied with each other. As a result it's inevitable that some people will automatically blame Islam as a whole, but there are also many who don't. So people who ignore the latter, but emphasize the first, are no better than those same people. Also most of you people don't seem to be aware that not even a few decades ago terrorism was associated with Europe where organizations like the ETA and RAF were also committing terrorist attacks on European soil. There was simply a 'shift', just like how in the 19th century you had a large group of anarchists who committed terrorist-like attacks. At some point the connection between Islam and terrorism will shift likewise.

Lastly situations like these are 'grey zones', there are no clear boundaries. However many people in this thread are thinking in black and white, or it's one, or it's the other and imagine boundaries where there are none. As long as you do not realize this, spare yourself and other people the trouble and do not get involved with matters like this as you're doomed to fail. It will only make matters worse as your perceptions are so screwed up from the get-go going into discussions is pointless.



Active member
Dec 9, 2010
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SMH.... I can see you seem to be miffed at not being 'close friend' bit but it's the truth after all. Out of all the time I have known you, you decide to go for such jokes when I disagreed over an issue. Nice timing to go for sudden flaming familiarity .. Oh well.. never mind. Apology accepted.

As for the rest- I disagree. This was not the case of hurt pride. It was terrorism. You are trying to trivialize it as a random crime of passion under the guise of "too much pride", that just doesn't cut it. But Caliburn saved me a lot of time :

Out of all the time you have known me? As far as I know, I made 2 comments only and you've disagreed with me more than 2 times. You sound like my mum just now. Twisting words in her benefit.

And as for the terrorism part; Doesn't it all start with their pride being hurt? The root cause of aggressor's motivations start with pride. Although the word 'terrorist' has a broader context than most ppl think. Which is shown in the image below. And as you read what's on that image, you'll realize just how widely envelopped the concept of 'terrorism' is.

you have to be really gullible to believe a real terrorist would sacrafice their life to murder cartoonists and grocery clerks (when there are so many more legitimate soft targets available that would be more efficient at achieving the same goal).....a real terrorist could kill hundreds or thousands if they planned it properly (ask the u.s. government about 9/11) And all Caliburn said can still be questioned by the mere thought of when having to stage a terrorist attack, sacrifices would have to be made to make the event seem irrefutable.

And yet again! Let me add that I personally think it's a terrorist attack! But in this age of deception, not much can be certain of being legit. So I provide the debunker perspective to stir the debate. I just take the role of 'that guy' for debate purposes xd.
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"The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." - Exactly what governments do. Islamic state is just one of many states. Some stabilized and thus seem more goodhearted but at their core, they're all terrorists.
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Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
Out of all the time you have known me? As far as I know, I made 2 comments only and you've disagreed with me more than 2 times. You sound like my mum just now. Twisting words in her benefit.

And as for the terrorism part; Doesn't it all start with their pride being hurt? The root cause of aggressor's motivations start with pride. Although the word 'terrorist' has a broader context than most ppl think. Which is shown in the image below. And as you read what's on that image, you'll realize just how widely envelopped the concept of 'terrorism' is.

you have to be really gullible to believe a real terrorist would sacrafice their life to murder cartoonists and grocery clerks (when there are so many more legitimate soft targets available that would be more efficient at achieving the same goal).....a real terrorist could kill hundreds or thousands if they planned it properly (ask the u.s. government about 9/11) And all Caliburn said can still be questioned by the mere thought of when having to stage a terrorist attack, sacrifices would have to be made to make the event seem irrefutable.

And yet again! Let me add that I personally think it's a terrorist attack! But in this age of deception, not much can be certain of being legit. So I provide the debunker perspective to stir the debate. I just take the role of 'that guy' for debate purposes xd.
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Disagreed over an issue you are so defensive about resulting in racist comments... I am not twisting anything.

And I am no gullible enough to buy into youtube conspiracy theories posted through anonymous accounts.

Even that dictionary tells you that trying to govern by intimidation is called terrorism. It didn't confirm your definition of 'government by having too much pride'. You are the one misunderstanding the definition for your benefit.

That's exactly what terrorists do- they try to govern people though their threat of violence and destruction.
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Active member
Dec 9, 2010
Trait Points
Disagreed over an issue you are so defensive about resulting in racist comments... I am not twisting anything.

And I am no gullible enough to buy into youtube conspiracy theories posted through anonymous accounts.

Even that dictionary tells you that trying to govern by intimidation is called terrorism. It didn't confirm your definition of 'government by having too much pride'. You are the one misunderstanding the definition for your benefit.

That's exactly what terrorists do- they try to govern people though their threat of violence and destruction.
Yeah. twice. We've replied to each other's posts more than twice. Or did I just read your sentence wrong and you were just pointing out that we know each other from previous threads and now I suddenly retort to lame racist jokes? If that's the case, I'm at fault here. I thought you meant I've been making such comments since you've encountered me on here.

''The root cause of aggressor's motivations start with pride. Although the word 'terrorist' has a broader context than most ppl think.''

^Here, I went from one subject to another. I know it's hard to follow my posts sometimes xd as I usually type down what I want within a minute or 2 without properly bringing over the message. Governments' terroristic ideals are not fueled by pride but greed. Religious terrorists, slightly different, are fueled by pride. Then again, I think organised religions were/are just tools carefully crafted to fool the people into obedience as are political agendas. My point being they're usually intertwined.


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
Yeah. twice. We've replied to each other's posts more than twice. Or did I just read your sentence wrong and you were just pointing out that we know each other from previous threads and now I suddenly retort to lame racist jokes? If that's the case, I'm at fault here. I thought you meant I've been making such comments since you've encountered me on here.

''The root cause of aggressor's motivations start with pride. Although the word 'terrorist' has a broader context than most ppl think.''

^Here, I went from one subject to another. I know it's hard to follow my posts sometimes xd as I usually type down what I want within a minute or 2 without properly bringing over the message. Governments' terroristic ideals are not fueled by pride but greed. Religious terrorists, slightly different, are fueled by pride. Then again, I think organised religions were/are just tools carefully crafted to fool the people into obedience as are political agendas. My point being they're usually intertwined.

Disagree again. It depends on the political system and the individuals running that government- some leader's pride still could interfere with their better judgement just as greed at times. However that's beside the point and unrelated.

The problematic part of religious doctrines are about greed of power and control, and taking over as much as they can, all if possible. Thinking that their beliefs are the only true ones or that matter isn't called pride but arrogance.
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