Custom Item Submission

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Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
(Pēsumēkā Shūjuku-do) - Proficiency Pacemaker
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: -10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: These devices have been created for the Earth Grudge Fear, they are little machines that are latched onto each of the hearts they have taken not including their own. These Devices are wirelessly connected to an armband device that is on the user. These devices only work on Hearts that are no longer in the main body. The user can activate the armband at anytime at the cost of a move it will begin to siphon chakra from the user (10) and transmit it to chosen hearts of their choice, this connection can only happen to two hearts at a time and if the user desires to switch it then it costs a move to do so, if the heart returns to the main body the user cannot switch their connection for free and must use a move slot or wait to use it again later. This can be done at the same time as other techniques. This Device allows the User to continue using the Element of the Heart that has left the body.

The Primary use of this Technology is when the Heart is Destroyed whilst the device is active and connected to the destroyed heart, the device will send a last second chakra fuelled transmission to the user's armband, a sort of memory of the techniques the user has been known to perform. This allows the user to continue using the Element of the Destroyed Heart as long as they keep fuelling the band with 10 chakra per turn. This can only apply to one of the Destroyed Hearts and no more, this cannot be used to Bypass the Heart Limit. For Example, Destroying One Heart and then gaining another of a different Element - if this happens then the Armband loses the Memory of the destroyed Heart and will now begin recording the new one when the device is placed.

Note: User still suffers Health Draw Backs from losing their heart, this SNT does not heal.
Note: If the Armband stops receiving the 10 chakra per turn from the user, then it loses memory of the destroyed Heart.

-Declined- This is basically being made as a way to offset one of the core disadvantages of EGF so no, but also very much wireless chakra transfer is hilarious. If you have a storm release heart would you say it goes to the cloud?
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Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
(Aianman Mojurā Appugurēdo Shisutemu) - Iron Man Modular Upgrade System
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Description: The Iron Man Modular Upgrade System is an upgrade on the systems found in the base Mandalorian Armor Models. Only one of the upgrade systems can be used at a time while all other base functions of the Mandalorian suit remain functional. Activating a system takes a time frame.

  • Thruster Technology: The Thrust Technology is a revamp of the Jetpack systems in the base armor models. Once equipped, 4 thrusters will be built into the suit. 2 into the soles of the feet and 2 in the palm of hands. This allows the user more precise maneuverability while flying and the ability to fly at 2x their base speed. This can be controlled by suit's AI and costs 40 initialy and 10 chakra per turn to use and maintain.
  • H.U.D.: The Heads Up Display otherwise known as the H.U.D. is an upgrade on the tracking systems of the base suit. The H.U.D. is now also capable of reading, predicting, and forecasting muscular movement in addition to perceiving chakra. Its ability to reading the health of targets has also been upgraded to read data such as body temperature, skin temperature, facial expressions, heart rate and pressure. The H.U.D. is capable of tracking speeds 3x the user's base tracking.
  • Force Field Defenses: At the initial cost 40 chakra and 10 chakra per turn, the user's Mandalorian Suit will generate a layer of energy force fields atop of the suit. This energy field is for the most part invisible but gives off a slight bl ue hue. This makes use of Mandalorian Clans ability to create energy that is elementally neutral and thus the field is neutral. It is capable of reducing up to 30 physical damage that comes in contact with it.
Note: Can only be used by those taught by Kooljay
Note: Can only be used by Mandalorian Bios.
Note: An aspect of this tech can only be used up to 4 turns or until deactivated. Afterwards this tech cannot be used for 2 turns.

Approved with Edits Made - Daemon
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Active member
Aug 4, 2011
Trait Points
Shadow Lantern
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 Chakra Each Turn) (Passive Ability)
Damage: N/A (+20 Damage Boost to Nara Techniques)
Description: Shadow Lantern is an amplification-type scientific ninja tool constantly fueled by the user's chakra to control the density of light. This small device would project a beam of light that creates a shadow behind the user, regardless of the ambient lighting conditions. This would allow the user to use the Shadow Possession Jutsu in complete darkness or bright sunlight, where normally they would not be able to cast shadows. The shadow lantern could also be used to create multiple shadows by changing the angle or intensity of the light, increasing the range and versatility of the technique. The shadow lantern could also be used defensively, by blinding or distracting enemies with its light, or by creating false shadows to mislead them (At the Cost of a Move per the 3 Turns).
Note: Can only be used by Nara Clan or Nara Custom Biographies.
Note: Must be noted in the Biography or at the start of the battle.

Declined: I don't see why this would increase the damage of Nara techniques at all. Also, there is a lot of fluff and ambiguous wording here. Detail how many shadows would this allow you to create etc. How often are you allowed to change the intensity of the light to perform these effects etc. - Daemon
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Hattori Hanzo
Rank: S
Range: Short (Long)
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Hattori Hanzo is the name of the armour that has been passed down for generations between ninja. This armour set has been word for centuries, each ninja upgrading and perfecting the armour until the armour itself became a weapon that was able to be used in battle. Originally crafted and created by a Samurai named Hattori Hanzo, the actual name of the armour has been lost long ago, after it was stolen and claimed by a ninja, who proceeded to pass it down. They say the spirit of the Samurai who made it still dwells within the armour, watching over who ever may wear it protecting them. (simply cosmetic, doesnt actually give the user any sensing or any abilities)
Hattori Hanzo is a dress armour with unique properties of being both offensive and defensive. While comprised of lightweight leather underneath, on top of the armour actually are slots for ninja tools that may be stacked on top of each other, forming a scale like pattern on top of the leather, but underneath the cloth design cover that is on top (fig. 1). By simply flicking the dress one can fire out a ninja tool in the chosen direction as it comes loose from the dress, travelling at the same speed as if being thrown. These ninja tools are specially made by the current wearer to be custom made chakra metal ninja tools, able to conduct chakra. The advantage of the battle dress firstly is that while all the ninja tools are stacked like scales. they provide the user a reduction of 30 damage from techniques that are physical in nature (Earth, Steel, etc) in one instance of damage. The armor can resist a total of S-Rank (80) damage in total before shattering. Each ninja tool is capable of being taken from the dress by the user and held or thrown. Several of these shuriken are custom made to be larger shuriken (fig. 2) again able to conduct the chakra of what ever element the user is currently using at the cost of an extra 20 chakra dealing 60 damage. Within the same timeframe once per turn, the user can channel the same elemental chakra along side the current attack they are doing, and do a pirouette spinning on the spot sending out a barrage of these elementally enhanced shuriken, at the cost of 40 chakra and dealing 80 damage; this can only be used twice per battle.

Approved. Made edits.
updating to be in line with current Tool/SNT rules

Hattori Hanzo
Range: Short (Long)
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Hattori Hanzo is the name of the armour that has been passed down for generations between ninja. This armour set has been word for centuries, each ninja upgrading and perfecting the armour until the armour itself became a weapon that was able to be used in battle. Originally crafted and created by a Samurai named Hattori Hanzo, the actual name of the armour has been lost long ago, after it was stolen and claimed by a ninja, who proceeded to pass it down. They say the spirit of the Samurai who made it still dwells within the armour, watching over who ever may wear it protecting them. (simply cosmetic, doesnt actually give the user any sensing or any abilities)
Hattori Hanzo is a dress armour with unique properties of being both offensive and defensive. While comprised of lightweight leather underneath, on top of the armour actually are slots for ninja tools that may be stacked on top of each other, forming a scale like pattern on top of the leather, but underneath the cloth design cover that is on top (fig. 1). By simply flicking the dress one can fire out a ninja tool in the chosen direction as it comes loose from the dress, travelling at the same speed as if being thrown. These ninja tools are specially made by the current wearer to be custom made chakra metal ninja tools, able to conduct chakra. The advantage of the battle dress firstly is that while all the ninja tools are stacked like scales. They provide the user a reduction of 30 damage from techniques that are physical in nature (Earth, Steel, etc) in one instance of damage. The armor can resist a total of S-Rank (80) damage in total before shattering. Each ninja tool is capable of being taken from the dress by the user and held or thrown. Several of these shuriken are custom made to be larger shuriken (fig. 2) again able to conduct the chakra of what ever element the user is currently using at the cost of an extra 20 chakra dealing 60 damage. Within the same timeframe once per turn, the user can channel elemental chakra through the dress while performing a Bukijutsu technique with the dress as the source of the weapons, increasing its damage by +20. This cannot be performed in consecutive turns

Approved with Edits made - Daemon
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
( Kitsune no Men ) - The Mask of the Fox

Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Mask of the Fox is an Anbu-type kabuki mask with the semblance of a Fox, a blood-crimson face with black markings. Wearing the mask will completely block out the user's visage and hide their identity. Within the eyesockets, the mask is composed by a molecular re-arranged carbon-plastic, functioning as a one-direction light filter. The inside of the mask is brightly lit by light threads, allowing people from the outside to clearly and physically look at the eyes of the wielder, whereas the user is completely blocked from physically seeing the outside, making the user blind to the outside world with the exception of visual extraordinary senses, like Doujutsu. This is prevents physical eye contact to be done by enemy doujutsu users, since from the user's direction the contact is through extraordinary senses, warding the user's eyes from them, while still enabling targets to be caught in the user's doujutsu, since contact from the outside is physical and direct. The black markings within the snout of the mask hide a device that filters and purifies air circulation, allowing the user to sustain their breath when in highly hazardous or low-on-oxygen environments, for example: underwater. Finally, the black dots near the cheeks hide a device that connects small storage systems with the mouth orifice, and can spew out their contents when the wielder uses spit-out techniques. These can store the ninja's own supplies, like medical toxins, and tiny chakra destabilizers: tiny seedling-sized devices that emit out chakra-disturbing radio signals. When in contact with opposing chakra, the devices vibrate and emit chakra, jarring the chakra within the opposing technique and destabilizing the integrity of the forces that bind the technique together. This essentially weakens any opposing technique that clashes with the technique that carries these seedling-sized machines. In summary, the three abilities of this technology are the following:

1. Eyes of the Predator - The uni-lateral carbon-plastic eyes create a physical barrier in one direction, while allowing light to shine through from the other. The physical barrier allows Doujutsu users to cast techniques and debuffs that require direct eye contact, while preventing other Doujutsu users from doing the same, as the inside-outside vision requires extraordinary senses ( like seeing through solid objects ) whereas outside-in is normal.

2. Snout of the Huntress - The air-filtering and supply system allows for passive sustained breath while wearing the mask, enabling the user to breath freely underwater or other hazardous environment. Against offensive techniques that produce hazardous toxins and other substances, like poison, the user is capable of actively feeding the mask half as much chakra per turn as it cost to produce the technique, for a maximum of 4 turns, 4 times per battle, of which only two times against a S rank technique. It is incapable of filtering Forbidden ranked techniques.

3. Jaws of the Beast - The chakra-destabilizing technique can be used passively to spit out techniques through the mask without affecting the tool or the air-filtering supply, or be a medium through which to infuse the user's medical toxins, and it can actively infuse a spat technique S rank and bellow with the seedling-sized chakra destabilizers, debuffing one opposing technique per turn by -10 chakra and -20 damage when directly clashing. This active debuff can be utilized once per turn, up to 4 times per battle.

Note: The Crimson Mask of the Fox is Isabella R. Uchiha's mask. Each user can customize the appearance of the mask with different colorings and different animals.

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Declined: That one way Dojutsu Genjutsu casting is not gonna fly. - Daemon
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
(Go Rin no Sho: Hi no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Fire
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: -10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Fire is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Based upon the the Chakra Sabre Scientific Ninja tool and the principles of martial superiority, it is a complex mechanism that is built into the hilt and crossguard of the weapon, and a nano-wire filament that runs along the edge or side of the weapon. Running chakra through the device manifests as either a glowing line on the sword which leaves colored streaks of chakra through the air, or a small round orb on the weapon, of varying colors. Where as a Chakra Sabre rapidly burns chakra to create a constant, powerful blade, the Book of Fire is only activated for an instant, during the strike. The result is that any physical attack made through the weapon equipped with the Book of Fire, while it is active, is treated as a minimum A-rank, before any other alterations are made to it.
Note: Has no effect on techniques that are A rank or higher. This causes techniques (ex: (Ken Rendan no Jutsu) - Sword Barrage Technique, which is C rank) to be treated as A rank, before any other boosts or debuffs applied to it. Activating the Book of Fire does not consume a moveslot, though it does have a place in timeframe, and consumes 10 chakra per turn once active.
Note: The Book of Fire is considered a part of whatever weapon it is attached to, and breaks when the weapon breaks.
Note: A single Book of Fire can be used on up to two melee armaments. Does not function on ranged weaponry (bows and arrows, or a kunai once thrown).

Declined: No way you are getting a C rank to have A rank damage before even calculating boosts. That's absurd. - Daemon
Changed functionality from a chakra sabre variant to a Smoke-Flash Bomb variant.

(Go Rin no Sho: Hi no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Fire
Rank: A
Range: Short
-10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Fire is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Based upon the the Smoke Flash Bomb Scientific Ninja tool and the principles of martial pragmatism, it is a complex mechanism that is built into the hilt and crossguard of the weapon, and a nano-wire chakra metal filament that runs along the edge or side of the weapon. Running chakra through the device causes it to radiate, not unlike a lightbulb filament, and vibrate - resulting in the release a sound not unlike a string instrument. Where as a Smoke Flash Bomb is consumed during this use, the Book of Fire's method of producing a loud noise and chakra suffused light is less destructive, and can thus be used many more times from a single piece of equipment. It produces the exact same disorientation effects as a Smoke Flash Bomb, but only within a Short Range, rather than a Medium range. It can produce these effects so long as chakra is channeled through the filament, and the user can control the toggle of this effect by controlling when they pass chakra through the tool.
Note: Activating the Book of Fire does not consume a moveslot, though it does have a place in timeframe, and consumes 10 chakra per turn once active.
Note: The Book of Fire is considered a part of whatever weapon it is attached to, and breaks when the weapon breaks.
Note: A single Book of Fire can be used on up to two melee armaments. Does not function on ranged weaponry (bows and arrows, or a kunai once thrown).

Approved - Daemon

(Go Rin no Sho: Kaze no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Wind
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Wind is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Inspired by Leg Weights and founded upon the principle of the mobility and freedom of the skies, The Book of Wind is a set of boots that have incredibly thin capillaries in them, attached with incredibly small motors powered by the user's movement, such as their walking. In doing so, the Book of Wind has two states: its default state, where it causes the air moving through the capillaries to provide increased resistance to the wearer, acting as Leg Weights would to slow an individual down. They can be passively activated, however, to reverse the flow of the motors to assist the wearer, decreasing their fluid resistance and increasing their speed, as if using the Leg Weights Drop technique; they can also be passively deactivated. While activated, the flow of air through the capillaries can also allow a sort of pseudo-flight; while unable to provide true flight or hovering capabilities, they can slow one's rate of falling such that it can take up to three (3) turns before the wearer touches down again, though they can use their leg strength for directional movement while they fall; and preventing damage from falls from incredible heights. Note that neither of these abilities would function properly in a place devoid of fluid, such as the vacuum of space. Due to the simplistic nature of these boots, being simply a directional motor, they cannot be forced to switch states or deactivate by other Scientific Ninja Tools or techniques, though they can be prevented from changing whatever state they are in.
Notes: Requires Leg Weight training to use; these work in place of Leg Weights to provide the exact same benefit, though they can be used passively rather than taking a moveslot. As such, they must be posted on the user's Biography to use.

Attempting without any alterations. My understanding is that these fit all of the criteria for "Tool" without any updates, and are not a Supply or Artifact.

Quoting this even though its unchecked, but its an entirely different tool, save the name.

(Go Rin no Sho: Kaze no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Wind
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Wind is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Inspired by the methodology of Scroll Cartridges found in Kote, and founded upon the principle of freedom and versatility, the Book of Wind is a book of quick-tear talismans, pre-inscribed with formula. These talismans allow the use of Summoning techniques, allowing for quick casting of Contract Summonings, or the use of non-character bound weapon summoning techniques. The inscriptions placed upon the talismans are more complex than one might naturally find in other sealing scripts, due to their intended use by Samurai and Ronin, and thus negating the need for usage of handseals - the ability to transport a vast volume of mass essentially instantly over long distances with minimal effort being too practical to discard for societal needs.
Note: The Book of Wind has 5 charges, and can produce the effects of a summoning technique, like a bound contract; or techniques found in the Summoning Ninjutsu thread that are not character specific; or the specific Fuinjutsu technique Lightning Blade Creation. Use of these abilities that requires the user to have made a purchase are not waived. (ex: purchasing a custom summoning contract or Fuinjutsu for Lighting Blade Creation).
Note: Like a Kote, the five charges must be defined on one's biography. Unlike a Kote that can have a wide variety of techniques at a scale of ranks, the charges of the Book of Wind can be of any rank, but must be Lightning Blade Creation, a technique from the Summoning Ninjutsu thread, or a Contract Summon.
Note: The Book of Wind allows Samurai and Ronin to use the above listed techniques, provided they have the relevant abilities purchased.

Declined: This is almost there for sure but I cannot allowed Contract Summons to be used through this technique. Also let it be known that this would only be able to be used with Lightning Blade Creation and no other fuuinjutsu. - Daemon
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points

Eye of Riven
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eye of Riven is an advanced tech that is in the form of a very modernly designed monocle that is on the user either at all times or whenever they feel like using it. As the tool is small and easy to put on, it doesn't cost the user a moveslot to activate it. It draws from the users chakra immediately as it activates. The Eye of Riven is actually a spectrum of advanced technology that lets the user see different patterns through the monocle if they are behind a wall, behind a raging storm, mist or even underground.
The system works not unlike aircraft radar. But instead of bouncing off planes and returning to the ground, the signal here travels through the wall, bounces off a human (as we’re full of water), and comes back through the wall and into a detector, which is in this case the monocle. By using chakra, the user can interpret the signals coming through the monocle and browse through layers of material they are looking at through the monocle.
Note: Can only be made by Skorm.

¤ Both Approved, made edits.
Eye of Riven
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eye of Riven is an advanced tech that is in the form of a very modernly designed monocle that is on the user either at all times or whenever they feel like using it. As the tool is small and easy to put on, it doesn't cost the user a moveslot to activate it. It draws from the users chakra immediately as it activates. The Eye of Riven is actually a spectrum of advanced technology that lets the user see different patterns through the monocle if they are behind a wall, behind a raging storm, mist or even underground.
The system works not unlike aircraft radar. But instead of bouncing off planes and returning to the ground, the signal here travels through the wall, bounces off a human (as we’re full of water), and comes back through the wall and into a detector, which is in this case the monocle. By using chakra, the user can interpret the signals coming through the monocle and browse through layers of material they are looking at through the monocle. The monocle also has a secondary mode that can be switched to either as default (must be stated in biography) or switched to actively during a fight. This mode focuses on tracking high speed targets rather than seeing through layers of matter as the primary mode focuses on. The secondary mode uses a motor that renders photonic movement and makes the user experience things in slow-motion, in turn granting a visual x 2 tracking while the secondary mode is active and the user has the Eye of Riven applied. Both modes cannot be used at the same time, switching mode costs a moveslot in a battle and can only be done once every secound turn, costing 30 chakra. The turn cost is the same for the secondary mode.
Can only be used by Skorm.

Update Approved - Daemon
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Active member
Mar 10, 2015
Trait Points
Stormy Forecast
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A scientific tool attachment replacing the hilt of any blade, its length is raised by two inches compared to traditional sword hilts due to the technology inside needing more space. By first glance this item resembles a traditional hilt in design with three major holes on it's body however inside the hilt this tool is outfitted with technology that captures storm nature chakra before pushing outwards through the three holes on it's face and into the air, creating storm clouds within the atmosphere at will. The amount of chakra used determines the size of the clouds produced for instance for every 10 chakra(max 30) a cloud 10 meters in diameter is created directly above the user, raining harmless neon blue rain. Clouds formed from storm retain the ability to absorb chakra up to the amount of chakra used for it's creation (max 30).

Note: for Chojiro Sasakibe and his primary Crafting specialty.
Note: Clouds last the whole battle or until dispersed

Declined: A couple of issues with this tool. Does this tool produce the clouds passively? Because as it is written it's active and would need to take 1 turn out of your 3 allotted moves? Secondly, this cannot last for the entire battle, give it a time limit. and since the hilt is sustaining the clouds it'll need a Maintenace chakra cost - Daemon

Stormy Forecast
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: -10(Max 30) Chakra
Damage: N/A
Description: A scientific tool attachment replacing the hilt of any blade, its length is raised by two inches compared to traditional sword hilts due to the technology inside needing more space. By first glance this item resembles a traditional hilt in design with three major holes on it's body however inside the hilt this tool is outfitted with technology that captures storm nature chakra before pushing outwards through the three holes on it's face and into the air, creating storm clouds within the atmosphere at will. The amount of chakra used determines the size of the clouds produced for instance for every 10 chakra(max 30) a cloud 10 meters in diameter is created directly above the user, raining harmless neon blue rain, This can be used at the same time as another storm technique. Clouds formed from storm retain the ability to absorb chakra up to the amount of chakra used for it's creation (max 30).

Note: for Chojiro Sasakibe and his primary Crafting specialty.
Note: Clouds last for 1 turn then disperses.

Approved - Daemon
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Prongs
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated tool designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to activate them. This tool has three protruding prongs that are fashioned in a way that pokes into the three markings of the Cursed Mark. Allowing the user to simply flex their muscles in a specific manor to activate the batteries in the tool to release an electrical charge into the muscles and chakra pathway of the mark passively activating it. These prongs give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the curse mark in a more versatile way, better suited for combat as it requires no input from the user then a simple flex. Due to the nature of the curse mark, this tool cannot be used to release more then a single level of the seal at a time. Requiring a short time to be used again and cannot be used to activate the partial activation.
Note: Must be placed in the users biography
Note: Requires a one turn cooldown

Declined: Nice try but Not approving tech that allows you to passively activate modes. - Daemon

(Teia no shisen) Theia’s Gaze
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Theia’s gaze are a set of highly advanced contact lenses that use state of the art dot projection technology to not only survey the environment up to long range and transmit clear and extremely detailed information straight to the user’s brain in real time, but also very accurately track opponents and other objects alike. The contact lenses after being worn by the user will constantly emit over millions of invisible infrared dots that will pick up anything from stationary objects to even the most minute twitch of an organism up to long range within a 180 degree field of vision and transmit it straight to the user’s brain as comprehensable information with no lag. This means that as long as the user’s eyes are open, they don’t need to really focus on one thing at a time as everything within a 180 degree field of vision is being ‘fed’ directly into their brain.
Secondly, due to the high and frequent emission of the numerous infrared dots, the user is also granted additional tracking up to 3x as the dots capture everything moving within the field of view. A moving object would have to physically not be within the range of vision to be undetected (IE.Teleportion or being physically intangible). These contacts cannot track chakra trails or levels or prevent genjutsu or any of that sort of stuff. They simply survey, detect and transmit tangible information within the field of view via dot projection.
Note: Must be placed in the users biography
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard

Declined: This is basically a custom Cybernatic Dojutsu without being one (trying to make it contact lenses) - Daemon

Teia no Shisen: Theia's Gaze
: Tool Set
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Description: Theia's Gaze is an interconnected set of tools meticulously designed to amplify the user's perception, tracking, and reactive capabilities.

1. Theia's Emitter Bracelet:
A specialized bracelet enriched with cutting-edge technology that emits millions of invisible laser dots omnidirectionally, encompassing a full 360-degree field of view. These minuscule dots cover an extensive area, diligently capturing and tracking all objects, regardless of size, along with all the movements within their radius.

2. Theia's Vision Contacts:
This duo of contact lenses is ingeniously crafted to receive the emitted infrared dots from Theia's Emitter Bracelet. The collected data is then seamlessly transmitted in real-time to the user's brain. This constant influx of information fosters an encompassing awareness of their surroundings, eliminating the necessity to focus on individual objects. While the bracelet emits over a full 360 degrees, the contacts proficiently gather data from the specific 180-degree direction the user is facing at any given moment. Furthermore, this synchronization grants an additional 1.5x tracking augmentation, enhancing the user's ability to monitor objects in motion.

3. Theia's Reflex Ring:
Complementing the enhanced perception and tracking system, the electric ring serves as a pivotal element in the set. By interpreting the data garnered from both Theia's Vision Contacts and Theia's Emitter Bracelet, the ring administers calculated electric stimuli. Upon detecting impending collisions or attacks, the ring's impulses seamlessly interface with the user's central nervous system, prompting evasive actions. This grants the user an additional, free dodge—a tactical maneuver executed without needing faster speeds than the incoming threat. This electrical impulse has a turn cool-down.

Crucially, the user remains in full cognitive connection with their body's automated movements facilitated by the set. This connection ensures that they retain complete awareness of the unfolding scenario. As a result, they are adept at capitalizing on the unanticipated evasions enabled by the system. This seamless integration empowers them to seamlessly transition between offense, defense, and other strategic maneuvers. Every motion, whether for attack or protection, flows harmoniously, effectively utilizing their unexpected dodges to their advantage.

Note: The optimal utilization of the Teia no Shisen set necessitates simultaneous wear.
Note: Exclusive usage of the Teia no Shisen set is restricted to El Alucard.
Note: Acknowledged as three distinctive tools, the set occupies three tool slots.

Declined: I thought I said no contact lenses. Secondly, This ( "grants the user an additional, free dodge—a tactical maneuver executed without needing faster speeds than the incoming threat." ) is also a hard no. No customs will be allowed that grants an extra dodge or circumvents the requirements for a dodge. - Daemon
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Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
Old Thread: VAR Approved. Changing VAR because with the Bukijutsu update some of it seems redundant.

(Vár) - Vár
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: X
Damage Points: X
Vár is a very versatile weapon. The size of the weapon usually outmatches the user's own size, but wielder's are still able to use it with ease. It can be used as a great sword, and a variety of different firing guns depending on what rounds the user would like to use. The Great-Sword attachment just means the wielder can use it as a normal sword, greatsword or sword/blade/katana substitute. Vár also has a grip on the Chassis which allows the user to wield it with both hands, used to shoot the weapon with reduced recoil and increased accuracy. Anyone wielding Vár gains access to Kenjutsu/sword attacks the user knows through the blade and can utilise the "Shoot", "Barrage" and "Bombardment" Bukijutsu techniques, utilising Bombardment shoots a large cannister into the air and releases a bombardment of bullets raining down on an area.

Wielders of Vár can channel an elemental affinity into it, using a move and a slot in the timeframe they pour their element chakra into the blade which costs 40 chakra. This gives Vár an elemental aura of the selected element, this makes it so when Vár uses "Shoot", "Barrage" and "Bombardment" they are infused with said elemental affinity, though instead of having no chakra they will carry a chakra value reflective of their rank that the user will have to spend from their chakra pool. The bullets will carry traits from each elements, fire will explode covering wider areas for example, water can create a water source, wind can slice and carry a large gust with them to deal with large scale techniques, lightning will shatter/neutralise physical elements and pierce through and "seek" it's target(s). This ability lasts four turn turns upon activation, upon which the gun will overheat and be unusable for two turns after - only capable of being used as an ordinary sword.

When using a Sword/Melee Technique utilising Vár's Large Blade, the user can pull the trigger and at the same time fire from it during the swing or each swing (of one technique), this increases the speed and damage of the attack only during the swing(s) of the sword. This doesn't work on thrusts, only slashes. The user's sword attack becomes x2 faster and gains +20 damage, but again only during the slash. The user can also use this to enhance their freeform dodge at x2 speed by shooting the opposite direction they dodge in.

There is also the matter of storage and capacity to carry, user's of Vár can opt to carry the weapon or have a Tattoo placed on the inside of their Forearm so it can be summoned straight to hand which acts like a summoning Tattoo for the weapon. Summoning the weapon costs 10 chakra each time, a slot in the time frame and costs a turn. They can disperse it at will.

- Vár must be reloaded to use "Bombardment", manually loading the cannister and cocking the gun.

- Vár's Looks and Scale :

Declined: No augmenting of the speed of the freeform dodge. You need to put a limit on how many times you can even enhance the speed of your slashes. - Daemon
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Changed functionality from a chakra sabre variant to a Smoke-Flash Bomb variant.

(Go Rin no Sho: Hi no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Fire
Rank: A
Range: Short
-10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Fire is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Based upon the the Smoke Flash Bomb Scientific Ninja tool and the principles of martial pragmatism, it is a complex mechanism that is built into the hilt and crossguard of the weapon, and a nano-wire chakra metal filament that runs along the edge or side of the weapon. Running chakra through the device causes it to radiate, not unlike a lightbulb filament, and vibrate - resulting in the release a sound not unlike a string instrument. Where as a Smoke Flash Bomb is consumed during this use, the Book of Fire's method of producing a loud noise and chakra suffused light is less destructive, and can thus be used many more times from a single piece of equipment. It produces the exact same disorientation effects as a Smoke Flash Bomb, but only within a Short Range, rather than a Medium range. It can produce these effects so long as chakra is channeled through the filament, and the user can control the toggle of this effect by controlling when they pass chakra through the tool.
Note: Activating the Book of Fire does not consume a moveslot, though it does have a place in timeframe, and consumes 10 chakra per turn once active.
Note: The Book of Fire is considered a part of whatever weapon it is attached to, and breaks when the weapon breaks.
Note: A single Book of Fire can be used on up to two melee armaments. Does not function on ranged weaponry (bows and arrows, or a kunai once thrown).

Approved - Daemon

Quoting this even though its unchecked, but its an entirely different tool, save the name.

(Go Rin no Sho: Kaze no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Wind
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Wind is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Inspired by the methodology of Scroll Cartridges found in Kote, and founded upon the principle of freedom and versatility, the Book of Wind is a book of quick-tear talismans, pre-inscribed with formula. These talismans allow the use of Summoning techniques, allowing for quick casting of Contract Summonings, or the use of non-character bound weapon summoning techniques. The inscriptions placed upon the talismans are more complex than one might naturally find in other sealing scripts, due to their intended use by Samurai and Ronin, and thus negating the need for usage of handseals - the ability to transport a vast volume of mass essentially instantly over long distances with minimal effort being too practical to discard for societal needs.
Note: The Book of Wind has 5 charges, and can produce the effects of a summoning technique, like a bound contract; or techniques found in the Summoning Ninjutsu thread that are not character specific; or the specific Fuinjutsu technique Lightning Blade Creation. Use of these abilities that requires the user to have made a purchase are not waived. (ex: purchasing a custom summoning contract or Fuinjutsu for Lighting Blade Creation).
Note: Like a Kote, the five charges must be defined on one's biography. Unlike a Kote that can have a wide variety of techniques at a scale of ranks, the charges of the Book of Wind can be of any rank, but must be Lightning Blade Creation, a technique from the Summoning Ninjutsu thread, or a Contract Summon.
Note: The Book of Wind allows Samurai and Ronin to use the above listed techniques, provided they have the relevant abilities purchased.

Declined: This is almost there for sure but I cannot allowed Contract Summons to be used through this technique. Also let it be known that this would only be able to be used with Lightning Blade Creation and no other fuuinjutsu. - Daemon
Altered it a bit. Would rather this be used for Contract Summoning and their Contract specific Ninjutsu than just LBC, if I'm understanding right that the issue was the 2 in 1 nature.

(Go Rin no Sho: Kaze no Sho) The Book of Five Rings: The Book of Wind
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book of Wind is one piece of a set of five Scientific Ninja Tools, collectively known as the Book of Five Rings. Inspired by the methodology of Scroll Cartridges found in Kote, and founded upon the principle of freedom and versatility, the Book of Wind is a book of quick-tear talismans, pre-inscribed with contract summoning formula. These talismans allow the use of Contract Summoning techniques, allowing for quick casting of Contract Summonings by simply tearing the talisman and running chakra through it. The inscriptions placed upon the talismans are more complex than one might naturally find in other scripts, due to their intended use by Samurai and Ronin, and thus negating the need for usage of handseals.
Note: The Book of Wind has 5 charges and can be used once per turn with a turn cool down in between usages., and can produce the effects of a summoning technique for a bound contract; or techniques specific to a Summoning Contract (ex. Tengubi for Tengu).
Note: Like a Kote, the five charges must be defined on one's biography. Unlike a Kote that can have a wide variety of techniques at a scale of ranks, the charges of the Book of Wind can be of any rank.
Note: The Book of Wind allows Samurai and Ronin to use the above listed techniques, so long as they meet other necessary requirements (ex. Samurai could use a Fire-related Summoning Contract Ninjutsu talisman due to having elemental access, while a Ronin could not).

Approved: With Edits Made - Daemon
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Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Chunin Cyborg Bio.

O.N.I. Battle Sleeve
: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40/50 (-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-30 to user, +20 to Tai/Kenjutsu, SNT/Bukijutsu)
Description: The O.N.I. Battle Sleeve is a Neural-Interfaced body suit made of nanomachines and a series of powerful electro-magnets. It connects to the wearer via brain and muscle implants in their body, beginning with a retractable visor that covers the user's face while still granting 'vision' through a real-time relaying of visual information according to various multi-spectrum and proximity sensors located on the front and sides of the visor which is assembled and displayed directly into the user's vision (synchronizes with ocular augmentations). The sleeve itself is black, with armor plates made of special, color changing nanites which are entirely cosmetic. Passively the O.N.I. sleeve is able to convert amounts of the user's chakra into focused electricity with the use of its other set of nanomachines which are made of a chakra-conductive metal. The sleeve becomes a hub, where the energy is carried to the augmentations and Tools of the Cyborg's body via the nanomachines, similar to blood. Once per turn the user may activate any chakra-related Ninja Tool stored on/within their bodies simultaneously to another Tool/Jutsu activation by converting the required chakra into electricity and 'jolting' the chosen augment into activation. This ability can only affect any Tool twice at maximum, for risk of frying their circuitry, with a 2 turn cooldown and 4x maximum usage limit. The O.N.I. sleeve has two activated abilities:

[Distortion Field Type-A]
When activated the O.N.I. sleeve becomes a battle conduit. Powerful magnets in the form of rotating, inch-long pylons jut out of the sleeve at the shoulders and arms. Within each pylon are coils that are supplied an electric current by the suit itself at a rate of -30 chakra per turn from the user. Together the pylons generate a thin electromagnetic field that serves to deter any metallic object or Lightning-type Jutsu that comes within <2m of the wearer. Weapons and attacks would seemingly swerve at the last second and miss their target. This ability is S-ranked, costs 40 chakra and applies to all metallic weapons, Bukijutsu, SNT, and Lightning-related attacks A-ranked and below for 4 turns, after which the pylons retreat and the ability goes on a 2 turn cooldown. Maximum usage limit: 3x.

[Demon Wake Command]
The final ability of the sleeve is one that elevates the wearer's combat capabilities to that of a machine. Neural pain inhibitors activate and an internal layer of bio-gel, an adaptation of the Cyborg Healing Foam that also serves as an insulating barrier for the user's augmentations, enter directly into the body which allows the wearer to ignore the pain and fatigue caused by moments of great and sustained physical exertion. At a cost of 50 chakra the electro-magnetic pylons retreat into user's body at various pre-determined spots and deliver a great amount of electricity to their systems. Only a Cyborg can survive this, taking -30 HP damage in exchange for an 'amped up' body. Attacks from the arms (Taijutsu and Kenjutsu) and legs (Leg-based Taijutsu) are performed at twice the user's speed with +30 added damage. Ninja Tools and weapons originating from the user's body gain +20 damage. Due to the destructive amounts of chakra and electrical energy used, the enhancement lasts only 3 turns with a 3 turn cooldown between uses. After deactivation the wearer will be unable to perform Kenjutsu and Taijutsu techniques above B-rank nor SNT techniques above A-rank for 2 turns. Maximum usage limit: 2x.

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Note: Base HP of the sleeve is 80, and it is immune to weapons and physical attacks B-ranked and below.
Note: Only one ability of the O.N.I. Sleeve may be activated at a time with exception of the first, passive ability.
Note: Wearer must be a Cyborg.
Note: Must be mentioned in the Biography.

Declined: While cool, Armors/Body Suits/Mech Suits are exclusive to the Mandalorian Clan. I suggest converting this into an actual body replacement/body modification rather than a nanosuit. - Daemon

CLD-CHSR Prototype Legs
: Tool
Rank: B
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (+10 to Leg-based Taijutsu)
Description: An experimental technology stolen during its final stages of development, the Cloud Chaser augments are a pair of prosthetic legs that replace the user's own. Artificial muscles wrapped around graphene-polymer bones and connected via low-friction servos-for-joints allow nimble movement with tremendous force. Fitted to the heel of each leg are discrete mechanical clamps that help to secure the user's sword or other bladed weapons to their feet. This allows Kenjutsu to be performed with the feet, and Leg-based Taijutsu moves to gain extra range and lethality. Passively the Cloud Chaser augments grant the wearer +2 to their Base Speed and +10 to Leg-based Taijutsu.

Chimera Stance: The heel regions of the prosthetic legs have powerful clamps meant to hold a bladed weapon such as katana firmly in place while the user operates them. True skill is needed to time and release the heel-clamps at the right moment to operate the stance, but to assist with this there are pistons located beneath the clamps that eject the attached weapon at will. Both mechanisms combined allow the user to catch and release their sword with seamless precision, often in mid-air. While active, the user's Leg-based Taijutsu gain 1m extra range and deal damage based on the weapon attached (base technique damage applied in the case of freeform tools and weapons). This works with Leg-based Taijutsu and non chakra-aided Kenjutsu up to A-rank and the user is unable to perform techniques above C-rank (outside of SNT's) with their hands due to the focus and balance required. Only one leg may be in Chimera Stance at any time, but alternating between each leg or the stance itself is passive and does not cost a move.

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Note: Must be a Cyborg.
Note: Must be mentioned in Biography.

Approved - Daemon

S.A.V. Mach-I
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (-10, -20, -25, -30 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: The Assault/Recon Semi-Autonomous Aerial Vehicle, or S.A.V., is a relatively small, personal stealth aircraft developed by Arata Labs. It measures 7 meters from nose to tail and 10m across (5m wings) at its broadest. The tail has two smaller fins (1m each) which is separated from the main body by a 0.5m wide midsection. The S.A.V.'s automated canopy seats only one pilot, and is capable of two passively interchangeable movement patterns: Hover and Flight. Hovering entails maintaining a select altitude with minimal to zero movement, costing -10 chakra per turn and Flight entails fast-paced movements and acrobatics, costing -20 chakra per turn. Three VTOL chakra thrusters installed within each primary wing and the tail allows the craft to pivot in varying degrees, and with a light-weight metal frame, display insect-like maneuverability in the air (able to dodge aerial attacks once per turn through sudden, 5m long direction changes and barrel rolls at the cost of a move). All onboard systems are powered by a rechargeable battery on the underside of the craft capable of storing up to 200 chakra. Each ability's activation draws from the battery's reserves to perform. The S.A.V. is able to Recharge only while grounded using solar panels installed over the broad canopy glass. Recharge lasts 4 turns; repairs and replenishes the systems of the craft with the help of restorative nanomachines that focus on its components similarly to Healing Foam at a rate of +20HP and +50 Chakra per turn. Recharge cannot be interrupted and no system may be active throughout this time.

[Weapon System]
Serpent ATS Missiles: Are guided missiles that can be fired at targets designated by the user or S.A.V. up to Long range. They are propelled by chakra thrusters at the speed of an average Lightning Jutsu of the same rank and have explosive warheads attached that are very sensitive to solid/physical contact. For 50 chakra the S.A.V. fires one of these Serpent Missiles which is guided by the craft to track targets on the ground or in the air after being launched. They persist on the field for a maximum of 2 turns. When the warhead is detonated it deals 80 damage over a 8m impact zone. The S.A.V. carries four of these missiles in its midsection, and each activation costs a move and munition, with a 1 turn cooldown between. The user may also spend two moves to fire two missiles simultaneously at the cost of 100 chakra from the S.A.V's battery and place this ability on a 2 turn cooldown.

[Passive Systems]
Recon Apparatus: The S.A.V. is equipped with various cameras and sensors able to detect and record electromagnetic, thermal, and chakra signatures from up to 15m away (or within the same landmark for the NW) depending on its elevation. The sensory information is parsed by an onboard supercomputer and relayed to the user in real-time via a wireless receiver implanted directly into their brain. A bird's-eye-view mini-map is shown within the user's vision that allows them to see their exact location in relation to any detected signatures within a 10m radius of them. The collective Tracking value of the apparatus is 3x the user's base. This value does not apply the user but rather used to guide the Serpent ATS missiles and gather information.

Superintelligence: Connecting the Recon Apparatus and missile Weapon System is an onboard supercomputer that is capable of operating the aircraft in its entirety in the absence of the user. The S.A.V. cannot be summoned or dispelled and as such must always be physically present within the world (as with NW) per arc. The user may call it to themselves across a maximum distance of 3 Landmarks, utilizing Automated Travel rules based on the craft's specifications. This counts as Flying and costs -20 chakra per turn to maintain, during which weapon systems are disabled. Otherwise the craft may stay up to Long range (15m) from the user in any direction and maintain connection whether in Flight or Hover mode. The other half of this superintelligence is its ability to cloak the S.A.V. and hide it from normal eyesight by having specially designed photo-reactive panels all over the craft mimic the environment around it. This ability costs 25 chakra to activate, -25 per turn, and can only be activated and maintained while the S.A.V. is grounded or in Hover mode. Using the weapon system or changing to Flight mode cancels the visual cloak which has a 2 turn wait between reactivations.

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Note: Has 80 HP Base Health, travels at 3x Jounin speeds, and has a 20% Travel Reduction time applied to NW posts.
Note: Requires a Cyborg Bio.

Approved: Nicely Done. - Daemon
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  • Wow
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
( Umi-O-Hamaguri ) Quantum Resonator | Ocean Hued Urchin
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Chakra: N/A
Range: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Quantum Resonator is a remarkable fuuinjutsu-infused implant seamlessly integrated into the user's body through a carbon-knit bodysuit. A chakra current is run throughout the fabric that allows it to connect each point in the suit's surface with an engine core located at the chest. In a similar manner to the Shinobi Gauntlet, the Quantum Resonator is capable of sealing a jutsu that directly impacts the suit into a Scroll Cartridge-like device, and stores it into a three-pronged chamber as raw energy. When three jutsu have been sealed inside the chamber, the engine transfers the raw energy across the body-suit, carrying the same amount of chakra and damage as it sealed, into a single omnidirectional burst of raw ninjutsu. This device essentially acts as a protection, though it is only capable of sealing damage up to S rank ( 80 damage ) per prong. Techniques that are capable of overpowering the device will have their effectiveness partially cut down, as the user takes the remaining damage head-on.

Note: A prong can only be activated once per turn, and the device requires 1 turn cooldown after being activated.
Note: The reversal burst can only be activated twice per battle, regardless of it carrying the power of either 1, 2 or 3 filled prongs.
Note: While the activation of the prongs happens passively in battle, without input from the user, the reversal of the damage is an active technique that requires the user to spend 1 move slot per prong engaged.


Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
Old Thread: VAR Approved. Changing VAR because with the Bukijutsu update some of it seems redundant.

(Vár) - Vár
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: X
Damage Points: X
Vár is a very versatile weapon. The size of the weapon usually outmatches the user's own size, but wielder's are still able to use it with ease. It can be used as a great sword, and a variety of different firing guns depending on what rounds the user would like to use. The Great-Sword attachment just means the wielder can use it as a normal sword, greatsword or sword/blade/katana substitute. Vár also has a grip on the Chassis which allows the user to wield it with both hands, used to shoot the weapon with reduced recoil and increased accuracy. Anyone wielding Vár gains access to Kenjutsu/sword attacks the user knows through the blade and can utilise the "Shoot", "Barrage" and "Bombardment" Bukijutsu techniques, utilising Bombardment shoots a large cannister into the air and releases a bombardment of bullets raining down on an area.

Wielders of Vár can channel an elemental affinity into it, using a move and a slot in the timeframe they pour their element chakra into the blade which costs 40 chakra. This gives Vár an elemental aura of the selected element, this makes it so when Vár uses "Shoot", "Barrage" and "Bombardment" they are infused with said elemental affinity, though instead of having no chakra they will carry a chakra value reflective of their rank that the user will have to spend from their chakra pool. The bullets will carry traits from each elements, fire will explode covering wider areas for example, water can create a water source, wind can slice and carry a large gust with them to deal with large scale techniques, lightning will shatter/neutralise physical elements and pierce through and "seek" it's target(s). This ability lasts four turn turns upon activation, upon which the gun will overheat and be unusable for two turns after - only capable of being used as an ordinary sword.

When using a Sword/Melee Technique utilising Vár's Large Blade, the user can pull the trigger and at the same time fire from it during the swing or each swing (of one technique), this increases the speed and damage of the attack only during the swing(s) of the sword. This doesn't work on thrusts, only slashes. The user's sword attack becomes x2 faster and gains +20 damage, but again only during the slash. The user can also use this to enhance their freeform dodge at x2 speed by shooting the opposite direction they dodge in.

There is also the matter of storage and capacity to carry, user's of Vár can opt to carry the weapon or have a Tattoo placed on the inside of their Forearm so it can be summoned straight to hand which acts like a summoning Tattoo for the weapon. Summoning the weapon costs 10 chakra each time, a slot in the time frame and costs a turn. They can disperse it at will.

- Vár must be reloaded to use "Bombardment", manually loading the cannister and cocking the gun.

- Vár's Looks and Scale :

Declined: No augmenting of the speed of the freeform dodge. You need to put a limit on how many times you can even enhance the speed of your slashes. - Daemon
(Vár) - Vár
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: X
Damage Points: X
Vár is a very versatile weapon. The size of the weapon usually outmatches the user's own size, but wielder's are still able to use it with ease. It can be used as a great sword, and a variety of different firing guns depending on what rounds the user would like to use. The Great-Sword attachment just means the wielder can use it as a normal sword, greatsword or sword/blade/katana substitute. Vár also has a grip on the Chassis which allows the user to wield it with both hands, used to shoot the weapon with reduced recoil and increased accuracy. Anyone wielding Vár gains access to Kenjutsu/sword attacks the user knows through the blade and can utilise the "Shoot", "Barrage" and "Bombardment" Bukijutsu techniques, utilizing Bombardment shoots a large canister into the air and releases a bombardment of bullets raining down on an area.

Wielders of Vár can channel an elemental affinity into it, using a move and a slot in the timeframe they pour their element chakra into the blade which costs 40 chakra. This gives Vár an elemental aura of the selected element, this makes it so when Vár uses "Shoot", "Barrage" and "Bombardment" they are infused with said elemental affinity, though instead of having no chakra they will carry a chakra value reflective of their rank that the user will have to spend from their chakra pool. The bullets will carry traits from each elements, fire will explode covering wider areas for example, water can create a water source, wind can slice and carry a large gust with them to deal with large scale techniques, lightning will shatter/neutralise physical elements and pierce through and "seek" it's target(s). This ability lasts four turn turns upon activation, upon which the gun will overheat and be unusable for two turns after - only capable of being used as an ordinary sword.

When using a Sword/Melee Technique utilising Vár's Large Blade, the user can pull the trigger and at the same time fire from it during the swing or each swing (of one technique), this increases the speed and damage of the attack only during the swing(s) of the sword. This doesn't work on thrusts, only slashes. The user's can use a low caliber shot passively to increase the damage of the attack by +20. Or they can use a higher caliber shot to increase the speed of their slash by x2 and +30 damage instead - this higher caliber can only be used 3 times per battle and costs a move.

There is also the matter of storage and capacity to carry, user's of Vár can opt to carry the weapon or have a Tattoo placed on the inside of their Forearm so it can be summoned straight to hand which acts like a summoning Tattoo for the weapon. Summoning the weapon costs 10 chakra each time, a slot in the time frame and costs a turn. They can disperse it at will.

- Vár must be reloaded to use "Bombardment", manually loading the canister and cocking the gun.
- Vár's Looks and Scale :

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
The Elemental Maestro’s Ensemble
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Chakra: N/A
Range: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Elemental Maestro’s Ensemble is a set of four distinct scientific ninja tools, each tailored to enhance the user’s elemental abilities. Each piece is crafted to empower a user’s manipulation of any one of the basic five elements - water, earth, lightning, fire, and wind. When wielded individually, these tools offer specialized enhancements to one chosen element during battle.
Upon acquiring either two or four pieces of this set, they synchronize with each other granting additional effects which activate passively, further augmenting the user’s control over the designated element. This passive augmentation allows for an intensified wielding of the chosen elemental affinity throughout the battle. At the beginning of each battle, the user tunes the set to and one of the basic 5 elements to empower for the duration of the fight.

The Maestro’s Bracelet: The bracelet resonates with the user's chakra. Upon using a B rank or higher jutsu of the chosen element, it consistently channels a +5 chakra boost to all subsequent techniques of that element for 5 turns, followed by a 3-turn cooldown phase.

The Maestro’s Ring: The ring resonates with the user's chakra. Upon using a B rank or higher jutsu of the chosen element, it gives a +5 damage boost to all subsequent techniques of that element for 5 turns, followed by a 3-turn cooldown phase.

The Maestro’s Crest: The crest is when triggered by imminent threats, unleashes an S-rank outward burst of the chosen element, acting as a defense within close range, followed by a 3-turn cooldown.

The Maestro's Boots: Scientific marvels that calculate your running speed. Should the user exceed a speed of 20, they adapt to the users running and optimize themselves to make the user’s run the most efficient, thus increasing the users base speed by +2. Additionally, every kick is now imbued with the chosen element for 5 turns, adding status effects – fire for burns, lightning for shocks, etc. This is followed by a 3 turn cooldown.

2-Piece Set: Equipping any two pieces from the Elemental Maestro’s Ensemble causes them to synchronize with each other thus passively granting a +10 chakra and +20 damage boost to the chosen element’s techniques.

4-piece set: Once all four pieces of the ensemble are united, duration of these effects extends by an additional 3 turns, enabling the user to wield the selected element with heightened mastery for longer.

Note: Each element of the ensemble functions as a tool, occupying its own tool slot.
Note: The user is restricted to choosing a single element per battle, applicable to all components of the set.
Note: Can only be taught by El Alucard.


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Uzumaki Shīrugādo | Uzumaki Sealguard
Type: Supply
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Crafted with the ancient artistry of the Uzumaki clan, the Uzumaki Sealguard is a symbol of resilience and vitality. Adorned with the distinctive red spiral pattern, this armour seamlessly integrates Uzumaki sealing techniques and fortified materials, forming a protective shell.
Armor Features:
  • Amplified Sealing: The armour functions as an amplified sealing nexus, channelling additional chakra into the wearer’s sealing and barrier techniques. Specialized chakra-conductive materials and integrated seals within the fabric resonate with the wearer’s chakra, providing an extra 10 chakra points for these techniques (passively).
  • Seal Layering: The armour establishes a symbiotic bond with the wearer's chakra, enabling the intricate weaving of seals and barriers reminiscent of layered illusions. The wearer can overlay multiple seals simultaneously, allowing for the layering of two seals within the same timeframe. Acting as a conduit, the Sealguard's fabric seamlessly integrates each layer of the seal, creating a cascading effect where the activation of the second seal occurs immediately upon the finishing or breaking of the first, ensuring uninterrupted defence and strategic advantage.
  • Must be stated in the Biograhy.
  • Can only be used by Uzumaki Clan biographies.
  • Seal Layering ability can be used three times per fight.
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Burakkuseibā | Black Saber
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Burakkuseibā is a sword created from Mandalorian technology. It is made of beskar and the blade is flat like that of a katana. Both sides of the blade are sharp. At first look at Burakkuseibā, it looks like just a hilt but when the weapon activates passively it releases plasma energy that is shaped into a katana blade. This weapon was created as a symbol of strength, courage and to show the varsity of Mandalorian technology. This weapon has three perks that aids the Mandalorian in combat. The blade when swung makes a screeching sound. The blade can’t be created unless it is in the user’s hand because it is registered to the user’s chakra signature.

Perk One: The first perk of the weapon is being able to deflect nearly any attack. The wielder of the weapon would swing it like that of any sword but with the swing the user would deflect the attack in whichever direction they see fit. The deflection has limitations. The deflection can only deflect at maximum fifty chakra. This costs a move slot and can only be used once per turn. This perk can only be used five times a match.

Perk Two: This weapon has an added benefit of increasing the user’s kenjutsu technique by additional twenty damage. This would also put the kenjutsu technique on equal footing with elemental natures of the same damage. This means kenjutsu used with this weapon is neutral to elemental natures. This is a passive boost.

Perk Three: The final perk can make use of the canon “Deflector Shield. It can only use B rank to S rank following the rules the technique has.

Kūderia | Kudelia
Rank: N/A
Type: Tool
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kudelia is a pair of boots and gloves that the Mandalorian created to mainly augment their pure taijutsu. These boots and gloves look is up to the Mandalorian but still have the same abilities of course.

Perk One: The pairs have an augment to them to increase their pure taijutsu. This means all their taijutsu using their hands and feet have an increased damage to them or even protect against something. What protecting against something means is when they are using their taijutsu to block against attacks. There is an increase in damage and what they can protect against by twenty. Their pure taijutsu is taijutsu that doesn’t use chakra at all.

Perk Two: The gloves and boots themselves have the ability to use canon “Repulsor Cannon”. Besides this the added benefit of these gloves beside the usage of the Repulsor Cannon is the gloves drain ten extra chakra passively which is added to the Repulsor Cannon technique which increases the damage by twenty.

(Ion Batteries | Ion Denchi)
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: (+10)
Damage Points: (+20)
Description: The Ion Batteries are a unique technology made by Mandalorians and fitted into their unique armour. These batteries are uniquely designed to hold a specific charge within them that can empower Mandalorian technology beyond their normal capabilities. The user can have up to 6 Ion Batteries on their biography which they must state which Mandalorian technology they are attached to (Their suit, their drones etc). At the cost of a move in battle, the user can consume the energy stored within the battery to empower the chosen piece of technology, increasing the damage it can do by 20 and empowering the chakra within by 10.
Note: Once a battery is used, it cannot be used again. In the ninja world, these take one week recharge.
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