Custom Jutsu Submission - IV

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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
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Summoning Animal: Thunderbird
Scroll Owner: Pyro NB
Others who have signed the contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other summoning animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: The legend of the Thunderbirds originates from Native American folklore and is considered a being of power and strength. Thunderbirds are on average when fully grown are larger than any human but in some cases, they have been some no larger than an eagle. Depending on the bird they can have anywhere from 1 to 3 pair of wings on their bodies and are mostly recognized for and named after their ability to create storms as they fly.

Rain Clouds: All Thunderbirds naturally and passively flood the sky with chakra creating rain clouds when the fly. These clouds unlike those created by shinobi are almost impossible to blow away or disperse if the clouds are dispersed they immediately reform the next turn. The strength of these clouds are dependant on the strength of the individual bird and thus require at least a 1 rank higher wind jutsu aimed at them to disperse.

Lightning: Thunderbirds like the legend stats are bringers of the storm and with the storm comes lightning. Whilst unable to utilize lightning Thunderbirds are immune to all forms of it up to their individual rank both damage and effect wise.

Wind/Typhoon: The Thunderbirds utilize their mighty wings to perform sealless wind style jutsu with fan based or not but due to being mythical creatures these jutsu have the elemental strengths and weaknesses of typhoon release.

Rain: Being a creature of the sky and creature of storms Thunderbirds have the natural ability to utilize rain ninjutsu at will.
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Important info:

Declined: unless it is for lore, them (as in individuals) not being able to use Raiton is odd. Anyways, things like elements or AN aren't really suited for being contract-wide abilities. In addition, after discussion with LoK, the Typhoon facet of their abilities won't be approved.

(Ningyō yōshiki: Shōmetsu-hō) — Puppet Style: Disappearing Act
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A puppetry and fuinjutsu based technique that the user will use on their puppets. This jutsu was created to help the user protect their puppets from incoming attacks or things of the like. This is because it can be quite difficult for a puppet user to protect themselves and their puppet. The user will first state which puppet has this sealing tag either in their bio or at the start of a fight. Now, when the user sees an incoming attack that can be difficult for them to protect their puppets from the user can choose to passively activate this seal by spending fifteen chakra points. Once activated, the seal will seal all of the user’s puppets within eight meters of the puppet with the seal and seal them into the scroll. After the threat has disappeared the user will be able to passively return their puppets to their original locations in the same positions.
Note: This will not seal the puppet that has this seal placed on it.

Important Info:

Declined: make the seal B-rank and establish a means by which only select puppets would be affected by it.

Summoning Animal: Thunderbird
Scroll Owner: Pyro NB
Others who have signed the contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other summoning animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: The legend of the Thunderbirds originates from Native American folklore and is considered a being of power and strength. Thunderbirds are on average when fully grown are larger than any human but in some cases, they have been some the size of but no smaller than an eagle. Like most aerial creatures they have very keen eyesight being able to see in any type of light and depending on the bird they can have anywhere from 1 to 3 pair of wings on their bodies. They are most recognized for and named after their ability to create storms as they fly.

Sky Dominion: All Thunderbirds naturally and passively flood the sky with chakra creating rain clouds when the fly. These clouds unlike those created by shinobi are almost impossible to blow away or disperse if the clouds are dispersed they immediately reform in the next 2 turns. The strength of these clouds are dependant on the strength of the individual bird and thus require at least a 1 rank higher wind jutsu aimed at them to disperse. Only signers of the contract are able to utilize their domain when they are on the field of battle.

Wind: Being aerial creatures Thunderbirds utilize their mighty wings to perform sealless wind style jutsu whether fan based or not. Due to their nature of creating storms upon flying the wind produced from their wings are much stronger than that of the average user. This translates their wind-based jutsu being 1 rank higher in damage.

Lightning: The other affinity of theirs is raiton and are capable of using any and all lighting based jutsu that the user knows. As the creatures fly through storm clouds and are constantly surrounded by lightning their feathers protect them from the element. This translates into Thunderbirds having immunity to all forms of it up to their individual rank both damage and effect wise.

Rain: Being a creature of the sky and creature of storms Thunderbirds have the natural ability to utilize rain ninjutsu at will though this isn't available to all of them. Thunderbirds with the extra affinity lose either the increase to wind or their immunity to lighting and the summoner of the said bird must also have rain(account).

Sources of inspiration:

Declined: be more considerate of the prior check and also know that these will not have things like an element plus AN.

(Ningyō yōshiki: Shōmetsu-hō) — Puppet Style: Disappearing Act
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: A puppetry and fuinjutsu based technique that the user will use on their puppets. This jutsu was created to help the user protect their puppets from incoming attacks or things of the like. This is because it can be quite difficult for a puppet user to protect themselves and their puppet. The user will place this seal on all puppets and must mention the seal either in their bio or at the start of a fight. Now, when the user sees an incoming attack that can be difficult for them to protect their puppets from the user can choose to activate this seal by spending twenty chakra points. Once activated, the seal will seal all of the user’s puppets(with the seal placed on them) within eight meters of the targeted puppet and seal them into a scroll. After the threat has disappeared the user will be able to passively return their puppets to their original locations in the same positions.
Note: This will not seal the puppet that has this seal placed on it.
Note: Usable four times per battle.

Approved: added a note.
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Yang Training
This is my second CW

Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: 30 (per free form slice)
Description: Tartarus gained it's name from the ancient titan realm, a dark place, home to all forms of evil, a fitting name for a sword created by the Fallen Angel, Sin. It is rumoured that Sin was experimenting with forbidden arts to try and create his own demon race but they didn't work out the way he wanted, and so through his skills in Yang release, he forged the demon creation into a sword, a living sword infused with a large chunk of his chakra, giving it it's own sentience. With this the sword came to life in its own unique way, it was still a sword, solid like steel, sharp enough to slash flesh, but it was more than just that. The hilt shaped like a bat had a mouth with fangs that could speak out to anyone near, or even bite those who tried to hold him without permission. In a complete strange way, Tartarus could bend it's shape completely, sliding around like a snake having it's own form of movement while still being a blade, a most peculiar thing, much like how Samehada can bend it's shape and still be sharp with it's scales. Rather than residing in a traditional hilt he could wrap around the owners waist like a belt, though if he were in a hilt, he'd prefer to be on the users back so he could see what was going on. Though, it's intent wasn't always pure, having used to have a white handle, he served many owners, though those he deemed unworthy he would kill, staining his handle until it was blood red. This sword held a few unique powers:

  • The sword would have a mental link with it's owner to try and manipulate them to his own will, sharing what he could see and feel, while at the same time trying to influence them, to one day take a true form once more.
  • Being able to absorb and store chakra he can also sense and taste chakra, unlike other swords, he is only able to take chakra from one person, the user, not mix chakra's, should the blade ever run out of chakra, it will "die", losing it's sentience granted by yang, always needing an owner. It can taste anything that has a life force. At the start of every battle the sword will have 100 chakra points within it. It can transfer this chakra into someone through touch at the cost of a move. The sword can feed off this 100 chakra points stored within it, or take the chakra from the user for the-5 per turn.
  • Being infused with Yang, it is granted a form of great vitality, durability and strength. Due to this, it's kenjutsu techniques are passively increased by 20 damage, this would include any jutsu that require the sword to be used as a medium, flowing through it. On the other hand, when blocking techniques, it could reduce the damage taken by -20 damage though only one of these may apply at one time.
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¤ Declined, that FF damage is definitely not going to be approved. I'm also confused on how exactly it tastes chakra based on its ability to absorb chakra if its mentioned it can only absorb the user's chakra. The damage reduction/boosting logic doesnt hold up as well; if the latent Yang energy within it empowers it, it would make it physically stronger and Kenjutsu would be stronger but I sont see how this would make, for example, a Water Shockwave released from it stronger if it makes the physical aspect of the sword stronger. You have to explain this better and with less run-ons. I was getting confused reading it ¤
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Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
(Jinpu Ritta) Divine Axe Rhitta
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A (When active -40 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Rhitta is giant ornamental axe with a blade shaped like a crescent moon, similar to that of a Monk's spade. The axe also features two golden protrusions, one larger than the other, with the white tips of a spear, the longer one is in the middle at the top of the axe and the smaller one is on the opposite of the blade of the axe. The handle is dark blue and it features a golden semicircular guard with four golden spikes on it. Its design specs and distribution of weight are (likely intentionally) off: most of the weight is concentrated in the head, leaving it off balance, and even more difficult to wield than its impressive weight would already make it. The axe itself when used in battle has offensive ability equal to A-rank, being able to slice and smash through A-ranked defenses at a cost of a move. The user will carry Rhitta on their back and will be able to activate Rhitta's unique ability at will; allowing it to completely absorb and store enormous amount of chakra from it's user. This allows the user to release this chakra as heat on command and with precision instead of simply burning away everything in their vicinity. By thinking the command "Sacred Treasure Release" the user can release all the power he has stored in Rhitta in an instant. The release is accompanied by an incredible wave of light and heat, even illuminating a night sky, causing onlookers to often mistake it for the sun itself. The user will then target and release this heat as a wave of chakra that can be focused and condensed, like a beam, or have it spread both high and wide. Both capabile of reaching long range. The power output of this technique is dependet on the amount of chakra stored into it. Dealing the same amount of damage as chakra stored. The user can call the Divine Axe Rhitta to himself at will, and it will travel at incredible speeds through the sky to reach him. After releasing the chakra, the user will need to wait awhile before they can reactivate the Axe, allowing it to once again drain and store their chakra.
-Using the Axe in battle counts as a move.
-Requires a 3 turn cooldown before it can be activated again.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

Declined. No, lol. This will not just arbitrarily absorb unrestricted quantities of chakra and then turn it into damage. Insane. 1 point of chakra =/= 1 point of damage. Also, just because these is very bright doesn't mean you can include parts like "people will think it's the sun."
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(Jinpu Ritta) Divine Axe Rhitta
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A (when active -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (when active +20 per turn)
Description: Rhitta is giant ornamental axe with a blade shaped like a crescent moon, similar to that of a Monk's spade. The axe also features two golden protrusions, one larger than the other, with the white tips of a spear, the longer one is in the middle at the top of the axe and the smaller one is on the opposite of the blade of the axe. The handle is dark blue and it features a golden semicircular guard with four golden spikes on it. Its design specs and distribution of weight are (likely intentionally) off: most of the weight is concentrated in the head, leaving it off balance, and even more difficult to wield than its impressive weight would already make it. The axe itself when used in battle is nothing more then a standard weapon that deals no increase in ability. The user will carry Rhitta on their back and will be able to activate Rhitta's unique ability at will; allowing it to completely absorb and store enormous amounts of chakra from it's user over time. This allows the user to release this chakra as heat on command and with precision instead of simply burning away everything in their vicinity. By thinking the command "Sacred Treasure Release" the user can release all the power he has stored in Rhitta in one of two ways. The first being an offensive ability, causing the release to be accompanied by an incredible wave of light and heat, bright enough to illuminate a night sky. The user will then target and release this heat as a wave of chakra that can be focused and condensed, like a beam, or have it spread both high and wide. The release capable of reaching long range. Or the second ability, is a defensive ability, allowing the user to absorb the chakra back into himself, allowing the user to release techniques that may require the surge of chakra to break the technique. Genjutsu would be an example of this; being able to break Genjutsu that use the same amount of chakra the user absorbs. (Baring Forbidden ranked, Yin, MS level Genjutsu) The power output of this technique is dependent on the amount of chakra stored into it. The user can call the Divine Axe Rhitta to himself at will, and it will travel at incredible speeds through the sky to reach him. After releasing the chakra, the user will need to wait awhile before they can reactivate the Axe, allowing it to once again drain and store their chakra.
-Activating the Axe is a passive ability
-Releasing the Stored Chakra counts as a move

-Axe becomes fully charged after four turns.
-Requires a 3 turn cooldown before it can be activated again.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

¤ Declined, this is still too vague; if the beam does damage it needs a set number written into the technique and not implied ambiguously. The release of chakra in either capacity also need actual limitations on the overall number of uses for them. With this being S ranked, you will not be able to release Genjutsu higher than that rank so implying it can release up to 60 chakra to dispel them is a no as well. ¤

(Mentokou Kae) Momentum Shift
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: Using the most basic application of flight, the user can change their current momentum in the direction desired. This technique, while being a basic principle of flight can be used in a variety of ways. It can be most effective when in close combat, allowing the user to shift their momentum in unique ways to enhance the unpredictability of their attack(s). This doesn't increase the power output but simply allows the user to change the possible delivery of attack by altering the momentum of it.
-Requires the ability of flight
-Can only be taught by Serpent

Declined. Is this based on the Otsutsuki Flight technique? This will need usage limits and a cooldown placed on it.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Updating CW, which was originally approved in old thread here:

Hattori Hanzo
Rank: S
Range: Short (Long)
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Hattori Hanzo is the name of the armour that has been passed down for generations between ninja. This armour set has been word for centuries, each ninja upgrading and perfecting the armour until the armour itself became a weapon that was able to be used in battle. Originally crafted and created by a Samurai named Hattori Hanzo, the actual name of the armour has been lost long ago, after it was stolen and claimed by a ninja, who proceeded to pass it down. They say the spirit of the Samurai who made it still dwells within the armour, watching over who ever may wear it protecting them. (simply cosmetic, doesnt actually give the user any sensing or any abilities)
Hattori Hanzo is a dress armour with unique properties of being both offensive and defensive. While comprised of lightweight leather underneath, on top of the armour actually are slots for ninja tools that may be stacked on top of each other, forming a scale like pattern on top of the leather, but underneath the cloth design cover that is on top (fig. 1). By simply flicking the dress one can fire out a ninja tool in the chosen direction as it comes loose from the dress, travelling at the same speed as if being thrown. These ninja tools are specially made by the current wearer to be custom made chakra metal ninja tools, able to conduct chakra. The advantage of the battle dress firstly is that while all the ninja tools are stacked like scales. they provide the user a reduction of 30 damage from techniques that are physical in nature (Earth, Steel, etc) in one instance of damage. The armor can resist a total of S-Rank (80) damage in total before shattering. Each ninja tool is capable of being taken from the dress by the user and held or thrown. Several of these shuriken are custom made to be larger shuriken (fig. 2) again able to conduct the chakra of what ever element the user is currently using at the cost of an extra 20 chakra dealing 60 damage. Within the same timeframe once per turn, the user can channel the same elemental chakra along side the current attack they are doing, and do a pirouette spinning on the spot sending out a barrage of these elementally enhanced shuriken, at the cost of 40 chakra and dealing 80 damage; this can only be used twice per battle.

Approved. Made edits.

(Iki no Tani) Valley of Breath
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Creating 3 seals, the user gathers up wind natured chakra into their fist or foot, and slams it down into the ground, creating a long range shockwave that shatters the earth. Then releasing the wind into the ground, it creates a large powerful upheaval of wind like a geyser throughout the terrain, like a solid punch of blunt force up to long range. By channelling wind chakra through the users body and releasing it through their feet, the user can continue to channel this force for 3 turns.
-Lasts 2 turns
-Can only be used twice per battle and 2 turn cooldown in between

¤ Approved, the +10 damage is a stretch. ¤

(Ambipedal) Ambipedal
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
The user, after much study and practice, has worked to the point where they can strike a target with either their foot or hand with precision. This allows the user to perform taijutsu attacks with either their hands or feet, regardless of what is required of the technique. The only restriction is when it comes to grabs, the user will need to use their hands.
This technique does not confer any added bonus of range or speed.
-Must be placed in the users biography.
-Can only be used by Taijutsu Specialists.

¤ Declined, not gonna allow this one. Techs specify hands or feet for a reason, that's what should be used. If you want something like this, you have better luck attempting as a CFS ¤
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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
(Shōgekiha) – Sealing Arts: Shockwave
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary, Defensive,Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals and entrap a target inside of a transparent spherical barrier. This works on foes up to mid-range away and is five meters in height and width. This barrier has a special property which is its innate ability to absorb kinetic energy. This means that any time the opponent physically touches or sends a physical jutsu at the barrier it will absorb the kinetic energy in them. The thing about this barrier is that it is impossible to destroy this barrier with a physical based attacked. This means that the only way to destroy the barrier is with an energy based attack such as lightning or fire otherwise the barrier will simply absorb all kinetic energy in any other physical attack. This barrier, however, can be destroyed by an energy based attack equal to or higher than the rank of this technique. The kinetic energy absorbed by this barrier is stowed away inside and converted into energy. After absorbing an attack the user will have the choice of utilizing one of their move slots to release a shock wave of the energy absorbed by the barrier at the opponent. The power of this shock wave is equivalent to the attack absorbed.

Note: Can only be used four times with a turn-cool down

Declined. Clashes with Force Release and Kinetic Energy Release.

(Akuma no hitsugi ) – Sealing Arts: Devil’s Casket
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary, Defensive,Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals and cause a transparent red spherical barrier to glow around the user up to five meters away. The thing about this barrier is that it will glow around its user upon being summoned but will become invisible to the naked afterwards. An opponent would not know the barrier was present unless they witnessed its creation or if they had a form of chakra sensory. The only other way the barrier will become visible is when the user activates it or the opponent attacks it. The first ability of the barrier is that the user can control the chakra inside the barrier to passively lift and move the user around. While moving around the barrier will become visible and the user will appear to be flying. The next ability is the user’s ability to passively create openings in the barrier to release attacks or to allow them in. The main ability of this barrier is to deflect incoming attacks. Whenever an attack strikes a focal point of the barrier it will cause the barrier to become visible. Afterwards the barrier will begin to generate and focus energy at the location(s) of where the attack comes from. After doing so the attack will be pushed back into the opponent direction. The barrier can only deflect one jutsu per turn. Also, since this barrier relies upon its own strength to deflect it is only able to deflect techniques up to this techniques rank, and will require an attack higher than its rank to destroy it. The only exception to this is if the barrier is struck by two techniques of equal rank within the same turn, leading to the barrier's destruction.

Note: Can only be used three times with a turn cool down.
Note: No Fuin above A-rank after it ends.

Approved. Made edits.

( Hotaru ) – Sealing Arts: Firefly
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary, Defensive,Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will first perform three hand seals and form around their body an emerald spherical barrier. This barrier can span up to five meters from the user and encompass allies or it can be skin tight. The user will activate this barrier in response to an energy based attack up to the rank of this technique. Upon said attack coming into physical contact with the barrier it will be sealed inside of it. Moments later the barrier will be seen glowing a bright yellow light that is blinding to anyone not inside of the barrier. After absorbing the energy the user will use this energy to replicate a bright flare. Once absorbed the barrier will begin to expand off of the user’s body and up to Mid range. The body will cover a mid-ranged distance from all angles. The main purpose of doing this is to affect enemies with a bright flare that will block their site and blind them if they do not cover their eyes. The flare will prevent the enemy from seeing through it and also will radiate a meter off of the barrier as it closes in on the target. This barrier carries no physical damage and will pass through objects without any interference. If, however, the opponent does not shield themselves from the bright light then they will be blinded for one turn.

Note: Can only be used four times with a turn cool down

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points

(Iryo Ninjutsu: Hijoushoku ) Medical Technique: Emergency Provisions
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A basic application that demonstrates the superior chakra control traits of a medical ninja. Initially trained into understanding the essentials of chakra control - this technique seeks to emphasize on this to a certain degree. Passively activated, the user may use this technique to willingly allow an increment of +10 to be infused into a single technique of their choosing. This of course under normal circumstances would prove to be useless in battle - but in some situations such as with Fuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu or other abilities in general this proves to he highly beneficial. This can be used once per technique, capping at +10 chakra. This technique cannot be used in consecutive turns.

Approved. Made edits.


(Uwabe Dake) Semblance
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Said to be an artifact owned by the Sage of Six Paths, in truth it was owned by a follower of Ninshu. This artifact, while its appearance is unorthodox should never be taken lightly as in the hands of a person whom has the ability to utilize its full potential will surely show how potent it’s latent abilities are. At first glance, it’s two ruby earrings – roughly3 inches in size– their composition being rubies that can act as a conduit of the owner’s chakra while also being indestructible by nature. This translates to it being unable to be corroded, smashed, and melted or any type of condition that may detrimental effects to its composition. It is also grafted to only respond to the chakra of its current holder – with foreign chakra that is infused within it being nullified completely. Abilities wise the earrings itself naturally in tune with its owner – always constantly passively connecting to its user so they may utilize its ability when needed. The following abilities mentioned below are what this weapon offers with some being active and or passive in nature.

Baasuto Kyouka | Burst Enhancement: The first passive ability of the earrings, used from the right. This earring, as the name of the skill suggests – acts as a means of empowerment, siphoning chakra from the user during the performance of Explosion Release Techniques, seeking to cause more destructive and explosive power. This is outlined as passive +1 increase in rank for A rank and below, while techniques S rank and above gain a flat +20 DMG increase.

Sekai no Raito | World’s Light: The second and once more again passive ability of the user’s earrings but this one through the left. This is more of a cosmetic ability, using the user’s chakra in order to actively change the coloration of the explosive energy he/she produces. This works for a wide array of different colors, allowing for a unique degree of how the energy is produced – akin to that of how fireworks when they explode show different coloration. The coloration however cannot be used to make the explosion invisible whatsoever and thus must be within the visual coloration perception of a person.

The earrings are capable of being used once in contact with the user or within one meter of them, but how the earrings is worn is up to its user as it can be attached to a belt, in a pouch etc.

¤ Update Declined, World's Light update isn't allowed as you're aware of, not the way this is worded. Either ability would need a chakra cost that is applied to the techniques in question to enhance them either way, passive or active. If passive, it would likely require a constant cost per turn. If active, only once it is triggered. ¤

(Inton: Nenriki) Yin Release: Psychokinesis
Type: Offensive, Defensive , Supplementary
Rank: D – S Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra Cost: 20 - 70 ( - 15 Sustained)
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: Psychokinesis is a unique Yin Release based technique which allows the user the ability to essentially control the world around them with their spiritual and mental prowess. This is done by the user releasing their Yin chakra into the surrounding environment – in most cases the ground, using the concept of “Yin Release: Change of Heaven” as a basis. However, instead of manipulating the elements – the user manipulates the world around them to give form to things using their own mind as the controller. This can range from simply molding the earth into tools they user can launch and control as projectiles, manipulating the winds around them to “fly” but controlling the updrafts etc. The range of manipulation is endless, with only the user’s own imagination as his/her weakness. The user can also manipulate foreign techniques sent at them, with them being able to affect the same rank and below, allowing to easily counter it by redirecting it, diverting it etc. The Yin chakra used is invisible to those who aren’t masters of Yin Release but even in such cases the chakra itself is intangible thus carries no direct effect on sentient beings, however the world around them is free game. The manipulation can occur anywhere in the battlefield though it cannot be within five meters of the target unless the user is already within short range of them. Due to the nature of the technique, all the ranks have increased chakra usage with D to B rank having additional +10 chakra while A rank uses 50 chakra and S rank uses 70. A ranks can only be used thrice per battle with a cool down of two turns between each use while S rank can only be used twice with a cool down of three turns. However in the case of S ranks, no Yin Release Techniques above B rank can be used as well for two turns, while also sustaining the control of the technique leaves the user only able to use two other techniques per turn. Controlling things with one's mind requires the user to also perform hand gestures as well.
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¤ Declined, far too broad to allow in any capacity; essentially uses Yin to summon literally anything via one technique, something that wouldnt ever be allowed despite restrictions. DNR ¤
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Jan 25, 2016
Trait Points
^ Can't quote the technique but heres the technique, making extensive edits.

(Sennikka: Gādopointo) - Sage Transformation: Guard Point
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: 30 (-5 to sustain)
Damage: N/A
Description: The first of the four point transformation techniques, an alternative transformation to that of the Complete Sage Transforma tion technique. Through the user's latent ability to absorb and manipulate nature energy, the user of this technique will manipulate that energy to undergo a transformation. The transformation begins when the user forms a number of hole-like appendages throughout their body, the skin tone will darken as part of the aesthetic. Furthermore it would seem as if the user of this technique had gotten a boost in strength as they would look slightly larger, and more muscular, however this is not accompanied with a boost in physical strength, it only serves as an aesthetic. The hole-like appendages created through this transformation are capable of expelling blasts of highly potent blasts of nature energy neutral to all elements, similar to that of the chakra blast. However the blasts of nature energy serve no offensive ability, the technique is defensive in nature. By utilizing the nature energy absorbed passively absorbed by Sage Transformation users, the user is capable of defending against techniques of damage equivalent to this technique's rank(60 damage) unless this technique is boosted. Upon being attacked by a jutsu energy is released passively from the holes to counteract enemy techniques(occupies a move slot). The user can release energy from the holes in order to defend against, or "attack" enemy techniques, effectively destroying them. Should the technique be inferior damage, the user has the option to utilize the forceful blast of chakra to reflect the technique back towards the opponent, however this is only effective for tangible attacks: like earth or water, energy attacks like lightning or fire will simply be negated. Activation of this technique is instant, meaning it can be activated along the same time-frame as another technique, but the initial activation requires a move-slot. The user can choose to sustain this transformation for the entirety of the battle, however is then restricted to utilizing Sage Transformation techniques while maintaining this technique much like that of the "Earth Armor" technique, fortunately the technique can be deactivated at any time.

Note: Can be used twice per battle.
Note: Can only be taught by Jᴀʏ.
Note: No S-Rank or above Sage Transformation Techniques the turn after activation.
Note: The nature energy released is neutral to all elements and visible.

? Approved. Edits made.?

(Senjutsu/Fuuinjutsu/Inton: Nazo no Kenjin no Yoku) - Sage/Sealing/Yin Release: Greed of the Enigmatic Abyss
Rank: S Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra Cost: 70 (-15 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a unique and powerful technique that utilizes the chakra draining properties of Yin Release whilst the user is in Sage Mode. Greed of the Enigmatic Abyss is a technique that enables the user to draw nature energy and other foreign sources of chakra within the enviorment (5m radius) and funnel this energy into active techniques. This technique is activated by creating a seal with the kanji for "Greed". The seal utulizes the chakra draining properties of Yin, and then instantly sealing this chakra within the seal itself before its erased. The seal then acts as a conduit transfering chakra removed from the enviorment and other foreign sources of chakra into active techniques created or already on the field. The level of control and precision in regards to drawing and draining chakra from the enviorment and other techniques requires one to have mastered Sage Mode at the highest level and as such can can only be utulized whilst in Perfect Sage Mode. In regards to draining chakra from enemy techniques this jutsu effectively drains twenty chakra per technique, reducing the overall rank of techniques by equivalent damage. In regards to how the users own techniques are effected, the damage and or effectiveness of the users own active techniques are not enhanced or increased in anyway shape or form. Instead the duration of these active techniques are increased dramatically, being doubled. This is possible as the chakra siphoned from the environment is funneled directly into the technique(s). This jutsu cannot be utulized on Sage Mode itself as that would bypass the extention rules, and it requires a level of precision beyond what it is possible with Perfect Sage Mode itself. Techniques with their duration increased do not have to be within any specific distance from the user, as the chakra within this active technique is tied directly to the user themselves and the seal, and such the user can transfer this foreign chakra from any range. This jutsu itself lasts as long as the user is in Perfect Sage Mode, as it is entirely dependent on the Mode itself. Unfortunately the chakra used to activate and maintain this technique, has quite a burden on Sage Mode, limiting its duration significantly as the activation requires seventy chakra, and drains fifteen chakra per turn.

Note: This technique consumes two move-slots upon activation.

¤ Declined, makes little sense; in order for siphoned chakra to be infused to other techniques, it will need to be applied to either you or the opponent directly, not some ambiguously made seal. If the seal absorbs chakra from already present techniques, it seems as if you're attempting to use Hungry Ghosr through this seal which makes it use even more limited as it will have to have similar restrictions, requiring it to first tether to a foe. The way this is worded sounds like you just create a seal anywhere without specifying how it operates and just seals the chakra and somehow extends the duration of techniques. This is close to a DNR because the logic behind it doesnt make sense with the methods and abilities you used. ¤
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The Black Steel Rose
Aug 16, 2008
Trait Points

Proof of approval can be found: Here

Summoning Animal:
White Tigers

Scroll Owner:

Other Users who have signed contract:
- Yusuke

Summoning Boss if existing:
(kuchiyose no jutsu: Tigrerra howaido tora)-summoning: White tiger Tigrerra

rank: S
type: Attack/supplementary
range: Short-long
chakra: 40
damage: 80
description: User summons tigrerra, a huge white tiger,about the size of manda, with her battle armor on. Tigrerra can use her fierce claws and teeth to destroy whole forests, and maul the opponent to bits on the user’s command.

(needs updating when contract is)

Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
(kuchiyose: Tigrerra’s howaido toras) summoning: Tigrerra’s white tigers
rank: B
type: Attack/supplementary
range: Short- long
chakra: 20
damage: 40
description: User summons several white tigers who obey their queen, tigrerra, a huge white tiger, about the size of manda, with her battle armor on. They use their fierce claws and teeth to destroy whole forests as well as maul their opponent to bits on the user’s command.
(needs updating when contract is)

Description and Background:
The White Tiger is one of the of the . It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎, Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ), and is known as Bái Hǔ in , Byakko in , and Baekho in . It represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season. In , the is the king of the beasts and has been presented with a (wáng, eng. king) on his forehead for centuries. According to legend, the tiger's tail would turn white when it reached the age of 500 years. In this way, the became a kind of mythological creature. It was said that the white tiger would only appear when the ruled with absolute virtue, or if there was peace throughout the world. Because the color of the theory also represents the west, the white tiger became a mythological guardian of the west.

The white tiger's have roamed the world of shinobi for thousands of years, watching, waiting. Being the perfect hunters they were great at hiding themselves while watching man fight, which they hated to see, being peaceful animals. Just because they enjoyed peace it didn't mean they weren't strong. Legends say that they were one of the only animals capable of fighting on par with dragons, as traditionally seen through the yin/yang symbol. They watched the rise and fall of Kaguya and with the great tree spreading chakra through the land, and with it, they adapted, growing to be stronger than before. With the chakra that flowed they noticed that their lifespan grew longer too, with some myths stating that they could live up to 500 years old, and as they grew older their tails become the purest of white, though, some stories are exaggerated.

Through the introduction of chakra into the world, they gained several traits:

  • White tigers have always been a symbol of strength and peace, having a strong will. Through this, all white tigers are immune to fear effects such as paralysing fear and similar techniques and give off an aura short range around them to encourage others.
  • Being a beast of nature, they are natural hunters that move silently when not running, to sneak up on their prey.
  • To track their prey they have keen senses, having enhanced hearing to notice sounds more clearly though not to the level of inner sonar, and they have a strong sense of smell for tracking like Inuzuka dogs.
  • Being apt hunters, they are quite fast when running on all 4 legs, being able to all move at 2x a jounin rank shinobi's speed
  • Lastly, they have found a unique way of using their stripes for unique skills. From moving their stripes around their body for a distraction and to mess with an opponents perception to infusing them with chakra, to shape their stripes into kanji for fuuin related techniques (to be explained in summons submitted)
¤ Update Declined, normal summoning contracts can only have up to 2 abilities. The fewr immunity related ability, enhanced sense of smell like Inuzuka (they have a x2 sensing, iirc), the enhanced speed and Fuuin ability are too much to allow for this. ¤

Proof of approval can be found: Here

Summoning Animal:
White Tigers

Scroll Owner:

Other Users who have signed contract:
- Yusuke

Summoning Boss if existing:
(kuchiyose no jutsu: Tigrerra howaido tora)-summoning: White tiger Tigrerra

rank: S
type: Attack/supplementary
range: Short-long
chakra: 40
damage: 80
description: User summons tigrerra, a huge white tiger,about the size of manda, with her battle armor on. Tigrerra can use her fierce claws and teeth to destroy whole forests, and maul the opponent to bits on the user’s command.

(needs updating when contract is)

Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
(kuchiyose: Tigrerra’s howaido toras) summoning: Tigrerra’s white tigers
rank: B
type: Attack/supplementary
range: Short- long
chakra: 20
damage: 40
description: User summons several white tigers who obey their queen, tigrerra, a huge white tiger, about the size of manda, with her battle armor on. They use their fierce claws and teeth to destroy whole forests as well as maul their opponent to bits on the user’s command.
(needs updating when contract is)

Description and Background:
The White Tiger is one of the of the . It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎, Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ), and is known as Bái Hǔ in , Byakko in , and Baekho in . It represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season. In , the is the king of the beasts and has been presented with a (wáng, eng. king) on his forehead for centuries. According to legend, the tiger's tail would turn white when it reached the age of 500 years. In this way, the became a kind of mythological creature. It was said that the white tiger would only appear when the ruled with absolute virtue, or if there was peace throughout the world. Because the color of the theory also represents the west, the white tiger became a mythological guardian of the west.

The white tiger's have roamed the world of shinobi for thousands of years, watching, waiting. Being the perfect hunters they were great at hiding themselves while watching man fight, which they hated to see, being peaceful animals. Just because they enjoyed peace it didn't mean they weren't strong. Legends say that they were one of the only animals capable of fighting on par with dragons, as traditionally seen through the yin/yang symbol. They watched the rise and fall of Kaguya and with the great tree spreading chakra through the land, and with it, they adapted, growing to be stronger than before. With the chakra that flowed they noticed that their lifespan grew longer too, with some myths stating that they could live up to 500 years old, and as they grew older their tails become the purest of white, though, some stories are exaggerated.

Through the introduction of chakra into the world, they gained several traits:

  • Being a beast of nature, they are natural hunters that move silently when not running, to sneak up on their prey.
  • To track their prey they have keen senses, having enhanced hearing to notice sounds more clearly though not to the level of inner sonar, and they have a strong sense of smell for tracking like Inuzuka dogs.
  • Lastly, they have found a unique way of using their stripes for unique skills. From moving their stripes around their body for a distraction and to mess with an opponents perception to infusing them with chakra, to shape their stripes into kanji for fuuin related techniques (to be explained in summons submitted)
¤ Update Approved ¤
Last edited by a moderator:


Sep 13, 2017
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: Kappa ( | )
Scroll Owner: Krampus
Other Users who have signed this contract: None
Summoning Boss: Unknown
Other Summoning Animals tied to this contract: None
Description and Background: The Kappa are amphibious reptilian creatures from Japanese folklore that live in rivers, ponds, and lakes where they at one time hunted humans. Kappa are green and scaled with webbed hands and feet, making them talented swimmers, though somewhat clumsy on land. While they can walk standing upright, they do so with a hobbled gait and much prefer to run on all fours, especially during battle. They have large black eyes and a beaked mouth along with a large and sturdy shell that covers their back, similar to that of a turtle. A bowl-like depression is formed in the top of their heads which in mythology is filled with water. The Kappa of this contact instead fill the bowl with whatever element they are capable of using. They can generate techniques from this bowl gaining an additional twenty damage points. However, the bowl holds a limited supply of chakra (eighty) and once that chakra is depleted the Kappa becomes exhausted and returns. The Kappa can use their elemental techniques as normal, but don't get the bonus damage when performed that way. While Kappa originated as dangerous creatures in Japanese mythology, they eventually shed that persona and developed a mutual relationship. This resulted in the Kappa gaining a strong knowledge of human medicine, something they became known for and is used in this contract. The strangest aspect of their mythology revolves around the Shirikodama, a pearl-like object they removed from their human victims during their early years. It was said that the Shirikodama held the soul of the human and was a delectable treat. The truth of that is unknown, but the Shirikodama has been incorporated into medical consumables by these Kappa.
  1. Elements: Each Kappa can use at least one element which fills the depression in their heads. They can generate boosted techniques from this supply, but its limited to eighty chakra and ends the summoning if it runs out. Should a Kappa be capable of using multiple elements they will have one primary element that this applies to.
  2. Shell: Much like a turtle, the Kappa are protected by a sturdy shell that they can withdraw into. Each summon's shell is capable of withstanding one attack equal to the summon's rank. Any further damage would destroy it.
  3. Medicine: While Kappa are incapable of using medical ninjutsu, they possess a wealth of medical knowledge, specifically about medications. They are able to create the soldier, military ration, and blood replenishing pills, though their potency is below the standard. Each pill can only be consumed once instead of three times, any attempt to consume more than one would result immediately in the consumer suffering the drawbacks that occur when the normal third time usage wears off. In addition to these pills, each summon has a personalized medical Shirikodama, a pill of their own creation. Signers of this contract can carry one of the pills with them, however any additional Shirikodama can only be obtained by summoning its creator. The effects of each Shirikodama will be included in the individual summons.

Declined: to start, dual elements is likely a no. And each kappa being able to boost an elemental jutsu four times is too much. Lastly, the kappa will not be able to access med nin items such as medicine when you aren't a med nin.

(Ribaiasan) - Leviathan
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Leviathan is a two-handed war ax that was forged not in fire, but in frost. The resulting weapon has ice veins running through its wooden handle and metal head. The ax is cold to the touch and when held by someone without an affinity for ice, it can cause their hands to be frostbitten after a turn. The imbued ice affords the weapon several abilities. At will the wielder can passively recall the ax by causing a current of wind to gather around it and boomerang back to their hand. This allows the wielder to use the Leviathan as a throwing ax with ease and it can be effectively thrown up to long range away with the same speed as a kunai or shuriken. The remainder of its abilities must be used as a move in the wielder's turn, and each carry an A-rank, with the accompanying chakra cost and damage if applicable.
  • Helheim: The wielder will charge the ax with chakra and then throw it at a target, embedding the ax. The cold of the ax will then seep into the target and freeze it, halting even earth itself. This can be done to freeze a water source, or a mid-range section of earth, locking it in place and preventing its usage for earth techniques. The frozen areas will emit a light fog.
  • Wrath of the Frost Ancient: The wielder will channel chakra to the ax head and point the flat of it towards a target. They will then release a concentrated beam of ice, snow, and wind than can freeze a target solid is a matter of moments from long range away. Snow and ice will build rapidly, encasing the target in layer upon layer of the two if they don't quickly avoid it.
  • Ivaldi's Anvil: The wielder will jump in the air and channel their chakra to the ax causing it to glow. As they come down they will smashed the ax into the ground and cause a shockwave of ice, wind, and snow to expand outward up to mid-range. Alternatively, upon landing the wielder can send the attack through the ground and have the ice, wind, and snow erupt from underneath their opponent like a geyser up to long range away.
  • Blessing of Frost: The wielder will channel their chakra into the ice veins throughout the weapon and cause them to glow blue. While active, this allows attacks made through the Leviathan to gain a twenty damage boost. In addition to the thirty chakra points required to activate it, the blessing of frost requires ten chakra points per turn to maintain. This lasts for four turns and can be activated twice per battle, requiring a two turn cool down in between.
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Declined. Individually there is nothing really wrong with this CW and it's abilities. It just has too many. Slim one of those out of there and you should be fine.

Summoning Animal: [/BAhuizotl( | )
Scroll Owner: Krampus
Other Users who have signed this contract: None
Summoning Boss: Unknown
Other Summoning Animals tied to this contract: None
Description and Background: The Ahuizotl, or Snatcher, was a mythical creature found throughout Central and South America with features similar to canines, otters, and monkeys, three important animal types in the same region. They have a slick and mostly hairless body with black rubbery skin similar to marine mammals. The hair it did have covered its head, chest, and back and was said to form into spikes when dry. The most distinguishing feature of the Snatcher, and the one that this nickname was born from, is its long and powerful tail which is tipped by a fifth hand. In Aztec and Mayan mythology the Snatcher would lie in wait beneath the surface of dangerous waters until fishermen or others attempted to cross or venture too close, and when they did the Snatcher would use its tail-hand to grab them and pull them into a watery grave.
  1. Snatcher Tail: The greatest strength of any Snatcher, these tails are strong and flexible sharing similar properties to bodies modified by (Nan Kaizou) - Soften Modification. Snatchers can passively extend their tails up to mid-range and can extend it further to long-range at the cost of a move.
  2. Spiked Hair: When on land the hair of the Snatcher becomes spiked and hardened with C-rank strength, though the limited body coverage makes it an imperfect defense. Similar to Jiraiya, the Snatchers can crudely manipulate their hair and extend it up to short range and up to the individual summon's rank at the cost of a move.
  3. Weaponry: As the Snatchers became more civilized and developed contracts with shinobi they took to wielding weaponry with their tail-hands. Over the years they became skilled in a wide arsenal of ninja weapons.

Contract Approved: note that the bulk of the weaponry bullet point was omitted.
(Ribaiasan) - Leviathan
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Leviathan is a two-handed war ax that was forged not in fire, but in frost. The resulting weapon has ice veins running through its wooden handle and metal head. The ax is cold to the touch and when held by someone without an affinity for ice, it can cause their hands to be frostbitten after a turn. The imbued ice affords the weapon several abilities. At will the wielder can passively recall the ax by causing a current of wind to gather around it and boomerang back to their hand. This allows the wielder to use the Leviathan as a throwing ax with ease and it can be effectively thrown up to long range away with the same speed as a kunai or shuriken. The remainder of its abilities must be used as a move in the wielder's turn, and each carry an A-rank, with the accompanying chakra cost and damage if applicable.
  • Helheim: The wielder will charge the ax with chakra and then throw it at a target, embedding the ax. The cold of the ax will then seep into the target and freeze it, halting even earth itself. This can be done to freeze a water source, or a mid-range section of earth, locking it in place and preventing its usage for earth techniques. The frozen areas will emit a light fog.
  • Wrath of the Frost Ancient: The wielder will channel chakra to the ax head and point the flat of it towards a target. They will then release a concentrated beam of ice, snow, and wind than can freeze a target solid is a matter of moments from long range away. Snow and ice will build rapidly, encasing the target in layer upon layer of the two if they don't quickly avoid it.
  • Blessing of Frost: The wielder will channel their chakra into the ice veins throughout the weapon and cause them to glow blue. While active, this allows attacks made through the Leviathan to gain a twenty damage boost. In addition to the thirty chakra points required to activate it, the blessing of frost requires ten chakra points per turn to maintain. This lasts for four turns and can be activated twice per battle, requiring a two turn cool down in between, during which time none of the axe's abilities can be used.
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Removed one of the abilities.

?Approved, minor edits made.?
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Bio with everything Im submitting

Resubbing from the old med cj thread

(Nano iryō hebi) Nano Medical Snakes
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (40)
Damage: N/A (80)
Description: Nano Medical Snakes are genetically modified snakes using medical ninjutsu, senchakra and DNA from Manda and the White Snake Sage and Hashirama. The snakes are even smaller the Aburame bugs and are injected into Korra's body. Once injected the snakes are always inside the user's entire body. The snakes are mentally link to the user and can also operate independent from the user if the user's is knocked unconscious or is badly hurt. The snakes have some stuff they always do passively while also having two levels of healing for the user. These levels can be activated at the user's will or automatically if certain situations force the snakes to activated a level. The snakes can also be used for offensively and defensively ways. When made contact with an opponent a few snakes can easy move from the users body into the opponent undetected and start reeking havoc inside the opponents body. The snakes can also come out of the user's body to defend against ninja tools and such while still staying attached to the user. The snakes can also come out of the user's body to defend against ninja tools and such while still staying attached to the user. The snakes when inside opponents body eat the opponents organs, bone marrow, stem cells. The snakes can only enter an opponent's skin thru their skin with physical contact with an opponent. The snakes are also the size of aburame bugs.

Passively - The snakes are able to passive things being in the user's body. The snakes can automatically heal small cuts and wounds, bruised bones and chipped bones and some nerve damage without the user needing to do anything about it. The snakes can also detect when the user's chakra flow is being distributed and can reset the user's chakra system. Having senchakra in them and being able to use it they can break any genjutsu besides MS level and above genjutsu. The snakes can release up to S rank genjutsu up to 3 times a battle with a 2 turn cool down between usages it will count as a turn. The snakes also being able to use senchakra are able to gather senchakra and give it to the user allowing the user to enter Sage Mode instantly due to them being inside their body and constantly gathering and using senchakra. When injected the snakes come with 100 Senchakra points to start with and than can gather up to 30 senchakra points per tuurn to replinsh for the user. The snakes can not hold more than the max sencharka cap the user has. For offensively purposes when the snakes enter an opponent's body the snakes can passively destroy bones and tissue inside the opponent's body. They can also release their venom through their mouth inside the opponent's body poisoning them from the inside. The user can also have the snakes stay inside the opponent's body and be able to track them due to the user having a mental link to the snakes. For defensively the user can have snakes can come out of the user's body and grow to defend from ninja tools and low rank taijutsu. When it comes to ninja tools the snakes can eat the tools and can take the iron in the weapons to replace iron in the user's body.

Level 1 - The first level of healing the snakes can use can be automatically activated if the user suffers from moderate damage such as deep cuts, broken arms or legs, head trauma, poison being injected into the body. If poisoned the snakes can basically eat the poison and heal and damage the poison might have caused before any of the damage becomes permanent. For deep wounds and stabs, the snakes rush to the area and heal it and close off the area by using their scales to help close off the wound from further bleeding. The scales are also used to heal and give the user snake scales on their skin giving that area a more of a defense from more attacks and replacing any missing skin with scales. For the offensive purpose, the user can have them the snakes when they are inside the opponent start eating bone marrow from the opponent's bone. The user can also have the snakes start going inside the opponent's organs and start eating them or start messing with their functions.

Level 2 - The last level can be automatically activated in extreme conditions like lost of limbs, at the point of near death, spinal injury, blindness, etc. The snakes utilize the Hashirama's DNA they have injected into them to replace body parts and damage organs by using Hashirama's DNA and melding it with the user's to replace damaged organs, limbs and parts of the body that are damaged like blindless and spinal injuries. The DNA will basically be replacing damage tissues and etc. If the gets any limbs cut off the snakes can grow in size to come out of the user's body to grab the user's lost limb and pull it back to the body and reattach it and make it usable again. When the snakes reattach a limb the snakes will than heal the area/limb to allow the limb to be used again. The snakes also replace any skin that needs to be replaced with scales from Manda giving the user's healed skin more protection and durability. The snakes if inside the opponent's body can mess with and destroy nerves in the opponent's body.

Note: Must be posted in the user's bio or in the beginning or during a fight
Note: Must have Regeneration and Self Empowerment
Note: Level 1 last for 5 turns while Level 2 last for 3 turns.
Note: After the release of Level 2 and when its duration expires, user will be rendered deprived of stamina and have trouble molding chakra. For 3 turns they cannot use healing techniques nor mold chakra above A-rank. Any skin that had snakes scales added sheds off and reverts back to normal skin. The snakes will need 2 turns to rest before being able to do any kinda of healing again. The user can not also use Medical Ninjutsu for the next 3 turns following Level 2 ending.
Note: The snakes cannot be used for any snake ninjutsu.
Note: When using Offensive or Defensive moves with the snakes, it cost chakra and a turn count
Note: Only usable by Korra.

(Middohanī ) - Mad Honey
Rank: N/A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Mad Honey is a special type of honey Korra has her Bee summons use instead of normal honey that contains grayanotoxins . The honey can affect opponents and none bee users or medical ninjutsu with effects varying with how much is exposed to an opponent. The opponents get exposed to the honey by either consuming any or having contact with it. Mad Honey can cause nausea, vomiting, salivation, headache, blurred vision, sweating, weakness, circumoral paresthesia, tongue numbing, fainting, drowsiness, drunkenness, tingling, and seizures. For these effects the users must be exposed to at least a cup of Mad Honey with the effects following in order the more turns the opponent is in contact or consuming honey. After 1 turn the opponent will experience headaches, nausea, and tingling. After two turns the user will experience salivation and sweating and weakness. After 3 turns the opponent will experience drowsiness and drunkenness. After 4 turns the user will experience vomiting, blurred version, circumoral paresthesia, numbing and fainting and seizures. Mad Honey can also cause cardiovascular system problems resulting in significantly low heart rate (bradycardia) and low blood pressure (hypotension.)and also can lead to 1st to 3rd-degree heart block, asystole, and myocardial infarction. The opponent would need to exposed to half of their body size worth of Mad Honey and be exposed or have consumed the honey for at least 5 turns straight.
Note: Must be posted in either the user's bio or at the beginning of a fight
Note: This honey replaces regular that the user's bee uses
Note: Must be taught by Korra
Note: Must know Bee Summoning

Declined: the requisite edits were discussed via Discord.

Resubbing the first jutsu

(Nano iryō hebi) Nano Medical Snakes
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (40)
Damage: N/A (80)
Description: Nano Medical Snakes are genetically modified snakes using medical ninjutsu, senchakra and DNA from Manda and the White Snake Sage and Hashirama. The snakes are even smaller the Aburame bugs and are injected into Korra's body. Once injected the snakes are always inside the user's entire body. The snakes are mentally link to the user and can also operate independent from the user if the user's is knocked unconscious or is badly hurt. The snakes have some stuff they always do passively while also having two levels of healing for the user. These levels can be activated at the user's will or automatically if certain situations force the snakes to activated a level. The snakes can also be used for offensively and defensively ways. When made contact with an opponent a few snakes can easy move from the users body into the opponent undetected and start reeking havoc inside the opponents body. The snakes can also come out of the user's body to defend against ninja tools and such while still staying attached to the user. The snakes can also come out of the user's body to defend against ninja tools and such while still staying attached to the user. The snakes when inside opponents body eat the opponents organs, bone marrow, stem cells. The snakes can only enter an opponent's skin thru their skin with physical contact with an opponent. The snakes are also the size of aburame bugs.

Passively - The snakes are able to passive things being in the user's body. The snakes can automatically heal small cuts and wounds, bruised bones and chipped bones and some nerve damage without the user needing to do anything about it. The snakes can also detect when the user's chakra flow is being distributed and can reset the user's chakra system. Having senchakra in them and being able to use it they can break any genjutsu besides MS level and above genjutsu. The snakes can release up to S rank genjutsu up to 3 times a battle with a 2 turn cool down between usages it will count as a turn. The snakes also being able to use senchakra are able to gather senchakra and give it to the user allowing the user to enter Sage Mode instantly due to them being inside their body and constantly gathering and using senchakra. With the inside the user's body, snakes come with 100 Senchakra points to start with and than can gather up to 30 senchakra points per turn to replenish for the user. The snakes can not hold more than the max sencharka cap the user has. For offensively purposes when the snakes enter an opponent's body the snakes can passively destroy bones and tissue inside the opponent's body. They can also release their venom through their mouth inside the opponent's body poisoning them from the inside. The user can also have the snakes stay inside the opponent's body and be able to track them due to the user having a mental link to the snakes. For defensively the user can have snakes can come out of the user's body and grow to defend from ninja tools and low rank taijutsu. When it comes to ninja tools the snakes can eat the tools and can take the iron in the weapons to replace iron in the user's body.

Level 1 - The first level of healing the snakes can use can be automatically activated if the user suffers from moderate damage such as deep cuts, broken arms or legs, head trauma, poison being injected into the body. If poisoned the snakes can basically eat the poison and heal and damage the poison might have caused before any of the damage becomes permanent. For deep wounds and stabs, the snakes rush to the area and heal it and close off the area by using their scales to help close off the wound from further bleeding. The scales are also used to heal and give the user snake scales on their skin giving that area a more of a defense from more attacks and replacing any missing skin with scales. For the offensive purpose, the user can have them the snakes when they are inside the opponent start eating bone marrow from the opponent's bone. The user can also have the snakes start going inside the opponent's organs and start eating them or start messing with their functions.

Level 2 - The last level can be automatically activated in extreme conditions like lost of limbs, at the point of near death, spinal injury, blindness, etc. The snakes utilize the Hashirama's DNA they have injected into them to replace body parts and damage organs by using Hashirama's DNA and melding it with the user's to replace damaged organs, limbs and parts of the body that are damaged like blindless and spinal injuries. The DNA will basically be replacing damage tissues and etc. If the user gets any limbs cut off the snakes can grow in size to come out of the user's body to grab the user's lost limb and pull it back to the body and reattach it and make it usable again. When the snakes reattach a limb the snakes will then heal the area/limb to allow the limb to be used again. The snakes also replace any skin that needs to be replaced with scales from Manda giving the user's healed skin more protection and durability. The snakes if inside the opponent's body can mess with and destroy nerves in the opponent's body.

Note: Must be posted in the user's bio or in the beginning or during a fight
Note: Must have Regeneration and Self Empowerment
Note: Level 1 last for 5 turns while Level 2 last for 3 turns.
Note: After the release of Level 2 and when its duration expires, user will be rendered deprived of stamina and have trouble molding chakra. For 3 turns they cannot use healing techniques nor mold chakra above A-rank. Any skin that had snakes scales added sheds off and reverts back to normal skin. The snakes will need 2 turns to rest before being able to do any kinda of healing again. The user can not also use Medical Ninjutsu for the next 3 turns following Level 2 ending.
Note: The snakes cannot be used for any snake ninjutsu.
Note: When using Offensive or Defensive moves with the snakes, it cost chakra and a turn count
Note: Only usable by Korra.

Auto-declined: with this CJ having a 1,000+ word count, I deem it too long.
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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
(Adamu, Jinsei no Shīdo) Adam, Seed of Life
Type: Puppet
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A (+30 First Instrument)
Damage: N/A
Description: The first Angel, and puppet of the Hands of God lineage, Adam is a very peculiar puppet like others of the line that is summoned exclusively through the Heaven's Host Seal. It appears nothing like the men or creatures of this earth because it hails from a place only the Ōtsutsuki are familiar with. It is also one of the biggest puppets of the line, standing at six meters with long arms that are 4 meters in length each. It boasts abnormally square shoulders that seem to be bolstered with skull looking protrusions. The puppet has no head, but instead has it's face protruding from the center of its broad chest that looks eerily similar to a bird skull. It's 'skin' is a rubbery material meant to hold all its impressive gears and mechanics in place while allowing it to move as fluid as an organic being. Adam has with it two red, spiraled spears that sport a forked tip exactly 3 meters across. These serve as its main means of attack and defense. Each ability counts as a move for the user.

AT-Field Generation: The AT-Field or "Absolute Terror Field" is a unique barrier type Ninjutsu only utilized by puppets of the Hand of God lineage. Adam has this ability, which originates from a seal on its forehead and comes in the form of a transparent barrier that always surrounds its body like a second skin. This barrier can contend techniques equal to its rank before being dispersed. Once destroyed it takes two turns to recharge. The barrier itself is B-Rank in strength.

The First Instrument: The second ability of Adam is its ability to 'evolve' and up its own abilities and rank. The user will supply the puppet a surge of chakra through their connection (be it chakra threads or Otsutsuki Puppet Technique), and trigger a metamorphosis to take over the puppet. This change can be described explicitly as the following: a second face will forcefully emerge beneath the first after a turn wait along with two extra pair of arms above the first pair, each carrying two more spears as well as a halo of chakra above its head. Nothing more.The AT-Field, if not destroyed, will gain a rank boost and the ability to project beyond the puppet's body up to mid ranged in various shapes such as hands, spears, shields, etc. The AT-Field will now carry the defensive/offensive capability to contend with one S-ranked attack equally or two A-ranks. But, if the AT-Field is destroyed by the time Adam evolves, the boost instead goes to its spears which will become A-Ranked each. This ability can only be activated once.

Longinus and Cassius: These are the two spears that Adam carries. Each carry B-Ranked damage and can be thrown with impressive speed and accuracy up to Long range. However, they are not necessarily just regular weapons. They are actually surrounded in lesser, B-Ranked AT-Fields that allow them to drill through techniques of that rank and lower without losing momentum or power. Once they make contact with a target the user can have Adam call them back to its possession through thin wires attached to the hilt of the weapons. Up to two spears can be thrown each time this ability is activated, even when 'First Instrument' is in effect.

Declined: close, but you misunderstood part of the prior check. The part now marked in pink is what needs to be limited as those shapes vary too much in terms of both form and function.

(Ririsu, Shiso) Lilith, Mother of All Things
Type: Puppet
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (+10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The second Angel of the Hands of God puppet lineage, but arguably the first to exist, is Lilith the progenitor of all modern puppets who is summoned only through the Heaven's Host seal. This impressive piece of machinery blurs the line between what is considered begotten and that which is manufactured with its strikingly organic body covered in an elastic, white material that resembles and behaves like skin and it's inner gears and chakra core which is surrounded by water dyed red to symbolize blood. Lilith is a humanoid puppet standing eight feel tall with a face holding seven eyes and no other prominent features except for a lower body that ends in white, flailing tendrils that eerily resemble tiny, human legs. The Angel stays afloat through chakra control and has no physical weapons like the others but instead has an instrumental device called an S² (Super Solenoid) Engine which is actually a intricately designed casing that houses a supplementary orb of the Ōtsutsuki Puppet Cursing Technique (S-Ranked). On the outer shell are two seals that perform two of Lilith's key abilities while the orb itself is used in a bit more complex manner. No other puppet that came before it had such a contraption and very few after it do. All techniques performed by Lilith will count towards the user's moves.

Divine Subjugation: When on the field, all other puppets are referred to as Lilin, meaning children of Lilith as it is the progenitor. Through a seal with the kanji for "My" on the aft side of the unique engine in its body Lilith is able to create an invisible and intangible barrier that spreads from its body up to the borders of mid range in all directions. All puppets in the area not of the Heaven's Host seal will be subjected to its effects where a debilitating amount of chakra is siphoned from them and by extension their users per turn and stored inside the seal and not the orb/engine itself. The siphoning takes ten chakra per turn per puppet from the puppets' user through their connections (be it threads or Otsutsuki connection) which lowers the rank and power of all their abilities while retaining their original cost (so an A ranked moved to B while still costing 30 chakra). This move costs ten chakra per turn from the user, lasts up to four turns per use and requires a two turn cool down.
A Cruel Angel's Thesis: Through another seal on Lilith's engine with the kanji for "Children", the Angel is able to self destruct. This releases a hellish amount of the red water which was stored inside its body, that can create a powerful wave to crush and drown an enemy (A ranked in strength) or even serve as source for up to S ranked water techniques. In the chaos of it's self destruction, the Solenoid Engine will be destroyed and it's precious chakra 'core' exposed. The orb will then diffuse into the water as it escapes giving the water a special effect. This effect allows the red water, now teeming with the orb's chakra, to temporarily take control of anything that it touches and effectively link them back to the user. This only lasts a turn, and can affect up to two Jounin ranked shinobi, or two S-Ranked summons, or a combination of both. The same limitations of the Puppet Cursing Technique stands; the user is unable to make any of the opponents under their control commit suicide or otherwise hurt themselves. To note, controlling any amount of opponents through this technique will cut into the user's number of puppets allowed (so if they had 4 puppets on the field and took control of two opponents they would lose control of two puppets in exchange) and Jounin and above shinobi will count as S-Ranked puppets. This is an 'either or' type of technique where either the user will employ the water's A-Ranked crushing force or as a source to attack OR use the water to control an opponent(s). Never both. Needless to say, this can only be performed once.

AT-Field Generation: The final ability of Lilith is its AT-Field which it shares with Adam, the First. This is a unique, defensive barrier that covers the puppet's body like a second skin and originates from a seal on its chest. The barrier is mundane for all intents and purposes being able to defend from up to two A ranked attacks or one S ranked. Upon being destroyed it takes up to three turns to regenerate but as per Lilith's uniqueness, this ability can only be active any time the puppet is not performing any of its other moves. The ability is A ranked and costs 30 chakra from the user to activate.

Declined: just like with Pyro NB's fūinjutsu on the next page, the "Divine Subjugation" seal is obliged to provide an explanation as to how only puppets are to be affected by this, in addition to how it distinguishes between your puppets and foes' puppets. Also, if the "same limitations of the Puppet Cursing Technique stands", then don't arbitrarily expand on its description and instead just state that it can be used via the red water.

(Kami no Te: Wakeru Mono)- Hands of God: That Which Divides
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This is an ability that can only be used by Angels of the Hands of God puppet lineage. How it works is by using the puppets' chakra pathways to create a beam of highly concentrated chakra. This beam is then surrounded with an undulating barrier that revolves like and behaves as a drill. The end result is a lance of energy capable of piercing dense, mass based techniques like Doton, Steel, DBP, etc up to and including S rank. Unique to this attack is its innate ability to sever all attacks of lesser power without it itself losing power or slowing down. Once the beam finds its mark it will erupt in an explosion capable of consuming a 10 meter radius of impact (mid ranged) and so it is not wise to use this at close quarters. Can only be used four times per battle, with a two cool down in between uses. The puppet that performs this will be then become unable to perform any other technique above A-ranked for a turn afterward.

Declined: while some restrictions were added as per Drackos' prior check, the crux of it remains unaddressed. This CJ will have to count as two moves and the rank of jutsu that it can pierce needs to be reduced to match the reduced rank of the jutsu itself.

(Adamu, Jinsei no Shīdo) Adam, Seed of Life
Type: Puppet
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A (+30 First Instrument)
Damage: N/A
Description: The first Angel, and puppet of the Hands of God lineage, Adam is a very peculiar puppet like others of the line that is summoned exclusively through the Heaven's Host Seal. It appears nothing like the men or creatures of this earth because it hails from a place only the Ōtsutsuki are familiar with. It is also one of the biggest puppets of the line, standing at six meters with long arms that are 4 meters in length each. It boasts abnormally square shoulders that seem to be bolstered with skull looking protrusions. The puppet has no head, but instead has it's face protruding from the center of its broad chest that looks eerily similar to a bird skull. It's 'skin' is a rubbery material meant to hold all its impressive gears and mechanics in place while allowing it to move as fluid as an organic being. Adam has with it two red, spiraled spears that sport a forked tip exactly 3 meters across. These serve as its main means of attack and defense. Each ability counts as a move for the user.

AT-Field Generation: The AT-Field or "Absolute Terror Field" is a unique barrier type Ninjutsu only utilized by puppets of the Hand of God lineage. Adam has this ability, which originates from a seal on its forehead and comes in the form of a transparent barrier that always surrounds its body like a second skin. This barrier can contend techniques equal to its rank before being dispersed. Once destroyed it takes two turns to recharge. The barrier itself is B-Rank in strength.

The First Instrument: The second ability of Adam is its ability to 'evolve' and up its own abilities and rank. The user will supply the puppet a surge of chakra through their connection (be it chakra threads or Otsutsuki Puppet Technique), and trigger a metamorphosis to take over the puppet. This change can be described explicitly as the following: a second face will forcefully emerge beneath the first after a turn wait along with two extra pair of arms above the first pair, each carrying two more spears as well as a halo of chakra above its head. Nothing more.The AT-Field, if not destroyed, will gain a rank boost and the ability to project beyond the puppet's body up to mid ranged in the shape of hands that can be used to attack, defend, or supplement by grasping people/objects. The AT-Field will now carry the defensive/offensive capability to contend with one S-ranked attack equally or two A-ranks. But, if the AT-Field is destroyed by the time Adam evolves, the boost instead goes to its spears which will become A-Ranked each. This ability can only be activated once.

Longinus and Cassius: These are the two spears that Adam carries. Each carry B-Ranked damage and can be thrown with impressive speed and accuracy up to Long range. However, they are not necessarily just regular weapons. They are actually surrounded in lesser, B-Ranked AT-Fields that allow them to drill through techniques of that rank and lower without losing momentum or power. Once they make contact with a target the user can have Adam call them back to its possession through thin wires attached to the hilt of the weapons. Up to two spears can be thrown each time this ability is activated, even when 'First Instrument' is in effect.
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Approved: but please only bold edits in the future.
(Ririsu, Shiso) Lilith, Mother of All Things
Type: Puppet
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (+10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The second Angel of the Hands of God puppet lineage, but arguably the first to exist, is Lilith the progenitor of all modern puppets who is summoned only through the Heaven's Host seal. This impressive piece of machinery blurs the line between what is considered begotten and that which is manufactured with its strikingly organic body covered in an elastic, white material that resembles and behaves like skin and it's inner gears and chakra core which is surrounded by water dyed red to symbolize blood. Lilith is a humanoid puppet standing eight feel tall with a face holding seven eyes and no other prominent features except for a lower body that ends in white, flailing tendrils that eerily resemble tiny, human legs. The Angel stays afloat through chakra control and has no physical weapons like the others but instead has an instrumental device called an S² (Super Solenoid) Engine which is actually a intricately designed casing that houses a supplementary orb of the Ōtsutsuki Puppet Cursing Technique (S-Ranked). On the outer shell are two seals that perform two of Lilith's key abilities while the orb itself is used in a bit more complex manner. No other puppet that came before it had such a contraption and very few after it do. All techniques performed by Lilith will count towards the user's moves.

Divine Subjugation: When on the field, all other puppets are referred to as Lilin, meaning children of Lilith as it is the progenitor. Through a seal with the kanji for "My" on the aft side of the unique engine in its body Lilith is able to create an invisible and intangible barrier that spreads from its body up to the borders of mid range in all directions. The barrier operates by recognizing the connection(s) established between masters and their puppets by using the user's own connection as a basis. This applies to both chakra threads and Otsutsuki methods. Once these connections are recognized the barrier then takes it a step further to discern which are of the Hands of God lineage by searching for the unique chakra signature of the Heaven's Host seal which is present only on puppets of that line. All other puppets who don't possess this seal are automatically treated as 'enemies' and will be subjected to the barrier's true effects where a debilitating amount of chakra is siphoned from opposing puppets and by extension their users per turn and stored inside the seal and not the orb/engine itself. The siphoning takes ten chakra per turn per puppet from the puppets' user through their connections (be it threads or Otsutsuki connection) which lowers the rank and power of all their abilities while retaining their original cost (so an A ranked moved to B while still costing 30 chakra). Divine Subjugation can also affect familiars and sustained creations such as Stone Golem Technique (i.e. non-sentient creations that require constant chakra input and control from their users). This move is A-ranked, costing 30 chakra, and can affect puppets/creations up to its own rank. Costs ten chakra per turn from the user, lasts up to four turns per use and requires a two turn cool down.
A Cruel Angel's Thesis: Through another seal on Lilith's engine with the kanji for "Children", the Angel is able to self destruct. This releases a hellish amount of the red water which was stored inside its body, that can create a powerful wave to crush and drown an enemy (A ranked in strength) or even serve as source for up to S ranked water techniques. In the chaos of it's self destruction, the Solenoid Engine will be destroyed and it's precious chakra 'core' exposed. The orb will then diffuse into the water as it escapes giving the water a special effect. This effect allows the red water, now teeming with the orb's chakra, to temporarily take control of anything that it touches and effectively link them back to the user. This only lasts a turn, and can affect up to two Jounin ranked shinobi, or two S-Ranked summons, or a combination of both (Jounin and above count as S-ranked puppets). The same limitations of the Puppet Cursing Technique apply. This is an 'either or' type of technique where either the user will employ the water's A-Ranked crushing force or as a source to attack OR use the water to control an opponent(s). Never both. Needless to say, this can only be performed once.

AT-Field Generation: The final ability of Lilith is its AT-Field which it shares with Adam, the First. This is a unique, defensive barrier that covers the puppet's body like a second skin and originates from a seal on its chest. The barrier is mundane for all intents and purposes being able to defend from up to two A ranked attacks or one S ranked. Upon being destroyed it takes up to three turns to regenerate. The ability is A ranked and costs 30 chakra from the user to activate.
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Declined: the issue with "Divine Subjugation" still persists in spite of some editing and frankly, it seems close to scrapping. Adding an interaction with familiars, among other things, has only served to obfuscate the CJ and the basis for how it functions. There are multiple distinct methods and chakra upkeeps for controlling or sustaining things—but no easy way for an autonomous move to really account for only them.
(Kami no Te: Evu~angerion) - Hands of God: Evangelion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique supplementary technique, Evangelion allows an Ōtsutsuki user to transform into a modified version of the clan technique Ōtsutsuki Puppet Cursing Technique and travel up to mid ranged for the sole purpose of entering their puppets (i.e cannot be used to dodge techniques) and controlling them as if it were their own bodies. By possessing puppets the user is able to escape mortal injury, most debilitating techniques such as poison and de-buffs, and gain the ability to be unaffected by the aforementioned affects in addition to all forms of Genjutsu--for puppets are naturally immune. The user, while this technique is active, will remain as a 'chakra core' to the possessed puppets and as such will lack basic biological tethers such as a nervous system, organs, bones, etc but will retain a mind that keeps them conscious/sentient. This technique only works with Ōtsutsuki puppets as they alone have the unique chakra networks that are fully compatible with the chakra type and signatures of their Ōtsutsuki creators. What this means is that an unprecedented level of synchronization will be present with this technique that cannot be replicated by any other clan/technique. During this, the user is able to enter certain modes such as Sage Mode and TCM and their variants but not EIG, SHB, and CM. They can even manifest their Byakugan/Tenseigan through the puppets' eyes if any are present in a manner similar to Rinnegan users being able to manifest their doujutsu in targets through chakra rods. The user retains the ability to perform any and all techniques they know excepting those that bring self harm and will have to rely on the puppets' anatomy for those that don't (for example a puppet with no arms will be unable to form hand seals, and those with no legs won't be able to do kicking Taijutsu, etc) in addition to the affected puppet's abilities. The possessed puppet will no longer sap chakra per turn to be kept under control, instead this technique's cost will be deducted for the duration of the technique. For puppets that come as multiple bodies the user is only able to possess one and not all, but will still have the ability to control the others. Finally, the user is able to eject and revert to normal flesh and blood from the affected puppets at any time but doing so will destroy the puppet and place this technique on cool down. The ejection can send the user flying in any direction up to a maximum of fifteen meters (Mid-Range). Can only be performed once every three turns a total of four times. Lasts as long as the user has chakra to fuel.

DNR: this CJ goes beyond what will ever be permitted.
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Active member
Feb 27, 2009
Trait Points
Resubitting the following techniques for update:

Previous Approval
(Amatsu Shinsei Awai Kiyome Yoichi Reikon no Jutsu ) –Heavenly Divinity Light Purification of Worldy Soul technique
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user will create a vortex of chakra in their hands and then using chakra manipulation to absorb natural light making the vortex of chakra turn white and then it shoots at the enemy like a shooting ball of light and then getting nearer to enemy and then splits to shoot prohectile bullet like shots at and around the enemy the size of large spheres and then they explode on contacts creating large craters.
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Can only be Taught by Kaito-sama

updating technique to the following below:

(Amatsu Shinsei Awai Kiyome Yoichi Reikon no Jutsu ) –Heavenly Divinity Light Purification of Worldly Soul technique
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user focuses their chakra around their hand causing it to physically manifest so it can be seen as it glows around their palm. The users can then release this outwards in the form of multiple projectiles made of pure chakra which they can control, to strike multiple targets. Upon contact they will explode with such for that it will create large craters or severe damage to the target. At the cost of one of the users three moves per turn, they can alter the direction that the projectiles are shot, in case their target tires to avoid them. Each projectile is like a mini ball of light, the size of a football where the power is divided between the number of projectiles shot. It can be a single projectile or like a stream similar to the cannon storm technique "Storm Release: Laser Circus" yet done with raw chakra with shape manipulation applied, allowing it to fight on equal terms with elements much like the Rasengan.
Note: Usable 3 times
Note: Two turns between uses
Note: No jutsu above A rank in the same turn


Original Approval
(Katon : Kaen enban)- Fire style: Flame Disk

Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Mid - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Desription: the user creates a spinning flame disk where they hold their hands appart and breath fire chakra inbetween and mold the chakra into a spinning disk.

*Note: can only be taught by Uchiha Kaito

updating to the following:

(Katon: Kaen Enban)- Fire style: Flame Disk
Type: Attack/Defence
Rank: S
Range: short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This is a unique jutsu with various uses where in the user will start by bringing their hands together releasing fire chakra into them and in doing so, he can create a disk made of focussed fire that rapidly spins, so compressed it almost seems solid. This can then be used in two ways. For the A rank version the user can release the disk and break it down into up to 4 smaller flame disks that they can then control with their hand gestures. The power of these disks would be divided equally, so S> 2 A rank > 4 B rank. From here they can use them for attack and defensive purposes. The user will they throw it controlling it's direction with their chakra to strike what they need to. Due to intense rapid spinning heat, it's speciality designed to cut/burn through near on anything (following S/W), While the user is still controlling the disk they are unable to use water release techniques. lasts 2 turns.
Note: can be used 2 times per battle. Requires 1 turn cool down between uses, and requires both hands for control, and no fire release Jutsu above A rank in the following turn.


?Approved, edits made. Removed the A-rank part since there's no reason for this to be multi-ranked. In case you disagree with this check, you can contact me-Joestar.?
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Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
( Taijutsu/Kenjutsu : Kigengire ) - Body/Sword Arts : Overdue
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This move is simply the passive activation of a skill that one gains when they have gained true mastery of the sword and body. Due to extreme training and practice in these arts, the user may truly use the sword as an extension of his body. It acts just as an arm or another limb would for the user. Thus, the user may use abilities that require strikes, kicks, punches, etc, through the sword, as if they were his own limbs (such as Taijutsu) by using various blunt strikes and slashes and as long as they dont require handseals. This also means that any boosts that apply to the sword apply to the taijutsu attack used through the sword as well.
Note : User must have mastered Taijutsu and Kenjutsu
Note : Must have Taijutsu or Kenjutsu based specialty on bio to use

? Declined. This is really just freeform Kenjutsu.?
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
(Pitto No Kenjin) - Sage of Pits
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-5 more to SM per turn cost)
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the more naturally talented Snake Sage Mode users, Shady, had found a way to develope his sage mode to more fit the snakes he used. Specifically, he found a way to adapt his own bodily functions to be like that of the A Species of snake that he himself discovered. Whenever the user enter sage mode, whether it is Perfect or Imperfect form, he would sacrifice more chakra in order to gain more unique snake features belonging to Pitvipers. This would pertain to their scales, senses and their passive abilities mentioned for basic Pitvipers. This includes their naturally advanced sensing through their pit organs. Naturally tanking -20 more than normal (added to sage mode damage resistance or specialty damage resistance). And the natural ability to camouflage their scales. Due to the minor change to the anatomy, the user would have access to these passives when entering sage mode.

Note: A passive ability that is activated along with Snake Sage Mode but must be placed in the bio and posted upon use (but not taking up a move slot)

Note: Must have learned Pitvipers Sub-species of Snakes

Declined. In total, in Perfect Sage Mode, this would reduce incoming damage by 50. That's way too high for something like Sage Mode, which can last for very long periods of time. Even ISM, which would give you 40 reduction, can be extended. So I won't allow a boost to your defenses on top of the original Sage Mode.
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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
(Gakido: Kuronosu no Pāji) - Preta Path: Purging of Cronus
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20 (+5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user takes any jutsu affecting them internally regardless of rank or form and absorbs it, dispersing it in their body by spinning their chakra in the opposite direction. Jutsu can also be extracted and absorbed from others through contact or remotely on people pierced by chakra receivers which the chakra can be transmitted through. In order to absorb the jutsu and properly target it the user must be aware of its existence. If the jutsu has a recurring or continuous effect, this jutsu can be sustained to nullify it for its duration but the user will be unable to perform Preta path techniques while doing so.
-Usable 5 times per battle
-Requires Preta path to be active
-Only one jutsu can be absorbed at a time
-Can be used on multiple people at once if affected by the same jutsu

? Declined. As a variation of the Preta Path's absorbing barrier, this would need to be the same rank(S-rank), since it's just that same jutsu but focused internally. Secondly, this will only work on techniques that work via the insertion of chakra into the target's body. Techniques like Sound of Midas or jutsu that insert other forms of energy aside from chakra wouldn't be affected by this, as there's no insertion of chakra. Thirdly, removing the jutsu on allies/other people would require direct physical contact. Piercing them with a chakra rod would damage them and disrupt their chakra system, not to mention that channeling the Preta Path's ability through a chakra rod infringes on a custom of my own as well.?

(Jigokudō: Ankoku Machi e no Ikō) - Naraka Path: Underworld Migration
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique uses the King of Hell as a storage container for various objects and substances (weapons, corpses, souls, liquid, structures, etc). The amount of chakra required to store/retrieve objects depends on their size. (C < 2m, B 2-7m, A 8-15m, S 16m-30m) The King of Hell has been shown to be able to enlarge its own mouth which can be useful when storing or retrieving large objects. However, is not necessary to summon the King of Hell to the field. The objects can instead be transported by way of a portal that appears as purple flames on a surface and are linked to him. Objects being transported this way appear to be engulfed in flames before disappearing. Retrieving objects from storage costs a move and requires half the chakra used to store them unless the user wishes to use the King of Hell's abilities to restore the objects to an earlier form, then it will require the full cost or more if the object increases in size to a new category. Naturally, objects cannot be restored past this technique's size limit. Parts that have been detached from other objects can be reattached by placing a portal on the broken area from which the detached part will appear bonded to it as though it was never detached.
-Must have the Naraka path active
-Living organisms cannot enter the portal and are not effected by it
-Stored objects are unaffected by time
-S rank usable three times per battle not including retrievals
-Portals must be created within the user's line of sight and cannot be formed directly on an enemy

?Portal jutsu have long been disallowed. Even if they weren't, spawning portals like this infringes on that Kaguya canon that creates portals and would require space-time ninjutsu. The effects of this can also already be accomplished with canon Fuuinjutsu, specifically the Summoning: Lightning Blade Creation technique. DNR.?
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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
New Cycle: 1/21/2019 - 1/28/2019

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in this Post. Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Yang Training
This is my second CW

Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: 30 (per free form slice)
Description: Tartarus gained it's name from the ancient titan realm, a dark place, home to all forms of evil, a fitting name for a sword created by the Fallen Angel, Sin. It is rumoured that Sin was experimenting with forbidden arts to try and create his own demon race but they didn't work out the way he wanted, and so through his skills in Yang release, he forged the demon creation into a sword, a living sword infused with a large chunk of his chakra, giving it it's own sentience. With this the sword came to life in its own unique way, it was still a sword, solid like steel, sharp enough to slash flesh, but it was more than just that. The hilt shaped like a bat had a mouth with fangs that could speak out to anyone near, or even bite those who tried to hold him without permission. In a complete strange way, Tartarus could bend it's shape completely, sliding around like a snake having it's own form of movement while still being a blade, a most peculiar thing, much like how Samehada can bend it's shape and still be sharp with it's scales. Rather than residing in a traditional hilt he could wrap around the owners waist like a belt, though if he were in a hilt, he'd prefer to be on the users back so he could see what was going on. Though, it's intent wasn't always pure, having used to have a white handle, he served many owners, though those he deemed unworthy he would kill, staining his handle until it was blood red. This sword held a few unique powers:

  • The sword would have a mental link with it's owner to try and manipulate them to his own will, sharing what he could see and feel, while at the same time trying to influence them, to one day take a true form once more.
  • Being able to absorb and store chakra he can also sense and taste chakra, unlike other swords, he is only able to take chakra from one person, the user, not mix chakra's, should the blade ever run out of chakra, it will "die", losing it's sentience granted by yang, always needing an owner. It can taste anything that has a life force. At the start of every battle the sword will have 100 chakra points within it. It can transfer this chakra into someone through touch at the cost of a move. The sword can feed off this 100 chakra points stored within it, or take the chakra from the user for the-5 per turn.
  • Being infused with Yang, it is granted a form of great vitality, durability and strength. Due to this, it's kenjutsu techniques are passively increased by 20 damage, this would include any jutsu that require the sword to be used as a medium, flowing through it. On the other hand, when blocking techniques, it could reduce the damage taken by -20 damage though only one of these may apply at one time.
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¤ Declined, that FF damage is definitely not going to be approved. I'm also confused on how exactly it tastes chakra based on its ability to absorb chakra if its mentioned it can only absorb the user's chakra. The damage reduction/boosting logic doesnt hold up as well; if the latent Yang energy within it empowers it, it would make it physically stronger and Kenjutsu would be stronger but I sont see how this would make, for example, a Water Shockwave released from it stronger if it makes the physical aspect of the sword stronger. You have to explain this better and with less run-ons. I was getting confused reading it ¤
Removed a lot of stuff, like the damage reduction etc

[タルタロス Tarutarosu: Tartarus]
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/a
Description: Tartarus gained it's name from the ancient titan realm, a dark place, home to all forms of evil, a fitting name for a sword created by the Fallen Angel, Sin. It is rumoured that Sin was experimenting with forbidden arts to try and create his own demon race but they didn't work out the way he wanted, and so through his skills in Yang release, he forged the demon creation into a sword, a living sword infused with a large chunk of his chakra, giving it it's own sentience. With this the sword came to life in its own unique way, it was still a sword, solid like steel, sharp enough to slash flesh, but it was more than just that. The hilt shaped like a bat had a mouth with fangs that could speak out to anyone near, or even bite those who tried to hold him without permission. Tartarus could bend it's shape completely, sliding around like a snake having it's own form of movement while still being a blade, much like how Samehada can bend it's shape and still be sharp with it's scales. Though, it's intent wasn't always pure, having used to have a white handle, he served many owners, though those he deemed unworthy he would kill, staining his handle until it was blood red. This sword held a few unique powers:

  • Being able to absorb and store chakra he can also sense chakra within short range of it knowing the difference between each one, the type and who it belonged to. It can sense anything that has a life force.
  • At the start of every battle the sword will have 100 chakra points within it. It can transfer this chakra into someone through touch at the cost of a move. This surge of chakra can free the owner from up to A rank genjutsu.
  • Being infused with Yang, it is granted a form of great vitality, durability and strength. Due to this, it's kenjutsu techniques are passively increased by 20 damage, this would include any jutsu that require the sword to be used as a medium, flowing through it. Freeform attacks are excluded from this boost.
  • The sword would have a mental link with it's owner sharing what he could see and the chakra it sensed.
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Approved: Added a couple details in bold as clarifications and limits.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
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(Jinpu Ritta) Divine Axe Rhitta
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A (when active -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (when active +20 per turn)
Description: Rhitta is giant ornamental axe with a blade shaped like a crescent moon, similar to that of a Monk's spade. The axe also features two golden protrusions, one larger than the other, with the white tips of a spear, the longer one is in the middle at the top of the axe and the smaller one is on the opposite of the blade of the axe. The handle is dark blue and it features a golden semicircular guard with four golden spikes on it. Its design specs and distribution of weight are (likely intentionally) off: most of the weight is concentrated in the head, leaving it off balance, and even more difficult to wield than its impressive weight would already make it. The axe itself when used in battle is nothing more then a standard weapon that deals no increase in ability. The user will carry Rhitta on their back and will be able to activate Rhitta's unique ability at will; allowing it to completely absorb and store enormous amounts of chakra from it's user over time. This allows the user to release this chakra as heat on command and with precision instead of simply burning away everything in their vicinity. By thinking the command "Sacred Treasure Release" the user can release all the power he has stored in Rhitta in one of two ways. The first being an offensive ability, causing the release to be accompanied by an incredible wave of light and heat, bright enough to illuminate a night sky. The user will then target and release this heat as a wave of chakra that can be focused and condensed, like a beam, or have it spread both high and wide. The release capable of reaching long range. Or the second ability, is a defensive ability, allowing the user to absorb the chakra back into himself, allowing the user to release techniques that may require the surge of chakra to break the technique. Genjutsu would be an example of this; being able to break Genjutsu that use the same amount of chakra the user absorbs. (Baring Forbidden ranked, Yin, MS level Genjutsu) The power output of this technique is dependent on the amount of chakra stored into it. The user can call the Divine Axe Rhitta to himself at will, and it will travel at incredible speeds through the sky to reach him. After releasing the chakra, the user will need to wait awhile before they can reactivate the Axe, allowing it to once again drain and store their chakra.
-Activating the Axe is a passive ability
-Releasing the Stored Chakra counts as a move

-Axe becomes fully charged after four turns.
-Requires a 3 turn cooldown before it can be activated again.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

¤ Declined, this is still too vague; if the beam does damage it needs a set number written into the technique and not implied ambiguously. The release of chakra in either capacity also need actual limitations on the overall number of uses for them. With this being S ranked, you will not be able to release Genjutsu higher than that rank so implying it can release up to 60 chakra to dispel them is a no as well. ¤

(Mentokou Kae) Momentum Shift
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: Using the most basic application of flight, the user can change their current momentum in the direction desired. This technique, while being a basic principle of flight can be used in a variety of ways. It can be most effective when in close combat, allowing the user to shift their momentum in unique ways to enhance the unpredictability of their attack(s). This doesn't increase the power output but simply allows the user to change the possible delivery of attack by altering the momentum of it.
-Requires the ability of flight
-Can only be taught by Serpent

Declined. Is this based on the Otsutsuki Flight technique? This will need usage limits and a cooldown placed on it.
(Jinpu Ritta) Divine Axe Rhitta
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A (when active -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (when active +20 per turn)
Description: Rhitta is giant ornamental axe with a blade shaped like a crescent moon, similar to that of a Monk's spade. The axe also features two golden protrusions, one larger than the other, with the white tips of a spear, the longer one is in the middle at the top of the axe and the smaller one is on the opposite of the blade of the axe. The handle is dark blue and it features a golden semicircular guard with four golden spikes on it. Its design specs and distribution of weight are (likely intentionally) off: most of the weight is concentrated in the head, leaving it off balance, and even more difficult to wield than its impressive weight would already make it. The axe itself when used in battle is nothing more then a standard weapon that deals no increase in ability. The user will carry Rhitta on their back and will be able to passively activate Rhitta's unique ability at will; allowing it to completely absorb and store enormous amounts of chakra from it's user over time. This allows the user to release this chakra as heat on command and with precision instead of simply burning away everything in their vicinity. By thinking the command "Sacred Treasure Release" the user can release all the power he has stored in Rhitta in one of two ways. The first being an offensive ability, causing the release to be accompanied by an incredible wave of light and heat, bright enough to illuminate a night sky. The heat will be releases around the user, forming a short ranged dome, burning anyone else around him, friend or foe and then by swinging the axe in a dirrection. Causing the heat to release outward in said dirrection as an 180° wave of chakra that spreads both high and wide, capable of reaching long range. The power output of this heatwave is dependent on the amount of chakra stored into Rhitta at the time of release. Only being 20 damage on turn one and increasing 20 damage each turn until fully charged; dealing 100 damage by the fifth turn. This ability counts as one of the users techniques per turn and is considered S-rank, regardless of power output.. The second ability, is a defensive ability, allowing the user to absorb the chakra back into himself, allowing the user to release techniques that may require the surge of chakra to break the technique. Genjutsu would be an example of this; being able to break Genjutsu or other techniques that would require a surge of chakra to break, up to and including S-rank. (Baring Yin and MS level Genjutsu) The user can call the Divine Axe Rhitta to himself at will, and it will travel at incredible speeds through the sky to reach him. After releasing the chakra, the user will need to wait awhile before they can reactivate the Axe, allowing it to once again drain and store their chakra.
-Heatwave ability can only be used three times per battle
-Chakra Surge ability can only be used three times per battle

-Axe becomes fully charged after five turns.
-Requires a two turn cool-down before it can be activated again.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

Approved, but I can’t let the s rank genjutsu release be passive.

(Mentokou Kae) Momentum Shift
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: Using the most basic application of flight, the user can change their current momentum in the direction desired. This technique, while being a basic principle of flight can be used in a variety of ways. It can be most effective when in close combat, allowing the user to shift their momentum in unique ways to enhance the unpredictability of their attack(s). This doesn't increase the power output but simply allows the user to change the possible delivery of attack by altering the momentum of it. After the shift in momentum carries the user a maximum of five meters, the flight technique will simply function as normal.

-Can only be used with Otsutsuki Flight technique.
-Can only be used four times per battle
-Requires a one turn cool down.

-Can only be taught by Serpent

Approved with two edits, made in my check color. You'll be unable to use this to evade larger scale techniques given that it's only c-rank.

(Taijutsu: Kyouran) Body Technique: Kung Fury
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: 60
Description: A technique where the user will used advanced speed to close the distance and/or move around the opponent in a barrage of offensive or defensive actions. This can be a fury of kicks or punches from multiple angles to keep the opponent off balance. With this method the user can even travel around small to medium sized obstetrical using his speed advantage for surprise attack. When used right, this technique can even be used to counter/evade an opponents attack, within reason and catch them off balance to change the tides of an otherwise unpleasant situation. The speed and power behind these punches/kicks are nothing but a blur to the naked eye and will require the proper tracking means to keep up with the technique, even then if the target doesn't have the reflexes to counter the speed it can prove to be devastating to them. The faster the user the more effective this technique is. This technique is ideal to use in combination with other Taijutsu attacks.
-Requires advanced speed being at least three times the base speed of the users current rank.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

Declined: Sorry, but I don’t think this warrants its own jutsu. You’re just running really fast around an attack with a speed boost you already have to throw some attacks without using chakra, and that’s not really a technique.
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
(Pitto No Kenjin) - Sage of Pits
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-5 more to SM per turn cost)
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the more naturally talented Snake Sage Mode users, Shady, had found a way to develope his sage mode to more fit the snakes he used. Specifically, he found a way to adapt his own bodily functions to be like that of the A Species of snake that he himself discovered. Whenever the user enter sage mode, whether it is Perfect or Imperfect form, he would sacrifice more chakra in order to gain more unique snake features belonging to Pitvipers. This would pertain to their scales, senses and their passive abilities mentioned for basic Pitvipers. This includes their naturally advanced sensing through their pit organs. Naturally tanking -20 more than normal (added to sage mode damage resistance or specialty damage resistance). And the natural ability to camouflage their scales. Due to the minor change to the anatomy, the user would have access to these passives when entering sage mode.

Note: A passive ability that is activated along with Snake Sage Mode but must be placed in the bio and posted upon use (but not taking up a move slot)

Note: Must have learned Pitvipers Sub-species of Snakes

Declined. In total, in Perfect Sage Mode, this would reduce incoming damage by 50. That's way too high for something like Sage Mode, which can last for very long periods of time. Even ISM, which would give you 40 reduction, can be extended. So I won't allow a boost to your defenses on top of the original Sage Mode.
(Pitto No Kenjin) - Sage of Pits
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-10 more to SM per turn cost)
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the more naturally talented Snake Sage Mode users, Shady, had found a way to develope his sage mode to more fit the snakes he used. Specifically, he found a way to adapt his own bodily functions to be like that of the A Species of snake that he himself discovered. Whenever the user enter sage mode, whether it is Perfect or Imperfect form, he would sacrifice more chakra in order to gain more unique snake features belonging to Pitvipers. This would pertain to their scales, senses and their passive abilities mentioned for basic Pitvipers. This includes their naturally advanced sensing through their pit organs. And the natural ability to camouflage their scales. Due to the minor change to the anatomy, the user would have access to these passives when entering sage mode.

Note: A passive ability that is activated along with Snake Sage Mode but must be placed in the bio and posted upon use (but not taking up a move slot)

Note: Must have learned Pitvipers Sub-species of Snakes

Approved. Slight edits made. -Drackos


Sep 13, 2017
Trait Points
Ahuizotl Approval

(Ahuiztol Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Bochi no Tlalocan) - Ahuizotl Summoning Technique: Tlalocan Graveyard
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: To preform this summoning technique the summoner will preform the standard ritual and then slam their palm on the ground or the surface of a body of water. Doing so will summon six normal sized Ahuizotl of either earth or water affinity, depending on the surface, deep underground or within the water. The Ahuizotl are able to sense the vibrations caused by movement on the surface to such a degree that they can differentiate targets. Once their target is located they will extend their snatcher tails through the earth/water and use them to attack or grab the target before dragging them under to suffocate or drown. The Ahuizotl will remain present for two turns attacking once. The Ahuizotl summoned for this technique cannot use any abilities outside of what's mentioned here.
-Can be summoned twice per battle.
-Requires a three turn cool down.

Declined: these can be summoned within short-range; you'll need to elaborate on how they strike up to long-range.
(Ahuizotl Kuchiyose no Jutsu: ) - Ahuizotl Summoning Technique: Tetetqui
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Tetequi appears as a fairly large Ahuizotl standing on all fours with his back reaching six feet tall. He's muscularly built with light skin and brown fur along his back. Tetequi is a skilled swordsman possessing a large sword held sheathed on his back which he wields with the hand at the tip of his snatcher tail. He is capable of using A-rank and below kenjutsu with this weapon. Being one of the premier swordsmen of the Ahuizotl, Tetetqui is an Advanced Kenjutsu Specialist able to use Iaido based samurai techniques. As far as elements go, Tetequi has an affinity for lightning, able to use it up to A-rank as well.
-Can be summoned once per battle.
-Can remain on the field for up to five turns.

Declined: pick either Kenjutsu or Raiton.
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