Was there any significance to why eren asked that question to mikasa


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Aug 13, 2016
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What do you think the point of eren asking to mikasa what am I to you. And would of mikasa answer impacted what happened.

I think the underlying implications of his question has to do with his knowledge of the future maybe with everyone turning on him she still sticks with him.

But seems theres an answer he was looking for the options he gave do you go that far because I'm family or because I saved you has certain implication of what they are doing out of duty.

It's clear eren hates what hes currently doing but he shes no other option in a way trapped by fate go down this path.

If this question relates to future mikasa hes questioning why she goes so far for him when she has all the reason to turn her back on him. Maybe questioning his path of taking a path out of duty that is only based on circumstance like people your raised with or who has helped you or maybe if he received an answer that gave precedence to his inner conscious he would try find another path.

You think there was some deeper meaning to his question like doing something out of duty rather it being right.

Maybe if she said I would go that far for anyone because it's the right thing maybe could of changed something and maybe that was the right answer in that moment. Difference of what you think you have to do and what you think you should do. Then the morality doesnt become an important factor but reaching whatever end is what matters no matter the means that were taken to reach it. Eren struggling what to give precedence to.
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Active member
Jan 18, 2018
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I think it was similar to when he was waiting for the crowd's reaction to the speech of Marley's Old Leader(dunno his name, but he was killed by Eren). To me, it's a question of where people place their allegiances. The one at Marley was whether the world would be against Paradise or neutral, and the one directed at Mikasa was a question of merits vs familiarity. Swap Mikasa with people in general, and the message sent is "people don't weigh the good you'll do more than their familiarity with you." If Paradise pursued peace, it'd be irrelevant because no one is familiar with them beyond their destructive ancestors. They'd be attacked anyway, so Eren just embraces the idea of "familiarity before all" and it's why he's okay with killing innocent randoms. He's not doing this for justice, Eldians, or even Paradise; He's doing it for the people he knows.
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