The Palace of Ganzir (D)


May 28, 2014
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Ganzir, Palace of the Underworld
Phetra, Voidlord

It is unclear how long Phetra has held the title Ruler of the Underworld and worn the Crown of the Undying. Had centuries passed? Millennia? What is clear is that the Voidlord has become comfortable in her position as Ruler of Irkalla. Her seat of power has been most useful to Imeroth and the other Voidlords, and they have used Phetra's mysterious Divinity for quite some time now for their own benefit. Whether it be employing servants of the Underworld for their own nefarious missions or simply locking away troublesome humans for eternity, Irkalla is of great strategic importance to the Voice and his plans. It is time to usurp the title, liberate the Underworld, and end the Voidlord that has defiled its once holy ground. Once the champions of humanity answer the seventh riddle of the Seven Gates they will be permitted entry to the Palace of Ganzir; the Palace rests in the heart of Irkalla on a stone island in the middle of a cavern like structure. Beneath the floating island is the Void itself, a gateway to infinity. The palace, at the center of the island, is a towering black granite castle. It had once been home to both Nergal and Ereshkigal, the previous Rulers of the Underworld. Within it are innumerable forbidden treasures and relics of past ages lost to humanity; but its contents and residence remain sealed, with Phetra coming forth to greet her invaders. But her powers have, for the most part, remained a mystery to humanity. And where her comrade Demetrias may have failed, the Ruler of the Underworld shall not. The Palace of Ganzir has been ruined. Desecrated by the Void from below, it is nearly complete in its subjugation as the Void subsumes the surrounding space. Purple void flames burn throughout the palace as darkness encroaches.
Last edited:
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Merlin's answer of 'Sentencing', once again, proved to be incorrect. The towering monolithic structure stood triumphant over the Champions of Humanity. But strangely enough the Servants of Irkalla halted their assault, as if commanded by another power to stay their hand. It was Phetra, Ruler of the Underworld, who commanded them to pause their assault. From each side of the bridge spectral arms reached from the depths of the Void, one arm for each Champion. They appeared massive in size, purple in color, and ghastly in appearance with whisps of energy radiating from their form. They seemed to reach out from infinity, pulling them all downward and into the depths. But rather than enter the Void, the Champions of Humanity would be effectively teleported to the innermost sanctum of the Underworld: Ganzir. The experience would be disorienting as they were pulled through one spacetime and into another. But there they were: in the heart of the Underworld and standing on hallowed ground. A place where no other living mortal had traversed. Behind them was the last Gate of the Underworld, sealed tightly shut. The ground beneath them was ashen grey and dusty, a sign that few tread their path before. And in front of them was the Palace of Ganzir, its towering and complex ramparts serving as the central structure in the Underworld. It was both a residence and a command center. Once it was ruled by Nergal, the Engineer of the Human Soul, first Ruler of the Underworld, and God of the Dead. It was then ruled, temporarily and jointly, by Ereshkigal. And then following Ereshkigal, by Phetra the Usurper. Of all humans Phetra had gone the furthest. She, a mere living mortal, attained Divinity and became a Goddess in her own right. While her Divinity was far from perfect, being self-titled a Pseudo-Divinity, it still afforded her the power of ultimate control of the realm of the dead.

The Palace of Ganzir was a tall, gothic, dark structure. Built by Nergal thousands of years ago to resist an impending invasion by his brothers, Enlil and Marduk, it is a largely impenetrable structure. Within its walls are hundreds, if not thousands, of secrets and mysteries that tell a story not only of humanity but also the gods and their divine struggle. At the highest spire's balcony stood Phetra, the Ruler of the Underworld. Atop her head was the Crown of the Undying, a black metal that was clearly not forged from any material found on earth. She was draped in ornate black cloth. In many ways she was not dressed for battle, almost appearing as if dressed for a ritual or funeral. But a battle would take place here. A battle not only for the future of humanity, but also of Irkalla. Orbiting calmly around Phetra was a small orb of beautiful radiant light. Unbeknownst to the Champions of Humanity this orb was what Phetra and Nefarian had performed some strange and bizarre ritual on, giving Nefarian enhanced powers. A problem for a different day.

Everything was on the line. At the towering doors to Irkalla were two massive structures, the Ancient Keepers. "You have fought here bravely, although maybe not well." Phetra smiled down on them. It was not a warm or welcoming smile. It was nefarious and taunting, as if she knew that she had saved their lives from her servants. Surely had the battle continued at the Gates of the Underworld the Champions of Humanity would have been slaughtered. "You have come here for the same reason that I came here many years ago. To see the Ruler of the Underworld overthrown. Your reasons may differ. For some simple vengeance for my attack on Last Bastion and Tobusekai. Your intentions are noble. For others you might seek glory and riches, access to the vast sum of mysteries and treasures that are hidden on the hallowed ground of Irkalla. You might be selfish, but you are, at the very least, honest with yourself. Or perhaps for some it is a combination of the three. Among humans you are truly impressive. In truth, we are not that different. You honor your ambitions, push yourselves to your limit, and even in the face of failure refuse to surrender peacefully. Why settle for anything less? It was that same mentality that saw me overthrow Ereshkigal and seat myself in Ganzir in her place. I thought attaining Divinity would be the end, that ruling over the Underworld would see me understand the depth of infinity. Back then I knew I needed to KNOW. To see divine truth. It is not. The gods are not all knowing, and even some knowledge eludes them. I was so foolish, so naive, to believe that Divinity would mark the end."

Phetra began laughing, almost maniacally. "Of course it isn't the end! The gods are not perfect! If they were then Lord Imeroth would never have brought them down. Isn't it comical? That a human could end the Age of Gods? A human of all things? At the Resting Place of the Gods Marduk was forced to kneel before his own creations. I should have known then that all pursuits are meaningless in the great cosmic infinity. I knew I would never triumph over death, because Death is eternal itself! And no, I don't mean the petty concept of death ruled over by Nergal. I mean true Death." Her laughter subsided, her grin faded away. "Know this, Merlin, Lucifer, Kotetsu, Ashiya, Panthalassa, Vayne, Hei, Naruto, Emiya, there exist beings much greater than Marduk's Pantheon. Beings that could have swept away the Age of Gods with nothing more than a breath. They are power absolute, truth incarnate. And some among you even serve them, though you may not know it. In the end we all serve a purpose much greater than ourselves. No matter our motivations, no matter our desires - we exist to serve." As Phetra spoke the ground around Ganzir began to rumble. In truth, Ganzir was an island in its spacetime; while the bridge that connected the Seven Gates of the Underworld was directly connected to the Palace, the Palace itself floated above a rift. Not known to humanity, the rift was called the Rift of Kur. It was the Rift that the space between the Void and Irkalla was at its thinnest. And it was Ganzir that floated above the Rift as if guarding it. "Can you feel it?" Phetra asked, her voice now filled with tranquility and acceptance. "I ask you one question, Champions of Humanity. Before our cosmic battle begins I wish to know. An answer from all nine of you. What does overthrowing me achieve?"

As she asked this the ground around Ganzir rumbled again. Although this time it was not from the Rift of Kur. It was from the Ancient Keepers, Pazuzu and Lamashtu. They rumbled to life, transforming from stone statues into flesh and blood beings. They took a combat ready stance, awaiting Phetra's orders before engaging their now sworn enemies.
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Being dragged to this new terrain, the champions of humanity finally faced Phetra down. Though the ruler of the underworld deigned to speak rather than act and asked that the champions follow suit. The question raised was a simple one on the surface, it made Lucifer consider his motivations for a moment. The child of Tiamat had been through many phases since his rebirth, he attempted to understand humanity then he tried to bridge the gap between them by explaining Tiamat as he understood her, everything changed when he met the sentinels and experienced that strange vision. He saw what he believed to be Tiamat trapped, by a monstrous serpentine creature with glowing eyes.

“I seek to release Tiamat from her chains, so that she may be truly free both body and mind.”

Listening carefully to the fragmented hints scattered throughout her boastful speech. Her history started to become clear. "Divinity" can be achieved and apparently misused. True gods lack imperfection and judging from the state of the underworld, Phetra has it in spades. Upon hearing her last question Hei steps forward and simply answers


He didn't want fame or glory. Nor power or riches. Only to stop the threat that disrupts the natural order, or at very least his understanding of it.

Panthalassa was thrown completely out onto the deep waters without so much of a floater. He had known, jumping into the portal to the Underworld, that he was truly ignorant of the circumstances of the World. Battle after battle, he had become completely aware of his own powerlessness and ignorance, yet he was nothing more than a FLY in the face of a GOD. He stood apart from the Champions of Humanity and voiced his own answer.

"I seek power and loot, to be honest. I joined the Champions to help Humanity, but these challenges have so far appeared completely unjust and unnatural. I don't think what we are doing is right, so morality is out of the question. But we shall defeat you... because that appears to be what your plan is. So if we are going by your plan, at least I want to gain something out of it."

Merlin listened silently to each answer given by the warriors whom he had fought alongside through Irkalla. They were varied, where some spoke of their service to the greater good, and others their own self-interest. Though their reasons were diverse, there was one thing that united all those present on the journey to defeat Phetra, one commonality that persisted in their motivations; humanity. Humanity, not in the biological sense of the word, as some among them were not human themselves, Merlin included, but in terms of their nature. To be altruistic, to be selfish, to be principled, to be unscrupulous; to be all of these things is to be human. To exist in such a way is both the beauty and tragedy of mankind. It was because Merlin found that contradiction beautiful that he wished for a happy end for all mankind. Speaking with uncharacteristic gravitas, the Magus of Flowers would give the final answer to the question that echoed throughout the hadean realm.

"A future for mankind."

Emiya stared up at the source of the melodically venomous voice, her words dripping with the clearest disdain for the Gods, the world they left behind, and the humans who blindly inhabited it. She asked the Champions before her a simple question. What would defeating her mean? What would they achieve? They had all fought together through some truly terrifying challenges, from the Twins who weaved together the fabric of reality in a harmonic melody, to one who would judge the dead, and weigh their deeds to determine what kind of afterlife they got to live out. These were no mere obstacles, they were Gods in their own right, and yet for all intents and purposes, they amounted to naught but roadblocks to Phetra herself. This was not to imply Phetra was even stronger than they, though surely that was true. No. Emiya's mind wandered to what purpose they served here. Writing and rewriting and unwriting reality, judging the souls of the dead, sending them to a hellish landscape to be tortured, or to a paradisiacal vista to live out eternity in sheer bliss. Even though the Champions had "triumphed" over these figures, neither seemed to have been completely destroyed, or killed, or otherwise had their existence permanently rendered null, which in hindsight would have been bad. It was unintentional, but the Champions had, with their actions, seemingly been disrupting the delicate balance between life and death with their mere presence within Irkalla. What would happen should Falnir's judging of Souls come to an abrupt end, or the weavers of Fate suddenly stop singing? Emiya shuddered at the thought of this entire afterlife system crashing down around them out of a petty desire to see Phetra receive justice for her actions, or worse out of a desire for treasures, or fame. Emiya's answer was simple to the point of being crudely childish;

"I don't know... But we can't just let you do as you please."

Naruto looked on as they had reached the final threshold. He listened to the answers given and realized everyone had their own reason for being here in this final encounter. However, the answer he had was simple and pretty uncool. Though he knew, he was here to save humanity. That's why they were called the Champions, correct? It was his sworn duty to protect his family and friends, and if Phetra was the newest threat to try and harm them, well, there was only one thing to do.

"If we don't defeat you. Then who will?! I don't know what all it'll mean when we do beat you, but I do know it'll feel good to kick your ass, believe it! You've got no right to try and hurt the people of this world and we're gonna stop you!"

Douman looked up at the supposed God of the underworld, his expression somewhat vacant and dissatisfied. Truth be told he expected more from the underworld but in reality he didn't quite know what to expect when it came to this place. He heard the question posed to the group from Phetra and was taken aback slightly. He expected her to be in more of a foul mood and not at all wanting to ask questions after all the champions had barged there way into her kingdom and were in a sense seeking its destruction he couldn't help but think they were beyond the point of asking questions, perhaps it was an attempt to bring out unease within the group, perhaps it alluded to more. Would she simply stand down if our reasons were justified? Doubtful, laughably so. Perhaps she would choose who to bully and torture first depending on their answer, would she go after those pure of heart in their ambition? or go after those whose reasons she didn't deem understandable. Douman decided the best course of action was to simply remain silent and just stare at the goddess, whether she would find that insulting or not was entirely up to her.

Kōtetsu spent no time thinking about a response when the ruler of the underworld posed her question, because he already had his answer. He would meet her in battle for the same reason he stood against Tiamat. For the same reason he ventured to the Dark Tower in search of a cure for the red fever, and for the same reason he aimed to unlock the secrets of the core Siri’s wore around her neck.
"For the safety of my people"
Vayne simply nodded his head in agreement with Kotetsu’s statement, mirroring his desires.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Save and retrieve hostages from the heart of the void (Custom, B-rank)
Alucard had made it to the end, the now desecrated Palace of Ganzir, a floating island above the void itself that the bridge had led him into. Here, the Void creatures roamed freely with just a fraction of Ereshkigals forces still remaining but trying to make the best out of the situation they could. He sensed a few scattered chakra signatures in the premise, they were extremely faint, indicating there were people here as well in mortal danger. Knowing from previous encounters that the Void could pervert humans into either seek out to side with it as well as turning humans into subjects of horrible chakra bombs, Alucard wasn’t going to just stand there and let it happen. The treasures of the Palace had also already been looted, meaning there was nothing here for him to confiscate either. It had in all honesty been his own curiosity that had led him to this place. He looked towards the chakra signatures that were furthest away from him and the rest. He then sighed, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to close the distance in enough time to save them all, but he would make an attempt to retrieve them remotely. He gathered up his chakra and moved his arms towards the chakra patterns in a circular motion, aiming to capture every single one of them into his pull.

( Tensei Hōyō ) - Reincarnated Embrace
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Tenseigan, the user is able to use gravitational abilities to pull something to them. The user will use his hands to focus the direction and the target his wishes to pull towards him. Comparative to Banso Tenin, this technique isn't an omnidirectional effect but rather a precise one. The user is able to pull anything he can perceive towards him. In certain uses, the user will be able to direct the pulled target as its being pulled into large arc-like movements, but will always end up pulling them towards him.
Note: Once used, takes 1 turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

As his body acted as an anchor for the pull itself, the chakra signatures that he sensed in the far distance started to reel in towards him. A few moments later, he noticed that hordes of Void creatures were on about what he was doing and mobilized a grand offense against him. Like on the bridge encounter, the Void creatures here were newly released and had not yet feasted of souls enough to grow any modifications such as their chitin plate armor. Alucard had to outlast them if he would have any conceivable chance of retrieving the remaining people down here, atleast the people he could sense anyway. Just as the Void creatures where in range, he let go of his gravitational pull and channeled chakra throughout his entire body and out towards the tenketsu points in his palms. After a single handseal was made, he expanded a highly concentrated blast of lightning.

(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.

Since the people he had dragged towards him were vulnerable and in relative range to that of his lightning technique, Alucard used shape manipulation to make the lightning bolt branch out in a very specific pattern and thus only hit the opposing force of the Void itself while branching away from the humans that he was attempting to save. A large portion of these Void creatures would be stabbed and fried on contact with the lightning branches while some were able to avoid it and had now instead found there way to feast upon Alucard as the attached themselves like parasites onto his body, slowly draining his life force [40DMG - 160 = 120 remaining HP]. He shouted out into the darkness.

Hold tight!
More and more Void creatures started to gather from the corners of the floating island and Alucard had to gather up the prisoners by hand with his body being severely hurt from the damage he had accumilated since he descnded from the second gate on the bridge. He ran and grabbed them by their clothes and placed them lying above his shoulders, six of them in total, all of which looked as if their minds where locked into their worst nightmares. None of them said a word, nor did their expressions seem to change either even now when they were being rescued. Alucard rounded up the numbers and placed them at the exiting portal that would lead them all back towards the bridge and ultimately the living world. He then turned back towards the darkness, a looming and steadily increasing sound was echoing throughout the landmark. More and more Void creatures manifested from the void beneath and Alucard did not have enough time to stick around here for much longer. He had to give himself somewhat of a headstart though and gathered up his chakra to set the entire landmark ablaze, enough to turn most if not all the Void creatures he was facing into to hot ash.

(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

The entire landmark lit up, revealing it’s macabre design and destruction. The sheer amount of the spawns was so much worse than Alucard had anticipated, as if the whole structure was overwhelmed by them. They had to retreat quickly if they were to have any chance of making it back to the surface. Alas, with this first and perhaps final look over the palace, Alucard took it all in before he turned back to the humans, who were in even more of a roughened up shape than the ones on the other side of the portal. He placed them back above his shoulders and made a run towards the portal before they would be devoured entirely by the Void creatures who mobilised.

*Mission End*