[Mystery] The Mystery Man


Active member
Sep 5, 2011
Trait Points
They dont really see him as a "person".
They see him as "that old guy who never made it"...

His name is Garen.

And he is "a Genin".

Its sad in a way, but life is not all sad, life is not all ranks, as he usually tells himself, so he he most often quite happy.

Its only when he year after year enters that damn Chuunin exam that he is reminded of the sadness, atleast people have stopped staring at him...

Thats how it was the first years, then there was a break for some years until ruomor started spreading and people began to stare again.

But as time has passed so has the judgement. People dont seem to care anymore, perhaops they dont even notice, even leaders have been replaced, maybe thats how you realise your getting older.

Its not that the Chuunin exams are really important to him, he just wants to try them again, year after year, he cant stop.
Why not?
Maybe this time I will pass? Wont that be..."progress"?

Maybe because he dont think they are important, that is why he never seems to complete them.

Or maybe it is as people used to say when he was younger, that some people are simply cut out for it, others simply "cant" pass.
Its not "in their nature".

As the years passed, he began to notice more things each year.
They usually held new exams, sometimes they would be similair perhaps due to lack of imagination, but the more he went there, the more he "noticed", tiny details most people didnt seem to care about. Details he had not cares about at first.

But the more times he took thos exams, the more times he survived, the broader the image became. Each year seemed to get tougher, more information to take in, and an older and weaker body to use.

As the image of the exams became big, the lust to complete them became small.

Life wasnt really about the exams, as his life moved on he would often train in his home, always being ready if the day would come when he was needed to work as a shinobi.

Work was not all in his life either.
Eventually he would meet a beutiful woman that would become his wife, he felt lucky to have he, abd lucky to have kids aswell.

Though having kids eventually became and embarrasment when they were to be challenged in the exams.

He acutally broke his streak and ignored the Chuunin exams those years.

But then he carried on, his wife would always nag on him for that, worrying about his health, and year after year as he came back still "offically" a Genin. But with more experiance then anyone else on the exams, she would embrace him with love.

He has become so old now...

The people in exams now, the kids...they are so distant...

Maybe I shouldnt go this year, he said to himself.

But then...why not? It might be fun...

Its become a habit after alll. He dont care about completing them, to him its a hobby, to him its a way to get a new perspective of life. The leaders welcome him now, as if he was a regular guest at a resturant.

And to everyones surprise he always comes back alive, always a Genin.

If his past "friends" were still alive they would likely have mocked him, well maybe not, but in his youth they would have, then again, he knows that there is someone else still a Genin.
He is quite an inspiration after all, a wannabe Hokage, his name is Naruto.

The end.