[Adventure] The mysterious ninja


Active member
Sep 18, 2011
Trait Points
It has been some months after the battle against the karai group. All seems to be at rest, with the ninja world seemingly at peace. However, deep in the solitary cell of the konoha prison, Shin uchiha lies slain against the wall with a deep cut on his chest. Grasping for breath he looks at his assailant as she sheaths her katana.

Shin Uchiha: Who... who are you?

Mysterious Ninja: Many of you have mocked the pride of the uchiha for so long. Stealing our eyes which are our heritage and using it to tarnish our name. But not anymore, I have already killed two thirds of your clones who are children in the orphanage and taken away the eyes and you are next. No more, will the world mock us again.

(She activates her full sharingan naturally and takes her kunai). I will make this quick. (Shin's vision becomes blank as she finishes him off. The scene changes later as she stands on the pinnacle of the prison roof before the full moon.

Ayeka Uchiha: (pulling down the covering of her cloak and waving her hair as she deactivates her sharingan and looks at the bag of sharingan eyes that she has collected from her mission, as the breeze blows through her hair). Father, I have done what you wanted me to do. Now the souls of our clan can rest in peace as I have taken back what belongs to us. (She weaves signs and she and the bag disappear by teleportation jutsu.

Chapter 2
It is an early morning as team seven head to the hokage office to get their next mission.
Boruto: Geez, brother konohamaru sure knows how to make us work. We just finished a serious mission a week ago and now he wants to give us another one. I hope it is not chasing after another cat or restraining that panda. I really want to learn a new jutsu from uncle sasuke today.

(Mistuki smiling at his friend's exasperated attitude). Mistuki: You seem to be fed up with the lower rank missions we get, boruto, I don't mind doing them so far as I am doing it with you.

Boruto: It is definitely like you, mitsuki .

Sarada: You really have been training a lot with my dad more than I have with him, boruto. Don't you think it is time you ask your father on teaching you other rasengan techniques, so that I can start learning from my own dad, you are hogging everything.

Boruto: I am not. The stupid old man is always getting busy nowadays as he is trying to get the other kages to let our chuunin exams be done in the hidden leaf again despite the danger we encountered with those two scary dudes the last time.

Mistuki: You mean momoshiki and kinshiki. (He shakes his head smilimgly). By the way sarada how is your baby brother?

Sarada: My grandparents (Sakura's parents) have come to help take care of him. My mum is ok with grandma coming but doesn't like how our grandpa is over energetic with him. Quite frankly, this is the one time I am happy to be out of the house. Papa left early this morning before they came, I am guessing he is gone to see the seventh.

(As they are talking, boruto looks to his right hand. Upon seeing how the curse seal has increased a bit, he remembers his fight with the leader of the karai group as he and the team fought against him together. After going through a lot of pain in surpassing the limit of the curse seal with the help of the Jougan, he created a medium size rasengan to defeat him. He remembers, the last mocking words of the leader Jigen.

Jigen: You may have defeated me, but the curse mark will soon consume you in darkness and you will die as you grow.

(The flashback comes back to boruto as he is wondering if he will ever be free of the curse. Mistuki and sarada notice the worry in their friend's face).

Sarada: (Becoming a bit sympathetic). Don't let Jigen's words get to you. We will find a way through this, so that your hand can be normal again.
Mistuki: Sarada is right. (Boruto lowers his hand and smiles as he has been encouraged).

Boruto: I guess there is no need for me to sulk over things. Let’s go. Konohamaru-nii chan is waiting for us (He takes the lead running). Last one to the office is a rusty ninja

Sarada: That idiot.
(They all head to the hokage office. Just as they are about to open the door to see, naruto, there is an surprised shout from naruto from the door)
Naruto: What?!!
Inside the hokage’s office there is a meeting between naruto, sasuke, shikimaru, sai and the others as they discuss a break-in in the maximum prison.
Naruto: What happened?

Shikimaru: Apparently, there was a break-in in the konoha’s maximum prison. Nobody was hurt except for Shin uchiha who was killed and had all the eyes plucked from him. It seem to be a silent break-in.

Konohamaru: Have the place been investigated?

Sai: We have questioned the guards and investigated them to see if they were under a genjutsu or one of them was rogue. But all of them came clean and the security cameras had no signs of being tampered with or alarms going off, but they even couldn’t detect or find out who came in.

Moegi: But how is that even possible? That prison is a state of the art, designed to keep intruders out. There is no way anyone can break in without the alarms going off, even for ninjas.

Udon: That is true.

Sasuke: It seems, the intruder is quite the formidable enemy. Kabuto came to me and told me a lot of the young shins that were under his care were killed last night two days ago and they have all had their eyes taken as well. The attacker killed them in the night when everyone was asleep. Already security has been given to protect the remaining who survived.

Shikimaru: Could this be orochimaru’s doing again? I don’t trust him completely.

Naruto: No it is not him. From what I gathered, captain yamato told me some of his labs have been raided with his security comprised or destroyed. Who could have done all of this?

(As they are discussing what is going on team seven is secretly eavesdropping on the conversation from the back door. Sarada is worried about what happened. Mitsuki notices)

Mistuki: Sarada, are you ok?
Sarada: I am ok, it is nothing. I feel sorry for those children. They may have been clones but they are humans too.

(She remembers how she had to scream to stop her father from killing the child who stood between sasuke and the original clone. Despite being a ninja she has learnt to have sympathy, a trait people claim she got from her late grandmother mikoto and her mother sakura, although she is very fierce when fighting. Hearing the conversation reminds her of her fight with some of the insiders and outsiders of the kara group who wanted to kidnap her and steal her eyes as they drain her chakra although they failed thanks in part to mistuki who came to help sarada finish them off)

Boruto slams his right fist to the left palm.
Boruto: So there is a new enemy out there. Now that is my type of mission and challenge I want to handle.
Sarada : Baka boruto, they will hear us. (Unfortunately it is too late as konohamaru opens the door and looks unimpressed at the team’s behavior. The others are surprised to see them there)

Shikimaru: Hey, were you three eavesdropping on our conversations. You know you are not supposed to be doing that. You all can be a drag.
Konohamaru: You guys were supposed to pick your missions from the reception and wait for me to meet you there.
Boruto scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Boruto: Aw c’mon konohamaru nii-chan, we also wanted to know what is going on. I think this enemy is no big deal. We can take care of him. Right?
Sasuke: Don’t be reckless boruto. If you underestimate you enemy, it can cost you your life. (Naruto sighs at the bragging of his son and his eavesdropping attitude. Sasuke notices the worry on his daughter’s face)
Sasuke: What is is wrong sarada?.

Sarada snaps from her absent mindedness.
Sarada: Are we going to be safe? (Sasuke understanding her daughter’s fear as she is trying to understand how to protect herself)
Sasuke: It is ok sarada, you will be fine. You will be strong enough to defend yourself. And beside, I will be training you now that you mastering your mother’s medical and chakra control justu very well. (Sarada becomes relieved)

Mistuki: Is my parent ok.
Naruto: Don’t worry. He is ok. Although is trying to figure out how someone could break into his secret labs.

Shikimaru: Anyway, we can discuss that later. Right now we have to give you a detail of your C-rank mission. You three are going to help a village near the outskirts of the fire country to do some repairs after a storm broke out yesterday and you are to help them find their missing livestock since they are not well versed in tracking. The other teams are tied up with their assignments so we have to give this to you.

Konohamaru: We are counting on you guys. This should be an easy task to do.
Sarada: Will you be coming too, konohamaru-sensei.
Konohamaru: No. I have to help in the investigation of the prison. But I will join you as soon as we are done.
Sai: We should be off now. Sasuke-san, can you please lend us hand. (Sasuke nods his head in agreement and leaves with the others)

Naruto: Be vigilant everyone. We will soon find out what is going on.

To continued. Next chapters will feature the meeting between team 7 and Uchiha Ayeku