TenTen v Hinata and TenTen v Ino


Aug 4, 2011
Trait Points
as always good answers and points, but who would really win in your opinion if they were to throw a punch each,

a chakra enhanced punch


twin lion fist?

IMO sakura will win only due to sakura's punch is the only one noted to kill with one hit out of those two.
by throwing a punch , u mean they both hit each other at the same time , or is it mearly throwing a punch and seeing who can land faster and with more deadlier punch ?

if u mean the first theory yes , sakura's punch would have more effect , as for the second theory .. hinata can dodge a punch from a close range like neji .


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Aug 15, 2010
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yep in attractivness ino beats them all.
Thank you.

first one (skill) its Sakura>temari>hinata>tenten>ino why?
temari is long range sakura can break the floor or rocks and when temari missteps she just gies her a K.O punch


hinata is gentle fist wich is close range temari is long range she could jsut keep doing her stuff like throwing hard air at hina till she dies


well hinata can jsut wait an opening and you know eight tigrams 64 p[alms or something


well tenten is long range inos techniques wouldnt work U_U

and the second line (atrractiveness)
hinata>sakura>temari>ino>tenten (ino is too much of a ****)
First point your basing Sakura's abilities over Temari's for a simple sceinerio that isn't very well thought out (no offense). Really Sakura's going to punch the ground and Temari is going to misstep...I'll give that to you just so you have something to work with, now tell me what is Sakura going to do after that? She's going to go over to Temair to finish her. I'm damn sure Temair is fast enough (assuming their at long range otherwise Sakura wouldn't have had to punch the ground am I correct?) to get up off the ground and use her fan or get out of the way of Sakura. Also giving Sakura the first strike is bias. Temari is a more skilled kunoichi in combat then Sakura, not because of her long ranged attack (range only counts to whom ever is is at the advantage point at that moment meaning if their starting out close the close ranged shinobi has the advantage, if their far the long ranged shinobi has the advantage). Sakura's one hit K.O scinerio is very flawed because it's showing more biased in her abilities then actual fact. I don't really care much for specific play by play scinerios like that one you just gave. Temari can handle herself well and I see her as being a smarter combat kunoichi then Sakura (where her inteligence lay within the books and medical logistics then the battle) and her jutsu are stronger (once again not because their long ranged but because of substance. Sakura's jutsu is medical and chakra enhanced strength only, Temari is an arsanal of wind techniques) That's why Temari>Sakura. Now Hinata>Sakura you'll see already mentioned in another of my posts so respond to that one.

Now you put...Ino second to last...because you said she was a bitch...what does that have to do with her body? Perfect slender body with nice bust, not too big but not small, just right. Her hair and bangs and her eyes. That's what we're judging my man you can't deny she's hotter then the others. What's really worrying me is you put Sakura as second. Sakura sould be behind Tenten, who shouldn't be last. Tenten isn't the hottest of the characters but she is definatly ranked above Temari and Sakura.

and regarding tenten, assuming she still gets to keep the bashosen fan i say her, even sakura will have a hard time with all chakra nature elementsxd
She almost died from it remember her reserves can't handle that fan. No way is she going to be able to use that in a fight.
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Ame no kage

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Aug 1, 2011
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by throwing a punch , u mean they both hit each other at the same time , or is it mearly throwing a punch and seeing who can land faster and with more deadlier punch ?

if u mean the first theory yes , sakura's punch would have more effect , as for the second theory .. hinata can dodge a punch from a close range like neji .
throwing a punch and seeing who gets hurt more, or dies in any case lol speed is not a factor for this question cz yes hinata and her eyes would easily dodge it lol


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Aug 15, 2010
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as always good answers and points, but who would really win in your opinion if they were to throw a punch each,

a chakra enhanced punch


twin lion fist?

IMO sakura will win only due to sakura's punch is the only one noted to kill with one hit out of those two.
Now who I think would really win is Hinata Hyuuga. You're basing Sakura's taijutsu prowess on her strength right, which is added from chakra. I'll come back to that in a minute.

Now if you're asking which strike would win I'd say both have an equal chance. Hinata's chakra blow can can kill in one shot. Sakura's hit isn't the only one noted to kill in one shot. Look at Hiyashi Hyuuga (Hinata's dad) one hit kill of Kumogakure's head shinobi (which is a title given to a shinobi of high prowess obviously). He struck right in the heart which caused an instent kill. Hinata has that same level of leathality (not skill compared with her father but that was a simple opened palm heel strike to the solar plexes or the chest cavity that took, basic not advanced). Hinata's puch kills without external force but internal killing instently. Sakura's punch kills externally with bone crushing force that shatters bones and organs from the outside causing internal bleeding, and massive damage done to the organs which can't be healed (at least not right away). Both hits are one hit kills only in different ways. You cannot base a battle on one's fighting style alone. You must base it on how well the shinobi/kunoichi has mastered their fighting style, how well they can exploit their opponents weaknessses and exploit their own strengths over their opponents. I truely believe Hinata Hyuuga is a stronger taijutsu fighter then Sakura. My reasons are.

despite Sakura's chakra enhanceds strength being a powerful offense and has been demonstrated as such, she's a defensive fighter because of her medical abilities.

Hinata is also a defensive style fighter due to her clan's jutsu however her Byakugan giving her near 360 degree vision and x-ray type vission makes gives her a feild range of sight which makes it almost impossible to her opponents to hide from her and she's on focus 24/7. Hinata's fighting is internal and my bias on internal fighting sytems comes from my practicing in Goju-ryu and Aikido. In Aikido which is an internal fighting system or "soft" style uses the force of their opponents against them causing them to hurt themselves (which is funny if you think about it). Now I defend that by saying, if you can utilize a limited amount of your own strength, to have your opponent hurt themselves with the fullest of their strength that is more affective the straight on hard core fighting. That is Aikido which doesn't teach you too many strikes. Goju-ryu (Hard Soft style) teachs both elements of powerful offense and defesne as well as soft defense and soft offense. I feel that is what the Gental fist style represents (it is actually based off the chinese style Baguazhang literally meaning Eight Trigrams Palm but I'm not getting into that). Hinata is using a strong offense and defense. Her Byakugan kekkei genkai enhances those abilities. Her clan has practiced these techniques and jutsu for many generations. Hinata wasn't said to be the weakest of her clan (only weaker then her younger sister, who I want to see again I miss Hanabi) but she isn't the strongest either. However since the time skip she has improved heavily on her skills. She is nimble, flexable, has great chakra control which allows her to use her unique abilities, and she has demonstrated great form in her technique (against pain although he evaded them he evaded the attacks it was because he was faster then her, and he may have been stronger but I'm getting at her form in how she executed her attacks and her actual attacks). Hinata seems like a superior taijutsu fighter then Sakura. Sakura can attack but Hinata has her flexibility and her gental fists style's natural defensive nature to defend her. She also has her internal attacks that can parilyze, stop chakra flow, and kill if hit in the correct spots. She need pull one of those off on Sakura and Sakura's done (If she's parilyzed she'd can't move, her chakra stopped her strength is gone, one hit kill and she's dead). I'm not saying it will be easy I'm only saying Hinata has the better chance because of her superior form, and her level of skill in her technique. I see that as greater then Sakura's who we've seen relies more or less mainly on her strength to bulldoze her way through to get to her opponents.

Ame no kage

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Aug 1, 2011
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Now who I think would really win is Hinata Hyuuga. You're basing Sakura's taijutsu prowess on her strength right, which is added from chakra. I'll come back to that in a minute.

Now if you're asking which strike would win I'd say both have an equal chance. Hinata's chakra blow can can kill in one shot. Sakura's hit isn't the only one noted to kill in one shot. Look at Hiyashi Hyuuga (Hinata's dad) one hit kill of Kumogakure's head shinobi (which is a title given to a shinobi of high prowess obviously). He struck right in the heart which caused an instent kill. Hinata has that same level of leathality (not skill compared with her father but that was a simple opened palm heel strike to the solar plexes or the chest cavity that took, basic not advanced). Hinata's puch kills without external force but internal killing instently. Sakura's punch kills externally with bone crushing force that shatters bones and organs from the outside causing internal bleeding, and massive damage done to the organs which can't be healed (at least not right away). Both hits are one hit kills only in different ways. You cannot base a battle on one's fighting style alone. You must base it on how well the shinobi/kunoichi has mastered their fighting style, how well they can exploit their opponents weaknessses and exploit their own strengths over their opponents. I truely believe Hinata Hyuuga is a stronger taijutsu fighter then Sakura. My reasons are.

despite Sakura's chakra enhanceds strength being a powerful offense and has been demonstrated as such, she's a defensive fighter because of her medical abilities.

Hinata is also a defensive style fighter due to her clan's jutsu however her Byakugan giving her near 360 degree vision and x-ray type vission makes gives her a feild range of sight which makes it almost impossible to her opponents to hide from her and she's on focus 24/7. Hinata's fighting is internal and my bias on internal fighting sytems comes from my practicing in Goju-ryu and Aikido. In Aikido which is an internal fighting system or "soft" style uses the force of their opponents against them causing them to hurt themselves (which is funny if you think about it). Now I defend that by saying, if you can utilize a limited amount of your own strength, to have your opponent hurt themselves with the fullest of their strength that is more affective the straight on hard core fighting. That is Aikido which doesn't teach you too many strikes. Goju-ryu (Hard Soft style) teachs both elements of powerful offense and defesne as well as soft defense and soft offense. I feel that is what the Gental fist style represents (it is actually based off the chinese style Baguazhang literally meaning Eight Trigrams Palm but I'm not getting into that). Hinata is using a strong offense and defense. Her Byakugan kekkei genkai enhances those abilities. Her clan has practiced these techniques and jutsu for many generations. Hinata wasn't said to be the weakest of her clan (only weaker then her younger sister, who I want to see again I miss Hanabi) but she isn't the strongest either. However since the time skip she has improved heavily on her skills. She is nimble, flexable, has great chakra control which allows her to use her unique abilities, and she has demonstrated great form in her technique (against pain although he evaded them he evaded the attacks it was because he was faster then her, and he may have been stronger but I'm getting at her form in how she executed her attacks and her actual attacks). Hinata seems like a superior taijutsu fighter then Sakura. Sakura can attack but Hinata has her flexibility and her gental fists style's natural defensive nature to defend her. She also has her internal attacks that can parilyze, stop chakra flow, and kill if hit in the correct spots. She need pull one of those off on Sakura and Sakura's done (If she's parilyzed she'd can't move, her chakra stopped her strength is gone, one hit kill and she's dead). I'm not saying it will be easy I'm only saying Hinata has the better chance because of her superior form, and her level of skill in her technique. I see that as greater then Sakura's who we've seen relies more or less mainly on her strength to bulldoze her way through to get to her opponents.
i enjoy reading your comments:) and again you have some bad ass points;) im going to say a few things tho, dont write off sakura's intelligence with her brute strength , remember she is a skilled medical-nin the best in her generation i reckon, and adding to her taijutsu skills she has made evasive skills, thats even better then her team mates, and obviously she is a hands on kunoichi but she is not stupid, tsunade has hammered it in to her head that she can not afford to be injured, making her skills to analyse her opponent a must, then finding a weak point, i have no doubts she can do so with hinata, although she doesn't get her strength from raw strength like tsunade, her skills of chakra control rival that of hinata IMO, and i agree that hinata's taijutsu skills is superior to that of sakura, i dont agree her twin lion fist will cause death tho, to me it would come down to the most intelligent, im giving props to sakura in that department lol and i know you will say otherwisexd


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Aug 15, 2010
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i enjoy reading your comments:) and again you have some bad ass points;) im going to say a few things tho, dont write off sakura's intelligence with her brute strength , remember she is a skilled medical-nin the best in her generation i reckon, and adding to her taijutsu skills she has made evasive skills, thats even better then her team mates, and obviously she is a hands on kunoichi but she is not stupid, tsunade has hammered it in to her head that she can not afford to be injured, making her skills to analyse her opponent a must, then finding a weak point, i have no doubts she can do so with hinata, although she doesn't get her strength from raw strength like tsunade, her skills of chakra control rival that of hinata IMO, and i agree that hinata's taijutsu skills is superior to that of sakura, i dont agree her twin lion fist will cause death tho, to me it would come down to the most intelligent, im giving props to sakura in that department lol and i know you will say otherwisexd
One thing, I'm not writting off Sakura's inteligence. However Sakura doesn't have much to work with when it comes to using strategy. Her range of skills aren't wide enough for her to pull off strategies like Kakashi or Shikamaru (I know you're going to say that Shikamaru is limited in his jutsu abilities as well however his intelect far exceeds Sakura's). For that matter like I...may have said (I'm not sure) Sakura's intelect is more book then it is feild and stratigics. Both Hinata and Sakura rival each other in their chakra control. Both are like second nature (Sakura was just gifted with it and Hinata's is more genetic). Yes she has evasive skills, and Tsunade excersised the importance of her not getting injured due to her being a medical-nin. That increase her evasive abilities however that doesn't mean she can evade every attack. She was done in pretty badly by Sasori's puppet, granted that he was an S-class shinobi who took down his villages strongest Kazekage but the fact is even though evasive is stressed to medics, doesn't always mean extreamly capable. Now you're saying that Twin lion fist isn't a one hit kill I beg to differ. Remember what I said about the simple strike used by Hinata's father to take out a jounin level shinobi from Kumo in one hit. Hinata doesn't need to the twin lion fist to kill only to hit in the right spot. That is the same with Sakura. She needs to hit in the right spot. From your neck down through your torso to your stomac has sooo many vital points and organs that can be fatal if it (Lungs, kidneys, neck, heart, liver, etc) Sakura's attacks crushes from the outside and can break bones that can cause such organs to be punctured or to hit them directly with such force and impact that the shock kills. Hinata can send her chakra through the body (via the small bursts of chakra signiture in all the strikes of the gental fist) to do the same thing without using the same level of force. Both hits are definate kill, in certain areas of the body that fact is undeniable. Sakura is anylitical and the things is since both kunoichi know each other rather well, it is safe to say that it is well known of their abilities buy the other and that the only problem is coming up with a solution to beat her. Hinata's approch of beating Sakura is more simple (simple not easy), cut off her flow of chakra, therefore cutting off her ninjutsu and genjutsu abilities. In her case as well getting rid of her strength. Now without that Sakura's taijutsu is basically average. Every shinobi has the basic essencial tools of shuriken, kunai, and other weapons to set up traps but the fact is the Byakugan has too much range of vision to hide a trap. Sakura could get away from Sakura, but Hinata will find her, she will see what she is planning and she'll be on guard. The Byakugan provides a strong buffer that increases the awarness of a shinobi meaning Sakura will have to execute whatever her plan is quick enough where she can do unnoticed, which is nearly impossible with her limited ninjutsu abilities outside of her medical techniques and the fact that her speed is nothing special (less, or equal if that to Hinata's). Sakura may be anylitical, figure out a plan, but what use is it if Hinata can see through it, is aware of it and refuses to fall for it. Hinata's not stupid either, hot doesn't always mean stupid.

Ame no kage

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Aug 1, 2011
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One thing, I'm not writting off Sakura's inteligence. However Sakura doesn't have much to work with when it comes to using strategy. Her range of skills aren't wide enough for her to pull off strategies like Kakashi or Shikamaru (I know you're going to say that Shikamaru is limited in his jutsu abilities as well however his intelect far exceeds Sakura's). For that matter like I...may have said (I'm not sure) Sakura's intelect is more book then it is feild and stratigics. Both Hinata and Sakura rival each other in their chakra control. Both are like second nature (Sakura was just gifted with it and Hinata's is more genetic). Yes she has evasive skills, and Tsunade excersised the importance of her not getting injured due to her being a medical-nin. That increase her evasive abilities however that doesn't mean she can evade every attack. She was done in pretty badly by Sasori's puppet, granted that he was an S-class shinobi who took down his villages strongest Kazekage but the fact is even though evasive is stressed to medics, doesn't always mean extreamly capable. Now you're saying that Twin lion fist isn't a one hit kill I beg to differ. Remember what I said about the simple strike used by Hinata's father to take out a jounin level shinobi from Kumo in one hit. Hinata doesn't need to the twin lion fist to kill only to hit in the right spot. That is the same with Sakura. She needs to hit in the right spot. From your neck down through your torso to your stomac has sooo many vital points and organs that can be fatal if it (Lungs, kidneys, neck, heart, liver, etc) Sakura's attacks crushes from the outside and can break bones that can cause such organs to be punctured or to hit them directly with such force and impact that the shock kills. Hinata can send her chakra through the body (via the small bursts of chakra signiture in all the strikes of the gental fist) to do the same thing without using the same level of force. Both hits are definate kill, in certain areas of the body that fact is undeniable. Sakura is anylitical and the things is since both kunoichi know each other rather well, it is safe to say that it is well known of their abilities buy the other and that the only problem is coming up with a solution to beat her. Hinata's approch of beating Sakura is more simple (simple not easy), cut off her flow of chakra, therefore cutting off her ninjutsu and genjutsu abilities. In her case as well getting rid of her strength. Now without that Sakura's taijutsu is basically average. Every shinobi has the basic essencial tools of shuriken, kunai, and other weapons to set up traps but the fact is the Byakugan has too much range of vision to hide a trap. Sakura could get away from Sakura, but Hinata will find her, she will see what she is planning and she'll be on guard. The Byakugan provides a strong buffer that increases the awarness of a shinobi meaning Sakura will have to execute whatever her plan is quick enough where she can do unnoticed, which is nearly impossible with her limited ninjutsu abilities outside of her medical techniques and the fact that her speed is nothing special (less, or equal if that to Hinata's). Sakura may be anylitical, figure out a plan, but what use is it if Hinata can see through it, is aware of it and refuses to fall for it. Hinata's not stupid either, hot doesn't always mean stupid.
true, but you mistaken sakura for a person to hide, most of her battles are head on with reason. and i must defend her with the battle with sisori, it was noted that chio said sakura didn't really need her help evasive wise, so i have to disagree about her evasive skills, im aware that hinata can stop a ninjas chakra flow, but whats the use if she cant touch the person, using her father is irrelevant, her skill lvl and taijutsu is not of her fathers obviously, and your right, they most probably know each others strength and abilities, and im not saying hinata is stupid, she just dont strike me as the kunoichi to outsmart sakura, she clearly wasn't thinking when taking on pain....she almost died.


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Aug 15, 2010
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true, but you mistaken sakura for a person to hide, most of her battles are head on with reason. and i must defend her with the battle with sisori, it was noted that chio said sakura didn't really need her help evasive wise, so i have to disagree about her evasive skills, im aware that hinata can stop a ninjas chakra flow, but whats the use if she cant touch the person, using her father is irrelevant, her skill lvl and taijutsu is not of her fathers obviously, and your right, they most probably know each others strength and abilities, and im not saying hinata is stupid, she just dont strike me as the kunoichi to outsmart sakura, she clearly wasn't thinking when taking on pain....she almost died.
Oooh now you're going for the heart huh. Hinata's incident with pain wasn't a matter of inteligence but a matter of love and dedication to Naruto. She knew full well what she was doing and I bet she had every intention of dying to protect Naruto at that point in time. Even if she could only do a little she wanted him to know that she loved him more then anything and that she always did and that she'll die happily for him following his nindo which became hers. That combine with Naruto's reaction when Hinata was critically injured was perhapse the biggest NaruHina moment and should't be brought into this discussion....

You say Sakura is a head on person but in order for her to pull off a strategy on a kunoichi she can't do it out in the open. By saying that you're leaving Sakura without a plausable method of beating her other then using her taijutsu, which even you stated Sakura as inferior to Hinata in such a bout. I wasn't doubting Sakura's abilities in evasion, but you have to remember that she was indeed caught by Sasori's weapons and was wounded pretty badly and would've died if not for her medical jutsu and antidote. Sakura's evasion of Sasori's puppets was indeed impress and shows that Tsunade did in fact beat that into her, BUT what I'm saying is it is not an ultimate defesnse and it is not a better defense then Hinata's gental fist. Bringing her father up was not in fact irrelivent because I'm not comparing Hinata to her father yet the level of technique demonstrated by him. The level of such attack used was basic, an open palm heel strike that we've seen Hinata use in her fight against Neji and Neji as well (their strikes are all open handed it's the same attack, strength has nothing to do with it). Hinata's not being compared to her father. You're not supposed to look at the person but the technique I was by him, and by her. The technique was basic and used by all Hyuuga and as it is used by all Hyuuga and power is not needed for the attack only a sizable burts of chakra, it is a basic skill for all Hyuuga thus making Hinata's attack that simple and yet so deadly. Now as for the outsmart thing with, Sakura and Hinata are both rather inteligent kunoichi and I even rank Sakura's intelect abouve Hinata's however by you saying in the beggining that Sakura dosesn't hide implied no level of deception (due to her lack of cover jutsu in combat) meaning a strategy would be worthless to her as it would be demonstrated in plain day and with Hinata being an inteligent girl nearing even Sakura's she won't fall for it so, again (and I know I'm being redundent) leaving it down to taijutsu vs. taijutsu which Hinata is superior. Hinata is a superior fighter then Sakura...

I enjoy this conversation a lot and I really really like you. I however can't stay online anylonger because I am exhausted. Do me a favor, you can post a reply and if you want me to respond to it and continue on tomorrow VM me at my profile and when I get up in the morning I'll respond. I wish you good night and sweet dreams <3.