Sheep Game #2

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Pirate Queen
Apr 10, 2014
Trait Points
You can find the guide of the Sheep game here:

Hellllooow, I am ChihayayahaHAHAHAYAHA *evil laughter*

Privately send me your answers by Conversations: and keep your answers secret!


Q1- Would you rather drink out of a long, narrow glass, or a short, fat glass?
Q2- Would you rather donate to an Animal Shelter or a Food for the Poor Charity?
Q3- Coke or Pepsi?
Q4- Ford or Chevy?
Q5- One day you wake up and it's the Zombie Apocalypse. You're given the choice of any weapon. Which is most practical to help you survive?
Q6- If there was one color you wouldn't mind never being able to see again, which would it be?
Q7- What is the most common first word a baby says?

I hope these questions are antiquate.

I think 5 days is a good span of time, seeing the last game only took like one day!
The last date of sending your answers is 11/08/2018. I can post earlier if everyone is done/game goes inactive.
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Pirate Queen
Apr 10, 2014
Trait Points
Q1- Would you rather drink out of a long, narrow glass, or a short, fat glass?

Long, narrow glass - Rohan, Q, Sagebee, Michelle, Finalbeta, Shanks (6 Points)

Short, fat glass - PyrrhaNikos, Rei, Michael92 (3 Points)

Q2- Would you rather donate to an Animal Shelter or a Food for the Poor Charity?

Animal Shelter - Rohan, PyrrhaNikos, Rei, Michael92 (4 Points)

Food for the Poor Charity - Q, Sagebee, Michelle, Finalbeta (4 Points)

Both - Shanks (1 Point)

Q3- Coke or Pepsi?

Coke - Rohan, PyrrhaNikos, Rei, Michelle, Finalbeta, Q (6 Points)

Pepsi - Sagebee, Michael92, Shanks (3 Points)

Q4- Ford or Chevy?

Ford - Rohan, Q, Rei, Sagebee, Michelle, Finalbeta (6 Points)

Chevy - PyrrhaNikos, Shanks (2 Points)

Neither - Michael92 (1 Point)

Q5- One day you wake up and it's the Zombie Apocalypse. You're given the choice of any weapon. Which is most practical to help you survive?

Invisibility Cloak - Rohan (1 Point)

Melee Weapon (Sword-type) - PyrrhaNikos (1 Point)

Baseball bat - Michael92 (1 Point)

Silenced Pistol/Gun - Q, Sagebee (2 Points)

LMG - Rei (1 Point)

Shotgun - Finalbeta, (1Points)

Wood spear - Michelle (1 Point)

Flamethrower - Shanks (1 Point)

Q6- If there was one color you wouldn't mind never being able to see again, which would it be?

Black - Rohan (1 Point)

Orange - Q, PyrrhaNikos (2 Points)

Yellow - Rei, Finalbeta (2 Points)

Purple - Sagebee (1 Point)

Pink - Michael92 (1 Point)

None - Michelle (1 Point)

Grey - Shanks (1 Point)

Q7- What is the most common first word a baby says?

“Mother”- Rohan (1 Point)

“Mama” - PyrrhaNikos, Q, Rei, Sagebee, Michelle, Shanks (6 Points)

“Hello” - Michael92 (1 Point)

“Dada” - Finalbeta (1 Point)

@Rohan 6+4+6+6+1+1+1= 25
@PyrrhaNikos 3+4+6+2+1+2+6= 24
@Rei 3+4+6+6+1+2+6= 28
@Sagebee 6+4+3+6+2+1+6= 28
@Michael92 3+4+3+1+1+1+1= 14
@Finalbeta 6+4+6+6+1+2+1= 26
@Michelle 6+4+6+6+1+1+6= 30
@Shanks 6+1+3+2+1+1+6= 20
@Q 6+4+6+6+2+2+6= 32

The Winner with 32 points is @Q !

Second place is @Michelle with 30 points!

Third place is @Rei and @Sagebee with 28 points!

Fourth place winners are @Finalbeta with 26 points!

Fifth place is @Rohan with 25 points!

Sixth place winners are @PyrrhaNikos with 24 points!

Seventh place winner is @Shanks with 20 points!

Eigth place winner is @Michael92 with 14 points!

Some of your guys' answers were really funny. A baby is born and it says hello/mother? :ROFLMAO: A wood spear is most practical to keep you alive in an apocalypse of zombies? Haha! (No shade throwing. Just a genuine laugh!)

So, I guess @Q gets to choose if he wants to host the next game!
And if he doesn’t want to, then Michelle can! And if she doesn’t want to, then Rei or Sagebee, etc, etc!

Awesome! Was fun! Good job everyonnnee!!!!!!!


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Q1- Would you rather drink out of a long, narrow glass, or a short, fat glass?

Long, narrow glass - Rohan, Q, Sagebee, Michelle, Finalbeta, Shanks (6 Points)

Short, fat glass - PyrrhaNikos, Rei, Michael92 (3 Points)

Q2- Would you rather donate to an Animal Shelter or a Food for the Poor Charity?

Animal Shelter - Rohan, PyrrhaNikos, Rei, Michael92 (4 Points)

Food for the Poor Charity - Q, Sagebee, Michelle, Finalbeta (4 Points)

Both - Shanks (1 Point)

Q3- Coke or Pepsi?

Coke - Rohan, PyrrhaNikos, Rei, Michelle, Finalbeta, Q (6 Points)

Pepsi - Sagebee, Michael92, Shanks (3 Points)

Q4- Ford or Chevy?

Ford - Rohan, Q, Rei, Sagebee, Michelle, Finalbeta (6 Points)

Chevy - PyrrhaNikos, Shanks (2 Points)

Neither - Michael92 (1 Point)

Q5- One day you wake up and it's the Zombie Apocalypse. You're given the choice of any weapon. Which is most practical to help you survive?

Invisibility Cloak - Rohan (1 Point)

Melee Weapon (Sword-type) - PyrrhaNikos (1 Point)

Baseball bat - Michael92 (1 Point)

Silenced Pistol/Gun - Q, Sagebee (2 Points)

LMG - Rei (1 Point)

Shotgun - Finalbeta, (1Points)

Wood spear - Michelle (1 Point)

Flamethrower - Shanks (1 Point)

Q6- If there was one color you wouldn't mind never being able to see again, which would it be?

Black - Rohan (1 Point)

Orange - Q, PyrrhaNikos (2 Points)

Yellow - Rei, Finalbeta (2 Points)

Purple - Sagebee (1 Point)

Pink - Michael92 (1 Point)

None - Michelle (1 Point)

Grey - Shanks (1 Point)

Q7- What is the most common first word a baby says?

“Mother”- Rohan (1 Point)

“Mama” - PyrrhaNikos, Q, Rei, Sagebee, Michelle, Shanks (6 Points)

“Hello” - Michael92 (1 Point)

“Dada” - Finalbeta (1 Point)

@Rohan 6+4+6+6+1+1+1= 25
@PyrrhaNikos 3+4+6+2+1+2+6= 24
@Rei 3+4+6+6+1+2+6= 28
@Sagebee 6+4+3+6+2+1+6= 28
@Michael92 3+4+3+1+1+1+1= 14
@Finalbeta 6+4+6+6+1+2+1= 26
@Michelle 6+4+6+6+1+1+6= 30
@Shanks 6+1+3+2+1+1+6= 20
@Q 6+4+6+6+2+2+6= 32

The Winner with 32 points is @Q !

Second place is @Michelle with 30 points!

Third place is @Rei and @Sagebee with 28 points!

Fourth place winners are @Finalbeta with 26 points!

Fifth place is @Rohan with 25 points!

Sixth place winners are @PyrrhaNikos with 24 points!

Seventh place winner is @Shanks with 20 points!

Eigth place winner is @Michael92 with 14 points!

Some of your guys' answers were really funny. A baby is born and it says hello/mother? :ROFLMAO: A wood spear is most practical to keep you alive in an apocalypse of zombies? Haha! (No shade throwing. Just a genuine laugh!)

So, I guess @Q gets to choose if he wants to host the next game! And if he doesn’t want to, then Michelle can! And if she doesn’t want to, then Rei or Sagebee, etc, etc!

Awesome! Was fun! Good job everyonnnee!!!!!!!
1: Okay how come I was the only one to mention freaking Baseball Bat in that question?! :LOL::ROFLMAO: Walking Dead anyone?! NEGAN anyone?!! Lucille?!?!?! C'Mon that was obvious, lmfao :lol1-onion-head-emoticon:I've lost all my fate in you, haha.

2: "Hello" :lol1-onion-head-emoticon::lol1-onion-head-emoticon::lol1-onion-head-emoticon:

3: "Eigth place winner is @Michael92 with 14 points!" Yeah right, rub it in!! :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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