[Original Fiction] Red's Weekly Stories \(O^O)/


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Jan 31, 2019
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As I grow and realize how much I love writing, the more I realize that I need to practice these skills and get better at expressing ideas and wonderful stories in print. The purpose of this series I'm starting, is to get myself accustomed to writing well thought out unique stories, unique from one other, trying out new character ideas, see what works and fails for me, and lastly get used to turning things in on a dead line, that dead line being Sundays from now on. Hopefully you guys, at least those with enough patience for my noob writing, enjoy what you read. Okay, now to the story!
It lays on a blade, the blade green and swaying the slow air breeze. Millions of other blades replicate its same motion. The bug stays on its blade awaiting the dance to stop. The bug has always hated the stupid dance the blades did every time the wind tickled them. It wasted its time it said to its brethren, that these blades would laugh and jig the moment the littlest joy was given to them. This was a plain waste of energy, it would say, dancing for every wind that touched you would only tire you out, it would argue. Yet despite how many times it said this the blades would never stop, and it would be forced to try to explain to them that their moving was quiet annoying and just as time wasting. Today was no different, as the bug stood there waiting for this dance to stop so he could go on with his day he yelled out at the grass, sick and tired of its dance.

"It's annoying! All of it! Wasting my time! Wasting the air's time! No one wants to see you dance," he exclaimed to the blades. But unlike most days today was different. Today a young blade had just joined the ranks, and unlike the much older blades it saw it fit to take the bugs words into consideration. So out of curiosity it asked the bug: "Why should we listen to you?"

This reply took the bug by extravagant surprise. Why should they listen to me, it thought. Out of anger it replied back:
"Because It annoys me!! It takes my day, and I hate it!" Silence followed the recall. The young blade of grass pondered the bugs statement. Then it came to a conclusion.

"Why should your feelings impact ours? We enjoy dancing as much as you hate it. What obligation do we have to prioritize your feelings over ours?" The bug shook its feet violently. How dare this blade proclaim that its feelings were more superior to mine it thought.

"You dumb blade! I am mad at your dancing! It is wasting my time! My time!!! I hate it I hate it! Stop it now!!!"

It was that is moment that the blade understood why its brethren never cared to respond to this bug. Logic was beyond it, arguing with it would only take time away from its wind jig. So the blade did not respond and continued to sway and jig, dance and flap. Live and dig its joy. Though the bug did not stop yelling, it did not care, and nor did the other blades. And the day continued. The wind came and went, the bugs came and went, and nothing changed.
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