one piece 575 fan prediction


Feb 20, 2009
Trait Points
ACE DIES... What?s Luffy?s next move?


Garp: (Tears running down his face) ACE! (Struggles to get out of Sengoku?s grip)

Sengoku: Garp! You know what?ll happen If you kill Sakazuki!! (Tightens his grip on

Garp: LUFFY RUUUUUUUUN!!!! (Thinking)I can?t lose two grandsons!

Luffy: (slams his fist down into the floor) GEAR SECOND! (A tear drops from Luffy?s

face. Luffy wipes away the tear, with a fierce look in his eyes) YOUR GOING TO

PAAAAAAAAY!!! (A burst of Haki is unleashed knocking several marines back)

Ivankov: Strawhat, don?t do it, get away!

Akainu: He paid the price for his criminal acts. That was justice! Now it?s your turn to

face justice. (Akainu?s fist turns to magma)


Akainu: How pitif-

Luffy: JET PISTOL! (Hits Akainu straight in the chest, Akainu goes flying backwards)

Akainu: ****! Ha?shoku Haki!

Luffy: (Appears behind Akainu) JET BAZOOKA!

Akainu: (Flying back in the direction he originally came from) what speed!

Whitebeard: Boy... (He watches on, as well as the other pirates)

Kizaru: Oh-hohoho, Strawhat, You may be fast, but you can?t match me. (Kizaru flies

in for a kick on Luffy)
Marco: Aren?t you forgetting someone? (Marco intercepts Kizaru?s kick (like Rayleigh

Kizaru: Oh, you again! (Smiles)

Luffy: GEAR THIRD! (Luffy enlarges his fist) GOMU GOMU NOOOOOO-

Akainu: (Gets up off the floor) DAI FUNKA! (Akainu swings at Luffy with his magma fist)

Luffy: GIGANT JET PISTOL! (His giant fist clashes with Akainu?s ?Dai Funka?. Akainu

is sent flying back and crashes into the HQ walls)

Pirates: WOAH! HE JUST BEAT ADMIRAL AKAINU!!! (They watch in pure amazement)

Buggy: (Thinking) WOAH!!! HOW DID STRAWHAT DO THAT!?

Luffy: *PANT* *PANT*(Luffy turns small from the effects of Gear Third)

Aokiji: *Sigh* What a nuisance... ICE TIME CAPSULE! (Aokiji sends a wave of Ice

along the ground)
Whitebeard: Not so fast! (Whitebeard sends an earthquake which intercepts the ice)

Aokiji: I see... You won?t let us touch the boy? (Aokiji stares at Whitebeard)

Whitebeard: **** right!

Aokiji: Ice Time Capsule! (Aokiji sends a massive wave of ice towards whitebeard)

Whitebeard: Gurararara! (Whitebeard blocks with several air quakes)

Luffy: *PANT* *PANT* (Luffy, still lying on the ground, changes back to normal size)

Aokiji: This is pointless... (Turns towards Luffy and runs towards him)

Whitebeard: Marco! (Thinking) ****, I?m not fast enough. **** It!

Aokiji: Strawhat Luffy, you are a threat to the world. You be executed here as well.

Garp: LUFFY!

Aokiji: Ice Time Capsule

Luffy: (The ice heads straight for Luffy) ****! I can?t move.

Marco: (Flies in and kicks Aokiji away) He doesn?t die yet. (Marco then flies in pursuit

of Aokiji)
Kizaru: Oh! But you left him right open! (Marco turns in shock as he sees Kizaru

standing next to Luffy)

Aokiji: Ice Time (Aokiji freezes Marco)

Kizaru: (Kizaru holds his foot above Luffy; His foot is glowing with light) Goodbye,

Strawhat, you?ll be seeing Ace very soon.

(As Kizaru lowers his foot to kill Luffy, his kick is redirected)

???: This seems familiar!?

Kizaru: OH! (Kizaru says surprised) I didn?t think I?d be seeing you again so soon,

?Dark King?.

Luffy: Ray-san! (Suddenly two figures grab Luffy) Woah, what are you doing!?

Luffy: (A tear runs down Luffy?s face as he sees his crew standing around him) Zoro!

Nami! Usopp! Sanji! Chopper! Robin! Franky! Brooke!

Zoro: Sorry, we?re late, Captain!

Luffy?s Nakama are back! What?ll happen now they join the war!
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