[Nin] Ninja Arts

Tyrion Lannister

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Aug 16, 2014
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Rufus was thrilled to his core, when he heard news that the academy has assigned him a new teacher for learning the ninja arts. Ever since that day, he was counting down to that fateful day, when he could start honing his skills as a ninja. As the day arrived, he made his way to the destined meeting point at the training ground, packed with all the ninja gear that he may require during his training course. "I'm making a step closer to reaching my goal, I hope Jiraiya sensei is proud" On arrival at the spot, he rushed towards a tree, drawing a kunai and marked his insignia onto the bark of the tree. "This marks the beginning of a new chapter..."

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As he finishes admiring his crafty work, he waits for the arrival of his sensei.


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Mar 26, 2011
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"Hello. Let's get straight to it. Let's begin with some questions. Please tell me the following:
- What is a ninja?
- What is chakra?
- What are the basic five elements?
- And, why do you want to learn ninjutsu and why?
I understand this might be a task, but I need to know you understand what everything is

Also, my name is Castiel."

Tyrion Lannister

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Aug 16, 2014
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Rufus was intrigued by his trainers appearance. He was dressed well and had a trench coat, unusual. Rufus heard his trainer speak and felt the need to introduce himself. "I'm Rufus Lore. I've no family or at least none that I know of.I've begun training in Earth,Water and Lightning Release under the guidance of some well known trainers. I hope to be a somebody in the ninja world, someday", Rufus chuckles as he finishes saying that. He then takes a deep breath and readies to answer the questions,

❶ For the first question "What is a ninja", my answer is: Ninja or Shinobi is the term used to denote highly trained personnel in a country or village. A ninja possess high levels of spiritual and physical energy. Their main job is carry out missions/orders given to them, by the high ranking officials. In the early days, they were tools at the disposal of the higher ups. A true ninja is someone who values his villages future over his own life and does everything in his power to preserve it. Somebody who values his comrades life and never abandon him. There are 5 great shinobi villages, each having their own ninja system. The ninja system was enforced at first to ensure peace and security for the villagers, but now they are used as a means to wage wars. Ninja's possess training in Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, the last 2 being optional. On a side note, the ninja's who abandon their village and betraying their oath are classified as Rogue ninja's. Rogue ninja's act on their own or form alliances to form mercenary organizations for their own benefit. My sensei described a Ninja in a simpler way.A ninja is someone who endures without backing down, someone who has the guts to never give up. Someone who pushes forward to keep his ninja way.

❷ On to the second question "What is Chakra" : Chakra is a mixture of spiritual and physical energy. Physical energy is the energy stored in each cell of a being i.e; the energy of the body. Spiritual energy is the energy of the mind and on'es never dying spirit. Everyone has chakra, but only ninja's can manipulate and mold chakra. A perfect balance of Spiritual and Physical energy is needed to mold chakra. Chakra is the essence of performing various ninja arts like Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu. To perform Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, ninja's may need to perform handseals which are used to mold chakra and perform the desired techniques. Chakra is manipulated in two ways to bring forth techniques in Ninjutsu
✦Nature Manipulation: There are five basic natures namely, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind and Lightning. Nature transformation is the process by which a ninja uses his elemental affinity to transform a desired part of his chakra into an elemental form. A ninja can perform elemental transformation by transforming his chakra to resemble a particular element, in terms of properties.
✦Shape manipulation: Shape manipulation is the process by which, the already released chakra can be shaped into a particular form. Doing so will increase the power of the technique.
In the arts of Genjutsu, the user pours his chakra into the desired target to disrupt the chakra flow. This induces illusion upon the opponent. In Taijutsu, the chakra is used to boost one's speed, power and overall reflexes. The chakra flows through a system similar to the human blood circulatory system called the chakra circulatory. in here instead of the blood, chakra flows through. The chakra flowing through are regulated at eight gates called the Eight Inner Gates. These gates regulate the flow of chakra, thereby putting a limit. If one where to open the inner gates, the regulation on the chakra flow would be broken making the ninja faster and stronger. the downside to this is that, his body would suffer damages due to the strain.

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❸"What are the basic elements": The basic five constitute of elements that are present in the nature namely, Earth, Fire, Wind, Lightning and Water. As mentioned earlier, to perform elemental ninjutus chakra is transformed into elemental chakra, which are then molded and manipulated.
✦Katon or Fire release: In this form of elemental ninjutsu, the user imparts properties of fire to his chakra inorder to bring forth Fire style techniques. The user is granted the ability to create and manipulate fire, fueled by his chakra. Katon is strong against Fuuton and weak against Suiton.
✦Fuuton or Wind release: In this form of elemental ninjutsu, the user imparts properties of wind to his chakra inorder to bring forth Wind style techniques. The user is granted the ability to create and manipulate wind, fueled by his chakra. Fuuton is strong against Raiton and weak against Katon.
✦Raiton or Lightning release: In this form of elemental ninjutsu, the user imparts properties of lightning to his chakra inorder to bring forth Lightning style techniques. The user is granted the ability to create and manipulate Lightning, fueled by his chakra. Raiton is strong against Doton and weak against Fuuton.
✦Doton or Earth release: In this form of elemental ninjutsu, the user imparts properties of earth to his chakra inorder to bring forth Earth style techniques. The user is granted the ability to create and manipulate earth, fueled by his chakra. Doton is strong against Suiton and weak against Raiton.
✦Suiton or Water release: In this form of elemental ninjutsu, the user imparts properties of water to his chakra inorder to bring forth Water style techniques. The user is granted the ability to create and manipulate water, fueled by his chakra. Suiton is strong against Katon and weak against Doton.
Even though some elements are weak to another, they can be combined to produce a greater technique. for eg: Wind is weak against fire, but wind style can be used to fuel the fire and increase the destructive power of the fire style technique. Lightning release can be used in conjunction with Water release to electrocute the foe.

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❹ "why do you want to learn ninjutsu ": The answer is pretty simple. Ninja arts or Ninjutsu is on the 3 most essential components that sets a ninja apart from the ordinary. The elemental ninjutsu are are a part of ninjutsu itself. Being that I'm already learning the elements, it's only fair that I need to learn ninjutsu for I need to understand the basics before I can call myself a ninja. As a die note, I always wanted to learn rasengan..hehehee

Link to my original post:


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Mar 26, 2011
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Utterly correct. All of it.

"So, just to get into this thing. I want you to try and gather your chakra in the palm of your hand. Sounds simple enough right? "

Tyrion Lannister

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Aug 16, 2014
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Hearing the instruction, Rufus knew what to do. "I'll give it a shot" He quickly weaved the seal of confrontation using his left hand and started to gather chakra from his chakra reservoir. Slowly at first, and then he picks up the pace gathering a suitable amount of chakra. He could feel the chakra pulsing through his chakra circulatory system. He directs the chakra to his dominant right hand and extends the hand slightly outwards. The chakra directed towards the hand starts to pool inside. His sense never said to release it outwards so he kept the chakra bottled up inside his hand. He could sense more power on his right hand that usual, being empowered by a lot of chakra. "I'm done"

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Mar 26, 2011
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So; before we start the techniques you have been given a choice. Template or other training method.

So idea is simple, I will post the techniques and I will ask you to analyse them for me, for example: how to use it in battle, how to counter it, what is good about this technique (pros), what is bad about it (cons), what you like about it and etc. I think you pretty much get what I mean. The "How to perform" - part is a bit, not needed for, but you are more than welcome to perform it, if you don't understand the technique. It's better if we focus on the important things, like actually analysing the whole technique and knowing how to use it in a fight. Only filling the template is boring and sometimes not fun. I want to make this training as enjoyable as I can, I know templates can be boring and dull at times.

Something below are basic guidelines to use:

Example of points for every technique
+ How to be used in a battle
+ How to be countered in a battle
+ Some advantages and disadvantages
+ Your personal opinion about the technique

Do you have any questions about method?

Or you can chose to use this template:

[CODE][B]One/three advantages:[/B]
[B]One/three disadvantages:[/B]
[B]How you would use it in battle:[/B]
[B]How you would counter it:[/B]
[B]How you perform it (with as much detail as you can):[/B][/CODE]
Your choice. ^^


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Mar 26, 2011
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Let's begin!

(Fukumi Hari) - Hidden Needles
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:20
Description: The user is able to call forth needles into their mouth and then spit them at their opponent with great accuracy.

This one is rather simple but the range is lame, with this one I want you to gather some chakra in your mouth and then use shape manipulation on the chakra to form chakra needles that you will spit at my clone using your great accuracy. This technique seems like it would come in rather good use if you are of course within range of your target.

(Kage Shuriken no Jutsu) - Shadow Shuriken Technique
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:20
Description: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing a giant Windmill Shuriken. When throwing the shuriken, the ninja will also throw a second giant shuriken to hide in the shadow of the first. The hidden secondary shuriken can then approach the target without their being aware.

With this one, I want you to take out two of those giant windmill shurikens, and with the first one I want you to throw it towards my clone from there, as soon as you let go of the first shuriken I want you to throw the second one to hide in the shadow of the first one you threw. This technique can get your target by surprise, and range isn't bad or so.

Tyrion Lannister

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Aug 16, 2014
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Rufus listens to the explanation of the techniques, soaking in every word. For the first technique, Rufus starts to draw forth chakra from his reservoir, drawing only the required chakra. Once done, he directs the chakra to his mouth using his chakra circulatory system. Once done, Rufus starts to compress the chakra in his mouth, making it a bit dense and then molds the chakra to take a definite form. The next step was shape manipulation, Rufus manipulates the molded chakra to take the form of countless needles. Rufus now widens the gap between his lips a little and starts to spew out a barrage of needles aimed at a nearby tree. It was almost like a machine gun in action.

+ How to be used in a battle : It can be used as a form of sneak attack. Being so thin and tiny, the sound produced by the needles as it cuts through the air can only be picked by ninja's who have sound release,doujutsu users, sensors or ninja's who has activated some special tracking jutsu. This could very well work in conjunction with Hiding in the mist technique and even trick the sharingan users. In close combat, I could always target my opponents eye or throat.

+ How to be countered in a battle : Being a weak technique the damage done is minimal. It can't pierce through a good enough defense. It can easily be deflected by wind style techniques.Moving out of range of the jutsu is another possibility.

+ Some advantages and disadvantages :
The advantages are:
✦Quick to perform
✦Lacks preparation like hand seals or Gestures

The disadvantages are:
✦Range is short
✦Lacks real power
✦Can easily be deflected from it's original trajectory

+Your personal opinion about the technique: I think this technique could be hand in close combat. Needles being so light, can move faster and quieter and that there is major advantage. If one were to strike the pressure points, it could deal more damage than a wound caused by a shuriken. Another thing I love is that, I can shoot a barrage of needles in a wide arc, with just moving my head along.

I think the chakra cost of the 2nd techniques is wrong. For D-rank it should be 10 points not 15, right?

For the second technique, Rufus takes out two windmill shurikens. He knew this technique was all about deception and some fancy hand work. Rufus quickly crouches, and arches his right shoulder backwards and simultaneouly channels chakra into the second shuriken which was held closely to the first shuriken. Using the chakra, Rufus conceals the presence of the second shuriken. Once done, he swings forward the shuriken releasing the first shuriken first and then the second shuriken, respectively. To the clone, the second shuriken appears as a shadow of the first, making him think only one shuriken is heading his way.

+ How to be used in a battle For me, I'd probably tag the second shuriken with explosive tags, making ti harder for him to evade my attack. Naruto launched two rasenshuriken's using this during the pein arc, I don't think something like that is available here in the RP >_>

+ How to be countered in a battle Well with a strong enough jutsu like for example an earth wall. It could block both the shurikens. Or maybe a strong gust of wind, to deflect them from their original trajectory.

+ Some advantages and disadvantages
Advantages are:
✦Mid range reach
✦Can take the enemy by surprise leaving him less time to counter

The disadvantages are:
✦Can be easily blocked

+ Your personal opinion about the technique I don't see myself using this technique. Frankly they limited it to only wind mill shuriken or something of that shape like the Rasenshuriken. I'd have loved it if we could throw other weapons use this same technique.


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Mar 26, 2011
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Yeah it is supposed to be, I did mention the error in sensei HQ, it should be fixed.

Well done on all fronts, no need to add anything!

(Ninpou: Gekka Bijin) - Ninja Arts: Beauty Under the Moonlight
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:N/A
Description: The user will create a swarm of sakura(cherry blossoms)petals to surround there opponents and swirl around them causing confusion.The user can then attack there opponent from any angle they choose.Blinds opponents eyes for the turn this jutsu is used.

Now, I want you to gather you chakra and release it around my clone, then use shape manipulation on the chakra to form them into a swarm of sakura's petals. Then proceed to control the petals, swirl them around my clone; blocking the clones vision, allowing you to attack him from any direction, how ever you want. You have to be within close range of your target, which is a bummer for this.

(Sakura Fubuki no Jutsu) - Cherry Blossom Snow Storm Technique
Rank: D
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: 20
Description: The user will hurl kunai with pouches attached at their target. Upon impact, the pouches explode, releasing small explosive notes. Due to the large number of kunai thrown, a shower of notes will rain down on the target. The user will then throw one final kunai with an active explosive note at the target. It will begin to burn, and by igniting the falling smaller notes it will cause a gigantic explosion.

Okay; Take out about 10 kunai with pouches attached to the end of the kunais, put a bunch of small explosive notes in each of the pouches, and then throw them all at once, as soon as they get close to my clone the pouches explode leaving a bunch of explosive notes laying around the clone, then I want you to throw one final kunai with an active explosive note on the said kunai, and then throw it towards my clone; the burning note will ignite all the others on the ground and around my clone causing a huge explosion.

Tyrion Lannister

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Aug 16, 2014
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After listening to the explanation, Rufus starts to gather chakra from his chakra reservoir. After gathering enough chakra, he starts to circulate it through his chakra circulatory system. Then, he releases the chakra into the air around him and, guides it towards the clone. Once done, Rufus starts to mold the chakra, giving it a definite form and uses his shape manipulation to shape the chakra in the form of countless petals, that are pink and bright and maing them drop down to the ground. Using his chakra as medium to control the petals, Rufus makes the petals swirl around the clone as the float towards the ground. This creates a confusion in the clone, blocking his vision and keeping him distracted while a kunia, embeds itself into the clone from behind his neck, making him disperse.

+ How to be used in a battle : It can be used as a form of distraction. Although in this RP it would be practically useless. It's a good means to block doujutsu user's vision, such as sharingan and rinnengan (Byakugan is an exception).

+ How to be countered in a battle :The petals can easily be blow away by wind. If you have some sort of sensing active, it's easy to see past the petals and keep track of your opponent's actions.

+ Some advantages and disadvantages :

The advantages are:
✦Quick to perform and lack of seals
✦Works well in blocking vision of doujutsu users like Sharingan and Rinnengan

The disadvantages are:
✦Range is short
✦Lacks any offensive attributes

+Your personal opinion about the technique: I think an offensive means should be implemented along with this jutsu. Since the users chakra is already there, why not make the petals sharp as a blade, so that when the swirl and drop, they can would the opponent. I think it'd be a good CJ.

For the technique, Rufus reaches into his pouch and searches for 10 kunai's. After doing so, he gathers the required chakra and channels it into a handful of small explosive notes. Once done, he divides them evenly and puts them in 10 pouches, each of which is tagged with a kunai. Without wasting time, Rufus releases the 10 kunai's, 6 at one go and 4 at the second go, with only milliseconds separating their release aimed at the area surrounding the clone. On reaching the clone's vicinity, i.e; as it embeds itself into the ground the kunai's explode scattering countless small paper bombs into the air. In quick conjunction, Rufus releases another kunai with a special explosive note that has been channeled with his chakra. Upon reaching the vicinity of the small explove tags, the explosive tag in the kunai resonates with Rufu's chakra setting itself off, thereby setting off the other tags creating a huge explosion.

+ How to be used in a battle: I think it'd work really well with the mist even if you don't know where your enemy is (i.e; can't sense your opponent's whereabouts). We can release the kunai's, spacing them evenly by a meter or so. And once the kunai's explode when triggered by the explosive kunai, they'd all go up like a chain reaction damaging if the opponent is nearby. A plus side is that since the explosion is large, it'd generate enough power to blow a part of the mist away, granting a certain level of visibility in the mist.

+ How to be countered in a battle: The kunai's can be blown back by a wind style technique or even be countered by an earth wall jutsu.

+ Some advantages and disadvantages:

The advantages are:
✦Area of impact is large
✦Range is good

The disadvantages are:
✦Power is small
✦Can be easily deflected and countered

+ Your personal opinion about the technique I think, the technique should've been more subtle. Instead of throwing another activating seal ,we could've made use of a simple seal to trigger all the seals.


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Mar 26, 2011
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(Kanashibari no Jutsu) - Temporary Body Paralysis Technique
Rank: D
Chakra:15 (-5 per turn)
Damge Points:N/A
Description: Kanashibari no Jutsu is a simple Ninjutsu technique used to temporarily bind an animal (or animals). With the target frozen in place, the ninja can either take the opportunity to attack or to retreat. It can only be used against animal (summons or not) and works by forcefully using your chakra to restrain the summon physically by holding it in place. It can, however, be broken by outside means or brute force, making it less effective against bigger summons like boss summons or similar.
Note: lasts only as long as the user is focusing on the target to sustain it.

With this one, by looking at an animal it will temporarily bind them in place for a short amount of time, allowing you to run or attack your target, this is a good technique to bind a summoning the target is using; so you don't have to worry about the summoning for that short amount of time, the animal will feel as they are being held down by steel ropes. But you have to stay focused on the targets you are binding. This can be broken by brute force.

Summons two small animals for each of you to bind.

(Sakki) - Killing Intent
Rank: D - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Killing Intent pertains to the ability of the user giving off their pure killing intention and having it affect their opponent and others around them up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death, nausea, pain, etc. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a genjutsu at all; simply a showcase of intention and power. The target will feel as if facing an overwhelming enemy and, even if not a sensor, will suddenly feel the pressure of the users chakra and its magnitude, making the effect that much more dramatic. To effectively be used, the user needs to focus on his target and concentrate on the killing intent towards it, meaning that one must see the target and be focused on it. The strength of the Killing Intent is dependent on many factors and go through several levels. If a difference in rank smaller than 2 ranks exist, the enemy will feel only the pressure and the ominous presence of their dark intentions. Its enough to lose your grasp on a weapon or stay clinched to it (depending on the situation) or even to hesitate in an attack, stumble or mess up a handseal, all depending on the situation and proximity. The effect is small and normally not that significant but can be effectively used to pressure enemies into making a mistake. If a difference of 2 ranks or more exist, the enemy will be frozen, almost unable to move as the overwhelming killing intent dominates their own conscious and riddles them with nightmarish versions of death. The paralyzation gradually weakens as time passes and can only be maintained while the user is focused on the target. The further away the target, the weaker it is and it can only fully paralyze a target within short range. Similarly, the more targets one focuses on, the weaker the effect is in each one (divinding the effects equally between the number of targets). Lastly, the stronger the user is in relation to the target, the stronger the effect will be. The target can counter Killing Intent directed at it through pain, "mind cleansing" techniques or their own Killing Intent.
Note: Intensity of technique depends on the rank of the user, distance to target and number of targets one is focusing on
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Lasts only while the user is focusing on it and while focusing on it the user can't mold chakra

This is the more powerful on of the latter, you stare at my clones, giving off the intention that you want to brutishly kill them, they will become paralysed; but there are some factors to think off, being two levels higher then your target will only feel a dark presence and maybe enough for them to drop their weapon, but if there is more then two levels difference, the target will be frozen in place and unable to move, the shorter the range the more effective the technique is.

Use it on my clone as he is for this one technique only 3 ranks lower then both of you.

Tyrion Lannister

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Aug 16, 2014
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After listening to the explanation, Rufus starts to gather chakra from his chakra reservoir. Gathering the required chakra, Rufus starts to concentrate on the chakra, making it more compact and denser. Once done he channels it throughout his body and releases it from his body, into the air around him. Then, he guides the released the chakra towards the summoned animals and surrounds the summons with it. After completing this task, he makes the chakra adhere to the summon's body, sticking cloe\se to it. Now using his chakra, he restricts the summons by tightly binding them, making the chakra stick closer to body of the summons. This restricts the mobility of the summons, as thye feel like they have been kept on a tight leash.

+ How to be used in a battle : I think this is a very handy technique. Would be good against summons when the user has no summons for himself. It'd be very much effective with summons that swims and flies as long as the user has a visual of the creature.

+ How to be countered in a battle :It's rather simple, attackt he user while he is focused on keeping my summon on a tight leash. The jutsu is only effective as long as he maintains control over the technique. So my guess is to capitalize on that. Besides boss summons can't be hindered by such jutsu.

+ Some advantages and disadvantages :

The advantages are:
✦It's quick to perform
✦Gives ninja's who doesn't have any summonings a chance to counter them.
✦Range is good

The disadvantages are:
✦Range could be improved to long
✦Lacks power to seize boss summons
✦Must focus on the technique to keep control

+Your personal opinion about the technique: Personally, it's a handy one for me atm. The jutsu could've been improved by making it long-range. I would've preferred if the techniques effects lasted as long as the summon releases from it, like genjutsu but that's pretty OP.

For the technique, Rufus clears his mind, closes his eyes and dwells on his dark side. He was abandoned by his parents, hated by whomever laid their eyes on him. The anger he felt towards those figures burnt in his heart, fueling his mind with rage and the intent to kill. The murderous aura within him started to dwell, beginning to consume his heart and his mind. Soon he couldn't help but desire to kill someone violently. Rufus opens his closed eye, eyeing at the two clones with his cold, dead eyes. And with that stare, he released all of his murderous aura into the surrounding, which started to seep into the minds of the two clones. The two clones felt Rufus's desire to violently murder them both, without even flinching. Images of Rufu's ripping their heads off with one swift motion clearly consumed their mind, making them dwell in fear of what might happen, if they went up against him. the clones soon started to shiver, unable to move a muscle of their own accord and finally poof away.

+ How to be used in a battle: I think this is one of the most coolest techniques in the RP for dramatic purposes. The murderous intent is enough to even let someone flinch for a second, even if there is only a single rank difference b/w the fighters. The feeling of fear can be most capitalized in battle and taken advantage of, if one knows ho the human brain works. Another thing I'd like to point is that, I do believe that the current flow of battle has a more say on the matter than ninja rank. Suppose, I'm sannin and my opponent is kage. But given the current situation, he is severly wounded and could very well loose consciousness any moment. In those situation, Sakkii would be super effective, despite of him being 1 rank higher than me.

+ How to be countered in a battle: Pain is a sufficient enough way to counter this technique. Fear can be overcome with sufficient pain, as pain brings a sense of awareness to the victim. The need to protect one's hide can make one do the most desperate things. After all, we are survivors.

+ Some advantages and disadvantages:

The advantages are:
✦Great usage for dramatic purposes
✦Range is super good
✦Can be used in conjunction with taijutsu.
✦Would work well if used with a partner

The disadvantages are:
✦The user needs to maintain focus in order to keep it active
✦Rank difference plays a vital role

+ Your personal opinion about the technique I explained my opinions along the "How to use this technique part" .Overall, it is very handy and I'll be using it frequently.