Naruto x Star Wars tho? pilot


Active member
Jul 1, 2015
Trait Points
Intro (to striaghten up any confusion)- So yes this is a crossover series that I am trying to start up with naruto and star wars.
I was bored af oneday and thought to myself "self, why not conbine the two things I love most" and so I did that.
Please note that the series takes over following the events of episode 7 of star wars.
To clear up timeline issues, the events in 7 take place about 15-25 years into the naruto future which you will see in the first chapter.
Alot has gone done in these 15-25 years in the narutoverse which will be explained in the story.
Please note, Ive never done this before but always wanted to try it out. Im hoping for a more entertaining effect than one that is to be taken
very seriously. Hope you enjoy and can handle my noob fanfiction writing skills

Chapter 1: The last test

The V shaped ship soared through the starry sky as it travelled toward the blue and green tinted planet ahead of it. The angle of the sun's reflection
suggested that night had dawned just a few hours ago. Most of the inhabitants were likely asleep at this point, making the infiltration that much easier.
"sir, there's high level of human concentration across the entire planet. How do you expect to find him?"
"He's there. I can sense him",the dark robed figure pointed straight at a hub of lights that illuminated the night that had just begun at that region of the planet.
"For your sake Kylo", said General Hux who was sitting across from Ren, "I hope this mission pans out accordingly. The Surpreme Leader has grown
weary of your defeats...Perhaps that girl that gave you those scars might become the Leader's new apprentice". The sudden clenching of Kylo's hands indicated
that Hux's last part of his comment dug deep into Kylo's mind. However both knew that what had been said was the underlying truth. Another failure on his part
and Ren will be seen as a useless burden to Snoke, and cast away accordingly. Kylo could feel his aspirations of becoming stronger than his once Grandfather Lord
Vader slipping away with each second. He began to feel reckless. He could no longer sit in his chair and began pacing back and forth. His training with Snoke had taught
him to deal with his anger in a more... appropriate manner. No doubt he still was fueled by the resentment of Rei and Finn for outdueling him, but now he understood
how to let the hate flow through him in battle. However, his train of thought was broken by the stormtrooper manning the ship. "We are approaching landing. All units
dispatch imediately".
The ship began its descent into what seemed to be a village of some kind surrrounded by a mountain like physical structure that surrounded the back of it. Ren noted the
ten faces that were carved into the rock, some of which began to erode and dismember the features of the heads. The landing gear propped out and the ship slowly floated to a
halt, landing in the middle of the town. The front door opened and as Kylo walked out from the ship, a figure with some headwear met him. Of course Kylo was not astonished one bit, as he
expected this confrontation to occur. Kylo's abilities to sense others had improved tenfold to the point where he could feel the exact location of others around him down to the
minute changes in position. The other three ships landed soon after and diployed the garrison of stormtroopers Snoke had provided. Shrieks and chaos ensued as
blaster shots and explosions lit up the sky even more.
The mysterious figure let out a sigh followed by a brief chuckle. "I hope you know what you got yourself into. No one attacks my village like that. Believe it".
Kylo couldnt help but admire the confidence the person had within him. "Is that so". He activated his lightsaber, allowing his opponent to see his mask visible from the red
shine that had come over it from the stream of his blade. He then sprinted toward the man in full speed. With little timt to react, the man deflected the blade of Kylo with his
kunai. The two were locked in battle as they jockied to push the others blade into their opponent. The kunai that was pushing against Kylo's blade began to give way as it melted from
the hot rays of the sword. In a split second the kunai broke in half and Kylo was able to hit his mark by slicing the arm off of the man. Something isnt right. Kylo could feel it.
Before he could finish off the other arm, smoke replaced the body of the man that had once been laying on the ground. A diversion of some kind, just as Kylo had predicted.
He tried sensing one more time for the man, but was left puzzled. I sense two, no three of him. How could that be? Three figures flanked Kylo from the backside, each holding
in their hands some orb of energy not known to Kylo. As each Orb made contact to his body, the figures yelled in unison "Rasengan"!".A large explosion followed by a trail of smoke
covered much of Kylo's body. "how you like that", said the man. His optimism in his victory soon turned to distress as the clearing of the smoke gave way to Kylo with
no damage whatsoever to his body. "how. how did you aborb that? Looks like I'll need backup". The man bit his hand and performed several handsigns followed by a slam of his right
hand onto the ground. Once more a plume of smoke appeared before Ren and in it was a massive Toad. "why'd you have to drag me into this". "I wouldnt of brought you chief toad if it wasn't
urgent". "lets get this over with quickly, I was gonna eat dinner". hmm that's your move, thought Ren. He waved his hand toward the toad and slowly lifted it in an upward angle. "Chief Toad you're
floating!". He then swiped his hand across the front of his body and the toad, too, followed this motion and was sent off flying across the landscape, crashing into two buildings before
stopping. I guess there's no other option then. Ren's opponent once again began doing unorthodox hand signs, an energy orb similar to the one before appeared on his hand, except this time, it had
a more furious rotation to it. The orb kept growing larger until it outsized the body of the wielder. "Water Style! Rasengan Tsunami!". He then through the orb at Kylo's direction at a blazing speed.
Again Kylo put out his hand at the orb and the projectile stopped mid flight. His opponent could not comprehend what had just happened. A flick of his hand and the orb went flying straight to its
caster and exploded in a tidal wave fashion. The opponent was laying on the ground, blood splattered across the area of his body. The explosion had taken down multiple buildings in the area as well.
Kylo used his levitating abilities to bring the body to him for inspection. No doubt the person was unconcsious. He looked closer and on the back of the man's suit was written "Tenth Hokage".
"general prepare troops to evacuate. We have our target." Kylo walked up into his ship followed by the floating body of his victim that was trailing behind him. The stomtroopers, or those who were left,
boarded their respective shuttles and began taking off. They set their course for the night sky they had just come out of. And just like that, Kylo had completed his final test to becoming a Master
of the dark side. And Boruto Uzumaki, tenth hokage, had just been abducted from his world.

The Amazing Spider Man

Active member
May 16, 2014
Trait Points
Nice idea, but man you really have to work on your grammer. Also your paragraphs need more seperation this great wall of text is VERY unattractive and it feels like reading one big long sentence. Just try to work on those elemts along with trying to make a plotline thats believable then you will have a fun time writing as much as we will reading.


Active member
Feb 6, 2012
Trait Points
I like how you didn't give up the naruto character until the very end. it added that suspense effect for me.
A few typos here and there but you did great, all I ask for is an important on your fight scenes. I believe boruto was not the only one on that battle field