Naruto Anarchy-(Chapter 2-Atlantis Down)


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Apr 24, 2013
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In an unnamed country that had since been claimed by the land of the divine, three shadowy figures darted underneath the night sky. Slow enough for anyone to catch a fleeting glimpse, but fast enough to doubt if they ever existed to begin with. Finally they entered an abandoned building that was a relic from the wars of long ago. From this vantage point they could view a gigantic concrete slab in the middle of a body of water saturated with powerful whirlpools.

"The underwater prison is in sight. I thought X was being poetic, but they really called it Atlantis. The irony almost made me smile." The veins protruding around the right side of his face shrunk back to normal as he turned his byakugan to the accomplices who were with him; an eye patch covered his other eye. He tipped his fedora and straightened his tie that was patterned with red clouds. "This might be a tough one."

"…Babe, if you don't smile more you might get brick face. Then I'll have to divorce you, O Kazz, the tragedy!"

Kazz simply returned his gaze toward the concrete slab.

"I don't have much to smile about these days Seika."

Seika ran her hands through her silver hair and took a few steps closer the Kazz while shaking her head in frustration. Even under the mask that hid her face from the nose down, you could tell she was smirking. "I do believe we can do something about that once we're done here," she said while hugging him from behind.

Kazz silently resisted, hoping that his silence would quickly rectify the situation he was in. Seika always knew where his weaknesses were so it was no use fighting her for too long. She inched closer to his ear while lowering her mask below her chin to whisper something; however, she was interrupted by a bad cough, actually, a couple of bad coughs.

"…Ahem, I don't want to third wheel or anything…oh right! I am the third wheel! (Jeez, I don't know what X was thinking putting me with you guys. It almost makes me miss my real partner.) Don't mind me I'll just be over here throwing up."

"Way to kill the mood Hex," Seika pouted as she held Kazz even tighter. In response, Kazz slightly turned back to say something, but averted his gaze back to the prison to avoid Seika's eye contact. Despite having the scar running down the left side of her face, and an eye patch of her own covering that eye, he was powerless against that face.

"…For now, I have to agree with Hex. We can't afford to get distracted," Kazz asserted.

"Does it really look that bad," Seika retorted.

"See it for yourself." Upon hearing this, Seika loosened her vice-grip and moved to the edge of the abandoned building. Veins proceeded to protrude from the right side of her face and then receded as quickly as they came. She shook her head and then turned back to Kazz.

"X did say that if the three of us went, the mission has 100% chance of success."

"Aye love, but that's just the mission," Hex intruded as he lit a cigar. "He said nothing about any of us getting out alive, not that I care either way."

"In any case, I feel sorry for number 12. Once we get him out of there he is going to be Airi's 5th partner this month. It might be better for him to stay in this prison. Quite frankly… I don't trust anyone in this organization besides you Seika. No offense Hex."

"No harm done."

"Well I think it is about time we get this over with." Seika pulled her mask back up to cover her face. Her demeanor had completely changed at this point. Kazz, used to this change, simply nodded and prepared for the mission as he rummaged through a large rectangular box filled with different fire arms and weapons. Hex simply scratched his head since he was the newest member to the Akatsuki and had only worked with a few others up until this point.

"Kazzy, Is your darling always this cold during missions?"


"Hex, you're with me. Kazz, wait until we are 25 meters ahead of you then follow suit while covering our tracks. Kill anyone on site if they pursue us. Everyone put your headsets on."

With those words, Seika took off as Kazz activated his Byakugan. He simply gazed at Hex who appeared dumb founded. "You should probably-"

"I know! That bloody she devil…" Hex took off, attempting to catch up to Seika. Kazz followed suit shortly afterward. Under the blanket of the night clouds they made it to their destination.

"So how are we getting across love?" Hex said releasing a puff of smoke from his cigar.

"This is a max security prison. I'm certain they know something is up."

"But your husband is covering our tracks."

"Well, that only serves to stop immediate threats. I don't think we've been found out yet, but that doesn't mean we're safe. Hex, use your fire release to heat up about a 100 meter radius around the prison. Do it gradually and do not evaporate the entire sea. You will stop when a steamy fog envelops us and the prison.

"Heh, you know me all too well. But, wouldn't the steam block out our vision too?"

Seika gave him a look of pity and then pointed toward her eye patch in order to answer his question which embarrassed Hex quite a bit. He simply laughed as he walked up to the sea and placed his hand in the water.

"Women like you give me goosebumps."


In only a few minutes, a steam started rising from the sea which eventually enveloped the prison and the area around it. "Great news, the steam isn't too warm. I had planned to get us across using my smoke clouds to ride us to the prison, but the moisture is going to make sure to do away with that. What now?"

"That's why I am in charge. Your thinking is too complicated. Kazz, you ready?"

"Roger," Kazz said as he threw a lifeless body on a pile of those that met the same fate. Kazz aimed what appeared to be a grappling hook launcher. He pulled the trigger and hooked the prison with ease from a nearby building. He then tied the rope to a sturdy pole and made a loop that was also connected to the dead he had just laid to rest and preceded to slide down toward the prison. "Connection successful."

"Copy that. Hex in 7 seconds we will jump up and grab the rope that's right above us."

"Hey, I don't have that eye thing you-"


"You're going to take me with you right-"

Without a word she jumped and disappeared into the steam. Hex jumped out of instinct and by some luck also managed to grab the rope, positioned just behind Seika. He flipped the bird out of frustration as he felt Seika was even more unpredictable than he was.

"I saw that…" Seika said without turning around prompting Hex to whistle as if he was innocent. "Hex, in 3 seconds light a small fire on this rope, in 9 seconds create smoke clouds for us to land on. I'll leave the placement up to you, however, make sure it is large enough to hold three people. There won't be any steam within the dimensions of the prison, so it should be fine.

"I get to burn something?! Now you're speaking my language!" For the first time, Hex followed Seika's orders without complaint. As the fire spread along the rope it wasn't long before Seika let go without a moment's notice, despite being more than 20 meters in the air. Hex, who was beginning to learn how Seika operates, let go as well and waited for a few seconds before throwing his cigar ahead of them and then expanded the smoke that was emitted from it to form a large cloud. Kazz, Seika, and Hex all landed on the cloud safely and resisted the urge to high five each other.

"Stage one complete. Good job everyone."

"Thanks love, although I did do a majority of the work."

"Kazz, did you get rid of the bodies," Seika asked, purposely ignoring Hex.

"They're currently burning. Given the strength of Hex's fire release it should have at least burned a hole through the roof and dropped into the next floor which I purposely flooded to put out the resulting burning rubble. I knew you would burn the rope."

"Kazz…you can be really hot sometimes," Seika said in a provocative manner as she played with her mask

"Seika…focus please," Kazz said attempting to hid underneath his black fedora.

"I know…I know…but still you're totally getting-"

"SOOOOOO, what now," Hex interrupted once again.

"Timing Hex…timing. Anyway, you're probably wondering why we didn't just land on the platform of this prison. According to X, they have vibration sensors for anyone trying to enter from the top. Given the natural defense provided by the whirlpools that surround this place its no secret that all prison breaks, in or out, will most likely come from this spot. Landing would have given us a way immediately."

"So, Ms. Strategy, how do we get in?"

As if to answer Hex's question, Kazz pulled out a sniper rifle from his black box and aimed it carefully. He pulled the trigger in which he shot a couple of microchips in the center of the prison. "This chip will shut down the sensors and scramble the cameras for this floor."

"And I'll take care of the rest." Seika leaped down to the prison slab and scanned the first floor with her byakugan. She could tell by their movements that life was business as usual and they were not expecting an assault. "Nine targets in sight." Taking what looked to be a long screw out of Kazz's box of weapons, she quickly applied her lightning release to drill through the roof of the prison. Once the hole was completed she placed her left hand on the hole while gathering a bit of chakra.

"Lightning release-Lightning Wyrm…"

Suddenly a light the size of the hole she drilled pierced an unsuspecting guard in the head, and then another until every guard on the first floor was struck. As if a lightning bolt struck them all simultaneously, every single guard fell to their knees and then to the floor with the same fatal wound. Only a second had passed.

"They're all dead…proceed," Seika coldly confirmed.

Hex released the cloud and then held his hand out toward the platform to release a pressurized stream of fire in order to cut through the cement he was standing on. As he dropped down with the dissected slab, he flipped and caught it before it landed to prevent unnecessary noise.

"Well I'll be damned. We made it in in one piece."

"Alright everyone put these glasses on. The layout X provided will be displayed on the lens as well as our current positions.

"I've set the cameras to display the last hour of footage for this floor. I've also hacked into the elevators cameras to show that its empty. We should be fine for now."

"Thank you, baby," Seika said as she blew a kiss in Kazz's direction at which point he simply spun back to the monitors to avoid showing his flushed face. However, in a show of great athleticism and bravery Hex caught the imaginary kiss, threw it on the ground, and then crushed it underneath his boot for singles everywhere.

"Its about time I snuff out all this lovey dovey nonsense eh?"

Not amused by Hex's antics, Seika's cold stare returned to her as lightening crackled around her hand. "Do that again and I'll kill you."

Hex created a ball of flame on the tip of his finger while smoke fumed from his mouth. "I'd like to see you try." Immediately after this statement the sound of a gun being cocked could be heard breaking through the brief silence.

"Take a step toward my wife and you will go brain dead." Kazz was still typing on the prison computer; nevertheless, his shot was lined up perfectly.

Hex simply smirked as he held up another finger which produced yet another fireball as if to say he had one for each of them; however, the tension was short lived as he put out his own flames and held up both of his hands in a show of surrender.

"I'm just yanking your chains mates. Pay me no mind at all." Although he was half joking, burning the rope earlier
was enough to temporarily pacify his lust for destruction.

Looking past Hex and into Seika's eyes, Kazz made a motion as if he caught the kiss from earlier; however, it looked awkward since he held a straight face the entire time. For once it was Seika who was embarrassed, doing her best to hide her bliss by tugging up on her mask. She composed herself and then cleared her throat to announce the next plan.

"(Kazz that wasn't fair.) Ahem…the target is the potential 12th member, Uemura Uzumaki. We get in and get out understood."

"Right," Kazz and Hex said simultaneously.

"We're done with the easy part, let's go!"

Her previous invigorating statement was immediately sabotaged by the challenge of overcoming the suffocating awkwardness of a long elevator ride. As the elevator music juxtaposed their situation everyone avoided speaking as well as making eye contact.

"You guys make a great couple," Hex said rocking back and forth, attempting to slice through the awkwardness.

"Thanks," Kazz and Seika uttered simultaneously. Silence took over once again. The unbearable awkwardness pressing down upon them.

"Hex you probably shouldn't have that cigar lit in an elevator," Seika said without looking at him.

"You're right love, I must have misplaced my manners," Hex said crushing the cigar in his fist and placing the ashes in his pocket.

It had returned, that loathsome awkwardness. The silence was slowly killing them on the inside. Neither of them knew that this would be part of the mission. Just as their minds were about to break, the elevator dinged, signaling their salvation.

"Looks like I'm up mates. Good luck on the rest of the mission!" Hex spoke a bit too quickly, eager to escape the monster they could not defeat. Kazz and Seika nodded; however, Seika's mood improved significantly.

"Don't blow up the building. We still need to get out alive," Seika said with a mischievous smile.

"Heyyyy, don't tell me you wanted the elevator to yourselves all along? What a clever girl you are," Hex exclaimed pretending to be shocked.

Seika eyed Kazz up and down before responding to Hex's provocations. "Why on earth would I do that," she asked innocently while Kazz pretended the conversation was all in his head.

The elevator eventually opened prompting Hex to step out confidently. The guard who was preparing to board the elevator didn't notice who he had bumped into for he was too concerned with the coffee he had just poured into his mug.

"Sorry…its been a long day."

"You don't say? Why don't I hold that for you while you get your things," Hex said with a devilish grin as he grabbed a hold of his coffee mug.

"Thanks uh," the solider cut himself off when he finally gazed into the eyes of the devil. Even without the red clouds that patterned his sleeveless robe, he could easily recognize who this man was. There weren't many who opposed Director Xel and his ideals; however, a few made that list. Hex was one of them. Even before joining the Akatsuki there was a flee on sight order attached to his name for all members of the Organization outside of the Executives; nevertheless, even the powerful Executives were advised to call for back up just in case. "Y-y-you…," the soldier continued as he tried to overcome the fear of his realization.

"What's that? Cat got your tongue," Hex asked as he blew a puff of smoke directly into the grunts face.


"Well that's just slander."

Suddenly the smoke combusted into flames and set the poor soldiers head on fire. Hex simply waltzed around the burning officer and walked toward the remaining officers in the room. As if they were staring at death itself, the officers shared glances of fear as the entire room seemed to raise in temperature.

"S-stop or we'll shoot!"

"You gotta come up with something better than that mate."


"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Suddenly everyone in the room emptied their clips into Hex; however, he continued his deliberate saunter in their direction as the bullets phased through his smoke like body that was burned back into its original form.

"H-He is a devil…" A grunt muttered to himself as he came to terms with the threat before him.

When they ran out of bullets Hex stopped walking and smiled as he stepped to the side to reveal the officer, who had confronted him first, riddled with bullets from his allies. "Oh my god, you've gone and left him a bloody mess." Hex turned his back to the quivering soldiers as he mockingly bowed to the dead. However, perhaps due to the pressure Hex put on them, a solider lost his sanity and thrusted a blade into the devil. Of course, the blade phased through his body which prompted Hex to turn around. His smile had faded away, and those who were there would say his eyes glowed red with rage. He grabbed the head of the soldier who had stabbed him and in an instant, the soldiers entire body combusted into flames and was reduced to ash just as fast. It was like a flash in the pan. If their deaths was not certain before; it became evident with this recent act. Some gaurds lowered their guns as they lost their will to combat fate while others ran to trigger alarms, or simply escape. Others dropped to their knees and began to pray to Director Xel.

"I'm no longer amused…," Hex said in an unusually soft tone as smoke still fumed from his mouth. His eyes no longer burned with rage, but instead blackened with death.

"Dear gods…help us."

Meanwhile, Kazz and Seika were once again battling the silence in the elevator. However, this situation was even worse since the faint sounds of bullets, explosions, and screams could be heard over the calm elevator music. This was advanced awkwardness. Seika inched closer to Kazz, eventually putting her arm around his. "Ohhhhh Kazzy."

"No," Kazz said without looking at her.

"But Kazz-"

"No," Kazz said, punctuating this statement by folding his arms.

Seika slowly removed her arm and slowly scooted back the opposite corner of the elevator. Kazz almost believed he could even hear her whimpering. He held his strong stance for a few seconds more before sighing as he unfolded his arms.

"Maybe later…Seika."

Seika's eyes lit up as she saw a rare smile from Kazz. Just as she was about to leap into his arms the elevator came to a sudden halt, nearly toppling the two lovers over.

"CURSE THE GODS OF ROMANCE AND ALL THAT IS SEXY," she exclaimed as she beat against the elevator.

"Do you think we've been uncovered?"

"What, by the gods of romance and all that is sexy?"

"No, they shut off the elevator. Do you think they know Hex was just a distraction," Kazz said as if he was speaking to a child that could barely understand him.

"Not a chance," Seika retorted. "It's protocol to shut down the assailant's easiest route of escape. Right now they're trying to isolate Hex's location and send in reinforcements. However, this works in our favor."

"Ah I see, it handicaps them as well. They won't have easy access across the prison either. Since they don't know Hex has allies we can just swoop in and nab our target. This makes it even."

"Even? They're not as good as us." As if to prove her point, she created a disk of lightning in her hand and threw it towards the ground. The, lightning acted as a saw and cut through the base of the elevator allowing them to jump through. Kazz jumped out first and Seika followed in haste. Upon exiting the elevator, they opted to freefall, rather than climbing down the cable, to save some time for their eventual escape; moreover, it would be better for the ease of the mission if they secured the target as quickly as possible.

"Kazz it's the next door!"

"Rodger that…" Kazz suddenly grabbed the elevator cable, using a bit of chakra control to ease the friction of his hand against the cable. He then caught Seika with his other hand and used her momentum to create a pendulum swing in which he swung her backwards, and then threw her forward toward the locked door. Seika easily cut through the iron doors with her lightning release before crashing, and Kazz followed right behind her. Once inside they were initially shocked to see nothing but a large pool of water with many chains submerged.

"He's down there; looks like we're going swimming," Kazz said activating his byakugan.

"No we're not! According to these readings on the scouter, that pool is 500 feet deep. The pressure will kill us."

"So are we sure this guy is alive? How can anyone survive that pressure for that long."

"I don't really trust X, but he is usually right about these things. If he says this guy is alive, then this guy is alive."

"In any case…that's a big pool."

"Pool? Kazz you're a genius!"

"Did that thing happen where I say something that unknowingly unlocks the keys to our conundrum?"

"I could kiss you right now babe!"

"Oh, wow that really is happening. Such a cliché, I don't believe this…"

"Kazz think about it! If we create a whirlpool, there will be a hole right down the middle. The centrifugal force that we'll create will be enough to keep the water towards the edge of the wall. It should last long enough for me to get in and get out.

"So, how do we create this whirlpool," Kazz asked while dipping his finger in the water.

"I can use all five basic nature transformations. I prefer lightning release, but I'm pretty decent with the others."

"I already know that. What I meant was, is there anything I need to do?"

"Once I get the water spinning, if you could continue to spin the water from above by timing your air palm jutsu thingy. That would be grand."

"Consider it done."

Seika walked up to the water and performed a total of five handseals at which point the water slowly began to spin around. She smiled beneath her mask as the hole had opened up just as planned. Once the water had formed a sturdy vortex she performed another set of handseals and released a vortex of wind, down the aquatic chamber to cause the water to spin even faster. At this point, the water was splashing violently against the walls. Even at this stage, Kazz was not totally sold on the idea of allowing his wife to jump in that chaos; however, he had faith in her abilities.

"Are you sure Number 12 survived all that?"

"If he didn't then he was never worth recruiting."

"Good point. Hurry back…"

"'re worried, I'll be back," Seika said as she pulled down her mask to plant a kiss on Kazz's cheek. She pulled her mask back up and then dived into the vortex.

Kazz sighed and then leaned against a nearby pillar, deciding to relax until he had to spin the vortex himself. "For a fleeting moment, he thought of his life before the Akatsuki. It didn't seem that long ago he was living a normal life with the person he loved. He looked toward the vortex again as he thought of Seika. He knew that behind every provocation, behind her masks, there was pain. The same pain that was behind his cold stare. Without warning, Kazz's senses seemed to go haywire as he could feel, hear, and see the danger approaching. He darted quickly to his left and drew his chakra guns. The pillar he was resting on was completely shattered; however, Kazz did not wait to give his opponent the chance to recover. Being able to completely see through the dust, he fired off several shots in the span of three seconds, but he would soon find out that his attacks were ineffective as a blade attached to what seemed to be a wire whizzed out of the smoke and curved toward him. Just as the needle was inches away from his eye Kazz fired a vertical shot by altering the grip of his gun to send the needle into the ceiling. As the mystery opponent quickly tugged the thread like sword from the embrace of the concrete ceiling, he tossed another blade that unfurled numerous paper bombs. Using his quick reflexes, Kazz's trigger finger went into overdrive as he shot every single exposed paper bomb faster than the eye could blink. There was a resulting explosion; however, the explosions all took place around Kazz, essentially leaving him unscathed. When the flash subsided, the monstrous figure had already recovered the tossed blade and was above Kazz, pointing yet another mysterious blade toward him.

"I've got you now pretty boy," he said triumphantly as he the blade turned into a long spear that was intended to split Kazz in half. In response Kazz, gracefully spun clockwise so that the spear barely grazed his hair. This time it was he who had his weapon aimed at the monster above him.


A bright laser was shot from the Hyuga's chakra gun. Out of instinct the monster moved his head to the side resulting in only the left side of his face and shoulder getting severely scarred which prompted him to leap a few meters away from the Hyuuga.

"Whew you almost got me, you're good for a pretty boy."

"GAAAAAAHH! What you mean almost, that thing burned right through my face!"

"Lucky my face wasn't placed on that side!"

As perplexed as Kazz was, his face did not change from its normal disposition. What stood before him was the brute of a man, or shark. It possessed three heads and six arms; moreover, the gold and white robes that adorned all executives did not seem to fit with his grotesque body. Although he knew most of the executives from his days as a grunt officer, there were still some that remained a mystery. This one was no exception. Not even Kazz's byakugan could figure this one out.

"Since you seem like you'll be an entertaining dinner I'll tell you who we are. Those who know of us call us Cerberus. We're the Hoshigaki brothers-"

Kazz was content to allow the executive to speak as he gathered his own thoughts while barely listening to what he considered arrogant drivel.

"Hoshigaki? That's the same last name as one of our own members. If this monster is anything like him I will have to keep his attention away from the vortex…Seika will just have to make it spin on her own, but more importantly why didn't X tell us about the executive that guards this place?"

As Kazz's inner dialogue continued he noted the swords that were in each of his hands. Their familiarity finally resonated with him. "Hiramekarei, Kabutowari, Kiba, Nuibari, Shibuki," Kazz listed to himself. Some of the ways Cerberus handled these blades showed off impressive feats of strength. For example, he was able to handle most of the blades with one hand outside of Kabutowari. Even the twin swords, Kiba, were engineered into a butterfly sword for single hand use. Nevertheless, before Kazz had begun to think of how to eliminate the executive he noticed something that was not there to be noticed. The scar on his face had completely disappeared. That was when, during Cerberus' argument with himself, Kazz noticed the last blade that was strapped to his back.
With an annoyed yet shaky sigh, Kazz lifted up his two guns and pointed them at the monster once more saying the last sword's name out loud. "Samehada…."

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