[HA] Mandalorian Training


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Mandalorian is a clan that uses Advanrd Technology. They use laser blasters, rockets, jet packs, even A.I. systems. They wear armor which covers their face all the time. They can create Mech suits and vehicles. Their vehicles canon wise has a space time ability but that’s for one specific vehicle. They also have droids which comes in three different categories.

Difference between them and Cyborgs are they can’t use Nanotechnology. They also don’t have technology embedded into their bodies. They are hair shinobis with higher grade technology.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Potentially you could create a custom armour for embedding tech into it. Speaking off:

( Yoroi no Mandaroa ) - Armor of the Mandalore
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Mandalorian armor refers to the traditional armor worn by the elite warriors of Concord Dawn. While this armor has small cosmetic differences between the different users, this armor typically includes a helmet with a T-shaped visor that conceals their faces, and weapon armaments like blaster guns, jetpacks, and a unique weapon like natural flamethrowers or water pressure cannons. Mandalorian armor was typically made from beskar, a unique chakra metal known only to the Mandalorians, which was one of the strongest metals in the Ninja World. This metal allows the armor to reduce up to 20 physical damage from clashes and grants it’s wielder several enhancements through the indestructible armor, though this armor can vary in their abilities. Each armor at its base grants it’s user chakra sensory through their visor, tracking Chakra at 3x Jounin speeds and the ability to mark and differentiate between chakra signatures as well as communicate with one another across wide distances. These armors also come equipped with an advanced Chakra Blade weapon in the form of a laser sword, axe or spear. These blades function similarly to canon Scientific Ninja Tool with the notable enhancement of the blade’s efficiency, allowing them to be used at only 10 chakra per turn and deals 60 damage per use, counting as a move per turn.

Mandalorian armors come with a set of active abilities they can trigger, enhancing the suit and it’s abilities. However, this activation puts a toll on the body and can only be done limitedly. Through the use of triggers near the user’s hands, the user is capable of activating his armor’s Chakra Jetpacks. This allows them to release pressurized chakra to achieve flight at 30 speed, burning 30 chakra per turn of use and lasts up to 3 turns per use. Equipped on the sides of the armor are the user’s detachable energy blasters. These blasters, much like Gun Tools, fire chakra bullets but can be used to fire small laser projectiles at great damage. These follow standard gun rules and can be used once per turn. In addition to this, the user’s armors come equipped with a semi sentient A.I. inside their armors. This A.I. is used to activate the user’s abilities while he is still fighting. It also tracks the user’s health, chakra levels as well as chakra and health of targets the user is physically viewing.

Note: These armors and helmets do not impede the user’s ability to use streaming jutsu or techniques from their body. These techniques instead form on the outside of the armor.
Note: Mandalorian bios cannot have Leg Weights or their variants. While jetpack is in use, the user must keep at least one hand on the trigger to sustain.
Note: Must be worn at all times as a Mandalorian, unless custom variants are created. Only one Mandalorian armor can be held at any time.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Not messing up my clear skin lol

The flames and water cannon aren't supposed to be part of the technique. I had asked Lord of Kaos about this in the discord chat before. Might make me a weapon with natural flames.

  • The Mandalorian armor is the basic armor of all Mandalories. They did have a home in the Concord Dawn but this landmark has been contaminated by Basmu. The armor has a helmet which has a T shape visor. The helmet conceals the wearer's face. The armor has a blaster
  • The blaster is equipped to the armor’s side. It detached from the armor. The blaster follows the gun tools rules which fire chakra bullets and for small laser projectiles at great damage which can only be used once per turn.

    1. It says great damage but what is exactly great damage? Can I shoot lasers ranging from E - S rank?

    2. What is the amount it can use all together before needing another clip? How many clips does a Mandalorian have on them at one time?
  • The armor has a jetpack which uses chakra per turn to use, which is thirty and can only be used at max at one time three turns. It has a trigger on the armor’s hand to activate it.
  • The armor has an advanced chakra blade weapon.
  • This weapon can be a laser sword, axe, or even a spear.
  • These blades follow the same function as the canon scientific ninja tool but are enhanced.
  • These weapons use 10 chakra per turn and deal 60 damage per use.
  • These do count as a move per turn.

    3. Can the user use other jutsus that use chakra at the same time, for example the jetpack? Or even a ninjutsu. Taijutsu, or Genjutsu?
  • The armor is created with a unique chakra metal called Beskar.
  • This metal reduces physical damage up to 20 from clashes.
  • The armor’s visor grants the user chakra sensory through it which is x3 Jounin rank

    4. Since there is no specific rank speed anymore, does this translate to attributes in Agility being a specific amount? If so, what is the amount?
  • The visor can mark and differentiate between chakra signatures as well as communicate with other Mandaloriana over a wide area.
  • The suit has a semi sentient A.I. inside their armors.
  • The A.I. can use the user’s armor abilities while he is fighting.

    5. Can this activate the jetpack without the user hitting the trigger?
  • The A.I. keeps track of the user’s health and chakra levels as well as the targets chakra and health they can physically see.
  • The armor doesn’t hinder the wearer from using jutsus at all. They would be formed on the outside of the armor.
  • They can’t use any form of Leg Weights.
  • If the user is using a custom armor they can’t use this armor.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Blasters are their own technique, so we'll get to them when we get to them. In regards to your question about using other jutsu, you answered it yourself in the AI portion. Jounin would be a standard 5 split now, so it's 30. And yes the AI can activate your jetpack as it is part of your abilities.


( Fukuro Sentai ) - Owl Squadron
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 ( -5 per drone each turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Mandalorians have access to advanced droid drones known as the Owl Squadron that are used in both combat and surveillance. These owls are roughly a meter in height and half a meter in width, and appear visually as if they were metallic owls with glaring infrared eyes. These drones are equipped with cameras linked to the user’s A.I. system within their main armors, allowing them to see and track chakra through the owls, each being capable of traveling up to 1 landmark away of the user. In addition to this tracking system, these drones are able to record events spanning up to 4 turns, allowing them to record things and show them to others. The user’s drone is also capable of releasing laser blasts of A rank power, following targets until defeated or intercepted. These short range sized blasts are elementally neutral and can be fired in rapid succession. In addition to this, the user is capable of supercharging the drone and releasing a large burst of its power at one time. This burst, dealing 90 damage, short circuits the drone and causes it to crash and become unusable.
Note: The user can have up to 3 Owl Squadron drones, deployed collectively or individually.
Note: Supercharging a drone prevents the other drones from working at the same time. Supercharging ability can only be done three times an event and prevents further usage of activated drone.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Hmm okay so AI can use abilities so that gives me some room to do other things at the same time.

  • There are at maximum three drones the Mandalorian can have.
  • Cost thirty chakra to activate it and 5 five per drone per turn.
  • These drones are a meter in height and half a meter in width.
  • They look like owls.

    1. I’m guessing the size is the maximum it can be?
  • These drones have cameras that are connected to the user’s A.I. system in their armor which allows them to track chakra and the owls have infrared eyes.

    2. What is the tracking for this drone and speed?
  • They are able to travel one landmark away from the Mandalorian.
  • They can record four turns worth of events and play it back for the Mandalorian.
  • The drones can release laser blasts that are A rank in power which are neutral to element and are short range and can be fired in a rapid succession.
  • A drone can be sacrificed and be supercharged dealing ninety mid range damage but it will be unusable again and this ability can only be used three times a match.
  • Once a drone is supercharged the other drones can’t be used at the same time.

    3. So once one drone is supercharged the other drones can be still used after the other drone has been destroyed basically?

    4. Can the user activate these drones while using other jutsus/technologies that use chakra? Well technically they can via the AI system so question is actually useless.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
That is indeed their maximum size. I would assume their tracking is 30, but give it a shout in q&a to LoK for confirmation.
"Supercharging a drone prevents the other drones from working at the same time." So you can't use them in the same turn, but you can after. And what's with all these questions about using shit in the same time frame lmao? The rules do not change, and yes the AI can use them.

( Gekitai Taihō ) - Repulsor Cannon
Type: Offensive
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 ( -5 per turn to sustain )
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: This is one of the Mandalorians most useful techniques, acting as a powerful energy based attack. These blasters are made into the palms of their armors, allowing them to fire powerful blasts at varying levels. This energy fired from his palm blaster cannot be healed by Med nor Yang but takes a high amount of energy to create and fire. The user releases a blast of chakra of various kinds of damage, size, and power depending on the rank of the technique. The user can either release a blast, beam, or even a wide spread of chakra, spreading up to 5 meters wide. This energy can be fired through their Mandalorian weapons once per turn.
Note: The S-rank version can be used three times per battle. Once used, it requires a three turn cooldown limit.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
All honesty I want to one up people lol plus for mission usage. I’ll ask that question in the discord for sure.

  • These blasters are made in the palms of their armor
  • They are energy based attacks
  • The energy can be a blast or abeam which can be wide spread up to five meters in height and/or width
  • Five per turn if used as a beam if continues on focusing on it per turn
  • The energy can’t be healed by medical ninjutsu nor Yang

    1 What about Suen?
  • This can be used via the Mandalorian weapons also per turn

    2. So this can be used via their blaster they have on them?
  • S rank can only be used once per turn with a cool down of three turns.

    3. S rank is this cool down overall or depends if it’s used via their palm or their Mandalorian weapon?


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Q&A for Suen with a tag to Drackos. Yes it is their palm blaster. And of course the cooldown applies regardless of how you fire it.

( Sorasushīrudo ) - Deflector Shields
Type: Defensive
Rank: B - Forbidden
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40 - 90
Description: Mandalorians are capable of utilizing powerful plasma like deflector shields capable of blocking high levels of damage. Deflector shields, also known as energy shields, are energy fields that could protect starships, battle stations, ground-based structures, and even armies from enemy assault. These shields can be applied to vehicles in the form of the Forbidden ranked variant while the B to S rank versions can be utilized as individual items or as part of updated custom armors. These shields do not contain chakra, operating solely on advanced technology. This allows the shields to block techniques based on their chakra levels up to the rank of the technique but doesn’t require the user to expend chakra to operate them. Instead, these items are triggered via button or A.I. command, preventing usage of other techniques from being activated at the same time this one is triggered.
Note: These shields can be utilized as part of custom SNT or custom Mandalorian armor as one of their allowed perks. However, this version will always use chakra and be the A ranked variant.
Note: B rank version creates a semi circular shield of up to 2 meters wide while A extends up to 5 meters. S ranked version can be used to create a full circular shield to defend against attacks up to 10 meters wide and can only be done up to 3 times total.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
When I say blaster I was referring to the blaster on their Mandalorian armor.

  • This a plasma shield which blocks high amount of damage

    1. How does this go against chakra that doesn’t have any damage? I’m guessing it’s based on the 20 chakra is 40 damage 30 chakra is 60 damage etc.
  • It doesn’t have chakra to activate it
  • Depending on what it is used for it can range from B to Forbidden rank and their sizes are based on the rank also.
  • S rank can only be used three times m
  • This can be used on Starship, Individual Item or a Custom Armor that would take up one of its perk slots
  • It is activated by a press of a button or the A.I. system.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
What type of techniques are you talking about that don't have damage?

( Sutāfune ) - Starships
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: Although Mandalorians generally have a jetpack attached to their main armor, they are also capable of utilizing vehicles known as starships for larger travel. A starship, also known as a starcruiser, or simply just craft or ship, is distinguished by the inclusion of a hyperdrive, a piece of equipment that makes space/time travel possible. Highly advanced and variable vehicles, Starships come in one of two forms; the speeders that only one person can ride, or starfighters, named for their more prominent ability to battle and have more passengers aboard. Shared characteristics amongst both are their 100 health pools, their ability to travel the Ninja World at 20% reduced travel as well as fire Repulsor Energy from their cannons at the targets. This energy, dealing 80 damage, counts as an S ranked attack and counts as a move per turn to use. Should a starship reach 50 health, Hyperdrives will be unable to be used. Should they reach 0 health, they will explode in a mid range A ranked explosion.
  • Speeders are known for their heightened speeds and ability to maneuver; however, they cannot reach elevated heights nor have the passenger load that their counterparts do. Moving at 30 speed and only able to hover 5 meters from the earth these starships are capable of using their hyperdrives for Burst Traveling, which enables them to propel forward at 45 speed. This burst does not protect from damage nor deal any, however, being more useful for repositioning or dodging. These speeders also come equipped with cloaking devices, allowing them to mask their appearance similar to that of a chameleon and that of the user’s to become invisible. This suppresses their chakra as well until techniques are used, ending the cloak. They also have Overshields attached that block up to 100 damage per use. However, these shields can only be deployed twice and prevent hyperdrive use as well as shield use for 3 turns. Burst Traveling can be used to travel landmarks at halved speed, though this only lasts for 4 landmarks and can only be used twice, requiring 6 turns to traveling to reactivate.
  • Starfighters, as the name implies, are fighter starships that sacrifice defense and rapid speed for offense. Equipped with standard and stronger Repulsor Cannons, these ships can deal 100 damage per blast, counting as an S ranked attack. Starfighters have 25 speed but are able to fly across the skies, reaching unparalleled heights amongst any vehicle. They also have full Hyperdrives, allowing for Hypertravel. Much like other forms of space/time, these vehicles can travel across different landmarks and locations they have coordinates for. This allows the Mandalorian and up to 3 others to quickly navigate the Ninja World if they need to. Lastly, these Starfighters are able to deploy up to two Owl Squadron drones from the ship to assist it in battle. This does not cost a turn but abilities used by the Owls do.
Note: Can only be used by Mandalorians.
Note: While Mandalorians can have access outside of the required Specialty, this consumes two Tool slots on their bio. Only one vehicle can be obtained, either a Speeder or a Starfighter.
Note: Burst Traveling can be done four times per arc and once per battle, but prevents use of other functions during use. After use, it cannot be done for 4 turns.
Note: Hyper Travel can be done 5 times an arc, once every 4 turns. The user can only travel to locations he has already traveled to, unable to use this to go to places he has never been.
Note: Can have either a Starship or a Droid, but never both.
  • Angry
Reactions: Hell Autarch


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
It was a scenario I was thinking about where a target has a wall of some kind of element. I was rushing forward with the Plasma Shield into the wall. How would that turn out? I was trying to thinking of off the wall scenarios for missions purposes.

  • 1. Why does this cost fifth chakra points?
  • Starships are the main vehicles of the Mandalorian that come in two forms which are Speeders and Starfighters.
  • They have 100 health pools and reduced travel by 20%.
  • They can fire Repulsor Energy which is eighty damage and is S rank which also counts as a move per turn.
  • One reach 50% of their health pools the Hyperdrives can’t be used
  • Once at 0% the ship explodes which reaches mid range and A rank damage

  • Can't reach elevated heights nor have passengers.
  • They move at 30 speed and can hover fights me test from the surface
  • Their hyperdriver allows them to reach what is called Burst Travel at 45 speeds. This doesn’t protect against damage nor deal any damage.
  • It has a cloaking device that masks the users and the ship and suppresses chakra when it is active. Once a technique is used the cloaking device is deactivated.

    2. Does the cloaking count as a move?
  • It has an Overshield which protects against 100 damage per use and can only be deployed twice which also prevents hyperdrive while using and the shield can be used for three turns.
  • Burst Travel can be used to half the travel speed for up to four landmarks which can only be used twice and requires six turns in between each usage.
  • This can be used to travel at high distances.
  • The ship can Rachel up to 25 speed
  • The ship has Repulsor Cannons which deal 100 damage per blast which counts as a S rank and counts as a move per turn.
  • The ship has a Hyperdrive which is called Hypertravel that is space/time across landmarks and battles but it has to be locations in the ninja world the Mandalorian has been before.
  • The ship can hold the Mandalorian and three other passengers making it able to hold four passengers all together
  • The ship houses two Owl Squadrons which can assist in battle. These can be deployed without a move cost but their abilities still do.

    3. How can someone actually use a Starship in battle if they can’t control it without being in the ship?


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Would be relative to the chakra then, but this doesn't make it a chakra v chakra interaction, just goes off what the value of damage that chakra technique would have had.

Because it costs 50 chakra? Lmao come on now Solf.

Yes the cloaking costs a move. Pretty much all 'sub-jutsu' or mechanics in techniques count as a move unless stated not to.

Make a clone or AI? You're asking how to drive a car without being in the car lmao

( Doroido ) - Droids
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: Droids, short for androids, or also called robots, were mechanical beings, often possessing artificial intelligence. Droids were categorized by function, though the lines between categories were often blurred. Many droids are grouped according to their primary factory-installed functionality. Droids designed for combat were battle droids. Droids that were used to handle diplomatic affairs, and aid in translation between various languages, were known as protocol droids. Because of their close integration with sentients, protocol droids were often given in-depth personality matrices, allowing for a variety of different personalities and behaviors. Droids were also used in the field of medical science. Meddroids, as they were known, could store detailed records on hundreds of patients, in addition to exhaustive information on diseases, wounds, and infirmities. Droids were used most commonly in combat-related roles. Droids could follow orders to the letter, taking risks no organic unit ever would yet still maintaining their calm precision. Each of these three types of Droids have their own inherent weaknesses as well as benefits, outlined below. Only one type can be had by any Mandalorian and having a droid companion prevents usage of Starships.
Droideka - The most straightforward of all drone types, these droids, are ideal for combat and offensive purposes. Droideka are able to transform into a "wheel" configuration, allowing rapid movement and compact storage to travel at 18 speed. When they encounter their targets, each of the Beskar armored droidekas unfold into a tripodal weapons platform, armed with a set of two twin blaster cannons which could unleash a withering torrent of firepower, dealing 90 damage per volley of Repulsor energy blasts. Once per turn, Droideka can release massive Repulsor energy blasts fueled without chakra, dealing 100 damage. Droideka have 70 health and can track up to 3x their speed. Droideka are not without flaws, however. Due to their low A.I. levels, they are easy to hack and shut down by advanced Technology, requiring only a B rank technique capable of it.
Meddroids - Medical droids, or meddroids, are unique droids specialized in medical and surgical operations, used in repairs for other droids and SNT and were, as their name implies, exceptionally skilled in the art of healing and medical technology. These humanoid droids are capable of repairing SNT up to A rank as well as B ranked Mandalorian Technology once every 2 turns. They are also capable of healing damage sustained from Repulsor Cannons and other similar technology, though this can only be done a total of 3 times. Meddroids have the unique ability to perform quick surgeries, allowing them access to some Medical Fuinjutsu techniques. With access to specifically are Medical Sealing Arts: Bloodline/Injury/Chakra Sealing Technique. These droids come equipped with 80 health and travel at 12 speed, and can track up to 3 times their speed.
Protocol Droid - The more defensive of the droids, Protocol Droids are droids designed to assist the user in a variety of defensive tactics, such as hacking other technology or deploying shields and more. Protocol Droids tend to be small round droids, standing at a meter tall and rolling on three legs. Traveling at 14 speed and tracking thrice that, protocol droids have 90 health and can deploy a unique S ranked Deflector Shield of up to 10 meters large a total of 4 times. This unique shield can block up to 100 damage and reflect 50 damage and lower back at targets a total of 3 times, though only once per turn. These droids, also known as R2 Units, are capable of hacking into other S ranked SNT and lower, though this can only be done a total of 3 times. When hacking SNT, this allows the R2 to be able to control said technology for 2 turns as if it were its own. This also works with other Mandalorian Technology up to A rank, working up to 4 times.
Note: Can only be used by Mandalorians.
Note: Can only have one type of Droid at any time or have a Starship.
Note: Droids can only utilize Taijutsu, SNT as well as Mandalorian Technology depending on their type; Protocol Droids cannot make use of Repulsor Cannons, Droidekas cannot use Deflector Shields and no Droid can make use of Armor of the Mandalores.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
So use the ship I need to use chakra that make sense and have to use chakra to use the droid lmao. Makes total sense lol.

I rather ask questions then go out here and just do some dumb shit lol.

  • Droids are robots with artificial intelligence and are companions of the Mandalorians.
  • They come in three forms which are Droideka, Meddroid, and Protocol Droid. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • They are the combatant droids
  • They move at 18 speed with a tracking of x3 their speeds which is 54.
  • They have a health pool of 70.
  • They move in a wheel like transformation
  • They have twin blasters that deal 90 Repulsor energy blasts per volley.

    Is this per blaster and does this count as a move? Also is chakra fuel if so how much?
  • Once per turn they can release a massive Repulsor Energy blast that has no chakra fueling it and deals 100 damage.
  • They have low A.I. levels so they are easier to hack. They can be shut down by advanced technology(good because that’s really Cyborg level and Mandalorian level) which the lowest can be B rank.
  • These are support droids that aid in medical and surgical.
  • They have a health pool of 80
  • They move at 12 speed and track x3 times their speeds which makes it 36 tracking.
  • They can repair SNTs up to A rank and Mandalorian technology up to B rank(sad) once every two turns

    Does this count as a move?
  • They can heal damage done by Repulsor Cannons and similar technologies but only done three times.

    What’s the maximum amount they can heal?
  • They can use Medical Sealing Arts like Injury, Bloodline, and Chakra Sealing Technique
Protocol Droid
  • This is the defensive droid.
  • The speed at which they move is 14 and has a three times tracking which is 32.
  • They have a health pool of 90
  • They stand a meter tal and roll on three robotic legs
  • They can deploy a S rank Deflector Shield which can reach up ton10 meters and can only be used four times
  • The shield can block 100 damage and reflect back 50 damage and below three times but only once per turn

    Does this deflect 50 damage of the 100 if a 100 is coming at it?
  • They can hack into S rank SNTs and below but can only do this three times. Mandalorian Technology can be back four times. They can only control technology for two turns.

    Do they have to be touching the technology lol?

    Can I skin a droid?
  • Only one type of droid can be used at a time
  • All droids can use Taijutsu, SNTs and Mandalorian technology within reason depending on the droid.

    Now how are they using Taijutsu lmao? I looked at all these droids and only the Protocol droids can use Taijutsu based on how they look lol?
  • Protocol Droids can’t use Repulsor Cannons
  • Droidekas can’t use Deflector Shields
  • No droid can use Mandalorian Armors.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Droideka: Yes it costs a move but no chakra.
Meddroids: Yes it costs a move, and it should be 60 points.
Protocol: It can be used to deflect that yes. Yes it needs to be touching it. Yes it can be skinned as long as the general shape is the same, and their tai would depends on their shape.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Okay understood, I don't have any other questions but if I do I will post them here to help me and anyone else who could possible come up with the same question or similar question(s).