[CC] Mandalorian Training - Penguin. and Inch


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Apr 28, 2011
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Okay, fun stuff. : )

Since I really settled into using my ice biography, I've been searching for another bio type that I can use well. I've always been interested in using more taijutsu on my second biography, but just never felt like I clicked with something, ya know? So after trying out tons of random canon biography types, I decided to take a look at joining a custom clan. I've always felt like the mandalorian clan was underrated for a vast number of reasons, and I thought it'd be fun to help the clan develop itself into the powerhouse that I think it will be within a couple of months. And speaking of which, I should have a couple more jutsu to post tonight. o-o

And no, I don't actually play Destiny. I just love the look of the characters in general and Hunters specifically. If they ever release it for PC, i'll be all over that.


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Feb 15, 2013
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I first had a Mandalorian biography cause my friends and Teno told me that noobs can be accepted. So I applied and was accepted. Then I found out it was ran into the ****ing ground by both Teno and CP. So, I left. I later rejoined after playing Destiny a lot more or less. I mean, of course technology release is neat. Basically allowing us to make Asura Path customs and what not.


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Jan 5, 2012
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Very interesting responses - Candor is always something I've appreciated, as it helps me get to know my clansman better and allows me to more effectively help you reach your goals.

On to the basics!

Mandalorian Armor : Armor Activation | Rorian'āmā: Āmāakutibēshon
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Weapon
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: All Mandalorians have a basic armor, the armor they are given when they are first inducted into the clan. A members armor is special: It's designed for them by the leader of the clan. The Mandalorian armor is beyond the technology the rest of the world possesses. Even though all armors look different the abilities they posses are the same. As the member grows stronger he gains access to more of the technological advances, having his armor "upgraded". The armor has 2 sets of abilities: passive and active (that take up a move slot and do damage). The armor, being specifically made for the individual is perfectly in sync with his/her chakra system, it flows throughout them and their armor. This was the technological breakthrough the enabled the armor to function as a second skin for the ninja. Not only does it allow complete control over the armor through chakra pulses and chakra control but it also allows the user to release techniques that would otherwise be released from his skin or his mouth, etc from the armor, something that negates any limitation to the users ninjutsu usage, specially elemental.

Passive Abilities:
-Basic Protection: The Mandalorian armor is made of strong materials and infused with chakra, granting it resistance against weaker attacks. Free form Ninja tools and explosive tags, bladed weapons and attacks that do no damage (N/A) as well as simple taijutsu attacks (C rank) have no effect on the armor. The protection allows the user to remain undamaged for the most part when facing said attacks but cannot negate momentum or kinetic forces.
-Gas Mask: The Mandalorian's helmet protects them from harmful gases, toxins or airborne pathogens. The helmet contains a breathing apparatus that filters harmful external agents in the air, allowing a degree of protection against said agents by purifying the air. In the case of enemy techniques, this protection works up to C-Rank techniques.
-Communication: The helmet contains a communication device linked to all other Mandalorians which uses chakra to transmit messages through great distances. It can even project images that the users sees.
Body Armor
-Heat/Cold and Electrical Protection: The Mandalorian armor, being infused with chakra and made from strong resistant materials protects the user from taking damage from high and low temperatures and electrical damage up to D-Rank. The armor cannot be short circuited but will face normal damage from anything above that rank, with temperature based attacks behaving normally (melting the armor if hot enough or freezing it if cold enough), same as it would with the users body, and lightning based attacks cutting through it.

Active Abilities:
-Enhanced Vision: The Mandalorian armor has a special visor that is powered by chakra, that enables the user to gain an advanced vision that can mimic the motion tracking speed of a 1 Tomoe Sharingan. Beyond the motion tracking abilities, the user gains the ability to see the world through a sort of thermal vision, based on the infrared spectrum. This also allows a limited form of night vision (its use drains 5 chakra points per turn and its activation counts as a move).
-Chakra Sensing: The Mandalorian armor's helmet contains special chakra receptors that allow the user to gain spacial awareness of nearby chakra. This acts as a sort of rudimentary chakra sensing. The user cannot differentiate between different individuals chakra or elements and even assessing chakra levels is very difficult (chakra sensing drains 5 residual chakra points from the user per turn and its activation counts as a move). However, this basic chakra sensing is secondary to the main ability given by the chakra receptors in the helmet which is to monitor the users own chakra flow. The armor can alert the user about any alteration to the chakra flow through visual, auditory or tactile stimulus throughout his body. If the user so wishes, the user can release himself from the genjutsu with a sort of kai but without a hand seal, disrupting the chakra flow by having the armor "jolt" his own chakra flow (30 chakra cost, works on illusions up to A-Rank, usable once every 3 turns, counts as a move).
Body Armor
-Chakra Jet Pack: The Mandalorian armor has a small group of chakra vents throughout the armor. The jet pack uses chakra from the armor's wielder to create controllable jets which can be used to dodge techniques, boosts ones taijutsu or simply achieve flight. The flight is controllable and highly maneuverable though only slightly faster than the users own base speed (drains 20 chakra points per turn, activation counts as a B-Rank move, requires conscious control through mental commands). The addition of taijutsu damage is possible by selectively activating the users peripheral jets in specific points of his movement and according to various situations, capable of adding +10 damage to a taijutsu move and a sudden drastic increase in speed by spending 20 chakra points. To dodge a technique, the user can release a quick directional burst of chakra that can propel him a short distance (Up to 5 meters) in a single direction, achieving a simple linear dash (30 chakra cost, counts as an A-Rank move).
-Vibration Sword: a retractable, short ninjato blade, strapped to the armors back, the sword uses the wielders chakra to create high levels of vibration and use that to increase physical damage. As such, when uses, physical Kenjutsu techniques gain +10 damage. The sword drains 10 chakra points per turn when active.
-Armor Strengthening: As the whole armor contains various chakra motors and enhances, the user can charge the whole armor with chakra to temporarily boost his physical abilities, namely his speed and his physical strength. Being mechanical in nature, the armor can only focus on either speed or strength. This can be done in 2 levels: Level 1 increases speed in 50% or adds +10 damage to all taijutsu. Level 2 doubles the users speed or adds +20 to the users taijutsu. The limitation is the duration and chakra cost. Level 1 drains 10 chakra points per turn, lasting a maximum time of 3 turns, usable thrice. Level 2 is usable only twice, drains 20 chakra per turn, lasting 2 turns.

Note: In the abilities where its not stated, there is no move cost per activation
Note: The armor is in everything like a CW, having to be posted in the users bio and in the beginning of the fight.
Note: Each clan member has an armor which different looks but all have the above abilities

As Mandalorian Warriors, you are capable of performing all of the above with the exception of accessing the stage two stimulants. Talk to me about which ones appeal to your fighting style most. Which of the active abilities would you personally use the most in battle? The least? Go in depth here.

Personally, although I've only battled a handful of times so I don't have much to go off of, I've tended to lean toward using the armor strengthening most. But being the taijutsu enthusiast that I am one should expect this feature of the armor to be my favorite. This was of course before the update of the technique where it was less restricted and more powerful than it is now, but I definitely prefer this more detailed version over the older one. I find that the restricted version really makes you think about what you need to do and be strategic whereas the older one was just extremely vague and unreasonable... boring essentially. With the armor strengthening here for example: You have to think about the repercussions of using a stage one stimulant versus a stage two - Your opponent will capitalize on the duration limit and what kind of stimulant you activate, changing their style up, maybe going from being on the offensive to defensive, and so in order to get the most amount of value out of it you kind of have to first put them in a position where they're unable to have this huge time frame freedom - surprise them. This is why I suggest not using the speed/strength stimulant right off the bat when you're at a distance, try to close in on them normally and then when they're on the offensive and you're close enough, when they least expect it, you activate it and shreck them in the donkey.

Sits down on the grass and awaits for your responses.


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Feb 15, 2013
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I think the jetpack and stimulants can be very beneficial to me. The jetpack for obvious reasons, since people love to throw others off balance and what not. I could just simply go airborne or move without the use of my legs, or simply dash backwards with the thrusters on. The stimulants would also be nice to stack tai damage on something, or even increase my speed enough to throw my opponent off balance with my new speed. It would simply mess up his timing to my counters with different delayed or boosted attacks.

The one I wouldn't use a lot is the enhanced vision one. It simply isn't up to par with the rest of the abilities, but it isn't bad or anything. The others simply are leaps and bounds better in my honest opinion. Although in certain situations it can be very useful xD.


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Apr 28, 2011
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I think that the enhanced vision/chakra sensing is really useful because it gives me the ability to metagame without really breaking any rules get a better idea what sort of attacks are being used at me, which is really useful as with the way that I try to win fights usually involves timing my jutsu in such a way that others are caught up performing another integral jutsu when it strikes them.

I also really like the empowered taijutsu aspect of the jet boosters, and can see myself using that in close range fights to get unexpected hits off fairly easily.

I have a really hard time imagining myself using the Vibration Sword, simply because I'm not that big a fan of kenjutsu. ._____.


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Jan 5, 2012
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I see. Well, before we move on to Owl Squadron (I assume we won't need to go over Repulsor Beam as it's extremely simple but if you have any questions regarding that technique don't hesitate to ask), a couple of things that should be noted just for the sake of clarity regarding the basic armor:

  • The speed enhancement isn't just for running speed, but overall speed; Biggest downside is the turn limits so as you guys have said it's best used as a spur of the moment boost to catch the opponent off guard.
  • The alarm system within the chakra sensor portion of the technique works off of auditory, visual or tactile stimuli. When you've been trapped inside an illusion, you'll hear an alarm going off, see flashing lights, or feel some pain and this'll be the indicator. The flaw in this is that if it's an illusion that affects all of your senses and puts you in a kind of hazy state, if all you feel and hear and see are controlled by the gen, you cannot hear or feel the armor doing anything, and thus cannot use this as a means to break out of the illusion. Well, you can still use it to break out of an illusion I mean, but rather you're going to have to deduce that you're in one on your own as oppose to relying on the alarm system to alert you. I hope that makes sense.
Any questions comments or concerns on the basic armor?

Mandalorian Technique: Owl Squadron | Rorian no Jutsu: Fukuro Sentai
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Upon entering the clan each Mandalore is given four Owls which act as their eyes in the field to scout ahead and search for targets. The Mandalore will release four metallic discs into the air and then make a hand seal while focusing chakra into the discs. This will activate the discs causing them to expand into four drones which can hover and fly through the air using chakra boosters. The drones are about one meter wide, a half meter long and a foot thick from top to bottom with rounded surfaces. They're a metallic gray in color, though individual Mandalores often apply custom paint designs to personalize their squadron. Each drone is naturally equipped with a spotlight and a camera that is linked via chakra to the helmet and feeds back to the Mandalore's visor displaying what the drone sees. Each feed takes up a small square on the visor in each of the four corners as to not disrupt the user's normal vision, but they can then select one of the feeds to expand it to take up the whole visor for a better view. When they do this their normal vision takes the place of that feed in its respective corner. As the Mandalore progresses through the clan these drones receive upgrades gaining additional abilities.

-Assault System: At Warrior rank each Owl is outfitted with several offensive tools. A compartment can drop open from its base releasing a dozen small bombs the size of a marble that float in the air around the target before exploding (B-rank, short range). From each side of the drones compartment can open revealing a small homing rocket that can be fired at the target. The rocket is very fast incapable of being intercepted by things like thrown kunai or shuriken, unless the enemy has a dojutsu that's used to track the rocket. Each of these individual rockets are B-rank in strength and a max of two can be fired at a time (A-rank, short-long range). Each drone only has two rockets, and one set of bombs in its base. The final ability of the assault system is an A-ranked stream of fire that can be released from a nozzle on the front of the Owls (A-rank, short-mid range). Each of these abilities counts as a move in the user's turn and requires the user's chakra to activate.

-Defensive System: At Champion rank each Owl is outfitted with several upgrades used in the defense of themselves and their user. Their plating is upgraded with a new alloy that is both lighter and denser than the original model, bolstering their natural hardiness and rendering them immune to all C-rank and below attacks. They can further increase their durability by creating an A-ranked shield of chakra that that forms closely over the metal. The shield is capable of withstanding one A-rank attack before failing. While this shield is active they cannot use any abilities other than their spotlight and camera. The drones can extend their chakra shield between each other creating barriers that can protect the user or other targets. This requires at least three drones to use as any less would result in just a point or a straight line. The drones must be in short range of each other and when used with three drones the barrier is A-rank, while when used with all four it is S-rank. Each of these abilities counts as a move in the user's turn and requires the user's chakra to activate.

-Hunter System: At Master rank each Owl is upgraded with several features that give it the ability to track and subdue a target. The owls are given the ability to cloak themselves (B rank) from normal sight, though dojutsu users can still see them with ease and the humming of their flight can be heard within short range by people with normal hearing and all ranges by those with advanced hearing. While cloaked the Owls can only use their hunter systems, needing to re-route power away from the assault and defensive systems. They gain access to the same vision capabilities (infrared, night, etc.) that their Mandalore possesses, though they all must be using the same vision as each other and their Mandalore. They can release an electrified metallic tendril up to mid-range that can wrap around their target and paralyze them (A-rank). Each of these abilities counts as a move in the user's turn and requires the user's chakra to activate.

After four turns of being in use the drones require a recharge. They will return back to the user and re-attach to their armor replenishing their energy. This takes several turns before they can be released again. After the second usage the Owls deactivate and fall to the ground, being unusable for the remainder of the battle. Each Owl is lastly equipped with a self destruct option that can be activated by the user resulting in a B-rank explosion within short range.

-Can be used twice per battle.
-Can be used four turns per usage.
-Requires a four turn recharging period between uses.
-All abilities used by the Owls count as a move in the user's turn.
-The video feed and spotlight do not count as a move.
-All chakra costs are proportional to the rank of the effect achieved unless stated otherwise.

The bolded portion of the above technique is what you have access to currently.

Tosses each of you four metallic disks.

Arts and crafts time. Pour your chakra into them to activate your personal owl companions and give them your own unique paint job and design.

Any questions on their assault systems?


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Apr 28, 2011
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Thresher catches the metal discs and spreads them on the ground before him, pouring a liberal amount of chakra into each of them in turn.

After having charged his drones, he reaches into a pouch hidden behind a piece of cloth on his armor and withdraws four scraps of cloth, each slightly different looking. He attaches a faint blue piece of cloth around the first drone, matching the color of the sky quite nicely. He equips the second drone with a typical dark green and brown camoflage, to be used a midst trees. The third is of a brighter green in color with some stripes on it to allow it to travel amidst tall and short grass alike without detection. The fourth he fixes with a brown scrap of cloth and adds a couple of rocks to it, making it easy to blend with a rocky environment.

He then stands and adds each of them into various pouches.

"No questions."


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Feb 15, 2013
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Ashitaka takes out the discs and throws them infront of himself. He then pours a good amount of chakra into the discs, activating them, causing them to turn into metallic owls. After this is done with, he paints each of the owls to replicate the looks of penguins. Flying penguins that had bad ass powers.

No questions. Typhon really helped out with this one xD


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Jan 5, 2012
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*Unrecedes from the darkness*

Oh, I had almost forgotten, you both have access to the following technique:

(Mandalorian Senpai Yoroi : Seijin Tomo kouyou) - Elder Mandalorian Armor : The Sage of All Elements
Rank : S
Type : Supplementary
Range : Self
Chakra cost : 40 (+15 each turn active)
Damage points : N/A
Description : By focusing a great amount of a specif chakra within the user's armor (depends on the element's nature) , the user gains the ability to become a legend in this specific elements, meaning the user gets a pass to the master of this specific element which is the ability of using any technique of this specific element with the usage of one single handseal, being able to perform it faster than the normal shinobi and addition abilities which depends on the user's rank within the Mandalorian clan. Once the user channels his chakra within his armor, his armor gets the color of the specific element and when activating two elements at the same time the color of the armor becomes a combination of the two specific elements.

Fire Element:

Mandalorian Champion : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to C-rank and below fire techniques
Mandalorian Master : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to C-rank and below fire techniques in addition to gaining +5 damage to every fire technique he uses
Mandalorian Hunter : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to B-rank and below fire techniques in addition to gaining +5 damage to every fire technique he uses
Mandalore/CIC Mandalore : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to B-rank and below fire techniques in addition to gaining +10 damage to every fire technique he uses

Water Element:

Mandalorian Champion : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use any water technique without water source
Mandalorian Master : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use any water technique without a water source
Mandalorian Hunter : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use any water technique without a water source and he gains +5 damage to all water techniques
Mandalore/CIC Mandalore : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use all water techniques without a water source and he gains +10 damage to all water techniques

Earth Element:

Mandalorian Champion : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use any earth technique without having to be in contact with the ground
Mandalorian Master : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, He can break through B rank and below earth techniques with sheer earth chakra through the hands
Mandalorian Hunter : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, any earth technique without having to be in contact with the ground and he gains +10 damage to all earth techniques
Mandalore/CIC Mandalore : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use any earth technique without having to be in contact with the ground he gains +20 damage to all earth techniques

Lightning Element:

Mandalorian Champion : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to C-rank and below lightning techniques
Mandalorian Master : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to C-rank and below lightning techniques in addition to gaining +5 damage to every lightning technique he uses
Mandalorian Hunter : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to B-rank and below lightning techniques in addition to gaining +5 damage to every lightning technique he uses
Mandalore/CIC Mandalore : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes immune to B-rank and below lightning techniques in addition to gaining +10 damage to every lightning technique he uses

Wind Element:

Mandalorian Champion : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use wind techniques that requires a fang without the fang
Mandalorian Master : In addition to the basic abilities he gets,he becomes able to use wind techniques that requires a fang without the fang in addition to +5 damage to wind techniques
Mandalorian Hunter : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use wind techniques that requires a fang without the fang in addition to +10 damage to wind techniques
Mandalore/CIC Mandalore : In addition to the basic abilities he gets, he becomes able to use wind techniques that requires a fang without the fang in addition to +10 damage to wind techniques

Note : The user can only activate two elements a time
Note : The activation of an element can only be used once per battle
Note : The user cannot activate two elements that possess elemental weakness at the same time, meaning no water and earth at the same time, no fire and water at the same time etc...
Note : Cannot be used unless having a special permission from the General Mandalore and CIC Mandalore
Each Elemental Armor can last a max of 2 turns, With a 3 turn cool down period and can only use each elemental armor Twice pr battle

"Mandalorian Hunter" is actually referring to the rank of General mandalore, and despite what the last note at the bottom says, each enhancement can only be used once per battle. Any questions?